HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-3, Page 8Mew Received After a delay of several months, hi not being able to get El aviland Lim- oges China, we are glad to state that We have ogee more ID stock almost all the pieoee in HAVILAND le1MOQES CHINA in the patterns we have been anustomed to carry. Now is a good time to add those extra pieces to your col- lection you could not get awhile ago, The list includes -Cups and Saucers, Bread and Butter Plates, 'Pea Plates, Breakfast Platee, Dinner Platee, besides the well known old pieces. :13(',ntm•r.4"r"".45 69M4,444%,0 r++4+1+1.4.4440141.•••••••+••••••••••44+44+4401.101.4+++.14.144 • AND Announcement of Prices AT THE ''''S.7,..enlossweNiaisnesaensmsfenesteniere. USW R 11 ,'rEEEgi4 Tooth CLEAN Paste W H ITE A Good Tooth Brush given away with each sale of Rexall Tooth Paste at 250. Rexall Tooth Paste is most delightful to use, Besides keeping the teeth white and free from tartar it leaves the mouth antiseptically clean, and thus retards de- cay. If you have not already used this preparation here is 0 epeeist inducement to start, Take advantage of this special offer, The a.0)(09,J1 Siam F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. fraal betas ienm JUNE. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of next week. NEXT Monday evening will be Council meeting and Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll. BEEP the Wonaen's Institute Enter- taiernent in Brussels Town Hall In mind Friday evening of this week. TENDERS are asked for the macadomis- ing of Turuberry street, Brussels, the same to be received up to June x5th. ONE day recently Miss Mary Burgess, daughter of lames and Mrs. Burgess, fell at their home and dislocated one of her shoulders. The accident was a very painful one but she is making good pro. grecs now. THE residence of Mrs. Eugenia Oak- ley, Queen street, has been sold to Hugh Lamont, a well known farmer of Grey township for many years. Price was said to be St000. Purchaser will get possession in the near future. Mrs. Oakley will probably continue to live in Brussels but will likely holiday for a ti me. DIED AT A GOOD OLD AGE.--Wednes, day of last week Henry Taman, of Blyth, passed away at the advancedage of 85 years. He had suffered from several strokes of paralysis. Mrs. Taman predeceased him. The children are :- Mrs, D Carter, Westfield ; Mrs. Jas. Burgess, Brussels ; Henry and Thomas, Blyth ; and Jno., Seaforth. Funeral took place Friday and was conducted by Rev, Mr. Farr, rector of Trinity church, where deceased belonged. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess and Miss Mary attended. FORMER BRUSSELITE KILLED. -Harry C. Hewson, a son of Judge Charles E. Hewson, Gore Bay, Ont., was killed by falling under the wheels of the Ottawa. Toronto C. P. R. train at Locust Hils He was endeavoring to board the train when it started. His body was rushed to the Rosedale station, but he was be- yond medical aid. The remains were removed to the Morgue and later re- moved to A. W. Miles for burial, There was not an inquest. Mr. Hewson was one time on the staff ot the Stand- ard Bank, Brussels, and was a fine young fellows "AFTERNOON TEA IN A FRIENDLY VIL- LAGE." -This is the title of an amusing and entertaining•Drarna to be presented by 3o members of Walton Womeu's In• stitute, Friday evening of this week, in the Town Hall, Brussels, under auspices of the Wotnen's Institute of Brussels. Entertainment at 8 o'clock. Short Musical and Literary program will also be rendered. Proceeds will be applied to relief work carried on by Institute. Lend a helping hand by attending, Tickets 25 cents, children 25 cents. Don't forget it is Friday evening of this week, A course of attentive anglers hauled out upwards of zoo bass in one fishing excursion last week. RED Cross Society ladies will meet next Tuesday afternoon as usual at the Pubic Library. All willing to help with work for our soldier buys are in- vited to be present. BOWLERS. -The annual meeting of the Bowling club of Brussels will be held in the Public Library Board room Thurs- day evening of this week, at 8 3o o'clock. If you're interested you are asked to at- tend. —p— rim fox strayed on premises of undersigned, Lot 17, 7th Line, Morris, last Sunday. Chain attached. Owner is requested to prove preo erty and take it away, PETER MoCARD Phone 410. You will have the opportunity of consulting the eyesight apecialist at my store any day or evening from Monday Stine 7th to Wednesday June 10th. Satisfaction is guaranteed se you are consulting one of the best in the profession. W. P. STRETToN. 