HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-24, Page 8To keep Young
Glee Ness' Poultry Panacea
Puts young chiekssquarely on their feet,
Will strengthen and help them grow.
Prevents leg weakness, diarrhoea, gapes
and other ailments,
2 sizes, 35c and 050 pkgs.
Other Poultry Preparations
Hese' Instant Louse Killer, 350 pkg.
Hess' Dip and Disinfectant, 500 tins
Hess' Roup Cure (Liquid) 250 tins
Pratt's Poultry, Regulator
250 and 500 pkgs.
Pratt's Louse Killer , 250 pkgs.
Pratt's Diarrhoea Remedy 250 & 5oc
The Children's
Story of the
We have the copies up tee No, 6 This
Magazine, published by the w. 11 known
book thin of Thos, Nelson & Sons, Eng-
lend, has been recommended for use in
all the Public Schools It is a splendid
publication, printed on good paper, clear
pictures, and the story of the present
great war, with the causes leading up tie
it, are told in an interesting and practic-
al way. They are well worth keeping,
The price is 8c per copy We will have
future numbers In stock just as soon as
they come out,
Examination Time is here
We have a good supply of the many
little items you are sute to need when
doing your nest.
Bring us your Films to be Developed and Printed
The Store Fe H. SMITH
tug eco Items
HAVE you bad the measles ?
THE weddings are not all over yet.
Exetrastore to Kincardine Saturday of
this week by Sons of Scotland,
PARCHMENT butter paper (Choice
Dairy Butter) for sale at THE Pose.
LET THE POST know who your visitors
are or where von purpose holidaying,
J. T. Woon, of the Excelsior Knitting
Factory. wants your wool, Read his
advt. in this issue,
Poetic Schools close Friday of this
week for the Summer vacation, to re-
open next September.
DURING the past week W. J. Me.
Cracken shipped two cars of potatoes
from Loodesboro' station.
Bxvssiis Court di.l not send a dele-
gate to the C. 0 F. High Court this
year. It met at St. Catharines.
A GOODLY representation of Brussels
Women's Institute members attended
the District meeting in Bluevale Tues.
day of this week.
ISIS piscatorial experts affirm that the
drainage work done or being carried on
in the townships is killing out the catch-
ing of trout, to their regret.
A LARGE amount of building ie being
done along the line of local improve-
ment and the carpenters and cement
builders have been having a busy time.
THE visit of Mrs. Burns to Brussels
Women's Institute, Tuesday ot last
week, was greatly enjoyed by the goodly
gathering. Her address was specially
applicable to the occasion.
THURSDAY of next week will be
Dominion Day. THE POST will be
published Wednesday so correspondents
and advertisers are asked to kindly
govern themselves accordingly.
ALFALFA.- Last Monday morning
Toho Wright, agent for Brussels Express
Co., left a stalk of alfalfa at THE POST
that measured 40 inches. He ant it on
his "farm," Mill street. He thinks the
hay shortage will be helped out if the
other farmers are producing as good a
sample of alfalfa.
ABOUT 275 excursionists took is the
Model Farm Excursion to Guelph last
Saturday, The gloomy morning forbade
the going of some. The day turned out
fine however. 7o tickets were sold at
Brussels. Train arrived home shortly
after g p. m. Farm is a delightful spot
to visit.
A BRANCH Picture Show is being
managed by R. M. Sinclair in Lucknow
in conjunction with his Brussels busi-
ness which will keep him busy. The
Lucknow people will find Mr. Sinclair
a worthy young man who may be de-
pended upon to do the straight thing
every time. He is careful in censoring
his programs.
Tug New MILL. -Good progress has
been made by the builders at the new
mill of Messrs. Naegele & Logan.
The cement work will be completed this
week and the building pushed to a finish
that the newmachinery so c t may be in-
stalled and ready for operatic at an
early date. It is a substantial, well built
structure and nothing is being slighted
in its construction by the new proprie•
WILL. LITTLE keeps Brussels, Grey &
Morris Telephone line in
p good repair,
even if be often bas a busy time. He's
very obliging about it too, which is an
excellent feature in having dealings
with so many people. Will. is a bachelor
and would make a good husband.
The young lady operators at the
Central office and THE POST believe this.
