HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-6-3, Page 5EggetermagramenealeleMeanaeMBIMISMISICZYSISSONMOBIGMBISION
Western Uniue sity.
, Loudon
Another Great Advance
Income doubled Now $76,000
Another Margo addition to 'Fault' and. Equip•
moot In Arte and Modlcine.
. Greatly -increased Enrolment in View.
Write for part Molars to
E. E. Braithwaite, M A.,Ph,p.
Court of Revision
John Street. Sewer Assessment
The Court of Revision on the Special Assess-
ment Roll re the. cost of sewer on John street
an the Village or Srnasels, will he held' on Mon-
day, the 7th day of June, 1915, at the ]lour of 8
p m., In the Council Chamber: Brussels 'Roll
ie In Clerk's ofliao and open for inspection.
F. 8. SCOTT, Vlllue° Clerk,
Dated May 911, 1915.
Court of Revision
Village of Brussels
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Brussels for the year
1015, will be hold in the Council Chamber L7
the Village of Rruasels, on. Monday, the 711t
day of done, 1916, at 8 80 p m. A11 parties ire
terested are asked to govern themselves eo-
cordingly, Roll le in Clerk's offi,•e and open
for inspection, F. 8. SCOTT,
Dated May 4th, 1815. Village Clerk.
Tenders Wanted
The Corporation or the Village of Brussels
is askingfor tendersfur r eG pavingand
ata of I
cation of the Mein street.office Planeand, 1 -
01. Engineer,
neon l, the otiloe Olr's office.
Te dersne oe Mlteltell, or nt Ih1 . 1 15. office.
Tenders reoelved up.to ,Trine lath. 1916
F. 8. SCOTT, Village Olerk.
Farm for Sale
That drat class form being Lot 28 and the I%
of Lot 24, both in the 18th Oonceseion of the
Towneliip of Grey, containing ISO acres. On
the farm 18 0 first -slam trick veneer house
witb•alI the modern improvements. The barn
10 nlvo first•clase in every particular end Is
80 x 68 with straw shed 40 x 87 with water in
the stables, which are flrat•claas. There is also
a windmill on the farm. IL is 8 miles from
Ethel station on G. T. R. and. 8 miles from
McNaught station on the C. P. R. For full
partloulers apply En the undersigned.
47.4 F. 8. SCOTT, Brussels.
maa4.1/4494tamovxmzvazyAto ,z4
• lkk Minty Colleges close for Vacation at �s
Mid -Summer. Our College does not, vt
1 --/
ie atriptly firnt•olnss. None better In
Canada. Enter clow so as to take a
position in the early Fall. One grodn.
ate writes :-"My new position pays ethree ammowhat I got at teaching
school Joel than four years ago lost
previous to entering your College."
`V g6d thio yonnman inn p osition afterlgraduatioin and hove nowplaced
him again. Catalogue free.
Cor. Young and 1j W. J. ELLIOTT,
Charles Sts. f Principal.
ScOntario's Best Prnotionl Training
ol. Wo nava thorough courses
and experienced inatruetors in each of O
our three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
Oar graduates succeed and you should
▪ trend our Targe, free catalogue. Write
"3 for Itat once.
iD. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
try xv.014 bW4V.A. .w0401.Ara4�1 i
at the
Thorough Oourees taught by
Competent Teachers.
For particulars addreas-
ustowol, Ont.
AR\ Of
Best Brains
in Canada have participated in the pre-
paration of our oplendld Honte Study
Coarses in Banking, Economics, Higher
Amounting, Commercial Art, Show
Card Wribing,Photography, Journal-
ism, Short Stott' Writing, Shorthand
and Rook keeping, Select the work
which most interests you end write us
for partioulara. Address
881.7 Yongo St., Toronto
Brick and Tile
Brick and all sizes of
Tile are now to be
had at the
Ouoineole Qi Ise
Suppeasor to M, B. Moore. olSoe at Ander-
son tiros. Livery:etablo, Bfueeata, Telephone
No. 29,
'T. T, M'RAE
M.- a., M. o. P., & S. O.