8 YEAR old well bred roadster mare for sale, Apply to ORAS. BuTTREY, Brussels, R. R. No. 8. Phone 269, 10 Honors WANTEn,-Have an order for 40 horses for the next two weeks. Parties having animals see me or call phone No. 9. Want both heavy and. light horses. J. H. GAY, mums, Brussels. Puns, bred mammoth Pekin ducklings for sale at 20 cents apiece. R. THOMSON, Riverside Poultry Farm, Brussela. Phones 245 or 88. ROUSE and Lot for sale in Walton. Apply to N. moneys Walton. HALF dozen cane seated chairs and a side- board for sale at a great bargain, Ask at Tee tPosm. GARAGE FOR SALE. -Undersigned offers his cementgarage, which is Six 50 feet, with metallic roof, .for sale. It is fire proof and waterproof, with handy oflioe, Pc. Building is well lusted, For price and terms apply to D. EWAN. Brusaels. G000 brick house on WIlltant street for sale together with good Stable and driving shed. Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, etc. Por further particulars apply to Elsonalt THOmSON, Brussels. Two Short Horn bull calvea for sale. One a year old and the other 18 months. No better animals in the country. Terms to mit the purchaser. BIM also a young Yorkshire hog for sale. JAE. SPIHR. Lot 80, Con, 6, Morris, Box 267 Brussels P. 0, Phone 207. DR, CAVANAGH DECEASE0.-At his residence, Owen Sound, last Sunday night, the spirit of Dr, Milton Cavanagh took its flight from the earthly taber- nacle. He bad been in declining health for several years so that the close was not an unlooked for event, although at the last the change was very sudden. He was born 10 McKillop township, Huron Co., and after attaining young manhood taught school for a few years before engaging in the study of Den- tistry. In his profession in Brussels and later Owen Sound (to which point he moved about 20 years ago) he did well but always found time to devote to church work and in the Sabbath School, as Treasurer of the Methodist church and leader of the choir in Brussels, and afterward choir leader in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in Owen Sound he made himself very useful. He was a great lover of music and waS pro- ficient in both the vocal and instrument- al Art. 22 years ago Dr. Cavanagh was united in marriage to Miss Petunia E. Kerr, of Brussels, and she, a daughter (Irene) and a sou (jno, O. L ) survive. Hoping to aid impaired health Dr, and Mrs. Cavanagh went to Saskat- chewan 4 years ago but while temporary improvement was attained he continued to fail and they returned to Owen Sound where be resided up to bis de- mise, A short service was held at the bereaved home Tuesday night, by Rev, Mr. Stewart, supported by the church choir. Beautiful wreaths came from the dentists of the town, the Chetah, Ladies' Aid, Choir, Board and many from private individuals. Tbe casket was brought to Brussels Wednesday fore- noon and Rev. D. Wren, conducted a suitable service in the 1VIethodist church at 2,30p. m„ after which the remal ilaS were nterred in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were J. T. and D, C. Ross, Jas. PDX, W. Grewar, J. F, Rowland and EL L. Jackson. Relatives from a distance were Mrs, Cavanagh. daughter and Son, Owen Sound •' Rev. W. E. Kerr, Welland and W. A. Matthews, Colpoy's Bay, Dr. Cavanagh was kind- ly diSpositioned, generous to a fault and always anxious 20 aid every worthy ettuee both by word and dee& His relatives are living in Montana and Sasketchewan. • —o BRUsSELS Intermediate Foot Ball team will meet Listowel on Monday f of next week on Victoria Park here. See the game. It will be a hot one. so CENTS