HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-17, Page 3Falry Twinkletoes' Wish. "I don't believe it's/ true 1" Little I•airy Twimkleto(es gave a silvery laugh as !she spoke. "I don'I% either I" one of the other fairies replied. "Not onee have I known anybody's wish to oome true the same day 1" • "Oih,,but then .don't forget wlret the 1'egetn1 Bays, another fairy broke an. "It says that it happen- ed only once in a hundred years. And nobody knows when the last time was." W'e11,- anyway, here we are l„ cried Fairy Twinkletoes, "Now, then., off you go, one by one—and' wiser.„ With a laugh and a rustle of their gossamer gowns the fairies tripped forward one at a" tine and bent over the Wishing Well. As they wished they caoh cast a white pearl into the. water. Last of add *eine Fairy Twinkle - toes. ELer eyes were sparkling with laughter, and ,slhe seemed to bre en- oying a. Little joke of her own allby 'h,ersedf, When she has oast in her pearl and wised elk ran back to the others, and they all turned towards the Fairy Palace. "Gr'.aeious me! I've got such a funny sen ation in my legs. They are stretching!" cried Fairy Blue- bell, "Nonsense !" cried Fairy Civello. "Why, whatever's happening." Fairy -• Crocus stared at Fairy Bluebell. "You're—shooting up— just like the flow ere in the spring!" dhie gasped. ''What about yourself ? And Snowdrop — and Crocus — and — look ! look! look! we're all doing "Oh, and look at my deet 1" gasp- ed Fairy Twinkletoes. "I never thought of that !" Everyone was so atstonisthed that they -took no notice of the last part of Fairy Thvinkletoes'• speech. "And my hands! They are growing as big as a giant's!" wail- ed Fairy Webweaver. "I shall never be able to spin any more gossamer veils!" "And my shoulders !" wailed Fairy Slight. "What will Dame Spring say when elhe finds I can't get down the flower -stalks?" The fairies sat down and heavy than began to drop from their eyes, "Look here," said one. of the Flower Fairies at last, "I believe this means that one or other of us must haste wished just now that we could grow into giants." "Then do you think," whispered Fairy Webweaver in a scared voice, "that we shall have to stay like this for a hundred years—till some one inmates it ?" "I don't see anything else for it," "I wonder if anyone did wieth it i„ There was a long .silence. Then suddenly a tearful little voice said, "Yes, I did. Only I never, never dreamt it would -come true !" All the other fairies turned round and ,shored reproachfully at Fairy Twinkletoes, eiho had epok- in. The Wizard Greybeard toiled. weatr'ily along has way. "Ah l I'm a very old dean now," be muttered to himself, "but I must go to the Wishing Well., This hill be my thousandth visit." As he approached the fairies who looked Iike giants Fairy Twinkle - Wes' eyes brightened. "Oh, Wizard i" she cried. "Help urs !„ Then she told him of what had happened and how it was all her awn fault. "Yea, I obi help you," he said. "'The legend nays that whoever comes faithfully to the well (for time thousandth time can have any with granted hien." Rising stiffly he hobbled over to the well,. ;Presently he turned away. Joy shone on the fairies' faces, foralley were all shrinking to kbeir usual size. "Oh, thank you, thank ytu :" they cried, as they tripped forward, The Wizard gave a wise smmfle. "It (is one of the :privileges of the old,'I he said, "to be able to help the young and foolish out of their difficulties. ' LEG WORTH $8,350 AN INCH, Pennsylvania Trainman and Mother Bring Sults Against Railroad, "For two inches ofthe left leg, at $8,350 per inch, $16,700," is the bill that 17arl Parsons of Mount Bethel is trying to collect from the Lehigh and New England Railroad in a suit for Ia.mages just brought. Employed On the road as a trainman, his train crashed into some empty oars, and he was caught between two of them. among hie injuries was a double frac• line of the eft leg. When he left the hospital, four months Iater, the teg was two inches shorter titan the other. Mrs. Elizabeth parsons, bit mother, claiming she has been deprived of her eon's support, has also flied an action against the company and 'demands 1$10,000 damages. 3' There are some guests who al- Most pay for ,the liospi:tality they receive by the pleasure they give their hosts .by going. A FINE COMPLEXION May Be Had Through the Rieh, Red Blood 1?r. Williams' Pink Pills Ac"tuitily Make. A girl's oonlppllexiiln, is something more than a matter toeonoeen her vanity. It as An isidicarbien of the state of her 'health, Pallor fin growing girl meen(s a thinning of the blood. Parents should be watchful of their daughters' com- plexions and should eee to it that these danger Signe are corrected. When a girl in her teens ibecomes pale and sallow, if iehe shows an inclination to tire easily, is listless and inattentive to her work or studies, she needs Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a .tonic which direetly and epeeifieallry corrects the condi- tieln from which.