HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-7-22, Page 54 BUSINESS CARDS, Business Curds JAS. SUTHERLAND & SONS JAS. ANDERSON, 1..11011TEP VETERINARY SURGEON'S mrsesaxes to M. EL 6f oore. Office at Ander, son Brea, Livery stable, Brussels, Telephone No, 90, - GBIBAP111 0.1rrasto wm, sPervos CONVEYANCER AND ISEITJER I OF MARRI&GE LIOENEMS Mee the Pak 0111tie, Ethel, 80-4' IEOAL AND MIVE.YANCININ. M SINCLAIR- ft Barrister, Holloitor Oonveyaneer , Notary LubIia AM nflioe-S tawart's t ;Igor North ortientral Hetet Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank, Western University, London Another Great Advance Income doubled . Now 81711,000 Another large 0818118100 10 Iraculty and Equip. inent in Arts and Medicine. - Greatly increased Eurohnent in View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, M,A.,Ph.D. President. To. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW t LONDON -HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every oomfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or " StWToronto. W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. .....„.4.,....y.,,....z,....,) HI Term opens September Ist ELLIOTT .441, TORONTO, ONT. • T. T. M'RAE .M. B., M. O. P., & S. 0. *M. 0, 11., Village of Brussels. Phyldellnl, Surgeon' Acoomhour • officio over Standard Dank DR. F T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, univorottr of Toronto ; Moontiate of College of l'AYSIONOle and Sur. MMus,. Ontario ; ex-Bettior lionSe burgeon 9f Western kilosPltal,'Poronto, OTHOIN of late Dr, A, Mogevey, Smith Moult, Brewing. • Rural phone 46. has to -day a stronger 1131d upon the as public confidence than ever before. V "Thorough Training. for choice positions in Busintaa bite is given in all on,- Departments. This College does 1g5 not ask for a butter reputation than it u has now. We place many students in positions each year. Write today for large Catalogue. ,7,1 01 nYg oe n g 86eat. Charlea ate. }". ItiEnLetipiClat. geit0=1101:0:011N700Vianl,' AL,EX. D. M'KEL.VEY M.B., I01.0,P.& S. 0. , 198 Bloor street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical atasistant in Eur, Nose and Throat de- partment NoW General Hompital, Toronto restGraduitte Harvard Medical School, Bos. 900 ; late Senior Reaident Surgeon filnee. Eye• &Ear Inftrinary ; ole Clinical aasistant in Nose and Throat department masa, Gen. Mao - p100'; late Howie Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. 1* -In Brussels by appointment, ratititifiliszWeistrda'viElrgezYstMairra, e CEFRAL / // • • ,,-4 STRATFORD, ONT 1 fi. Ontario's most successful Business i Training School. Teachers are com. 7d So putout, courses are thorough and grad- pmites auceead. We had more implicit- Mons this month titan we had students k Fridaild :gide ttirenirtetivend nii;tioli . Z 161 recently were for Lady Stenographer 74 So at 0780. Boolikteper at 82100 and Coin. A. nteroial Teacher at 58400 per annum. A. N. BOnleene men want our graduates. Get 5; 6' our free catalogue at once. 0- O. A. NIcLACHLAN, Principal. ,E2.11.1,..., aLYAIZSAVgaVlift XEXAVit'AxAx..MtI.,a kVA.. r„.....6.,......„.......,...,,,,..„...6.,. ( ENROL. NOW DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT, Physioian and Surgeon ; Past Graduate courses London (Eng.), New Rork and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention to dieerise of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glows. G. H. ROSS. D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, office in Ward Block, Wingham Phone 248. Pont Office box 278 Palnlees extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST' Personal graduate Department of • Ophthal- mology McCormick Medical College, Chicago, is ared to test eyes and lit glasses at her office over Mise•Inman's millinery store. , Office days -Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office ho01ra-10 80 12 a. ni. ; 1 to 6 p. m 'WEDGES by AppOlIlt• ment. Phone 1211 OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. at the i LISTOWEL BUSINESS - COLLEGE 1 Thorough Courses taught by Competent 'reecho's. • 6 ,0 t` § • EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Oat. 0 Tor partieulars addrese- Lietowel, 