HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-9-16, Page 54
Ip 7M D� 7,y�wIO�LIMITED
lf.rYtesem r/S' Y4.+rot
Moe In the 1•ost Office, Ethel. 40,4
• Barrietor, ['elicitor, 9onveyauoor,
Notary Public, &o, OIDoestowart's Brook
1 door North of Oeutral Hotel,
Selioftor for the Metropolitan Bank.
Dan, will sell for better prides, to
better men, in lees time and lose charges
than any ether Amotloneer in F,aot Ramis or
he won't obarge anything; Dates and orders
oan always be arranged at thle osloe or by
p 0000001 applioatfon,
Fine, modern steam-
ers -equippedwith
every comfort and.
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"9k! ; StW Thronto
Agent Allan Mae, Brussels.
Ontario's Best Business Col,
Ourindividual ructors re ted'aeliiget attenionangrd-
ateo are placed in poeltions. We are
receiving applications we cannot meet,
Students may enter at any time. Send
for our free catalogue and see If it in -
' terata you.
clD. A, MCLAOHLAN,Principal,
.8=g r.6terdtioD'.d E 6VIW.4. JA�J
No 'School ever had trner friends
among its graduates than'
Thin le a School- of Results -Splendid
results, .51erltorious work for our
etudenta and for the business public
has been an active agent in the no -
• building of our (anions school, We
assist worthy students to get employ-
ment, Commence a oouree now.
Catalogue free..
• 784 Yonge at. t W. J. ELLIOTT,
Yonge & Charles eta. i Principal.
_la isa'Odt>A'yaam i®�asivirc?, ecur2 •
at the
Thorough (lotuses taught by.
O. Competent Teachers.
0 Forpartloulare addreso-
Listowel, Ont.
iglxvIPSP,aAISMYcraggleist'J'Pm`4,¢b 5�
Best Brains
have participated in the
Canada pp
paration of our splendid Home Study
Courser) In Banking, Economies, -Higher
Accounting, Commercial- Art, Show
Cord Writing, Photo rephy Journal-
ism, Short Story Writing, Shortland
and Bookkeeping, Select the work
which most internees you and write us
forphrtioulare, Address
891.7 Yongo St.,•Toronto
t ambitious leo•
young 1
In their n
preparing ow
s to nsaupy luarutive paid Mons as
R E s with, PcslNmn' guar
le are sant o
etenographore, booltkeepers,• telegra-
phare, civil servants .or Inch every
sphere or activities. Yon 0lay'Anit& nt
Dolle a If vote o vi
nnteed, ntercollege any 'day -Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert tenokere,
Thirty years' experience, Largest
trainers in Oamide. 'Seven oellegos,
Spook!nearer' for tenehers,
Aflllkited with Clonnnerola' Ballow
torn' Aesoniation of Omura. Stir nior
School nt famous (beach Bnslnesa Cot-
Guo S President W T Principal,
Bu•inots 064rd*
Hneoosoor to pa, H. Moore, Moe at Ander-
son Brea. Livery stable, Brussels,. 4elephone
No, 29,
T. T, M' RAE
M. S., M, 0..P,, A 8, 0.
M. 0, H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Burgeon, Accouobeur
office over Standard Bank
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Phyotoians and Shr-
goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior Souse Surgeon of
Western Hoopital, Toronto, OMees of late Dr,
A. MoReve , Smith Block, Brnpeel%
Rurel phone 45,
air B.. M. O. P, se S.0,
198 Bloor street Bag6, Toronto
Dieoaeos lar, Nose and Throat
Clinical anolstant lin Bar, Nose and Throat de•
Partm eat New General Hospital, Toronto ;
0etGraduoteHarvard Medical Sohool, Bos.
ton • late Senior. Resident Surgeon Maed, 570
&Bar Infirmary ; late Clinical resistant pt
Nose and Throat department Mass. Gen. Hos-
pital 1 late House, Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital. mita Bruooels by appointment,
Phyeloinn and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New ork and Chicago Hoe•
pit8le. Sperm' attention todiseagepf eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes teated forglomaet,
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S.; L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental-Sur-
geone of Ontario and Graduate Uritveroity of
• Toronto Faoulty of Dentistry.
