HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-10-7, Page 1.1111111•110111
VOL. 44 NO. 14
W. H. KERR, Propietor
Since 1832
this institution has suc-
cessfully carried on busi-
ness, and itis well equipped
to handle all the details of
a modern banking'service.
, Its Reserve Fund is now
nearly double the amount
of its Paid -Up Capital.
These facts should in-
fluence you to select as
your Bank 58
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
PMD -UP CAPITAL - • c000,000
RESERVE FUND - - 15,000,000
TOTAL TOISOURCDS ever 90,000,000
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
Now Advertisements
Pine China -Jas, Fox.
Glove lost -.T11119 POST.
Looket lost-Tn n Poem
85,000,000-R. C. Dendman.
Horse for male -John Long.
Spaniel values -Miss Hunter.
For sale -Walter Broadfoot.
Stove cleaning -Richard Stevens.
Soldiers of Fortune -Family Theatre.
Lindsay 77, Mervyn Granger 64. Jr,
, I —alargaret At nistrong, Cecil Grain-
ger, Andrew Doig, Printur.—Geent
Bowman, A., tie Salmi id L. 1 r. Primer
Dolg, Wesley I Lambkin,
Average attendance 24.
, V. FEntte BOEMIER, teacher.
Don't forget the Ladies' Aid enter-
tainment in the Presbyterian church
here next Monday. Miss Siegel will
recite the interesting story of "The
Warrens of Virginia" and Miss Gray-
don, Streetsville, will sing choice
SCHOOL REFORM—The followingis
the report of U. S. 8. No. 16, Howick
and Grey, for the month of Septetn-
bete. Classes examined in Lit., At it h„
Hygiene and Spell. Sr. IV.—Mabel
Robertson 87, Jas. McKercher 60,
Della Doig 50. Sr. III.—Gordon Mc-
Donald 85, Ruby Grainger 70. Sr. IL
—Elva Brown 02, Margaret Doig 87,
Mabel Bowman 81, Evelyn Hislop 76,
Allan McKerchet 63, George Hislop
58. Jr. n.—Annie Brown 76, Howard
Grainger 66, Elmore Thomson 50,
Leonard Lambkin 48, Willie Doig 48.
Pb. n.—Arith., Spell., Read.—Bert
Marks 86, Joey Armstrong 80, Lyle
Pte, Harold Hinclicliffe, of the 23rd
Battalion spent the week -end with his
parents here.
Thanksgiving services were held in
St. Paul's church, Sunday, the altar
being ,filled with flowers, grains, etc.,
for the occasion, Monday evening a
social was held by the members and
friends of the church,
Wm. Lepard met with an accident
on Saturday night while coming in
from Belgrave in his motor car. He,
had three others in his car when it
skidded after crossing a bridge. One
of the axles broke and threw the
wheel off. The car ran into a creek
but all the occupants, though badly
scared escaped unhurt,
Goon Fn.—The annual Fair was
held on Saturday and there was the
best show of horses, cattle, fruits, etc.,
exhibited for some time. Farmers
came for a radius of 25 miles with
some excellent exhibits. J. 15, Johns-
ton, veteran Preeident, in his 78th
year, saw that the Fair was carried on
In a good clean way with no fakirs
allowed on the grounds, Secretary -
Treasurer H. Rodgers ably assisted
him In this work. There were nearly
2,000 people present, most of the
farmers taking great interest in Ayr-
shire cattle, which took the most
prizes. Some fine specimens of horse-
flesh were noticed, while swine and
sheep were good classes. Miss Arm-
strong, who was acting for the Red
Cross Society had a number of boys
and girls through the crowd selling
flags, from which she collected a neat
sum of money. Refreshments served
in the Town Hall, which was taste-
fully decorated with flap and bunt-
ing for the occasion.
