HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-5-20, Page 8LET
On the 24th
And other Holiday outings
take a
with you apd bring back your own price.
less record of the good times you had.
Brownie Cameras from $2,00 up.
Kodaks from $7.50 up•
Films Developed and Printed
We do this work as well as it can he
Wall Paper
When you are house cleaning
you may come across a room
that perhaps needs Papering
worse than you thought it dict,
Don't hesitate doing it thinking
you may not be able to fled a
suitable Paper. Jest come is
and see the Papers we have
right in Stock and can supply
without any delay. Patterns
suitable for any room, and we
de not think they were ever as
artistic or the prices so tnoder-
ate. An estimate of what your
room would cost cheerfully
7 -he Store F. R. SMITH
pad (elm 4tems
LocAL news on page 5.
Coot evenings and nights,
FRIDAY of thisweek will be Empire
ARE you ready for the Sanitary In-
spector's visit.
HURON Co. Council will meet in Gode.
riob on Tuesday, June Ist, at 3 p. m,
MONDAY next will be the anniversary
of the birth of our former Queen, Vic-
toria the Good.
GARDEN "Sass" is On the jump just
now, and it won't be long before all sorts
of green stuff will be on the table.
TUEsnAY afternoon of this week F. S.
Scott, Auctioneer, disposed of 5o well
bred calves, the property of R. Long,
THE Royal Welsh Ladies' Chorus,
"The Welsh Choir is magnificent, They
are perfectly splendid and you may say
I said so," -Melba in Winnipeg. Can.
NEW cement walks have been put
down at the residences of J, H. Kyle and
Jno. Ewan, addiug very noticeably to
the improvement of their respective
SEAFOR•rH Expositor says A. Close, of
this town, has sold his fancy driving
mare to J. Galbraith, of Brussels, for
$300, This fine animal is the winner of
many prizes at Fairs,
ATTEND the Red Cross Entertainment
in the Town Hall Friday evening of
this week. Barrister Cameron's ad-
dress will be well worth hearing and the
musical numbers likewise.
THS A, Y. P. A. of St, John's church,
Brussels, has been fortunate ,to engage
the Royal Welsh Ladies' Chorns for a
Concert to be held in Brussels Town
Hall, on Monday, May 31st, at 8 p. m.
REEVE Leckie, Councillors Hewitt and
Walker and Clerk Scott went to Mit-
chell Thursday of last week as a delega-
tion to see and inquire into their
Macadam street making. The trip was
made by motor, Jno. Oliver being the
Among the wounded at Langemark is
Pte, George Edmiston, a son of Alex.
Edmiston, G. T. R. engineer, Kincar-
dine, whose run is on the W. G. & B.
George was a popular young fellow and
we hope his wound is slight and that be
will soon be o. k.
CARD of THANKS. -I wish to express
my heartfelt gratitude to all who were
so kind to my children and myself in my
deep sorrow to the loss ot my dearly
loved husband. I will never forget how
sweet their sympathy and loving words
were to me in my sorrow. I am very
sincerely yours,
LOUISE Ross Lome
THURSDAY, May 6th, a young son ar-
rived at the home of Joe and Mrs.
Schwadron. On Friday morning last
Rabbi H. Habarn, of Toronto, visited
the home of the new born and perform-
ed the rite of circumcision and named
the young lad. We hope young Mr.
Schwadron will grow to manhood and
be a useful citizen in this Canadian land.
