HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-10-7, Page 8.otgadosedk
R�xafl 061
Tooth Paste Havee Flies
Au excellent tweet for the teeth and
guma. Removes tarter and particles
Vfeat between the teeth easily.
lerteent in taste, it is the favorite
Deptifrice ot rnatta. In gerierous
tubes 25 cents,
Rexal I
Tooth Powder
For those who prefer this form. It
has all the merits of Regal' Tooth
Paste and is packed in handsome
sifter top cane. 25 cents.
A New
Tooth Brush
No use trying to make yotir old
tooth brush last out any longer
when you can get a new clean one
for roc and up. We have many
kinds to choose from and among
them those with the transparent
handles at 25c are proving popular.
Tile Is the woest Month of the year
for Flies. No matter how careful
ane is, they will find their way into
the house. Flies, besides being an
annoyance, carry disease. Got rid
M them by esieg-
Wilson's Fly Pads, toe pkg.
lightning Fly Pads, 5c pkg.
Tanglefoot, 4 sheets for se.
Sticky Fly Paper to hang up
2 Spools for 5c
Water Glass
Egg Preserver
Eggs are still cheap enough to use
this preservative. Have fresh eggs
in the Winter at the prices that pre.
Vail now.
Water Glass comes le 15c tins
The ,24/..„(4422.,,, Stare
Toni Neb3s giems
Hoos are $g so on Brussels market.
Se/root-Board Friday evening of this
Tim Maple trees are putting on their
Pall dress and some of them look very
gorgeous Indeed.
Nary Monday will be a Public Holi-
day, consequently the business places
will be closed. Postoffice hours will be
8 to g a. tn. and s to 6 p. m,
No school next Monday. It must be
great to be a sahool teacher and have
Thursday, Friday, Saterday, Sunday
And Monday all in a string as holiday.
Bart Huron TeathersInstitute Is
meeting in Seafortb Thursday and Fri-
day of this week and as a consequence
holidays are on the program in Brussels,
This is tbe 4and annual meeting of the
Convention. Prof. Abbot, Toronto
University, is the outside speaker.
DISPERSION satx.-Don't forget the
big dispersion sale of fine cattle. etc.,
Joseph A. Mallough's farm Lot r5,
Con, a, West Wawanosh, near Dungan-
non, on Thursday. October r41h. A
perusal of the advertisement will be of
interest to stockmen.
Miss Siegel, Dramatic Reader and
Eutertainer, in the Town Hall on Mon-
day evening, ath inst. She's fine anti
comes under the Red Cross Circle.
Musical program will also be rendered.
25 cent ticket for the best seat in the
Hall. Don't fail to buy a ticket,
PRINCIPAL B. S. SCOTT Was unable to
take charge of his department of Brus-
sels school on Wednesday, owing to an
attack of acute indigestion, hence the
pupils were dismissed. He is consider-
ably better but unable to attend the
Convention at Seaforth Thursday and
Friday. We hope he will soon be as
well as ever.
BRUSSELS Red Cross Circle has secured
Miss Theresa Siegel for an entertain-
ment in the Town Hall, Monday even-
ing, isth inst. This talented dramatic
reader and entertainer, bas appeared
bere before and is very pleasantly
remembered by a good many who had
the pleasure of besting her. Musical
talent will also be added, No reserved
seats. Help a good cause by securing a
MATRINIONIAL.-A quiet wedding took
place Wednesday, September 2gth, when
Miss Hate Ethelwyn, daughter of Mrs.
Smith and the late J. R. Smith, Brus-
sels, and Dr. Thos, T. McRae, son of
Rev, B. McRae and Mrs. McRae, Ar -
mow, Ont., motored to Wingham and
were married by Rev. ID Perrie. After
the ceremony Dr, and Mrs, McRae left
for a trip to Berlin, Toronto, and other
points. The hride travelled in a smart-
ly.tailored navy blue suit with black vel-
vet hat. On their return they will re-
side in the Leatherdale terrace, Brus-
sels. Many hearty congratulations are
extended for a happy and prosperous
voyage over the matrimonial sea.
