HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-17, Page 4, 'egr7 ,% "i • nigraweetotfow;144.' Abe %rost gust THURSDAY. JUNE 174 1915 "Rum,. Britannia'' la still the soog, Runtime Beown. of Morley Avenue, Toronto, 114 no less than five sons at the front and three have been wounded. Very few families possess so noteworthy a record. THE next few weeks will be a time of anxiety to many a youth who writes or • has written on exams. One trouble with some students is the vstay they „ ; procrastinate in the earlier periods of study leaving too much to make up at the close of the term. Nothing like "digging in" early in the year. NEARLY 9,000 casualties out of 80,00o men at the front or ready to go tell the story of Canadian loyality and patriotism to the Motherland and the rights she is maintaining at the battle front. It is a titanic struggle without any doubt but if lasting Peace is enthroned and mili- tary despotism smashed for the time to come it will not be in vain. • t• Priallibitibn, we will ere Mighti'y unto p1be ii the tattitnates to i,epitir that re judgmetft of doonty court God and it $00k o Retnembyance willOleelt'e voice, In explanation it may foe 5315 and Poeta to .Police Magls. be written and in Viet cry t le miqu oe .tha. Oouuty .�leik Laue was Mete llohnstarad, Seaforth, for office three-fifths clause will be remendamed." laboring tindee the disability of A lent, for the vast 5 years, the Couitty REV DE Cli 0 YVN, SUP KR INTER DENT IluokY voice,• ' Solleitor be I g9ttrttOtel1 1.9 aggegl ths NIBTRomn. CauRcu A.T.I'inoNtro mETH0„, 00111101110131 J. W., Tityler ItIld W. IL 01130/ 10 the D10810114 C011it, The Lobb moved that ()minty make grant4 • 0 t. was ado ted DIST CoNFERENCE tr ppe ofY of $11000 toryTals securing a_po!table rag of responsitality the liquer trade in Ontario coatinues to flomish and the tie"' i'itellen. lin' the use of 65r4.1 regi - Meta., provided thens; towand town, .ittoty Property Committee report- ed having examined and•lbund It neat and clean, 4' prisoners coiditted, Wiring done since last seselon they recounnended to be paid that no ac- tion he taken to purchasing an elect; le stove foe Juliet's residence, cost Would be about $70 Report adopted, Education Committee recommended that recptest of Inspectors Field and Tom be not granted ; that 5339.17 be paid to the Harristou High School, amount due fur limon County pupils attending at Harriaton, less 551 the a- lumna of fees paid. Report adopted. House of Refuge Committee recom- mended that tender of Mr. Fitzalm- moi4 for beef at, 15 cents per lb, be accepted and tender of Levy & West- wood Machinery Company for washer and dvier with other equipments for the sun; of about $300, motor to oper- ate washet• and extractor at a cost of 5100 be purchased. Report adopted. EQUALIZED ASSEE SSMNT Government wrap it with a mantle of protection and asks us to perpetuate it. We will have nothing to do with a lic• ense under a Commission or withont Commission. We are out to annihilate the trade. Nothing else will do." ANGLICAN SYNOD, ToeOrtro — "In view of the danger occasioned to the Empire bv the ravages of this deadly and insidious foe to our race, this Synod most earnestly advocates and approves of the policy of total Ptohibltirm uE the liquor traffic during the time of the war and instructs the committee on temper- ance and moral and social reform to take alt steps in their power in conjunction with other religious bodies to procure legislation in order to achieve this re. suit REV. MR ARMITAGE, A•i"MIE ANGLICAN SYNoD, TOEONTO It IS the Church that is on trial and not the liquor traffic " M ARE. BREMN, AT THE ANGLICAN SY. non Tottorvro —"Some things you can- not regulate. The only means is aboll tion. If ever there waS a curse that can- not be regrilated It is the liquor traffic. Abolition for the length ot the war is good but tor all time is better." HARD times is talked over the war but as far as Ontario is concerned there is very little foundation for such a plea. One proof is the fact that up to June1St. 1M 5, the Ontario government issued ar,000 motor liCe,t1SeS, as many as for the whole of lora. People appear to have money for anything they really make up their minds to spend it on and the excuse of financial shrinkage appears to be More an 5551155 than a valid reason when it is offered, The Patriotic funds Under various names, have been gener- ously supported but there 15 no reason for letting as the call is yet very in- sistent, The more the affairs of the late Mani- toba government