HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-7-15, Page 1ro,
VQL. 44 NO. 3
W. HR KRRR, Pyo fiyietor
The Instinct
To Save
is in every well-balanced man.
To start a savings account de-
velops a foresight that will be
to its owner's benefit in many.
ways, and to select this old -
established bank ae the deposi-
tory for your money is evidence
of sound and conservative
judgment. s7
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
-RVE CAPITAL - - .11,0000,000
TOTAL REBOURC$S over 00,000,000
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisements
Farm for ante—THE Pon.
July sale—G. N. McLaren.
Voters List—Twp. of Grey.
House for sale—W.H. Kerr
Tenders wanted—. Murdie.
Public sale—Ontario Clothing Co.
Water tub for sale—Geo. E Speiran.
Men wanted—Gen. Motor Agencies.
Land forveate—Oosmo olitan Realty..
Noticeto Oroditors—Wm. Moses estate.
iBistrict 33.eivs
Miss Grace Knechtel visited for a
few days this week at the Manse,
Dougherty boys have built a nice
neat poultry house and will tush the;
businees.in future.
Munn Bros. have enlarged their,
barn to make- room for their crops.
Isaac Bolton had the job.
Thos. Mose and mother epent Sun-
day with friends at Clinton also tak-
ing in the Orange 'Celebration at
Win, Stewart and family spent tate
week end at Usborne township visit.
ing his mother and sisters at the old
home. • •
Jae, McLaughlin is carrying his arm
in a sling as a result of an encounter
with a heifer he wee leading, knock-
ing hien down and goring him in the
There was quite an exodus last
Monday to Wingham in connection
with the celebration of July 12th.
Next Sabbath evening, in the Metho.
dlet.olnieeh, Rev, Ale. P+witaby will
•have as the enhjeet of his sermon "Au'
intellectual difficulty,"
Moncrief '-
Hay and the root crop is keeping
the farmers busy..
Roy Stewart, Evilestle, was holiday-
ing with Elmer McKay last week.
A. few from this locality were at
Listowel for the 12th of July Cele-
Harry and Mrs. Ward were oalled
to Gad's Hill, owing to the illness of
Mrs. Wa'd's mother.
261 boxes of cheese were. sold from
Silver Corners factory to Robt. Johns-
ton, of Woodstock, at 15 Dente , per
We are sorry, to state that' Mrs.
John Valiance, who makes her home
at Thos. Inglis, 14th Con., fell off the
stone steps and injured her head.
She is under thiedortot's care but as
the old lady is 82 years of age site is
not as well able to fight off injuries as
in metre youthful days. Mrs. Valiance
is Mrs. Inglis' mother. We hope she
will soon be better.
Do YOUR EYES BOTHER Y011? J. G. Jones,'
graduate optician and watch maker, will visit
Relgrave each Wednesday and may be found at
Hotel, ready to attend to teettng of 0780 and,
will also repair watches and olookg.Tele.
phone No.80 for further information,
A good time was spent at the picnic'
in the Wilkinson grove Friday after-
noon of kat week. The Red Cross re-
ceived the benefit of the contribution.
Sunday afternoon there was a large
attendance at Trinity church it being
the occasion of the annual sermon to
the Orangemen. Rev. Mr. Farr gave
a very loyal and practical discourse.
Mrs. (Rev.) Parnaby and children
are expected to arrive here about the
close of July. They are visiting rela-
tives in the meantime. Mr. Parnaby
is getting settled in the Parsonage
and making friends.
At the Garden Party held on the
Methodist Parsonage lawn a pleasant
time was enjoyed. Wingham Band
supplied a musical program and there
was a lively Base Ball match between
Brussels and Belgrave. in 'which the
latter won quite handily. The finan-
anodal proceeds of the evening was
about $70.
The next meeting of Belgrave Wom-
en's Institute will be held Tuesday
I afternonn, at 280 o'clock, at the home
pf Nye. John VanOamp. A report of
the District meeting will be given by
Mrs. Jas. Taylor and the subject
"Courtesy and good manners in the
home" will be introduced, by Mee.
Chas. Wilkinson. A cordial invita-
tion extended to, all.
