HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-17, Page 6usewife
Quid: ('innainon 13un,---Sift a
gnash „f flour into four teaepoon-
fiils of baking powder and a half
la`ae pootrful alt; rub in two table-
spoonfuls fc
a 115 :t r[c '
p ning,ad•dmilkto
jiie1 moisten Mix, roll into a ebeet,
tsps ae with, butter, dust thickly
• with sugar, lightly with cinnuvrron,
axed sprinkle with dry, eleali, cur-
rants. Make into a• robl, cut into
two-inch lengths, stand these, cut -
Bide up, in greased pan, and bake
in moderate even. about 40 minutes.
Serve warm.
F'r ieasce of Union.—After peeling
the onions, •etew their slowly in
boiling ,salted water; when tender,
add one-half pint of milk and a
tablespoon of Hour (level), which
baa been rubbed smiooth in e little
milk, and a heaping tableepoonful
of butter, Cook five minute's and
serve with mashed ur boiled puta-
Clinger Cookies.—One-half cup-
ful molasses, two cupfuls of timer,
<uaa-fourth cupful of butter, one
tablespoonful ginger, one-half tea-
epounful cinnamon, one-half tea-
spoonful of ,salt, one teaepoonfel
of b:a.kinee soda. Roll out on a
board, cut and bake.
('ahbnge.—Ciabbuge will be more
dierstible if, when it is ,half conk
ed, the water is poured off and
fresh boiling water added.
uubstitute for Leucon Pie,—
Smooth a tableepoonful of corn-
starch in a little c:.dd water, pour
it into a cupful of boiling water,
stirring constantly until it boils
clear. a Then1 -
ad theg r•ed t r•i
and juice of one lemon, to which
has been added a cupful of sugar
and a well -beaten egg. Stir and
c <': one minute, Have ready six
ir -.'led wheat biscuite split m
w;,, pour the lemon cream leer
therm and serve hot or cold.
Sandwiches.—One pound seeded
raisins, one pound walnuts, two
seems of sweet Dream, whites of
two eggs well beaten. Mix and
spread un slices of bread well but-
Peanut Brittle. --Shell and re-
move the brown skins, front two
quarts of peanuts. Put a. pound of
smear in a saucepan over the fire;
stir until the sugar melts; take
'rum fire and stir the peanuts in
meekly. Turn the mixture out.
tied roll immediately into a thin
,fleet, mark into equar•es, and let
:o.•1. When it is cold bre•a.k it into
Sp: mil the garment vn ,a table and
cul it with warm water and good
white soap in which'Itars been dis-
solves a 'lump of carbonate of am -
=Tele the size u). a ,pea; rinse in
cold water, hang out in. the air,
and upon nu account put it near
the fire.
Put wet line hos to dry with
bristles down this lengthere their
period of usefulness; otherwise the
water soaks into the back, e.aueing
warping and cracking.
11 eggs are placed in hot water
for a few seconds before breaking,
the whites will separate from the
yolks very easily. They must be
cooled before whipping up the
Permute.: filled with minced pine-
apples, celery and chipped nuts
mixed with mayonnaise make a de-
licious salad.
Creamed cauliflower served in
green shells makes a dish as tasty
as it fi satisfying to the eye,
The cook wild find it a cunveni-
enee to have a belt fastened -around
the waist. To each side front of
this belt is fastened a strip that
reathes to the knees. On the end
of cath strip is fastened a quilted
When eggs are broken and can-
_ not be used at once, they will keep
mach better if the shells are re-
moved and a quarter of a teaspoon-
ful of salt beaten in for each egg.
When couking tart apples or
other sour fruit, add apinch of
salt in the cooking prucess; this
done, lees sweetening will be re-
uire d
71ie heat of � rl
the oven s hal d be a
feel r inTdet rmining what medium
should be used fur greasing pans.
Butter burns much more quickly
then lard.
No Cause to Interfere.