are probed the greater necessitarto wear a clothespin on your nose. It would appear that the scape- goats could tell a story, if they would, that would show as crooked a trail in public affairs as would be fittingly repre- sented by a snake rail fence. Evidently the Salt bas lost its savor but the "high- er-ups" have a good right to be made bear the brunt and their share of public dishonor placed where it properly be- longs. We do not believe in belittling public men without cause but when they desert the principles of uprightness they should be told about it. The Tor- onto News a very warm supporter of the Conservative faith, says of Manitoba's affairs :—"The revelations of political misdoings in Manitoba are disturbing to the last degree, Clearly all who are in- volved must be exposed and punished," Toararro C, T U. 'We deplore the continuation of the open barrooms with their deleterious Influence. In view of the action of other Nations, we had hoped that the Government of this Province wodld take more drastic meas- ures entirely to prohibit the sale of at. coholic liquor during the war. Be it, therefore, resolved that we urge up= the lucal unions to continue every effort to agitate and educate public opinion on the question." RI REV Da. HEEDGE RETIRED IMODER- AToR. AT THE PRVIIYTERIAN GENERAL ASsEMBLY.—"And then there is the curse of intemperance in our land. Even though we may not be prepared to assert that prohibition will necessarily whet -10 the nallienium, we must surely feel that these Stern days call for total a stinence from some things and temperance in all things, What Russia has done with her vodka and Pramie with her abalothe, we in Canada can do with the saloons that imperil our youth and lead some to ap untimely grave. All that is needed is the united effort not of a narrow bigo- try, but of a national self-respect and an energetic Christian' sentiment to sweep this curse awa,y." fillips of Comity supply the balaoce of mash necessary. Tina was referred. to Bxecutive committee. Motions to build a Midge on the boundary between flume and Pet th bounties in the township of Howick, to repair the SG, Joseph's bridge at once, and the bridge at Leebern on. the Lake Road, were sent to Road and Bridge EN minittee, County Commissioner reported re- ceiving notice from Reeve of Wallace township regarding Midge on bound - y arof Howlett and ^Wallace townships an -d seeing Wardell of Perth Ccanity, who said no action would be taken 011 after June session, A. new bridge might be requited this year. On May 10th he examined Lhe Westlake bridge on lake road, Stanley torviiship. Bridge is 10 feet water rapture anti from all evidence Commissioner could get was requited. Road and Bridge Committee recom- mended that Campbell bridge between Huron and Perth Engineer be in- t Perth Co and if the HURON CO. COUNCIL structed wee et conditions comply with bylaws of Huron he pioceed with consteuction of bridge ; St. Joseph's bridge that the Engineer be instructed to examine and if found necessary to have same repaired ; regarding Leeburn bridge that Engineer be instructed to ex- amine and if necessary and conditions comply with the County bylaws have the same constructed ; re Westlake bridge that the same be paid by County ; re the report of Engineet Jones ae to sink hole between the Townships of Turnberry and Onlrosa that the Warden submit the repurt to County Solicitor. Report adopted. Second report from Executive Com- mittee recommended no want to the Huron County Poultry Aesociation ; no omit for purchase of field kitchen for the 881d regiment owing to the feet the Med regiment is praeleally nil, being merged in a military divi- sion and If necessary or useful such articles should be supplied by Govern, went, where distribution of the coat would be snore equitably made I no grant be made to Winter Fair at Qoelph ; no action be taken for grant 'to a public fibre' y at Hayfield at pres- ent library is not yet established ; June session of County Council was held in Goderich, opening Tuesday afternoon, let inst., Warden Goven- lock in chair and all Councillors pres- ent. Communications were received and referred to committees. County of Peterboro asking co- operation in seeking legislation al- lowing municipalities to assess mineral rights same as other property. S. H. McClinton, Secretary 'Huron Poultry Association, asking for grant. Provincial Treasurer advising Coun- cil of the mill Provincial tax to be levied on the equalized assessment. School Inspectors Field and Tom asking