PRESENTATION. -Welland Telegraph :
-A party of 30 ladies, members of the
Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist
church, met at the home of Mrs. (Dr,)
Colbeck, Wednesday afternoon to pre-
sent Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Kerr with a
token of their appreciation of her ser-
vices to the Society in the past. An
address of tribute was read by Mrs,
Colbeck and Mrs. Chalmers presented
Mrs, Kerr with a beautiful brooch pin.
The recipient made an appropriate re-
ply. Rev. Mr, Kerr and family remove
to Vancouver city, B, C„ where the
reverend gentleman will become pastor
of the 6th avenue Methodist church,
His new duties begin on the 1st Sabbath
of July,
AT OTTAWA, -I. C. Richards dropped
Tlta Pose the following note from Ot-
tawa :-You will be surprised to get a
line from me but I am safe here and
well. We have all enjoyed our trip very
much and our little Ford car brought us
here safely without any accidents, not
even a puhcture. Charlie and I have
just finished a walk through tbe Parlia-
ment buildings and also the Chateau
Laurier, which is the greatest building
of the kind I have over had the pleasure
of seeing. We are spending the fore-
noon in this city and go on to Brockville
this afternoon, from which city we mane
yesterday, Hope you ate all well and
good business
and an ustl
the town ua ,
Mrs, Richards and Charlie join the in
kind regards to all. Respectfully yours,
Ottawa, June xgtb,
THE POST telephones are 31 and 32.
Send us the newsy items and do it Now.
WONDER how the cigarette law is be-
ing enforced in town ? Complaint bas
been made that some juveniles are se-
curing the "coffin nails" from some
quarter. Possibly a magistrate's case
may clear up the rumor.
—0 ---
DR. A. D. MOKELVET, Ear, Nose and Throat
Sneoisli$t, Toronto, will be at Dr. Bryans'
office, Brussels, on Friday and Saturday, July
0th and 10111, for consultations.
A 12 room logging chain with 2 hooks lost
on 7th line, Morrie. Will finder kindly send
word or leave it at THE PosT. JAS. PARISH.
If so make early application to the undersign-
ed as the supply done not nearly equal the de-
mand. Don't delay. DAVID 8500TH, Govern-
meat Agent, Bruesele.
WATERpaooT coat taken by mistake from
buggy et A. Hoover's Tuesday evening of last
week. Will person kindly return to Wm.
Rands or leave it at Tait P055.
Los' near G. T. R, station for sale. Suitable
for a double house. Apply to Tan PoaT. 6I.8
GOLD brooch found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this notice.
Hones and lot for sale 0 rooms, large wood•
shed with coal bin, hard and soft water, small
fruits, eto, ari sore lot, corner Thomas and
Alexander streets. For further particulars
apply on the premises. Quick sale as proprie-
tor is removing from town. T. R. TaOMaoN,
PURE bred mammoth Pekin dneklinge for
sale at 20 bents apiece R. TuoMsoN, Riverside
Poultry Farm, Bruesels. Phones 24x or 88.
GARAGE roe :LLE. -Undersigned offers his
cement garage, which is 80x60 feet, with
metallic' roof, for Bale. It is fire proof and
waterproof, with bandy office, $e. Building
le welltlocated, For price and terms apply to
D. EWAN, Brussels.
000n brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving ehed.
Excellent repair. All oonvenlenceo, bath, eta.
For farther particulars apply to GEosos
Tt;OMeON, Brussels.
Two Short Horn bull calves for sale. One
a year old and the other 18 months. No better
animals in the country. Terme to atilt the
purchaser. Have also a young Yorkshire hog
for sale. JAa. SPEIR. Lot S0, Con, 6, Morrie,
Box 187 Brussels P. O. Phone 287.
A LITTLE better choice of language on
the part of some youths wbo frequent
Victoria Park in the evenings is recom-
mended, otherwise there may be strong-
er measures to en force gentlemanly forms
of speech. Probably a word to the wise
will be sufficient as such instances are
the exception to the rule prevailing on
the Park
ID1PRoVEMENTs.-Among a number of
improvements to propertier made tbis
season or in progress are the following :
Garage at W. A. Gretvar's ; septic tank,
sanitary manure shed, &c„ at F. 5,
Scott's ; new verandas at J T. Wood's,
Dr. Holmes', J. H. Galbraith's, W, M.
Sinclair's and J Ballantyne's ; porch at
A. Currie's. The painter's brush has
also been busy at many buildings much
improving appearances and adding to
the preservation.