HAND INJURED. -One day last week
J. Hayes met with an accident while
employed in the heading factory. His
left hand was badly bruised by being
squeezed between two heading blocks
The patient was speedily looked after by
a medico and although the iojury was
severe we hope he
will l s eedilY recover
so as to be able to resume work
l of the late Mrs THE funeral at s Samuel
Rivers, tormerly of Brussels, who died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Wake, of Owen Sound, took place to
Dungannon cemetery on Saturday, 8th
inst. Mrs. Rivers was until a few
months ago, when she went to her
daughter in Owen Sound, a resident of
Dungannon vicinity and was very well
and favorably known. Her husband
and a family of 5 sons and a daughter
GRAVEL EEE. -Twelve teams, owned
by' the sturdy farmers of the 3rd line of
Morris township, very kindly constituted
a lively gravel bee last Tuesday in the in-
terests of Pryne & Son, and hauled so
loads from Thos, Miller's pit to be
utilized in the process of rebuilding the
new mill on the old site. Their services
were much appreciated. Such efforts
While of financial valve have a higher
valuation to all concerned than dollars
and cents that require no writteu com-
mendation. The foundation and abut-
ments are now being prepared for the
.new building contemplated,
1 Sunday morning, after an illness ex.
i tending about a year, Thos. G. Mc-
Cracken, died at his borne in London,
aged 60 years. Dropsy was Lite cause
of death. 35 years years ago deceased
was united in marriage to Miss Ruth
Stnith, of Erin, and she and a sou (Mor-
rison) and daughter (Mrs. Jas. Wilkie)
all of London, survive, Mr, McCracken
was buried on Tuesday. He was a fine
Man, end highly respected by all who
kuew him, For some tithe he resided
iu Brussels and assisted his brother, the
late W, H, McCracken fu his business,
Fotir brothers and 3 sisters survive.
The bereaved will be large sharers in the
$ytupathy of old f rientls.
W. P. FRAsaa has sectored the services
of S. P Anderson, of Acton, who is a
first-class coat ranker. We welcome
him to Brussels,
THE Red Cross deserves your practical
help. Proceeds of entertainment Fri-
day evening. in the Town Hall, Brussels,
go to that noble cause. We owe it to
our Heroes.
NEWSPAPERS, carpets, quilts, etc„ etc.,
did duty in many a garden last Monday
night in warding off the sharp frost from
the early garden "sass". flowers and
A NASTY cut was inflicted on Dorothy
Rowland's left hand, last Saturday,
while on a visit to the bush after May
flowers. Sbe is getting along nicely.
THE finest and most impressive sing-
ing I beve ever heard." Rev. J. Whit-
comb, Brougher, Los Angeles, Cal,
Hear them Monday evening, May 3150,
in 'Lown Hall, Brussels.
Prat bred mammoth Pekin ducklings for
sale at 20 cents apiece. R. TeotteoN, Riverside
Poultry Farm, Bruesele. Phone,. 24x or 68.
Hopes aid Lot for sale in Walton. Apply
to N. MONEIL, Walton.
Comm from
on May 18th, He yellow in color and
answers to nate of "Mike." Information as
to kis whereabouts will be thankfully receiv
ed and rewarded. WM. WOODS, Brussels,
Phono 2716: R. R. No. 2.
FOR SILO Ott TO RENT. -A village lot, 24 x
110% feet, North of Presbyterian church,
Bruesele. Also a % sore near the G. T. R.
station. For further partioulare apply to
TAMWORTa sow strayed on the premises of
undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 14, Grey. Owner is
requested to prove property, pay expense and
take her away. War. ZIEGLaa.
FOR SALE. -One buggy, nutter, light wagon,
set of light single harness, two spraypumps,
Favorite" No. 8„ Churn, three ladders
21, 15% and 11 feet long and a quantity of clear
pine and maple lumber, VIne. OuTHILL
Turnberry 85. North.
HALF dozen cane seated chairs and a side-
board for sale at a great bargain. .Ask at Tun
STO0E FOR SALE. -1 Fresh milk cow land
calf, 1 Springer and a young Durham grade
ball. Apply to J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Oen. 12,
Grey. Oranbrook P. 0. Phone 556..
GARAGE FOR SALE. -Undersigned offers his
cement - garage, which la 80 x 50 feet, with
metallic roof, for sale. It le fire proof and
waterproof, with handy office, &a, Building
le wellilocated. For price and terms apply to
D. Ewwre, Brussels.
of this week Baeker Bros. move to their
new premises, next door Nortb of Cen-
tral Hotel, where they will be found for
the future. Their telephone number is
the same as formerly.