increase in allowance for travelling expenses from 5850 to $450, on account of increased cost of hotel bills since day of 51 hotels and on ac- count of war tax making postage higher. They spent 125 days in the year travelling. Secretary of Provincial Winter Fair advising date of Fair, Dec. 4 to 9, and asking for a grant. Harriston High School enclosing ac- count of 551 for maintenance of County of Huron pupils. Inspector Bullard reporting the elec- trical equipment at the Jail satisfac- tory. County of Oxford asking eo-opera- Mon in seeking legislation fixing muni- cipal elections every second year, as one year was not enough for council- lor to show what he could do or for people to judge his ability. County of Welland asking co-opera- tion in having license fee for foreign automobiles reduced one-half. Premier W. H. Hearst with refer- ence to Hydro-iadittla in Huron Coun- ty. 0ounLy seemed to oecupy unique position, be wrote, and probably re- quired special legislation to cover its case. Council to draft out what special legislation it required and be would take up the matter. Miss Mary Duff, Secretary Bluevale Literary, Social and Debating Society, with copy of a resolution adopted by the Socrety;that time had come for ap- pointment of an Agricultural Repre- sentative for County, A. Porter, Treasurer, of Patriot- ic fund, showing payments for the County, with names and particulars, of 53,463,86 during 5 months ending May 15th. At the start there were 12 names on the roll, and last month 39 with total payments of 5899. Pay- ments all came from headquarters at Ottawa, nn money raised locally being distributed locally. Payments by months being $270.60, 5729.43, 5081.93, 5883 and $899. Count y Jailer reported 4 inmates in the Jail and made requisition for 50 feat of hose, also a request for an elec- tric stove for Mrs. Gviffin, County Auditors reporting Treas- urer's books and hond all right. Re- ceipts hot year 5184,083.19, expendi- tures 5184,092 28, overdraft 59.07, Executive Oommittee recommended on account of extra expenditure this year no actino he taken to appoint- ment of a District Agricultural Repre- sentative ; 00 6011011 be taken to have auto licenees reduced ; that memorial to have municipal elections once in 2 years be accepted ; no actioh with re- ference to special legislation govern. Ing Hydro radials in this County un- til report of the Hydro commission is received ; that no action be taken with reference to the memorial asking for the privileges for nnunicipalitiee of assessing mineral rights. This was adopted. A. touch of humor was supplied to the Council proceedings in the follow, - Ing motion t Moved by J. A. Stewart, ecteonded by 0, olein that a split be THURSDAY of next week will be poll. ing day in Perth Co. on the ,Canada Temperance Act, with Sheriff Magwood as Returning officer. The tactics of the antis are much the same as those followed in past campaigns and most of them if seriously considered for s few minutes, would show their flimsiness and selfishness. Surely ample proof has been afforded. of the danger of the traffic to the Nation in the past year by the action of Russia, France and Great Britain. Perth Co. swinging into line would make it easier for the maintenance of law in Huron Co. in the broadening of "the dry" zone. As Ear as enforce- ment is concerned it will depend much on the people. The law perhaps could be improved in some particulars but if a goodly body of the electorate stand be- hind the strict observance and see that the officials do their duty there will not be much room for complaint. We have not seen an intoxicated man on the streets of Brussels for the past 6 months arida there are violations of the law they are done very quietly and will be snapped as soon as the proof is at hand. We noticed a handle was being made ot the resignation of Inspector Johnston in Centre Huron but the story would have been spoiled it the fact had also been Stated that it was done to accept a more lucrative appointment at the hands of the Dominion government. Lloyd George says the liquor traffic is a greater menace to the British Empire at the present time than the German and Aus- trian armies, If that is a correct state- ment the duty of every loyal subject in Perth Co., is to give it a death blow on the a4th by a cordial and consistent support and when carried continuing to roll the old chariot along in the best in- terests of the home and community. There's a great opportunity for a hearty rallying of the young men who have the franchise. WHAT THE CHURCHES SAY Their Opinions on the Now License Oorntinissien and the Ontario Tetneerattee Situation LONDON METHODIST CONFERENCE "The Central Comnalasion may mean much but your Committee calls atten- tion to the fact that the Methodist Church did not ask for et Central Com- misaion or for another dry holiday but "a dry Ontario" every day, and the appoint - =tent of a Commission is far from • t'sf in us or in the Words of a re cent press article "spiking mat glans, Until the Ccntral Cott:Mission spella The equalized assesstnent of the municipalities in the County was left the Bente as last year viz . .... . 