The felluwing incident, which the
Philadelphia Record relates, must
have occurred before the outbreak
of the present war, for landlub-
bers as well as waterside charac-
ters are by this time pretty famil-
iar with the appearance of the sub-
A steam launch that belonged to
a British battleship recently
sprang a leak while crossing from
Purtsmouth, and rapidly sank.
Nearby an old `salt' was leisurely
rowing a .boat, but he made no at-
tempt to came to the rescue•. The
launch's crew managed to swim to
the boat, and as they scrambled in,
one of them said to the boatman:
"Why un earth didn't you give
us a hand? Didn't you see we
were sinking?'
• "Ler' bless ser," said the boat-
man stolidly, "I thought yer craft
was one o' those blessed submar-
ines !"
ele-es. •
Date Nand wielu's.—Them are
lelicitnrs for the sellout lunch -box
tr the picnic -box. Stine date's
end chop fine. To one cupful of
pulp add one tablespoonful of
range juice. ltfix well and
sprinkle with a little cinnamon.
ipread on thin lice of whole
wheat bread.
Coffee Cake.—Three cupful's of
le er, one coffee cupful of granu-
kleed sugar, three-fourths of aeup-
fnl of buttes, one heaping tea-
spoonful baking powder, one -hail
:ee'puonful salt,• one cupful cif cur-
rants, two tea'sp'oonfuls of flavor -
Inge, roll about one ineh in thick -
nese and hake in moderately hot
Mealloped Eggs.—Sig bard -cook-
ed eggs, three-quarter cup <.hop-
e, d irons, t•hreequarter cup butter-
^ -<l cracker crumbs, half teaspoon
salt. twe tablespuons butter, one
and a ]calf tablespoon flour, one
cup madded milk; few grains pep-
per. Melt the butter, add the Hour
mixed ult.!) the seasoning,, and
when mixed smooth add gradually
t:.rr calded milk. C'uuk until
en +,th and glossy. Chop the hard -
:looked eggs. Sprinkle the bottom
of e buttered baking-dieh with
crawls, .cover with ene-half the
eggs, the eggs with sauce, and the
sauce with meat; repeat. Cover
with the remaining crumbs. Place
in the oven and bake until the
enuis, are br,vvu. Tie meat may
be emitted.
(limon 1)ressiug.---Cit the bacon
in :.mall bits, place it in a frying
pan, fry out the fat and brown the
Mecun. To every fourth cup of
dripping add two tablespoons
vinegar, one tess,poun salt, two
teaspoons sugar, and one-fourth
tc,,sp,on pepper. If the vinegar is
very strung dilute it with water.
The a.aiuunt of seasoning used will
depend largely upon the ingre-
dients in the salad, The dressing
A used while hot, and will wilt the
dandelions, lettuce, and water-
cre.se. and other greens over which
It is poured. A potato salad mixed
with this dressing is delicious.
frame Hints.
It: is, a good idea when engaged
upon delicate needlework to ]rave
a small bowl of white flour beside
yoir and to dip the fingers in it oc-
casionally, It negate in keeping
the hands dry and the work oleaan,
• The use of mustard in cleaning
'Aeneas in which fish has been kept
will remove the fish taste and all,
the odor,
An old raincoat may be trans-
formed into en apron for wasllb day.
Soiled raincoltte mn,akintoshee) can
' .d c .ora, e : at kerne i its
mere 1 n�m h
Looking Backward
Forty years ago the women were
wearing hcupskirts.
A quarter of a century ago the
dandies affected spring - bottom
Thirty years ago hustles were all
the rage.
Twenty-five years ago or there-
abouts the whole country was dip-
pv over.the 15-13-14 puzzle.
Thirty years ago the baseball
pitcher threw underhand.
;1t about the same periud cro-
quet tournaments were all to the
aw fwah.
Two- score years ago "Silver
Threads Among the Gold" was the
most popular sung of the day,
while twenty years ago it, was "Af-
ter the Ball."
Twenty-five years ago if a kid
<lidn't behave in school he got
licked by the teacher. (We happen
to knuwt.