In the quietest election ever held in
Goderich, C. A. Nairn Monday de-
feated W, Clark for Reeve for the
balance:of the year to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Robert Elliott,
by a majority of 95. The vote stood
203 for Nairn and 203 for Clark. The
small vote was due to the voters pro-
testing against an election at this
time, believing that the vacancy
should have been filled without put-
ting the town to the expense of an
THE PRE813.—A convention of news-
papermen front the counties of Perth
and Huron was held in the Masonic
Temple Monday afternoon. The ob-
ject of the meeting was to discuss the
possibility of raising the price of
papers from $1 to $1.50. J. J. Hunt-
er, Kincardine Reporter, gave an
address and told how the newspapers
of that county had agreed to raise
their rates at the beginning of the
year. The delegates all appeared in
favor of the raise, but definite action
was deferred until a later date. The
following papers were represented :
Stratford Beacon, Clinton Record,
Dispersion Sale
Purebred Shorthorns Amok
Aberdeen Angus part e
'Also Grade Cattle, Horses, Farm Implements, &c.
At "Fairview" 'Stock Farm, Lot 15, Con. 2,
West Wawanosh (near Dungannon)
I take pleasure in inviting you to my sale of Shorthorns and Aberdeen An-
gus and feel assured the offering will meet with your approval and apprecia-
tion. Some young animals bred at "Fairview" Stock Farm have won honors
at Guelph and Toronto Fat Stock Shows. In breeding and quality my herd
never was better and will be presented in good condition. Sale will be held on
Thursday, October 14th °°'""pc.Inmg. at
Roan Cow, "Wellesly Blossom," No. 61486,
due to calve Oct. 20,
Roan Heifer. "Belva" 1 year old, No, 111041,
Red Helfer, "Plrene" 8 years old, No. 102952,
due to calve Girl" t year old, No,
106824, due to calve Doe, 26.
Roan Bull Celt, "Roan Signet," 8 months old,
No. 101824.
Roan Cow, "Roan Ruby" 6 yeare old, No.
04421, due to calve Oct. 10,
Red Bull, "Blister Jim" 7 months old, No.
Red Cow, "Flossie" II years old, No. 102264, due
to calve March 0
White Calf, " White Oneen" 6 months old, No.
Roan Dow...Jennie," 8 yearn old, No. 101208,
doe to salve April 7,
Bull Calf, "Red Chief" 8 months old, No.
Roan (low, "Verbena" 8 gears old, No. 82082,
due to CRIVii morel, 28.
Red 0o w, "Lady A 1 los " 6 yearn old, NO, 0I124,
due to calve Doc el.
Rom Helfer, "Ella" 1 year old, No, 116042,
1 horse 5 years old drafc; 1 horse 4 years old
draft; foal of 1915; 1 Mare 4 years old draft,
Gelding 2 yearn old, draft; 1111y, 2 years old
draft ; Gelding] year old, agricultural:12 year
old filly, general purpose; driving pony 0
years old ;• driving mare, quiet for ladies to
drive, therbughly reliable,
Aberdeen Angus
Oow, "Clinton Due Drop the Second," 14 years
old, No. 40504, duo to calve J13110 10.
Cow "Del 63"8 years old, No, 11815, due June
Cow...Environment', 0 years old, Imported,
No, 4667, Canadian No, 0556, due to calve
May 19.
Bull Calf, "College Rover" 8 months old, No.
Bali Calf, "Thomas" 8 months, No. 8804.
Helfer, "Pride" 2 years old, due to only° Nov.
Helfer, "Duchess" 1 year old.
Grade Cattle
2 cout.e.; 1 yearling ateer; 1 yearling heifer;
Pigs, Etc.,
1 Berkshire sow 1 year with 7 pigs at foot.
2 choice Tamworth sows 6 Months 0141,
120 pure bred Leghorn hens, good laying strain.
A complete stook of Farm Implements.
Everything sold without reseree
as I have rented my farm.
Catalogue sent on requeet.
TRIMS AND CONDITION13.-Ttvelve months credit given on furniehing satisfaetory
security ; 4 par cent per annum allowed for cash.