5/596,800 1,522,0002.208.600 ... 2,857,500 2,307,000 8,381,900 2,571,000 2,678,800 2,491,800 2,135,100 2,788,800 2,413,300 1.630,000 2.117,500 1,604,800 1,618,900 141.400 821,000 270,800 684,400 ..... . ..... 589,200 1.422,800 2,50,400 750,000 703,600 150,200 Oolborne Goderich Tp Gray Hay Howick Hullett McKillop Morrie . Stanley .... . ..... Stephen Tuckeramith Torii berry Usborne E. Wawancish W. Wawanosh Hayfield Brunetti Blyth Clinton Exeter Goderich Hensel' Sear/will Winghatn IVi oxeter ' - • $42,501,400 -Clerk was instructed to mail each member of Couneil copy me the mioutes of each sessiou as soon as re- ceived from the printer. Oarried. "No more headache for you—take these" Don't Mat °mother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thus not only cure the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because thsAY tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. 'Aythem. All Druggists, 25c., or by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Tomato, Oat. 13 srej.111, ERVIN'S TABLETS Union Farmers' Institutes Excursion --TO-- Guelph Model Farm —ON -- Saturday June 19th 1 91 5 following Low Excursion Rates will apply Faro Train Leaves KINCARDINE.... ............ ..... .. .. . .....$ 2 70 6:30 a. m. RIPLEY — ..... ...... ...... ....... ......,. 2 60 6:47 LIJOIcNOW .,.. .... ........ 2 35 7:03 WHITEOUT/ROE ... ..... ..,......... ..... ... 2 15 7:15 WINGRAM . ........... ........... 2 05 7;30 BLUEVALE 1 96 '7:40 . BRUSSELS ... 3 65 7:55 ETHEL 1 65 8:05 BENFRYN 1 55 8:15 Arriving at Guelph at 10:40 a. rn. Children over 5 and under 12 years Half Fare Excursionists Will take Special Excursion Train from above mentioned places to Guelph. Returning passengevs will leave Guelph by Special Train att 7 o'clock p ni. Tickets will be issued from ell stations, except Henfryn, which will be supplied by Con- ductor on train. All ticket, Bluevale to Einem dine, good to ietnrit by Regular 'Praha on Monday, June 21st. A Trip Full of Interest This is the popular trip of the season. Go and see 1110 famous Provincial Ageicultheal College ; the Expei imentel Farm, a Mace of never-euding attraction for ageiculturiets and hor- ticulturists ; McDonald Institute an,t McDOnald Halt, two rotted wince' ional cent] ea nr special intereat to women • the Consolidated Build School and Selionl Gertions ; limi, W, J. Hatthit'S Celebrated Perm Colony ; . and the many points of industrial and commercial interest, Within the Olt y of Guelph. A Day of Education, Inspiration, Recreation. Do not Miss it. W. H. Pu-asor, R. J. Nelson, Pres. E. Huron Farmers' Ind, Sec, C. Baum Farmers' Inst. W. A. Remand, Sec, S. Bruce Annum' Institute, and 05n191%fling that motions to a. Moved. by Couneillors Livingston Mend the repert of Committee 'While in Conitnittee of the whole be recorded in full in the nthintes by recording •the names of the mover and seconder of such amendments. Carried. Bylaw No. 4 to vaise the sum of 590.- 81546 for general and Other purposes for the year 1915, requiring a levy of n mills on the dollar on the equalized assessment was passed. Bylaw No. 5 of 1915 was passed to raise the sum of 54,250.40 for Provi D- ela' war tax for the year 1915, one mill on the dollar of equalized assessment. The amount each of the municipalities in the County is liable fur is as fol- lows : Ashfield 52596 80 Colborne 1522 00 Goderich Tp 2208 60 Grey£81Y7 50 9 Hay Howick 8381 90 Hullett . 2571 00 Morris 2491 80 McKillap .. 2678 80 Stanley 2185 10 Stephen - ... ...... .. .......... 2738 80 'racket end th 2413 80 Turnbeery ,, 1630 00 Usborne 2417 50 E. Witwanoeh .... .. 1604 90 W. Wawanosh ... ........... 1613 90 Bayfield .. 141 40 Blyth . ..... .. . ........ ....... .... 270 80 Brussels . Clinton Exeter . Goderich Hensall Seaforth 684 40 538;20 1422 60 250 40 750 00 Wingham 703 60 Wroxeter.. ..... ...... 150 20 Council adjourned to meet next December. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • la nrigaggallent Rings : • - 6 : Wedding Rings Eb • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • A nice assortment of fine, white a • Diamonds, mounted with Platl- -91,, • hum Tips, 14k Rings at very ; • • 0 close pr ices • 0 • • • $12.00 $5t0,0000.4 • * 25.00 • • • • • • and upwards according to size of : • • Diamond. • • • • • • • • Give • • .1 Her a • Diamond • Trowbridge Knechtel and M isS LiZZle ClOSoriS have returned to • their limues, Mrs. 'Wilson, London, has been the gent of her daughter, Miss Wilson, at the parsonage for a week. Dv. Blake, Dr, McCormick, Mrs. W: Jackson and Miss McOnianiek motored to St. Mat ye to attend the Oonference. The anniversary services of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church were held on Sunday last, Rev. Dr. Barber preached morning and even- ing. Tuesday evening a play entitled "A Ladies' Aid Business Meeting" at Blohawk's Crossroad was given. ▪ Marriages Continue a Pace.00 00 0 •I:• of 0 0 • We have a full •0* Seamless Wedding Rings;•• • The best Wedding Rrig ithe oulworld. Let show y •1R.WtuUTfa42Jeweller ad Engraver D88 Wroxeter - Ontario 4 0 000000000000000Even in war • • iso Mrs, Kelly Guelph. is the proud pos- sessor of a hen that is dolug more than her share to counteract the hard times, Every day this hen lay- two eggs, one within the other Both the outer and inner egg coutain whites and yolks and are complete in eves y way, both eggs possessing hard shells. The outer egg is about twice the size of an ordinary egg and the inner one the ordinary sta.. TendersWanted Tenders will be received by the underaigned up to 0 p. m. on Tuesday, June 22nd, for the excavating of a cellar at Knox, church .manse and the building of cement walls. Beatifica- tion may be seen at Oranbrook poste/Hoe. The lowest or any tender not necessarily 811. °opted. Address tenders to W81. CAMERON, Clranbrook. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to to 7 p in., Friday, :lne 2 th, for the erection of a horse shed 54x150 feet at Ethel, without ceinent work. Wood work and oorru- gated iron roof to be put in no separate ae well as joint tenders. Plan at office of A. a. Itis - Donald, Ethel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. ADDY, Secre- tary, Ethel, Stallion Routes for 1015 STARLIGHT W, J. COOPER, Proprietor MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot SO, Con, 10. Grey, and go East via Eienfryn road and North Vo,las. Donaldson's, atit Con. Hillis, for uoon 1 than South and West to Charles Dukelaw's, 11113 Con Blinn, for night. TUE4DAY—South and West to Luke Spelt. - 008, 10th Con. Grey, for noon ; then West and North to Long's Eiotel, Cranbrook, for night. W EDNESDAY—West vis 12th Con. to Thos. Miller's, Oth Line'Morrie, for noon ; then North and Ewa to American Hotel, Brussels, for night. TITURSDAY — North and East to Adam Ter/O,,311% 8th Con. Grey, for noon ; then South and East to his own stable for night. FRIDAY—North via Mole/worth eiderond to Joh./ Eleibein's, 21%d Don. Grey, for noon then North and Heat to Wallace bdy. to H. Walker's • for night. SATURDAY— South and East to Arthur Foreman's, Oth Con Blinn, for noon then West and Sonth to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday. BLAISDON COLIN (Imp.) HENRY BONE, Prop. This pure bred Shire Stallion will atend sI his own stable, 13,H Leta), Con .% Diorris, dur- ing 0,8 5000011. 11850180 10,00 to Insure a oolt is week old, as this is war year. Enrolment No. 2788, Form I, certifying to freedom train nisi. formations and diseases named under Act. Blab/don Colin Ise well brod horse and worth /teeing. CUMBERLAND GEM 10075(50084 Enrolment No. 18137 Inspected and Approved, JOHN J. MoOMON, Prop. This well bred home will stand for service during the present season at his own stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Con. 18, Menton. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 ' The best that motley can buy—is the labor that goes into the Canadian Ford. Our workmen are the highest paid motor oar mechanics in the Biitish Enrolee. This means dollars aaved in after expense to the man who drives a Ford "Made in Canada." Because the Ford cite is built vight. Buyers of Ford cars will shave in our ;unfits if we 201 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914, end August 1, 1015, &mahout, 5540; Town Car 5840; F. 0. 13, Fatal, Ontario, with all equipment, hiclud- ill g electric head -lights. Cars on display and sale at S. CARTER'S Agent Brussels „. l'‘,IVI-ItSA I 4 \.;;