HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-17, Page 1VOL. 43 NO, 5
W. H. KERR, .Proprietor
Sale Notes
We collect or discount sale
notes for farmers.
Notes left for, collection are
secure against fire or burglary,
and the makers are notified of
the due date.
When paid, the money goes to
your credit without any trouble
on your part.
We shall be glad to furnish you
with the note forma free of charge.
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
with which is united the
Metropolitan Bank
suurrplus . _ - e1300000;0000
Total Resources over - - 90,000,000
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisenfents
Strawberry Bulletin.
Lot for sale'—Tan Poem.
Strayed—Wm, Champion.
Souvenir China—Jas, Pox:
Wool wanted—J. T. Wood.
Cut in Millinery—Miss Hunter.
House for sale—Mrs. Jas. Elliott.
Adminietrator'e Bale—John McIntosh.
P. Gardiner has invested in a Ford
Quite a number from We locality
went to Guelph last Saturday to the
Model Farm.
FIELD DAY.—Friday afternoon of
next week the school grounds at S. S.
No. 9, 14th Con, McKillop, is to be the
scene of a big time. That school and
the Leadbury pupils are combining in
a aeries of contests including Basket
Ball, Foot Ball, Tug of war and Dales-
thenic exercises for a• trophy. There
will^also be a three mile open bicycle
race for a $2 award, a fancy drill by
Leadbury boys, foot races for the
children and a Foot Ball match in the
evening between No. 9 and Walton.
A refreshment booth will be on the
ground and a basket lunch will also be
served at 5.30 o'clock. Fun com-
mences at 1 p. m. An admission fee
of10centerwill be charged, to cover
expenses, pupils of the two schools
A factor in the Mak-
ing of Mens' Clothes
' "Personality," says one
whose wisdom is not to
be questioned, "is the
greatest thing in the
We all know how it counts
in the work of this busy
world — forcing success
where least expected.
Well - fitting, well - made
clothes are aproven im-
portant factor- in adding
to a man's personality,
just as, contra -wise, an
ill-fitting, ill -made suit will
draw off from the most
pronounced personality.
Personality is a mark o
every suit and coat made
by the House of Hobber-
lin. It is for this reason
that the men who "care"
are customers of this
house: Every garment
made to measure.
,Pole Agent for
Hobberlin Tailoring
PI Fraser
being admitted free. Teachers Har-
vey fioover and Mies Brown have the
arrangements in hand so they will be.
well looked after. If the day is fine a
big crowd; and an A 1 time is expected.
Everybody is invited to take in the
fun on the 25th,
Wedding bells are ringing in and a-
round this place.
Miss Mabel lMenzies,Crenbrook, has
started a sewing circle here.
Earl Elliott has been 're-engaged as
teacher by the trustees for another
Mrs. S. McAllister and Mrs, J. Mel-
vin, Palmerston, visited at the home
of Ii. Howes.
Wood -cutting and preparing for
sowing turnips are the order of the
day hi this vimniey,
A football team has been organized
and with some few week's practice the
boys purpose challenging the teams in
the district.
A ROUSING BEE.—Monday after-
noon, 14th hist, was a busy time at
St. Andrew's Church, Molesworth.
Last Winter the Board of Managers
bought the timber on an acre of
burned land. Several bees were held
for cutting the logs and poles and
drawing them to the church grounds
and last Monday afternoon another
bee was held to out the wood. The
men of the congregation turned out to
the number of 38 and it is 'estimated
thabover 50 cords of wood were cut,
split and piled. Work began at 1
o'clock, the ladies served a splendid
lunch at,5, and by 7 o'clock the work
was completed, the grounds raked
and cleaned and everything left in
order. Messrs. Stewart and Elliott
kindly 'gave the use of their engine
and saw and the Board of Managers
feel very much indebted to thein for
their generosity. They thank. the
men who so readily, responded to the
call of their chairman arid also the
ladies who provided and served the
lunch. -
NEWSY Nome—Mrs. R. Black . wine
the guest of relatives in Haraieton
last week.—Rev. A. L. ,Russell,; of
Medicine Hat, Alta., a former pastor
here, will preach in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening.—Harris
and Mrs. Hamilton and little son,
Strathroy, spent the week end with
Ino.. and Mrs. Hamilton.—R. Shaw.
of Bluevale, occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday.—
Wm. Sanderson, Toronto, spent sever-
al days of last week with his parents,
W IL and Mrs. Sanderson, Howick.