Smaraz 01..-A goodly number of
people are squaring up subscription and
other accounts due Tim POST, for which
we are thankful but a response from
others who have been frequently noti-
fied would be very acceptable. We owe
people and look to those indebted to us
for cash to square off what is against
us. Will you kindly see to it that botb
you and us are able to cancel what
properly belongs to other folk. Run-
ning a newspaper at Si.00 a year pay-
able ro years after date is not a gold
mine anybody will tell you who knows
the business.
nesday of last week, Thos. Bradwell, of
Howick Township, passed away, aged
83 years. His funeral took place to
Clifford cemetery on Saturday after-
noon. Mr. Bradwell was a former resi.
dent of Brussels for at years, owning
the property where Robert Thuell now
lives. He was a stone mason, bv trade
and was an industrious, honorable man
with his own way of doing and saying,
Mrs. Bradwell, two eons, (Thos . of
Mackinac Sask. and Jno. at home) and
4 daughters, Mrs. Ferguson, Howlett;
Annie, Toronto and Alice and Laura at
home servive. The homestead on
which Mr. Bradwell lived after remov-
ing from Brussels for the past 26 years
is near Clifford. He took it up 56
years ago when a bush lot. Deceased
WAS born is Epworth, Lincolnshire,
England on May 26, 1832 and came to
Canada in 2855 after a voyage of 6 weeks
on A stilling vessel. Fie lived in the
township of Markharn until he moved
t6 Breesels, (then Ainlayville) in the
yeer 1867, Mr. Bradwell WAS a member
of the church of England from his
childhood. His health had not been
good for the past year but he was only
in bed for a month. Death came sud.
deuly at the teat, not been expected so
SOoti. Mrs. Bradwell and family will be
deeply sympathized with iti their bor.
eavement by a wide circle Of friendS,
"Tom" Bradwell Will not soth be for-
BLYTH and Teeswater Fall Fairs were
on the program this week.
JuDoe's.Voters' List Court for Morris
township was held in Brussels Thursday
of this week openiug 81 90. m. before
Judge Doyle.
Miss GLENN, of Canada's Fashion
store, Toronto, made a business call at
Brussels last Monday as representative
of the Glenn -Charles firm of the Queen
HURRY UP. -It is time the work on the
new macadamized street was completed
and the highway opened up for traffic as
tbe extemporized roadies,. will not im-
prove under Fall rains and increased
traffic. Hustle the completion.
8, A. Lemon writing Taft POsT
from bummer, Sesta, under date of
Sept. so, says t -Weather is very back-
ward in Saskatchewan for threshing
and although a good deal has been done
there is still much grain In the stook.
0000 looket and chain lost. Finder will
kindly leave it at PRE P052.
DRIVING horse for sale.
Joint LONG, Brussels,
820714 OLRANING.-I am prepared to attend
to all work in the stove claiming line. Now is
the esason but let me know early so that 2000
plan my work. 13200400 SPayENS.
Max's glove lost on Fair Day. Finder will
greatly oblige by leaving it at Tins Poer.
WELL bred Leicester lambs for sale. 2 rams
and 6 ewes WALrea BricAnroor, 5th line
Morris township. Phone 516.
Gorm rimmel spectacles in ease, lost. Will
finder kindly leave at Tali Po52 and muelt ob-
lige the loser,
DRY BARD Worn/ roe SALe.-A. Quantity of
22 inch eplit stovewood for sale. First class
wood.. For further partioulars ask at Tax
A NusiBere of Berkshire Sows for sale four
months old. Largo English Berke, both eli•e
and dam being registered. Joint Buccal, R.
B. No. 9, Bruasels. Phone 6114,
6 puce Parlor Suite, hair cloth, and large
floor rug for sale, the property of the late Mrs.
(Rev) J. L. Kerr. A bargain is offered. Apply
at Tax PosT.
Goon brick house on William street for Pale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, etc.
For further particulars apply to GEORGE
TROD1001S, Brussels.
Mrs. Duncan Taylor is not enjoying
her old time good health but we hope
for speedy improvement.
SEVERAL from this locality attended
Blyth Fall Fair Wednesday of this week.
A few went to Teeswater where a Fair
was also being held.
THE Red Cross Circle will meet in the
Public Library audience room next
Tuesday afternoon. Everybody willing
to help in work for the soldiers will be
nesday evening of last week, in the
Metbodist church lecture room, R. A.
Pryne was presented with an address
and a choice tie pin by the members of
bis Sunday School class of young men on
the eve of his removal to Toronto where
he purposes making his home. Roy Mc-
Kay, President of the class, read the
following address and Chester Arm
strong made the preseteation :-
DEAR TEACRER -We are sorry that
our pleasant associations as teacher and
class have to ceaie, owing to your se.
moval from towe. Your interest in our
welfare has been much appreciated and
we hope the good seed planted will bear
fruit in time to come. We have often
noted your cheerfulness, friendliness,
optimism and Christian manlinesss and
if by your instruction and example these
desirable traits of character are develop-
ed in ns the credit will be largely due
you. While regretting to see you go,
the class is a 001110 the with that the
highest success, coupled with a large
share ot happiness, may attend you,
Mrs, Pryne and children in Torotto.
