HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-7-22, Page 1VOL. 44 NO.
To Farmers
You would not think of letting
productive land lie -idle. Is
your. surplus money working s
for you? If not, we suggest that
you open a savings "account
with us, Where but in a good
sound Bank can your money—
whether >R10 or $10,000—be set
to work earning interest, and,
at the same time, remain ab-
solutely.aafe and immediately
available? • 492
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
Incorporated 1832
PAID -OP CAPITAL - $ 6,600,000
RESERVE FUND - - 12,000,000
TOTAL RESOURCES over 90,000,000
F. a Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisem•nts
9'rult Boliotin, �_
Rug found—Tam Posx.
Last notice—Wm. Pryne.
Money lost—A. Reymann.
Locals—Ontario Clothing Co.
House to rent—R. Leatherdale.
Let nothing keep you—Ontario Clothing Co.
3istrict stbas
Urns work. From 6 to? p, m. Foot
Ban match will be played ed botw oa
team front 81d Line, Wallace, and the
Molesworth "Stalwarts," A 100 fee
*ill be charged to the game, A
dandy time ie expected so don't on
any asCount fail to attend the Garden
Party, Mies Laura Mitchell is the
President of the Institute and Miss
Ella Fraser, Secretary.
Next Sabbath afternoon a union
service will be held in the Presbyter-
ian church- here when Rev. Mr.
Moorehouse, Methodist pastor will
occupy the pulpit.
Molesworth Women's Institute will
hold a Garden Party on the School
grounds here Wednesday evening of
next week, Supper served from 8 to
8 o'clock. Choice program, including
Brass Band and talent from Trow-
bridge, Jamestown, Ethel and Moles-
worth. Admission 25 cents, children
15 cents. Proceeds 'g'o to the Red
Nbtidsy NOTES,—Mise May David-
son spent several days of last week in
Wingham.— Win. Stewart, New
Orleans, Jno. and Miss Agnes, Toren -
and Alex. and Chas. Stewart,
Windsor, are visiting their mother,
Mre, D. Stewart, Turnberry,—Rev,
T. M. and Mrs. Wesley left on Friday
for a three weeks' vacation. at Bruce
Beach.—Presbyterian and Methodist
Sunday Schools held a union picnic
last Tuesday at D. MoTavIsb'o bush
ip 'J'urnberry.—E. and Mre. Cardiff,
Brneeels, spent Sunday with the
latter'e parents, Jon. and Mre. Morri-
sou.-Itlise Gerrie Harris, Toronto, is
the guest of her ,au'n't, Mrs. Gep,
Harris.— Herbert Patterson spent
.Sunday at his home in Harriston.-R.
Shaw, of Bluevale preached in the
Presbyterian church on ' Sunday.—
Mrs.:Smith has returned to Bi ussels.
—T. W. and J. J. Gibson,. Toronto,
spent Sunday in the village.—Mies
Mae' Brethauer leaves this week to
visit relatives at , Berlin.— Donald
Pope has purchased the_ King Edward
Hotel property.—Mise Pearl Kaake'
returned from Millbank on Friday.—
riday.Mrs. Tennyson and children, Toronto,
are guests of the former's parents, B.
and Mrs. Henning,—Miss Daley W11
son,,who closed her millinery business
forthis season on Saturday, has 'gone
i ssele.—Jno. Rae,
her home n Br
Early, le holidaying with his parents.
D. and Mrs. Rae, Howick.—Irene
Stooks, Robert Savage. James Rae
and Alex. Rasmussen were successful
in the recent entrance examination,
the hitter taking honors.—Mies Isabel
Howe, Wingham, was a visitor. with
Mies Lizzie Sanderson last week.—D.
Littlejohn, of the Bank of .Hamilton,
went to Niagara on Friday where be
will spend two weeks vacation. W.
Tait, Gerrie,' is relieving in hie ab-
senee.—Mre. W. Patterson is visiting
friends in Loudon.—aline Bella Mc-
Dougall, who had been in the West-
ern hospital, Toronto, for some
months, has recovered sufficiently to
return to her home here last week.—
Jno. Rutledge and son, Weldon,
Brampton, were calling on friends
here this week. -Mies Carrie Lawrie,
Toronto, is the guest of Miss E.