—Mrs. E. Cardiff and children, of
Brussels, are visiting at the home of
the former's parents, Jno. and Mrs.
Morrison.—A.. R. Wells, of Blyth,
spent the week end at the home of
T. A. Gibenn.—Robert McKercher has
returned from Stratford where he has
been attending Normal School.—
Mildmay and Wroxeter teams of the
W. I'. A. played in the park here
Tuesday evening, neither sides seer -
lug, although Wroxeter had the bet-
ter of the game all tbrougb.—While
S. Rasmussen was engaged in tearing
down an old building early last week
a beam on which he was standing
gave way, throwing him to the ground
a distance of about 1S feet. While
no bones were ,broken, he received a
bad shaking up, which still confines
him to the house.—A Patty
under the auspices of the Red Cross
Society will be held in the ark here
Y p
on eveningof June 24th. Wingham
Band wilbe in attendance. There
will also be a Font Ball match between
Wingham and Wroxeter High School
teams.—Mrs. John Hn fer,'who bas
been in failing for the past yew.,
caused by dropsy and heart failure
and who suffered severely at times,
which she bore with Christian
patience and. fortitude, passed away
at her home near the village on Satur-
day evening, aged 28 years., More.
Hupfer's maiden name was Jane Mc-
Lean, eldest daughter of Jno. Mc-
Lean and the late Mrs. McLean,
Howick. She spent most of her life in
this vicinity and was married to her
now bereft husband Apt•il 17th, 1912.
Deceased was of a quiet and unassum-
ing disposition and was esteemed by
all who knew her. She is survived by
her husband, father, one brother,
Wm. and Nieto., Ethel, for whore
deep sympathy is expressed in their
bereavement. Funeral took place to
Wroxeter cemetery Monday afternoon
service being
conducted ted o by Rev, R, S,
Oran brook
Road work is in season.
H. Smalldon returned from Michi-
gan on Saturday evening.
Specifications for the repairs at
the manse are at the poet -office.
Mre, Grigg, Belgrave;, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, F. Jeschke, and other
Miss Jean Blair is visiting friends in
Brussels, Setfoeth, Hensel' and Grand
Chas. Raddatz and Mr. Hillen,'
Detroit, are here on a visit to the
former's father.
Remember the Garden Party here
Thursday evening, 24th inst, on the
school grounds. Band in attendance
and good time promised.
Pte. R. G. Barnes, 4th Batt, form-
erly 11 Batt. Officially) reported
wounded. This refers to a nephew of
Mrs. J. J. Gorsalitz, who has frequent
ly visited here,
Wore THE DISHES. -Mies Maggie,
daughter of John and We. McNabb,
won the fine set -of diehea offered at
the bean guessing contest at the store
of Messrs. Leitch &•Son. She guessed
the exact number of beans in the jar,
9218. The official count was made by
Deputy Reeve Brown, J. M. Knight,
Victor Sperling and Harvey Noble.
too YOIIa 0YB0 Homan Mu 1 J. G. Jones.
graduate optician and watch maker, will visit
Belgrave Wednesday of each week, commenc-
ing June 10th, and may be found at Belgrave
Hotel, reedy to attend to testing of ayes and
will also repair watches and cloaks. Tele-
phone No. 80 for further information.
Mrs. James McGill has moved into
her new house in the village.
• The Methodist Sabbath School gave
a donation of $5,00 to the Red Cross
Wrn, andMrs. Nethery er. are coin-
fertably located in. their new home in
the village.
James Oloakey is taking in the Cali-
fornia Exposition ae well as visiting
friends at San Diego':
Mtn. James Dougall, Weet Hall,
Manitoba, is here visiting relatives,
the Wightman families.
Jas. and Mrs. Grigg are getting com-
fortably settled on the groom's 'fine
farm West of the village.
'Thomas Procter and Mrs. Horn took
in the trip to the Model Farm last
-Saturday going by 0. P. R.
John Anderson, sr., ' of Dundalk,
speuta few days last -week with rela-
tives bere enroute for Parris and Galt
to visit other memhere of his family.