All cows with calves at foot are proven breeders. as soon as anlinal Is sold it becomes the
property of purchaser, but good care will be taken of them and will be placed on ears for those
wishing them shipped, Certificates of regietration furnished.
T. Gundry, AUC. JOS. A MALLOUGH, Prop.
Clinton New Hee, Seaforth Nows,
Goderith Signal, ,Godet ich Star,
Wingham Tirnes, Wingham Advanee,
Milverton Sun, and 'Zurich Herald.,
The local tiewspapera provided the
luncheon and 0. L. Moore, Preaident
of the Board of Trade, gave an address
of welcome. Rev, Mr. Ford also
spolce tothe visitors after luncheon.
The Board of Trade supplied autos for
the visitors and showed them around
the town.
On Monday of this week a very
pretty wedding took place at the
home of Jno. and Mrs. Bennett, when
their youngest daughter, Hazel Ivy,
became the bride of Herbert A.
Thomas, 0. P. R. agent here. Rev.
W. D. Turner officiated. The happy
couple left on the noon 0. P. R. train
for Eastern points, after which they
will return and make their home here.
S. Willis, London, spent. the week-
end with relatives here,
Robert Miller, West Toronto, was
call i rig on friends here recently.
Mrs. Pasemore, New York, is the
guest of bei' slater, Mrs. Jno. Hamil-
Mrs. Marry Little, Toronto, is the
guest of her parents, R. and Mrs.
Miss Margaret Wilson, Brussels,
visited last week with her sister, Miss
D. Wilson.
Mrs. Nokes and daughter, Miss
Hilda, have returned to their home In
Mrs, M. McLennan has returned to
her home here after spending a month
at Toronto and Barriston.
A. Lanaonby, of the Bank of Hamil-
ton, left on Tuesday for Diumville,
where be will spend two weeks vaca-
A shipment of 78 hospital shirts, 39
dozen bandages, 70 jars' of fruit and
10 lbs. honey, was made this week by
the Society here in aid of Red Cross
Perry Patterson, who has been em-
ployed at Dresden for some time, has
enlisted for foreign service and spent
last week with his brothers here be-
fore leaving for London where he will
be in training.
De. Margaret Patterson, who has
spent a number of years in India, will
ad dress the an nal • Thank -offering
meeting of the W. F. M. S. of the
Pi esbyterian church this Thursday
Rich. Hockeridge is very low and no
hopes held nut for his recovery.
Quite a number from here attended
the Brussels Fair on Friday last.
Mrs. Art, Ferguson, Wingham, vis-
ited relatives in the village last week,
Miss Cora Messer has gone -to Tor-
onto where she has secured a position
as teacher. We wish her success.
Farmers are busy threshing and
corn cutting. About two-thirds of the
potato crop is a failure on account of
A number of ladies gathered at the
school house Tuesday afternoon to
plan flower garden and beautify
school grounds, and had a social cup
of tea together.
Rev. Thomson and Jas. Masters each
took a motor load to Pahnerston last
Thursday to attend the military fun-
eral of the late Pte. Wilford who was
killed in France.
The Anniversary services of Knox
church, Bluevale, will he held next
Sabbath, Oct. 10th. Rev. T. A. Bell,
of Moleswerth, will preach at 11 a. m.
and 730 p. rn. All are invited to be
present, at these services.
The Stratford pop auto got stalled
on the hill in front of Torn Stewart's
house one night last week and ran
back over the hank in front of Robb.
Aitcheson's home, turning upside-
down. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Miss Mina McRae was visiting in
the bunt this week.
Mrs. Raddatz is visiting in Dash-
wood for a few days.
Mrs. 3. Forrest was in Moorefield
last week attending the funeral of a
Mi tio'sr; Clat theWKeeling,hmeoA
C. 3. lm
las; wask.
13 'Vaughan, Todmorden, was a
visitor at the home of D. Campbell
last week.
Mrs. R. IC, McDonald attended the
funeral of her sister•in-law in Strat-
ford last week.
