HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-9-2, Page 8FreshPictorial: Review PiCklin,gSp ces Good pickles rr gpire pure Spices. You will find ourSpicen both purequdetrong. Here are some of them :- Curry Powder Tumeric Celery Seed Whole and Gropnd Cloves Whole and Ground Cinnanten Keen's Mustard Mustard Seed Whole and Ground Ailepioe " • Black Pepper " Red Pepper. " Ginger Mace All sizes of Corks for Catsup and Pickle Bottles, Freed's Bottling Wax in tins, Parowax, &c. Patterns 10 and 15 Cent None higher So Many requests have been received during the past from patrons of our More for PICTORIAL REVIEW PAT- TERNS that after thorough investiga- tion of their merits we have decided to sell them from uow on iu our store. October Patterns are on sale now also the Fall Fashion Book of Pietotial Review Patterns, Re- member you get a Ise pattern 'free with. one of these books, We also take subscriptions for the Monthly Pictorial Review Journal. Pictorial Review Patterns enjoy a good reputation all over the country. The r✓. Store F. R. SlifilTH Dt UGoIS'r AND STATIONER. ural i etos tem SEPTEMBER. READ Local news on page 5. DAYS grow noticeably shorter. THE holiday season is nearly over. SoKooL Board Friday evening of next week, FROST on several nights during the past week. PvaLlc school re -opened, after vaca- tion, Wednest y of this week, SEE Mary Pickford to -night at the Picture Show. Your only chance. TORONTO Fair commenced last Satur- day and will continue until September r3th. A number from this locality are or will patronize the Industrial Fair at .Toronto, THE PosT will be sent to new subscrib- ers until Dec, 31, '15, to any address in Canada for 35 cents. Naas' Monday will be Labor Day and a Public ,holiday. Postoffice hours 8 to ga.m.and 5to6p.01. THE Red Cross Circle tea at the home of R. and Mrs. Henderson on Tuesday afternoon was a decided suC- cess. The treasury was richer by $r4.00 as a result. HAVE a sandwich and a cup of tea at the Red Cross booth, Victoria Park on Labor Day. You may also he supplied with ice cream, bananas, peanuts. home- made candy, &e. BRussELs bowlers were not winners at Goderieb tournament, Goderich and Exeter rinks being their stumbling 'block. There were 17 rinks in attend. ance. Our rink won 3 games. SMART .FOR HER YEARS. -Thursday of this week is Mrs. James Menzies 88th birthday. She was able to be down - street Wednesday afternoon and along with Mrs. D. B. Moore, honored THE POST with a 'call. She has the best wishes of a wide circle of relatives and friends, Mrs. Menzies isa wonderfully smart old lady for her years. OPERATED oN FOR APPENDICITIS. -- Last Saturday George Robb, of St. Catharines, a well known former resi- dent of this locality, was operated on for appendicitis at the hospital in that city and•is as well as could be expected. 'Many old friends here wish him speedy onvalescence We able a bo hewill p be attend our Fall Fairiob wt be has one since he removed from Brussels. 831tD BIRTHDAY.-Tbursday afternoon of last week a coterie of old friends of Mrs Walter Smith went to her home and joined in the celebration of her 83rd birthday. A birthday supper was serv• ed and congratulations expressed. This is the 7th year the anniversary has been so observed. Mrs. Smith is about as well as usual. She has been a resident of Brussels for over 35 years and is known to many readers of THS Posy. GOOD; W oRK.