Twenty years ago all the young
sports were riding safety ,bicycles
every well regulated - community
had its bicycle club.
Thirty years ago they al) laughed
when Rugby football was intro-
duced in the West.
Twenty years ago the young chap
who owned a horse and buggy was
the envy of every other lovelorn
swain in the neighborhood and the
admiration of every girl.
Five years ago the women .wore
all-over dresses.
Four years ago Sarah Bernhardt
played her twentieth "positively
the last farewell tour" in the
TJnited States.
A year ago now it was hotter
than the hinges of the scorching
Yesterday the women were wear-
ing hobble skirts.
To -marrow•-- f
We arc up to now,
No fewer than 402 naval and mili-
tary books dealing with warfare
have been published in the past
few months. -
Funeral of Inisitania. Victims ]leld at Queenstown. •
Picture taken at the graveside, showing grave in which sixty-six coffins were plac ed side by side.
g11v07,Nilve.iNtilika, stotplobill
The Farm m Aut0 mob's e
The cry is insistent for better
roads in oountry districts. This has
been brought bout to some extent
since the advent of automobiles,
creating sentiment in that direc-
tion on the part of taxpayers. But
men .and women alike, praoticelly
everywhere, hold that one of the
greatest services or public im-
provements is in the way of a sys-
tematic bettering of country roads.
This was brought out, partieula•rly
from the standpoint of the home,
in a recent investigation made by
the department of agriculture,
seeking particularly to determine
the social and labor needs of farm
A brief abstract of the report
shows the keen interest in better
tlhoroughfares, and incidentally the
increasing use of automobiles.
Some go so far as to express the
opinion that- in road building the
requirements of auto'm,obilists are
considered before the business and
social needs of (he farm, this work-
ing to the hantn of short stretches
of side roads.
Some of the testimony shows
that due, to the lack of considera-
tion of chauffeurs, who fail to stop
their machines at proper times, the
increase in automobiles has made it
hazardous or dangerous for wo-
men to do elluclL driving on many
country roads. One writer rug-
gents a federal law requiring the
driver r of anr o i
ati tom b is tot
bis machine, on signal.
One contributor to the investiga-
tion says where the country roads
have not been improved the women
are practically shut in during the
cold months, at a time when high-
ways are so rough or mud ,so deep
the popular priced automobiles so
generally need by farmers and their
wives, cannot be satisfactorily
operated. "Nothing would bene-
fit the women on the farms as much
as to improve the country roads."
One woman advocates ,a system of
country roads which will enable the
farm woman to transport her pro-
duce to a market in the least pos-
sible there, alto that they may
drive a vehicle or automobile to
and from dwell without overdoing
themselves in accomplishing a
long, tiresome journey that should
be made in one quarter the time.
Ile Does Not.
Peter de Groot advertised for an
office boy the other day. There
weren't any replies that amounted
to anything till re dirty -faced ur-
chin presented himself just at the
hour when he should not have ap-
"What do you wantl" growled
The child answered : "I don't
suppose you don't know about_ no
man that don't ,want to hire no kid
nor no feller to do no work for
nothing do you? Or don't you 1"
"Yes," answered Mr. De Groot,
"I dont,"
---- 4,
Wheat 'Will 1lappen.
A good story comes from the
home of a well-known Scottish di-
vine, says "Reynold's News-
paper." Brooding over the 'wan-
ton brutalities of the Germane one
of -the .servante, while endeavoring
to obtain the guidance of the head
n,f the house in the matter, grave-
ly remarked --"If ony o' thee Ger-
mans get to Heaven it'll pit a lot
o' folk off ,being guid."
JUNF. 20.
Lessors X11. A Prayer for the
Tempted (Temperance Lessen).
Psa. 141. G.'1;—Psa. 141.9.
• 1. The Cry to God (Verses 1-4).
Verse 1. I have called upon thee
—This is a frequent introduction to
a psalm of complaint and desire for
2. As incense before tieee . , . as
the evening sacrifice—These are ex-
pressions' from the priestly ritual.
