HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-3, Page 7FARM LIFE HAPPIER,„
The farmer does not now have to
stay at home if he hies a oar. He
does nob feel himself rooted !to the
spot, I3i&: wife and dhildren wf11
he happier and more contented,
An automobile brings freedom —,
fre•edoan from isolation, freedom
from loneliness, freedom [from the
]imitations of time and distance.
To the farmer iu car is .far more
than a rnore luxury, Ib ie a 'vital
necessity to him and his family. It
offers .a. welcome relief. It makes
him a better worker by giving him.
recreation :and pleasure ho could
not otherwise have. Its broadening
mental effect is on,e of its greatest
benefits to him.
Once the farmer has an automo-
bile he soon finds himself looking
forward to summer evening rides
with his family, wibh the cool
breeze !blowing away the :fever heat
of the day's ,work in the fields. He
finds himself able to go on pleasure
trips, to pienics, and so on, with
his wife and children, winch hither-
to he 'was unable to enjoy because
of the distance to be covered in the
time .at his disposal. Many a man
has reported that he doesn't feel
Hard. Work of the Farm
as much as he did before his
gave him the needed relaxation.
A man can't get the same rest
and relaxation out of a horse. In
the second place, the chanes " are
he is sorry for the brute. 11 a man
h as .any sympathy and feeling for
animals he knows that they must
have rest over night and on Sun-
days. A horse is too slow and the
distance he can cover is to small
for any one really to get any great
amount of recreation from an even-
ing's drive. At the same time, an
awtom•obirie :costs money only 'when
in .actual use, unlike the horse,
which is a constant expense.
In winter instead of hugginglthe
fire, trying to keep waren, and
dreading the next trip, he will have
to make •to town, the farmer oa,n
go and come with eomforb And just
as often as he pleases.
The automobile also afecilitates
communication and intercourse,
and (because ib does it is one of the
foremost ins uences in fostering a
strong sense :of good fellowship and
fraternal co-operation among !am-
When the church, the school and
the ,grange sourish, the opportuni-
ties for recreation and
Social Betterment
ore •naturally multiplied. In enab-
ling the :farmer Ito make the most
of these institu'tionls the automobile
• elps to swppont and develop them
and also renders i:te owner one
more invaluable service,
This influence of the authan,olbile
is only natural, When a mon shuns
:himself off from hes neighbors and
sees very little of thein he soon
loses interest in them or whab they
are doing. He gets so that he cares
very little. about anything but what
is Raking place in his own little
sphere. He builds about himself,
as it were, :a Chinese wall of indif-
Another argument for !the ear on
the !farm lies in the fact that while
in the oily the working unit its gen-
erally only the head of Ithe •famaily,
on the farm all hands turn in and
help. There is work doryoung and
old. And !while the farmer himself
does his full share, he has certain
advantages, as compared with his
faithful helpmate, who is not only
tied down to the house, hut also
probably has the cares of a ,family
of little ones.
Progressive farmers to -day -ap-
preciate that the women folk de-
serve a rbetier, ibrighter !life. And
nothing has made the life of farm
women ,brighter and broader than
the automobile. An hour's ride—
a visit with laughter, song and gay-
ety, do more to erase the marks of
care and preserve the roses of
,youth than any other means.
.And of course If an automobile in
the :family proves beneficial to a
pian and his wife, it cannot help
making a big difference inethe hp -
bringing o•f 'the children. A car
provides just the safety, valve need-
ed to let out the excess energies
and spirits of the growing Iboes and
girls on the farm. It gives !the form-
er city advantages, without city
It Is Remarkable the Easy Way
Metal is Worked in Raking
Gln. Barrels.
An official said something to, my
friend, who turned to me and re-
marked : "Gonne along. If we
hurry we shall be just in time to
see a sight you will never forget.'
So we hurried to a great steam
hammer at the other end. of the
long •worlcsshop. "Don't stand too
close," casae the injunction.
A mighty mass of glowing white -
hob metals came gliding along an
overhead rail and came to rest un-
der the hammer. Then the ham-
mer began to work. The steel seem-
ed like dough. It was kneaded and
etrebehed and ,pulled and shaped
until it got longer and longer. [
have never seen anything like it be-
"What are they doing)" I asked.
"Making a gun !barrel,"
What strudk me as remarkable
was the easy way the enebel was
worked. It might have been pot-
ter's clay instead of steel, so soft
did ib appear to be. Of course, it
was the tremendous force exerted
by the hammer which made the
metal so' ductile.