Mesdames Bell, Clegg and Procter
attended the Summer meeting of the
Blyth Institute, held on June 8th and
report profitable and up-to-date ad-
dresses by Mrs. Burns and Mrs. (Dr.)
Christopher Nethery and Mies Mar-
garet McCallum were quietly married
by Rev. Mr. Perrie, in Wingham at
the manse, on Tuesday, 15th, They
will reside on Mr. Nethery's farm on
8th line, Wawanosb.
D. S. Scott is improving his home
with a railing around the verandah
Alex. Brune is putting a cement
foundation and cellar under his house.
Joe - Miller is building a barn on the
lot he recently purchased e
Barkley e estate.
Oliver Anderson now drives a Ford
car which he manipulates
for the Sts
Fertelizer Compan. Mr. Anderson
has done aii extensive business during
the past Winter for the Company in
Bruce Co., added to this the Company
have urged on him to take the agency
for Grey Co. He starts at once on
his new duties. The Co, has secured
the right man in the right place.
FMB PIo-NIo.—A dandy time was
enjoyed at the Fainters' Club and
Women's Institute pic-nic in the Wil-
kinson grove last Tuesday. There
was 110 end of fun in the foot ball, base
ball, shoulder stone, races, &c. Young
and old, male and female, preachers
and people were allinto it, Good pro -
gran of instintnental music. Liberal
lunch was served, Over $80 was taken
in at the bonih. The pic-nic;ground is
a fine epnt for such an occasion. Fot
a good .afternoon's sport this pic-nio
has them till beaten,
++++444+++++++++++++++++++.1-14+44÷4-14++++++ ++++++++++
+ +
Announcement of Prices
++East Huron Produce Emporium
At present we are paying the Following I
Extras No. 1 No, 2
Tub and Box Butter 22c 20c I 9
2IC 18C. 14c
Eggs +
Due Bilis -.
Issued at 5 per cent additional in trade.
ROBT.; THOMSON - Brussels
+ vived by his brothers, Rev. George
Jackson, of Walkorville and James
+ Jackson, formerly of Grey township,
itendel+'M444444444. +444, 4+++++ +++i+++++F++i+ +++++++d+H+d4++'1444.+++ i now of Clinton locality,
++ +++++++++++++++++++-•1•++++
Spend Your
Dominion Day
at Seaforth
And Attend the 16th
AnnuahMeeting of the
One of the Best Race Meets
s.lA Ontario, All the Best Horses
*2100 in Purses
Come to C4th
On JULY 1st and 2ntl
Band In Attendance
M. Brodorlok, Soo. W. eovenlook, Pros.
+++++++++++++++++++++ 4' ++++
Wednesday evening next a Garden
Party will be held at: Knox church
grounds, under the auspices of the
Sabbath School, Wingheen Band in
Nelson Higgins gave a good paper
at the Guild at Knox church on Sun-
day night on "Christ's call to young
men of to -day." James Taylor sang
an appropriate selection. It wae de-
cided to continue the meetings
throughout the Summer.
D., Mrs. and Miss Sproat were at
Kippen on Tuesday attending the
funeral of the former's niece, Miss
Cummings, who died last Sunday.
She had been an invalid for some
time. Interment was made at Eg-
mondville cemetery. Deceased was a
fine woman.
The Summer meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute, which was held Mon-
day, was well attended considering
the busy day. It, was presided over,
with ability and business tact, by the
newly elected President, Mrs. James
Taylor, the usual business being con-
ducted in order. President and See.-
Trea& were appointed delegates to
District meeting at Bluevale on the
22nd. Mrs. Boyle contributed a solo.
Mrs. Burns, Toronto, spoke at some
length setting forth the possibilities
of the fntnre home by the method of
'ehorb cuts, electrical and mechanical
appliances being manipulated along
all lines of house work. The branch
is looking forward to a . prosperous
MASON—CLARK.—The Hensatl Ob-
server of last week says :—Wednes-
day a quiet marriage was solemnized
intheMethodist parsonage, Rev. R.
Hicks officiating, contracting parties
being Mies Ethel Clark, youngest
daughter of James Clark and John
Mason, an enterprising young farrier
of Wawanosh township, whnse home
is about 5 miles West of Belgrave.
The bride was handsomely gowned
and looked charming. At the con-
clusion of the ceremony the wedding
party repaired to the home of the
bride where a repast was served.