WE did hear the Royal Welsh Ladies'
Choir and we wish we could hear them
again. "The Welsh love to sing" is a
truism oft expressed and the choir of
Madame Hughes --Thomas is but an-
other proof.- "The Western Star,"
Lebanon, Ohio,
Methodist Parsonage, Brantford, Ont.,
on May 4th, Rev R. D. Hamilton tied
the matrimonial bow between Wm. P.
Bray and Mrs. Elora Hill, both of Brus-
sels, The latter bad been visiting rela-
tives in that locality for several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Brayback
are to town
and are getting nicely settled in the
home recently purchased by Mr. Bray,
Turnberry street, South. We wish
them many happy years.
A soelAL was held by the A. Y. P. A.
of St. John's church last Friday night.
The program for the evening ;
was pro.
vided by the losing side in aBcontest of
attendance held, before Easter. The
losing side was captained by Miss Ina
Bryans and the winning side by Chas,
Pope, jr, A splendid time was enjoyed
by all. Miss.Bryaus, who was ably too.
sisted by ler chosen members tett notb•
ing undone in the way of providing for
the evening's entertainment. The
winning side was seated at tables and
an A i lunch was served. The National
Anthem brought the program to a close.
FORGING AHEAD. - Another great
stride will Le taken alay the Western
'University of Londone
s y next year, as a re.
suit of a norther assured increase ih its
income. The London City Council has
voted a grant of $15,000 which will as-
sure the Western tevenueof no less than
$3o,000 for its Arts Department as com-
pared with $19,000 for the year just
closing and $8,800 the previous year.
The total revenue available for all De-
partments will be $75,0o0, which means
a doubling of the income In the course
ot two years. Five new professors will
be engaged at once, end two new science
laboratories equipped. A good gymna-
sium has been secured and a well.known
instructor and director of athletics is
being engaged, Plans for the coming
year have already been submitted in
outline to the Education Department,
and it is understood they will he accept.
able to the Department 1n granting the
same recognition of all degrees as is
given to the other universities. With
this handicap removed and the new in-
terest that is being awakened there are
already indications of a greatly increased
enrolment of students at the Western
for the coming year, es(sedaiiy as this is
the nearest university for all Western
Ontario students, and the eXpenso of
living in London is comparatively low,
t "J'!t'•N+++4• F14+++ t f N F kf kd++ F' ++'F440*E"F44+14 W 4 ++++
w' r
AnDouneament of rriees
I East HurooProduceEmporlum 1
ii At present we are paying the Following
Extras No. s No. 2 4
Butter 22C 20C I.7C -
Eggs 200 18c 13C 4.
1 Due Bilis4.
* Issued at 5 per cent additional in trade.
+ 4, I++++++++++++++•I'+i•++++++++444++++++•E 1++++++++•i'++'t++1'
A. C. DAMES received a neat roadster
car this week.
THE regular monthly meeting of the
W. C T, U. will be held in the Public
Library Friday afternoon, May 28th, at 3
o'clock. Subject "Frannbise," to be
taken by Misses Smith and Jewitt.
PLAN of the hall for the Royal Welsh
Ladies' choir will be at Fox's Drug
store, Get your seat early. They will
be in Brussels Town Hall Monday, May
Too LATE FOR THIS WEEK. -A reply to
the communication by A. Hislop has
been received from Jas. Bowman, M. P ,
but too late to give it place in this issue,
It will appear next week.
RARELY, if ever, has a musical pro.
gram been presented in this city that
was so strong in every feature as the
Ladies' Welsh choir. Everyone enjoy-
ing each number. -Salem Daily Herald.
Drn you get a ticket for the Red Cross
entertainment Friday evening of this
week in Brussels Town Hall 7 Brussel-
nes and the people of this commtinity
usually boost every good cause so
give our soldier boys at the front your
Help now.