Hazlewood.— Misses Margaret and
Clare Allen, London. are visitors at
the home of T. A. Gibson. -Robert
MoKercher left on Wednesday to
spend a two week's holiday at Allton-
' quin park.—A rink of bowlers, ' F.
Davey, W. E. Van Velsor, N. White
J. Wendt lLeni
ed the h
tout nams t in Mt
Forest last week.
They ,played 8 games, winning one
from Atwood and being defeated by
Clift, Forest and Arthur, la,y one shot
in the ether Iwo,—Rev T. M. Wesley
Rev. Mr, Gibson and Alex. McKereh
ae, 7, D. AIfillet'and Frank • Sanderson
motored to. Ayton last week for a
day's fishing of trout,—Mrs, Nelson,
Carberry, Man„ was a guest at 3. D.
F. K. George, Aylmer, has been ap-
pointed organist and. Choir leader of
First Presbvterian Church, Seitfnrth.
Joseph Abell, who died in Toronto
Thursday, was an old Seafogth boy,
And served his apprenticeship in the
store of. W. Pickard. His mother and
brother still reside here.
There will only he one change in the
Public School staff at the opening of
the Fall term. Miss Mary Habkirk
succeeds Mise Somerville, who is on an
extended visit. to the West in 'the
hope of regaining her health.
NN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN•••••••••••••••• •
• II
Brussels Sayht Store G. ILMcLaren ••
• L,•6.10.01. I hi IIM g1 ii.II n,,,e.11.11 IV'1101i. rtM "I •1 PoAM'hMOVIAi 1„MW'IA•0 Ni h,el/100.10 4,M.. 4,virw :.
•o Y
■ •
19Gargaius2in1 eBi Summ rGoods
Leadbury .
Backwell are
and Wesley1
David n H
home from Rochester, N. Y.,- to spend
the holidays.
Miss Oora Forbes purposes attend-
ing the Normal" School next terra for
further qualification in the teaching
Art. She -has done well in ,the pro-
fession. -
Christopher Barrows has erected a
neat and commodious ,driving shed of
concrete with galvanized Iron roof
which le in taste with his other good.
substantial buildipgs.
Congratulations are extended to
Misses Edna Reid, Della MeGavin and
Ellie Archibald of S. S. No. 12 and Ida
Crozier and Elmer Dennis of No. 9
over their success -at the recent En
,trance exams.
DEATH OF MRS. E iGns. The neigh-
bors and friends were sadly surprised
to hear of the sudden death of Mrs.
Wm. Hudie, ,of this locality, which
occurred on Saturday "forenoon. The
deceased was -a woman possessed of
many gond qualities. Her funeral
took place on Monday,"afternoon to
Maitland Cemetery, Seaforth, and
was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Page,
Brussels, conducted the service. The
sincere sympathy of a'large circle of
friends is with the bereaved in their
sudden lose. Deceased was formerly
a Mies Coulter. Morris township. Mr.
Hudie predeceased his wife.
Big Bargains in all Summer Waists and Wash Dresses
Big Bargains in all Summer Dress Materials
Big Bargains in Laces and Embroideries
_ Also Summer Underclothing all sizes
members are • requested to bring
many of
t n o a n
k, and mayIt V.t 9
ns to iY
b t
their friends as they wish to provide
for, Visitors should go through Mr,
Blank's lune in order Go reach the
picnic grounds•whiclt are very pleas,
an fly located by the river 'with plenty
of shade and room for games,
DoYOUl even now= IOU? J. Q. Jones,
graduate optician and watoh matter, will left
Bel grave each Wednesday and Ivey befy-gndat
Hotel, ready to attend to testing of eyes and
will also repair watches and oloelw. Tele.
phonallo, 110 for further information.
Prospects for field and' garden °rope
around here look most assuring.
Rev. Mr. Wesley, 'Wrox'etee, will
preach in the Presbyterian - churchi
next Sabbath morning.'
D. Krighauni and wife, of Buffalo,
and Miller, and Mrs. Procter were re-
newing old friendships in this locality.