None but the immediate relatives
were present. The happy couple left
on the evening train. May their lives
be all sunshine.
Miss McIntosh, of Toronto, is a wel-
come visitor with Councillor and Mee.
Next meeting of the Township
Council will be held in Long's Hall,
Cranbrook, on Monday, 28th inst.
Miss Gladys McQuartie and W. J.
Hoover are home from the Normal
School, Stratford, having completed
their exams. last week.
Tuesday evening next a fine time is
expected at the Garden Party to be
held at James Pearson's, Choice pro-
gram will be presented. Keep it in
S. B. Lamont, of Regina, is here on
a holiday with relatives and friends.
He ie a student -at -law and a son of
Hugh Lamont.. It is 3 years' since he
was home.
Saturday of this week will be the
date of the Farmers' Excursion to the
Model Farm, Guelph. This township
will send a large number of visitors as
it is a popular outing particularly to
the young people.
Wm. Ritchie, a former resident of
this locality, was visiting old scenes
during week. He wa
the past e a dele-
gate from the West to the Presbyter-
ian Assembly, which met at Kingston,
and was on his way homeward.
It ie reported that John Jackson,
5th Con., has purchased the farm of
Chas. Cook, across the road, and that
Jonas Flood and family, who have
been at Obeeley, will return to it.
Mr, and hire, Cook will continue to
live in the locality, the former being
employed at present on John W.
Morrison's farm.
-Rev. Thomas Jackson for 55 years a
Methodist minister, died at his home'
in St. Thomas on Friday, June lltit.
Born in Ireland he carne with his
parents to Canada over 60 years ago
and located in Grey township and in
his early years taught school, In 1880
he entered the ministry of the New
Connexion Methodist Church and
travelled Corinna, Arthur, Romney,
Amherstburg, Bothwell, Belmont, Ap-
pin, Fingal and other circuits. Be
rehired some ten years ago to Sbrath-
roy and had been living the last two
years in St, ;Phomas, Deceased was 82
of age. Ile was a good preacher, a
genial pastor and did well wherever
he was stationed, Mr. n
. Jackson is et u •-
The Durham bull, sold by East
Huron Agricultural Society last Satur-
day afternoon, at Brussels, was par.
chased by D, McKinnon, 8th Con,
The last letter received from Sergi.
Ross McKinnon said he was in good
health and weighed 185 pounds, He 10
now with the 14th Regt, in France.
All roads will lead to ,Tae, Cardiff's
grove, to the annual pionic of S. S.
No, 3, Friday afternoon of next week,
June 25th. Races, games and other
amusements are under preparation.
A. good grove, with an adjoining
meadow, afford excellent picnic faci-
lities. Arrange to spend the after-
noon with the crowd and make the
day •a memorable one. Everybody
WobxnED.—The following refers to
a nephew of J. and Mrs. Gorsalitz and
D. and Mrs. Neabel who visited thein
on different occasions : Galt's already
lengthy casualty list was enlarged
Saturday by two more names. Rich.
and Mrs., Barnes, 18th Ball avenue,
were notified by the militia depart-
ment that their son, Pte. Richard
George Barnes, of the 4th Battalion,
formerly of the lith, had been wound-
ed, but no further; particulars; were
given. He is a Galt boy, born and
raised there, and when the war broke
out was in the West, and enlisted
there. '
MATRIMONIAL.—A quiet but pretty
wedding took place on the evening of
June 9th, at the borne of Robt. Carr,
3rd Con., when his second daughter,
Mies Mary, was united in marriage to
T. Ritchie, Wingham, Promptly at
5.30 the bridal couple, who were un-
attended, took their places on the
lawn under an arch of peonies, snow-
balls and ferns and Rev, h A. McKel-
vey performed the marriage ceremony.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, was prettily gowned in
white voile with chiffon and pearl
trimmings and carried a boquet of
carnations and lily of the valley and
was the recipient of many useful gifts.
Groom's gift to Miss Ida Frain, wbo
played the wedding march, was a gold
watch fob, When congratulations
were over the guests, numbering over
50, partook of a sumptuous supper
and after an enjoyably evening's
entertainment of music and social in-
tercourse the' company left for their
several homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Ritchie many happy and prosperous
years. Guests included Dr, and Mrs.