WRIST ERoxaie.-Last Sunday evening
while cranking his car the "kick" of the
crank caught John Oliver on his right
wrist breaking the arm. He was good
pluck and brought the car home'before
the damage was attended to. We hope
he will boon be alt right.
P AMENr's heavy draft teams moved
the frame building from W. P. Bray's,
Turnberry street South, t0 W. A. Grew-
ar's property, Queen street, where it will
be utilized as a garage. The horses
walked it right along on skids last Satur-
day afternoon.
CoxsIDBRABLE interest was manifested
in the hoisting of the heavy machinery
from the basement of the ruins of the
Prvne mill last week. Work was handi-
ly done by Geo. Edwards' traction en-
gine and well drilling derrick. There
was quite a pile of it.
pleased to notice the names of W. B.
Strachan and J. G. Leckie in the list of
Toronto 'University Arts inen who com-
pleted their 4 years. The former stood
second in an honor course, Roth young
men have done well and we wish them
a successful future.
persons in arrears for lots or work done
at Brussels Cemetery are asked to settle
the same with the Treasurer so that the
statement for the financial year may be
closed up. Don't delay.
Hts Majesty, King George said after
the Welsh Ladies' Choir had sung before
him "Well, von Welsh people are pas-
sionately fond of music and you have
beautiful voices. I have certainly en-
joyed your choir immensely. I must
congratulate you (Madame Thomas) and
your choir on your exce'lent perfnrm-
snce." Hear them in Town Hall,
Brussels. Monde eve in 1st
Monday n v May as
Wm. You HELP ?-The regular tar-
o after -
upon meetings of the Red Crss Sewing
Circle will be resumed next week. On
Tuesday afternoon important business is
to be discussed and all those interested
in this gretwork ofsandbag supplies
our wounded Canadian boys are urged
to take sewing. There will be plenty of
it on hand and it is hoped there will be
lots of willing workers.
THE OPENING S3foe.- Wednesday
evening of this week the first game for
Brussels Intermediate Foot Ball team
for this season was played at Listowel
with the well known hustlers of that
town. Brussels line ftp was as follows t
-Goal, F Gerry ; Backs, M. Jackson
and W. McDonald ; Backs, Ed,
Stephenson, W, S, Scott and I Ray.
nard ( Forwards, W, Bell, Percy
Stephenson, 0 Walker, F. Duncan and
C. Workman, Score was 2-1 in fever
of Listmvel. Next Wednesday eventing
Atwood will play at Brussels. See the
game. •
THURsnAlt evening of last week Rev.
A, J. Mann, Rev, D. Wren, Jas. Fox,
J. F. Rowland and W. H. Kerr motored
to Listowel, in Mr. Rowland'a car. and
attended the services conducted by Rev,
Dr, Gordon, of Winnipeg, The
audience was estimated at 1,000 that
evening, meeting being held In the
Methodist church. The colored vocalist
Greenlaw sang several solos and Dr,
Gordon's address was well worthy of the
close attention It received, He went to
Michell this week for a abort series,
'27111s is the last week for receiving
entries for the Standing Field Crop
Competition, under the auspices of
Brtfssels Agricultural Society. No en-
trance fee if a member of Society, other -
vette $t,on, which entitles to all Ariel.
leges of Fall hair, 7 prizes will he a-
warded, ranging from $20.00 and no
string on then as Oat crop entered be-
longs wholly to owner, It is a fine
chance for a good farmer to add a few
dollars to his treasury and else give him
a chance foe a top price for seed grain if
a prize -Winne,.,
AT a meeting of Brussels Red Cross
Society, arranging for the entertain-
ment Friday evening of this week, a
resolution of sympathy was passed to
Col. G. Sterling Ryersnn, who has
taken so prominent a place in Connection
with Red Cross Work. First in the
death of his gallant son, Captain George
Ryerson and now the loss of his wife in
the Lusitania, whose kindnesses and
thoughtfulness for others were well
known: Mrs. Ryerson, with her
daughter, had sailed to visit another son
who was wounded in actfou. Colonel
Ryerson left France immediately to join
his daughter in Queenston and they are
now back to France.