Before I had time to wonder I
was conducted to another work-
shop, where I saw :some huge shears
cutting through armor -plate four
Meshes thick just as though it 'had
been putty. It seemed incredible,
but then ,most of the things at
Kruplp's saver of miracles. A few
minutes later I saw armor -plates 10
inches thick being bent as though
they were sheets of tin.
I thought it very strange that
Krupp's should take my Iphobograph
surreptitiously. It savored some-
what of prison procedure, writes a
correspondent in the Philadelphia
Ledges. Undoubtedly, they re-
quired my photograph- for some
means of identification if need
arose. They desired to make sure
of recognizing me again. I have no
doubt now that they wanted my
portrait for their secret service—
for Krnpps' have the most perfect
secret service in Christendom, with
agents all over the world—and
when the Allies get to Essen I ex-
pect they will find that photograph
of min in the archives of Krupp's.
At the time I thought it queer
treatment to mete out to a guest.
Dealing a Heavy Blow.
"You mustn't be surprised at
anything that happens here," said
my friend. "The officials here have
to take care. By the way, is isn't
wise to go wandering alboub or you
mighb get into trouble. You wont'
forget to keep close beside me."
"Fritz," I found out, was the
pride of Kraupp's-a giant steam -
hammer that has !been in use since
1660. People thought Alfred Krupp
need when he started to build
"Feltz," The hammer cost $500, •
000, and is as goad bo -day as ever,
so it has repaid its cost many times
over he its half -century ,of hard hit-
ting. Kings have cracked nuts wibh
it. I did the same, I placed a nub
beneath it, and "Fritz" cranked it
perfectly without so mush as touch-
ing the kernel. Yet the same ham-.
mer can deal a blow of 50tons which
no metal can withstand.
I was told that there 'were 160 of
these great steam hammers in the
place, I can quite believe ib, for I
saw a large nuanier, and if ,the facts
ire correct, !they must have cost
several millions of .dollars to build.
noticed, however, that even in
ICmu:pp's they cannot get on without
Britain, for at least one steamham-.
mer I saw was made in Sheffield.
Mfuaehe of Science.
lfhe noise, of course, was mad-
dening, Wherever you go at
Krupp's you,cannot geb away from
the olanking send hammering of
meta. Even where there is noham-
mering going on you can hear the
sounds from afar,
The Emergency Marine Gangway—It Might Have. Helped in Case of Lusitania..
This ingenious and practical means for enabling passengers to embark to !lifeboats, or for the re-
verse operation after rescues have been performed during stormy weather at ,sea, is the recently
patented invention of Captain Arthur N. McGinty, a widely -known ship -master. It has been carefully
examined by many experienced authorities and officers who have participated in •recent noteworthy
rescues and beans their highest endorsement as answering the reoonnmendation of the London Confer-
ence on Safety et Sea that "suitable arrangements alien be made for emb'wrk'ing the passengers in the
This structure is portable. and quiokly thrown into operative position. It consists of two long booms,
which are swung out :at right angles to the side of the slip, about fifteen feet aparb, and have suitable
floats attached to their outer ends, B,ettwe,en the booms ie stretched a strong wire net over which pas-
sengers can readily pass. The equipment is 'held ee•curely in place by guy -lines. Thus, lifeboats are
lowered to the •water with only a working crew in therm. When safely afloat the boat is brought head-
on to the outer end of the emergency gangway and there temporarily mooned, while, under the direction
of am execwbive officer, the proper number of passengers only are permitted to enber the gangway and
thereby "safely and !sanely" readh the waiting boab. m •ors sized as they struck the water,
In the case of the Lt:sdtalnia, several boats full of passe g were oa. p
and many lives were lost which might have been,saved had !some such dles'iee as that elwmnn above been
in operation.
"Here we are. This is where the
wheels are made."
Ire the Hands of the Potter.
It •was a vast workshop, and all
over it were molds for •wheels. We
watched men pour the boiling.
liquid into . the. molds. And we
watched the metal gradually hard-
en, And we watched the workmen
lift up the molds and disclose the
completed wheel. Some of the
wheels seemed tome to be more like
the wheels of locomotives than of
gun: carriages. It seemed I was
The output of this one workshop
alone moist have been tremendous,
for it webs between two and three
hundred feet wide and over an
eighth of a mile long. A big gal-
lery :ran•all •round it, and there was
a perfect maze of girders about the
roof, while several suspended
cranes swung up huge • ,boilers in
the making and ran abort with
them from one end of the building
to the other. Nor did the workman
stop to stare ab us. They ignored
our -vary existence and went o,n with
their work as usual.