-Steady progress is being made on the street work by Contractor McLean, notwithstanding the numerous wet days. Cement curbing is in nearly the whole distance of the 4 blocks and the broken metal is being put on start- ing from South. The stone °rusher the is hard at work on the great pile of stones secured last Winter and the work of breakingthem isquite a noveltyto those who ever saw crusher in acive service, JAM AND JELLY FOR THE SOLDIERS,— Brussels Branch of the Women's in- stitute 3 out on a crusade to secure u e o s ur sweetmeat supplies for our soldier boys at the front or in the hospitals. The solicit the help of every household in the neighborhood in the contribution of one or more jars of jam or jelly, the same to be left at the store of Mrs. Jane Thompson on or before September Loth, when they will be packed and shipped. Size desired is quart wine measure. Generous contributions are asked so 'that the gift may be worthy of the people of Brussels and community. Now is a good time to help. LAST week Contractor T. McLean had a steam roller come from Hanoves to aid in street work now in progress. It weighed between t4 and 16 ton, too heavy to fetchacross the stringers of the iron bridge and the alternative was to take it through the river by the old flax mill property. The 'Phuell traction engine hauled it to the Maitland and the heavier traction, belonging to ,Wm, Cooper, with Pope & Son in command, took charge in the afternoon. River of fire in the was ton deep to permit furnace of the roller and it pulled a dead weight to be sure, By 6 p, m. it was on Turnberry street, the scene of ,its opera- tion for some time to come. It made the trip from the Maitland ander its. own steam after the grade was made from.tne river. Nearly everybody and bis Cousin were on band to see that the heavy tnachine made tbe crossing of the Maitland properly,erlv, some of the party spending most of the day on the scene. It would take a big book to contain the thousands of suggestions as to how the workshould be doue as steam power, , horsepower and man power was lent to accomlih the none to easy task with the swollen river. The incident afford- ed a good safety valve for the pent up wisdom on the science of "How to do it," COUNCIL meeting will be held Tues- day evening on account of Monday be- ing a holiday Tux Eagle's Mate" to -night. 5 reels of pictures showing the highest paid actress, Mary Pickford. DID you ever see Basket Ball played 7 If not see the game on Labor Day at Brussels in connection with the Red Cross Celebration. Vorxas' List Court for the municipali- ty of Brussels will be held in the Coun- cil chamber on September i5th at g a. m See advt. A number of Brusselites were at Wingham on Friday afternoon to wit- ness the W(ngbam--Southampton game of Lacrosse It was ccnsiderably one sided in favor of the former, SEMI-FINAL LACROSSx - Orangeville will play in Wingham Labor Day, Mon- day, Sept. 6th and are running a special train. Return game will be played in Orangeville on Friday, Sept. xoth. • 0 EIOHT young pipe for sale. Apply to CHAS. LAHONr,.Let 10, Oen. 7, Grey. Phone 2118. TAxn Nomros.—The party or parties who made themselves so handy in removing knot - ter and driving chain from a binder in Louis Hollinger's driving shed on the 10th Con, of Grey had better return the same and save trouble, L. HOLLINCHM. SET single burner... good as new for sole. A bargain. Brousane &Co. WANTED n. couple of good sewing machine operators at the Knitting feotory, Work wally learned. J, T. Won», Brussels. Iron SALE.—Hous[ and K, acre Lot on Queen street, Brueaele. Terme cash, Apply to J. Lamm, Brussels. Sousa and lot for sale, Qurensi, Brussels, Framehouse with barn and woodshed.ii a aore lot with garden, small orchard and good well. For partioulars, tennis, etc..epply on prem1005, Mae. W. NEWSOM, Brussels, 0 F7ROE Parlor Suite, hair cloth, and large floor rug for este, the property of the late Mrs. (Rev) .7.L. Kerr. A bargain is offered. Apply at THE Poor. --o— DON'T fail to see the Fancy Drill by 16 young ladies et Victoria Park in the afternoon of Labor Day and in the evening at the Concert in the Town Hall. DON'T FORGET. -The Milverton races on Friday, Sept. 3rd. Three well filled classes -Free for all ; 2.3o and 2.5o Some of the fastest horses in Western Ontario have been entered. THE catch basin opposite Miss Ross' shop has been overhauled and cement substituted for the brick. R Oliver did a good job and was proferred cords of