Ford, Wingham ; Mr. and. Mrs. Bides]
and Mrs. Robinson, Auburn ; Thomas
Ritchie, Delmore ; Wm. and Mrs.
Corbett, Belgrave ; J. T. and Mrs.
Ritchie, Brussels ; and Mrs. McKerch-
er, Wroxeter,
Council met last Monday.
Brussels speeding events Wednes-
day afternoon of next week will catch
our speed artists.
Morris Council granted 810.00 each
to Blyth, Brussels and Wingham
Agricultural Societies.
Mrs. Eleton Cardiff and children,
5th line, were visitors with the form-
er's parents at Wroxeter.
Bosman Drain contract was award-
ed to Felix Curtin at $2,089, work to
be completed by Oct. 1st, 1915.
M. Scarlett, of Toronto, was a visit-
or at the home of George and Mrs.
Kelly, 8th line. He is a nephew. of
the latter.
Misses Yuill are home from attend-
ance at ther 1
No ma
where they have spent a good share
of the
ast year.
Mrs. Thos, Warwick, 7th line,
underwent an operation at Fergus
last week and is making good pro-
gress. We hope she will soon be fully
Keep the date of the Garden Party
at Leslie Fear's, 8th line, in mind—
Tuesday evening of next week, 22nd
inst. Itis under the auspices of the
Jackson Church Sabbath School.
Excursion by special train to Guelph
Model Farm Saturday of this week.
The farm is one of the most interest-
ing places to be visited and the oubing
is always an enjoyable as well as an
instructive one.
In last Saturday's published list of
casualties in the battle line in France,
H. Knox, formerly of Morris town-
ship, whose letter was published in
last week's POST, is reported among
the wounded. His old friends here
hope he is not dangerously hurt and
that he will soon be able to be about.
former resident of Morris township
and Brussels passed away on May
18th, at Bradford, England, aged 75
years. After a sojourn in Canada for
severalrears he return
ed to the land
of Ms birth about 20 years ago where
he continued to reside with a sister.
Deceased never married. A peculiar
circumstance was that while brother
and sister had enjoyed comparatively
good health they died within three
days of each other, Miss Ellen dying
on May 10th. Pneumonia wee the
cause, Nr. and Miss 'Wilkinson were
brother and sister to Joseph Wilkin-
son, formerly of Morris, now living in
Housalllocality. He visited in Eng-
land 2 years ago and found bis folk
well at that time. The older people
of the community will remember
George Wilkinson, who was a genial
gentleman and was very warm to any-
thing that was Britisb. Their demise
came very unexpectedly as a recent
letter repotted them in good health.
pretty wedding was solemnized at the
home of Geo, W. and Mrs. Procter,
Morris, on Wednesday, June 9th,
when their eldest daughter, Jennie,
became the wife of James" Martin
Grigg, a prosperous farmer of East
Wawanosh Rev, T. W. Kilpatrick of -
fleeting. Bride entered the parlor
leaning on the arm of her father, to
e at of m Lohen ra Bridal
chords, played by Miss Florence
Procter, sister of the bride, and took
her place under it dainty arch, banked
With ferns and plants. The bride
- —The annual meeting of this body
will be held in the I+'oreeters', Hall,
Ineya e, Tues ay afternoon of next
week, opening at 2 o'clock, Reports
will be presented, new plans of work
discussed, officers elected and other
busines attended to. A speaker is ex-
pected from the Department, The
Women's Institute will convene here
on the same date so Bluevale will be
highly honored.•
Millinery Prices,
Commencing Friday, June
18th,. Millinery prices will
be Reduced for the balance
of the season. Now is the
time to get bargains.
wore a gown of cream gloria silk,
trimmed with white satin and shadow
lace and carried a shower boquet of
carnations and ferns. Misses Sadie
and Edith Hill made charming flower
girls, gowned in pink silk and carried
a basket of pink and white roses.
During the signing of the register,
Mise Tessie Halliday sang "0 Promise
Me." After congratulations the guests
repaired to the dining -room where a
sumptuous wedding dinner was served.
The room was decorated with flowers
and bunting. After some time spent
with music and social chat the wed-
ding couple left on a motor trip amid
good wishes and showers of rice and
confetti. The many useful and
beautiful gifts showed the high esteem
in which the couple are held. Groom's
gift to the pianist was a pearl ring and
to the flower girls dainty silver pine.