BLATCHFORD - GRAY. -The marriage
of Miss Miriam Winnifred Gray, only
daughter of Gen. and Mrs. Gray, of
Sandwich, to C. Victor Blatchford,
editor of the Listowel Banner, and son
of Rev. T. W. Blatchford, B. A , Cen-
tralia took lace
in Windsor
June 19th, Rev. Rural Dean
Snellgrove, rove rector of the church of the
Ascension, Windsor, officiating. Mr
and Mrs. Blatchford are spending a few
days in Toronto and Niagara Falls be.
fore taking up their residence in Listo-
towel. THE PosT throws an editorial
slipper after the happy pair and wishes
them a long, happy and useful lite.
annual meeting of Wingham District
Lodge, Independent, Order of Odd;Fel-
lows was held at Brussels on Thursday
afternoon, June rotb. The representa-
tives from Wingham were John F,
Groves, W. B. Elliott, P. H. Deans and
John Amshury and District Secretary,
1. W. Dodd. The meeting disapproved
of the plan of re -arranging the district
as recommended by Grand Lodge. A
committee was appointed to arrange for
the organization of Past Grand's As-
sociation for the District. Gavin David -
sen, of Wroxeter, was elected as Dist.
rict Deputy Grand Master and J. W.
Dodd, of Wingham, wast re-elected as
District Secretary. The next meeting
will be held at the call of the D. D. G.
AT LONDON. -A deputation of Huron
County women consisting of Mesdames
Fitton, Exeter ; Redmond, Wingham ;
Manning, Clinton and Neal, Seafortb,
were visitors at the mobilization camp.
London, last Friday. They went to
make arrangements tor the field kitchens
that Huron County women are present-
ing to the 33rd Overseas Battalion and
while there were entertained by Lieut. -
Col, Alex.lWilson, officer commanding
the 33rd. They had lunch at 1,30 in the
officers' mess tent and afterwards in-
spected the regimental lines and saw the
different types of field kitchen on ex-
hibition, There are several kinds placed
by the manufacturers and it was to de -
gide on the f e that the ladies went to
London. The women of Huron County
are continuing their great work for
patriotic causes and have undertaken to
raise sufficient funds to provide the 33rd
Battalion, Whleh was mainly recruited in
this county, with portable field kitchens.
WHAT do you do to draw trade to
Brussels and help boom the place?
Evert/bole should have a part.
L. 0, L. -A special meeting of Brus-
sels Orange Lodge, No. 774, will be held
next Monday evening, 28th inst., at 8
o'clock in the lodge room, Members
are asked to attend.
26 cxNvs,-W. W. Harris sold the
first half of June make of creamery
butter this week to Messrs. Lovell &
Christmas, Montreal, at at' cents per
pound, The Shamrock creamery turns
out a No. t article.
Nor Taus. -The report being circul-
ated that 1 was in receipt of $g a week
from Grey township Council during the
past Winter is untrue as not a cent was
received by me. Proof may easily be
had by enquiry of the Council..
Pre -Nuc. -Brussels Women's Institute,
Shine's Sebool, Grey, and Barrie's
School, Morris, will hold their annual
picnic in Davidson's grove, Tuesday
afternoon, June 29th. A program of
games, sports, Foot Ball and Base Ball
will make a good clean afternoon's en-
tertainment. Bring your lunch baskets
and come and have a good time A rig
will leave the Public Library at 2 3o
p. m. to carry passengers to the grounds.
GARDEN PARTY. -Despite unfavorable
weather conditions the Garden Party
last Monday evening at Melville Manse
aas a great success, $t29 being th- fin
ancial proceeds, Program was largely
in the hands of the well known humor-
ous vocalist, James Fax, Toronto, 'Who
continues to hold first place in the favor
of the public. Other talent was solo by
Lorne Eckmier ; violin duel, Messrs
Spelr and Kerney ; harmonica selee-
tier, Messrs Cardiff
and Smith ; short
addresses by J. Bowman, M. P.. and A.
Hislop : piano duets by Misses Fox and
Strachan and Misses Jones and Sinclair
Rev, Mr. Mann presided. Entertain-
ment was under auspices of the Young
People's Society.
ACCIDENT.- One day last week an
accident happened "s`. -the new mill being
erected that might easily have bad fatal
results. While the workmen were busy
a scaffold gave way precipitating Chas.