Miss Jennie Blair has returned to
California after a holiday visit with
telatives and friends in this locality,
Dan. }Mettler lost a rug on the 12th
Ono., between the P. 0. and his plane.
Will the finder please return it to the,
0 WIWI'.
We are sorry to state that Wm.
Locking's health is not nearly as good
as formerly but we hope a change for
the better natty soon ensue.
Auction sale of Farin stock, im-
plements, honsehold furniture, &c., at
Mrs. John Coates', Oranbrook North,
Friday afternoon of next week. F, 5,
Scott will be the auctioneer.
Next Sunday afternoon Rev. 'Ben.
Spence, Toronto, Secretary: of the
Dominion Alliance, will deliver an
address in the Methodist church on
the live question of Temperance. He's
an excellent speaker.
Jno, and Mrs. Ballantyne and their
son, Wm. J., intend of removing to
Flint, Mich. this week. A eon is a
resident of diet Place and hes a house
ready for the folk from here when
they arrive. It is shout 20 years
since Mr and 'Mrs, Ballantyne located
here and they entry with them the
hearty good wishes of Many old
neighbors and friends for a pleasant
stay in Uncle Stcm'e land,
Hats and
Friday and Saturday
It will Pay You to Call
• • •
0, •
• •
!• miss Hunter::
• • Hansuld Block ETHEL •
• •
• •
• Eggs taken as cash. ••
• •
A Pad Cross Branch bas been or-
ganized here with Mrs. (Rev.) McCul-
loch as Secretary. Next meeting will
be held Thursday of next week at 3 p.
in Long's Hall,
Morris Voters' List Court was held
Thursday of this week in Bruseels.
Frank Me0uteheon, 6th line, is en-
joying a visit with relatives and
friends in the West.
On account of the Teachers' Con-
vention being held at Seaforth Thurs-
day and Friday of thio week the
schools are having holidays.
Tuesday and Wednesday were
Morris Branch Fall Fair days at Blyth
and this township had a goodly num-
ber of exhibitors and prize winners,
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. 0. 0.
Keine, Londesboro, will preach in the
Jackson church. The pastor is con-
ducting anniversary services for Rev.
Mr. Keine.
Auction sale of homes, cattle and
hogs is announced by Thos. Pierce,
Lot 30, gravel road, for Tuesday. Oct.
12th, with F. S. Scott as Auctioneer.
See list in another column.
A curosity was found on the fat m of
Alex, McNeil, 5th line, in the shape of
a growth of corn in which no less than
9 partial cobs grew where one is us-
puaolSITy.located. It may be seen at THE
A peach tree in the orchard of Wm.
Wilkinson, 4th line, had 17, bushels of
fruit this year. Not a bad showing
for the Northern zone. 2nd prizetwas
taken at Brussela Fair on the exhibit
from this lot.
BETTER HOME. — Wednesday fore-
noon, Annie Margaret, second daugh-
ter of Henry and Margaret E. John-
son, Lot 3, 5th line, was called to her
reward after a severe illness of 3 weeks
from cerebro -meningitis. She had not
been well for several months prior to
beingtaken down, Deceased was
born in the house in which she died
and was 23 years, 9 months and 9 days
old. 4 sisters and a brother survive,
this being the first vacant chair inthe
home circle. Annie was a fine young
woman and an enthusiastic worker in
Trinity Ohm ch, Belgrave, where she
taught in the Sabbath School, sang in
the choir and aided almost every good
word and work. In Red Cross work
she had taken a great intei est and her
demise is sincerely regretted. The
funeral will take place Friday aftei-
noon at 1 30, going to Blyth where
service will be conducted in Trinity
Church and interment made in the
church cetnetery, Tender sympathies
are expressed for the inmates of the
home and general regret felt over the
emoval of one greatly beloved. The
last conscious spell deceased had she
sang "Safe in the arms of Jesus.11t
Tills life of ours (loth but our life begin,
Is but outside the porch of our abode,
.And death the going home -the entering in -
The stepping forth on the wide world of
God. •
Henry Fogel is nob having very
good health.