Office in hard Block, Wingham
Phone. 249, Post Office box 278
Palnleae Extraction, Plate work and
Bridge Work a 8poolalty
Personal_ 00ormickDepartmentdagChicago,
urology, M College,
Ill., to prepared to test eyea and tit glasses at
her office over Misa I iman's millinery store.
O oe days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hoare-10
to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 0 . m, Evenings by appoint.
ment. Phone 1210.
Honor graduate of the: Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night cells. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
• Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
&'E4XD FIMM �' I.G A',Iir
Express 7:18 a m Mail 11':22 s m
Express 8:48 p in i Express 8:52 P m
Cialmi t7JaM Pec, erdc
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 7:88 a m IExpress 12:28pm
Expreea 12:69 p m Express 9:00 p m
Going East - 7:08 a. In. and 8.40p. m.
Going West - 12:10 and 9.63 p, m.
All trains going Haat conned with C. P. lb. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO.ALLAN, Local Agent,.
PM 'etys pts
APPLE crop is a -slim One, -
POULTRY market is livening up.
HURRAH! for Brussels Fall Fair.
WESTERN FAIR, London, is 1n full
swing this week.
n advance, egets T
. H8 P039'
to Jan. 1st, tet6. Send it to the ab-
EAST HURnN :Fall Fair Thltrsdav,
Sept. 3o and Friday, Oct. 2. Arrange a
good entry '1St.
MONTHLYHorse Fairs will he held as
usual at Brussels this season. List will
be published shortly.
A. FEW weddings are slated for this
'Fall to and about town, It's tto use to
ask us for names just yet.
A coNsln0aAELE acreage of Fall tvheat
has been got iu, some farmers sowing as
Much EIS 20 or 25 acres
I'HE number from. this vicinity at
tending 'Toronto Fair this season dal
not compare with the former years.
NEARLY $70.00 were contributed by
members of Brussels Orange Lodge to
the machine gun purchased by North
Huron Orangemen.
N F. GEase and his many friends
have had many a pleasant hour this
Summer in his gasoline launch tripping
up and down the Maitland
READ the fine list of Special Prizes,
Speeding events and Attractions to be'
cm program,of East Hurou Fall Fair
They appear on page 4of this issue,
'l'HE carpenters have been hustling
the itnprovemeots to the home of Mrs
Dora McFadzeau, In addition to an
extra story the whole building is being
veneered with cement which should
make it very sung.
GET news items to THE POST. AS early
as possible. Those coming Thursday
morning are too late as we' have to get
the press started early In order to catch
the mail train North and 1110 four rural
routes by it o'clock. We welcome the
news but want it early.
THE Fax Concert Co , Toronto, will
be here for the Fall. Fair Concerts,
wit Mit will be held in the Skating Rink.
TheHoed little introduction
Y n in this
locality. Program will
am b0 better than
y g
ever and the plan of reserved seats will
be open in due course at Notts Drug
store. If you have not had a good laugh,
for a while go to the Concert,
NAttEn As CHAPLAIN --Having secured
the consent of Bishop Williams, of Hur-
on, Rev. C. E. Jenkins, rector of St.
ude's Anglican church, Brantford,
fortnerly of Wlugham, has accepted the
appointment . of Chaplain of the 58'll
Battalion, now at Niagara -on -the -Lake,.
nd will leave. shortly tor his new post:
ion. His pulpit, will be supplied tem -
'warily Mrs, Jenkins and her son,
Win sham Business : College
. FOTTax-
T, R fir
eginald, will go to Montreal, where
her parents reside and will remain there I
during Mr, Joakins' absence,
Po'iAzo rot is playing havoc with
some of the tubers
SEVERN, lovers of speedy horses took
in the Milverton races and saw a number
of good events.
AvousT, 1985, Wes the wettest in 70
years, ',James Smlll!e a veteran resident
of the 18111 Con, Grey, informs Tun
Posy that be only remembers two other
seasons comparing with this In over 5o
years residence in Grey,
IM house and lot known es the "Joe
Burton property" has been purchased by
Andrew T, Currie, House was pulled
down and material used in bedding
alaegbter house and otherwise, It re-
moved an eyesore and fire trap on Mil)
street as the house had not been kept in
THE water color drawing of the Base
Ball girl in the middy, advertising the
Bluevale-Jamestown game on Labor
Day attracted no small attention. It
was the handiwork of Clayton Duff,
i3luevale, who has so many specialties
we hardly kuow how to designate him.