Drops are growing well now.
Last Saturday several took in the
Farmers' Exursion to the Model Farm,
Guelph, and enjoyed the day.
The members of Knox church choir
and the Endeavor choir combined and
presented George Hanley and bride
with a fine chair, a remembrance of
the good fellowship existing. Gift
was suitably acknowledged.
Last Sunday afternoon DeWitt
Cosens, B. A., of London, the repre-
sentative of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, gave an interesting address
in Knox church here. The locality
usually contributes generously to this
noble cause.
Friday evening, 28th inst., is the
date you must attend the Garden
Party on the school and church
grounds. Supper from 8 to 8. Pro-
gram will be unique. Prof. Jno. A.
Kelly, Toronto, vocalist, ventriloquist
and eutertainer, will be the leading
feature and Miss Marjory Munro, of
the Queen city, will sing and give
dances in National costume. Music
by orchestra and bagpipes. Refresh-
ment booth on the grounds.
Ormrae.—Monday and Tuesday of each week
J, G. Jones, graduate optician end watch.
maker, will be at W. H. Love's store Ethel,.
commencing last Monday, ready to attend to
testing of eyes. He will also do repairs to
watches, clocks and jewelry. His telephone
Is No. 80. If you require any help in his line
call to see him.
Will. Oantlon, from the West, was
here during the past week renewing
old friendships.
Miss Hunter is selling millinery at
reduced prices for balance of the sea-
son. See advt in
this issue.
The Presbyterian b to an Sa
bba th School
will hold their annual ul
picnic on July
1st in Thos. Vodden'srove.
Friday evening of gthis week the
Ladies' Aid hold a Garden Party at
the Methodist church, Good program
after supper in the Township Hall.
Next Sabbath evening the Endeavor
Society of the Presbyterian church
will have as the topic "Christ's pall to
the young women of to -day." A choir
of young ladies will lead the singing.
Meeting at 7.30.
S. Paul shipped a car of hogs from
here Wednesday.
Robt, Musgrove spent Sunday with
relatives near Ethel.
Mrs. Jas. Masters is at presnt visit-
ing relatives at Toronto.
Mrs. Lawrence, Wingham. is at
present visiting friends in the village.
Mies 111, Oloakey, is with her broth-
er John, at Wingham, who is serious-
ly ill.
The votes for election of Eiders in
Knox church must be all turned in
not later than Sunday next June 20th.
Joseph Breckenridge and John
Messer are attending the annual
meetingof Canadian U ad an Order of Fores-
ters at St. Catharines,
We are glad to have Rev. Mr.
Thompson back to Bluevale for au-
otherear and 1
y wish him and his con-
gregations a successful term.
Albert Thomas has enlisted for ser-
vice abroad and leaves for London to
commence training first of next week.
We trust he will come through safely.
Rev. A. L. Russell preached in the
Methodist church Sunday evening,
taking as his text Gen, 1:1. His ser-
mon was listened to with much inter-
On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Tate
gave a very interesting talk on the
meeting of the Assembly which he
and Mrs, Tate attended at Kingston
last week.
Rev, David Rogers, formerly of
Bluevale, was superannuated at the
recent London Conference and will
live in London. Helms been engaged
to work in association with Rev. Dr.
Flanders, 1st Methodist church, for
the coming year. He should fill the
bill all right.
Mrs. H. A. McCall received the sad
news of the death of her mother, Mrs.
Wilber, Delhi, on Monday. Mr, and
Mrs. McCall attended the funeral on
Wednesday. Mrs, Wilber was a fine
old lady and had many friends in the
village, We extend our sympathy to
Mrs, McCall,
Crops are looking fine.
Miss I rae Cunningham r gam and friend
are visiting at Detroit.
Quite a crowd went to Guelph last
Saturday on the Excursion,
Miss Martha Smillie has returned
home from the Normal School,
Next Sunday will be Communion
Sunday in Duff's church. Prepara-
tory service Friday, at 2.30 p. m.
Interesting addresses on Bible
Society work were given last Sunday
by DeWitt Cosens, B. A., of London.
He is a clever young man.