Bliss Annie Cooper is improving
slowly after a painful operation,
Mise Myrtle Speivan attended the 5,
S. Convention at Kincardine last
Archie McDonald and Garfield Bak-
er and their wives went to Blanshard
and spent Sunday. They motored in
the former's car.
M. J. Slemmon was re-elected Sec-
retary -Treasurer of the Wingham
District Epworth League at the annu-
al Convention held at Kincardine last
week, He is an alert officer.
Rev. lames Pearson, B. A„ intends
leaving for the Old Land where, he
will take a special course in Philoso-
phy and Theologyin old Oxford. He
was visitinglois sister, Mrs. Beacom,
Hullett, during the past week. We
wish him success.
Next Sabbath the anniversary ger-
inotis of Ethel Methodist church will
be preached by Rev. G. W. Rivers,
13, D., Gorrie, at 11 a. in, and '7 p. m.
Choice nalsio by choir and special
Thank -offering, Monday evening
supper will be served in the Township
Hall from 6 to 8 o'clock and after that
an adjournment will be tnatle to the
church, vthere a fins program is prom-
ast Huron
Fall Fair
Fine Show Spoiled by Rain. Excellent
hibit of Stock and 2 Good Concerts.
Over 55 years ago the first Fall Fair
was held in Brussels and Wilco then it
has been one of the recognized organ-
izations of the locality attaining and
retaining a widely extended populari-
ty. With a park of 10 acres, mile
track and a modern, well planned
Apiculture' Hall, all out of debt, the
Society is well equipped for carrying
out the design of the Fall Exhibition,
About the only risk that has to be
run for the Fair ie the seeming of
weather conditions favorable to the
out -door gathering of a big crowd, the
exhibition of large elapses of live
stock and the putting on of the excel-
lent programs that have marked East
Huron Fall Fairs,
Thursday and Friday of last week
were the days set apart for holding
the Fair for 1915. The first day was
fine and as a consequence there was
assembled an A 1 display In the vari-
ous departments of the palace, com-
paring favorably with other years,
except in the Fruit, in which the apple
exhibit was short. While this was so
a number of the other classes were
filled to overflowing and gave the
Judges some busy hours before the
awards were all placed.
At an early hour Friday, the sight-
seers and exhibitors for the outdoor
classes began to arrive, despite the
fact the sky was overcast and it was
not long before evidence of showers of
rain were apparent. Outside this
handicap and the fact that the wet-
ness increased as the day advanced
there was a good attendance and in
many departments hotly contested
competitions for the plizes, but of
course the gate receipts fell short by
hundreds of dollars of past years
There were 6 entries in the working
man's supper display and all were ex-
cellent. Some of the contestants evi-
dently overlooked the fact that they
were restricted to 6 articles and put-
ting more on the table than was called
for were ruled out.
In the Butter exhibit there was a
fine assortment and in the Bread,
Buns, Cakes, Pies. Sm., it was a wond-
er the judges did notdie, prematurely,
if they had to taste each of the very
enticing display. There was a beauti-
ful and nicely arranged exhibit of
flowers and plants that was greatly
Few Fall Fairs have better bred
horses, heavy or light, in the ring than
East Huron Society and consequently
competition is always keen and the
grade grows better. While the old
Ex -
time herds of Durham cattle accus-
tomed to be shown by well known
stockmen are minus a fine herd was
in the ring owned by James Speir,
Morris, and some of the younger
farmers are showing an interest in
breeding the good ones. In grade
cattle there were many excellent
animals]. Sheep and hogs narrowed
down to a few well known breeders,
who practically swept their classes
and the winners named may be read
in the prize list. Poultry show was
commendable but the wet weather
told against the live stock.