961%rtelAtAllzevirscreiiVelatetrearan eisennemmalinseenemeslemellmommon THE ?REBOOT, KILLORAN & PROUDIOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODEBICH. ONT. Private funds to lean at lowest rates. W. P00009002. K. 0. ,L L, KILLORAN WE. Paounroom JR. Preserving 211,. and Slb. cartons and tont. and aolb. bags, extra fine granulation, zoolb. bags coarser grans. Buy LANTicuStilnumgthaiorititiatialtins“ sugar. in our bandy original packages kept clean and 5 pure from refinery to pantry. Dust and dirt In sugar bought from the open barred may spoil your preserves. Buy in original packages and , look for the LA NT I C Red Ball on each package. 57 Wien, Weight guaranteed, Send y'our address and small nod riall Trade Mark L ....ready to put on the kirs. • Atlantic Sugar Refineries Lgirrtited, F.. bit or top eed of carton and we will mall you El book of, 50 assorted Print Jar Labels -printed and memo, MONTREAL., QUE., ST. JOHN, N. B. antic Sti „. 11011111101111111111111111/11- 15117ill111;10111111111111119° 0u a .11•••=1••••021111111110111111MEMIMMIO Gawar.Terms Berzwar BRUSSELS Goma SOWED GOING 1901190 Express 7:18a80 Mail 11:22 a m Express.. 8:45 em I Expreas 8:52 p 01 , . . . CVIAParDISN ?satiric • WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Expreas 7:88 a m I Express 12;25 pm Express 12:68 • m Express 9.01) pro very loyal to their newspaper and. de- serve credit for it, We wish the Stand- ard everything good, C. Lott was a visitor with relatives at Whitechurch. Miss Lily Lairiont has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam. Bell, near Tees- waterrn. Ees t and Miss Ethel Goodwin, of Bluevale, and Miss A. McInnis, of Luc - know. were visitors with Brussels friends. Miss Mary Fear, who has been teach- ing school at Brigden,, is here for her vacation visiting her mother and other retatives and frieuds. Mrs (Dr) Macklin, Goderich, has re - calved a cable from her husband, -who ls, now located at, a military hospital in Dublin, and, together with her children, will sail from New York AS soon as she eau ruake arrangements for leaving, to join the doctor. Kenneth Cameron, of Lucknow local- ity, is at present laid up with ivy poison- ing in his right hand and arm which he got while cleaning an old fence bottom. The above inentioned gentleman is a brother to J, H. Cameron, of London, formerly of Brussels, Last week a Mr. Terry, of Windsor, made a short visit to Brussels.. Be lived here about 36 years ago with his parents and while visiting relatives at Monkton and Atwood took a run up hereto visit the old spot. Mr. Terry found a few folk he knew. Best Brains in Canada have partlelpated in the ore. aeration of our splendid lionie Study flouraea in Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting, Ootnniontial Art, Show Card Writing, Photograplry, Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Solent the work which most interests you and write us for particulars. Address . TOE SIOW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL a014 Tonga Bt., Toronto COLLEGE AT HOME Thommilde of ambitious lining Pee' pie are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy luorative ponitions as bookkeepers, Wools - pliers, elvIi servantii, in faot every ;inhere or activities. You may finish at college if ,Von so WIWI. 000141011A guar- anteed. Enter college any day. lodi- !diinl inatrucition„ Expert teachers. Thirty year& experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Eleven colleges, Special course for teachers. A ffillated with Commando' Eduoti- tOrs Ansociation of Canada. Summer Sehool at fanome Spotton Boldness Col- lege, London. Winghem Rosiness College Ono. srotron, w T. mom.. Preeident. Principal. WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:40 p. m. Going Weat - 12:19 and 5:58 0. in. 0.11 trains going Emit connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. S. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Looal Agent. Prat tfi ebostent MISS MAGGIE D. SHEDDER, formerly of Brussels, has taken a position in the Clare, Mich., hospital and if she likes it may spend some time there. SCALDED HIS VOOT.