People We Talk About
R. A, Pryne made a business trip to
Toronto this week.
P. Ament and W. A. Grewar were in
Hamilton this week.
Rev. Dr. Oaten called on old friends
in Brussels last Tuesday.
M. Yolleck and Master Ysi Yolleck
will go to Toronto to visit friends,
Miss Jessie Hirons, of Toronto, isre-
newing old friendships in Brussels.
Mrs, N. F. Gerry has been on the
sick list but we wish her a speedy re-
Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Seaforth, was visit-
ing in Brussels prior to her departure
for her home in the West.
John and Mrs. Welsh, of Galt, were
visitors with Mrs. john Thomson, Brus-
sels. The ladies are sisters.
A. Strachan has been off duty this
week owing to illness but we hope be
will soon be as hearty as ever.
Misses Minnie and Mildred Russell, of
Sunshine, were visitors 'with the Misses
Anna and Clara Hunter over Sunday.
S T. and Mrs. Plum and H. J, and
Mrs. Manning and children were visitors
with the Rozell family at Clinton for the
week -end,
Miss Amanda McCracken was called
to London last week owing to the serious
illness of her uncle, T. G. McCracken.
He passed away last Sunday.
J. H. and Mrs, Kyle and daughters
are away on a vacation for two weeks,
with relatives and friends at Hamilton,
Chesley, Owen Sound and other points.
Mrs. W. H. Pryne went back to New-
bury this weak on account of the con-
tinued illness of her daughter, Mrs.
Robinson, whom we hope will soon be
Mrs Skelton and Miss Gordon are at
Loudon this week attending the annual
Convention of the Women's Missionary
Society of the Methodist churches in
the London Conference,
James Warburton wheeled from Staffa
last Monday and visited old friends in
Brussels and Grey this week. Jim pre•
fers this part of the country -it may
a case of "where the heart is".
Mrs. McNeil, who bas been staying
with Mrs McFadzean since her mother
died a mouth ago, left to visit her
Seaforth at
brother thisweek, e w ek She is
Mrs. Mcladzean's aunt and sister to
her mother.
J. B. Campbell, of Chesley, is here as
organizer for the Canadian Order of
Foresters and is meeting with success,
Court Princess I
ou C r neass A exandria No, z
Brussels, is a strong one having up-
wards of 125 members.
G. A. Deadman, after returning last
week from Merllo. left on Saturday for
Scotia Junction, Parry Sound District,
where he is going to oversee the build
ing of a Summer cottage on property he
owns on Clear' Lake, near there The
_other membere of the family who are at
home, expect to leave for that point in
about another week.
W. R. Cantlon, who has been a
student at Edmonton Uuiversity, is here
for a holiday visit with relatives and
friends. He purposes entering the
Methodist ministry in the West. Visitor
is a scn of Samuel Cantlon, of Morris
township,. It is 11 years since be went
West but he visited here 4 or 5 years
C. C. Baker, who has been teller in
the Bank of Nova Sco'ia hete for the
past 6 or 7 menthe,• was m sveti to Acton,
Ont.. this week. He leaves many
friends who were attracted to him by
his courtesy and genisllly, both in and
out of the bank. We have pleasure in
recommending him' to not only the buti.
near circle of Acton . but to the people
generally of that prosperous town, A.
H. Milligan hes been promoted to the
cash in successor to Mr Baker_ audi
Harry Fog takes the ledger.
Tuesday of this week Mrs, P. Watson"
left Brussels after a reaidenpe of nearby
18 years. She will make her Home with
her sister Mrs, 'Treadwell, near LOU--
on-den, In the meantinfe, Mrs. Watson
sold her cottage loonier to Mrs. H. Keys,
who took poseassioe Ibis week, and dis-
posed of her household furniture by
Auction Sale last Saturday afternoon.
Many good wishes accompany Mrs.