"I think we'll go naw and have a
look at the pobtery."
"Pottery)" I echoed.
"Yes. The molten metal for mak-
ing :cast steel is carried in clay pots
and they turn out five thousand of
these pots in the pottery every
Wheels of Woe. ,
I saw the Krupp armor made, but
I have not the space to describe the
process, It was very strange to see
the armor-pkute rolled sub to vari-
ous thicknesses just like so much
pastry. Alter witnessing the vaxi-
ous temperings it has to go through
and ,the baths and seourings and
rolling's, I realized it must be coat-
ly. But I was rather staggered
when I found that armor -plate
made on the Krupp principle costs
$550 a ton, and that there is about
$2,500,000 worth around the hull of
a modern battle oruiser.
"It's wonderful)" I exclaimed.
My friend only smiled. "We'll
go along and see how they make the
celebrated weldlees steel wheels
for artillery," he said, "and then
we'll lot you inbb the great secret
of ,making oruoibie steel—the se-
cret which gave 'birth to these
works.,, •
We went outside. A `motor -car
was waiting,
"Get in," said my 'friend, "It's
a bit too far to walk,"
In a few minutes, after laving to
pill sup once or bwice bo let a works
train of iruoke go by, and after be-
ing jostled .acrbss railway metals,
we stopped outside another big
wo rksh;op,
day e
So to the pottery we went, and
when we had seen the men busily
engaged in making crucibles, as the
earthenware pots are called, we de•
parted forbh•e place ,where ,the cele.
brated ortieible steel is made'
Whab an animated scene met my
eyes. Men walked aabbut-rapidly in
pairs carxyin:g (between them cruci-
bles full of white-hot liquid steel on
long metal bars. There was no, fal-
tering or Hesitation on their part.
They journeyed straight to the par-
ticular mold at which they were
engaged, with the assistance of
many other men, in filling and pour-
ed in their quota of metal.
Beek and forth walked the men
With their burdens of scalding met•
al in their elay: pots, Every mo-
menb I expected to sea some of
those !pots split asunder :and spill
thab deadly liquid on the carriers.
but the pobs did not splib because
they were made of a particular
kind of earth which ears withstand
a greater heat than vessels made of
armor -plate itself could withstand.
ing the bigge•sb of gone. Unfortu-
nately, there were no big guns be-
ing bested at the •tim'e, and I had to
be satisfied with examining armor -
plates that had been used for pre-
vious !tests.
"Before 'we start I want to see
some one in here," said my friend
next day, and I followed him into
one of th•e offices. While I was
waiting, the official to whom mY
friend was talking looked up some
letters in a case, and calling a
messenger told him to take the let-
ters along to 'some one in the next
department. I commented on this
a little later, and learned a lot
about Krupp methods. -
No mean in Krupp's is allowed to
know boo mulch. Correspondence
going from one room to another is
looked up, so that the messengers
cannot read it. A man may have
been employed there .a11 his life
without 'knowving anything outside
his particular department and with-
out being allowed to go over other
parts of the works. Even high -
placed German army officers are
not allowed to see all the works In
fact, every.precawtion is taken to
prevent a ,man gaining more in-
formation than is.necessary. ICrupp
agents are everywhere in the build-
ing, but I thought they were mere
ly workmen who were not very
Steel Without ae Flaw. -
I wabched the men filling a huge
mold ,which, when ib was complet-
ed, would be a 00 -ton bleak of steel.
Drop by drop the molten steed was
being poured into ib. And that is
the secret Krupp discovered. By
pouring in comparatively small
quentities of molter' metal at a
time air bubbles were given a
chance to escape, and a flawless
block o£ steel was the xesulb, A
simple idea, but it was worth mil-
lions of pounds.
My 'head was iegin.ning to, ache,
so I was rather glad when my friend
suggested luncheon. We .rode beak
to the Essenhod Hotel and paetoolr
of a meal, after which, as a change
from the inside sightseeing, I was
taken over the ranges where the heal it. lereut'r enr strew are ren
big guns are tested. Like every- tabled in the butiet to greatly
thing else at Essen the ranges are lessen the pain e r thu.k in the me -
gigantic, one of them 'being 10 miles vuua,eystem,of a wound elan in ea,
long, This is used solely for testa most cite! organs.
Children's Sleep.