Next Sabbath evening the pastor
will have as his subject in the Afetho-
dist church "A young man's dilem-
Rumor has it that Dr. Guilford,
London, may commence the practice
of his profession here in the near
.Dr,•and, Mrs. R. L. Stewart were re-
newing old friendships in Belgrave
this week. ; The Dr. is regaining his
old time vigor after his operation.,,
Rev. and Mrs. Boyle are away to
Sauble for a vacation of four weeks
which we trust will prove most en-
joyable. The pulpit of the Presby-
terian church will he supplied.
Mise Evelyn McIntosh, Stratford,
who was visiting at the home of
Charles and Mrs. Procter, has return.
ed home. Miss Margaret Procter ac-
companied her to the Clapel° oily.
Last Friday two rinks of Belgrave
bowlers went to Blyth and enjoyed a
friendlygame even if the did not
win against the well seasoned trend -
lets of the sphere in that place. Bet-
ter luck next time, perbaps.
The financial statement of the Meth-
odist church Belgrave circuit fqr the
past Conference year shows $781.49
raised for pastor's salary; $295,03 for
Missions ; Educational and Connex
lanai Funds -$93.60. Prospects' are
favorable for a move -up and the three
congregations disposed to buckle into
the work under the guidance of the
new pastor, Rev. Mr. Parnaby.
o' Big Bargains in Gloves and Hosiery •
• •Big Bargains in Straw Hats for Men, Boy`s &'Children :
•o - -
• •
•. •- 8
Clearing all Summer
. Boots, Shoes and Slippers s
• re •.
• Ladies', Misses', Children's and Men's lines go
••• 1, 2 & 3 Strap Slippers. Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords
White Slippers and Button Boots.
• Bare 'Foot Sandles. ••
i Men's Tan and Patent Oxfords wnav o 'y' Welt- 1
• $Ls UU
• _ed Soles, regular X4.00. Sale price ... ... •
• •
Bi Bargains in le
g ar
• g
Bo•ys' and Men's Suits1
• -
For the next 20 days we are cutting the prices in Men's es
es and Boys' Suits. We have too man en hand and they •
• mustggy—the Low Prices will certainlysend thein not and - •
• Wil NEED THE MONEY. Just take a look and compare
Mies Vine Armstrong is home from
she has been Attending
College, o e e for her• vacation. She is a
daughter of Mre, Edward Armstrong,
13th run,,
Last; week Mrs, Jno. Dil'iing arrived
back from the Geneve, hospital,
Guelph, where she spent 7 weeks,.
She., i9 somewhat improved by the
nperrttiou and we hope will soon be o,
S. S. No, 1 made a great record at
the Fiutrl0000 exam, all the pupils
pttssi gig who wrote, Their names are.
Jae. A. Ao'mstrong, May Armstrong,.
Wilfrid Cameron, Oewald Hemming
way and Merriam Lowe, arranged
alphabetically. Mies Jessie Menzies
is tare teacher who has not shed a tear
over' the result.
Mies Jeesie MoLaitohlin, of Hamiota,
Man., is here cn a holiday visit .with
her sister, Mrs. A. D. Grant, 8th Con,
She had been attending the Inter-
national Christian Endeavor Conven-
tion at Chicago. Miss McLauchlan
likes the West. She is a musicteaeh-
er, and leader of the Presbyterian
church choir in Herniota, positions
she is well qualified to. ell.
Miss Hall, of Ethel, was visiting her
sister, Mrs. George Eckmier.
Miss Isabel Dennis, Hamilton, is
visiting her cnusine, the McDonald
Service was suspended in Victoria
Hall en Sunday evening. Next Sun-
day R. McKay, Ethel, will take
charge. -
Mrs. Geo.. Werner and her four
daughters, Sharovan, Sask,, are visi-
tors with the former's parent, Mrs.
Thos. Strachan.
Neil M, Richardson, of Manor, Sask.,
is visiting his brother Donald in Grey
township. The visitor has done well'.
in the Weet we are pleased to hear.