• ocooo•O••••••••••os••••I•NNNMos000e••S•S••eoS•••
Brussels Daylight ght Store
G. N
. McLaren ren
•••• sbJulySaIerv•••r•
Big Bargaiosinl 5ualroma) Goods
1 Big Bargains in all Summer Waists and Wash Dresses
• Big Bargains in all Summer Dress Materials oe
• g g
1 Big _Bargains .in Laces and Embroideries `1
• •Also Summer Underclothing all sizes e
: Big Bargains in Gloves and Hosiery
BigBargains ains in Straw Hats for Men, Boys & Children
: g•
1 Men's Tan and Patent Oxfords sea r3s o„A; Welt`
ed Soles, regular $4.00. Sale price ;
Boys' and Mens Suits
y •
For the next 20 days we are cutting the prime •in Men's •
and Boys' Suits. We have too many on hand and they, •
must go—the Low Prices will certainly sehd then out and •
WE NEED THE MONEY. Just take a look and compare.
Clearing all Summer
Boots, Shoes and Slippers .
George and Mrs. Ferguson, Totem to,
have been holidaying here during the
past week.
There was is goodly number attend-
ed the 12th of July celebration at
Listowel, going by 0, P, x4.
Last Sunday afternoon an inspiring
sermon was preached in the Metho-
dist church to the Oi angemen of this
locality by Rev. Mr, Cralk. He was
assisted in the service by Rev. Mr.
Page, of the Anglican church,
Next Sunday an old and well known
resident of thio locality, in the person
of John Berry will celebrate his 80th
birthday. We extend .hearty con-
gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Berry
will be fifty years married on
Tuesday of next week. .They have
lived in this neighborhood for the
past 46 years and are most highly
Ladies', Misses', Children's and Men's lines. s
1, 2 & 3 Strap Slippers. Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords 'e
White Slippers and Button Boots.
Bare Foot Sandles.
Big Bargains in
• Highest Prices for Produce.
▪ ••••••is•••O•••••••••1■•••M ••••NN111166N•e•••4S•NS•
230, members and friends of the
adult bible class, 65 in nutnbee, of
which Rev, Mr, Knight was teacher,
suet at the home of Hy..Shuten artd
gave Mrs, K. a handsome mahogany
clock and Mr. K. apale of solid gold
cuff links, engraved. Sunday after*
noon the young people of Wesley
presented an address and a gold watch
fob. Monday night during intermis-
sion at a concert the Trustee Board
and friends presented the departing
pastor and his wife with a gold
ivory -handled nmbroila and a hand-
sonic cit -glass water set, assuring
thern of the good wishes and prayers
of the congregation', Rev. Mr. Knight
is a Cranbrook old boy who is doing
extra good work.
NEwee NOTES.—Dr. and Mrs.
Montgomery and children aro visiting.
theformer's parents, Wm. and Mrs.
Montgomery, Howick. The Dr. has
disposed of hie practice at Conn and
bas not yet decided where he will
locate.—Mrs. Wm. Douglas has been
very poorly during the past week.—A
pic-nic for the members of the Cradle
Roll. with their mothers, was held on
the grounds of the manse last Thurs-
day afternoon.—Misses Ball, Harris.
ton, visited last week at the home of
Miss Nellie Ball, Hawick. -Frank and
Mrs. Sanderson and little daughter,
Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Jas.Ritchie.
—Colin McNaughton, Glencoe, is holi-
daying at his home in Turnberry.—
George Jefferson, Pordwich, spent
the week end at the home of W.
Rutherford.—Miss Sophie Robinson is
the guest of friends in Wingham.—
Tindall and Mrs. Ritchie, Wingham,
spent Sunday with the former's
mother, Mrs. Jas. Ritchie.—Dr. A.
McLeod and 0. D. Simpson spent
Sunday in. Moorefield.—Miss Cassie
Harris, Toronto, is spending two
weeks with her mother, Mrs. Geo.
Harris.—Anderson Black, Harriston,
spent the week end at his home here.
—Harvey and Miss Eleanor Hazle-
wood, Clifford and Arise Irene Hazle-
wood, Brandon, visited for several
.days with their uncle. W. 0. Hazle-
wood.—Leslie Davey, 'Shelburne, has
taken a position in the grocery store
of his uncle, F. Davey, for the Sum-
mer months.—Dan. McTavish spent
several days of this week in Port
Elgin.—Miss Dorothy Stuart, Toron-
to, is the guest of her uncle, D. D.
