HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-7-15, Page 8Paris green The kind that will kill 'the bugs, Four potato patch will no doubt need attention, as the potato bugs are not all dead yet, No better time to get after them than right now with an application of oar PURE PARIS GREEN We have Berger's, the English [Hake that has stood the test of quality for so many years. There is no advance in price - 819c a Ib. pkg We also put it up in smaller quan- tities -half and quarter pounds. likely to Need If you go pia nicking or camping you are almost sure to need some of these -- -Paper Plates, roe per pkg of 25. -Folding Drinking Cups, red escb. -Japanese Napkins, So per doz Some pretty new designs. -Lunch Setts, contains 1 tablecloth and is Napkins, zoo, -Palm Leaf Fans, sc each. -Rubber Bells and Base Bells from 5c each up, -Tartaric Acid, Citric Acid, Essence of Lemon, &e. We have them for making up those Sommer Drinks. -Health Salts, a relief for headache or sick stomach, roc par tin, -Cold Cream, a soothing remedy for sunburn,tsc and 250 per jar. -Mentholine Balm, one of the best applications for mosquito bites, &c, 251 per large jar. Brine us your Films to be Developed and Printed she'.,. stare F1 R■ SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. mai `i esus Pins LocAL news on pages 4 and 5 also. Train service was good on the Grand Trunk for July 12th, both to Wingbam and Listowel. ' -: THE Rural Telephone Board met in Brussels Monday afternoon when general business was transacted. Fouirrx Division Court was held here Wednesday of last week. Judge Holt presided. Docket was light. New telephones have been installed at Roy McKay's grocery and at the home of Hugh Lamont, Queen street. The former is No. 4011 and the latter No. 647. R. F. Downing bad an operation last Friday for the removal of a trouble in his nose that had bothered him for some years. He is getting along nicely and will soon be about as usual. A GOOD time was enjoyed at the Red Cross Circle tea at Mrs. lames Ballan- afternoon, street,Tuesday t He's Queen Y were realized.wilei About $14.00 shows increasing interest in the good work. KNEE tNJURED -One day last week Fletcher Roe, Brussels South. fell from a cherry tree in his garden and injured one of his knees so that be has been temporarily laid aside from his custom- ary activity. We hope he will soon be o. k. R REO CROSS CIRCLE r EA -The next be Red Tea for the Re ] Croes Circle will held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ynill, 8th Con., Grey township, on Tuesday afternoon of next week, zoth inst. Rigs will leave the Public Library at 3 p. m. and everybody will be made welcome. Frank Naegele and family arrived in town from Auburn and have located in the house recently vacated by T. R. Thomson and family, cornor of Alexan- der and Thomas streets. We bid them welcome and hope they will enjoy life in Brussels. KEEP the Woman's Institute meeting Friday afternoon of this week in mind. After the topic there will be demonstra- tion of aluminum ware, lunch served and a piece of aluminum given to each family. Proceeds go to the Red Cross. See other notice on page 5 of this issue. WEDNESDAY afternoon the members of Miss Kate Smith's Sunday School Class held a picnic et the Vodden Park, Ethel, and had a fine time. WEDNESDAY M. H. Moore, V. S., Listowel, formerly of Brussels, was seriously injured by his auto turning turtle. His back appears to be where the damage is located chiefly. We hope he will soon be all right. BIG SALE -The Ontario Clothing Company will conduct a Special Sale of Clothing, Dry Goods, etc., in the store one door North of the Standard Bank, Brussels, commencing Saturday of this week and running tor 55 days. See the bargains quoted in their advt. on page 8 of this issue ENTRANCE EXAM, RETURNS NOT TO HAND YET -Whoever is to blame we know not but we are sorry to state that the Entrance examination results are not to hand as THE POST goes to press Thursday morning. It is hardly a square deal to the pupils who wrote, -o- WATER tub forstock too k far sale. Lot 24 Con, 12, Grey, Guo. E. $rHTRAN, Phone 5611. AUTosOnrLR Pon HIRE. -Am on call day or night for the service of the public with a nest• class automobile. Phone ether 82 or 9x and I will be et your service. CLEva DaSneW, Brussels. CREAM rote SALE. -The undersigned to pre• pared to supply Jersey Cream at 15 cents per pint, at the farm Beet of Brussels. Phone 2819 WM. ARMSTRONG. 