We are pleased to -see Mrs. Duncan
McDonald back home once more who
is regaining her health very satis-
factorily. We hope she will soon be
o. k.
Florence, the 8 year old daughter of
L. and Mrs. Eckmier, had the mis-
fortune to break her right arm near
the shoulder by a fall down stairs.
Although the injnted- member has
catered considerable pain we hope Mies
Florence will soon be es well as ever.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home nf Mrs. 3. D. Miller, Thursday,
July 291h. - Subject "Cool drinks and
cool deeeerts" will he introduced by
Mrs. Eckmier and Mies Marjorie
Strachan. A good attendanceasked
• i
.s Highest Prices for Produce.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day; August 2nd. '
Miss Cora Speir is home from Tor-
onto for her vacation.
. Misses Oora and Gertrude Arm-
strong, 5th line, are visiting with
relatives at Wiarton and Owen Sound.
Misses Beryl and Zenda Salter, of
Clinton, have been holidaying with
their uncle and aunt, H. J. and Mrs.
Miss Mary Dark is home for her va-
cation from her school near Palmers-
ton.. - She will continue her good
work after the holiday.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, E. J.
Powell, of Clinton, will occupy the
pulpit nf the Jackson church, the
pastor being absent on a holiday.
In S. S. No 3 Gertrude Bone, Mary
Bowman and Saml. Yuill passed the
Entrance examination and are to be
congratulated. They wrote at Brus-
Mrs. T. Bell, Georgetown, Mise E.
M. Bell, and children, New "York and
Mrs. 0. T. Hammond, Newark, N. J.
ivere visitors at the home of Robt.
Newcombe, 8th line; Morris, duriug
the past week,
Thos. Yuill and family, of Vander-
bilt, Mich., are making their yearly
holiday visit with relatives in Morris
and Grey townships. They made the
trip by motor car. The Yuill Bros:
are always welcome back to their old
home even if a good many years have
lapsed since they were permanent
residents about here.
w .T.—Last Monday an old and high-
ly esteemed lady passed away in the
person of Mrs, Robert Shortreed, at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cum-
mings. Cause of demise stroke of
paralysis. Mr. Shortreed• predeceased
her some years. One son, Wm. H.,
survives. The funeral took place to
Brussels cemetery on Wednesday
afternoon. Deceased hada wide circle
of relatives and friends by whom she
was greatly beloved.
Miss Alice Paul spent the past week
in Tel onto.
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stewart have
been vieiting relatives in. Bluevale:
Mester Robert Stewart, Acton, is
spending hie holidays with Bluevale
VVeslininete' Guild ie serving ice
,•., Piun in the 'Council Chamber every
Saturday evening.
'Phos, Nichol, 'rnronto, is spending
his holidays with his parents, Jas. and
Mrs. Nichol, of Turnberry.
Rev, A. J. Manu, B. A., Brussels,
will conduct, the service in the Prim -
by teeian
res-byl.etlan church next Sabbath.
The young people of Knox church,'
are invited to spend a social evening
at the nntnsc on Friday night.
Miss Woods and Mies Miller, St.
Helene, have been visiting their
Friends, Misses Bernice and Wilma
We congratulate Miss Lillian Mc-
Call on her emcees in the recent ex-
aminatinns of the' Toronto College of
Music in which ,she won honors in
third year piano and let class honor's
in first year History of music.
The ladies baseball match which is
to be held at the Literary Society
picnic next Wednesday afternoon is
arousing great interest, As the girls
ate practising three nights a week
some fast playing may be expected.
The inembers of the Bluevale Liter-
ary Society
iter-arySociety intend holding a picnic on
Grey's flats, Bluevale, next Wednee-
day afternoon, July 2i, This is to be
a friendly, old fashioned picnic and
promises to afford an afternoon's en-
joyment meat
to the
and their.
Mende, A fine prostata of sports is
being prepared including a baseball
match between the married and
single ladies ; a fent hall match and
sports for young and old for which
prizsa Will be awarded to the ►bets,
Dias Mamie Cameron is holidaying
with Stratford friends.
Rep. Mr. Wilson will preac
h in Knox
Church next Sunday morning,
W. L. Keeling,Cargill, is a visitor
at the home of . J. M. Helm.