Nevem-Owing to a severe kick on the knee
froma horse my physibian says I.- will not be
able to drive out for some time. Any one
needing mowers, binders, rakes, hayloaders,
oultivatore„or anything in McOarmtok Cos.
machines if they will call on me I will Bell at
from 12 to 51.2 per implement less than regular
'pates and will guarantee to get them set up in
proper shape and time. D. MILNE, Agent,
Oreros.-On Monday of each week •3. G.
Jones. graduate Optician and Watchmak-
er, will be at W. H. Love's store, Ethel,
commencing last Mender, ready to attend to
testing of eyes. He will also do repairs to.
watches, clocks and jewelry, . Hie telephone
is No. 80, If you require any help in his line
call to see him.
Ethel Orangemen went to Wing -
ham of Monday and en jnyed the day.
Next, meeting of the Township
Council will be held here Monday,
20th inst.
Mrs. Wm, Spence made a viait to
her daughter, Mrs. Kreuter, Brussels,
who was used up with a -cold.
Miss May Oxtoby has been visiting
relatives and friends at St. Marys,
Blanshard, Niesouri, Thorndale and
A good time was enjoyed at the
picnic in the Vodden grove Thursday
of last week. Ethel defeated Mon-
oriefi at foot hall by 1-0.
Last week Jno. McDonald took his
eons and members of Jas. McLelland's
family to Paisley in his car for a visit
with relatives and friends.
Alex. and Mrs. Annett and sons,
Earl and Harold, of Detroit, are visi-
tors with Fred and Mrs. Oxtoby, of
this vicinity. They visited relatives
at London en route.'
In the absence of Rev. Mr. McCul-
loch, who is away for his holidays fnr
a month, Rev. Mr. Wilson will occu-
py the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church next Sabbath afternonn.
Miss Margaret McDonald has been
successful in passing the elementary
piano examination of the Toronto
Conservatory of Music. She is a pupil
of Miss Mary Laidlaw, both of whom
are being complimented.
Lost Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Johnson preached his inaugural ser-
mon in the Methodist church. It was
based on the parable of the vineyard
in which service or work was em-
phasised. Favorable comments were
made concerning the discourse. We
welcome Rev, Mr. Johnson and fami-
ly to Ethel.
pleased to report that Miss Luella
Henry was successful in passing the
elementary piano examination, under
the Landon, Eng. Conservatory. Miss
Pear] Love passed her primary
Toronto on -
in connection with theCon-
servatory exam
writing at Listowel.
y g
Both are pupils of Miss Mae Wilkin-
son, of Brussels. All are to be con-
gratulated and further progress hoped
for. Other young people should take
hold also and acquaint themselves
with this delightful Art.
SUDDEN CALL. — Monday of this
week John Jamieson, a well known
resident, was called away from time.
He had the contract of harrying the
mail from Ethel post officeto the G.
T. R. and had ,;performed his duties as
usual nn Saturday. On Sunday he
took ill and died'as above stated: Mr.
Jaulleson was 85 years old but was a
remarkably smart man,for his years.
In addition to Mrs. Jamieson 4 sons
(George, David, Joseph and Walter)
and 3 daughters two of whom are
(Mrs. Schell, Jamestown, N. Y., and
Mee. Sharpe, 11th Con. Grey,) survive.
Mrs. Jamieson has been an invalid for
a number of years. Funeral takes
place Thursday afternoon to Oran -
brook cemetery and was conducted
by Rev. Mr. Johnson, deceased's
MoKillop Council meets at Wolf's
House, Dublin, Monday, July 26th, at
11 o'clock a. m.
An alt -night bowling, • session
brought the Seafnt'th tournament to
an end Wednesday morning. W. G.
Willis' Seaforth rink won the trophy
r game with Dr.
after hard g
e rink,thescore
Hunter's, Goderth be-
in to 13
D1r 14IcGill's, Mitchell, rink won the
Consolation, defeating A. Scruton,
Hensel!, 15 to 11. The Scotch doubles.
were won by 0. A. Barber and A.
Anent, of Seaforth, from J. H. Ta-.
man and W. G. Willis, of Seaforth.
The score of this game was 9,to 8.
