HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-5-13, Page 5SUSINEI PASK.,
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n. l r
GVIAGPd9 • We i ddl0
the Post Office, Ethel.8W
• Barrleter, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, d:o, tithe a -S tewart'e Block
1 door North of Oeutrul lintel,
Soltcitor ler the Metropolitan Bank,
Tal • sea will sell .tor batter prions tc,
hetier men, in lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he wue't charge anything. Dates and Order,.
oan always -be arranged at this ntitce or by
p ermine) application,
Fine, modern steam-
ers -equipped with
every comfort and
luxury, For infor-
mation apply agents,
" 95Ki , ; StWToronto
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
Many Collagen close for Vacation at
Mid -Summer. Our Oo11e e does
. r4
1s strictly first-class. None' better in hG•
Canada. Enter now so ns to take a`.11
lie writes t -"MZ new ll, rauus.
n y• position.hby
throe times than
of I • got years acjust 0
spreviouslt teat four yours.ngo ge.
Wepiectot enters young your pooltlon.
We placed this pourB mon in epbsi fon
after graduation and have now placed'
him again. Catalogue free. - e•,
Cor. Young and'2! W. J. ELLIOTT,
Oharles Sta. f- • - Principal.
FtaO . ,a'a`7' st'al apva+aV 'Yea vr�k
�y ,SA Asa �
v it ,darn g:Ztera'lett`7aAVta
Ontario's Bent. Practical Training
School. Wu have thorough courses
and experienced instructors. in each of 20
our three departments-
Commeralal, Shothand, Telegraphy 0
d you should
reed iT large, free natalogue.,., -Write 6
\�t for it at once.. r�
rl D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal..
NANRY,yi51650V.3tearteNI �sraV524/V ,
Our graduates summed and
004,0,4vLY6 e.w.,,it .d'4Sh'.Av7>•,p�y
1\ at tint • i
A Thorough Conroe taught by I
1 For particulars
Q address,- iR
Listowel, Ont. '
'beg A?a4eeeeee 46mi=telliee rap
iit`fIi1aIl. d*Purl
yuooeesor to M, H, Moore, 011loe at Ander.
son Oros, Livery stetna, Brussels, 'Telephone
No. 20,
T. T. M' RAE
M. , s.. M. O. 'P„ 6 S, O.
M, 0. H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Auoouahour
Office over Standard Bank
Bachelor of Medioine, University of Toronto. 1
Liaentintop1 College. ofPhysicians and Sur
Leone, Ontario ; ex -Senior 1lonsu Surgeon of
Western foepttal,'1'oronto. Ol5aes of late Dr,
A. Molieveyy, Smith Blook, Brussels.
Burnt phone 46,
M.B.. M.O.P.4 S. 0.
100 Bloom street East, Toronto
Dtsoasus Ear, Nose and *Throat
Clinical aeaiatant ht Ear, Nose and :Throat de.
partnheut Now Gement Hospital; Toronto ;
Yost Gradnete Harvard Mediool School, Bos•
tan ; tato demo, Resident Sargoon Sloss. Bye
Ear Infirmary late Olinivat assistant hr
Noce and Throat department o. Gen, HOB.
Vltsl ; lute House Surgeon Toronto
• n Bruseeleby appointment,
n ointm nt,
hospital. rye I,.
Best Brains
in Canada hove partial rated in the pre
nitration of oar splendid Homo Study
Courses in Banking, Economies, Higher
AccountingCoutmeroial Art. Show
Card SWIM -lig, Photography,
ism, Boor StoryWriting,
and Rookkun la8 Seat the work
which particulars.
. .Ad you and write ue
for partioulnrs. Address
391-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto
Ti,ounsnda of ambitious young pee -
pie are fast preparing in their own
homes to occupy lucrative positions as
stenographers. bookkeepers, telegrn-
phare, civil servants Infant every
sphere of hctivitles, You may finish at
oollose if you ao wish. Posltione guar.
anteed. ]enter college any day. Ind!•
vtdunt Instruction. Expert tenoltero.