Watson and we trust her future will be
marked by good health, a wide circle of
truo friends and a large share of happy
Established over Forty-cn.Yeers
ASSETS OVER 348,100,000
The A, B, C of Banking
Get the Savings Habit.
Highest CurrentRatesAllow-
ed, and
&merest Compounded Half -
"Yearly on Deposits, 176
We solicit your account in our
J. F. Rowland, , D O")! 1l Manager.
days, with occasional trips' to Brussels to
visit old friends.
Brussels CoUncll
A special meeting et Brussels Council
was held on Monday evening to read
By -Law in connection with the pro-
posed Turnberry street inhprovement5.
The work 'this year is to cover Turn -
berry street from Flora street to
Southern boundary on Morris side. It
is proposed to make the Macadam 26
feet wide with curb on either side;
Engineer Roger is expected here short•
ly to lay out the work and prepare his
report, and the contract will be let as
soon as possible.
DeseAtenral .- In West Point Grey, Venoou-
cer, B. 0., on April 22nd, 1915, to Mr. and
Mrs, O. 0. Deelaorler (nee Helena Manilla
daughter, (Nary Catherine)
MOOoaMaryMIO.) x. -At Holmesville, on May 12th,
1016, to Rev. R. T. and Mre. McCormick, a
MpaRAY: In Ethel, on May 18th, 1916, to Mr,
and Mre, R. J. Murray a daughter, (Annie
SO nd Mrs. Joe.
Sola, on May 8th, 1915, to
Mr. and Mrs..Toe, Seltwadron, a ton.
BHM In Willop on May 12th, 1916;to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Shannon,
s eon.
Meeting of Huron Co. Council
The Council of the Corporation of the Coun-
ty of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber
in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the first
day of Jame next at the hour of 8 o'clock. All
amounts requiring settlement must be placed
with the Olerk before this date,
W. LANE, Olerk.
Dated at Goderish, May 17th, 1930.
Farm for Sale
That firat•olaas farm being the W4 or Lot 11
and 1,0118, both in the 18th Concession of. the
Township of Grey, containing 150 acres. On
the farm ie a Srst•olaet brick veneer house
with all the modern improvements. The barn
is also flrat•olaae In every particular and fa
58 x 50 with straw shed 40 x 87 with water in
the stables, which are first-class. There be also
a windmill on the farm, It is 8 miles from
Ethel station on G. T. R. and 5 miles from
MoNan ht atation on the C. P. R, For full
particulars apply to the underai ned,
47.4. F. S. SCOTT, 'Bruseola.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for the oonatruotlon of the Win.
throp Drain in the Townehlp of McKillop will
be received by the undersigned np till the 290h
day of May 1915 at 2 o'clock p. m, by Post or at
meeting of Council in Seaforth. Tenders to be
accompanied by cheque of 5% of centred
price. The lowestorany Tender not necee•
eerily accepted. Plans etc can be seen at
MARRIED Clerk's Milne, Lot24, Con. 7, MoRillop.
BRAY-Hum.-rn Brantford, Ont., by Rev. R. - - - M.MURDIE, CLERIC.
D. Hamilton, at the Parsonage. on Me Seaforth, P. O., Ont.
4th 1910 Mr. W. P. laray to Mrs, Ehne Hill,yMay 15, 1916.
both of Brussels.
DIED. Court of Revision
DENNI6on.-In McBillnp township, on May
15511, 1916, William Dennison, aged 70 years,
9 months and 7 days.
Hasssr,woon.-In Hallett, on May 0th, 1916,
Mary A. Rutledge, widow of Matthew
$easel Woad, aged 87 yearn and 9 months.
MOORAOsEN.-In London, Ont„ on May 18th,
1016, Thoa, G Mc0raoken, aged 62 years.
MOA ETES -In Hartney, Man„ on April 80th,
1015, Jno, MnArter, formerly of Morris
township, in his 43rd year.