His recent humorous ' poetic effusion on
the Bluevale-Jamestown Base Ball
match at the former place WAS greatly
enjoyed and appreciated.
'l'EacHBao' CONVEN'T'ION. -East El urou.
Teachers' Association will hold, its an-
nual Convention in Seaforth on Oct,
ryth and 8th, The Executive met and
arranged the program for the occasion,
Mrs. Mayberry, one of the teach-
ers of Stratford Normal, will be present
and take part in the proceedings. It is
expected that a prominent speaker from
'reroute, will deliver an address at the
evening session.
--Sometimes when folk go travelling
they think little of the inconvenience of
not having the right :change, or some-
thing near it, for bus man and railway
ticket agent. The latter may start off
with $io change but a few $5 bills on
short route tickets may soon clear him
out. The public can help in such situa-
tions by thinking ahead to have
the correct amount for as a' rule the cost
of the ticket is known before arrival at
the depot. It 'will save time and worry
to both parties when there is little tithe
to spare. Help' the agent this way and.
have his blessing upon your head.
Fruit Branch -Dept. of Agriculture
Not many days left for securing the
best of Peaches and Plums. Craw-
ford and Elberta peaches are obtain-
able at moderate prices, but prompt
action will be necessary to those wish-
ing a supply of these delicious, health
giving fruits, Itis impossible to have
too much fruit in our Canadian Win:
ters. The Red Cross Society would
be grateful for s few jars for our boys
in France, and the Overseas Club has
promised to look after delivery.
Every Canadian housewife should put
down all the fruit -especially Peach-
es and Plums that she can possibly.
places of the size of Brussels hare as
many good lady school teachers as are
busy with the important work from here.
In the list alphabetically arranged are:-
Miss Jean Armstrong
" Florence Buchanan
•' Pearl Seeker ,
"• Berva Bryans
Beatrice Curry
Gertrude Deadman
Edith Deadman
" Hattie Downing
'• Mary Fear
• Belle Henderson,
Hazel Lowry
" 'Carrie McCracken
• Lizzie McLauchliu
" Belle McNabb
Lizzie McArthur
"� Gertrude Ross
" Elsie Wilton
Kathleen Wilton
A '
fewother ladies with the necessary
qualifications, are not engaged just at
present in the profession, Among the
male teachers :--
Thos. Armstrong
Harold Armstrong
Geo. Buchanan, B. A.
Jno. Henderson
- ; Alex. Lamont, B. A.
Leslie Lamont, B. A.
f• Frank Scott.
f B. S. Scott
By taking to a circuit of si miles distant
from Brussels another 16 or more could
be added to the above list in the persons
of -
Sydney Aimstrong
Miss 011a Armstrong
Robt Bryant
Prank Brvnns
Miss Mary Dark
L zzie Dickson
" Chi 'stifle Dickson
" Addie Grant
-Harvey Hoover.
Will Hoover
M.ss Jennie Rands
" Lennie Robb
" Gra Oe Robb
" Marjory Yuill
" Teenie Yuill
Everett Walker.
A:total of nearly 5o in all, which speaks
well for the literary progress of the
A Christian college -home,
Healthful situation.
R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D.,St. Thomas, Oct,
Car of Flour and Feed
just arrived. PURITY
FLOUR at $3.5oper
Cwt. as long g as
It lasts.
Was E. Sanders
roils How She Was Made
Well by LydiaE. Pinkham'8
Vegetable Compound.
New Orleans, La. -"I take pleasure
in writing these lines
to express my grati-
tude to you. I wan
only I6 years old and
work in a tobacco
factory. I have
been a very siek girl.
but I have improved
wonderfully a in c
taking Lydia E.
Pinkbam'a Vegeta-
ble Compound and
am now looking find
and feeling a thousand times better."
houpitoulas St., New Orleans, La.
St. Clair, Pa. - "My mother wan
alarmed because I was troubled with
suppression and had pains in my back
and side, and severe headaches. I had
pimples on my face, my complexion was
sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had
nervous spells, was very tired and had
no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound has worked like a
charm in my case and has regulated me.