advice as to how the work should be done. GOOD work has been done in advertis- ing Brussels Red Cross Celebration by bannerettes attached to motor cars and by two large banners across Turnberry street. The date is next Monday, if von have not heard about it vet and we invite you to come and fetch the family, DECORATE. -A large number of flags have been sold to the townsfolk for dec- oration purposes on Labor Day. If you want to help in this matter hang out your bunting and make the town look as though we meant it. Get some flags at the drug stores at cost prices. LADIES' BASK BALL. -One of the many interestingfeatures of the Labor Day program will be a Base Ball game between young ladies of Bluevale and Jamestown localities. These teams met at Bluevale on a recent occasion and demonstrated their ability to "whack the sphere" and catch tbe "files" so don't miss it. t GET YOUR SEATS. SELECTED —The plan of reserved seats for the Labor r Day Red Cross Concert is open at Fox's Drug store. It would be good policy to make your choice as early as possible. A good program will be presented and everybody should patronize it. Reserv- ed seat ticket holders will he admitted by the side entrance to the Hall. A FORMER BRUSSELITE,—Captain A. H. Monteith, of Paris, son of J. C. Monteith, Stratford, has joined the colors and is now in camp with the 84th Battalion at Nisgara•on•the-Lake. He joined with the 25th Brant Dragoons and is to receive a commission in the near future. Captain Monteith was for nearly 55 years with the 28th Perth Regiment quartered in the Classic sits. For g years he was in command of B. Company of the Regiment and for 2 years acted as Adjutant. At the pres. ant time he holds a field officers' certifi- cate and an extra x a musketrv certificate from Roekcliffe School 00 of Musketry, Ottawa, Paris Star -Transcript states that the40 men who left that lace will P be under ' out it Captain p M c h s command. Captain Monteith left Stratford some years ago, He conducted a law practice there but later moved to Brussels. He was in Calgary for 3 years prior 'o last October, when he opened an office in Paris, He was ma-ried about a month agoto a Paris young lady, 'rho Trans- eript states that after the completion of hostilities and all being wellCapt. Ca P teith will return to Paris to reside and resume his law practice. Captain Mon- teith has mAny friends in Stratford who will be interested to bear of the step he has. taken, He was a fine a sarin soldier, possessinga fine physique The citizens of Stratford and Brussels will unitedly wish him distinction in the service of the Empire and a safe return When the Allies are Victorious, 4,4 ++11+N,41+eau„a"u*+++rr**~li+aet'++++t•'a+1'+at,lta+ • I Announeement orrrcea • AT TI -IE 1 East Huron Produce frnporum 4t At present we are paying the Following • Extras No, 1 No. 24. ,•t, • Tub and Box Butter 21C 19C i7c '+ Eggs 22C 19C 14.0 j Spring Chickens live 12c per lb. •. Fowl live .,.,. 7 to 9c per lb, • + FERTILIZERS 2 + • We have taken the agencyenc from the Ontariotatio Fertilizers, zrue, Limited for the handlingof their well known 3ARABDAPIES Fertilizers, • This company compounds twenty-five different il'ertilizers, suitable for t + any kind of crop and condition of land. We have five Fall wheat ,1, specials and would be pleased to hand you literature on request. , * ROBT. THOMSON - Brussels4.1 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Chas. Richards is spending a week in Bayfield. THE tableau, "Britannia rules the waves" will be presented at Labor Day Concert, JAM AND TELLY wanted for the soldiers and sick, Give a gem or two to the Red Cross. HARVEY DAVIDSON, comedian, will take part in. Labor Day Concert pro- gram. Hear him. Smote fare rates on the railways on Labor Day. Fare and a third tickets are good to go Saturday returning Tues- day. APPLE crop is very light, and will not average more than 20 per ceut. of last year's crop. says