in advance, secures THE PosT to any Canadian address, until January rat x16. This is cheaper than borrowing and more pleasing, probably to your neighbor. ADVERTISING is being distributed an nouneing date of Farmers' Excursion to Model Farm at Guelph. Saturday, igth inst. is the date. Special train will be run for the occasion. Quite a number are talking of ging this year. CONSERVATIVE MEETING. -A meeting of North Huron Conservative As.socia- tion, will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, Tuesday afternoon of next week, at t p. m. Addresses are expect- ed from James Bowman, M. P., E. N. Lewis, M. P., and A, H. Musgrove, M. P. 1'. Reginald Fletcher, Toronto, formerly of Brussels, who is now a jewelry travel- ler, took ill with appendicitis while on one of his trips and had to undergo an operation at Oshawa. It happened on the very day that his father-in-law, the late G. A. Powell, went to a watery grave on the Lusitania, which was torpedoed by a German submarine. Troubles are said to never come Singly. PRESENTATIONS. - On Wednesday evening, May xgth, the Adult Bible Class of Welland Methodist church, pre- sented their teacher, Rev, W, 12 Kerr, formerly of Brussels, with a beautiful gold -headed umbrella, in recognition of his services. The following evening the Mission Circle presented Mrs, Kerr with a cut glass water service. They leave in a few weeks for their new charge at Vancouver. B. C. SUMMER HOURS AT THE PUBLIC LIE- RARY,-COMMenCing this week the Sum- mer time table came into vogue at the Public Library and will continue during the mouths of June, July and August. 'Under it the Library will be open in the afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings frora 7.3o to q 30. By keeping tab on these days you may he saved some steps in your visits to the Library GOOD CONCERT -A successful concert was given last Monday night at the Town Hall, Brussels, by the Royal Welsh Ladies Choir, under the auspices of St, John's Young Peoples Society. 8 young Welsh ladies under the leader. ship of Madam Thomas took part in pro. viding this enjoyable evening. From the time the choir opened with "Men of Harlech, the Welsh battle cry, to the singing of "Tipperary and God Save the King," those present, and they were many, for hall was fell, were eetranced, The choral prograrn was varied, soli* trios, quartettes and choruees. Every,. body was delighted and are convinced that the ladies of Wales caused the only regret, that the concert closed a few minutes after ten and did not continue indefinitely. Proceeds amounted to $91.45. The ladies were entertained by telesdames(Dr,) Holmes, Bryans, Harris, StephenSon and at the American Hotol, 1 East Huron Produce Emporium 1 + I At present we are paying the Following + 4. * Tub and Box Butter Extras23' NO. I No. 2 23C 21C 21C 19C 4- .1. + 4. * • Eggs 20C 1 7C r4C 4. — + ..41:. Due Bilis ÷ + Issued .at 5 per cent additional in trade. + * I ROBT. THOMSON - Brussels + * • t: MOTOR cars are about as thick as flies round a sugar barrel. 'rue District Wotnen's Institute met in Brussels on Wednesday of this week. THURSDAY of this week is the King's Birthday and a Bank holiday. Long live the Ring ! A bee was held at Melville church levelling the grounds about the new edifice which has materially improved the appearance. The levelling up of the street in ft ont of St. John's church was a decided im- provement. Work was done by a bee on Wednesday. NEW APPOINTMENT. - 0. Johnston. who for a few years past has beeu license inspector for Ceuti e Huron, has received a better positiou, that of Inspector of Public Works under the Dnrninion Goverument and has entered upon his new duties. This appointment will be well received for Mr. Johnston is a very capable man, HORSE RACES AT BRUSSELS. -A race meet will be held on the fine finite track here on Wednesday. June 23rd. when S600 will be hung up in purses for three races, viz a 2 3o pace or trot ; a 2.10 pace or trot ; and a 2 03 pace or tret. Trotters will be allowed 5 seconds in all races. Mile heats best 3 in 5. P. Scott is Chairman of Committee