201 05558 wanted within next two weeks, va J. GALaArm ruadaels. Phone 9. B Goon brick house on William street for sale together with grad stable and driving shed. Excellentrepair. All conveniences, bath, ete. For further p particulate apply to GEORGE TR0MBON, Brussels. Two Short Horn bull calves for sale. One a year old and the other 18 months, Nobetter animals in the country. Terme to suit the purchaser. Have also a young Yorkshire bog for sale, JAB. Brum. Lot B0, Con, 8, Morrie, Box 267 Brussels P. 0. Phone 287. ,3S TITERS ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR EYESIGHT ? If so Mr. Mayor will be at W. F. Stretton's store for 3 days, Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday this week and will be glad to supply your needs in spectacles. See the advt. on page 5 of this issue and call to seethe specialist on any of the days mentioned, ALEx. SMITH writing from Glenada, Sask., remitting his subscription, says :- We like to get THE POST for the old home news as it is better than a letter. Crops iu this section of the West are looking fine, especially the wheat which is heading out now. BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING. - Monday evening of next week an illustrated lec- ture will he given in the school room of the Methodist church, at 8 o'clock, on "The Bible Society and the War Zone," by DeWitt Cosens, B. A , of London. No admission fee but an offering will be taken for the benefit of the cause. Everybody both old and young will be welcome. TROUBLE AHEAD.-SOme smart youths have been ringing the Central Telephone office at unseemly hours of the night and when the operator answered the call no response came. This notice is given that if such "jokes" are continued the perpetrator will be made smart for the "cuteness" displayed as it is not the fun- niest thing in the world. Guess by what the Directors say it would be wis- dom to "cut it out." BRUSSELS CIRCLE WILL HAVE A COT. - Last week Mrs. Rowland forwarded $75.00 from the Red Cross Circle of Brussels to provide a cot in the Duchess of Connaught Hospital, Clivedon, Eng• land, and to maintain it for a year. This is very practical work and will no doubt be appreciated by the soldier boys who will share ill its comfort. The Circle deserves credit for their efforts to help so noble a cause. The name of Brussels will be placed over the cot. Treems,-Brussels Tennis Club played their third Western Ontario Tennis Association match at Listowel last Fri. clay afternoon and. won their third con- secutive e victory g byannexing three of five events, Listowel and Harriston are now eliminated as District contenders and the fight for District honors will be decided when Brussels meets Mt. For- est, The score on Friday: -Singles, S, Fox, Brussels, beat Livingstone, Listowel, 6-3, 6.1 ; V. Ross, Brussels, beat Bernie, Listowel, 6 2, 6.5 ; Elliott, Listowel, beat R. Leckie, Brussels, 6-3, 6 3. Doubles -Livingston & Elliott, Listowel, beat S. Fox & J. Leckie, Brussels, 3-6, to.8, 6•o ; V. Ross & R, Leckie, Brussels beat Bernie & Roos, Listowel, 6-4, 2-6, 6.3. Brussels plays in Mt, Forest, Monday, Jnly 50th and in Rerristod on Tuesday, zoth. Mt, Forest is expected here the latter part of next week, 0 People We Talk About n min n An • 4• • M icemen Miss Winnie Long spent a week with Clinton friends. Archie Ballantyne is holidaying at Clinton end Bayfield. Druggist Campbell, of Allendale, was a visitor in town last week. Miss Lovette Ballantyne was holiday iug with relatives at Ethel. Miss Reta Hani lton, of Erin, is visit- ing Miss Annie McQuarrie. Frank Oliver and "Jim" Lowry are holidaying with friends neer Seafortb. Miss Belle Robb was a visitor with her cousin, Miss Annabel Forsyth last week. Miss Ethel Stutt, Wroxeter, is a visi- tor with Mrs. J. F. Rowland. She is a neice, Dr, Alex, McKelvey, Toronto, was here for a few days last week on pro- fessional trip, James Ballantyne took in the Wing - ham -St. Marys lacrosse match at the latter town last week. Miss Jeanet Skelton, ot Mimico, is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Mae Skelton, Queen street, D. M. Scott, who has spent the past few years in the West, is here on a holi- day visit for a month or so. Chris. Ziltiex, Toronto, was renew- ing old friendships in Brussels for a few days during the past week. Mrs. Wm. Spence, Ethel, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Krauter in Brussels during the past week. Miss Barks left for St. Thomas and Chatham last w. ek, for her vacation, the latter ci y being her parental bome. F. and Mrs Wilson and daughter, of Toronto, are here for aholidav visit with Miss Ella Inman and Miss Myrtle Wil- son. Mrs. T. T. Duncan has not been feel- ing as well as usual of late but we hope she will soon regain her customary vigor F. Fraser, King street, is keeping his muscle up by aiding his son in farming operations on the homestead, set Con. Grey township. Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Powell and Miss Blossom, of Clinton, were renewing old friendships in Brussels for a tew days last week Last week Miss Pearl Baeker under- went an operation for a nose and throat trouble end is making good progress we are pleased to state. Mrs. Hibbert and Mrs. Phillips and daughter, Velma, of Mitchell, are visi- o for at the home of William and Mrs, s h Robinson, Queen street, L and Mrs. Stark and children, of Toronto, ere holiday visitors with Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Martha, Princess street, Mrs. Stark is a daugh- ter of Mrs, Smith's. J, H. and Mrs. Galbraith and daugh- ter Wilma and Mise Vina Bowman motored to Soutltampton last Saturday to visit Russel and Mrs. Wheeler. Mrs. Galbraith and Wilma are extending their visit. Archie and Mrs. Livingstone and two children, of Dubuc, Sask„ who have been visiting here for the past 3 weeks, left Thursday for Toronto and Port Hope whete they will visit before re. turtling to the West. ,ATTHE 11^I�e ..,,, Emporium Huron Produce East ♦ At present we are paying the Following Extras No, r No..2 Tub and Box 'Butter 22C BOC 19c Eggs 22C 19C I4C Spring Chickens live 15c per lb. Fowl live 8 to 9c per lb, ♦ 4' FERTILIZERS We have taker[ the agency from the Ontario Fertilizers; Limited, •1, for the handling of their' well known HARAB-DAVIES Fertilizers. This company compounds twenty-five different Fertilizers, suitable for any kind of crop and condition of land. We have five Fall wheat specials and would be pleased to hand you literature on request. ROBT. THOMSON Brussels 3 +++++++++++.14+++++++444+++++++++++.1.44444. Mr. and Mrs. Carrie, Toronto, are visitors at J, T, Ross', John street. Miss Gladys MacQuarrie is holidaying. with Miss Gladys Jones, of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, of Elmira, were visitors et Chas, Howlett's Queen street, Mrs. Bowman Is a niece of Mr, Howlett. Miss. R. Blanchard, Montreal and Mrs. N. L. Fry and little daughter, Catharine, Wingbam, are guests with Mrs. Roht. Thomson, Queen street. Miss E. M. Wilton, has been engaged by Harriston School Board to fill the vacancy on the public school staff caus- ed by the resignation of Miss Hodgins. Miss Lovise Sinclair is hack from an enjoyable holiday of 6 weeks in which Detroit, Windsor, Chatham, Dresden, Stratford and other points were visited. N. M. Richardson, of Manor, Sask., a former old resident of this locality, was calling on old friends Last week, The West is evidently agreeing well with him. Harvey Willis, Wingham, nephew of N. F. Gerry, Brussels, underwent an op• eration for appendicitis a week or more ago and is getting along nicely we are pleased to bear. F, H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Master Barrington left Thursday of this week for a holiday ot a couple of weeks near Hamilton. G. E Calbeck, Brantford, will supply Mr. Gilroy's place in the Bank of Nova Scotia here. W. J. and Mrs. Crawford and daugh- ter, of Duluth, are here on a holiday visit with the former's mother, sisters and other relatives and old friends. Mr. Cranford was a former townsman being a son of the late Samuel Craw- ford. It is zz years since he went away. Alex and Mrs. Bryans, of -Queen street, and Mrs. Edward Bryans, Cath• arine street, left last Tnesdav on a holi- day outing to the West with realtives and old friends. Their trip will encom- pass Winnipeg and leading points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albetta. We wish them a good time. Miss Annie Livingston, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Vicar and 2 children and Miss Mabel McVicar, all of Nevada ; Jno. Living- ston, Alton and Mrs Wheeler and 3 children and Isabel and Winnifrid Hud- son, of Detroit, anti Noble Wheeler, of London, were renewing old friendships in Brussels end locality. Most of the company is related to Mrs Duncan Livingston, of town. 5 of the 8 daughters have teen here this season to visit her as well as two sons, Archie and John. Church Chimes At the Epworth League service Mon- day evening Miss Eva Bryaus read an interesting paper on "The indian race ot Canada." The life and work of one of the early missionaries in the person of Rev. Wm Case, was also dwelt upon. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. A J. Mann, B A , who with Mrs. Mann and Alan are 'holidaying at Bruce Beach,. Melville church services next Sabbath will be taken by DeWitt Cosens, B, A., of Loudon, in the morning and by Rev, Mr. Duncan, Lucknow, ill the evening. Mr. Cosens is the Bible Society agent for this District, He is a son of Rev. T. W. Cosens. formerly of Brussels. Miss Laschinger, Sarnia. sang a choice solo last Sabbath evening in the Metho- dist church entitled ' l come to Thee." Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Duncan, Lucknow, will conduct ,the service in the Methodist church and in the evening DeWitt Cosens, B. A ;'Lon- don, will preach. Sunday morning a large minter of the Orange brethren attended 'service at St. loin's church when Rev. R. E. Page preached a most suitable sermon, Special music was rendered by the choir for the occasion, Mr. Page was also one of the speakers at Wingham ou Monday. CENTRE HURON LIBERALS The annual meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association was held at Seafortb Tuesday of last week. The officers of the Association were re-elect• ns in ed for the e u 1 year. Addresses, chiefly on the war, were delivered by W. Proudfoot, K C Goderich ; Arch. Hislop. Liberal candidate in North Hur- hn ; Thos McMillan, Liberal candidate in South Huron and M. Y. McLean, the former member in the. Dominion House for South Huron. The following resolutions were ad- opted t -Moved by W. H. Robertson, ('oclericlt seconded byohm McDowell, >1 ' that W0 the Reformers of McKillop, Centre Huron, at our annual meeting desire to express our appreciation and full approval of the policy and conduct of our leader, N. W. Rowell, K. C., and his colleagues in the Legislature and we also desire to express our disapproval of the centralizing policy and extravagant and reckless management of the affairs of the Province by the Hearst Govern- ment, necessitating the introduction of apolicy of direct taxation. Moved by Alex. Saunders, Godericb, seconded by James Watson, Seeforth, that we desire to express our approval of the policy adopted by the Liberal party in the Dominion Parliament and to commend the continued advocacy of freerer trade relations and also to express our appreciation of their noble efforts to prevent graft and extravagance in the public expenditure of the country. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William Moses, late of the Township of Mor• ris, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased.Notice is hereby given Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 2t to the Sec. 69, that all pereone having claims egainet the oatate or the said William Moses, who died on or about the Nineteenth day of 'April, 1915. are required an or before the 16th day of August, 1916 to send by poet prepaid or deliver to tate undersigned •Exeoptore, tiinevale P. 0., thelrOhristian and surnames, addresses and de• soriptions, the full partiaulre of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after suoh last mentioned date said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the seats of the said deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and said Executors will not be liable for thesaid emote or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shell not then have received notice at the time of such distribution. Doted this 4th day of July, 1915. ANSON H. SEA W,' ARTHUR SHAW, Executors of William Moses estate. •••••••••••••••••••♦•••••• •••••••♦••••N♦••••i•••••• • • • • • ••• e O • • • • •• • SMITH BLOeK Two Doors South of • the American Hotel ewG'i rocery 1 • • The undersigned has opened up a first-class • • stock of New Groceries, Canned Goods, • • Fruits, Confectionery, &c., in the • • • and invites the patronage of the public. 