Monday morning Geo. Seimon
caught 7 pound of bass in the river.
Mies E. Calder, Toronto, is a wel-
come visitor
el-come:visitor at the home of J. Forrest,
Miss Lulu and Master Aylmer Mc-
Donald, Stratford, are visiting Mende
Mtge Jessie Menzies Is home from an
bietime art
the Summer School
at St: Thomas.
The Misses Switzer are spending
their vacation at their home on the
banks of the Maitland.
Mr. and Mre. Foereter and Mr. and
Mrs. Berfeitz attended an anniversary
in Kurtzville on July llth.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. D.
Wren resumes his pulpit duties in the
Methodist church after 3 weeks vaca-
tion. •
Some rare sport is on the program
here over the Base Ball games. The
proceeds from sale of refreshments are
applied to Red Cross funds.
Misses Lavine and Bessie Alderson
and Jas. Duncan, Toronto, and Mrs.
Guthrie and baby, of Hamilton, are
here for a visit at Win. Alderson's.
A large congregation was at the
Methodist .church on Sunday after-
noon to greet DeWitt °oaens, son of a
former pastor, who did splendidly.
Harrah. for Oranbrook school. All
the pupils who wrote at the Entrance
passed, one, Irene Kreuter, taking
honors. Miss McNair shares in the
A Garden Party will be held at the
Methodist church grounds Thursday
evening of next week. After supper
served from 6 to 8 o'clock a choice
program will be rendered. Stratford
male, Quartette will sing and Mr.
Pequignot, home from the battle front
in France will give reminiscences
from the war zone. Don't miss this
The members of the N. B. B. 0. 0.
Society having arranged a surprise
party last Thursday evening about 30
of Cranbrook's young folk gathered at
the residence of Fred. and Mrs.
Jeschke, where they epent a most en-
joyable time. After serving a gener-
ous and dainty lunch under starlit
trees 8 cheers were given in honor of
the host and hostess for their cordial
reception and the party dissolved in
hopes of seeing euoh another surprise
in the near future.
Township Council will meet- next
Monday at Ethel.
Mies Jennie Vance, of New Ham-
burg, ie a visitor with Mrs. W.
Cochrane, 14th Oon.
Miss Fern Cline, of Stratford, is a
visitor at the borne of Edward and
Mrs. Garvin, 1 miles South of Brus-
Robb, J. Brown, son of Robert
Brown, of Silverdale, is spending his
vacation at Deputy Reeve Browns and
Isaac Lake's, relatives.
Mise Ida Lorain has been re-engaged
as teacher in the Barker school at a
•salary of $010. This is her 3rd year in
this school where she is doing A 1
Some of the folk on the Oth line stilt-.
gest the advisability of a Greyite tak-
o t
ing a horse along with his runabout
• to afford a means of locomotion in
Daae of the former balking.
Following pupils of S. S. No. 10
pursed the recent Enttance examines
tion, writing at. Brussels :—G, Henry,
O, Speiran and L. Whitfield. Mise V.
R. Leitch is the teacher who shares in
the compliments,
Last week Miss Jennie Rands, who
has been Principei of Gerrie school for
the past 2 years, was engaged to
teach on thep ubllc school staff at
Clinton cutin
' the Model School term.
She met with fine success this year as
on former necaeions, her 8 pupils pass-
ing the Entrance and.8 the Junior
Puhlie school graduation. Miss Rands
ie an excellent. teacher,
Last NDtii
All parties indebted to the
Pryne Milling Co. are asked
to settle with the undersigned
before August fist or accounts
will be handed to the Clerk of
the Court for collection,
Wm. Pryne
Rev. Mr. Wilson will preach next
Sabbath afternoon in the Presbyterian
church. He is a brother-in-law to
Mrs. Wm. Spence and has visited
here on former occasions.
Nelson Henry, conductor from Cal-
gary, and his son, Athol, from Lon-
don, were visiting his brother and old
friends in Ethel last week. It is 17
years since Nelson visited the old
home and he noticed a great many
Ethel pupils fared well at the
Entrance all who wrote passing. The
names are as follows, being arranged
alphabetically : — Cecil Bateman,
Myrtle Lamont, Archie McDonald and
David McKee. We wish the quartette
and their teacher, Miss MoLelland,
continued eucceee.