Thirty years' experience. ' Largest
Wanton; in Canada, Seven colleges.
Special oourae for teachers.
Affiliated With Cotoulerotal Educe.
toe's Association of. Canada. Sumner
School at fanhous Spotton Business Col-
lege, Loudon.
Wingham Business College
GEO. SEOETON, W. T. Molts%,
President, Principal,
Physician and Surgeon ; Poet Graduate oonr0ea
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Has-
pitatsr Special attentionto disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental'Sur-
Toronto BBwults of Deentistryte University of.
Office in Isard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Post Office bog 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a BpeclaIty,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. O1flce oppoiilte
Flour M111, Ethel,
Personal graduate Department of Opphthal•
urology, Me0ormlok Median) College, Chicago,.
Ill: is prepareda
red to test eyes and d fi
glasses at
her aloe over Grewar's Restaurant, Rrnesels
on Thursday, Friday and Soturdaof
week. Office hours 1 t 6 p. m. Forepoone
by appointment, Phone 1210. •
Barrleters, Bolicitore, Notaries Ptibllc,;
Officeon the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton.
.Private funds to loan at lowest rates
W. Petonnsoom, K. C. J. L. EirdsanAN
Total t" esus items
Now•for May flowers,-
REMEn1E,R girls the onion' should be
o nutted from love's mane.
KINGSVILLE stores will close. every
Thursday -afternoon (luting the Summer.
Soma !ten
are born tired and put in
their entire lives celebrating their birth -
You can just see things grow ,at .this
time of year and it is a real delight to
watch the growing.
THE small boy has "come on in" and
found "the water just flue" earlier this
year than usual.
rHE wise inan still sticks to his flea
nels, knowing full well.that the. 24t11 of
May was invented solely in order tbat
ue might know when to take 'ern' off.
ACCORDING to the Public Health Act
no pipe from any drain or soil pipe'shall
ue connected with any chimney in a
dwelling house.
necessary to put au extra stamp on• en-
velopes containing correspondence, so
1)ng as the envelopes are not sealed and
are not overweight, Copy for news-
papers go at ci •cular letter rates' and
such mail does not come under the- war
THE LOCAL PAPER -In placing his
advertising the business mon, ;calls for
local circulatiou- a circulation in, the
homes of the people who ere within
reach of his store and who reading his
announcement in the .lei -ere end quiet
of the dome circle, become at once pros-'
pective customers, THE PosT iS the
favorite home newspaper of this town
and district and is rend practically by
I'r's a loug way to Manitoba,
It's a long wow to go ;
it's a long say to Manitoba,
Where the brewery whistles blow ;
Good bye, Tom and Jerry.
Gr.od-bye, Rock and Rye ;
It's a long lung way to Manitoba
When Saskatchewan goes dry.
ber of changes have taken place in
Stratford Herald staff consequent on H.
ointment to the Vice-'
Kma. appointment
hip of the Provincial License
Commission, to enter upon which duties
he left for Toronto Met week.
He has resigned the Presidency as well
as the Editorship. The officers now
are :-Manager and Treasurer, M, F.
Dunbar) ; Secretary and Director, G.
M. Dingman ; Editor, Ross Keane
The Presidency of the Company is nuw
held by L. H. leugman, who is head of
the St. 'Thomas 'Times. 1
There have been columns about the
new things for women this Spring, but
never a word about the men's new bib
and tucker. Here are a few things
though, that are almost certain to be
popular :-
ill be 1 alar (wound the
Fringe a 1
blit w a
{{��E thetrou'ser
bolls tllebottom o s furnish-
ing this decoration.