The psalmist knew what worship
meant. He wanted his prayer and
the lifting up of his hands to have
all the authority .and force of an
appointed religious service.
Incense •was.burnt every morning
and evening (see Exod. 30. 7, 8),
and sacrifice was made both in the
morning and evening (Exod. 29:
39), The psalmist's prayer was to
be continual, not an impulse to
sporadic bursts of supplication_
And it was to be a tribute of honor
and ,praise. As the road over
which the king was to pass, accor-
ding to Oriental custom, was scent-
ed with sweet perfume, so the God
of heaven was to,'he adored in the
presence of p e le .
aeons odor's. I
3. Set a watch—However much
one might determine to bridle (or
muzzle, Psa. 39. 1) the mouth,
there was still danger of sinning
with the tongue. Only as God is
the keeper, and sets a sentry to
guard the lips, is the mouth of a
man safe.
4. Incline not my heart — So
afraid is the psalmist of becoming
affected with the disease of an -
another's iniquity that it seems as
though he thought God •might un-
consciously ineline him to evil
deeds. His prayer, however, is a
positive declaration that he will
not let the sin of another contami-
nate him,
II. Chastening by the Righteous
(Verses 5-7).
5. Let the righteous smite me—
The psalmist would rather be in
the presence of the righteous,
though they •smite and chastise
him, than in the presence of the
wicked, though they pet and cajole
him. There is the further thought
that honest criticiser of a, just and
purl man is a blessing to; ,be covet-
ed, a kindness anti as oil upon the
head. (See Psa. 23. 5; 123. 2.)
Even in their wickedness—The
psalmist unconsciously turns from
the thought of the righteous smit-
ing him to the buffeting of the
wicked. This idea, was so deminent
in his mind that he does not speak
specifically of the "unrighteous". in
their wickedness, but simply aa -
slimes that whoever in wickedness
could do anything ,would be essen-
tially •winked. He does not mean
that the righteous could be wicked;
the pronoun "their" does not refer
to "the righteous" mentioned' in
the first 'part of the verse; it refers
to the "wicked" whom he suppos-
es, in contradistinction to the
righteous, would atbempt to make
him cease praying.
0, Their judges are thrown down
--This verse is very obscure. Per-
haps the reference is to the leaders
o£ Absaloin's revolt, who are
posed to have thrown down the
rooks by the people whom they
misled. These latter, after having
been deceived .b the fake leaders,
heard David's words es "sweet
7. Our bones are scattered—See
Psa. 53. 5. 'Similar expressions in
the Psalter are used of the enemy,
or of those who put themselves out
of harmony with God. - So here
"our tones" evidently has refer-
ence to the wicked. Their punish-
ment comes so swift and sore that
they themselves cry out, "Our
Ibones etre scattered," etc. They
are of no more consequence than
the clods which a• plower leaves be-
hind him in the furrow.
III. The Eyes Fixed on Jehovah
(Verses 8-10):
8-10. Verse's five to seven are not
as clear as verses•one to four and
eight to ten. "The stream [in
verses five to seven] has been
foaming among rocks in a gorge,
but [in verses eight to ten] it .has
emerged into sunlight and flows
in thee do I take refuge—The
honest soul takes refuge in the Al-
mighty; it is confident that harm
will remain far off.
The snares anal gins which one
sets for another are always sure to
cause one's own undoing. The
Psalms are full of such expressions,
showing that the writers had dis-
cerned a never -failing law of hu-
man life..
/sYour Family Safe?
wedding ring on the finger of has
• bride, he should slip into her hand
a life insurance policy, He who is
not willing to do so dies no moral
right to assume the responsibility
of establishing a home."