Orvtos.—On Monday of each week J, G.
Jones, graduate Optician end Watehmak-
er, will be at W. H. Love's store, Ethel,
commencing last Monde', ready to attend to
testing of eyes. He will also do re aeeiiprs to
iNwatches, Ito you require any help ingmelone
call to see him.
Fall wheat is about ready to cut
and is a good crop especially on high
The fleet half of July cheese was
sold last week by Ethel factory at 13
cents per pound.
Athol Henry. sang a solo in the
Methodist Sunday School last Sun-
day which was greatly enjoyed by all,
Miss Mina Elliott, of Thornhill, is
spending her vacation at the home of
Peter and Mrs. McKay, West of Ethel,
Rev. and Mrs. Wren and son, of
Brussels, who were holidaying here
have returned totheir home after an
enjoyable vacation,
Albert Patterson and mother, New-
bridge ; Bert. and Mrs. Cooper and
sen, Fordwich, were visitors with
Robert and Mrs. Dilworth,
The Dungannon News of last week
Bays :—Mrs, (Rev.) I. A. McKelvey
and Miss Irene left for Montreal where
they will visit relatives and friends.
we err was visgat inrola-
Miss Al'
tives and friends in Listowel and
Wallace. She btoughtMieses Phoebe
and Maggie Tindall, of Wallace, back
With her,
We are sorry to state that Rev. Mr.
Johnson had the misfortune to break
his righb arm while cranking his car
but we hope he will soon recover from
the accident.
The Sunshine B. 0. and Miss McLel-
land's Claes of the Methodist Sunday
School have invited the members of
the Y. M. B. C. and the Tri -mu Claes
to picnic and marshmallow roast Fri-
day afternoon and evening of this
• week.
The Wingham Times of last week
says :—Mrs. Adam Schaefer hat been
eerioaely 111 for some time and under-
went an operation in the Wingham
Hoop tal lath week,
frictde will wish her a speedy recov-
ery.—Alfred 0, Schaefer left on Tues-
day for Brantford where he has again
taken a position as brakeman on the
0, T, R,
Sunday School Excursion to Gode-
rich next Wednesday. Fare from Mc-
Naught is $1.00 for adults and 50 cents
for children, train going at 9.15 a. m.
Fox, Charles Smith and Florence 'Mc-
Naughton are ander r'tmsideratiop by
e rarttnent.
Evelyn Adams, Verna Adams', Ed-
gar Allen, Edward Archibald (honors);
Evelyn Blake, Rosa Boyd, Russel Bris-
tow, Harvey Brtrrows (honors), Della '
Button (honors), Janet Calder, Frank
Coates (honors), Oleudone- Oolbert,
Mary Crosbie (honors), John Diable,
Elsie Made, Kate Doig, Allan Farn•
ham, W. Finlayson, Clifford Freeman,' .
Ina Hart (honors), Mary Hays' (hon-
eys, W. 'Stanley Hays (honors), Gus
Bicknell, Hazel Jefferson, Edmond'
Keating (honors), Elizabeth Keating
(honors), Gordon Kerr, Leslie Kerr,
Elizabeth McCowan, Rose McGonigle:
James McQuaid, John Melady, Joseph
Melady, Annie Moore, leek Melville.
Dorothy O'Connell (houox's), Ruth
Powell (honors), Agnes Purcell, Mary
Purcell, Margaret Reeves (honors ,Ben
Roberts, Dinah Staples, Annie Stew •
art, George Stewart, Doreen Taman
(honors) Jean Turner, Mae. Urquhart,
William Wheatley, Emerson Wright, ' .-
Josephine Livingstone, Mabel Living -
atone (honors).
Ida Crozier, Ida Regele, Minnie Sie-
Roy Barr, Luella Cook, Carrie Demp-
sey, Myrtle Grainger, Henry flunking
(honors), Irving Kaine, Loretta Mc-
Caughey, Harvey Mason, Earl Mills,
Rena Reid, Elva Richmond, Lyall
Robinson (honors), Annie Taylor,
Edith Turner.