Wire nails will still be in vogue, In
place of en oecasiOnal pant button,
Ties will be worn around the neck the
same as fornieriy, slipping up behind
. the ears.and sagging dawn, in front to
show the bone colter button,
Cuffs can be tufted upside down on
Wednesdays and remain in this: position
110111' tub,
Stiff hats are worn well clown on the
head, just resting on top of the ears,
Canes will only be carried by old men
and those who have au income of over
$q a week.
White duck pants will be worn by
tennis players and bricklayers,
Mich jiRiM10 11011/8, Of t1 th laetilty,
Who 10 erinclpat of Gerl')0 aelieel, Wits
elecle)J hresidept of the Gordo Epworth
WE have net ilenrcl litany oompleiCls
e Vegeta.
of the hem (hiring this )scale, �' gu' a
tion is pushing along end steelc turned
out to pasttn'age,
Wnu.e ratting leaves in her garden
, Mrs, Geoege Dalton, a liat.hven lady re-
covered a wedding ring lost fifteen years:
ago, It was as bright as the day it Wag
I.is'rowltt. Standard paid 'Thos.
Curry, Brussels, was in town ou teed.
nesday last distributing strawberly
plaints. Mr. Curry informs us that this
year in Listowel ,and vicinity he has
distributed' over 3o,000 strawberry
Two witch cows .Band 6 years old for sale,
also 2 heifer valves, Roth eowe are good milk.
ere. Apply to CAMS 'MEL, Queen street, Least,
TAMWoimmo sow .'strayed on the premises of
andm•algued, Lot 18, Con. 14, Grey. Owner is
requested to prove property, pay expense and
take her away. WM. ZIEGLER.
Fon SAT7o, 0110 buggy, cutters light wagon,
set of light single harness, two spray pumps,
Favorite" No, 0„ churn, three ladders
21, 10 and 11 feet long and a quantity of clear
pine and maple lumber. M as. 0UTnrra
Turnberry 80,North.
Po$into dozen vane seated ohaire and a side.
board for sale at a great bargain. Ask at Tria
r coal at 0.60 per ton.
APEW tons of pea S
Ease FOR RAmonrao.-Barred Rook, 0. A. 0.
bred to lay strain, 21.00 per 16 or t6,00 per 100.
ED. FUL'roN, R. R, No, 2, Brussels, Phone286,
Smooht FOR 9ALe. 1 Fresh ndlk oow land
calf, 1 Springerpand a young Durham grade
Grley.AC apbrook P McIntosh, Phe 658.'ll, Con. 12,
Rosie Oomb Brown Leghorn eggs for Bale.
81.00 per setting. W. S. SooTT, Brussels.
A strains. of young cattle for sale. Phone
0616. EAiavay DODsoe, Ethel,
DWELTTND rooms to let above stares. Soft
wator,and other conveniences.
I. C. RTonuRD0.
BARRED Recurs, 0. A, 0. bred to lay strain,
Eggs 76o per 10 ; 98.76 per. 100. A. A. LAMONw.
Brussels. Phone 287.
L1MR FOR SALR.-About 86 bushels of good
lime for sale. Apply to Geo. BARER, -Oran-
brook or A. E. td AonomALD, Ethel.
GARAaa'son Hem -Undersigned offers tris..
dement garage, which le 80 x 50 feet, with
metallic roof, for sale. It Is fire proof and
waterproof, with handy aloe, &o. Building
is well ionated. For price and terms apply to
D. EGAN, Brussels.
Goon brick house on Wilnan street for Pale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All rovve plyoee, bath, oto.
Tamisom,further particulars apply to GEORGE
TRONION, Brussels.
Two'Sho'rt Horn bullcalves for sale. One
a year old and the other 18 months. No better
animals In the country. Terme to suit_ the
purchaser. Have also a, young Yorkshire' hog
.for sale, JAI. SPIER. Lot 80, Oona 6,' Morris,
Box 207 Brussels P. 0. Phone 267.