Rev. Mo. and Mrs. McCulloch are
away fnr their vacation. Next •Sa6•
bath Rev. Mr. Wilson will preach in
Knox ohm oh,
Next Sunday afternoon DeWitt
Cosens, B. A., London, will conduct
the strvice in the Methodist March
here, dealing with the Upper Canada
Bible Snriety work.
SRRVES - HIM RIGHT.—PriOli t0leav
iggOhaiing Cross for. Hensel', their
r,ew ,,Inn go. the people gav + Rev. J.
1'. and \Iii. Knight a delightful series
of :arnrises. The W. M. 3., of which
Nies. Knight is ,t life member, present-
ed her with a W. 141. S. life mnember-
vl,ip gold pin, Friday night, lune
Theke was a large audien ce in at-
teudauee at the Orange service in the
Presbyterian church last Sunday
afternoon. Rev. Mr: MOOullooh
preached a moat appropriate die
Fall wheat looks good. •
Mixa Grant, of Berlin, is here on a
visit with relatives.
Miss .Veris Hoover, lith Con.; is
visiting at Westfield and Dungannon.
Miss 011a Armstrong, 9th Con„ is
honefo' the holidays. She has been
teaching near.'Oonestoge, Ont,
Misses Johanna and Alice Mitchel',
of Hamilton, are visiting Misses Addie
and Lizzie Grant and also at James
John Dark, Oth Con., has been laid
up with an attack of blood -poisoning
but we hope a change for the better
will soon ensue.
Cecil McKinnon, of the Bank of
Nova Scotia staff, Petrolia, is here on
a holiday under the parental- roof.
He looks as if the oh town agreed well
with him.
Mrs. 0. Rogerson, 8th line, Morris,
is at the parental home, 9th Con., on
account of being poorly from trouble
with her heart and ,nerves. We hope
she will soon be as well as usual.
John Vincent, of Bothwell, was a
visitor at the home of his mother,
Mr's. Wm. Livingston 10th Oon.
Miss Hazel and Jack, daughter and
son of the former were also here for a
holiday visit,
Dr. std Mrs. Robertson and babe,
of Oollingwood, are holiday visitors at
Mrs. laugh McKinnon's, 7th Oon.
Mrs. Robertson is a daughter. They
made the trip in the doctot's car.
The Grey township Voters' List is
issued for 1915 and was first posted up
on July 15th. It contains 1061 names
subdivided as follows :—Part I. 799 ;
Part II, 243 ; Part III, 19. 494 are
competent to serve as jurors:
Mies Christena Dickson is taking
the special course in Agriculture,
School Gardening, etc., at the Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph. We
wish her success in her ambition to
seek the beet preparation to be had.
Mrs. Nixon, Lucknow, Mrs. McKay,
Elbow, Sask., and George and Mrs.
Baker, Underwood, were visitors with
the families of R. J. Hoover and J.
Henry Hoover. They carate in Mr.
Baker's carr. They also visited G. 0.
and Mrs. Manners at Brussels.
People who have not had experience
would hardly believe thatR.J. Hoover,
9th Oon., sold between $40 and $60
worth of strawberries this season off a
comparatively small patch, in addi-
tion to large quantities used at home.
It strikes us as a good role that every
farmer might play without much
'F♦i'•'F•'N•4'•'N•'I•.+.+♦'i'.•I,+,+.+.+�'t'•'i'!'i.+$+F♦•F♦•F♦'F•� •F•+•
5rnoked Meats
Saeker Bros. Meat Market
! In addition to a full line of Cooked Meats mentioned •
T last week we have in stock
Now is your time to place your order for the latter at 18c Ib. t
Baeker Bros. BrusselsMt'
4 414 •4 +4101'srM••h♦'Fed••••••'b•••••••'i••+* •••••••a'•4+14
Try our Chopped Beef at 150 per ib,
Pork Sausage 18c per lb,
The bride's health was proposed at
the table by Rev. Mr, Mann and re-
plied to in a felicitous manner. -
We are sem to state that Mts.
Rofobparert ShalysisortreedlastSuernday „ suffateredthae stroke
of her son-in-law, Jno, Cummings,
West boundary. As this fine old lady
is 81 years of age there is not much
prospect of recovery. Mrs. George
Jackson, of Brussels, a niece, is assist-
ing id caring for the patient at the
present time. Mrs. Shortreed's num-
erous friends will regret to hear of her -
'redoes illness.
went of women the White slave teat-
fin will die", Oliver Shine has remark-
ed : "When women get the vote there
will be no more war,' Not that she
elirinks from ie from cowardice but
that she realizes the value of a life..