and Alf. Seeker Secretary, Watch out for the bills. DINING CAR MINISTRELS -Next Mon- day evening. in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, the Dining Car Miuistrels, some 3o in all, will put on a unique and note - date program under the auspices of the local Foot Ball team. Program will consist of choruses, solos. quartettes, and various specialties. Entertainment wherever given has attracted large houses and the public is cordially invit- ed to give the Foot Ball boys a full house. No reserved seats and tickets only 25 cents. See program and bills for further particulars Entertainment at 8 o'clock following Listowel -Brussels Foot Ball game On Victoria Park. MAKING FINE ADVANCE. -At the an- nrial Convocation of Western Univer- sity on Friday evening at which there was graduated the largest Arts class that bas ever gone out from the institution, some important aonottacements of pro- gress were made. Dr. H. V. Hill, of Minneapolis, who is regarded as one of the greatest authorities in matters of public health on the continent; has been secured as head of the Institute of Public Health, to take up his duties immediate- ly. Steps have also been taken looking towards a new medical building which it is anticipated will be erected during the coming year. Thirty-two degrees were conferred by President Braith- waite in Arts and Medicine, many scholarships and prizes were awarded and the address to the graduating class was made by Rev, D. C. MacGregor. WostEN's INSTITUTE, - The regular monthly meeting of Brussele Women's Institute will be held in the Public Library on Tuesday, lune r5th, at 2 30 p. na., when Mrs. C. H. Burns, Toronto, will address the meeting on the sub- jects :-'The future of the Home," and How to plan Summer Menus for Health and Prod Values". Mrs. Burns is the speaker sent us frotu the Agri- cultural Department and this is what the Depattment says of her :- Mrs Burns was the first to undertake the systetnatic Demonstration Lecture work oa Food Values and cooking in connection with the Institutes of the Province. The work so well begun bp her has greatly developed and will no doubt be one of the leading features of Institute activi. ties in the coming years. Her practical experience in housekeeping and training in Domestic Science enable her to give instruction of the 2 reatest value. A large turn out of Ladles from town and country is asked for as Mrs. Burns will be well worth hearing. Do not mistake the date Tuesday, June 15th, at 2.30 p. rn. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SUMMER MEET- INGS, -A series of Summer meetings in connection with the Women's Institute will be held in the districts of West and East Hume on the following dates :- Wingham, Jena 7t11. Blyth, June 8th Londesboro, June gth. Belgrave, June 14th. Brussels, lune x5th. Waltou, June 16th. lamestown, lune 17th. Molesworth, June ath. Fordwich, June igth. Gorrie, 1000 21st. These meetings will be addressed by Mrs. C. H, Borns, Toronto, who was the first one to undertake systematic demonstration lecture work on food values and cooking in connection with the Institetes In the province. She ie a very popttlar speaker and some of the subjects which she discusses are ;-- Household Economy ail applied to lbiet and Health Hoy: to in Surntner tnenues for Health ; Home care of the sick, ete. The Meetings Will be held ender the auspices of the local branches Notice simommiummommes All parties indebted to the Pryne Milling Co. are asked to kindly arrange to settle the same at an early date as we have commenced the re -build- ing of our mill and will re- quire every dollar available. Pryne Milling Co. Brussels. •tofAligheel two roriyotoYeaiii THE STANDARD R OF C AN A DA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking %coney Saved is Money av&Gained. Never Defer Saving, but 177 Oa Savings Account to. • day. We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, EllErt) Manager.. liammaismimmemn 111111," BRUSSELS SCHOOL Report for Room IV for the mouth of May. Exatnined in Literature, Spell., Grammar, Compoaltion, Arithmetic), Geography, Writing, Reading, History