; 2VOR'(UR'HOME TowN,-IE got. have
'the interest of your home town in mind
you always try to say a good word. for it
and for its people and for the business
places in it ; besides saying good words
for it you should patronize it as much as
possible. Encourage the growth of your
tewtxby makiug it a good town in any
way yon can have the improvements
Put in for they help to build up a town ;
keep your houses well in repair, paint
them when paint is necessary, for this
encourages the other house owners to do
likewise, it Slakes property worth more
and it looks it,. It anything is 'made in
Y Yoe your do all ou can to boost it as
it gived employment to the citizens of
the town. Whatever is good in the
town needs your help.. 'rhe success of a
town is onlykept up try the patronage
and good willof the citizens. See that
every place is kept in a sanitary condi-
tion especiallyplaces where food is sold,
if the proprietor doesn't attend to it see
that the authorities notify •him. -
Hants SWEET Hoots. -I've bought
goods at Glasgow, Belfast and Cork,
London and Liverpool, and then in
New York: •
I've purchased i11 Paris, yes been in
But say to you truly, there's no place
like !tome.
Have been in Chicago, I'm sorry to
I got what I ordered, but first had to
When the boxes were opened I stood
there alone
And said to myself goods are better at
The s'ove that I sent for had only
three legs.
What's the use of a stove if it basn't
its pegs ?
When I looked in the oven it was
cracked to the dome,
Then I wished to old Mike I had
bought it at home.
I'm now all filled up with this buying
I'll bus where I sell my good butter
and tiny,
If the Lewd will forgive me uo more
wilt .0an1 ;
1lei eefter I'll spend all my dollars at
!tome -
Ni gaper
This is the season of the'yoae
fie using \Vali Paper. 0111
etrtek le NOW, classy and moder-
oder ate ill prion, ranging front Oc to •
15n Per roll 13e1 tet' at odes sold
from sample book at whatever
price desired,
is the very thingyou need for •
painting, either inside or outside 4
work, Various colors and the •
price only 60a per quart, •
Payor Hanging and Decorating •
a Specialty. •
Painting attended to in all its •
branches and satisfaction
asetu'ed. •
Call phone 42 and your 'needs •
will be supplied.
Fred. McCracken •
` Smale Block • BRUSSEL•S•
tow, joaltilll ifll1LP, FUI'illuily Dilato1' :
f I srdirle Methodist eithr' has
0 IS. np Lb,
completed his work itt connection with
the. Metropohlau Methodist ehtir.ch,
Victoria 13, C., for the past two yefirs
t ruedto Ontario. r.
has rot 1 u M
Philp' Will spend the palet three months
in Hgnhiltou, when he expects to make
London his henclquerlers
Perth County
A little eon of Oliver SItteey, !vest
of Willnwgrnvo, beoke his colla' bone.
Pt'epaeations have beginn fro' a pro -
glen] of sprats is Alitehell un May
11, F. Robinson, Mitchell, rail c
rusty nail into hie foot. causing a
great deal of pain anal tr lase.
The degrees in Atte, grent;.I by
Rneen's Uulvereity, lfinl,el n, 11H at1P-
ewit, of the recent exaluinalinna, have
been announced mid among the site.
1esefnl 01108 are Miss Anna Me-
DougeJd, daughter of 'Dougal Me-
Dongald, Mitchell, mist Miss 1)ora
Stuck, daughter of Valentine Stock,
Tavistock, who obtained the degree of
13. A. and also won one of the Arte
Ford ich
Wing Rogers ie preparing to erect a
barn' on his premises.
Beet Earns, Newbridge, hue pur-
chased a 5 passenger Ford ear.
Aitthcny Holt., sr., is able to be
around after bring confined to the
house for.. several months with a
severe attack of rheumatism,
Word has been received lfrom Jas.
Sanderson, who is undergoing treat-
ment in Toronto for his ear, that he
is doing tie well as can be expected.
Austin Rowe, youngest son of JIt'.
