HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-5-20, Page 4Cbe ri l k
.fiuksl)A'4i, MAX 20, rot3
Sotia't'1M8s danger lurks close at
home. AirAylmer woman died recent-
ly from eating sprouted parsnips at Iter
own table.
Tan Hydro -Electric zone is growing
Very, perceptibly in Outerio. If the
price could be brought down it would
be a great blessing.
Tux lovers of the cup that cheers but
does not inebriate wont smile much over
the report that 5 cents per pound is to
be added to black teas, so it is sold.
RincsroWN Dominion has a very
wicked'Editor and we prove it by the
following four lines taken from his last
edition ;—"It..is.said the English suffra-
gettes will ad''1} i hundreds of war babies
making theoj super -women. Lord
help the babies,"
Noa'rH Huron Liberal annual meet-
ing will be held iu the Town Hall,
Wingham, Tuesday of next week, at 1
p. m. sharp, Election of officers, receiv-
ing reports and planning for the future
wellbeing of the party will be the busi-
Exrr the Roblin government in
Manitoba after a rough voyage over the
political sea. Liberal Leader Norris
bas formed a government and has a
majority of 13 at least. There are some'
live issues on the program among them
r the scandals which were the cause of the
A sharp look out is promised by the
new commission appointed to handle
the liquor traffic regulating for the law
breaker who sells firewater to the red
man. Why is it a greater offence to sell
to an Indian than a white man 1 Is the
former a more valuable asset 1
DETROIT has adopted Eastern time
and Saturday night set their timepieces
ahead one hqur. The va!'IaUOn of 6o
minutes often caused confusion when
the river separating Windsor and Detroit
was crossed. Some folk are much like
the cow's caudal appendage, consider-
ably in the rear on almost all occasions.
It would be a fortunate occurrence if
they could so handspike a turn on that
would enable them to catch up and
possibly then they could keep up with
the procession.
Representatives from Brussels. At-
wood, Listowel, Monkton, Poole and
Millbank met at Listowel on Monday of
last week to draw up the schedule for
this men in the Intermediate series of
the W. F. A. Six teams are in the
group, which has been divided into "A"
and "13" series. Atwood, Brussels and
Listowel constitute "A" series and
Monkton, Poole and Millbank form "B"
series. Following are the dates ;--
Intermediate Schedule "A" series
Wednesday May 19 Brussels at Listowel
Wednesday May 26 Atwood at Brussels.
Wednesday June 2 Listowel at Atwood
Monday June 7 Listowel at Brussels
Friday lune 1r Brussels at Atwood
Wednesday Tune 16 Atwood at Listowel,
"B" Series
Friday May 21 Poole at Millbank
Wednesday May 26 Millbank at Monkton
Tuesday June t Monkton at Poole
Wednesday June q Millbank at Poole
Saturday June 12 Poole at Monkton
Tuesday June 15 Monkton at Millbank
The winners of "A" series will play
the winners of "B" series, the match
committee of the W. F. A. to arrange
dates. Clip this schedule out so as to be
able to keep tab on the games.
The following letter was received by
Mrs. James H. Morrison, Walton,
from Pte. Harvey Dorrance recently.
Since the letter came to hand we
noticed by the casualty lista that be
had been wounded in the severe fight-
ing which took place's short time ago.
On Active Service, April 8th, 1915.
Mrs, James H. Morrison,
Walton, Ont.
I thought I would drop you a few
lines to let you know I am still alive
and well, We have changed billets
since I wrote last and one morning
we matched 15 miles between 7 a. m.
and 1, noon, with full pack. \Vhen
marching that way, a long distance
we are up at 5,30 a. m„ breakfast at
6.15 and then nothing Lill the march
is over.
The country we are in now is beauti-
ful and the laud is good agricultural
land. The farmer where we are has
15 cows and big fine ones they at'e, all
great milkers, They appear to be a
cross between the Shorthorn and
Jersey with a dark, deep red color and
dark face and black nose like a Jersey.