M, 0, H., 'Pillage o7 BI'useete,
lI)yaiaian, Surgeon, Acoonchenr
Office ever Standard Bank
Bachelor of Medicine,. University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physloaus and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospitol,'loronto, Offices of late Dr.
A. moisavayy, Smith Block, Brussels. '
Rural phone 49,
M.S., M.0.P.4 S. O.
198 Bioor street East, Toronto
Dieoaeoe Ear, Nese and Throat
Clinical assistant in Ear, .Nose and Throat de.
pertinent- New General -Hospital, Toronto ;
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bore
ton ; late Senior Resident Surgeon Muse, Eye
& Ear Infirmary ; .late Clinical assistant In
Nose and Throat department Mass. Gen. Hoe•
pilal; late House Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital. r.`In Brussels by appointment.
Phyeioian and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. ypeciol attention todisease of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tented for glasses.
G. H. ROSS; D.D.S., L.D.S,
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
geone of Ontario and Graduate IInivereity of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office in Hard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge' Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Dayand night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ehel,
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-'
)oology, Ma0ormiok Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to teat eyes and lit glasses at
her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 1 to 11 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment. Phone 1219.
Barristers, Solicitors&c., Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest prates.
al` i t±t els
.SCHOOL REPORT. -Following are the
iesitlte for April and May term exami-
nations in 8. S. No. 2, Grey. Total
800. Honors 450. Pass 360. Classes
examined in Spell., Aritli , Geo;;.,
Liter., Read., Mental Arith. Jr,'1V.
-Andrew Turnbull 478, Jtunes Nolan
488, *Andrew Klrkconnell 124. Sr.
111, -Jean Turnbull 501, Margaret
Nolan 480, •Anna McFadzeau 465,
Ultra Kirkcouuell 877, Jessie Kirk -
commit 303. Jr. III. -Harvey John-
ston 453. Primer -Bert Johnston ex-
cellent. Those marked with the
asterisk hissed examinations.
Wornen's Patriotic Society of Clin-
ton has sent a draft for $660.00
through the McTaggart Bank of Olin -
ton and Bank of Montreal to Sllo.tt-
cliffe Hospital.
At the Goderich district Methndist
meeting, Bethel appointment was de-
tached from Holtueeville and added to
Bayfield, which will greatly streng-
then Bayfield, and Rolmesville will
not suffer, as the quarterly board has
generously provided for the addition-
al responsibility. Benmillor circuit
will likely make some rearrangements
and the dietr•iet meeting gave its ap-
proval. Rev. S. J. AIIin, of Olintoo,
was eppninted to the London Con-
ference Stationing counnittce,
Thns.Ooulter sold his trotting stal-
lion to a gentleman `iii Buckingham,
Otto., for $700.
Miss Ella Metcalf has a slight at-
tack of typhoid fever. Alia Annie
Spafford, a trained nurse, froln Lon-
don, is in attendance 1111 lire.
At the minuet meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist elmecl, the fol.
Ewing nfRcaira were fleeted ; Heti,-
President, Mrs. A, 13 Cart ; President,
Mrs. las. Hurl:step 1 Vice -President,
Mrs, (Rev.) Jewitt ; Recut ding Sec-
retary, Mts. \V, Johnston ; Assistant
Secretary, M es, Isaac 13ruwra ; 'Treas-
urer, Nies. P. Reggilt.