•ehe is Buffering. A 'ohemieal an,alysie of'the blood of swell a girl would show it to be defi- cient its just the elements that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can supply, and whieh restore brightness to the eye and ether to the cheeks. Mies Delisa Ansenault, Urbainville, P,E,I., is one of the thousands of anemic girls restored to health by the use of Dr. Williams" Pink PiILe, She says: "I was attacked with anaemia, and was in Inch a snieor- able oondition that I had to eon(sult a doctor, and was under his °ase for sever'a1 ononth's, bait without getting batten-. I was growiDg thinner every day, had dark cir ales ,around my eyes. I could' h.a.rcl- ly sleep at night, but tossed rest- lessly and got up in the morning with blank anticipation of the' day's miseries before me. I was always bothered with headaches and pains in the back and limbs. My appe- tite was poor mad' I frequently vomited what I did eat. My friends feared that I would not recover. I had often seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised, and finally de- cided to try them. I used alto- gether nine boxes, and they made me as well as ever I was in my life. All the pains and aches dis- appeared; my appetite returned. I could sleep soundly at night, and the color returned to my cheeks. I also gained seventeen pounds in weight. I am now always well, and for this happy condition I have to thank Dr, Williams' Pink You can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 eents a box or six boxes .for $2.50 from The Dr: Williams' Medi- cine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Not to anintous. Hix — Women are suspicious creatures! Wit—My experience is to the contrary. Far instance, there's my wife; she's a woman and ,trusts me, while my grocer, who is a man, doesn't. Minardrs Liniment Luatberman's Friend She Wasn't Sure. A famous baseball player has a younger sister who is very proud of hint, although s(he is not very familiar wibh the game. Having spoken of him one day to a visitor she was asked by the latter what position her• brother played. "Why," she stammered, "I—I'm not sure, but I think he's a bat- ter." SoreGranulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dusiand Wind Eyesquickly relieved by Merino i`7/ a EyeRemedy.NoSmarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye eaiveinTubes25c, For nook of the Eye Freeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The best bed for a child is' one of chopped straw in a strong un- bleached cover. It is healthy. springy, and cheap. • HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. S'UMM ER SCHOOL ;'I r JULY and AUGUST UEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING CHEMICALlti[NIMECHANI5 CAL - CIVIL ENGINEERINGTRICAL GEEO. V. CROWN, Rerdetrar Pays for Itself In Seven Days I Concrete 1t the 1915 Model Nixingole w h s BAND aiIX7LDRE1t saves you limo; ShUor ani r mwith o a better Ix wit 1 ase wan Yong t ey, t n r'te for ent� en. sot•• W r . �t' p� WETI'1.AUFER EROS., Improved Concrete Machinery. Pent. W. Syncline, Ava, Toronto, Ontario LD. 6: WHERE THE SPARK IGNITED Serajevo, Capital of Beanla, Losing Oriental Character, $erajevo, the unknown -Bosnian town where the spark Ignited that flamed forth into elm greatest war of the ages, fa described by the National Geographic Society ae one of the beauty spote of the 13alleens, It was the scene of the assassination of the Arclldulte Francis Ferdinand, heti' apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary, and his wife the Duchess of ldohenberg, Sergi/ye is built epee the river Mil - lathe., a small tributary of the l'3osela, and spreads over both slopes of the narrow valley to the rugged frills. Partly eriental and wholly set in the green and emerald of its garcons and neighboring well -wooded hills, Sera - levo is frequently called "The Damas- cus of the North." The oity Iles 122 miles southwest of Belgrade. With a growing population of 50,000 and a thriving commerce and industry, Sera jevohas been fast losing its eastern character, reeonatruating the old Turk- ish city to conform to the purposes of Western progress. Its large bazaar is a favorite mar- ket place for the peasants of the whole Province, while its commission houses conduct the exehango of Bosnian ag- ricultural and mineral products with the manufactories of other parts of the .empire. It has potteries, silk milia, a tobacco factory and a large individ- ual, or house industry, which produces line embroideries, rugs, embossed and filigree work. H. Nephi' Envelopes. Envelopes are used instead of napkin n rrn d in 1 g some of the pen- sions of Europe, Waite or colored or a pretty flowered crepe paper of a heavy quality is doubled, then cut into pieces eleven by sixteen inches, one end rounded at the• corners. All around the edge receives a double row of machine stitching and the paper then is folded in three., so that the rounded end is a trifle shorter than the other part. The short end forms the flap of the e'h- velope made by the other part. Stitch at both ends. On the flap paste a bit of white paper one by three imches, en whlcih to write the name. The napkin when folded fits nicely into this earrelope case: These eases are being used in pen- sions all over Europe, a fresh one being given to each person as soon as the old one is soiled. In various oolors they also give a pretty touch to the house treble. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Thousands of mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine they would give their little ones. Among them is Mrs. Hoivar'dlHod- gins, St. Catharines, Ont., who, says: "I am a user of Baby's Own Tablets and think these the beat medicine in the world for little ones."" Once a smother has used the Tablets She will use no other medicine because she feels the Tab- lets are absolutely eaife and knows they never fall to banish all the simple ailments of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a Lights for Battle Fields.. According to•tihe Army and Navy Journal, searchlights are for ob- vious reasons kept .dark until the field artillery has ceased firing and the enemy its charging. To illumin- ate a field over which the enemy is to advance, . star bombs and flares .are also used. Flares, which are merely modified fireworks, are like the familiar red, white ' and blue lights used in Fourth of July celebrations to illuminate streets and parks. Sappers go out in front of the trenches with flares, which are then connected with the headquarters of the officers in oom- nmand of ,the, first line, who by set- ting thesn off at intervals through- out the night can keep the battle front continually lighted. Star bombs are also adaptations of mod- ern fireworks, They are shot from mortars into the +sky, where for twenty miles they will give off an intense light over a wide circle of the surrounding country. Belpre onsh e bomb dies out another ishot into the air. A kind of star bomb, shot into the sky like an ordinary rocket is lined by both armies for signalling at night. 'N Diamond Oldest of Riches. The discoverer of diamonds is un- known. From references in Exod- us it is apparent that the diamond was a precious stone in Egypt in those early timed; and even before that it was known in India, where probably it was first obtained. The name is derived from the Greek word "adamas," meaning "uneub- • duable." ham Pliny, a writer of the first century, we learn that the diamond vas regarded as the 'most valuable of all things, and only a few kings ever could afford to buy them, But as no mewls of artificial polishing had been discovered :the atone de- preciated in valtte, so that the ruby and the emerald ihcaa;me more pre- cious, The discovery Iby Ludwig van Berquen, in 1478, of a anode of polishiag and eutting it at re- turned e- tur ed this .gem to the first place ac e among precious stones, Alaska was bought by the United ISSLL 2d--'lu, Statesfrom Russia for $7,200,000. Ile Meant Every Ward Ire Spoke JUST W)IY J, A. RILL RECAhf- MENDS DODPIDLLS.'I iDNEY S ilio Jfad Sore 'IOacic and Other Symptoms of Kidney Disease and Got Beal Iloneflt from Dodd's 1{iduoy Pella; • Sixty Nine Canners, Ont, June 7 (Special),—"I am reconsmending Dodd's Kidney Pills tis the best of Medicines," The speaker was Mr, J. A. Hill, a well-known resident of this plane, and he left Iia doubt in the (minds of his hearers tihat he meant every word the Said, "Some time ago," Mr. Hill con- tinued, "I had a very sore back.' I.t slatted from a oold and I suf- fered for six months with it. I also had stiffness in my joints and cramps in my muscles and I felt heavy and sleepy alter meals. My appetite was fitful ,and my limbs were heavy. Then I decided to try Dodd's Ifidney Pills, I took four boxes and received great benefit from them. That's why I recom- mend Dodder Kidney Pi11s." Every one of Mr, Hill's sysn!p- tome 'showed that his trouble was of time Kidneys. That is why he got such benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are no cure all, but they do oture wick Kidneys, and the Ifidneys ane time keystone of health. '1 ANYTHING TO WIN. Who Can. Refuse to Believe Any Charge Against Germany. After the torpedoing of the Lusa teak, without ,waarning even, who can reasonably refuse to believe any charge of brutal atrocity brought against Germany's conduct of the war? ry.ribes a correspondent in. the New York Sun. Who can re- fuse to believe ,that a nation capa- ble of waging a war in such a fash- ion was capable of deliberately bringing on the war? Who can doubt that the policy of "anything to win" now demonstrated is evi- dence that Geeneamy courted the war in pureuamce of a policy of just sudh world domination as was set forth by Betmharda ? Of what avail is it to oomplain of the breaches• of international law whioh have been committed by both sides in the European confliot 7 The fact that American lives weie lost on a vessel sailing under the Bri- tish flag after the German Govern- ment had warned them of the risk they were running is