-WhIle working at the slaughter house recently, .Wm. Baeker had some scalding water doused down the leg of his rubber boot and bo. fore he .could get the foot clear it was badly scalded, The soreness is now getting away but it was very uucomfort- . . able for a while. A CANVASS was made of the business people last week for SpeciarPrizes to Brussels Fall Fair which will be held Thursday, Sept, soth and Friday, Oct. rst, Prize lists will be priuted shortly for distribution. Get busy on your entries for the Fair. This is the way to make it continue Lb horn. WENT TO SARNIA.-A, E Bradwin left on Wednesday of. last week for Sarnia, where he has taken over The Sarnia Post, 11 18 a weekly paper with a good advertising patronage and Mr. Bradwiu will no doubt keep it up to Melt water mark. He has had years of experience in newspaper business that should stand him in good stead. Rev. J J, and Mrs Liddy, of Hes peter. Ont., announce the engagement of their only daughter. Margaret Luuise, to Otis Osborne Worden, Winuipeg, sou of J. awl Mrs. Worden, Boetinatville, Out. The marriage will take place early in August. The coming bride is a half-sister to Rev. H. W. Avison 15, D., now of Acton, formerly of Brussels locality. THE Clinton News•Record says 1 -The following front town attended the W. C. .r. U. County Convention heicl in Brus- :tele on Thursday and Friday of lest week, the party going up in three motor cars: Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Powell, Mrs, Moore and Mrs. A. T. Cooper, C. J. and Mrs, Wallis, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. bleMath and Mrs. Geo, Lavin, Mr. and Mrs. Nediger, Mrs. Beacom, Miss LaVis and Rev, J. Greene. The Clinton dele- gates speak in the highest terms of the hospitality of the good people of 13rus- sets. NEWSPAPORIAL,-.The Wingham Times has jogged into its 18811 year under the guidance of 11. B. Elliott and vve hope even better success may attend In the future than has been the good fortune of the Times in the past. --to years have slipped past 81000 j. J. Hunter took his place at the helm 06 1115 Kincardiue Re- porter and he has proved a brow skipper and appears to be happy Whether the voyage 18a storm or debit, He is prov- ing a good wheelsman.-Oor active neighbor -The Blyth Standard -had it birthday recently, its 28th, and look's as chirpy as over under the 113 n FRUIT BULLETIN A Warning -If you have not secured your Raspberries, see your grocer at once. Niagara Peninsula grown Black Caps and Cuthberts areat their best. For canning they.can't be heat. Next week ends Raspberries. Black Currants, a few ly.ft. AUTOMOBILE AOGIDENT.-Phe Listowel Standard of last week gives the follow- ing particulars of the motor car neeet iu Whieb M. H. Moore, V. S„ was Injured -Dr. M. H. Moore is confined to his bed with injures to his back and Dr. James Moore received a severe shaking up, also had his legs bruised and cut when the automobile driven by Dr, James Moore overturned on the Pahner- ston road near 6th line Wallace on Wed- nesday They were returuing trom Mt. Forest about 4,30 p. in. and had reach- ed the 618 of Wallace when the steering gear of the car became loosened and in endsavoring to keep the car on the road, the gasoline lever was advanced causing the car to jumpoff the road. The car turned turtle, pinning the doctors under seat. Dr. Dimes Moore got out and pre- vented the car from rolling over again. F. A. Weber was phoned for and he took the victims of the accident into town. The body of the car was badly damaged. A strange coincident was uoted by Dr. James Moore. He attend- ed the late Mr. Steele, of bit. Forest, in the auto fatality which, occurred a few weeks ago on a road leading Into Listo- wel and Mrs. Steele, widow of the victim of the former accident, can3e to the sceue of Wednesday's accident in a CEIT while enroute from Mt. Forest, Dr. 54, H. Moore is doing as well as can be ex- pected. SCOPPED THE WHOLE THING --ttincar- dine Reporter sitys.-"On Friday after- noon last -a btinch of young ladies, is made at Mackinaw on the return p. 1, W. Smith, East street, has a pear tree in his garden which' rivals the orange trees Of California, in that it heti a fair growth of fruit and is also in blossom at the preeezit time. WibIbani Grinrotl had the nsisfor- tune to break a leg at the Big Mill. He was handling bags of flour and was standing on a bag in order to reach the top of A pile when his foot slipped and the twist'he received broke hie leg. ' BA.LLT BUILNED.