GOOD FOR BL'YTlR. - One of the
lamest and beet utauttgetl detuott'tril-
tioos that ever took place in Blyth
wile followed out on Thuteday even-
ing itt honor or Captains Sloan and
Jewitt, two Blyth boys who are 111
training.withthe 33rd 13tLtItlinll at
London. About 15 autos, litelf a dozen
sten, mounted, and a huge body of
people met the evening train, and
with the Auburn band heading, form-
ed a procession at the station and
nntrched up to the hall, which, short-
ly anter the donee were opened, was
packed. De. Milne, Reeve, acted as
chairman, and in a few remarks (Int -
lined the objectof thegatheuug "Lo
give these two gallant soldiers a royal
send off on bhis occasion when they
are honoring Blyth by making a sacri-
acrflee by leaving thea' large interests
here to fight for our country," Rev,
W. F, Turner in a few words stetted
that all were now proud oO being
Canadians to -day, after what the
Canadian enldiers had done at the
front, Le. Metcalf gave a stirring,
patriotic speech, hoping 111at Blyth
would yet send more soldiers to Lhe
front. Rev. T. R. rave t•ead the ad -
these to the soldiers and Town Clerk
Elder mads the presentation of bwo
purses of gold and Catherine Hhtdisty
presented Captain ,Jewitt with a
beautiful boquet of Americron beauty
roses, and Loretto McCaughey pre,
j7l9 ent'od t II 1 chatted ovfil4
•IrI bit eleetlen 0f Oulrferaticti Ootu
a,itE ee the • at 118 01 'ol o
e e t as I !Itst°)1-1:
t i s s ! Iv
DY$PEPTICtttnrin 131311 t e . VI'n
ANY C n ee e t 131
1 Alternate, Bev, 1. A, Mcifolvey
Close . Leader's' and Lneal Pi•eacher'e,
I e i inn a rc Jt 0 Jo ut ]7 wo't
4 v. t 11 t h
Q y
, p
r. nt 1 ev l i e• hi H. lie t r
L It 4 d, t' v is at
Cu I ,,I.. ot, Bev, Fearand J. 13ut1'nn
Sitelentation Rev. Walden and W
By Taking "Fruit -a -fires"
Says Capt. Swan
Life is very miserable to those who
suffer with Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Sour Stoutach and 33iliousness: x'his
letter from Captain Swan (one of the
best known skippers on the Great
hakes tells how t o get quick relief
cont Ss)
PORT BinswTr,t,, Owe., May 8th, 1913.
"A man has a poor chance of living
and enjoying life when he cannot eat.
That was what was wrong with 1110•
Loss of appetite and indigestion was
• brought on by Constipation, I have
lead 'trouble with these diseases for
years. I lost a great deal of flesh
and suffered constantly. For the last
couple of years, I have taken "Fruit-
a-tives" and have been so pleased with
the results that I have recommended
them on many occasions to friends and
acquaintances. I ant sure that "Fruit-
a-tives" have helped me greatly. By
following the diet rules and taking
"Fruit-a-tives"accordingto directions,
anyperson with Dyspepsia will get
benefit". H. SWAN
"Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers
at pc. a box 6 for $2.5o, or trial size
250. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
sentecl Capt. Sloan with a similar
briquet. The gallant captains respond-
edkissing thew girls, and each
ed byIC 901 1 'two 1 9
making a nein speech A W. Sloan,
father of the Captain then gave a
speech followed by Rev. G. Jewitt,
father of the other Captain.
el vs. T. McKenzie, of Clinton, tried
to upset the will of hat father, Jas.
Nesbitt, who died here a few tnonllis
age and who left his facto to his entr,
Robet11, and 1,115 house in town to his
solo, Maurice. The case came nip be-
fore Judge Hnlr, at Gnderich, who,
after hearing some of the evidence
threw the case out, claiming that the
will was a just one. Those in attend-
ance from bete were • Robt. Nesbitt,
Wm. Pollock, Richard Somers and
Thos. Oode.
Work is progressing on the new
Methodist church. The masons are
laying the cement blocks.
Bert and Mrs. Fallis and Miss Vina
Fatlis, Newbridge, motored here and
visited C. and Mrs. Erman.
Dr. and Mars: Kidd were visitors
in Peterboro. The docto• was attend-
ing the cotiventinn of the Medical
Health Office's of Ontario as well as
the Medical Association.