Much information as -to the health
of a child may he gained by ears-
ful watching of its attitude, move-
ments, and expression during
sleep. The child who !sleeps best
with the mouth wide open, and the
head thrown back, is moot likely
suffering from enlarged tonsils,
which impede its breathing; if it
can only sleep when the bedclothes
have all been kicked off rickets
should be watched for, while lung
or !heart affections are shown at an
early stage by the tendency to
sleep high up on the pillow, so that
the head and shoelace's, are raised.
In cases of pain in any part the
hand will be found .to be carried
to the affected spot during sleep,
so that teething, heaadadhs, or ear-
ache nuay be diagnosed, while a
curious sign of irritation in the
stom,aeh or bowels is the constant
rubbing of the nose. Restless sleep,
broken and uneasy, is• a ecammon
syuvpte'h of the onset of serious
Mimes, but any exeremle torpor end
d.rowsinese should also be suspeot-
eel, as these frequently precede
feverish ailments, such as scarla-
tina and measles, Convulsive ab -
tacks are nearly always preceded
by the tight eleepin:g of the hands,
with the thumbs folded into the
palms, and the ',stiffening and curl-
ing up of the toes.
Crime in New York Alarming.
There has. never been aperiod in
the history of New York when there
were more crimes of violence and
bloodshed than at the present, time.
Attempts to blow up cathedrals,
churches and court houses occur
with almost the frequency of spring
showers. Mysterious annrdere are
committed almost as often as traf-
fic is interrupted in Fifth Avenue.
.The deadly bomb has become as
common as the town pump at the
croseroadis hamlet. Thugs and shot-
gun bravos are as numerous and
daring as in the day's which pre-
deded the kilning of Rosenthal.
Now, the place for a beginning of
the cure of tide evil is the Bronx.
The miaere:ants who blew up the
Court House sihouldbe run to earth
and sent to prison if all the re-
sources for the maintenance of law
and order in the
State 1 New York
have to be employed.
police authorities do not realize the
gravity of their responsibilities.
New Blliet Cures.
Mr. Alex, F. Humphrey of Pitts-
burgh, Pa., leas, invented a bullet
for was use that is the absolute op-
posite to scone reapecbs of the
"poisoned bullets" mentioned in
the early •dispatches of the was, for
it carries in its nickel jacket Greene
thetics to deaden the pn.in of tile.
won ud, and not pies to help to
lw•uftl(f 1 COMPANY 11
„ ,gaanro,oNr.
Jas been Candela's
favorite yeast for
more than linty
. years.
Enough.for Sc. to
produce 50. large
loaves el fine,
MADE IN CANADA wholesome nour-
ishing home made bread, Do
not experiment, there is nothing
just as good.
Immense Quantities of Ice Creast
Ice cream dealers are making
plans dor a busy summer, the pe-
riod of their greatest prosperity. A
large city on a good hot day, COn-
sumes about 50,000 gallons, or 300,-
000 quarts of ice cream. One big
firm alone has been known to sell
20,000 gallons in the epees of twen-
ty-four hours, which dhows just
what a great city can do when it
goes out on an ice cream celebra-
The trade is one whish is affected
vexy quickly by weather conditions
and the reports from the weather
bureau are scanned closely in order
that .the proper amount of ice
cream for a certain day can be
made. 'While the product can be
manufactured and stored in cool -
ere for future use: without the
slightest deterioration, still the
fluctuations are so great that a
uniform output each day cannot
be maintained. A drop in temper-
ature coming over night will send
the ice cream. business to a frac-
tion of what it was on a previous
hob day.
The first indication of a hot spell
in summer finds the big freezers
working at full capacity to prepare
for the emergency. Cooler weath-
er will mean a decided diminution
of the product and a building up of
the stores of milk and cream in
country depots to be drawn on as
soon as the situation improves. By
making a ,study of the business and
through the experience of long
years, the larger conerns know
the proper way to go about assur-
ing themselves of steady incomes.
As their production decreases their
supplies increase, and vice versa, so
there is no real loss.
Vanilla ice cream forms about
two-thirds of the output, with nho-
colat-e second and strawberry, third.
Vanilla, while being the most popu-
lar, is used to a great extent in
soda fountains, where it is put up
in drinks of various other flavors.
This accounts in a large way for its
CREAM—the demand has spread from year
to year until it is now on sale in nearly every
town in Ontario. There seems to ba something
about the climate of Canada that makes it the
confection that everybody craves in warm
weather—infants, invalids, children or grown-
ups, it makes no difference what your state or
station. City Dairy Ice Cream is most refresh-
ing. nourishing and digestible.