Naegele, son of one of the proprietors,
and Jas McIntosh to the bottom of
the basement, a distance of about 25
feet. Along with them went the plank,
a wheelbarrow of stone and 2 wheel
barrows of cement mixture. When a
summary could be made Naegele was
found to have a badly wrenched back
while McIntosh had z ribs broken and
was otherwise shaken up. It was a very
close call and a miracle in the escape
from fatal injury
TENNIS, -Wednesday afternoon Listo-
wel Lawn Tennis experts were bere for
the League match. Five events sere
on the program, 3 singles and 2 doubles.
Brussels won them all the scores being: -
Brussels Listowel Score
S. Fox L. Bernie 6 4 1 6 1 6
V. Ross Dr. Livingstone 6 3 6-2
B. Leckie J. Elliott 3 6 8 6 6.3
IS. Fox L. Bernie
t T Leckie Dr. Livingstone 6 4 3 6 6.4
V. Ross F Black
R LeckieElliott J E . 6
Our boys will play i 1 cunt Forest
y at MOunt
and Harriston on Tuesday.
There are 4 teams in thee District and
the winners go to the tournament at
Loudon for tbe finals.
icio s wasthe opening of the
Grocery last Saturday by Roy McKay.
It is located in the Smith block and is
well stocked with a fresh stock of
Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery, Can-
ned goods, &c. A reataurant is also
run in a spacious room where choice the
cream and Summer drinks are served in
up -to date style. Mr. McKay's motto is
"Quality First " He will make a
specialty of prompt delivery and has in•
stalled a telephone, No. 40x. so tbat
orders may be 'given in this way and
save time. Butter and eggs will be
taken as cash and Mr. McKay hopes be
close atteetixp to business, courteous
treatment and selling the best .goods at
close pieces to share in the trade of the
publ c. Phe new store presents a very
attractive appearance and the proprietor
was well pleased with the opening and
the way trade is shaping.
evening Wilde Harris and George Col-
vin jr., were at W. W. Herrin' factory
and having some fun playing tricks on
one another, A small dipper was near
containing about an ounce of sulphuric
acid and thinking it was water the latter
threw it at the former, etrikiug him in
the face The result was a very serious
burn, Speedily the injured youth was
got to the doctor Rud treatment given.
It is hoped the eyesight will not be im-
paired althoughatthe present both eyes
are closed end the face badly burned,
the marks of which may show for many
a day. The accident is greatly regretted
by Will's many friends anti none feel it
more keenly than the one who innocent
l eau ed the trouble in an act that fie
almost Rn every day:oeeurrenee where
young folk are and water at hand. We
hope the patient will soon be o. k, This
is s buty season at the factory where
Will. Was employed.
Few Wednesday night The teme
perature in the day was more like Otto,
ber than the last of lune.
EN'raANcx examination was in pre -
grecs durlog Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week. There were $9
candidates and divided as to sex they
need 3e boys and e7 girls A. A. Nay-
lor, Principal or Seatorth Public School,
was the presidipg examiner,
W, C, 'P. XY. -Huron County, W. C.
T 1J Conveutien will be held in Mel-
ville (Presbyterian) chuieb, Brussels, on
Thursday and Friday, line 8th and 9th,
Some of the interesting fealuree will be
a Gold Medal elnc;tionaly Contest and
an address from Mrs• Gordon Wright,
Dominion President. Further particu•
Jars next week.
't'lis res dence of Mrs Jetties Elliott,
corner Alexender awl Mill streets,
Brussels, has been purchased by les.
Logan, who will get possession shortly,
Mrs. Elliot, and daughters purpose re•
moving to Stratford in the near future.
While regretting to see them go we wash
them a happy and prosperous residence
in the Classic city, with which they are
not strangers, Mrs. Elliott's son Johu
is a resident of that. city.
BOUGHT PROPERTY - Jno, Currie '&
Son have purchased I acres' of land
from Walter Broadfoot, 5th line, Morris
township, on which they will 11 up an
up-to-date slaughter house and other
necessaay belopgings to comply with the
regiulatiuns of the Board of Health. The
necessary gravel has been hauled for the
cement work and a building purchased
was hauled to position last .week by
traction engine. Messrs. Currie are de•
tet mined to fix up the property in first-
class shape so that the sanitary condi-
tious will be all tbat could be desired.