Rev. Dr. Hussey and Luke Lucas
attend the London Conference of the
Methodist chetah which convenes in
SL Marys.
The Presbyterian congregation has
extended a call to Rev, Mr. McDonald,
Workworth. It is not known wheth-
er he will accept o' 1101, bot itis fully
expected he will. The salary paid his
pt'edeceesor• was $1,300 and a free
The ceremonies ail connection with
the laying of the corner stones of the
new Methodist Church. which were to
have been held May 26t1t, have been
postponed till Thursday, Juue 10th.
Lack of the window frontes is the
cause of rhe delay. Concert, which
was to have been given in the even-
ing, is also postponed till the said
The annual ilisti Mt meeting of the
Methodist churches in Winghaui
District enlivened in the Methodist
Church, Wiuglaru, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday of last week, Rev. J. W. Rib-
bert, Chaarulan. First day was devot-
ed In the ministerial bretheap, .on the
17 charges in the District. Messrs.
Poulter, Lackland, Thompson and
Penrose were reconnmetsded to be con-
tinued on probation. Messrs. Evet-
inghatli and Oar1000 were candidates
for the ministry, the latter being re-
commended to Edmonton. In the
evening interesting ,std appropriate
ttdilt•eaai'a were given by Rev. Me. Kel-
lam, Ripley, on "The King's business,"
and by Rev M. Walden, Fordwich,
whose euhjact was "20th Oentmy
Patriotism." Frank Rill rendered a
pats lube solo in good voice.
Wednesday tootling the lay dele-
gates joined the'cleticd and the general
business of the Dietritlt• was gone into.
Reeds. L. A, McKelvey, Ethel, was
elected Mioute Secretary and Rev.
Kilpatrick, 13elgrave, was his assist-
ant. Rev. Mr. Rivers, Go'rie, is
l iunncial Secretary and Barrister
Morton, Winghaut, and Rev. Mr, Bali,
were the Statistical Secretaries and
slid their onerous work h9 good farm.
Membership for District 4,182, an in -
01e11.80 00 68 over the previous year ;
Missionary Fund, $7,301, a gain of
$019 0n the year preceding. This does
not include $1467 raided by the Wom-
en's Missionary Society, which was an
advance of $76 On the record of pre-
vious year. Sunday School report
wits presented by Rev. D. Wren, Dis-
trict Secretary and following particu-
lars are gleaned from it of interest :-
No. of Sabbath Schools, 45 ; Total
officers and scholars, 3,883 ; No. joined
church during year, 121 ; No. signed
pledge during year, 657 ; No. pledged
abstainers 1,500 Money raised for
school put poses, $1,088 • Fut General
Sunday Sehonl fund $148 For Mis-
sinus, $548 ; Total raised for all pur-
poses, $3,011• Epworth League re-
port were read by Rev.. McKelvey and
was optimistic and full of practical
sn geatinn.
Statistical Committee reported and
a general discussion took place in
which many workable pointers were
advanced, many of which will be put
into practice. The work of the Dia.
trier in its. various phases showed a
spier year ear and a heartiness in
entering the new Conference year, A
committee appointed last Fall present-
ed their report relative to a survey of
the District and various plant were
24. Keri' ; S'rioial Service, )rev, 13rid
gaffe anti I4. li.iehrnond Metttor'ials,
Rey. hleKinaay and A. M. 'Treleaven ;
Sabbath observance, Rev. McKelvey
and R. J, hillock ; °beech Property,
ltev. Kellam tend 13. Rs Brill ; State of
11'nt1c, 1tev. Kilpatrick and W, P.
Reid; Nominating, Rev. Ribbert and
J. A. Morton ; Edheational, Rev,
Langford and A. Ackert ; $ystematic,
Beueficienee; Rev. Ball and E. John-
ston; Annual S. 8, Com., 1. B. 10411 -
lay; District Missionary Ontnmittee,
Revds, Kellam, Beidgette and llibherl
and D. O. ,Taylor and F. 13, Gilroy ;
Conference Missionary Cone., W. 11.