We ask you to accept this tie pin as a
parting gift from the "Catch -my -Pals"
and trust as you wear it pleasant mem-
ories of Brussels Methodist Sunday
School and us boys may be called to
mind. No serious fault will be found if
foor times a year you take time to drop
a short letter to the members of our
alms so that we may profit by your
consel. Our parting word is "Mlzpah."
Yours regretfully but hopefully,
"Cferox istY-PALO,"
Brussels, Sept. 2g, 415.
Although taken by surprise Mr. Pryne
made a most appropriate reply and
while regretting the fact of removal
wished the Class and School every suc-
cess. Short addressee expressive of re-
gret and kindly regard followed by W.
3. McCracken, who succeeds Mr. Pryne,
T. Wood, F. H. Gilroy and W. 11,
Kerr, Rev, D Wren presided in a very
happy manner and expressed the good
wishes of the congregation for Mr. end
and Mrs. Pryne and family in their new
home. Meeting closed with the hymn,
"God. be with you tell we meet again."
Mr. and Mrs. Pryne Will be much role -
sed in the church but there's satisfaction
in the fact that they aro only moving
to Another part of the vineyard in the
Same service and Toronto elaitns en -
other to add to the numerous former
Brueselites who are worthy residents of
the Qtteen City.
lAnnouncemilit o Prices i
AT THE------
1 East Huron Produce Emporiumi4,
4. At present we are paying the Following 1.
,.., 4.
$ Extras No, i No. 2
Tub and Box Butter 22c 2oc 18c
Eggs ....... ... . .. ... 27c 24c 15c
Spring Chickens live too per lb.
Fowl live ...,, .7 to gc per lb.
Ducks and Geese 8c per Ib,
• ' • *
Brussels I
4. 4+4+4444++++++++++++++++++++++44444•44444.1.+++++444444
Thursday and Friday of next week
Fred. Burchill was home for a short
f'amily Theatre vassit,....H(snlitaarsiosrent several 13. Leathserdale accompanied
"Soldiers of
To -Night
scenes by the famous author,
Richard Harding Davis, with
the celebrated actor, Dustin
Don't miss this Good One
Next Monday
First Chapter of
"Million Dollar Mystery."
People We Talk About
W. H. Pryne was home for the week
end froni Walkerton
H. and Mrs. Goodwin, Megaw, were
here for the Fall Fair.
Miss Winnie Long is holidaying with
Detroit relatives and friends,
Mrs Win. Clouse has gone this week
to Kincardine to visit her sister,
Mrs. Greensides, Atwood, was a
visitor with Mrs. S. Wilton, during the
peg week.
jehn Grainger, Listowel, was shaking
bands with old friends here for a few
days last week.
George Manning is back to town after
drilling for the past few weeks with tbe
infantry at Dundee.
Miss Mina McRae, Arrnow, was a
welcome visitor with relatives and old
friends in Brussels,
9', and Mrs. Longfoot and children,
S.ratford, were calling on .relatives in
Brussels for the week end.
Ex.Wardet Miller, Toronto, was a
visitor with old friends in Brussels and
locality during the past week.
Harry and Miss Jule Bartliff, Mrs.
James Danford and J. L. Kerr,Clinton,
were visitors in Brussels on Fair Day.
Mrs, George Jackson and Alex.
Smith attended the funeral of the late
Hugh McEwing, of Palmerston, on
Miss Beatrice Harris and George Ed.
wards, students at Stratford Collegiate,
were home for the week end to attend
tbe Fair.
Rev E G. Powell, Clinton, was in
town Saturday while enroute to preach
at Pordwich on Sunday. He was
Miss Mae Johnston, Atwopcl, was a
visitor with Mrs. TIM Rhodes over the
Fair, She was a resident in town for
several months,
John Sbaw, Clinton, formerly Prin.
Clpal of Brussels Public School for years
was renewing old friendships in town
an a vicinity during tbe past week. He
stands it well,
Mrs. Wm, Emigb and son, "Jim",
Whitewood. Sask., were renewing old
friendships. in Brussels during the past
week. They were fnrmer residents of
Brussels, Walton and 13lyth.