1 Restaurant in Connection • i Where may be found the Choicest Ice Cream, 2 Soft Drinks, &c,, served in up-to-date style. Our.Motto is Our aim will be courteous treatment and • prompt delivery eerviuo at any time. Ring • QualityFirst our phone, 4.0x, and we will attend to your orders with neatness and dispatch, Batter and Eggs taken as Cash, Roy McKay Eotablisited eve Por y'e` ne Years THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER 348,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Deposit Your Savings Reg. ularly , Every Dollar Earns Interest From Date of, Deposit izm We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BRUSSELS .BRANCH, 3. F. Rowland, in D b Manager. We further approve of their opposition BRUSSELS MARKET to the unpatriotic policy of the Govern- Wheat meat in increasing the burdens of Great Oats Britain at the present time by the re. Pelle duction of the British preference,. Burley ;•Eggs Hogs BORN Hay Ro and hire Alexander Roe 12th, t daughter. Mr. MARRIED PBIRY-MOCALL.-In Morris toWnebip on July 14th, 1915, by Rev. A, J. Mann, B. A., Brussels, Mr. Walter E, Perry, of Merri- den, Conn., to Mies Anna Belle, daughter of the lite Alex. and Mrs, McCall, of Morrie: DIED ' Jetsrxe6N.-ln Ethel, ori. July 12th, 1916, John J,,ttieeon, aged 85 years. MOGILL -In Howiek,.on July 8th, 1015, Mary McGill, wife of the late John Alkene, aged 85 years, NtADDr. .1, E, andel Mrs. on July 1915, 9 son n Joseph William. PIERCE -In Morris township, on July 4th, 1015, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Pierce, a son. Sumer -In Palmeratou,-on July 11th, 1016, to Mr, and Mrs..1. Brine Scott, a daughter. • z2 _•••••••••••••••••NN•••••A••••••••+•••••••••••••••• AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, JULY 81sT. -Household furni- ture, 2 o••gane, sewing machine, &c. Sale at 2 Jm, c G rhe home of the late 51r8. J. L.. Kerr, urnberry street, Brussels, F, 8, Scott, Ave, 41 00 1 00 W 20 20 10 0 91 05 100 05 21 9 00 18 00 China Announcement TITERS apparently has been an impressmn gone abroad that the Iinee of China which we several mortals ago purchased from Miss Rose world no longer be procurable, We wish to say that this ie entirely wrong as we have orders planed coveting the entire range and wehope to have them complete within tho.next two months. The foregoing refers to the following pattet tie ;- Violet Pompadotu'-Elite Limoges Bridal Rorie -Elite Limoges Scattered ljoee-llaviland Lunngea While and Gold -Limoges Green and Gold (Greek Key) Itedon Limoges, These are all open stock patterns and any article tlrtt we do not have in stock can be procured at short notice. We count it a pleasure to have you look over our China stock at any time F -AT----- 0 X S AT-oxs AORRB IN SASKATCHEWAN. DRUG STORE. 1 Ei0 Partly improved. Client will ex• The Pens[ar Store ohange equity for good property in Brussels, COSMOPOLITAN REALTY 'TRUSTEES, Hamilton, Ont. - HOUSE FOR SALE. The well located relit. deuce of the late Mrs. (Rev.) J, L. Kerr, corner Turnberry and Church streets, Brute salt, is offered for sale.. Property ie in good repair, hoe cellar, cistern, well. woodshed, yy acre land, small fruits, &o. Possession by Aug. 1st; if desired.. For particulars as to prioe and terms apply to W. H. %ERR Brussels, GOOD 100 acre form for sale in township of Morrie. Fine buildings nearly new. con- venient toeohool and church, good orchard; silo, 15 acre., bush. Possession atter 'harvest. For further particulars apply to THE POST. YVOTING MEN WANTED. HANDLE Dlotroroyolee, Automobiles, Aceeesories, eta. Local position, machine furnished; 5c brings the offer; also special easy payment terms, GENERAL MOTOR AGENCIES, 708 0, P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Teacher Wanted Teneher wanted for School Section No. 7. Morris (Stone School) State milers, and qual- ifications. Duties commence Sept. let. J. D. 110EWEN, Hee: Press., R. R. No. 4, W ioghant. Tenders Wanted - Tenders for the construction of the Nash, Canada gompenyy and Crozier Drains in the Township of McKillop, will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, 24th day of July, 1915, or at the Council meeting on Monday, the 20th, at Wolf's House, Dublin, Plane, &c., n,av be seen et the Clerk's office, Lot 24, Con. 7,MeKillop, The lowest or Buy tender not necessarily accepted. A marked cheque for 5% of contract price to accompany enoh ten- der. M. MURDIE, Clerk of McKillop, b •1••••• 0♦'i••4•••r•••4'•4••4••4'•4+•4'••F•fi*4'•••+•4•♦•F•4••4••4••••+•+•••'F0•••••••••+•4'•+•+•+♦+•+: 0 I I Public Sale Great s • '1' • Of High-grade• 1 • t • and I s Ch Idren s ClothingMens Women 4. Dry Goods, &c.