When that loathsome disease broke
out in Servia the cry carne for hel ''
and the suffragettes of England
answered the call, They went
doctors, nurses and helpers in every
way and although the speaker did not
approve of their former conduct they
are bow doing a noble work. Some of
them have taken the disease and died.
Mrs, Wright closed with the hope
that the race, that is to be, will be
higher and. nobler than the race that
now is, A male quartette was listen-
ed to with delight. Singing all
through the afternoon being very fine.
Collection amounted to $9,30.
At the evening session the Presi-
Huron Co. W. 0. T. U. Convention dent, Mrs. Hooper, presided. Rev.
was held in Brussels Thursday and Mr. Mann,. pastor of the church, gave
Friday, 8th and 9th twits., in the a few words of welcome to the dele-
beautiful new Presbyterian church. gates. 1f Britain is going to win the
Co. President, Mrs, Hooper, occupied day she must take a firm moral stand.
the chair and opened the morning see We have a beautiful church for which
sion with a few earnest remarks and we are proud but beauty of life is
after a hymn and prayer by two ladies something far more important. 6
the Secretary read the minutes of the girls and a boy contested for the Gold
last Convention, which were adopted. Medal ; very de:lighful choruses,
Treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.) Sharp, being tettee and solos were interspersed with
absent, .her
report was read by Mrs, the recitations which were all good.
Hastings, Exeter. A number of re- Miss Iona Struthers, Blyth, was the
porta from Superintendents of Depart- winner of the medal. All the others
menta were given showing splendid receiving books. At the close of the
work done. Among them were :— contest Mrs. Wright addressed the
Moral education and mother's meet- gathering. Some say- women getting
ings by Mrs. Dark, Brussels ; Evange- into polities. Iwish to God they were
Betio and Flower Mission, Mrs. David- in it before. A lady in Saskatchewan
son, Goderioh, read by Secretary. It said ehe expected to see a great deal
was moved and seconded that a letter of drinking on the last night of the
of sympathy be sent Mrs. Davidson in license law but no the people were
her trouble re the illness of her hue- tired of it. 64,000 names were secured
band, Scientific Temperance given against the wet canteen but still it
by Mrs. Young, Blyth ; Franchise, by goes on and itis with the knowledge
Miss Mulvey, Wingham ; Press work and sanction of the Canadian Govern -
by Miss Alain, Goderioh ; Systematic mens that liquor is dealt out to our
Giving by Miss Carr, Blyth ; Medical men in the Old Land. Address closed.
Temperance by Mrs. Howard, Exeter, with an earnestappeai for new mem-
In the discussion that followed Mrs. bars. Qnite a number of names were
Gordon Wright, Dominion President, given in. The National Anthem was
said the Oountese of Carlisle in speak- sung and the meeting dismissed. -
ing with her referred to our pledge as Friday morning after the 'usual
it is worded not to take liquor as a opening exercises two - Committees .
"beverage" she thought that word were appointed viz—"Plan of Work
"beverage” ought to be ruled out, we with Mesdames Dark, Lowry, Hast -
ought not to touch liquor under any ings and Cooper. Resolution Com-
circumstances whatever. It will be a mittee, Mesdames McGuire, Wallace,
glad day when doctors will cease to McMath and Armour. Mrs. Hooper
prescribe aloohol for medicinal put- vacated the chair and Mrs. Wright
poses and the prohibition M. D. should took charge of the election of officers
be patronized by all temperance for the owning year. Those appointed
people, Mrs. Wright stating that the were :—Pres., Mrs. Hooper, Exeter
men who has formed temperance Vice Pres., Mrs. McGuire, Brussels ;
principles will be the safest to trust Cor. -Sec., Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton ;
your life to. Law enforcement was Rec.-Sec., Miss R. 5. Allan, Goderioh ;
given by Rev. Mr. Green, Clinton. It Treasurer, Mre. (Rev.) Sharp, Exeter.