Duncawand Mrs. McMartin, Haven't,
were here for a few days last week visit-
ing with relatives and meeting old
friends. They were former residents
and keep in touch with the old town.
Miss Mabel Kemn, Listowel, Misses
Norma and Freda Vanstone,
and Mrs. Joe Ballantyne, Miss Buchner,
Miss Alison Buchner and Tom Buettner,
London, were visitors et the Stracban
home last week, The London party
were motored over by Mr. Buchner,
who belongs to tbe 7oth Battaliou which
is in camp at London.
George Davis, who hes been employ.
ed at the mill of Messrs, Naegele &
Logan, left for Chesley, where he has
accepted s position in the flour mill of
that town, Be is an industrious yuitng
man who will render efficient service.
We doubt not he has a tear in his eye as
he hums the old song "The girl I left
behind me."
G. H. Santis, formerly of Brussels,
has been promoted from the mange -
!tient of the Claremont Branch of the
Standard Batik to Orono Branch, He
is succeeded by A. M. Smith, Durham,
who supplied here for a few weeks and
is a cousin to Druggist Frank Smith, of
daughter, Mrs. B. A. Pryne and child-
ren to Toronto on Monday.
Miss Rilia Hunter was a prize winner
at the Western Fair, London, with her
beautiful hand painted china.
Mrs W. H. Merklinger, Hanover, is
here on a visit at the parental home.
She is a daughter of N. F. and Mrs.
Geri y,
Mrs. Will, Ainlay, Toroeto is renew -
lug old friendahips In town and locality.
She WAS a resident of B/11113018 for a
good many smart.
Eddie Lowry, Toronto, was a holiday
visitor with town relatives. He le a son
of D. A. and Mrs. Lowry, tortner resi-
dents of Brussele.
A. and Mrs. McMullan, London. and
Mr. and Mta Tremalne and Messrs,
Bonner and Marra, of Detroit, were
visitors at the home of Inc,. and Mrs.
Long. -
John and Mrs, Askin and sons have
returned home after visiting with rela-
tives in Brussels and Grey. They came
hy car from Atterson, Muskoka, Mr.
Pascall being their chauffeur,
Mrs, Chas. Dodds and sons, Van-
couver, B. C., who have been holiday.
Mg here for several months, lett on the
home trip on Tuesday. They will call
at Winnipeg and a number of other
points as they go Westward arriving
home about the end of the month. Mrs.
Cleve Seeker. who is Mrs. Dodds' sister,
went with them as far as Toronto.
Ira Barkley, of Climax, Mich., was a
welcome caller on relatives and old
friends in Brussels last week. He was
a former resident 25 years ago when he
was the head salesman in the store of
the late A. R. Smith. Mr. Barkley has
been in business for some years in
Climax. He is a brother of George
Barkley, Turnberry street. Mrs. Bark-
ley was a former resident of Biuevale.
Mr. B. looks as if the world was using
him very well.
Brussels Council
The regular monthly session of Brus-
sels Council was held last Monday even-
ing. Present Reeve Leckie and Coup-
cillore Muldoon, Hewitt and Walker.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were presented
las. Fulton, work..... ............ ....$ go
7. Sharpe, Electric ..... . 187 so
Anderson Bros.. work SO
Robert Oliver, salary....• ....... . 4o 00
THE POST, printing ... 38 25
Moved by D. Walker, seconded by J.
Hewitt, that accounts be paid. Carried.
September report for the scales was
$ig 7o.
Letter read from Barrister Proudfoot
relative to the Railway Board and the
Turnberry street pavement dispute.
Moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded
by D. Walker, that a statement of facts
be asked for from Barrister Sinclair and
if satisfactory, matter be referred to
Board at Toronto, as advised. Carried
A cablegram was read from Lord
Lansdowne, through Lieut. Governor
Hearst, asking for special Red Cross
crusade for funds on Oct. 2mt-Trafal
gar Day. The Reeve was instructed to
reply stating that a draft for $e,000
from Brussels Red Cross Society had
already been forwarded.