I worked in a mill among hundreds of
girls and have recommended your medi-
cine to many of them." -Miss ESTELLA
MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair, Pa
There is nothing that teaches more
than experience. Therefore, such let-
ters from girls who have suffered and
were restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should
be a lesson to others. The same remedy
is within reach of all.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (Cotfl-
dentfal) Lynn, Blass. Your letter will,
be opened, read and answered by a
womanandheld in strict confidence.
Do You SEE ?- At the mechanical
school : "Now, John, did you ever see
a saw ?" "'Yes, sir, I've saw a saw."
"What raw was it you saw, John ?" "It
was a see -saw, sir," "A sea saucer?
Why, John, what do you mean ?" "I
mean a see -saw, sir," "And when did
you see the sea 7" "Oh, sir, I didn't see
the sea, I saw the satv, sir." "But if
you only saw the saw how saw you the
saucer ; I daty the sea -saw, sir -see ?"
"Well, my boy, if that's the way you see
saws the less saws you see the better,
You may take your seat.
Goon FIND. -T. W. Gibson, Deputy
Minister of the Provincial Department'
of Mines, formerly of Wroxeter, stated
that there was uo doubt that the gold
mine discovery at Matheson, which has
cheated so much excitement among min-
ing men, was a fact. "It would seem,"
said Mr. Gibson "from the samples that
we have seen to be a rich -discovery.
What I have seen was running 2,000
ounces to the ton and it is qtn I r
to tz.
The samples tvere� taken from a shaft
over zoo feet deep in the Dobie-Leyson
claim." As gold is worth about $zo
an ounce the 2,000 ounces would make
the claim run about -$4o,000 a ton.
IN TrlsE Toes, -Phis item may be of
interest to people of this locality and re-
lates to Police Court doings iu Toronto
-"Professor" Edward James O'Brien,
233 Major street, the second of a trio,
advertises and according to his books,
which be was not anxioustp part with,
does an extensive business in Toronto
and many other Ontatk) towns. By
mail he will
police allege, the
,future, it tent a photograph of his
client's hand. Moan
t Forest residents
as nts
apparently think well of his powers as
do many from. Harriston The police
say that last month he earned approxi-
mately one hundred and fifty dollars
locally. ' He charges, they say, one
dollar for a readiutt." Guess P. J. Barn-
um was about right wben he stated
people liked to be humbugged.
MARRIED, -At the home of Ernest
Rozeli, Huron Road, Clinton, formetly
of this locality, cm Wednesday afternoon
Sept, I51 at 3 o'clock, Miss Hazel Ina
R'.zell, was united in marriage to J Roy
Plumsteel, third son of Henry and Mrs.
Plumsteel, of Clinton, by Rev. S. J.
Allis, pastor of Ontario Street, Metho-
dist church, Bride wore her travelling
suit of navy blue serge and the young
couple were unattended, Miss Emma
Plumsteel, sister of the groom, played
the wedding March. After lunch the
happy couple left on the 4 20 train for
Detroit and Hastings, where they will
visit relatives. Only the ilnmediate
relatives were present at the ceremony.
On their return they will make their
home on Townsend street, Clinton. We
extend congratulations and wish the
young Couple happiness and prosperity.
People We Talk About
Mrs, S. T. Plum attended the Rozell-
Plumsteel wedding at Clinton,
Miss Melicda Pleteh, Mildmay, was
the guest of Miss Margaret Ament,
Bob Warwick is at Windsor with a
surveying party looking after some
Mrs. Jno. Cardiff is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Harry Bartliff, at Clin-
ton. •
Miss Liu. Calvin returned to Windsor,
where she bolds a good millinery posi-
A. Yollick was at
Toronto last week
Year takiug the Jewish New
I ae
a cere-
Lester Groskopf, of Detroit, has been
here o0 a holiday visit with G C. and
Mrs, Mansers.
Miss Marion Forrest has gone, on an
extended visit to Woodstock knell LS*
with her brother.
J. F. Reuben, of 'the Standard Bank
staff, enjoyed a holiday at the parental
home at Belleville,
Chas, North, Picton, was a visitor
at the hope
t of
Mrs, Rowland,
He is a brother of the latter.