is very necessary that all Unions have Convention gave a unanimous ex -
a Superintendent for this Department. pression of appreciation for the excel -
Anti -narcotics by Mrs. Lavis, Clinton. lent addressee given by Mrs. Wright
Mrs. Wright told of four boys who are and the general feeling was that she
at the front whose friends have might be with us again next year.
thought it kindness to send them riga- Plan of work, as read by Mrs.
tettee who sent back the message, "Do Wright.
not send us any more cigarettes ae we Resolved that we re -affirm our plat -
have seen the terrible results that form of Total Abstinence for the in -
have followed the smokiug of them in dividual, Prohibition to the full
the trenches." It is a terrible thing powers of the Province and equal
to send men into eternity with doped. Franchise for women on same terms as
brains. How strangely she felt at the men.
time when the fleet contingent started Resolved that we recommend to
for the Old Land, She was motored every Union in Huron Co. the desire -
to see them off and there were a bility of being supplied with the Tem-
beQuarterlies issued bythe Do -
of parcels in the ear which a perance
num eQ
tominion'U. nil supplied
found out was tobacco and ci stet a W. 0.T, a i
n e a itsEditor Mrs. Blanche R.
the men. Mrs. Wrightchs thwu h
g g
few verses from 1st Kings 18th chap- Johnston, Barrie. Further recom-
ter :—"The God that answered by fire mended that Union appoint a Super -
he is the God." Elijah was an exile in intendent of Temperance in Sunday -
his own land. He gave up everything Schools in order that this effort may
then was he fitted to ask for the fire be the more systematically carried out. -
which came. A weak woman, a Co. Resolved that we, the delegates of
organization with God can do won- Huron County, in Convention as -
drone things. Morning session closed sembled, re -affirm our protest against
with prayer by Revile. Messrs. Mann the introduction of the wet canteen to
our Canadian overseas soldiers anda-
and Powell.
Afternoon session opened with Mrs. gain earnestly appeal to our Dominion(Rev.) Mann conducting the devotion- Government
that immediate steps be
ahexercises. She took for her subject taken for its abolition.
'those beautiful words "I am the vine, In view of the great wastage con -
ye are the branches every branch in sequent upon the use of grain and.
Me that beareth not fruit He- other food supplies being diverted
taketh away and every branch in Me from their natural use in the
that beareth fruit he purgeth it that manufacture of malt and other spirit -
it might bring forth more fruit." The nous liquors and farther, in view of
hymn "Something for Thee" was sung the stern necessity to conserve the -
very beautifully by the choir. Re- best in our Nation's manhood in these
ports of Departments were again strenuous war days, recommended
taken up. Work among railway em- that we, the White Ribbouers of Hur-
ployees by Mrs. Armour, Wingham ; on Co., again memorialize the Dentin -
Parlor meetings by Mrs. Buchanan, ion Government to pass a war ewer-
Wingham, read by Mrs. Armour ; gencymovement, whereby during war
Medal contest by Mrs. (Rev.) Powell, time at least the grain or other food
Clinton ; Lumbermen by Mrs. Tindall, supplies are not converted into malt
read by Mrs. Wallace ; Sailors work and other spirituous liquors but are
by Mee. McLean, Goderioh, read by conserved for their natural use.
Mrs. McGuire. Rev. Ma Powell was Further, Resolved that copies of the
asked to make a few remarks. He above and the wet canteen resolution
said the wayto prepare ourselves to be forwarded to Sir Robert Borden
become bettr workers is by ooming to Premier of Canada, by our Co. Oor-
conventions. Here we get the inspire- responding Secretary.
tion. We need a Co. Constable. Resolved that while we regret the
Every town where there is a W. 0. T. delay of the Dominion Parliament in
U. the temperance work is a success. passing the Anti -Cigarette bill our
Mrs, Wright was called on for an ad- hearty sympathy and appreciation go
dress taking as her subject "Mission put to Mr. Borden and the Dominion
work in the West", she said the moral delegation who have so nobly sustain-
law is broken to a terrible extent. I ed the cause and that we heartily
began to feel the great need of some tender our support to any further ef-
one who would be willing to under- forts put fouth for its ultimate pass
take this work of reformation so after age.