The question of locating a water tank
adjacent to thp Ament factory for fire
protection purposes was discussed but no
action taken. Some thought the season
too far advanced this year to construct
it although all were agreed as to the
A discussion ensued as to Turnberry
street work, its construction and cotn-
pletion and the necessity of inspectorial
o vr ne 7rs .iegsht on the thad making now in
Council then adjourned,
Ohurch Chimes
Next Sunday, Harvest Thanksgiving
services will he held in St. Train's
church, Brussels. Rev. Mr, Dymond,
Wingham, will be in charge at ix a. 02.
and 7 p m. Rev. Mr. Page will take
Mr. Dy mond's work at Wingham,
The pastor will preach a Thankselv
ing sermon next Sunday evening in the
Methodist church end special music will
berendered suitable to the occasion,
The 33rd annual Congress of the Sal-
vation Army will be held in Massey Hall,
Toronto, next Tuesday, with Comink-
aioner Richards in command. Five
great and Unique gatherings are planned
taking in Saturday, Sunday, Monday
and Tuesdey
Next Sebbaill morning Rev, Ben. H.
Secede, Secretary of the Dominion Al-
liance, Toronto, will occupy tbe pulpit
of the Methodist church at 11 &clock
a, m. He is well versed in his subject
, town Mrs. Santis is a daughter of Mid there should be a large congregation
Postmaster and Mrs, Scott, 13ruseele2 to hear hint
. tetio.tholuad ove. #orty-6tio ?oak
Assam OVER $48,000.000
The A, B, C of Banking
Money Saved is Monel
,Never Defer Saving, but In
O/spell e Savings Account to.
We solicit your account in our
J. F. Rowland, "Trim • Manager.
About $4o,0o were realized by the
serving of suppers 00 Fall Fair day by
the ladies of Melvillle church, Rain
interfered with the man,
Friday evening of this week an A. Y.
P. A, social will be held at St. John's
church, The young people are asked
to bring fruit, vegetables, 80 to dec-
orate the church for Sunday next,
Rev, A. B. Dobson, Fordwieh, was
appointed Moderator of the Presbyterian
Synod, of Toronto and Kingston at the
opening of the annual session at St.
lames Square Presbyterian church,
Toronto, oo Monday of last week. We
congratulate him on the honor aud be-
lieve be Will fill the post with ability.
Dr. Margaret Patterson gave a splen-
did address Tuesday evening at the
Thank -offering meeting in Melville
church. Mrs (Rev.) Mann presided
and there was a good attendance. Miss
Verne Walker sang a cho,ce solo and
Mi's Isabel Strachan contributed a well
played piano selection, The offering
was about 4152 oo. Dr. Patterson's
subject was "Christianity's uplift of
humattity" and she covered the field in
good shape.
- • -
B&004. -In Hallett township, on October
8rd, 1918, to Mr. end Mrs, Beacom, a dough,
MoDoWn6L.-In Elmusela, on September Nth,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDowell, a
son-MeNaughton Holmes,
88AIIILT0N-RiOnsi0ND. - In Union Church,
Grey township, on September 28th, 1915, by
Rev. J. W. Johnson, Mr, Philmore Hamib
ton, merchant, Newmarket, to Mise Meryl,
daughter of Mr. and We. Hugh Richmond,
of Elma townehip.
BEAnweLL.-In Howlck township, on Sept.
29111, 1915, Thomas Bradwell, formerly of
Brueeele. aged 88 yerra.
HoWsON.-In Clinton, on October 8rd, 1915,
Jane Brown. widow of the late James How.
son, in her 85th year,
Tonasos,-In Morrie township, on October 8111,
1915, Annie Margaret, second daughter of
Henry and Margrret E. Johnson, aged 28
years, 9 months and 0 days
MoEwnio.-In Palmerston. on October 2nd,
1915, Hugh Molawing, aged 76 yearn.
Rallom -At Halifax, N. 8., on October 2nd,
1915, Charles Carmiohael Rance, in his 52nd
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12TIL-Parm stook, in-
cluding, Horses, Cattle and Hoge. S% Lot BO,
Con. 8. Morris township. Sale at 1 p. nt
Thos, Pierce, Prop, F. S. Scott, Ana.
FRIDAY, 00202ER lath. -Warm stook, Im-
plements, household furniture, &e, at
brook, Sale Sale at 2 p. m. Mrs. John Coates,
Proprietress • 1'. S. Soott, Auotioneer.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER leth.-Horses, harness,
wagons. bugie, sleighs. leo., at the Pryne
stable, John street, Brussels. Stable will also
be offered. Sale at 2 o'olook. Pryne & Son,
Proprietors ; F,113. Scott. Auctioneer,
Butter 28 25
Eggs 23 26
HaveHogs 850 950
12 00 12 00
Potatoes per bus I 50 1 50
Wool waehed 29 88
40 86
- —
LiCEPSed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Sa defection asedred. ; Charges moderate.