the bulletin issued by the Department of Agriculture, In last week's issue Bobs. Campbell's name was associated with the Entrance class when it should have been Lower School exam, He passed the Entrance a year ago. 1'ALx about long potato stalks but one measured in Mrs. R. T. Hingston's gar. den, Mill street, was a stretcher, viz 6 Leet 2 inches. This is the record as far as THS POST has heard. SEE the decorated automobile parade at 1.3o lead by the Auburn Brass Band, Outside owners of cars are invited to participate only urged to be in good time asro ram must start on time. SPECIAL fare on G. T. R. of $2o to Toronto Exhibition on Sept. end and a m. trains Sept. 3rd, good to return Sept 411. Also good going Sept. 9th and a. m. trains on loth, good to return to itth, SEAFORTH Band has been engaged to supply music at the East •Huron Fall Fair wh'ch will be held Sept. 3oth and Oct. 1st. Get a Prize List from Secre tary Black and arrange your list of entries in good time. SEWING. KNITTING, &c.—AII parties having knitting or sewing for Brussels Branch of the Red Cross are asked to return it at an early date so that an- other bale may be packed and shipped. HOLIDAY WEEK.—Next week THE POST will take its annual holiday and there will be no issue of the paper. Next number will appear on Thursday, huttsda 16th ins(, Job work,advertising and sub- scriptions receied as usual Naw Mut -This week the new chop- ping mill of Messrs. Naegele & Logan is ready for work and everything is fitted up in first-class shape or will be when the finishing touches are complete. A more extended notice will be given when a POST representative takes a walk through the premises. CONGRATULATIONS —Last Sunday D. and Mrs Ewan passed the 26th anni- versary nniversary of their wedding and received the hearty congratulations of relatives and friends. Mrs, Ewan's health con- tinues favorable. THE POST joins in wishing them the opportunity of cele- brating the Golden weddingia the bye and b e y RENTED A MILL. -W. H. Pryne has leased a flouringmill at Walkerton it is said and takepossession this week. Mrs Pryne and daughters will not re - motel from town at present. Mr. Pryne is a first-class citizen and we can, with great pleasure, recommend him to any eommunity. y. They will find him as good as the best, BASE BALL AS IT USED TO EE PLAYED -Among the "old timers who will play a short game of Base Ball on Victoria Park on Labor Day in connection with the Red Cross Celebration with a Junior nine will be the following t -W, A. Grewar, D C. Ross, J. T. Ross, W. F. Stretton, N F. Gerry, A. R. Currie. R. F. Downing, J. F Rowland, and Rob- ert Ross, there promises to be some rare sport in the ball line. Air ships may be engaged to follow the "long drives" unless the pitchers are "up in the air," TENNIS -The Brussels Tennis Club had their best game of the season hast Friday afternoan when Goderich were met and vanquished. Home team won 3 of the 5 events played, a peculiar fea- ture of the play being that every event was taken in straight sets The match was a s the first of home om e and homeams g 4 in the semi-finals of the Western On ario Tennis Association, Return match was to have been played I n the County townv Monday test but rain made a postpone• ment necessary. The boys went to Goderich is -day (Thursday) and hope to return victorinue and prepared to go to London and fight the finals Labor Day. morning. The courts were in good shape last Friday and the fine weather aided in 110 ideal afternoon's sport. The ladies of the Club served a much rip preciated lea after th eg erne The Score :-Singirs-Sntheran (Gogerfen), heat 9, Fox (Brussels), 21-9 '6.r. V. Ross (Brussels), beat Fotlieringbam (Goderich), 6.2, 6-0. R Leckiel Brus- sets), heat Proudfoot (Goderich), 6-4, 6-3. Doubles-•Sotheran and Morson (Goderich), beat S Fox and J. Leckie Brussels).6-4 6-1, V. Ross and R. eokie (Breeseh), beat Proudfoot and Fotheringham (Goderich), 