Korn ; Platelet Pittance Com., J. A.
Morton, 3, Joynt, Chairman and Fin-
ancial Sec.
Women's Missionary Repnt1 for the
Disbrict was well presented 1)y Mrs.
(Rev.) 13ibbet't, in the absent'.e of Mrs.
Johnston, District Organizer. 0u
motion of Reeds. Langford and Wren
the ladies were congeatuhtted and
their good wo•k commended.
Mrs. N. S. Burwash, •\Vinghatn ;
Mfrs. R. Paul, B.tussele ; and Mrs. M.
Madden, Bervie, were reported as
ministers widows and Morley Madden
a son.
District meeting next May will be
held in Brussels.
61101310;C laymen ward eleoted to
0 t
C tf L lt• which r t t. sv 0h cn , eons i ,F t
t iv ahrA dt
of 1)119 week at St, Marys -J, A. Moi
1On, ll. J, 13illa'!tn J. Button, 1V, 11,
Kerr, S, 1.21, SOH, 11ngh 11acb'utoud,
Geo. As tion Walterter Si1s
Jolt o,
s 1st t , SV, P, Reid, E. Ackert, J.
B. Finlay, A. M.'l'releeveli, S, Avery,
121 Oarloto, .1 Joyntmid 11. Hopper,
Alernabes are 11, R. Magwood, Jno.
McDonald and W, 0. Hazlewood,
Winghtttn people were thanked for
their hospitality and cordiality and
this very Interesting gabheriug was
brought to a close by 'the National
Anthem and the Benediction, Pros-
pects look good on the District Tor ad.
vaunt; in the next Conference year,
Rev. J. W. ilibbert has made an
excellent Ohaitnutn during the past
2 peace and should be re-eleete1,
The first annual meeting of the
NoethBin no Libeled Alisoeitttit,n was
held at Wingharn on Tuesday of last
week. Delegates were present from
Godelich, Blyth, Brussels and other
parte of the riding, Following ofiieeN
were re-elected :-President, W. H..
Robertson, Goderich; Vice-Peesidenle
John Gillespie, Whitechurch : John
Heuneberg, Gerrie ; Joseph Dalton,
.Kingsbridge ; Secr•etet y, Jamey Mac -
Murchie, Blyth ; Treasurer, A. 13.
Carr, Blyth ; Auditor, Captain Sloan,
of the 33rd Battalion.
The following tesolutions were pre-
sented and adopted :-Moved by A.
Anderson seconded by R B. McGow-
to �1 t
t 1113 kll a 111 meeting Of
t t d nn a lr s.ell t
North Peron Librala placeou twitted
lee unqualified endoreatiou of the
etetesuutmlike policy and patliotfe
amuse of our leader, Sir Wilfrid
Lam ler id th
la t and at while we fully ily an -
u l
dorse his attitude in "'draining from
active political efforts during the pres-
ant war conditions, we take this op-
pol'tuuity of again etatiug our belief
that a change of adtninietration wlligit
would place Sit' Wilfrid Laurie', again
at the head of• Oanada's af2ait's would
be in the best iutel'ests of our coun-
Moved by 11. J, Mortis, seconded by
J, Henueber,, "Pleat this annual
meeting of North Huron Liberals ex-
press its confidence in the leadership
of N. W, Rowell in Provincial affairs
and its admiration of Ole fight for
better government made by the small
band of Liberal members in the Pro-
vincial Rome."
Arch. Hielop, who is the candidate
oi' 111e Not th Revolt Liberals An the
House of Cloinmons, addressed the
meeting end others present also spoke
Wetly, expressing confidence in the
entwine of the appeal to the people,
whenever it should cone.
Harold Hinchcliffe has been made
news agent on the London train bene.