W ritorTAntneitrenient Is "II'
Both BIendrott29uren
eaoeo,O.ad.; eet
Fine China
ussesusonmemeemotummo •
Dining the pest Week we have
passed into stock a very fine line
of Hand Painted Rippree China.
The assortmene contains a great
vaelety of-
BOlovnatBnoanisid Segars °P"tronayBIV4at'esevas
Dresser Setts Jelly Claim)
Celery 'Prays Cake Plates
Biscuit Jere Salad Bowls
We import these goods direct froM
the factory and we think you will
find our prate correce,
Stock Patterns
We also have a. very complete
etoek of our regular stock patterns
Bridal Rose Green and Gold
White and Gold Scattered Bose
Violet Pompadour
Come in any time and see our stook
-under no obligation whatever to
buy. We will be pleased to have you
call at
A 12000022 SALE OW FARM STOOK. -F. S.
am Scott, Auctioneer,l by Public Auotion at
has been instructed by
Cieunt 141,dersigned-to selCon. 8. Morrie, on Tueeday, 0tober
12th, at 1 o'clock, the following stook 1-18 OX'S
halters rising 2 ruin, 8 steers rising 2 years, 0
hs old -with pedigrees furnished -1
toteere rising 8 years, 1 fat oow, 1 bull about 6 DRUG STORE
mitt 8 montmonths old, 1 Mill about 8 months old, 1 bull
hogs about 150 1be., 6 lame about 100 lbs., 1 Tam. The Penstar Store
filly rifling 2 years, 2. fillies Heinle 1 year. 10
worthsow in pig, 1 York sow to farrow 001.
5111,1 Yorkshire hog. Terms -All sums of 520 ,
and under cash ; over that amount 10 months WARM FOR SALE AT A !,3ARGAIN.-Lot
credit given on furnishing approved joint n- 8, tion. 9, Grey • 100 acre On the farm
notes. 6 per omit per annum of for cash on1T. 8. 80000, Brussels. Is a two.story commit house end bank barn,
credit amounts. THOS. P1111102,
also good °tabard, For partioulars apply to
Increase in One Month
To the Investing Public
In my previous advethisement on "Our Banks and Their Invest.
ments" I called your attention to the way our Banks were increasing
their Investments at the present time. I did this in order to show
you that our leading financial institutions regard the presentas a moat
profitable time for making investments.
Since that advertisement was written the August statement of the
Banks to the Government has been made public. It shows by far the
largest increase of any month yet. A comparison of recent months
will prove interesting :-
Increase in May $1,851,857 Increase in July $9,618,800
Increase in June.... 878,047 Increase in August. ..... . 5,44784
The September statement has not been published yet.
It was during the first part of August that I commenced my pres-
ent bevies of advertisements with the advertisement "Investors 1 In-
crease your Interest 1" In these I offered to do business with you by
mail. I did this because I realized what exceptional opportunities ex-
isted at the time for making safe and profitable investments for you.
You will pardon me if I draw your attention to the fact that wbe.t
I claimed then has been proved by the action of the Banks themselves.
Since that advertisement was written both the July and August
Bank Statements have been made public. These together show an in-
crease in "Investments in Stocks and Bonds" amounting to more than
Do not miss the opportunities that are still open as they are be-
coming fewer all the time.
Send me your name and address and I will tell you what I can do
for you.
R. C. Deadman
P.15.-Atumeding to Lord Blteliener,
the bit War has only begun,
"The War Summary"
Almost from the very clay the great European war began in August
last the outstanding feature in Canadian journalism covering the conflict
ems been "The War Summary" daily on pages 1 and 2 of THE GLOBE.
In the conelsest possible form the writer has given his readers a
pen picture of the developments in all parts of the world. While tbe
details of the movements along the extended frontiers have not been
overlooked, the readers of 0.11E GLOBE have been enabled to follow
intelligently end with confidence the general outlines of the .stupendoes
conflict. "Tile War Summary', of 01111 GLOBE is reproduced daily by
several papers throughout the Donitulou.
The Editorial Page
01110 GLOBE oil Its editorial page has striven tO place before the
public In proper perepeetive the broad background of the titanic
etruggle. This series of articles lins attracted the attention not only of
the Canadian people, but of leading meu and Journals in all parts
et ,the world, The causes leading up to the war, the elements entering
into its cenduct, and tbe resulte likely to flow from the cessation of
hostilities have been dealt with in that bold and clear-cut form charac-
teristic of THE OLOBE'S editorial page,
News Service
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