6-3, 6-f. People We Talk About Miss Nellie Fox is holidaying with Toronto friends. Miss Viola McCracken is a visitor with Miss Hemsworth at Mitchell. Mrs. ID Tomlinson was visiting friends in Monkton locality last week. Miss Mary McNaughton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Parker Foster, at Kin- cardine Mrs R, M Sinclair and son, are home from an extended visit with relatives at 1>resdeu. George Edwards was visiting H. and Mrs Churchill at Megaw during the past week 1, C. Pridham, ;Toronto, was renew- ing old friendships in Brussels during the past week. Mrs. Ira Parker is enjoying a visit with old friends at London. Lambeth anti other points. Miss Barks, Chatham, comes back to her last season's position as milliner with Miss Inman. Miss Mary. Rowland, who extended her stay at Newcastle with relatives, ar- rived borne this week. Amongthe boys at Toronto Fair are Jack Ballantyne. Jas. Oliver, Reynald Barkley and Roy Stewart, Mrs. W. H. McPherson, Detroit,•and Mrs. George Walker. London, were visitors at the home of A. R. and Mrs. Currie, John street. George McNichol left last week on the Western Excursion to help in harvest. ing operations and threshing. He will. be back in . the late Fall. D. M, Scott was home for the week end. He is one of the Inspectors of the Great West Insurance Company whose headquarters are at London. Miss Madge Donaldson, of the Cen- tral telephone, is away for a couple of weeks holidays. Her home is at At- wood. TEE POST wishes her a No. t time. Fred. Wood. who has been goiug through a siege of typhoid fever, was quite poorly last week but is pulling up better now. Nurse Bailey was in charge. James Nicholson, of town, is seriously ill at the home of his brother-in-law, Jas. 'Williamson, Grey township, we are sorry to report but we wish him speedy improvement. J, L Trannand -wife, of Peoria, Illi- nois, Were welcome visitors at the home of M. and Mrs. Fraser last week. The first named is a brother of the hostess and it is over 30 years since they met. Mr 'Preen is Manager of the Standard OJ Co of Illinois. The trip was made in the latter's car. Report has come to'haud of the death of Hugh Miles, a 21 year old nephew of Angus Campbell, Mill street, Brussels. He and two [titers were killed by the bursting of a shell at the battle of St, Wan. France. ance, Hds home was at Gates- head, Derham Co., England. Deceased ff leaves a wife, e was a son of Mr. Campbell's sister, established e'VOP 1/0149.45110 `"ears THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA rRtli ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B, C of Banking You Will Find Us Zealous Efficient. 181 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BRUSSELS BRANCH, 3. F. Rowland, El !Tr Manager. Mrs. Wm. Teller is renewing old friendships i in t ,v o a h' s Y P'' Miss Elsie Wilton went to Harrieton this week to take up her duties as teach - Mrs. R. A. Pryne is visiting friends in Toronto where her husband bolds a goo•! p0101100, Ed. Hemsworth, who has been em. ployed with Joo. Kreuter, has gone West for a trip Dr, G. H. Rosa, Wingnam, motored to town last Sunday and spent the day at the parental home. Mrs. Addie Wright and sons, Lawson and Byron, spent a weekin tbe Queen City visiting relatives and old frieuds. Miss Gertrude Deadman is away this week to Turnberry township where she has taken charge of tbe Hooper school. Mrs Burns, E Norman. A Bell and F Meyers, all of Detroit, have been holid. ymg at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Long Miss Dorothy Holmes and Miss Jean Fox have gone into the equestrian pro- fession and handle tlieir ponies' very nicely. Misses Doris and Marjory Ross arriv- ed home last week from an enjoyable outing in Toronto with relatives and old friends Rev D B. McRae, Armow, called on relatives and old friends in town last week while returning from his vacation in Toronto Miss M. E Ross has returned From Toronto Millinery