Rowe, of this village, who has been in
the West for the past 2 years, las en-
listed for service in the present war
and is now in training ab Edmonton,
Jon, Hueeton has purchased 1L new
Ford car,
Alts. 11. V. Armstrong has returned
from visiting in Chicago.
Nies. (Rev.) Riversis. improving in
al still far from being
health, although lthou=h
Mothers' Day was observed in the
Methodist churclt here last Sabbatli
evenitigr Aluaic • furnished by a
Mothers' choir.
Hilton acid Alts. Ashton and Miss
Edith Evans were fn' -Toronto where
the fonner.•'s baby was successfully
operated on for ear trouble.
The annual meeting, of the (lot ria
Epworth • League Wag 'held in the
basement of the church when the fol-
lowing officers were elected :-Pres.,
Miss Rands ; 1st Vice -Pres., Ales.
James ; 2nd Vice -Pres , S. Hamil-
ton ; 3rd Vice
res.Miss Ashton
4111T1ce- res R.Andreas ; 5th Vice -
ice -
Pres, Niles Andrews Treas.,
Edwards ; Sec, 0Greggre ; Organist,
Ashton ; Assistant
Otganher, V.
Steiihtuiiler ; Ex -President, Harvey
George Loohbead purchase d a Ford
touring car,
Agricultural grounds have been
rmlted to T. G. Ballantyne for season
at $20.
Mee. Switzer' and daughter Annie,
arrived home dere after spending the
Winter in California and other
funerril service of Hobert Audersnp,
who died 'Thursday evening, April
20111, was held at his late residence,
the following Monday afternoon and
Was in charge of Rev. W. A. Amos,
B. A., ex -pastor of the Presbyterian
church here. Revds. Mr. Marshall
and Dr. Hussey assisted in the service.
Interment was made in Donegal
cemetery. Ale. Anderson was one of
Atwood's most highly respected and
progressive citizens,' having lived here
for about 40 years, He was a cooper
by trade and for years conducted a
cooper business. On giving up this
line of work Mr. Anderson took
charge of the grain elevator', which he
managed for several years. 'Pot some
time he had lived retired. lie was a
Staunch Liberal and in religion tvas a
Presbyterian, being one of the leading
Members of the Board of Management.
He took a deep interest in the Sunday
School of which he Wag Superintend-
entfot several year's. In addition he
was also an Elder in the chin ch. 13e -
sides his Widow, he leaves t wo sons,
one living'in the Caltatlian West and
the other ill the United Suttee. 'Isle
funeral tvae attended by a large num-
ber of people. '
\V, AT. S. -At the annual sleeting of
the W. AI. Society 00 the Methodist,
church the following nllitvete were
elected :-Houmary - President, Airs.
S. H. Gidley ; President, Ahs. A. B.
de i's. .1.
1 t mice -Feast nl Nies. Garr r is
Mains 21rd Vice -President, resident Nies. R.
Taylor ; Recording-Seci 1Lat y 511'8. J.
Oolclough : Ooreespoudlu Se'u•et1L1'y,
Mi s, R. Wightman ; Treasurer, Mrs,
0, R. 13eese ; Otganist, Mrs. T.
Brown ; Superintendent of Systemat-
ic Giving, Alts. G. Jewitt ; Superin-
tendent oi' Mission Band, Alts. 13.
Bender ; Auditors, Mrs, P. 1-leggitt
and Mrs. W. McElroy ; Outlook and
Report Cnntntittee, Mrs. Gfushy Sud
Mrs, C. Bolling.
GOi.,ER1C1I DISTRICT W. Di, S, -Tile
Women's 'Missionary Society of Hedl'-
rich district uteb in the ,Methodist
church dere in annual meeting 'Tues
day afternoon and evening, with an
attendance. of 100 delegates from the
1.' 1. the district. 'The
various points 11 t
session Opened With devotional excr-
cdses by 'Air's. W. .AuIll ewe, Anhm'n,
followed by prayer by Mrs, Ring,
Blyth and Mrs, 11 13trchenan, West-
field. Routine business Was followed
by a solo by Mrs: Conway, Auburn.