At the first soccer game of the sea-
son played here Wiugham defeated
Wroxeter' by the score of 2 to 1.
Wiugham defeated Mildmay in a
soccer game that was well attended
here Monday of last week. The final
score was 8 to 0, with Wingbam lead-
ing at Half time by 1 to 0.
t 1 1t
�.ld, D. Bell, who bee been 00 11A
wok 11513 recently, has Weedy 1m
proved and will sour be able to be out
The citizens of the town were well
1 d101 at the
tease with a ouee " t . t
C h1 a an
Lown 13x11 lutdet' direction of W,
C. Cowell, organist their lander' of the
Presbyterian Church. Concert given
by hie pu lis was entitled "The Gypsy
Gu9, It was (rood from start 210
finish, opening with fano), drill by
children, followed with songs, chorus-
es and other dt ills,
Putlancl, proprietor of tile 13eunewick
Hotel, died Saturda May220d, Re
had felt a slight uneasinesand called
a Dr, Alter taking the dootor's medi-
cine, he declared he felt relieved and
joked with the physician. Soon he
fell asleep and did not again awaken,
Mr. Putland was 59 years of age and
carne to Wiugham from Brussels four
years ago, purchasing the hotel from
J. E. Swartz. He spent considerable
money upon improvements, and in
phoning trees and shrubbery in
beautifying the bestiary. In religion,
Mr. Putlandwas at P n '
t Anglican, and in
politics, a Conservative. Socially, he
was affiliated with the I. 0. 0. F. and
0. O. F. Besides his wife, he is sur-
vived by one sister, Mrs. J. Boomer,
Toronto, and four daughters, Mrs. W.
Brennan, London ; Mrs. J. May,
Brttntford ; Mrs, A. B. Pattison, Los
Angeles ; and Mrs. A. Matheson, Fort
Francis, Funeral took place Wednes-
day afternoon and was under direc-
t tion of the I. O. O. F„ Brussels Lodge,
to which deceased belonged, taking a
leading part.
O 410••0•••••00.000000000••44410.001100.000041400.00.0004144/404►4110..411000.0••414•44440. 0004.0+0000004000040••000000
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I took the Shadow I 1 1
Shadow Test System •
Test Course 5 years•
ago but have made �Q
t,l .
IPrices Reasonable
•`I II'arrangements with
•Frederick W. Mayor ,
Iln/SI e•
of Toronto, to take Il
, this Post Graduate�.ICourse in the Shad- %, 4t' •••
ow Test. ••0A••
++++++++++,' ''..i -04,..+a' .'a++++++++++++++++++++++++++S4P+++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++4•13•1++++++++++++++ S•
Eyesight Specialist
Ne Looks Into the Eye
r/0/i�� _ 1:.11011
I have gone to great expense to get this Specialist here for the benefit of the Eye and Headache sufferers of the
surrounding district. The old system of trying on glasses and the confusing guesswork system is entirely done
away with. THE SPECIALIST LOOKS INTO THE EYE and scientifically measures the defects and cor-
rects them in a few minutes. As I said before, I am taking this special system of Sight Testing in order to carry
on the successful work that this Specialist will start. Many headaches are caused by defective vision. Many
children are suffering from defective vision unconsciously, therefore I appeal to all parents, to avail themselves of
this opportunity.
Come one ! Come all ! Any morning, afternoon or evening. Glasses not pre-
scribed unless needed. Evenings are just as good as day time as all work is
done by artificial Tight.
600.0•••••••00U90.00. •••1110•60000.0000•11111•000111•110
In conclusion I say to every Man, Woman and Child, "Consult the Specialist."
Satisfaction Guaranteed at
W. F. Stratton's
N, B. -Mr. Mayor does business AT OUR STORE ONLY so beware of canvassing impersonators.
• •••••••••.•.•00••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••.Ne•.N Nkt.00•e e•••OAe••eA•10 e•••••..Nl.N ♦.NN/tNN•/,/N..'