Fall Fairs used to be noted for first-
class great shows of buggies, cutters,
and agricultural implemente, but they
are largely conspicuous now by their
absence. George Kreuter stirred up
fresh interest OMB year by an exhibit
that would have attracted more at-
tention bad the supply of fresh water
been less during Friday afternoon.
It) speaking to probable exhibitors
different folk said they would have
had an exhibit but did not get at it
in time. This is one of the prime
necessities if success is expected, to
"get a move on" and get it early so
that them need be no undue rush or
haste when Fair time jogs round.
A fine program had been arranged
for the afternoon consisting of 3 armed -
lag events, Fancy Drills, Children's
racses, &e., but all had to be called off
on account of the ram and the wet
condition of the grounds.
Extra fine Concerts were given on
both evenings of the Fair by the Fax
Fun Co„ Toronto. Thursday evening
the Town Hall was the meeting place
and Friday evening the large skating
rink was called into requisition to ac-
commodate the large audience. Pro-
grams rendered were amusing, enter-
taining and well done and the crowd
went home with the impression that
the Fax Co. is "all wool and a yard
The Directorate of blas Fair is con-
stituted of the following :—Hon.-
Presiden t, Leckie; President, Thos.
Miller ; 1st Vice -President, P. Scott ;
2nd Vice -President, T. Archibald ;
Directors, R. L. McDonald, R. Nichol,
0. Turnbull, N. F. Gerry, A. 0,
Dames, Ed. Fulton, Elston Cardiff, R.
J. Hoover and Sao. (Jeerer. Lady
Directors, Mrs. P. Scott and Mrs.
Geo. Muldoon. M. Black is Secretary -
The lengthy Prize List and notes
concerning the Fair may be read on
page 3 of this issue.
hied, Musical numbers will be given
by Brussels Methodist church choir
and Mr. Ashton, violinist, Gorrie ; and
literary selections by Mr. Matthews,
Listowel and Revds. Rivers, Wren
and Moorebouse. A good time is
promised all who attend.
On account of the rain last Friday
our school pupils were unable to give
their fine drill at Brussels Fall Fair.
Friday evening of this week a Box
Social will be held in the Methodist
church under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid, Good program in which
Mrs. A. L. McDonald, Ethel, will re-
A large addition has been made to
the Walton Library by a purchase of
a good nutnber of the latest books
which contain the best reading matter
for both old and young. Now is a
good time to hand in your name to
the Librarian, Mrs, Andrew Johns-
ton and get valuable reading matter
for spare evenings,
Get t'eady for the Tax Collectors,
Allan and Mrs. Lamont and Wm.
and Mra. Hoy spent Sunday with
friends at Port Albert.
Miss May Armstrong, who has been
in Guelph for the past few months,
arrived home last week.
The school teachers are attending
the East Huron Institute at Seaforth
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Miss Eva Smith and Earl, of Paris,
are holidaying for two weeks with
Grey friends. They formerly lived on
the arti line and are welcome visitors.
The white ground hog with pink
eyes, animal curosity captured on the
Roddick farm, 13th Con., has been
sold to a travelling showman. It. is
certainly a novelty.
We are glad to notice at Brussels
Fall Fair that Joe Armstrong, Oth
Cnn., captured the dandy Silver Cup
offered by the Bank of Nova Scotia
for the best rattail cow. More power
OF THANKS,L..We wish to
thank the many friends for their much
appreciated kindness in word and
deeds during the illness and subse-
quent demise of the late Robert Pear
son. It will never be forgotten.
Gratefully Yours,
130x Somaia—On the evening. of
Friday of next week, 15th inst., a Box
Social will be held in the Turnbull
school house, 15th Con., the proceeds
to go* to the Red °roes funds. In-
teresting program, a well filled
hex end genial companionships all for
10 cents. Keep the date clear.
Rally Dy was observed in Roe's
church last Sunday, When the Sunday
School choir, model) the direction of
Miss Martha Johnston, gave special
mutlic. Scripture lettering were recited
by various pupils and an illustrated
sermon for the young was given by
Rev. Mr. Johnson pastor
Among relatives who attended the
funeral of the late Robert Pearson
were Wm. and Mrs. Rowden, Mrs,
Hicks and R. and Miss Kate Richard-
son, all from Goderich township.