Fruit Bulletin
Of interest to housewives. Official
notice is givers to buy canning
strawberries now. Have your groc-
er secure Niagara Peninsula grown
kind, they are now at their best and
require lees sugar. Gooseberries
about ready. Speak to your grocer
Ran CBoss CIRCLE. -The Red Cross
Circle will have their next tea at the
home of Mrs P. Ament, on Wednesday,
June 3nih,. There is still alt urgent
•need for the women to continue to do
their snare All are invited to enjoy
this social time and help in this noble
cause. There will be sewing to do there
and sewing to be given out. Come and
bring your knitting. Admission to
cents Anyone wishing to get sewing
during the week may secure it at the
Library from Mry T. Kerr on Thursday
.or Saturdw aft, moons.
LI•:TowsL W'N syr r -o. -A hustling
game of Intermediate Foot. Ball was
played on Victoria Park here Wednes-
day evening, with Secretary' Firbig,
Stratford, in command as Referee. No
goals were scored in the first half al.
though lively ball was played but the
visitors notched one in the secoud bout,
while Brussels failed to do the trick al-
though they gave the backs and goal-
keeper some anxious moments. The.
return game will come off at Listowel
next Monday and the results are by no
means certain yet as to the final out-
come. Honors were very equally divid-
ed Wednesday nignt although Listowel
played the better combination.
Wednesday afternoon the Red Cross
Circle put on a Flag Day program and
did sp endldly, not only clearing out
their supply of little flags but in their
enthusiasm accepted a number of those
already disposed of and re -sold them.
Over $8o 00 went into the treasury as
the result of the boom. Several autos,
gaily decked out with flags and hunting
cunveyed the ladies who were doing the
selling to the Driving Park where the
races were being held and it has been
many a day since as many flags were in
evidence as on Wednesday. The Red
Cross'Circie wish to heartily thank the
the young ladies who did the selling and
also all who so willingly lent a hand in
making the day so successful. The
money will be well used you may de -
MATRIMONIAL, - At "Riverview
Farm," the ,home of the bride, Rev. A.
J. Mann, B. A., performed tbe marriage
ceremony hetveen Hugh Lamont, a
well-to-do young farmer of the loth Con.
of Grey township, and Miss Mary N
eldest daughter of James and Mrs.
Burgess, of this locality, on Wed e
day of this week.marriage
marria e
took place in the parlor at 12 o'clock,
under a floral arch, the good looking
bride being given away by her father.
Wedding march was played by Miss
Pearl Gidley, of Blyth, cousin of the
bride. Miss Thelma Burgess, the bride's
e a g
sister, mad charming flower girl. A
most becoming costume of white silk
with shadow lace, bridal veil and orange
blossoms was worn by the bride. After
congratulations the large company sat
down to a wedding banquet prepared in
the best style of the hostess. Rev. A.
J. Mann proposed the health of the
bride and S. B. Lamont, of Calgary
brother of the groom, made a
very fitting reply. The wedding
gifts were numerous, valuable and
well chosen. The home was neatly
decorated for the occasion. Mr, and
Mrs Lamont left on the 3 45 G. '1'. R.
train for a short tour in Michigan and on
their return will live on the groom's fine
farm in Grey, Bride's going away suit
was Alice bale, black hat with ostrith
'plume. Many good wishes are extend-
ed to the happy twain by relatives and
friends tor a long, useful and successful
week R A. Payne leaves for Toronto
where he takes a position with the
Porter Manufacturing, Co., who deal in
Druggists and Grocers sundries. He
will be in charge of the office Mrs.
Pryne and children will likely remain in
Brussels `until the close of Summer.
We are sorry to see Mr, Pryne remove
from town as he was always' very ready
and willing by word nod deed to aid any
and every good cause. The Methodist
church will specially mist hint as he was
a member of the Official Board, sang in
the their, taught the young men's class
in Sabbath School and was also the
rea.s u er of the School col and of the Coa-
nexional Funds of the Church. He also
took quite an interest insociety affair
8 V S
and was Finoneier of the A. O. U, W,
Lodge. We bave no fear as to his sue.
cess. He is web acquainted' with.the city
having lived there before coming to
Estabftt bed aver Forty ori. Years
ASSETS OVER ;44000,080
The A, B, C of Bunking
Value Your Money.