They have big udders and show every
appearance b1 being great dairy stock.
Milk is very cheap being only 2 cents
per pint. He also has a number of
fine pigs and calves and a good farm
in connection, They feed their cattle
great and they lie in about 2 feet of
straw and are in good shape in
general. His team of horses are
dandies and by what he says they are
worth more here than at home. One
mare about 1000 franc 0200) would be
worth about 5100 at home so you see
that stock here is dear, I will find
out what the cows axe worth,
l have read about the cleanliness of
Europeon dairies but so far 1 can see
nothing any cleaner than at home and
as for their barnyatds we are forbid -
A. large uuutbee of overdue eitb.
scriptious are owing to THB PosT
and having given plenty „f oppor-
tunity to the backward noes to
pay up we have reluctantly lihteed
a large list in the hands of a Col-
lecting Agenoy. The amounts
due are in most cases only a few
donate, but when there are hun-
dreds of these the total makes a
much larger amount than we can
afford to leave uncollected. It
takes more money than people
can imagine to run a newspaper,
but some subscribers appear to
think that compositors and press-
men work for nothing: that paper
and ink are free as an' and that
the editor lives on boquets.
We thank those subscribers
who have kept their labels in
advance, and we ask those
who are in arrears to let us
bear from them as quickly as
THE POST, Brussels.
den to go in them for fear of fever but
I have spent so many Springs in a
barnyard it makes 11,e almost home-
sick every tints I smell it. The barns
are built of brick and are mostly old,
being elected about 1870 to 80 but are
inept in good condition. Seeding is
progressing slowly and grass is not lit
for grazing yet.
Well I ant writing this in an "Eaten -
meta" which is French for bar room
and is the only place where you can
get a chair or a table to write it.
Sotue staff officers have come in and
ordered the room to hold a court
martial in so I will have to draw this
to a close. If I have time before the
mail goes out I will write more but if
not why Goodbye. I got a letter from
grandpa and am glad to hear grand-
ma is better again. Spring is here
and we are being drilled according)
and are getting tough as nails with
lots of physical exercise and route
marching but it isn't making me any
thinner. I still weigh 160 lbs. and
throwing grenades is making my arm
more like a baseball one. We had an
examination this morning and while
I didn't do anything wonderful I was
well to the top. I hear a big Cana-
dian mail is in so I guess I will go
down to -night.
Well for the present, Goodbye and
write soon, HARVEY.
McKillop Council
Tuesday, May llth. McKillop Coun-
cil met, at Walton. Accounts to the
amount of 5151.88 were paid. Engine-
er's report on the McCallum Drain
was returned to the Engineer for re-
consideration. The Engineer's reports
on the McNaught, Northwest and
Crozier Drains were provisionally
passed. Tenders will be received for
the construction of the Winthrop
Drain until May 29th. Clerk was
authorized to draft By-laws for rais-
ing the funds for constructing the
Canada Co., North-West, McNaught
and Crozier Drains. Next meeting of
the Council at Seaforth. on May 291h.
M. 111uRDTE, Clerk,
Rev. Dr. Barber has received hie
new 5 passenger "Dodge" automobile,
A. St. Geo. Hawkins, Dominion Im-
migration Agent for Northern Ontario
left for New Ontario on Wednesday
of last week,
A. F, 13. Murray, manager of the
local branch of the Imperial Bank of
Canada, Is at present confined to the
hospital at Toronto.
Mel. Robb, of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, has taken
a position with Dr. A. W. McDowell
for the Summer.
As a result of the efforts of the
Women's Patriotic League in gather-
ing up the papers, books, magazines,
etc., around town they received the
neat stem of 8105 84, After paying all
expenses in connection with the work
they had a balance Left of 584.
John Koch met with a painful acci-
dent which might have been a vet,-
eryserious one, Be, in company with
some other men, was letting buggies
down from the second story to the
ground floor at F. Ilowe's implement
Shop wiiab Hie toped bt'bkei Chlfeing
one of the big buggies to fall on Mr.