• ♦ 4• Which Must be Sold in 15 Days to Satisfy Claims of Creditors • •♦1• • • • + ••• • + • Of Fancy Worsteds and Cassimers • Sizes 35 to 40 -in browns, grays and shadow • stripes ; three distinct and different patterns ; . values from 8.00 to 310 00. OUR SALE PRICE 3 98 Splendid variety to select from, consisting of • the renowned Kenyon Mills Cassimers, grays • and brown,diagonals ; Millbrook Mills gray and 4. brown worsted stripe and' checks, and Maoris • ▪ Oaasirpers, Regular twelve to fifteen dollar • values,[ SPECIAL SALE PRICE ...,. - 0 98 • . Sizes 31 to 44 will consistof eone of the best suits we have in our house. The cloth used in t• this priced suit is fr'orn some of the best mills hi • the land and is of pure all -worsted ; some in + ' seltearne stripes, some herrieg•bone effects, • . suitable for 'men in all walks of life. Thea., • come in all colors 'and shapes -slime, stouts, pegs, stubs. etc. All the new creations of the• - season..Valles from 15.00 to 330.00. OUR SALE PICE . 8 98 and 11 98 Beginning Saturday, July 17th, in Store 1st Door North of Standard Bank, Brussels Men's. Suits • • + • + • + • + • + ♦ + 4. •+ • • + ♦ • + • •+ • • 4' • • ••t• + O • :. + • • Men's Separate Pants Wear For Three styles, heavy weight, dalk stripes, Union Worsted Workingmen's Pants, sizes 32 to 42, all lengths. Value $2.00 for 98 Another lottof better grade, values from 2.50 to 33.00, for 1 48 We have on hand about 809 pairs made from Remnants, All-woolOaseiniere, Wot'stede, etc., fine tailored ; Values 5.00 to 30 00. Sale price. 2 08 7 DOUBLE Boys' DREAOTE9 Suits Boys' Double-breasted Knee -pant Suits, ages from 9 to 10, in a light -weight worsted goods, knickerbocker pants. $5.00 values only 2 98 Another lob in diffet'ent patterns, hard twisted worsteds, regular 38.00 values, only.... 3 98 A. beautiful lot of All -wool Serge Sults, Nor - folks, well made, values from 8 00 to $10.00, for 4 98 Men's and Ladies' Raincoats Ladies' Tailored Skirts These Skirts are all fine tailored, made of the finest and best qualities that money can bay. It will pay you to come and see, whether you buy or not. All the latest Fall styles, made of fine poplins, Bedford cords, s• rges for skirts and other all -wool material. You can pt ire nest at our store and then elsewhere and see the big money -saving opportunity. Ladies' , Ail -wool Serge Skirts, regular 34 00 values. Our sole price - 1 08 Regular $2.50 values. Special sale price1 48 Regular 85.00 values. Special sale price 2 60 Regular 38 00 values. Our special sale price3 08 Ladies' Extra Size Skirts, belt measure 30 to 38, regular'. 8000 values. Sale price 208 We hope you will find in this Big Sale the big- gest money saving opportunity that has ever cur'l'ed. oc- Some Dry Goods Bargains Specials on Dry Goods Towelling, regular value 10c. Sale price,... Table Damask in white, 750 value at 35e ; reg- ular 1.25 to $1.50 values for Ladies' House Dresses, regular $1.50 values for 32 00 values for Ladies' White Embroidered Dresses, regular value 2 75 to $3.75, will be cleared at 05 69 69 08 1 50 Men's Furnishings • • • • + • • fi + • + •• • • • + • • + • •• • • •• • At Saving Prices. Nice Selections of Up -to- • date Merchandise Men's Shifts that fit, look atylieh and good var• ,•p iety of patterns, • Men's Drees Shirts, regular 1.50 and 32 50 at.... 00 Regular 500 values. Our special price only 20 + Men's Work Shirts, reg. 75u, new assortment45 4♦• Men's Braces, 60e values at 19 • • Free! Free! I ,a 600 Ladies' and Gents' Raincoats at ass bought A valuable present given away with each + less than half manufactmera cost.. ..lid -can e w ♦ fail to own a raincoat al these rices P 4• anyone p purchase of One Dollar and Over • Cassimers, silk finish, waterproof cloth guar- anteed rainproof or money refunded ; all sizes; • values up to $15.00. Your choice n,t,..3.08 4.98 0 08 On the Opening Day + • + LADY CLERKS WANTED. Call at once. Attention to Merchants -We will offer to sell all or part of our stork With'a special discount. Call during the lion's between 0 and 11 a, m,, or between 8 and 9 p. m. ,a The Ontario Clothing Company One door North of Standard Bank, Brussels •. 'N+'«r 0+.44+.44 '.'M't• •PO4'...44.0.194.•'t'•••••••••••'M!w'•••4.•••••••••!••!•+•+.4N+10+• 404.4 i'15,