-Little Nora. Craig, the 5 -year-old daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Craig, was severely burned Fri- day afternoon. The little girl was playing in the house and gob hold of smite matches, intik!' set fire to her clothes. Her mother, who. was in au adjoining room, heard her screams and managed to put the the out, but the girl WaS terribly burned about the body. A doctor was called and did all that could be done to relieve the pain. Goderich The installation team of the Gode- rich Lodge of Rebekahe visited Sea - forth Lodge. Huron Lodge, No. 82, I. 0. 0. F., has now a membership of 293 with 49 Past Grande in good standing. Rev. Horace Gravenor, Ge.veoliurst, has (Mantled the call to become pastor of the Goderich Baptist church. During the quarter ended June 30th 13 births, 19 deaths and marriages were recorded with the Town Clerk. bliss Helen Erna, Principal of New- noon of Miss Harriet- Abev went castle Iligh School, ie spending the up the "shore. to hold a picnic in vacation with her parents, Rev, J. E. honor of Miss Abey and also to make and Mrs. Font her a presentation of a handsome man!- Goderich Knitting Co. has received cure sett. While down to the lake front another order from the British Gov - having lore pictures taken some per. ernment, which will keep the factory sons stole the baskets with the provi• busy for some months. Mons and also the manicure sett. It was Steamer Huron is calling at Gode- a sore disappointtnent to the girls One riot' twice each week, Northbound on of them said they didn't care so much Tuesday at 11 p. in. and Southbound in Saturday at 11 01, m. Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo and. Cleveland are ports of nail on the Southbound ttip, and the Northern terminus, Sault Ste. Bev. G. J. and Mrs. Abey, formerly of Marie, is reached' by way of Sinew, Brussels. dine and the North Channel. .A. cabl for the eats as they did for the present to Miss Abey. There is a lot of petty thieving going on that should be prose- cuted." Miss Abey is a daughter of • a agement of amestammenomminstagemem Bro. J, H, R. Elliott. Myth folk aro 0 • 50 • PERTH COUNTY TEMPEENINCE VOTE, Following are the figures. for the Canada 1.'emperance .Act recently voted upon in Perth County, only three municipalities recording tri ajori Live against. it ;- ` 51unrcipalities For Against Maj. for Major'y Listowel 293 272 21 Against 51. Marys 451 460 4 Mitchell...-. ... . .... 238 198 38 ill i I ve iton . .. . 112 • 83 29 Wallace ' 334 24S 88 North Eaethope. .... 250 209 41 Small Easthope 101 245 Elmo 455 374 91 144 II ibbert . 252 235 17 Blanshard 397 161 216 Downie ........ - 357 387 242 165 202 Tie Fullerton Mornington...... ..., 315 315 T,ognii.......... .... 228 465 294 Ellice .... . 189 558 367 Total.. .. 4,373 ----- 4,103 -,-.- Majneity for the Act -175. The law will come into effect on May 1st 1016. . .............. ...... .............. ew G ro c e ry i : . * The undersigned has opened up a first-class * : stock of New Groceries, Canned Goods, . • Fruits, Confectionery, &c., in the • • SMITH BL.00K Two Doors South of : the American Hotel 4, and invites the patronage of the public. • • • • ing in the 'unanimous 'call to Mr. Mc- Donald. Rev. J. G. Miller put the mutat disciplinary questions to the minister regarding his faith and doctrine, which were all satisfactori- ly answered, Rev. M. McLean, Avonton, addressed the minister, dwelling chiefly upon the great im- portance of possessing and manifest- ing sympathy with his people in all their concerns and Rev. Finlay Mathe- son addressed the congregatiou. upon their duties to their minister. At the close Rev. W. D. McDonald was in- troduced to the congregation and by them was extended a hearty welcome. Rev. J. M. Shaw, of the Anglican Church, Revs. John Petit and Mar- shall, of the Baptist Church, and Rev. Dr. Jas. Husser, of the Methodist Church, were also present and on be- half of their respective churches ex- tended a heat ty welcome to Mr. Mc- Donald. After, the Ceremonies the ladies of the