The reports from the diffeu•ont places
were given, alma the 01gatizoi a re-
port. All were 0110nuutgnlg, Miss
AI. Aitken, Goderich, ;wig tt solo,
rafter whichvariotrs questions on the
work were given and rlieraased, The
re-election of Mrs, S. E. IJicks, Gnde-
rinh, as Organizer and Mrs. W. An-
drews, Auburn, as Secretary-Treastlr-
er took place. Tea was served at
which an address of welo0lne Was
given by (Rev.) Jewitt, Blyth, and
�i i FROM
To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Com.
pound during Change
of Life.
Westbrook, Me. - " I waft passing
through the Change of Life and had
1 !j jil f !til'p ! . pains in my back
, ! ff and side and was so
...,, ill�•r_'ei'.;
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vega.
table Cornpound and
it has done me a lot
of good. I will re-
commend your med-
icine to my friends
and give you permis-
sion to publish my
testimonial." -Mrs. LAWRENCE MAR-
TIN, 12 Ring St., Westbrook, Marine.
Manston, Wis. - "At the Change of
Life sufferedwith pains s 'n myback
Isfte pin 1b
and loins until I could not stand. I also
had night -sweats so that the sheets
would be wet, I tried other medicine,
but got no relief. After taking one bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I began to improve and I
continued its use for six months. The
pains left me, the night -sweats and hot
flashes grew less, and in one year I was
a different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continuedgood health
ever since." - Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL,
Manston, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (eonfl•
Mass. Your letter will
denial) Lynn, M
be opened, read and answered by a
Wonsan, and held in strict confidence.
responded to by Mfrs. S. F.'°Trelettven,
Dungannon. Rev.'. George'Jeivitt
presided in the evening and gave an
address, followed by ,a actin by Miss
.Aitken, Goderich. Miss (Jourtice, a
returned Missionary from Japan gave
an address, A paper. was also given
by Aire. Barker, of ..Soaforth, on The
Study Class."
The death occurred of Aii's. Logan,
ofhe Orr line for man
aresidenLt P t y
years. She was 83 years of age.
One son and three daughters survive.
The funeral took place Wednesday.
T. J. McAsll, veteran postmaster,
Varna, died hon! t he effects of blood -
poisoning May 3rd, after an illness of
five weeks' duration. A sliver, deep
i • the skin i 1 the magi's hand
under t h
1' t hie h
bought on the pohsot ing, v h
later resulted seriously. The late Mr.
eicAsh was iu his 03rd year. • Besides
his wife, one daughter and one son
A const of the unoccupied louses
in town made recently showed nearly
F. R. liodgens was seleoted Secre-
tary in succession to James Mitchell
for Board of Trade.
Both dredges are haul at 'vo)'k
cleaning out the channel leading to
the pier entrance.
55 babies were photographed by R.
R. Sallows on Monday of Inst week,
the accaeinu of his anneal baby day.
Mts. David Brown had the mis-
fot'tune to fall downstairs and break
her arm. •
Goderich is grouped along with St.
Marys, London and 1Vio hum, in
ban Mil 01441 ]site ,,,)deet' OI0The
!hal loft o Ot e twit o receive li -
L1 t i t tt L t iso 1
sth'urL)ans Ill the \130!'11 of ilia 11e19
i' '. bion in I he Arc hi you thent'tnieu1.
Mies UMW, applied foe leave of ab-
sence for May and June on account, of
1 A I a rl J t t e 1
!tet• health, which was !imolai,.rand
Miss lvltty (lent mean, 131. 1lel10113, WAS
engaged to till her place on the teach-
ing staff.
.At the animal tweeting of 11)0
Menosolfuig Canoe (slab 9'ue8dlty
night, the follows ng officers. were elect,
ed for the ensuing year •--Pleeidtilt,
5V 11. Itohinsnn ' Vic-Preaidenl P.