Waste and iso
Xtravagance Bring Disaster
We solicit your account in our
.r •;
J. F. Rowland, 10-111 Manager.
All parties indebted to the
Pryne Milling Co. are asked
to kindly arrange to settle the
same at an early date.
Pryne Milling Co.
Brussels and will do his work faithfully
and well Many regrets are spoken as
to the going away of Mr, and Mrs.
Pryne and just as many good wishes ex-
pressed for a long, happy, useful and,
prosperous life in the wider sphere in
the cry. It ie 9 rears since the Pryne
familc came to`l3 usse:e hence they are.
web of gaalnted with many in the local-
ity. Mr. Pito 's piece of business is on
Victor is street, 'Toronto.
People We Talk About
Bert Lott was in Kincardine for the
week end
Mrs. J, 'T Ross and Miss Mary visited
old friends in Listowel. •
Irene and Willie Hunter, of Wingham,
are visiting relatives in town.
Ernest Lott arrived home last week
from Brantford Institute for the vacation,
Mrs. Ballard, (nurse). of Berlin,' has
been enjoying a visit with her sister,
Mrs Teo. Ferguson, Bru'oels.
J G. Tones is visiting Ethel and Bel-
grave each week in connection with his
optical and watchmaking business.
James and George Allan and their
better halves. of Wroxeter, and C. and
Mrs, Cook, Hensall. were visitors with
Druggist and Mrs, Fox.
W. H. Pryne and Miss Alta were visi-
tors at Newburye last week, with.rela-
tives, Mrs Robinson. Mr, Pryne's
daughter, shows some improvement we
are pleased to stale..
Miss Perle Sharpe, who has been visit
ing relatives and old friends in Brussels
and'locali,y, Left for London this week
where sbe will spend a while with her
sisters, Mesdames Kingswood and
The Edmonton, Alberta, Journal, of
June 14th, says of a former Brussels
young lady :-The engagement is an-
nounced of MISS. Lillian Hinges, of
Winnipeg, to Rev. John McLachlan. of
Winnipeg. the marriageto take place
quietly in Round Plains. Saskatchewan,
on June 24th. Miss Hindes is, well
known here, having been for the past
three months a guest of her sister, Mrs.
S. Dillon,
Harry Kirby, Stratford, wrs in town
on Wednesday.'
Lorne and Mrs Stevenson spent Sun-
day with T, and Mrs, Rands, of Sea -
Geurge Robb, of St. Catharines, is
reuewiug olcl atquaintahces in Brussels
and locality.
Mies Georgia Ross was enjoying a
holiday at the home of Chas. and Mrs.
Taylor near Blyth.
Will. Long, of the Bank of Nova
Scotia, Toronto, has been enjoying
a short vacation at his home here
Rev D 13, McRae and Miss Mina, of
Arnow, were here during the past week.
catling on relatives and old friends.
F. and Mrs Longfoot, of Stratford,
motored to Brussels on Saturday and
visited o d
Ge and Mrs. Edwards an
Miss Lizzie Downing will spend the
next few weeks with her sister, Miss
Hattie, ofNorouto, enjoying the balmy
air of Muskoka,
James Ballantyne, of town, will visit
Owen Sound on Friday as Referee in
Intermediate Foot Ball matches betweeu
Mildm y and Owen Sound bustling
teams in the semi finals,
Mrs Nellie McKay, of Battle Creek,
,Mich., is here on a visit at the home of
her brother-in-law, Chas. McKay. Turn -
berry street, North. It is 15 years ago
since Mrs, McKay was here. She buried
her husband 2 years since,
W. H. and Mrs. VanDuser, Mrs.
Beamer and Mrs. Harry Anderson,
Grimsby and Miss Homer, Exeter,
motored to Brussels and made a visit
with Rev. A J. and Mrs. Mann. Mrs
VanDuser and Mrs._ Beamer aresisters
to Mrs. Ma: n.,
Adam and Mrs. Roe left Brussels Fri-
day morning for Stratford where they
spent a few days with relatives before re-
turning to their home in Pickford.
Mich They will sal on the steamer,
Namonic. to Sault Ste. Marie, front
which place they will be conveyed by
auto to their home, with Harry Draper
as chauffeur.