congregation served very dainty refreshments in the school- room. .Blyth A. M. Ilarthew has purchased a Ford car. • J. S. Chellew's new Overland runa- bout car has arrived. R. M. McKay has returned from London hospital where he bad under- gone treatment for an affliction of the eye. 250 tickets were sold at the G. T. R. station on the morning of the L2th, to those taking in the celebration at Winghauu. blaster Maurice Farr is "on deck" once more after being confiued to his home with illness for a couple of weeks. At the annual Methodist Summer School held at Alma College, St. Thomas, Charles Toll and Miss Pearl Gidley were sent as delegates from Blyth Sunday School and League. Win. Moore who has been on the Bail k of Hamilton staff here has been removed to Burlington branch. Wtn. Smith has been elevated to teller and. Arthur Tierney added to the staff. ....... 1 Restaurant in Connection Where may be found the Choicest Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, &c , served in up-toTdate style. • • • • • • Our aim will be Courteous treatment and Our Motto is prompt delivoey service at any time. Ring • . Quality First orders with neatness and dispatch, our phone, 40x., and we will 'attend 10 your • Rutter min Eggs taken as Cash. Roy McKay ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s•se Wincham A new water main is about to be laid, which will help a number of factory men who are glad of the job. The members of Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0. F., decorated their past members' graves last Sunday and engaged the Citizens' band for the 00- 00.91011. George Robinson, who left here about a year ago with the first con- tingent, has been honorably dis- charged on account of sickness and is here at his home recovering from a nerve attack. The Ladies' Patriotic Society is at present getting a shipment of goods and foodstuffs comprised of jellies and jams foe those at the front. Money 18. also being gathered to send a bed or cot for the hospital at Shorncliffe. Miss M. 0. Homuth has passed her examinations for vocal music at Whit- by and has received the A. T. C. M. degree with a gold medal for high standing. Her mother received a gold medal from the some place some years ago. Conservative in politics. Rev. W. T. Oluff, of Stratford, is a brother, also John Oluff, Goderich Township. He leaves a wife and three daughters. Clinton School Board re-engaged the pres- ent staff for the next term. Wilmen Wallace has taken a posi- tion with the G. T. R. at the station filling Jos. lidanning's place. While climbing a tree Hazel Carter, the '7 year-old daughter of L and Mrs. Carter, fell and broke her arm. Elmer Beacom, son of Mrs. A. Bea- com, has enlisted for the new Cana- dian Contingent and has gone to Lon- don to commence training. Mrs. Shillington and little son, South Bend, Ind., are guests of the formet's parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge at Wesley parsonage. Dr. McNally, district medical Health officer, accompanied by Dr. Shaw, M. H. 0. and. School Inspector Field, met some of the school trustees. Dr. Mc- Nally stated that Board would have to erect a sanitary lavatory as soon as poseible. Model School Board picked on Mies Jennie Rands, Principal of the Gratie Public School, as teacher during the Model torm at salary of $250. Miss Rands is an old Modelite and taught one term at Summerhill and had good success at Gorrie school the past 2 years. Word was received that Olas and Mrs. Olson and daughter Florence were killed at Grassy Lake iii a cy- clone which struck Southern Alberta last month. They were inside their house when wrecked. They resided here for some veins and left for the West 10 or 12 years ago. R. J. °MIFF DEAD. - R. J. Olaf, a prominent business man of Clinton, died suddenly of heart failure at his home on Hager street about 5 o'clock Friday morning in his 85th year. Be was a retail shoe merchant, and was in the travellers' sample room placing an order for shoes at 8 o'clock Thurs- day night and complained he was not feeling very well, but after placing a part of his order was able to walk to his home, and retired about the usual time. The doctor Was called about 8 o'clock, but could do