Scott Ament had enforced holidays
occasioned by too close contact of one
hand to a buzzing nary in the Arnett
Mrs, Jas. McCracken, Who was visit.
ing here has gone to Toronto for a visit
before returning to her itouleak Cleve.
Mrs, J, Downing isback from an en.
jeyabla holiday with relatives and
friends at Toronto, Lipdsay and Hunts-
August Ament, who has lived udder
the Stara and Stripes for a good many
Years waS visiting his brother, Philip 1n
Mrs. Samis, of Clarentopt, was here
fora short visit and took her little son,
Finlay, back with her. He had been
visiting his grandparents, Postmaster
and Mrs. Scott.
Mrs, J. McGuire, of Selgrave, and
her father, George Bowler, who lives
with her, were visitors with Councillor
and Mrs, McGuire, Mr, Sowler is past
So years of age but would easily pass
for a man of 53 or 70,
It it said Charlie McMillan, now Of
Woodstock, soil of George andeMrs, Me -
Millan, Brussels, has enlisted and will
go to the trout in due course, We
understand he will belong to the medi-
eal staff as stretcher bearer or something
of that class. r,
Lloyd Jackson and George Edwards
have goue to Stratford where they will
attend tate Collegiate in taking up rst
Class Teachers' studies, The boys have
done well, are steady workers and we
expect they will give a good account of
Get an entry ready for Brussels
Fall Pair.
25 cents secures Two) PONT for the
balance of 1015,
Rumor says some of the Morris
township young men are contemplat-
ing enlisting and becoming soldiers) of
the Ring.
Robert McMurray, .4th line, al-
though over 70 years of age, assisted
in the hauling in of 85 loads of pro-
duce this season and looked as good as
new when through.
Mrs. Russel Wheeler, has been on a
holiday visit at Jae, Bowman's 147. P.,
!ler parental !tonne and with other
relatives and friends. Mr. Wheeler
was also n visitor for a short time,
A former resident of Morris, in the
Berson of ,Andy Miller, son of the late
Thomas iitliller, 5th line, has enlisted
and is now in training. He has been
in the West for a number years. We
hope he Will not have to stop any
Teuton bullets.
Charlie Bryans, manager of the
Standard Bank, Victoria Harbor,
Oat., bas been visiting with relatives
and old friends about here. His place
is being supplied by A. G. McDermott,
formerly of Brt58els, who was moved
from here to Whitby. It would serve
Mac. right if he were made a Mana-
ger permanently.
the bane of old age
is notto be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For a gentle,
but euro laxative. use
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. They
stir up the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen the
stomach and
bowels just
like an internal bath..
Woman's'best friend.
From girlhood to old age,
these little red health re-
storers are an unfailing
guide than active liverand
a clean, healthy. normal
stomach. Take a
m ch
Tablet emir stomach night and thfer-
mentation. 00 d fe e
mentation and the
goneheadche,by monis all
gone by morning.
All druggists, 25e.,
or by mail from
Chamberlain Medldae
Company, 7011111 10 12
tttr f .i
London Pair is the magnetic spot
this week for a number of f4iorrisites,
Fang Burnam.- James Davis tea
Sen, 5th line, have purchased the
Alex. Cameron 50 totes on the aa110
line, pitying $2,800 for it, It is a
good farm and the buyers will get
possession next Spring. Mr. Oamet'on
iivee near Port ,Dover and lutes the
locality well, '1'b0 Davie men are
illy farmers and have now 150 notes.
We wish them continued success.
The new shelter at Port Hope of the
Children's Aid Society of the United
Counties of Durham and Northumber-
land was formally opened,
Engineer Flies was killed when a
Grand 'Trunk Pacific freight train plung-
ed .through a cyclone wreaked bridge
into the Mlnnewaaki River, Mimi!oba,
Five million dollsts has been sub-
scribed by a group of Chinese mer
ebants.to finance a steamship line to ply.
between San Francisco and China in
competition with Japanese Rues,
Recruiting has been ordered for a
Company of the 7tst Battalion in Ox-
ford County.
Mrs. Thos. Walker was burned to
death while lighting a fire in her laugh.
tet•'s house at Sarnia,
550 men from ,Elgin county are to
fern a emnpauy in the ry0111 Battalion,
to he a unit throughout the war.