1...Walton ; Secret y, 1V J. 13w h�an-.
an; 'TretLsuier, \V. '1'. Millar ; Com.
urodore, J, A. LILWlonce ; Vice -Onto.
)hodnre, G. E. Colborne. ; Chaplain,
Itev. J11mes 13ateuhau ; Autlilors, 31.
C. 131heran ttud J. Studtoe ; Execu-
tive Commit tee, (3. I,. Parente: mid 1',
0. Sturdy. The 111111 is in tL tlouriyh-
ink; coodli10n anis It good .season 15
locked f'orw'ard to.
5lmlclay nflernoon of lust week
while A11s. John Madigan was doing
her house work she, wits snddenly seiz-
ed with ae111e f1111e11d(ritie. She was
hurried tin the hospital where she was
operated on.
Two lals, named Mtnrdy and Mc-
Donald, ivhn Were rascally tu'lested
by the police while breltkiug into the
et0re of Stuart Al Hire, on Josephine
street, had their tit sal and were let off
011 suspended RP11tenre 1'c,r (MO yeltrs.
the parents making goad 111e value of
Ute goods taken.
Li stow el
Some of the young men in town
have been practicing for a minstrel
A. Rrentlleehend, J, A. Kelly and J.
Wat'no were iu London attending a
meeting of the Sine ners.
Rev. Prof, A. !shire-t`nrsler, of
Triniby College, Toronto, will coudnot
the anniversary services in Christ
church on Sutlday, May 23rd.
Dr. 3. Jaques, honor graduate of
the Veterinary College, University of
Toronto. has opened e a etre in
1 t. a opal d practice
Listowel. His office is at Rappel's
e o b tak-
Hazel Iia who has been to 1
Hay, in 1131 AICs 0002.51 at the Uuivel'sity
of Toronto, has returned hmne. Miss
Hay has finished writing her final ex -
animations. •
The only Hough Cup Foot Ball
match that Lvill be played this Spring
took place in the rink park when Ber-
lin Collegiate Institute team and the
champion High School team were the
opponents. t on by1-0.
11(1 titlll1(. taint tit Ow ..Iitiloi'1tti
ebut'ah,,Lislnwel,bite Metalled a new
pipe organ lu their church,
W, !lay addressed the Council is
reference to the town taking over the
cemetery, A committee was appoint•
eel to fuvt:stirgi h the iwr 11101.,
Col, McOrh11,uou, Lolldnll, Will be
in Listowel Friday, May 21st, to in-
spect the local corps of the Haigh
School Cadets, The M01)001308 will
taste Mime in the rink part, comnlenc-
ingat0.30a, in,
lehas rch ed the
A. J. Vandh rk pu as
p e
block onWallace acs s 1e t
Loyal Hotel bin ta l t
frim the late G. Zilliax estate, He 1e
going to make dwelling quarters up-
stltirs and transform the downstairs
into a largeetol'e where he will con-
tinue his present business and also
conduct a fettle pr educe. store.
BY -law No. 0135 to 1'aiee 4 way of
debentures the 011111 of $17,000, auth-
orized by an actin the Legislature of
the Province of 01itario, was passed._
;;12,007 is needed for the overdraft in
r.Duueetion with the lvatelworks plant
and $51100 is needed to pay an acoum-
uhited ,'vela eft on general ac0otlnt.
Dellen 1 in es will be, sold with interest
at 5 ,I;r, p1•r arurern payable fu 20 .equal
tho bane of old age
isnot tube cured
by harsh purge -
fives; they rather
a 'avata.the
n e r a Featle,
k r.n 1-_. alive, 050
Ck ,. h,. 1 n Stomach
Ord l v,r - bleb $hey
r it i tone the
: r + fr...1 n the
., ' '.a just
, 1 ,0,1 t. .1 ,x.,111.