These words were spoken by a
noted evangelist. The assertion is
ventured that among the 179,588
widows in Canada at the time of
the ]ask tenets, many thousands
would be ,happier to -day had• a
substantial life insurance aoeom-
panie(i the wedding ring. We won-
der just how many of these 179,598
widows have been left to wetted
want because of the failure of their
husbands to provide for thein in the
surest and eheapest way—by an in-
surance policy substantial 'enough
to guarantee independence fox a
few years at leaet. We holes no
brief for the life insurance com-
panies., but like the evangelist we
have quoted, we see it as the plain
duty of the husband to provide for
hie wife ,and little ones in the ease
of the unbimely death of the bread-
winner; In no case is dtife• insur-
ance more needed than by the
farmer endwise property ie mortgag-
ed or insufficient to support les
family in comfort were he to be
Worth It.
"Prisoner at the 'bar,," said the
Judge, "is there anything you wish
to say before sentence is passed
upon yon 1,t "No, :my Lord, there
i$ nothin' I care to say; but if
you'll clear mins the tables and
chairs for me to thrash my lawyer
yon can give me a year or two ex-
Egyptians in tth,e third century
treed to been butter be their helps
instead of oil
Somebody has said that the ad -
clition of a bathrocun to the farm
home wii1 do snore in way of coun-
try life enrichment than any other
single factor. This simply means
that the foamier, in thinking 'about
the comfort of his family, brings
to the oountry horse conveniences
that have proved to be necessities
in city homes. In the past too
much attention has been paid to
production, Country life needie,or-
ganizetion to get a square deal.
Government officials have work-
ed out a method whereby every ru-
ral community may get tugatber
looking toward practical co-opera-
tion in bussnnss and social affairs.
It is suggested that five committees
be appointed in every rural die-
triet to deal with the business ie-
teretst of the community—these
communities to consist of one on
farm production, one on market-
ing, one on securing ,farm, supplies;
one on farm finance and account-
ing and oneyon traeportation. Simi-
IarIy, there sthoulcl be five oommit-
tees to attend to the community's
social interests. These commit-
tees to be on .educative, sanitation,
recreation, beautification and
houselro'.d economiiicr.
With these 10 committees every
phase of rural life may be ebudied,
and looked after. It is net enough
to increase the farmer's interne.
Rural lifemust e b elevated ed
made so clelightful. that farm boys
and girls will want to engage in
its activities.
The idea' le, that i,hrouth co-op-
eration, each rural community
Should he organized by having
every individual articulating with
the movement ,serving on one of
these eomanittees. • The work
would include seen, wounen and
tike young folks.
Tins Worth Iiaowing.
I find the following a quick and
eaay, way in which to clean and
palish furniture and paantw•ork.
Put a. tablespoonful of vinegar in
a basin of hot, not too hot, water.
Well wipe the furniture with, the
liquid and leave to dry.
A brilliant podisii results, with-
out, any of that hard rubbing us-
ually necessary.
Adel a little aannronia to the wa-
ter in which your waeh your silver
and glass w'are's It brightens both
of 'them wondeefuldy.
Anel when you are laying e away
your (silver At the drawer air• ease,
don't forget to place therein a
piece of guns camphor, It keeps
the gocds bright such a long tune.
Do you want to fireproof your
muslin or easement cn•rtains 1 Then
put an ounce of alum in the last
•rinsing water, This applies else
to children's clothes.
It's tantalising to go into a room
at night and not be able to lay
your hand on the matches, In
each room have matches attatthied
be bracket by elr'ppitig a yard of
na:rraw ribbon—to match the wall••
paper—through the cover of the
match -box, and tying the ends
`neatly to the bracket. •
• Olean rusty irons • by rubbing
them, wlhen trot, upon a piece of
beeswax tied in a ploth, with a
final rub on, a cloth eliippetd in Malt,:
Put a handful. of salt in the wee-
awter with which ,you 'ripe over your
.earpeb after swe ping. The salt
brings up the colors,
11.16} IU WAItIJS OI7?I;11.10) I?OR'
111 GSIr G ""LINE'S."
Where Direct Sueeession 1 ails'
There Are Many Cladniattfs to
Estates and Fortunes.'
A releted• of -ono thansendpoitnde • •
has reoe aids bean offered for the
recovery of the .regi,ebea• of marriage
in tire parish of Cwwdmr, in the .