Openings bringing her new milliner, Miss Murray, of Sea - forth, with her. Juo Henderson has gone to Toronto where he expects to teach for a time on the "occasional staff" with a view of something better. Harry Stephenson, of Conston, Ont., near Sudbury, was a visitor with his brother, Lorne Stephenson, Turnberry street, Brussels, for several days last week Miss Juneve Taylor commenced her duties as teacher at Newbridge (not Trowbridge as last week's item stated) on Wednesday. Her salary will be $575 00. • Misses Hattie Downing, Serve Aryans, Carrie McCracken and Jean Armstrong and Frank Scott have re- turned to their positions as teachers in the Queen city. Clifford Shurrie, who was employed at the chopping mill in connection with the Electric Light plant here,left for the West Last week Miele he will spend the next couple of months. Mrs. Gilbert McCallum, who is up in the eighties, bas been quite poorly dur- ing the past week. She has been a veryhearty he y woman in her dayand has the kindly sympathy of mny old friends. Mrs. R. Moore and two children, of Chicago, and Mrs: W. Richards and two sons, of Detro,t, who have been camp. lug during the Summer mouths at Bay. field, were visitors for a couple days at "Tallahassa", the bome of I. C. and: Mrs. Richards, Jamestown Mis. Geo. Eckmier and Miss Ferne are at'Torontu this week attending the Exhibition. Next Sabbath evening J. T. Wood, Brussels, will take charge of the ser- vice in the Hall. D. McDonald wae at Fergus on Sun- day seeing Mrs. McDonald, who is making favorable progress at the hospital; Lnvestors! Increase Your Interest ! Interest rates are higher now than at any time in recent years. The British Govermnent have increased their rate to 4i%; the Canadian Government to 5%, Has your interest increased ? I can invest your money now MI I have done for others before. I make it my business to study investments. Itis all I do so I -do it as thoroughly ae possible. Those who invested -money through me last year, while I was in Brussels, have done even better than they expected ; 1105 one is receiving lees than 7%. Does this rate appeal to you ? Donu know y that while your money is doubling itself at 3% ,, that it will become five times as great at 7%. Think what a difference this will snake to the future of yourself or of your family. o ill 'Ii u w be satisfied with the results I can obtain for you. I could not do business as I do if it wee otherwise. One disappointed in- vestor in a place where I am known, as I ant in Brussels, would ruin any prospects 3 have for further sucoese in this field. 'You can do business with me by Mail just as easily and just as safely tie by :meetle of a personal interview. Just. drop me a 01trd and I will send you further particulars. The cost of this card will be the only expense that you will have in con- nection w ith any transaction you may have with me, while 90 nC saprofits will be as lele as are possible without'endangering the fety of your money. My present, address is SCOTIA JOT., ON'C. I will be bank in Brussels later butoD cannot afford to wait until Y tithtln, That is why I ata nailing yam' attention to this now. R. 0. DEADMAN Mrs. Jaynes Strachan is visiting o g friends at Glencoe thelee w ek Mise Jessie McDonald returned to Toronto last week where she holds a good position. Mrs, Yoemane and son, James, re- turned to Detroit, after spending a few weeks with friends here. Ralph Shaw returned to the West last week where he teaches school. The West apparently agrees with him. The new Ramsay school will not be ready for a couple of weeks yet so the vacation will be necessarily elongated until its completion. Tuesday afternoon a Red•Oroes Tea wae held at the horse of Mre.• Wm, Holt, which was well attended. Pro- ceeds went for Rett Cross supplies. A line time was enjoyed and Mrs. Holt imide a capital hostess. Next Monday the people of tbia locality are going to the Red. Cross Celebration at Brussels. Our ladies Base Ball team is to be there and we are going to cheer for them. Our voices are in good condition and we wish the girls success in making a good score. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute was held here on Thursday aftet noon when an interest- ing and instructive paper on Red Cross Society and Relief Work was given by Mrs. J. F. Rowland, Brus- sels. Mrs. Peter Scott, of the same place, demonstrated Hospital supplies, and gave valuable information in con- nection with the week. A Red 01.088 Circle was organized and' sewing and yarn for knitting may be secured by any wishing to engage in the work. BORN MOLEOD.-In Wingham on August 18111, 1916, to Mn. and Mrs, 1�, K. McLeod, a son— Kenneth Burke. Prima, — In Harpoot, Aelato Turkey, on • July 5th, 1816, to Rev, h W. and Mrs. Pierce, a sou, MARRIED Htoirt0e—Bay0GEs.—At the Methodist Par- sonage, Brussels, on September 1st, 1815, by Rev D. Wren, IS A., Mr. Wm, R. Hie - gins to Miss Rose L. Brydgee, both of Bel - grave. 494144.440040.44.419.1400•••••9991 Penslar I Dyspepsia I. Remedy i • • Snfi'.erere from chronic in- • • digestion, error etornacb, gee 2 formation, heart burn, pain • • after eating and similar • Z• symptoms of a faulty-diges- Z' tion will be agreeably sur- . prised to note how rapidly i these symptoms will dieap- ; • pear under the use of Pens- * lar Dyspepsia Remedy. s j • We strongly recommend the • + above preparation as stated. • • 50c per bottle —AT- ♦ F C) I'S DRUG STORE The Penslar Store ••••••••••••••••••••♦•••••• BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat . 01 00 olio Oats - - 60 62 Pena Barley ' 1:00 105 Butter , 21 22. Eggs 8 75 876' Hay 900 10 00 Potatoes per bus 1 60 1 60 Wool washed 20 88 Property for Sale A good property, situated on James street, Brueaele. Sufficient ground to grow feed for a horse or cow the year round ; also a good run for poultry; s number of hearing plum and apple trese ; one•atery frame house 20.05 feet including kitchen ; Rood cellar ; a Inane stable and hen house 19 a 24 feet ; good well ;. Mud In good state of oultivation. Particulars may be had by applying to the owner on the promisee. . SIMON. GRANT. Notice Notice is hereby given that a court will be held.. purulent to the Ontario Voters' Lint Aot by his Honor. the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at Council' room, Brae• eels, on the fifteenth day of September, 1916, at nine o'clock 1n the forenoon to hear and de- termine complaint.. of errors and outiesione In the Voters' List of ,the Municipality of the Village of Brussels for 1015. Dated this 00th day of .9 %gust, 1915. P. R. SCOTT,' Village Clark, Brussels. Tenders for Drains Tenders will be received by the nnderaigned up to September 185191915,.for the construc- tion of the Scott Municipal Drain and also for GREG the Improvement of the OM Con. Drabs. Plane, profiles, &o., may be seen at the Clerk's DOAN.—In Gerrie, on August 8056, 1915, Amon oflloe, A. B. MACDONALD, Doan, aged 85 yearn. - clerk Grey Township, Ethel. •+•+•+.+•+•+.+•+♦+•+4+••N+•+e+•+•+4+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+, • Summer + z .• 1 l .4•,., . ,Shoes f fes: -„-.,. •. • • t:� Tor ,x. i • lr: T �n27 i • � <' Days! GREAT CLEARING SALE • Beginning Saturday, Aug, 14th Ending Saturday, Sept. 11th I•••••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••• balance of aur Summer•ho • • • S es must o. Cost is notTHE g • 1 • considered as we want the • • • •• room for Fall Goods. Your chance S • Ys i : for Genuine Bargains is before you. : 2 See our window for prices, All fresh I il c can goods, up-to-date, as we have nothing else to offer you, • $3.00 and $3.5 Y 0 Shoes only • • See our Window S I displa•y a this 1S $2 00 we is 0 ••4.•••••••••••}••4.44!4!• ••••••••.••s• Remember erall Summer 5 hoes Away Below Cosi ` , • • • • • Richards &Co. 1..........................................,...... • •• • fir t,. it , rt 0,