nothing for him, and be died. two hours later. Deceas- ed was web known in this district, having been born in Goderich Town- ship, and for many years has been in business in Clinton. He was a mem- ber of the town council for several years and also acted as chairman of the Centre Huron Board of License Commissioners until last May, when his work was taken over by the Pro- vincial Board, In religion he was an Anglican, and also a member of the Masonic and Orange lodges, and a Atwood A. number of our local bowlers have been playing hi Mount Forest a few days last week. The Epworth League and the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will hold their annual lawn social - "The Allies' Social," Wednesday evening, July 28011, on the lawn of John Love, The farmers who were busy cutting hay find 18 0» the whole to be a fair crop. Fall wheat, oats and barley promise to yield very heavily through- out this dietrict, while the corn, sugar - beets and other root crops, under favorable conditions, will also yield a good harveat. The funeral services for G. A. Full. ston who passed away very suddenly on Monday of last week, were con- ducted Wednesday afternoon at the house and the grave by Rev. A. C. Stewart, North Mornington, assisted by Rev. De. J. Husser, Atwood. The late Mr. Fulston was in his 80th year, and bad been a resident of Elma and the lot on which he died since Elmo was a primeval forest. He was a good citizen, a member of the Presbyterian Church and a very kind and obliging neighbor. Besides his widow he leaves two daughters and several sons, most of the latter residing in Mani- toba. The funeral was large and the service itnpressive. Interment was made in the Donegal Cemetery. INDIXTION.-The induction of Rev. D. W. McDonald, B. A., of Wank - worth, in the Presbytery of Peter- horo to Atwood, in the Presbytery of Stratford, took place Thursday after- noon of last week. Congregation was large, being added to by a number of different denominations. Rev. J. 0, Miller, St. Marys, presided. The or. men was peached by Rev, A. 0. Stewart, North Mornington, brother. Of Ilev, Mr. McDonald. Rev, Finlay Matheson, Stratford, related the steps taken since the declaration that the ipulpib Was vacant, tertninat- Fordwich Morley Aylesworth and little daugh- ter, Helen, are visiting et the home of his parents here. Miss Mildred McLaughlin was sue- cessfulin passing her primary muelcal exams. at Listowel. Geo. and Arch. McMichael arrived back from the West. They report conditions in the Western provinces very favorable. E. Lester has joined the 33rd Over. seas Battalion, Canadian Expedition- ary Force, and left for Loudon, Ont., where he will await further orders, He expects to leave for England short- ly. Mrs. Lester and family will re- main here. Personality A Factor in the Mak- in of Men's Clothes "Personality," says one whose wisdom is not to be questioned, "is the greatest thing in the world." We all know how it counts in the work of this busy world — forcing success where least expected. Well - fitting, well - made clothes are a proven im- portant factor in adding to a man's personality, just as, contra -wise, an ill-fitting, ill -made suit will draw off from the most pronounced personality. Personality is a mark of every suit and coat made by the House of Hobber- lin. It is for this reason that the men who "care" are customers of this house. Every garment made to measure. Sole .figent for Hobberlin Tailoring W. P. Fraser ************************** ***********************40 ***40 40 • 40 40 1 Western, SePt.4040 1, Fair • • London Canada 10th -18th 1915 $3 0, 0 0 0 in Prizes • • : 40 • • • • • • and Attractions • • • • Prizes increased this year by • $3,000.00. Excellent Program of At- tractions Twice Daily. • Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night New Steel Grandstand. Midway better than ever i Music by the Best Available Bands , : SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto, • iand Fare and One-third from outside points. 0. • — • Pride taste, Eittry Forme and all InfOrmatlor. from *h� Secretary. A. NI, HUNT, Secretary . W. J. REID, President : •0104.40404040.0•04401010.40cOo.400.4,I104010•0144••41444•44,400.4,44.414,44