Anneal Garden Party will be held
on Duty's church manse lawn on Tues-
day, 29th inst. Program will include
Prof. Kelly and Miss Munro, Toronto,
Seaforth Band, bagpipes, addresses,
Next Monday afternoon and even-
ing a social gathering of the Elders
of Duff's church and members of the
Adult Bible Class will be held at
James Smillie's, to celebrate his 82nd
birthday and his jubilee of 50 years
Eldership In Duff's church, Walton.
A Garden Party will be held at the
home of Wm. Stewart, 14th Con.,
McKillop, on Wednesday, June 23rd,
under the auspices of St. George's
church, Walton. Program will con-
sist of a Brass
Band, addresses, re-
freshments, etc, Proceeds will be
divided between St. George's church
and the Red Cross Fund.
HYMENEAL. — Married quietly by
Rev. le, E. Page, on Wednesday, June
10th, at the home of the bride's par-
ents, 14th con. McKillop, Martha
Ethel, daughter of James and Ann
Elizabeth Mose, to Carlyle Houston,
of Stanley township, son of Samuel 0,
and Mary Ann Houston. Bride and
groom went from Walton to Toronto
and other points for wedding tour,
Next Sabbath evening the service in
Victoria Hall will be in charge of 8'.
H. Gilroy, of Brussels,
Robert McAllister, of Zurich, was
visiting at J. D. Miller's last week.
He is a cousin to Mrs. Miller.
Norman and Mrs. McLeod have
moved from Goderich to Wingham
where Mr. Mac. has bought a grocery
stock. We wish him well.
J. D. Miller, Hugh Higgins, Alex.
Edgar and Thos. Earl were at Gude-
rich last week doing duty as jurymen.
Their task was a very light one.
We are pleased to hear favorable
reports of Mrs. L. Eckmier's improved
health, She ie•abie to be out of the
hospital and after a short time with
Mrs. (Dr.) McKelvey, her aunt, in To-
ronto, will come to ber home.
The rain last Thursday evening
rather put a damper on the Garden
Party at Charlie Forrest's, Quite a
few attended, however and the Wing -
ham Band discoursed a good program
in the house. Proceeds about $100,
Bluevale won the foot ball by 3 to 2.
Part is announced pounce d Por Fri-
dayeveningof next week a
t the John-
ston Church, le
G Line
Morris. After
supper, from 6 to 8, a fine program
will be put on. Choice vocal selections
by Messrs. Lightfoot and Bradshaw,
the well known vocalists of Sbratford ;
and a Male Quartette from Bluevale ;
interesting addresses by Rev. J. W.
Hibbert, Wingham, and Rev. D.Wren,
Brussels. Booth on the grounds.
Party is under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of which Mrs, John Fells
is President. Rev, D. D. Thompson,
pastor, will preside.
Brussels School Board
Regular meeting of the Board was
held last Friday evening in Jas. Fox's
office. Present J. Fox, J. Cunning-
ham, R. Leatherdale, D. O. Ross and
S. Wilton. Minutes of previous meet-
ing read and adopted.
Following accounts were presented :
G. M. Hendry, Books for Con-
tinuation School, $ 3.09
F. R. Smith, supplies,..... 22,18
Wilton & Gillespie, coal, 39 tons,
at $7.25 295.82
Geo. 50 Tho
moon crocks
Walker & Black, pictures and
repairs 4.60
Moved by Leatherdale — Cunning-
ham that above accounts be paid.
Question of renovating school dur-
ing vacation was disonesed. Board
decided to visit school, see what was
uecessary and instruct the Property
Prinoipal Sootb interviewed Board
as to tune of closing school at end of
term and it was agreed to leave the
matter in his hands.
Board then adjourned.
Church Chimes
Service Thursday evening at the home
of Robt. Smith, 6th Lion Morris, by
Rev. R. E. Page.
Next Sunday's services in St, John's
church, Brussels, and St, George's, Wal-
ton, will be taken by Rev, H, M. Lang -
Ford, of Listowel, with whom the Re -
tor is changing.
Rev, R. E. Page, wife and Eustace,
motored on Monday to London in order
that he might attend tite junior Clerical
t7nion of the Diboose before whom he .
read a paper on "The Child from three
to seven and the Church's responsibility
to same," and to attend the opening of
Synod. They returned Tuesday after.