Rev, R. A. and Mrs, Lundy are a-
way for their Summer vacation.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Oraik, Methodist pastor, will preach
in Duffs church and in the Methodist
church in the afternoon.
Excursion to Goderich next Wed-
nesday. Train leaves Walton at 9.30
a, m. and the fare is 80 cents for adults
and 40 cents for children, The return
trip starts from the Co. town at 7 in
the evening.
GOLDEN WEDDING. -1805 — 1915.—
An interesting gathering was held at
the comfortable home of John and
Mrs. Berry last Tuesday, July 200h,
on the occasion of the 50th Annivers-
ary of their wedding day. The eons
and daughters had come from far and
near. There were Mrs. Andrew
Young and Mrs. J. T. Campbell, of
Cypress River, Man. ; J. J. Berry and
W. H. Berry, of Gilbert Plaine ; Mrs.
J. S. McGavin, Leadbury, with her
husband, son and danghter. Two
brothers of Mr. Berry's were also
present, Wm. Berry, of Arthur, and
Henry Berry, wife and daughter from
Grand Valley, others were prevented
owing to unforseen circumstances.
The gathering was informal and only
the three clergy of the Walton church-
es besides the relatives were present.
Supper was served nu the lawn and
guests were seated as follows :—Rev.
11. E. Page, Mr, and Mrs. Berry, the
children and relatives, Rev. Mr. Oraik
and Mrs. Craik Mrs. Page and son
and Rev. Mr. Lundy. After grace
was sung a splendid meal was served,
ending with the distribution of the
Golden Wedding cake. An adjourn-
ment was made to the hoose where
the program was continued under the
chairmanship of Rev. Mr. Page, the
pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Berry. After
a few remarks felicitating the couple
and congratulating the children he
called on Joseph Berry, the eldest son,
who read an address of congratula-
tion and thanksgiving that the par-
ents had been spared to them, ending
the address with a presentation to the
bridal couple of 50 years ago. Mrs.
Berry made a most suitable reply in
behalf of her husband and herself and
thanked all most cordially. Numer-
ous other presents had been received
from relatives and friends. It was
learned during the remarks of the
eldest son, that the family had not
suffered any loss by death, a great
record. After the addtess the chair-
man called on Messrs. Lundy and
Craik to offer prayer. The Benedic-
tion brought the interesting function
to an end and many good wishes were
expressed for the worthy host and
hostess as the company separated.
Mr. and Mrs. Berry have resided in
this locality for over 45 years coming
from Elansherd township, Perth Co.
They are womb highly esteemed and
respected and many good wishes are
extended by the neighborhood that
they may live to see the Diamond
East Huron Inspectorate
Examination Results
Entrance Exame,
Ellie Archibald, Oora Armstrong,
James Armstrong, May Armstrong,
Selwyn Baker, Pauline Barkley (hon.
ors), Cecil Bateman (honors), Gertrude
Bone, Mary Bowman, Watson Brown
(honors), Wilfred Cameron, Gordon
Campbell (honors), Albert Cardiff,
Myrtle Carter, Archibald Currie, El-
mer Dennis, Alex. Fox, Oscar Gorsal-
itz, Oswald Hemingway, George
Henry, Ida Hunter, Harry James
(honors), Alfred Knight, Irene Kreu-
ter (honors), Myrtle Lamont, Claire
Long, Marie Long, Merriam Lowe,
Archie McDonald, Tom J. Macdonald,
Gordon McEwen, Della McGavin,
Arnold McKay, David McKee, Stuart
Noble, Myrtle Pewee!' (honors),
George Ramsay, Edna L. Reid, Mar -
tele Ross, Florence Seehaver, Wil -
am Simpson, May Skelton (honors),
Annie Smalidon, Charles Smith, L.
Souter, Colwell Speiran, Annie Thuell,
Jack Warwick, Lawrence Whitfield,
Sam. Yuill.