and Daily Work, Honors 75, Pass 6o. Sr. IV. - M Skelton ..........19 M Ross 77 1 Fox .75 P Barkley. .... .....67 M Pawson 65 II James 63 Jr. IV. - People We Talk About Jack Leckie, B A., is home for a holi- day. He may go West. Mrs. S, Bell, of Teeswater. is visiting her parents, A. and Mrs. Lamont. Reeve Leckie is attending Huron County Council, at Goderich, this week. H. Howson, of Toronto, was a visitor in town this week looking as chipper as ever. Wm, Wilton is spending a week in Hamilton. We hope . it will do him good. Miss Isabel Dark left Monday morn- ing to relieve in the telephone office at Sebringville, Miss Kathleen Wilton is at Stratford where she will write at the Normal School exams. Miss Mary Davidson was away on a holiday visit with her friend, Mrs. Pig- gott, near Sarnia. A. J. Lowry is considerably improved in health and we hope favorable pro- gress will continue. Rev. and Mrs. Lang -Ford, of Listo- wel, were renewing old friendships in Brussels and Ideality this week. G. A. Deadman left for Merlin on Wednesday. Chas. Crossfield will look after his interests here in his absence. Richard Stevens is back to town from Hensall where be went through quite a siege of illness but is improving all right now. F. and Mrs. Longfoot and children, of the Classic city, and W. and Mrs. Benne. of Moncrieff, were here for the week -ed. - R. M. Sinclair was in Lucknow for a few days this week. He may work the Sepoy town in connection with Brussels in the moving picture business. Rev J. W. Hibbert, Wingham, and Rev. E G. Powell, Clinton, were in town Monday morniug, motoring to the Methodist Conference at St. Marys, Robt. Johnston, formerly of town, was calling on old friends this week. His health is greatly improved. Mr, and Mrs. Johnston live in Torouto now. Mrs. (Dr.) Coyne, Ridgetown, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Leckie, who is hardly as well as she was a few weeks ago. We hope for improvement. Miss Lovise Sinclair, Of town, and her cousin, Miss Laura Chaff, of Stratford, are away to Chatham, Windsor, Detroit and other pointa on a holiday outing, chaperoned by their grandfather, J. D. Ronald. James and Mrs. Parrott, the twin daughters. Nora and Cora, and babe, and Misses Elizabeth, Gertie end Ileen Young, all of Logan, were visitors at the home of D. and Mrs. Tomlinson, William street, for the week end. Mrs. Jas. A. Watt, Harvey Bell and Jack Muadell, of Elora, spent a few days at the home of Barrister and Mrs, Sinclair, Turnberry street. Miss Ruth Sinclair accompanied them home for a short visit. Trip was made by motor. Piano was rented trona 12.• M. Sinclair. of the Women's Institute, M Dunford........69 M McLauchliu...63 S McLauchlin... 63 G Thompson 63 M Carter .... . -.61 A Fox 6t A Cutne 55 J Warwick.. ..... 52 F McNaughton47 H Cardiff •59 V Harris ..........57 H Lott 56 W Burgess 54 M. BROTHERS. Room III. Sr. III, Examined in Lit„ Writ., Hist., Read. and daily work. Honors 75, Pass 6o. D Holmes .86 C Anderson 67 M Wilton..........8o I McNichol . . . ... 67 G Seeker .. ... ...7g M Campbell.. 66 E Burgess. ...... ...78 A Stewart -59 Jr. III Exam. in Writ., Gram., Hist.'LA., and daily work. Honors 75. Pass 6o L Fulton .......74 C Hollinger 56 C Thompson ....7o L Barkley 55 F Stewart 68 E Hollinger. 53 K McLaren 65 D Currie.......... '1' Burgess 62 •*;.4 L Conley 61 J Lowry 5o *W Jetties ...... 59 M Wood 34 **D Walker 57 M McCracken .31 Those marked • missed exams. W. 3 and Mrs. Gilroy, Mount Forest, have been spending a week at the home of their sou, F, H. Gilroy, of the Bank of Nova Scotia. The former has recent- ly gone through an attack of pneumonia but is gaining nicely now we Are pleased to state. Mrs. (Dr.) Kneelttel is here on a visit at her mother's home, Mrs. D. R. Moore, William street, She Cattle East to at- tend a Missionary Congress at Montreal and made a visit at A. ICnechtel's, her brother•in-law, at Ottawa. Mrs. Knechtel has a wide circle of old Friends in this locality who are delighted to see her once more. B. HENDERSON. Room I Class V. Examined in Arith., Spell., Read., Dep. and daily work. 1 Keys g3 N McDowell......78 F Oliver... 