Austrian residents heiped generously
in the patriotic campaign in Halton
county pledging $5 each to the fund.
Sir George Foster states that no
orders were given in the United States
for portable or collapsible houses for the
troops of Great Britain or the allies.
Manitoba Government has changed
the Provincial accounting system, ap-
pointinga Comptroller -General, reutay.
able only on two-thirds vote of the
Madame Rosare Thibaudeau, of Mont-
real, President of the Notre Dame
Hospital and of the Patriotic Food,
"Asti 10 France," has been awarded the
decoration of 'Lady of Grace," by the
Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
A comedy made Overcoat is a necessity to any man who
would dress well. So soon as the cool days set in he
needs a Fall Overcoat. It is the outer garment of every day.
Exclusive materials appropriate
for a Seasonable Overcoat, tail-
ored -to -measure in newest style,
with those master touches that
mark all Hobberlin work. An
Overcoat that you'll like.
W. P. Fraser Brussels
••••♦•♦♦•♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦eo♦♦♦e♦♦♦ ••••••••••••4w•••••••••••• w•.
If We Make Ms-
Tess Us
Four things you get at
1 Courteous Treatment 2 Good Goods
3 Reasonable Prices 4 Prompt Delivery-
♦ ®s
♦♦ Choice Ice Cream and
Summer Drinks
• Rutter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Roy McKay
• N•••4••••••••••••4••♦••'®• •♦•••••e•••••••••••♦••♦•••
Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this
8 -foot auto -oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with oil for a
year or more.
The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, known the world over as "the windmill which' runs when all
others stand still." This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in
much less wind than that well known windmill.
The two large gears, which lift the load straight up. are each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and must take As half of the load at all times,
The auto-oiledwind mill, with its duplicate gears and two pitmen lifting the load straight up, Is un-
breakable. Every8-footmiil is tested underapumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump
rod. For the larger sizes the load is proportionately_ greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbreakable. We venture the assertion
that this Is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested.
best oiled, most nearly perpetual, automatic and self-
sufficient of any machine of any kind ever made
for farm work and the most nearly fool -proof.
There is nofriction on any part of the furl-
ing device when the mill is running and very
litticwhen'the wheel is furled.
-212111111 11211111112111111111111111 111111111111
A small
child can eas!lyifurl thio
windmill or an automatic regulatorcan
take care of it. One of these mills has been furled' •
10,000 times In one day by a man on our premises -more
times than it would ordinarily be furled in 30 years of service.
A band brake, of the automobile type, Is used, and it alwoyo holds.
The gear case
two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction washers in the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not a drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with oil.
If you are tired of climbing a windmill tower; If you aro tired of buying repairs
and having them put on; or, if you are tired of Waking fora big wind, let usfur-
nlsh you an Unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going mill to go on any old tower. 1t
costs but ouwIl
I getthe difference between nowat
or In light h
t Wing
and an
abundance oft
wa er in almost no wind, The flo'
odm of all the e working
parts with oil,the g
hperfect balance
of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on which the millpivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to climb It. Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oil, if needed, and inspect the -mill. • a
Running water purifies itself -stagnant water, standing water, collects and retains Impur-
ities. If you pump from your well constantly all the water Rican spare, the water that cornea
In to take its place will be pure. If the water in your well stands until you happen to want some,
and you: pump but little, then it to likely that surface water will flow foto it and carry in im..
purities. The unsafe wen 10 the one that has standing water. A flowing stream is the thing to bedecked.
rwnod no c 01. 11 ail this possible ns r can rrunCo.,from one So.Cyear's end to the other oprac
not nowearand noCor...oflnnrsummerrite anAarol Owter,always
ysfresll Chicago.Ave„00t
Why not have flowing water, cool iv summer and rwarm iand
sto n.wa d freshand in It
will ease next of nothing. e all wille give health lc k kinds
familytuand family
can, Lea the water run into n
good sire reservoir and raise all the fisc of the choice therwcaneW,and osvewati to Irrigate
your garden and make it raise many times as mach aBIE would otherwise. Water caste nothing, Use it. To IOC It a
1111141ifd414111tr=-al ,'
and le to abuse it.
A roll of
this wire
lurk the