For Sale by discrimrnnting shopbeopers everywhere
els ' , ''-`s
illtlp lath at1'II0I)S Or ToWIv
BeIagees man .Out '!'ask to !!Mgrs
Men Invaders Are Driven
Out of the Land.
So confident are Belgians that,
the Ge man invaders will shortly
be driven from their county that
plans are now being diesuseed and
drawn up in London for the scien-
tific rebuilding of the devastated
towns and cities of Belgium,
The idea. of rebuilding ruined Bel-
gium 'men nnodeen ecaemifio lines
WELD originated by the International
Garden Cities and Town Planning
Association and was ont+husiasti-
rally accepted by King Albert end
the Belgian Government, while the
British Government has bestowed
its official blessings on the scheme.
A committee called the Belgian
Ibwn Planning Committee has been
formed, made up of representatives
of the various Belgian Miniatxiee,
the Royal Institute of British A echi-
teatLs, the Institute: of Municipal
and County Engineers, the Town
Planning Association of Great Bri-
tain, Belgium, France, Holland,
Poland, Russia and Spain.
At the first meeting of the come
nsitt•e:e ie was decided that the ac-
tual work of rebuilding Belgium
should be dune entirely by the Bel-
gians them -selves, from plans pre-
pared by Belgian architects and
engineers, and that the work of the
English and other non -Belgian
members should be advisory.
Obliged to Work Secretly.
Each member of the committee
pledged himself not to accept any
contract or payment for any of the
work in connection with the re-
The committee is now devoting
its attention primarily to securing
a complete civic survey of the de-
vastated towns and cities of Bel-
gium. This work is proceeding
slowly but successfully, slowly be-
cause it has, to be done secretly—
right under the eyes of the Ger-
mans—and smuggled out of the
country piece by piece. The means
by which this is accomplished, and
who is doing it, cannot be revealed,
as it is believed the Germans if
they discovered it would put an
effective stop to the plan at once.
It is hoped, however, that within
five or six weeks the complete civic
survey will have be -en obtained.
Although definite plans are yet to
be formed it is probable that the
committee will do much more than
provide merely for the rehabilita-
tion of the stricken towns so ae to
provide homes for the war suffer-
ers. Particularly in England many
men who have made -a- careful study
of town planning methods see in the
present an opportunity for the ap-
plication of modern, stienti.fic ideas.
They urge that cities beautiful"
such as have been outlined in min-
iature world's fairs and on is small
scale in English garden settlements
should be erected on the ruins of
the devastated Belgian towns.
Must Consult Owners First.
It is questionable, of comae, to
what extent these methods can be
employed, for there are the owners
of the property to be consulted.
One-fifth of the adult population
owned their own homes and the
residents of Flinders are distinctly
conservative. But it is inevitable
that the new Belgium will be an
improvement en the old.
The work that the committee is
doing at preeent is principally
educative. Various groups have
been formed to study the numerous
problems connected with modern
town planning. One group is deal-
ing with arterial communic.ation:s,
others with tyres of roads, rail-
roads, street ear Intel, eubw'ays,
canalization, water. gas, electricity,
sewers, communal service, police,
fire prevention and tither stat and
civic problems.
A remarkable collection of old
maps, showing the development of
the old cities and towns of Belgium
has been placed at the dis:poeal of
the committee as well as large num-
bers of photographs showing Bel-
gium before the war and now.
30.000 Structures Destroyed.
Particularly tragic are maps of
rained cities and towns, like Lou-
vain ,and Termonde, where by dif-
ferent colors those parts destroyed
and those remaining sae shown.
From figures received 10,000
houses and buildings have been de-
stroyed by the Germans since they
invaded Belgium.
Ib be possible to heap "coals of
fire" upon the head of one who has
offended us, and do it with such
vicious intent that there is no merit
in the trent-menet so far as we are
concerned. The kindness that
springs from a generous and for-
giving spi.rivt ieone thing, and theseeming kindness which is secretly
intended to humiliate ,the fo•o and
to place oureelvea on a pedestal isquite another matter. Revenge to
the same epirit 'whether ib 'hurls
benefits or -brickbats,
We want nn agent In every town. Muslin was firth made at Hoag,
in Mesopotamia, and was intro=
duped into England .in the, middle
��+a•P-, ? se�.� .�' 1, la�a.a;• ,�a�yit. `.:,,.�«.:� ' ?ae, ' • of the seventeenth cemuiry,.