addressing a gathering and making a Resolved that our sincere and grate -
strop appeal for some one to go and ful thanks e due and are hereby
help those arepeople, a young girl who tendered to Brussels Union and their
was a teacher in Stratford Public friends who have assisted them in
School felt that God was calling her entertaining this Huron Co. Convene
to do this work, she made her purpose tion of the W, 0. T. U. The arraage-
known, gave up her school and went ments made for our comfort and
to the field. In 6 weeks time a great pleasure and for the expediting of
change came over Portage la Prairie business were most excellent and we
and Brandon and the Government feel it to be but a duty and a sincere
said "This is a good work" and gave pleasure to assure them that their lov-
$200 to help it. There has been no ing care has been appreciated, Also
special channel from which. to provide to the choir and friends who so nobly
for Miss Freeman's salary but it has contributed to our pleasure in the
always conte and some one has always songs of praise.
handed in the funds ue they were ,• Resolved that our appreciation of
needed. God will hold us responsible the kind efforts of the contestants
if we do not all in our power to who contributed so much to the'
abolish that which degrades. Wein- entertainment of Thursday evening be
an's suffrage is sure to come in voiced.
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Resolved that the thahke of the
and literature has been distributed to• Convention be tendered to the Pastor
watch this end with good results. and officers of Melville Preebyteriau
Jane Able says t With enfranchise- church £or.bhe neo of estate.
Miss Madeline Bell, Blyth, is a visi-
tor with Miss Lulu Procter.
Rev. George and Mrs. Jewitt, Blyth,
were visitors with S. and Mrs. Walk-
er, 0th line, for the week end. The
ladies are sisters.
Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg are
away on u holiday visit with relatives
at Washington city and are enjoying
the sights and scenes.
There was a good turnout of
Orangemen friends to the
n .emen and theiri
Celebrationsg at Win hum and Listo-
wel last Monday o
a from Morris town-
Sheriff and Mrs. Oaldbiok and child-
ren, of Haileybury, have been enjoy-
ing a holiday visit at the home of
David and Mrs. Smith, 6th line, and
with other old friends in this locality.
The Trustees of Browntown School
have engaged Miss Marjory Yuill as
teacher for the coming term and Miss
Teenie Yuill will be the new instruc-
tor in the Anderson School, 3rd line.
Both should 311 the hill in A 1 style.
A stalk of Fall wheat was pulled
from a field on J. T. Bell's farm, 6th
line, measuring 5 feet long. The same
farm has a barley crop 4 feet 10 inches
in length. If this is an average
sample of crop Morris should be all
right this harvest.
Din WELL.—Miss Isabel, daughter
of Joe and Mrs. Shaw, Sed line, passed
her let year in theory on the piano
taking 1st class honors and receiving
100 marks. She is a pupil of Mra.
Dora tideFadzean, Brussels, and both
are deserving of commendation. We
wish Miss Isabel a continuation of her
marked success.
M:\TRIMMONIAL. A pretty wedding
tock place at the home of Simpson
and Mrs. McCall, 7th line, on Wednes-
day evening of this week, at o'clock,
when Rev, A. J. Mann, B. A., of
Brussels performed the ceremony
between WalterpE. Perry, of Merri-
den, Omni.. U. S. A., std Miss Anna
Belle, daughter of the late Alex. and
Mrs. McCall. As the Wedding March
WOE played by Miss Laura Speiran,
niece of the bride, the principals took
then' places upon the lawn under a
floral bell and in front of a bank of
farns, where the nuptial knot was
tied in the presence of itnmediate
relatives. Bride was given away by
her mother. There were no attend-
ants. The geed looking bride wore a
most becoming costume of white
crepe de chene with shadow lace and
seed pearls and had orange blossoms
in her hair. After hearty congratu-
lations the guests sat down to a well
prepared wedding feast, green and
white decorations being much in evi-
dence in the home plus the National
doge of the British allies. The wed-
ding gifts were numerous, valuable
and well chosen. Mr, and 'Mr's. Perry
left for Goderioh and will also visit
Toronto and other points before going
to their home at Merriden. Brid'e'e
going away suit was navy blue serge.
Among relatives from a distance were
Edwin and Mrs. Perry, Edwin Perry
and Miss Burns, Toronto, and Dreg -
gist A, I. and Mrs. McCall and eon.
Herbert, ofChatham.. Many good
wishes accompany Mr, Perry . and
bride to their new place bf residenoe.