Marion Andrews (honors), Ione
Bruck, Florence Cartwright, Mabel
Castle, Edna Crich (honors), Mabel
Crich, Phyllis Crich, Guy Cunning-
ham, Sadie Drafter, Oleta Dunford
(honors), Alex. Eagleson (honors),
George Evans, Emile Ford, Helen
Forrester, Nettie Glazier, Daniel
Glidden, George Green, Harriet Greig,
Fletcher Gibbings, Retreat Hall, Leona
Hearn, Fanny Hellyar, Eulalie Hill,
Mary Holland, Winnifted Hunt,
Jessie Jackson, Spence Jackson,
Arnold Jamieson (honors), Cora Jervis.
(honors), Winnifred Jervis, Irene Kel-
ler, Wesley Killough, Harry Lawrence
(honors) Jean Lindsay (honors), Ernest
Livermore (honors), Lyda Livermore
(honors), Edna McCaughey, Ronald
McKenzie, George Middleton(honore),
Edyth Mogtidge, J, Edgar Morris,
Orville Murphy, Seeil Peckitt, Myrtle
Powell (honors), Harry Rance (hon-
ors), Mae Rutledge, Robert Schreak
(honors), 111adelon Shaw, Pretoria
Shipley, Vesta Snyder (honors), Clif-
ford Stewart, Kenneth Stewart,
Edythe Stirling, Elden Stoltz (hon-
ors), Fred. Wallis (honors), Ethel
Warman (honors).
George Allen, Myrtle Bennett (hon-
ors), Sanderson Bream, Jean Christie,
Vera Davidson, Annie Davidson,
David Deacon, William Dear, Edna
Elliott, Verna Elliott (honors), Addi-
son Frazer•, Irene Hewer, Ruby Hew-
er, Alice Hibbert, David Holmes,
Charles Isard, Oora Jewitt, Phyllis
Johns, Edna Lincoln (honors), Camer-
on McDonald (honors). Howard Mc-
Donald, Norman McGill, Lizzie Mc-
Kague, Harold Mann, Annie Mason,
Teddy Muren, Herman Nebhery, Wal-
ter Nicol, John Nichola, James Per-
due, Margaret Piper, Fred. Sturdy,
Hazel Taylor, Grace T
uckee Winni-
fred Walker, Lottie Zurbrigg.
Lorna Ashton, Jennie Austen, Jack
Edgar, Ruby Oathere, Harry Gowdy,
Edna Harris, Alma Hastie, Verna
51erkley, Hugh Miller, Laura Mitchell,
Wilfred Pharr, James Rae, Alex. Ras-
mussen (honors), Alex. Ross (honors),
Robert Savage, Vera Steinmiller, A -
varetta Stilwell, Irene Stocks, Alvin
The following are the remits of the
recent Entrance examinations in the
different centres of the inspectorate of
East Huron :--
-The highest total obtained in Clin-
ton was by Harry Rance, 520 ; in
Blyth by Lyall Robinson, 492 ; in Sea -
forth by Dorothy O'Connell, 543' in
Seaforth centre, Mabel Livingston,
545 ; in Brussels centre, W. Brown,
.ham ' inin .ham contra U
McDonald, 513 •, in Wroxeter, Alex.
Rasmussen, 524 ; in Fordwich, Roy
Gadke, 527. The highest marks obi
bained in the Inspectorate were by
Mabel Livingston. The oases of Jean
Reamed Allen, Kenneth Ashton, •
Marshall Benson, Irene Brown, Ger-
trude Brown, Elizabeth Earle, Roy
Gedke (honors), Mary Giddons, James
McLaughlin, John Pritchard, Ira
Schaefer, Eldine Tiler, Margareb
Walker (honors), Jean Walker (hon-
ors), James H. `Varrell, Valera Willis. '
Everard Carson, Wesley Gathers,',
Jean Wallace.
Nellie Hutchinson, Alice Schaefer,
Sarah Spitiks.
TNtt following are the successful can-
didates from Brussels centre, at the
ical examinations recently held by
the Loudon Conservatory ;of Music":..
Grade x—Plano—First-ease honors, W.
Anderson. Pass -13. Renton, Grade
r• --Rudiments -- First•cless hollers, I.