immaterial. Germany has furnished proof that her warfare respects no flag, not even the Stars and Stripes. The war on Germany's part is a war against no nation, but against all nations. It is a, war against hu- manity. Is it not clear that, under its pre- sent leadership and the ideals which control 'its Kultur, the Ger- man nation is a peril to Civiliza- tion and not fit to survive? What will the liberties of ithe world he worth if Germiany emerges victor from this omelet ,because, through. a cowardly and dreamy love of pewee, nations wthioh have been neutral hibherto refuse to do their part im combating the peril of a pax Gernanioa with whidh civiliza- tion is threatened? Unless the UnitedStates iha,e be- come a country of Chinamen it will not take this affront lying clown. Indeed, the Chinese, with all their weakness, would snake at least a show of fight against so hideous a wrong and eo dreadful a danger. GET POWER Tho Supply Comes From Food. If we get power from food, wiry not strive to get all the power we can. Mat is only possible by se- lecting food that exactly fits the requirements of the body. `Not knowing how to s+eleot the right food to fit my needle, I euf- feared grievously for a Iong time from stomach trouble," writes a lady from a tattle Western town. "It seemed as if I would never be arable to find out the sort of food that was best for me. Hardly any- thing that I could ea.t world sbay on my stomach. Every attempt gave me heart -burn and filled my sto- mach with gas. I got thinner and thinner until I aerially became a lavisvg skeleton and in time was compelled to reap to my bled, "A few` months ago I was per- suaded to try Grape -Nuts food, and it had such good effeet From the very beginning that I kept up its use. I was surprised at the ease with which I digested it. It proved to be just what I needed. "All my nnpieseant eynmptoms, the heart -burn, tete enflataed feeling which gave me ism mach pain, dis- appeared. My weight gra,dually increased from 98 to 110 lbs., my figure rounded out, my strength came back, and I elm now able to do my housework and enjoy et. Grape -Nuts did i(t." A ten doge trial ivied show any- one some facts about food, Name given by Canadian Postuan Co,, Windsor, Ont. Bead, "The ,a r,11 fele in Road to W v , 'kgs, "There's a Reason," Ever read the above letter? A now one appears front time to tiro, They are familia, true, and fall of human Interest 24-1101J4 $YS'JEN, Paper Illltls Were Issued in 1880 By the C.P.R. . A souvenir of tiie early days• ter the 0,P.11., an the shape of 055 01 the origiir'a1 watch dials which the company got out when it introduced 24o'ojeek time in the West, is in possedeien of one of the officials, In 1$88 the company determin- ed to introduce the 24-hour system on the weiater'n divisions; and to give emphasis to the new departure, and, at the same time, help the memory of all con- cerned, it issued paper dials with the whole 24 thous* completing the day, which were to be worn on the watches of the employeee, bo fami- liarize tbern with the new method. Thai setting up of the new time standard was desnved, ,at the time, .a -radical innovation, ealenlated to disturb the all oonservative and timid creatures who dreaded ohange. A pertain sensation was produced at the tinne; it passed; the busmnetss went on its evay; the western employeesbecame a,e- quainted with the stew trims stand- ard, and accepted it as a matter of course; but the eight df one, of the old ilial plates, which everybody was showing as 'a ou,iiosity in 1886, as something which was going to revolutionize the common life of the people, recalls the eagerness of the company to arrest the atten- tion, though of course, the change was advantageous in itself. - d Bow a Sick Woman Can Roaain Health READ THiS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent.. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab• lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and pure—heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to -day my skin 1s as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr, Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well, known miller in Rogersville, Is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other ,Dill but Dr. Hamilton's, 250. per box. A11 dealers or The Catarrh ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario, • Among the new summer fabrics is a cotton material known as "Joffre," while the new colors in - elude "battleship grey" and, "Pet- rograd blue." At the Yarmouth Y.M.O.A. Boys' Camp, held at 'tucker Falls in August, I found KINARD'S LIN -IMAM most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STORES, General Secey. At Any Vaudeville. "Why div these pitpens keep walk- ing up and down while they are playing?" "Because it :makes these harder to bit." , Ask for Miaard's and take no other. CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AN BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS -CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. TRUE .ORIGINALITY, If you have the eensciousness of genius, do-sometbing to show it. Thb world is Pretty quick, nowadays, to optch' the flavor of true originality; if you write anything remarkable the anagazines and newspapers will end yea out, as lite schoolboys find out where the ripe apples and pear'S are. Produce anything rosily good and an intelligent editor will jump at it. Don't flatter yourself that any article of yours is rejected because you are unknown to fame. Nothing pleases an editor more than to get anything worth having from a new hand, There is always a dearth of really One articles for a first-rate journal; for, of a hundred pieces received, ninety are at or below the sea -level; some have water enough, but no Tread; some tread enough, but no water; only two or three are from full reservoirs, high UP that hill which is so hard to climb, 8 Corns Go re I• Absolutely Painless No cutting, no plas- ters or pads to press the sore spot. Putnam's Extractor makes the corn go without pain. Takes out the sting over-nigbt. Never fails —leaves no scar. Get a 25o, bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. If, when people are charged with their faults they were credited with their good intentions, there would be more satisfactory neigh- bors in the world. Seep =nerd's Liniment in the house. Among the regimental trophies of the Lancastire Fusiliers is a Life of Marlborough presented to the regiment by Napoleon when they were guarding him in St. Helec a, Miaasd'e Liniment used by Physicians. Tire official reporter in the House of Lords receives $2,500 e yeas. i�RIYtAT� '.M a r �x.rn e: ;1E rlga�es. =;ura�YY:t,n%II. ,".Cd,Hy"oUPl mdC7 tlIu1 e'n0t,,M0.H1 P¢i.nMe1o0"4 0•�w Nu6 ' ,S�HOES fr Very S o ryp�,rt /7211 ocreatiof Sold by good s toee dealers' Wernly every lafeanferiesfatally . The ohiect of the National Sex - vice League, founded in 1902, is to promote the movement for coeval - eery military service in Great .Britain, 5550 POTATOES. ARLY I.RRISH COBBLER POTATOES. • •• specially selected and Government tnapected for seed, Only limited Quantity. Price, Ono Dollar per bushel Loh, Bramp- ton. Also Connoisseur's Pride and Now Snow, two excellent now potatoes, Price. Two Dollars per bushel. Special 'Woes for large Quantity. Cash must accom- patty all orders. If. W Dawson, Bramp- ton. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. T aoF10-3xAIrING NEWS AND JOB OP - .1. aces for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting -el all businesses. Full information on applica- tion to Wilson Publishing Company, 75 West Adelaide Rt.. Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED—LADY OR GENTLEMAN 05' hood of good standing Qiuebec, Provi, Provinces, to obtain list of reliable people who are in- terested in oavinr money during these wax times on-urchaees of staple meg• ehandise selected from illustrated cats. Logue of established Montreal Depart. mental Store. To the right persons we offer attractive remuneration. Write im- mediately mmediately giving name, residence, exper- ience, with references. Character is of more importance than ee'erience. Ad- dre,:s P, 0. Box 440, Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. ' 01007811 VIOLET CREAM MAGIC A.1J Beautifier. Price 25e. Viodorn Cern. 1 nano. Ortilia. ANCER, TUMORS, tames. ETC.. lJ Internal and external, cured with- out pain by aur home treatment. Writs { us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. "Overstern" V Bottom Motor tP o«>'' 55 Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in J I Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. •{specification No. 20 giving engine prices on request. Get our quotations on—"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Laumches, Row Tecate and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAW. COOK IN A COOL KITCHEN DON'T swelter over a hot range this summer. The 11 NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove keeps your kitchen cool and clean and docs away with alI the ash -pan, coal -hod drudgery of the coal range. THE NEW PERFECTION lights like gas, regulates like goy and cooks like gas, It is gas stove comfort with kerosene oil. NEW PERFECTIONS are sold in I, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by dealers everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct. RQYALITE OILGIVES '�j T+y� ION R"NOW SBRVtNG BEST RESULTS 1 iJ JC wM t... dl1 V OMhb•• 0! . ' OOHS oa ES THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES Peterborough Canoes ..%f�rrsyys/o,,1 ,/of This trade mark on a ,� r iv Trod&Jviarrv9 Peterborough Canoe IS • the Bow - your assurance of the beet matworkmanshiprn be put into a canon or skIit. I'esigned for easy paddling, strength and s afar Y. Itr painted Basswood, ass o w dd Cedar Rib, Cedar Strip and 'Csnvae Covered qualities, write fox, Catalogue. The Peterborough Canoe Do., Lltnited, Peter. nes F R . $OR011GH.c 4r,.t d i � ti �� Ask for Unita with as this Trado Mark, � ��^�"�i 5: baSon h camases