QDeRENaESoER.-In Logan, on May 8511, 1915,
Frederick Ferdinand Querengeeeer, aged
58 years, 11 moatha and 18 days.
Township of Morrie
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Morrie for the year
1015,, will be held in the Township Hall, Mon-
day, May 81st, IOW, at 10.20 o'clock a. m. Roll
is in Clerk's, office andopen for inepeotlon. A11
parties interested will govern themselves aa•
oordingly. A. M/cEWEN,
Dated May 12th, 1916. Township Clerk.
Auction Sales
FRIDAY, MAY 21. -Farm stook, implements, BECUTORS' SALE OF FARM STOC16.
p IMPLatiaNTB, FUasITUae, &e. - F. 13;
household furniture, Sad, at Lot 15, Con. 18,
Grey. Sale unreserved at L80 o'clock. Mrs.
S. Dunn and Flataher Sperling, Executors of
late Samuel Dain ; P.S. Scott, Auctioneer.
Oateat 81585 5 5168
Barley 1 50 85 3 60
Butter 27 28
Hoge 8 78 8.78
Potatoes per bus _ 12 8500
85 18 885
Wool washed 20 20
Wool unwashed 18 18
.Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
.(110221) Vol. 20 Enrolment No. 900, Form I
Inspected and Approved..
This well known Clyde horse will stand for
service daring the present mason at his own
stable, Lot 14, Con. 4, Morrie. 47.4
Paott, Auctioneer, ham been instructed by the
Exeoutore of the late Samuel Dunn to sell by
public auction at Lot. 15, Con. 18, Grey, on Fri
dapMay Mot, at 1 o'clock, tho following vain -
able property, viz. :-1 mare 11 years old, 1
horse 7 years old, 1 mare 6ears old, 1 mare 2
years old, 1 mare 8 years old, 2 cows supposed
to be in calf, 2 milking oowa, 1 heifer supposed
in Balt, 1 year-old steer, 8 calves, 1 brood sow,
80 bene, 4 decks, 8 turkeys. 1 gobbler, 3 guinea
hens 2 geese, 1 gander and 19 goslings, 1 Mas -
Bey -Barrie binder, 1 wagon, I set sleighs, 1 set
single sleighs, .1 mower and pea harvester, 1
hay rake, 1 set iron harrows, 1 seed drill, 2
walking plows, lriding plow, 1 gang. plow, 1
set 2000111, males, 1 beam scale, 1 fanning mill,
1 hay fork and eltngga all complete, 1 cutting
b1 ox,•t1 outlier,
tli s
r,1 cutter, 1. buggy, 1 light wagon,
y rack, 1 ant hook, 1 tet double
Mimosa, 1 set eingle harneee, 1 sugar kettle, 1
Melotte separator, 1 sideboard, I kitchen cup-
board, 1 cook stove, 1 coal heater, 8 bedsteads,
1 extension table, 1 sewing machine, 1 No 2
Daisy churn, 1 bureau, 1 lounge, forks, obaine
And other articles too numerous to mention.
All to be Bold without reserve. The 100 acre
farm will also he offered for saleenbfeat to a
reserve bid. Terme-All Bums of El. 00: and en-
der push • over that a nqunt 6 mgntha predit
will ba given on turniehing approved joint
notea ; 0 per Dent per annum Of for cash on
credit amounts.
MRS 8. MINN, Executors.
I Base Ball 1
Gloves N¢ Mats •
•er We ars this week and up to May •
mitts offering very Spotslal Values •,
4 in Base Ball Gloves and Mitt'. •
Gloves, reg. 82 00 for 51.25
_ :NNW, r' • 76 for 45 3
• Mitts, " 1.00 for 50 •
prices. All good Gloves and •
• And many others at equally bow e,
anyone wishing a good Bali Mitt •
S ata snap will do to secure •
• one at the above g17e/11y reduced•
i prices. •
• These prions hold until May2kth :
• only at •
• •
="F 0 X' S
• •
The Pensiar Store •
Stallion Routes for 1915
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Lot 14,
Con. 2Gre , and go South to Rob*.MeDon-
ald',. Lot 17, Con. 0, for noon -t then West and
South to Central Hotel, Broonels, for night.