'I"�''�.": Prom girlhood to old age,
\ these little red health re-
` Palm
icrere are an unfailing
//f. _f,•�. guide toanaclthy. oerand
' ;r clean, ealth normal
a ft h n r
a Take h
y atom a
rsat ash and o -
mentat on, and fer-
headache, and ape
headache, have all
gone by morning.
All druggist., 26c.,
or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine
Company, Toronto 12
Woman's best friend.
♦•0••4.444.444•••••4.00.4♦ 440,••4',0,.t0a'••♦•♦•••♦♦••1
0 F EEi®
• g I� E s 4'
a •
v+ r r i
.1 t 1�' ' 5 dr r� i!.` •4
• �,1}. 11, test
6 •"r •
t•• Beginning April 15th ••
• \\\\\\\\\\\\`�1 ••
Dinner Set•
• $25.00 Buckingham 91 Piece •
• • Given away FREE to the one who guesses •
e the closest to the number of beans in a jar. A ••,
♦ guess given for every dollar's worth of goods ••
4 purchased. •
• Our stock of Ger eral Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ••
• Shoes, &c., is large and well assorted.
p New lines of Wall Paper to hand. •
• •
Leitch's General Store ••
group 8, Interluediate series, 0. A, L. • •
A. 0 •4440400e+.0o 4••ctt4c044••♦®¢•Ae00004040•04••4444.•••••
M y,g
Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this
8 -foot auto -oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with oil for a
year or more.
The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, known the world over as "the windmill which runs when all
others stand still." This now windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in
much less wind than that well known windmill.
The two Targe gears, which lift the lea3 straight up, are each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and must take its half of the load at all times.
The auto.ollcdwiadmill,withitsdupiicate gears and two pltmenlilting theload etralghtup, is un•
breakable. Every Moot mill is tested under a pumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump
red. For the larger sizes the load is proportionately greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbreakable. We venture the assertion
that this is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested,
best oiled. most nearly perpetual, automatic and self-
sufficient of any machine of any kind ever made
for farm Work and the most nearly fool -proof.
art of the furl-
There vn
device when the mill s educing and very
t �t is wheel is furled,
little whenthe
�mnnummm�nn numnul 11111111111111
child canoas;lylf ort this
windmill or an automatic regulator can
takecare of it. One of these radishes been furled
10,000 times in one day by a man on our premises -more
times than it would ordinarily be farted in 30 years of service.
A band brake, of tic automobile type, is used, and it always holds.
The gear case con sins two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction was hers le the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not a drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with oil.
1f you are tired of climbing a windmill tower; if you are tired of buying repairs
and having them put on; or, if you are tired of waiting for o big wind, let us fur-
nish you an unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going mill to go on any old tower. It
costs but little and you will get the difference between no water dnalight wind
end an abundance of water in almost no wind. The flooding of all'the working
parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to ciinhb it. Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oil, if needed, and inspect the mill.
Running water purifies itself -stagnant water, standing water, collects and retsina Impar- 1
lties. If you Pump from your well constantly all the water it!can spare, the water that comes
In to takeits place will he pure. If the writer in yowl• well stands until yon bantam to wantaome,
and you pump but little, then it is likely that surface water will now into ft, and.carry in Im-
purities. The unsafe well is the one that has standing water. A flowing stream is Clothing to be desired.
The auto -oiled windmill makes all this possible as it can run from one year's end to the other with
pmcttenllyno wear and no cost. If interested, write Aermotor Co., 1146 So. Campbell Ave., Chicago. .
Why not have flowing water, cool in summer and warm In winter, always fresh and pure? It
will cost next to nothing. It will give health to your family and stock. Let the water run Into a
to irrigate
your size and.
make 11raise raise meny'sh of the choke na It your family co, , andcosts water hg
your garden and make it mise many times as much ns it would otherwise. Water costs nothing. Use it. To let It stand to to abuse It.
A rill of
101ne. on
thl, wire
furls the