'county of Nairn, England, for the,
years 1779 to 1783.
A ttiwusand pounds is a email
fortune, yet pita bably it is quite an
insignificant sum when compares]
with the ;amount involved 'in this
particular cruse, No details are
given, but it is understood than
the registers etre vented in connec-
tion with, the settlement of a very
large estate, .
suis is only one case out of many
sianiler. Over and over again,
when +direct euecession Earley there.
may be a score or more claimants
to an estate or fortune. These de-
scend from younger sons or daugh-
ter) of ,past holders of the estate,
and all depends upon their being
able to trae.e their descent definite-
ly by means of marriage and birth
Some five or six years ago Eng -
fish newspapers contained an of-
fer of fifty pounds from a resident
of Melbourne, Australia, for a
certified eopy of a certain marriage
supposed to have taken pla<se in
the county of Duri:Lam, England.
Wedded in $cr Pct lame.
An old resident of Rookaliope, in
that county, found the entry and
claimed the reward. Some twelve
months later this gentleman was
pleasantly •surpriesd by receiving
bank on an Australian ink for a
thousand pounds, With this cavae a
letter 'explaining that the cheque
Wee intended a,s an arknowle.dg-
ment for the trouble he fuel taken
in finding the entry.
The story was a romantic one.
Among the emigrants elm left
1Veardal!a for Australia, dur•iatg
the great gold. raslt in the middle
of the last century, was a young
womanwho had married a man
who aftes'ivard.s became very
wealthy. ]3ut 'sae had married un-, j
der her pet name,'anel this fact led
to broubtl.e, when in after years the
question of succession arose among
her children. It was to prove that
the pet name was not her reatncum.e
that the inquiries were instituted.
Very large sums have been
known to hinge on the discovery of
a marriage certificate. In the year
1908 there died in Manchester a
Welshman named Prit1' sad. He
was a baelhelor who had lived very
quietly, and everyone was surpris-
ed when it was found that he had
left £78,Ooo.
An heir carne fo: ward 'n the par-
son of a very pretty girl, who &aim-
ed to be the daughter of the d• n'1
man's younger brother. But w•'en
it came to the point no proof could
be discovered that this was really
the case. Her father, she said, had
died when she was five, and het
mother was also dead. Site !herself
had been making is living 0.8 nur-
sery governess, and nature?ly heel
no money to press her claim.
• A Ceremony at Sea.
fiche had no notion whatever as
to where her pate -ate had been
married, end there was no record
at Somerset Houle.
Scene ,aocount of the ease ap•
peered in a Manchester paper, but
then nothing more was heard, and
it seemed certain that the fortune.
would revert to the Crown, when
Miss Pritchard received from the
ex -captain of a ship called the
• Pentland a letter, in whidh hp said
that he had neerried ,her father and
mother art •tea. This proved to be
the case, and tee young lady was
able to prove her claim.
Parish registers were not taken
over by the Regista•,ar-General tor•
til the year 1837, At that date i1
came to light that, out of the eleven
thousand parishes in England there
were fewer than eight hundred
which possessed registers carrying
back to the. year 1538—the year
when Thomas Cromwell ordered
the keeping of parish registers un -
dee the system now in vogue.
Ten yeiers ago two ladles began
the tremendous task of snaking an
index of all baptisms, marriages,
and burials contained in the regis-
ters prior to 1837. In three years
they had indexed only 850 regis-
ters, and had already obt:ar$ned
more than two million entries,
The number of entries in some, of
these registers is incredible. Foe •
inatanee, in whose of St. Anne'rr,
Soho, in the fifty seven years be-
tween 1780. and 1837 there are over
95,000 entries.
By the way, the ordinary fee for
a oertified copy of tin entry from a
paristh register is throe -and-s:tx-
pent, and for searoh.ing one shil-
ling for the first year end ,sixpence
for each subsequent year,
"There's one thing 1 can say," said
the woman who hadmarried twice,
"And that is?" they asked,
"You never appeeolate the good
qualtttes of your first husband until
you discover the had points of, your