Lysander Armstrong, of Chicago, the
youngest son of the late William Arm-
strong, of olden days proprietor -of the
American Hotel, Brussele, was renewing
old frieodsbipe here during the past
week. It is about 32 years since he left
town but still found a number of old
friends here who were glad to review the
days long gone by. Me Armstrong is a
wideawake man representing a rubber
hose house,
Saturday of this week Geo and Mrs.
McMillan, Mrs. W. Harris, W. and Mrs.
Telfer and Miss Holmes go to Cromartv,
Fullerton township, to joinin the,5oth
anniversary celebration of the Presby
tartan Church, 'which congregation they
attended in the bygones indeed Mrs.
McMillan was a member of the choir.'
1t will no doubt prove a very happy oc-
casion in the renewing ot old friendships
and associations.
TUERE apparently has beep an
impression gone abroad tbat the
Hoes of China which we several
months ago purchased troni Alice Rosa
would no longer' be procurable. We
wish to say Lh€tt this is entirely wrong
as we have orders phtded covering the
entire range and wehppe to have therm,.
•complete within the next two fnonLhas
The foregoing refers to the following
patterns ;-
Violet Pompadour-3li:te Limoges
]iridal Rose -Elite Limoges
&tattered Dose-liavilund Limoges
White and Gold-Liutogee
Green and Gold (Greek Key) Berton
These are all open stook patterns and
any article tint we do not have in
stock can beprooured at short notice.
We count it a pleasure to have you
look over our China stook at any time
The Penslar Store
Mrs. McLean and soli rock, of Cal-
gary, are vrsiiora with George and Mrs.
Crooks, Albert street, Brussels, the
former's grandparents.
W. A Grewar has been on the poorly
list this week with somethiug akin to
acute indigestion but we hope he will
soon be as frisky as ever.
Ernest Rezell, Clinton, was here for a
day this week. S. '1'. Plum, returned
with him for a brief yet well earned
Our old friend, Ronald McNaughton,
Princess street, has hardly been as well
as usual for the past week or so but as
be is up iu the eighties it not much
wonder if the tabernacle' sometimes
THE PosT makes its bow to little Miss
Breeden, of St. Mays, whose Treed
mamma was formerly Miss Annie Wren,
who spent a year in Brussels. We ex-
tend congratulations and hope the baby
daughter may be a great joy to the
LABoNT-BURGEsa: At the home of the
bride's parents. on June 28rd, 1916, by Rev.
A. J. Mann B. A., Dir, Hugh Lamont,
Grey township, to Mies Mary N.. eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bnrgoos,
OLOAteY.—In Wingham, on June filet. 1816•
John Cloakey, aged 88 years, 8 menthe andl
7 days.
Wheat 81 OD 11 OIG
Cate Barley 1040 •0r 1. 5...
Butter 271 21:
Eggs is, 191
Have 1800 1800001
Potatoes per bus as
Wool washed 28
Ontario Statutes 1915;
Justices of the Peace andothers entitled to,
copies of the above Statutes are requested to.
call at my office onto send there for them or •
if more convenient, to write to me for same.
with the addresses to which 1t is' desired they;
ahonld be aent.
Goderioh, June 18.,1915. Clerk of Peace:.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••Ntll••••• los:
Brussels Daylight Store
G. N. McLaren
•rvid,'000at,11.,%.011,oIA1 .4“01. ,,4bV14•a0he!Pp'r4a4040Vii.10.40100, 4. ,t,A, ,4'14044 4..1'15,',,
• ••• •
H••Proress Made•
•UR stock of Progress Made Clothes is now complete. We had placed our ord I
• ers for these before the advance in Worsteds and have the most complete as '
• O,
• sortment we have ever shown. The Prices are right, in fact we consider them „
• the hest values we have ever had. •a
• Men's• Suits Band YouMen's Suitsa
All the newest patterns, as well as Properly Made and Perfect 1
Black and Blues Fitting ::
10.00, 12.00, 13.00 $15.00 7.00, 8.00, 10.00 & $12.00'
Mens Lower Priced Suits
i g Children's and Large Boys' t
• t Suits Call and see them, Splendid assortment, Newest Patterns ••1
• 5.00, 6.00 & $7.50 From $2.50 to $8.50 S'
• •'
A Complete assortment of Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Child- :
sea's Boots Shoes and Slippers.
Highesthest Prices for
G. N.
1ii•sieeeeee eeee••••Ness•••••.N••••••••s•••RMsN••••s ss.•ss•e••••••••••••.