83 1 McCracken... „ 77 S Ballantyne 82 5a4 Hollinger-- 57 C Anderson 81 *E Sievenpiper...3o IV Examined in sa03e, D Rowland 80 *A Ritchie • 76 III. Excellent --E. Thibideau. Y. Schwadron, M. Thorns in, E Pollard, R. Pollard, Good. -H. Pawson. H. Thibideau, M. Walker, L. Clouse, II. Excellent. -Y. Yolleck, M. Thomson, M. Harkness, B. 'rhibideau, Good -E. Edwards, S. Scott, M. Snider, N, Snider. I. Excellent. -E Keys, M. Ferguson, C. Hagget, F. Jatniesoa, W. Galbraith, D. Warwick, S. Elitgget, J Oliver. Good, -D. Lunn, C. Thriell, A. Grew- ar, R. Deline, B. 'Phibideau F. I. BuCHANA91. BANKERS are urging that war stamps be placed on cheques on the printed part of the oheque, rather than where the name, date or amount is to be writ- ten. Ohurch Chime* Monthly Missionary program in the Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday afternoon also Missionary offering. Loudon Methodist Conference opened Wednesday of this week at St. Marys and will continue until Tuesday noon of the following week. Next Sabbath the services in the Methodist church will be taken by W. J. Caution, of Edmonton, in the absence of the pastor at Conference. Tbe General Assembly of the Presby- terian church is in session in the city of Kingston, opening Wednesday. Ques- tion of church union will be one of lead- ing interest. At the illustrated Lecture of Rev. Dr. Shearer, ga fine views were shown, The Sunday School and Y. P. $ C. E. of Melville church are contributing $go for a tent to be used at St. Cbristo-. pher Farm. The pastor preached last Sabbath morning in Melville church on "Tbe magnetic power of the Cross." There was a large congregation, 350 joining in the Communion. x6 new members were received. "Coll to young Canada" was the evening theme. Following are the officers elected for the "Catch-tuy-Pal" organized Young men's Bible Class in Brussels Methodist Sabbath School for the current term Hon President, Rev D Wren, M. A ; President, Roy McKay ; Vice President, Toe Armstrong': Secretary, Will. May- berry ; Treasurer, Reynold 'Barkley ;. Executive, Herb. Lowry, Bert. Lott, Everett Hoover and the teachers ; Teachers, Its A. Pryne; Assistant, Ws J. McCracken. The boys meet each Tuesday evening and, are planning several items of ipterest for the days to come. Tbere are 23 members on the class roll. ...t....... 1 Pensiar : &WINEI ..... __________....•.................. 4, : I • : i i BEEF, IRON : * . • Good Beef, Iron & Wine needs 1 no push. Everyoneictiows thie • reliable Pelletal. remedy. It 0011- * * tains nutriment, strength and • : stimulant cOmbined., All of the : • ingredients are the best and • • • purest. Good for lack of blood. •it Good for prompt relief in eases • of sudden exhaustion. Nothing • •• • better for convalescents. • 0, • • Try lt. • • 40 • We guarantee It at • • • . * • • * F 0 x9 ,,,Q4,„ • • DRUG STORE • BORN Seaforth, on May 14th, 1916, to lir. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, a daughter. MARRIED - HENDERSON-ICTNO. - In Wingham, on May 12th, 1915. Mies Rachel A intim Ring to Mr. George Harvey Henderson, both of James. town. DIED CAVANAGR,-In Owen Sound, on May 80th, 1016, Dr. Milton Cavanagh, formerly of Brussels, aged 60 years. DoasoN.-At Redondo Beach, California, on May 2nd. 1915, Isaac Dobson, formerly of Seattle, V7nah., aged 78 years and 1 month, MONA:tn.-In Grey townabip, on May 27th, 1916, John McNair, in his 80th year. TAmAN.-At Blyth, on May 20th, 1915, Henry • Taman, aged 85 years. BRUSSELS MARKET — Wheat 71 85 $1 85 Oats ss 65 Peas 180 160 Barley 00 70 Butter • 28 24 liggs• 20 20 1•011.8 015 015 Hav 12 00 9 18 00 Potatoes per hue 86 86 Wool washed 20 20 The Penslar Store 410*****•404•11410041111*****11**** Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the underaigned up to to 7 p. m., Priday, June 2 th, for the erection of a horse shed 642E100 feet at Ethel, without oeinent work. Wood work and corru- gated iron roof to be put in as separate as well as joint tenders. Plan at office of A. H. Mw Donald, Ethel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. ADDY, Secre- tary, Ethel, For Sale 12 -foot power windmill with mast, one round wooden supply tank end an iron force pump for sale. Reason for selling have installed gasoline power. Por further particulars ap- ply to THUMB SEPPER, Lot 10, Con. 7, OM', Ethel 21.0. Phone 547. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 11, Oen. 10, Grey Township, a thoro'-bred. Duo ham bull, Terms 21.09, with privilege of re- turning it necessary. 49.2 WM. MCNAIR, Proprietor. DRUMBURLE CHIEF J. W. King, Proprietor MONDAY. -Will leave hie own debt° at Blnevale, and proceed to Barry Bosman'a, End fOoorn.. iMghotr.ria, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's TUESDAY. -To Wm, Geddes' Hotel, Bel - grave, for noon ; then South 2j tniles on gravel road and East to Peter _McNabb's, Oth Line, Morris, for night. WEDNESDAY. -To Arch, Etislop's Oon. 14, Grey, for noon ; then to Robert Hoover's, Con. 9, Grey, for night. THCRSDAY.-To P. A. DloArthur's, Con. 0, for noon ; then to Herniae Peyne,a, Con. 3, Grey. for night. PRIDAY.-To Smillie Bros., lat Oon. Morrie, for noon; then South and West to .7. H. Sel- lers', tird Line Morris, for night. SATURDAY. -To hie own stable for noon and where he will remain until the following Monday. MOSQUE TH08. VODDEN, Proprietor MONDAY -Will leave hls own stable Ethel, and go via Oth Con. to Lonee Hote1', Oran. brook, f or noon ; to Queen's Hotel, Brusaela, for 2 hours and then to Francis Duncan's, 4th line, Morris, for night. TUESDAY -East along MI Con. Grey. 00 1,10 own ,table for noon ; then North and East to Walter Ward's, 4th Oon. Elms, for night. WEDNESDAY -North, East and North to Chas. McIntosh's, Grey- bdy., for noon ; then to Central Hotel, Listowel, for night. THURSDAY -To John Coohrane'a, gravel road, Elm, for noon ; then along 8th Con. to his own stable for night, FRIDAY -To Geo. Speiran'a, 12th Son, Grey, for noon then to Bert. Bray's, 16th Con., for niegahtil7RDAY-To Henry Ward's, 14th Con., for noon; then to his own stable where ho will remain until the following Monday. • • eeeee•••••••eeeee•••••••••••••••ie•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••!** : 1 Brussels Daylight Store G. N, Mclaren• i • • • 10 .1,01,,6014,1011,06,10111. /1141,010,11%.1011.•%14 OA ,,1,9,;. IAA el,e10 tIO ,,,,,,,, it), li ,, I i,. ,,,,i,,,, 000, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, , , 0 , , ,. .,• , ,. ,;. ,,. ,,,..,.. 0. „. 0 , 0 , • • 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ” " " " ' . " ' ' " " • • • , • • : • e • Progress Madea• • • e • • • • • • • Cloth• • • • • o • • • • • ng• • e • • I . • • • UR stock of Progress Made Clothes is now complete. We had placed our ord- : • ers for these before the advance in Worsteds and have the most complete as- : • sortment we have ever shown.. The Prices are right, in fact we consider them : • the best values we have ever had. . s • • • I Men's' Suits • • • • All the newest patterns, as well as • • Black and Blues • : 10.00, 12.00, 13.00 $15.00 • • • ! Men's Lower Priced Suits • • Call and see them. • 5.00, 6.00 & $7.50 Boys' and Young Men's Suits I Properly Made'and Perfect • Fitting I 7.00, 8.00, 10.00 & $12.00 • : Children's and Large Boys' Suits ! co Splendid assortment, Newest Patterns i From $2,60 to $8.50 I • Twitchell Bros. and N. Counter, ot •0 r Clinton, and Lieut. Charlie Herr, of II Welland, were in town on Friday while ie A Complete assortment of Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Child : , h motoring through to 'Whigham, The • ren's latter is making a good recovery from • , Boots, Shoesancl Slippers. • his operation for appendicitis and wants • 111 • o to resume service and go with his Cott- • • . Harold Kerr is to charge of the interned : Highest Prices for Produce. G. N. McLaren pany across the sea thie month, Liettt. • .A The Herr Bros. are 5085 of Rev. W. E, • • Germans and Austrleue at Niagara Pails. • a 13111•1318. 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: Kerr, Welland, and nephews ot Mrs, J. 3. Gilpin and W. H. Kerr, 2