Koch'e head. iiia face was badly
bruised and was cut above the eye,
necessitating 3 etitohes, Solite teeth
were also loosened and Mr, Koch was
dazed for a time.
The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co.
received eaveval ear loads of gramo-
phone motor's ft:om the Columbia
Gramophone Co, last week, The Mat-
Should Read the Following
Letter—Mrs. Slack's Story
About Her Child's Recovery '
Is Entirely Reliable.
Palmyra, Pa.—"Three years ago m
little girl had black measles which left
her with a chronic cough and so awfully 1
thin you could count all her ribs,and she i
coughed so much she had no appetite. '
'Nothing we gave her seemed to '
help her at all until one day Mrs, Neibert
told me how much good Vinol had done
her little girl, so I decided to try it for
my little one, and ithas done her BO much
good she is hungry all the time, her I
cough is gone, she is stouter and more
healthy in color and this is the firstwin-
ter she has been able to play out in the
snow, coasting and snow -balling without
any iil effects."—Mrs. ALFRED SLACK,
Palmyra, Pa.
We know Vinol will build up your
little ones and make them healthy,
strong and robust, therefore we ask
parents of every frail and sickly child
In this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol,
our delicious cod liver and iron tonic
without oil.
If we can induce you to try a bottle
of Vinol as a body-builder and strength -
creator for your child, and you do not
find it is all we claim, we will return
your money on demand,
F. R. SMITH, Druggist
ttrbittire 190. baa n bohtraet Lo
furnish a large number of gramophone
cabinets for the Columbia Company,
11. Howard, who is employed at the
Malcolm Furniture factory, has re-
ceived a letter from ills home in Eng-
land, stating that his brother,'Ciarenee
has been badly wounded in Prance:
Mr. Howard is a member of the 101-
01160 Engineel8,
Fraser do Leith have eohtfh0need
operations at their brick and tile
Win. Fiondy, oi' . }1RABY,7 1, Y.,
spent. a diittp16 oi` clays, the sliest of
Iris brothel', David Fl0ody.
1. L+', Tainan had the ,misfortune to
severely sprain his arra which bas
necessitated his laying off work.
tjl til liottt'b. of letelatl MolldIL
evening, Julie 7th lu Industry IIa11,
Jas. Gibson, who 1V88 so seriously
ill a few weeks ago that his life its
despaifed ()tie rapidly regaining
J lie election of 011180rs of the Wom-
en's Institute resulted as follows :—
President, Mrs. R. Richmond 1 let
Vice -President, Ml's. P. Gardiner;
nt1tce•1iresiiienbr Mt'e, A. McVitbie I
Snit Vice -President, Mre, W. 81. 1de'
Rimy 1 Sec, -Treasurer, Mrs, R,
Wlglitnutu ; Organist, Mrs, Herb. Me-
1d1roy : Board' of Dia'e6Lot's, Mrs. II,
Young, Mrs. 3. Rose, Mre. Joe. Car-
ter, Alts. R. Pratt and the officers.
Delegates were also appointed to at-
tend tine annual Dietriot meeting to be
held in Goderieh,
The Home of Lantic Sugars
The most up-to-date refinery in the world.
This new Refinery gives to Canada the most
up - to - date Sugar Refinery on the Continent
After a year and , a half's work, we have completed
and are now operating the most sanitary, up-to-date
sugar refinery ever constructed. Every new and
improved method of refining has been installed.
No expense has been spared to make the sanitary
conditions perfect.
Every step in the process of manufacture is one
of care and patience for quality.
The result is that no hand touches the product from
the time the raw sugar reaches the refinery until
the perfectly refined sugar enters the home in the
Original Packages.
Only cane sugar used in the
refinery -- no beets -- no sub-
Tell your grocer to send you Lantic
Sugar in original packages. This will
ensure the purity and cleanliness
of the sugar used in your home.
Look for the Red Ball on every
Atlantic Sugar
Refineries Limited