They are cousins of the Pearson folk.
A former Greyite in the person of
Wesley Armstrong, son of Jas. and
Mrs. Armstrong, 9th Con„ has enlist-
ed in the West for military service
and is now in training in Camp
Sewell. Wes.' old friends in this
locality hope he will come through
without a pimple as he does lois duty
as a loyal son of the Empire.
SCHOOL REPONT.—Report of S. S.
No. 6, Grey, for September. All
classes were examined in Read.,
Arith., Spell., Liter, 84. IV. Total
300. Pass 180. E. Ames 217. Jr. IV.
Total 300. Pass 180.—W. Hoy 218,
C. McCallum 136. Sr, HI. Same
subjects and daily work. Total 384.
Pass 230.—L. Sinclair 856, 0. Hall 337,
T. Jacklin 151, L. Somers 113. Jr.
III. Total 214. Pass 128. J. Mas tit)
181. Sr. II. Total 384. Pass 230,—
S. Rayuard 304, M. Jacklin 193. Jr,
IL—Total 384. Pass 230. E. Hoy 321,
J. Raynard 296, G. Lowe 239, F. Flood
232. Jr. I.—W. Frain 225, W. Keller
no, C. Jacklin 29. Primary.—R.
Elliott. Excellent. R. Lowe, J.
Flood. Good—L. Sinclair sectored
highest marks for perfect daily work.
I. B. FRAIN, Teacher.
Rev. Mr. Boyle was at Clinton on
Sunday last officiating for Rev. Mr.
A number from this locality attend-
ed the funeral of Hazel Hill at Blyth
on Monday.
Rev, Mr, Boyle and John Scott at-
tended Presbytery meeting at Luck -
now Tuesday,
Trinity Guild will postpone their
meeting this month which was to
have been ab the home of Samuel
Rev. Mr. Parnaby gave au illus-
trated lantern service in connection
with the Epworth League on Thurs-
day evening last.
Anniversary services in connection
with the Methodist church will take
place on Sunday, Oct. 17th. Rev. J.
W. Johnson, of Ethel, will occupy the
pulpit morning and evening. A hot
meat supper will be served Monday
evening following in the 0. 0. P. Hall
after which a fhist-class musical and
literary program will be rendered in
the church.
The marriage of Mies Mabel Gethin
of Guelph, to Clifford johnson, Cayu-
ga, took place in St. James Anglican
church, Guelph, on Oct. Sib. Mr.
Johnson is manager of a creamery
end made his start in the Brussels
creamery then with Stratton & Tay-
lor, of Guelph. He took a term in the
0. A, 0. He 15 a son of Chris. John-
son now of British Columbia and has
o brother and cousin among the
soldiers in England or France. The
best wishes of many old friends are
extended to Mr. Johnson and bride,
4, • Men in the
Public Eye
Hon. Arthur Meighen, M. P., for
Portage la Prairie, and Solicitors
General for Canada, was sworn in as
a Privy Councillor Saturday after-
noon, at Ottawa, and as such becomes
formally entitled to the right of par-
ticipation in the meetings of the Cabi-
net Council. Mr. Meighen an Solicitor -
General has frequently been attending
the Cabinet meetings, but it is only
now that his fotmal entry into the
Privy Council is duly sanctioned. It
is understood that next session the
position of Solicitor -General will be
raised to the full status of a depart-
ment of the Government, with Hon.
Mr, Meighen holding a portfolio, and
entitled to the full Cabinet salary of
$7,000 per year. At present as Solici-
tor -General he draws a salary of
$5,000 per year, with the additional
sessional indemnity of 52,500. The
duties of the Solicitor -Generalship
may also be enlarged to include some
of those now exercised by the Minister
of Justice, such as the penitentiaries
and parole branches, and the duty of
instituting and carrying through of
prosecutions in the public interest.