TUESDAY -South and Eget to Dan. Huetb-
er'a, Lot 19, Con. 12, 100 noon • then South and
East to Hugh Moltay'a, Lot 20, Con. 10, for
WBDNf8DAY-North and West to William
Strachana, Lot 26, Con. 9, for noon, where lie
will remain till Thursday morning.
THURSDAY -North and East to Robert
Bowes, Lot 86, Com 4, Grey,for noon ; then
Haat and North to Allan Wber's, bdy. Gray
and Wallace, for night. . •
FRIDAY -West to Molesworth to Henry
Canipbell'e for noon, ; then South and West to
his own stable for night,
SATURDAY-Wrat and North to Win. Gib.
son's, Lot 80, bdy. Howfek and Turnberry, for
noon ; then to his own stable where he will
remain until the following Monday.
MONDAY -Will leave kis own stable, Lot 29,
Oth Line, Morris, and go South and West to
Joe. Bewley'e for noon • then West to Button's
aehool house, South to boundary, and. East to
Miller's Hotel, Waltonfor night.
TUESDAY -East aq miles, North 161 and
East to Jas, Fniton'e 'for noon ; then North
and East. via Monorlelf, to T Inglis' for night.
WEDNESDAY -East and North to Silver
Corners, then /teat and North to A. Steven -
eon's, for noon ; then North and Weet,'to 0.
Eckmier'e. Ethel. for night,
THURSDAY -Bast and South to Andrew
Lamont's for noon ; then East to Oranbrootc
alderoad to .7. Long's Hotel, Cranbrook, for
FRIDAY -To his own stable till Saturday
SATURDAY -To Central Hotel, Brussels,
until 8 p. as,, then to his own stable where he
will remain until Monday.
This purebred Shire Stallion will stand nt
his own stable, 8, Lot 20, Con. 8, Morrie, dur-
ing the sermon. Perms, 510.00 to insure a colt a
week old, as thin is war year, Enrolment No.
2708, Form I, certifying to freedom from mal-
formations Mad dtseaaes named, under Aot.
Blaladon Colin is a well bred puree andworth
'maw) Enrolment TTS o. 1535
` Torpented and. Approved.
This well bred horse will atm,d for eatable
during the present season, at his owl} etebfea,
Leadbury, Lot 22, Con. 18, MOR11105.
• ••••••ee••••••••e.•••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e••e•••••••••••••Ns:.
Brussels .da �.li ht Store :
� 9 G. I. Mclarep :
,„, „,„„„,,att'W'ilAsryrtaa a,ali It',lt,',re „,,,,'h✓4,,h.Po� „,,,,Y'4✓M,Wn •„ m•a,'ar4,W'c,'e,'aPUstrm'6,4d'i, ..„... 'a.'t,'t,P,.,„..'i,.„,✓„..,. a,'4i a. t; iN'4 4✓'t,...,,, h,.„., •
o r
s •
• UR stock of Progress Made Clothes is now complete. We had` laced ourord- :
ers for thesebefore r: p p e o e the advance in Worsteds and have.the most complete as- •
• sortment we have ever shown. The Prices are right, in fact we consider them :
the blest values we have ever had. •
• ▪ Men's Suits Bey and Young Men's Sultss
All the newest patterns, as well as Properly Made and Perfect i
• Black and Blues p Fitting
0.00, 1.2.00•, 13.00 $15.00 7.00, 8.00, 10.00 & $12.00 w
Men's lower Priced Suits Children's and Large Boys' Sults
I Call and see them. Splendid
a$SOrtmentr Newest Patterns I
& $7.50 From $2,50 to $8.50 d
• ▪ A Complete assortment of Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Child- :
rens, Blots, Shoes and Slippers. ”
Prices for Produce.
G. 14. IVI
� r
�n .
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