Two of the most important tasks so
far assigned to Mr. Meighen in his
capacity as Solicitor -General have
been the preparation and fathering in
the House of the Canadian Northern
forty-five million dollar bond guaran-
tee bill, and the framing, of the
closure measure in the 0lommons.
Hon. Mr. Meighen is a nephew of Mrs.
Fletcher Sperling, Brussels.
We are sorry to hear of the con -
tinned illness of Mrs. McOlenagan,
she having to return to Wingham
Hospital to undergo an operation.
The anniveramy services of Knox
church held last Sunday were one of
the most successful in the history of
the congregation. Weather was all
that could be desired and large
audiences assembled morning and
evening, The chancel and platform
were decorated with plants and cut
flowers. Rev. Mr. Harper, Clinton,
was the preacher. Hie subject in the
morning was "Christian Heroism"
and evening "Umpire Rule," from
which he preached practical sermons.
The choir under the leadership of Dr.
Kirkby, led the singing in the morn-
ing and a male choir had charge of
the evening service.
The Presbyterian At Home, under
the auspices of the W. M. S., which is
the annual Thank -offering of the
Society, was held on Tuesday after-
noon. Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle presided and
service was held in the auditorium of
the church. Mrs. (Rev.) Parnaby and
Mrs. (Rev.) McCulloch, Oranbrook, as-
sisted with the opening exercises.
Dr. Patterson, Toronto, wan the
speaker, She spoke at some length
on the work of the Red Cross also told
of her own experiences among the
people of India, where she labored as
a Professor in a Medical College for 10
years. Her address was listened to
with more than usual appreciation
and gave evidence of bearing good
fruit. After the program a social
hone was spent in the basement where
light refreshments were served.
Mrs, John Dundas is home after
visiting a month with friends at Tor-
onto and Whitby.
David McCulloch and family have
moved to Wawanosh where they pur-
pose making their home.
The various schools are closed this
Thursday and Friday on account of
the Teachers' Convention at Seaforth,
Special Thanksgiving amnions will
be preached on the Methodist circuit
next Sunday by the pastor Mr. Craik.
McKillop township was well repre-
sented at the Patriotic Concert at
Walton on Tuesday evening and a
number contributed to the program.
Maitland Presbytery
Maitland Presbytery held a special
meeting at Lueknow on Tuesday.
The call to Rev. John Little, Listowel,
from St. Helens and East Ashfield
charge was accepted and the induc-
tion will take place on Monday, 25th
inst. Moderator McArthur, Kincar-
dine, will preside ; Rev. Mr. Boyle,
Belgrave, will preach ; Rev. Mr. Dun-
can, Lucknow, will address the peo-
ple ; and Rev. Mr, Hardie, Lochalsh,
will address the minister. Rev, Mr.
Little has been Temperance Secretary
of Perth County for the past year.
The call to Rev. Mr, McLean, Rip-
ley, from South Kinloss, was declined
as the Ripley people put up a very
strenuous fight to retain their pastor
who has served them well for the past
6 years.
A. C. MacFarlate, of Canningtoe, has
resigned his position as manager of the
Standard Bank to accept a commission
iu the armv. He was the predecesser of
J. F. Rowland in the Standard Bank
here, xo years ago. We hops he will
come through without any loarm. •
W. H. Stewart, formerly of Brussels,
took up the study of mechanical engine-
ering, passed his exam. at Toronto and
received his diploma He now bolds a
geed position in Bradford, Ont, Mrs.
Stewart, who was Miss Ada Mainprize,
a former member of Tux Posr staff,
mid two children have receetly returned
from a visit of 3 mouths at the pareetal
hotne, Tisdale, Sask. Miss Olive Main -
prize accompanied thorn but is remain-
ing at Tisdale for a while. Mr, Main -
prize is doing well in the West we are
glad to hear. He formerly operated the
Electric Light plant iu Brussels.