HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-5-6, Page 8Speeial e a �'a eyeit MillelliableIMININNIM Jw + I . nce�ment of acea •+ • FridayrATTHE+ and Saturday of this Week 4.* 1 East Huron Produce Fmporium + At present we are paying the Following I 80c Worth for 50c Palm Olive Shampoo 5oc 2 Cakes Palm Olive Soap 3oc This Bargain for 50c Palm Olive Cream sac 2 Cakes Palm Olive Soap 3oc This Bargain for 50c Have you tried this wonderful 'product 2 Those who have used the Soap know how good it is, The Palm Olive Cream and Shampoo areequally as good and on Friday and Saturday you will have a chance to get absolutely free 2 Cakes of the Soap when you purchase either the Shampoo or Cream. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MiSS THiS BARGAIN TheP.'r?4CL , + Star's F. RN SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. /axil b erns temp LOCAL news on page 5. SBRING moving is on the program. WHAT about Foot Ball and Base Ball clubs ? GAsoLINE bas dropped in price In Brussels. THE warmest April weather in 73 years was recorded last week when 84 degrees were registered on Monday, BARRISTER SINCLAIR'S law office is now located in the Leckie Block where very neat and comfortable quarters are arranged. FORD cars were sold last week by S. Carter, the local agent, to Walter Lowry, of Brussels, and Jno, McDonald, merchant, of Ethel. Two teams are being utilized now in connection with the drayage business of George Henderson. The second is in charge of Milton Lake, LAST week a cement sidewalk was put down from the street to the residence of W. M. Sinclair, replacing a slat walk that had served its day. A new veran- dah will rlso be built. A GASOLINE tank, with supply pipe on Turnberry street, for the convenience of automobile owners, have been installed by Samuel Carter at his etore. He has the local Ford agency. RECEIVED TOO LATE. -A communica- tion from A. Hislop, replying to the let- ter of Jas. Bowman, M. P., in last week's Pose', is at band but too late for insertion this week. It will appear next week. WHILE working on a roof at W. Hem. ingway's, Grey township, James Bur- gess strained the muscles of one leg near the ankle and it troubles him yet but we hope be will soon be as lively as ever. HYMENEAL. -Last week Miss Mildred Little, who was assistant milliner in Miss Mary E. Ross' store, went to Shel- burne, Ontario, where she was united in marriage to J. D. Richardson, of the same town. We wish her and her husband a large number of the joys of wedded life. WORKMEN are busy this week fitting up the premises in the Backer block for Bneker Bros„ who will move their butcher business there when the altera- tions and improvements are complete They will occupy what was formerly W. M. Sinclair's office and J. G. Jones, jewelry store. ANOTHER $goo GONE. -Law is a very "ticklish" and a very expensive game to indulge in especially when you lose. It's like buying a prize package, there may be nothtng In it but popcorn. Some of the decisions given by Judges and Courts are peculiarly peculiar. Brussels bas dropped considerable good coin into the legal hopper since its incorporation and received in return chaff. We are very slow to take the hint. OPTICS, -J, G. Jones has been follow- ing up a correspondence course of study on Optics and will go to Toronto on Saturday of this week to acquire furth. er information along this interesting work. Webelieve tt ishis intention to dealing open an office in the near futured I g in optical goods, &c. 11 is 25 years since he and Barrister Sinclair moved to the block which they vacated this week, Mr. Jones has handled a stook of spec- tacles in connection with his jewelry y business for years. s CALLED IteOUN Y C MANHOOD. -WE are very sorry to bear that Gerald Ed- mund Broadfoot, second son of James Broadfoot, proprietor of the Royal George Hotel, Autigonish, N. S., was called away on Sunday night, April 18tit aged el years. He took ill with spinal meningitis a weeks previous and died at St. Martha's hospital, Autigonish. He was a willing, obliging, young man and ever courteous to the patrons of the hotel and all others with whom he mime in contact. His ren sorrowful parents have wide sympathy in their bereavement, Funeral was held the Tuesday following his demise and was one of the largest ever held in Autigonish. Deceased was a grandson of John Broadfoot, of this locality, CLOSE CALL -Last Friday evening Roy Dillane, 5 years old, got in the bug- gy of Nelson Hayden, of Jamestown locality, in Melville Church horse shell, after untying the horse, it is supposed. The animal started out to the street and boding a new driver aboard and being only a colt brisked up its speed changing to a dead run. At the corner of Tura - berry and Mili streets the equine at- tempted to negotiate the Corner but the lar tree rig collided againstthe pop at TIE POST and the harness dissolving partnership let the horse loose. The young lad was pitched out by the sudden stop but fortunately hit terra firma oc the sod banking to the sidewalk, 1 -le Was picked up by B. S. Scott and bur- tied to F,. R. Smith's drug store but it was found be had sustained no damage. sof ro hen O e the vehicle and the D- a w ss her of the shafts were broken and the horse hada et earaches. '!he animal ors few was caught by Ben, Edwards, It was a miracle the boy was not killed and should be a warning 30 leavel; things e ulon , Goon Jos -Permanent improvement was made at the market scales during the past week by replacing the founda- tion timbers by cement walls. The work was done under the supervision of RohertOliver, Scales were else rt fi tied. IN last week's reference to the late James Dudley, the obituary notice said there were 3 daughters. whereas there are 4 The one omitted was Mrs. R, Horsepoole, of Torooto, who was Miss Sarah Dudley before her marriage. ORGAN Recital next Monday evening in Melville church at 8 o'clock. Arthur Lye, of the firm of Edward Lye & Sons, organ builders, or Toronto, will perform on the new pipe organ assisted by Mrs. Addie Wright, organist and others. Get tbe program, ---o- Twn nisch cows 8 and 5 years old for sale, MEW 2 heifer catvea. Roth cows are good milk- ers, Apply to On HIS Seim, Queen street, hast, Brussels. TAMwons'n sow strayed on the premises of undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 14, Grey. Owner le requested to prove property, pay expense and take her away. WM. ZIEGLER. DOG Lode,.-Bisok, white and tan Beagle Round, with piece out of left ear, Any person knowing of his whereabouts kindly inform ORVILLE STIINMIlLEa, Gorrte, Ont. ---0 IT is reported that Reeve John Joynt, Lucknow, has purchased the Wingham Advance which has been edited by ex - Mayor Spotton for the past few years. John A. Auld, Editor of the Amherst. burg Echo, was married recently to Miss Minnie Smith, Essex town. The groom is a brother to W. H. Auld, aa• sociated with THE POST nearly 35 years ago and now of Essex. Tuts week Mark Buchanan embatkeol in the fresh fish business, receiving his supply Erom Wiarton. He bas been laid aside by neuritis and unable to follow his old occupation as sawyer and hence the new employment. A rig will visit the country. THE KIND we LIKE. -A subscriber writing from Lumsden, Sask., says :- Enclosed find $3 oo for THE Pose, from Dec. 1913 to Dee. 3'916. We are always very pleased to welcome THE POST every Monday to get our old home news. BOUGHT 550055 AND LOT. -MTS. Eliza. beth Procter has purchased what is known as the "Father Hall" property, corner Alexander and Flora streets. She purposes enlarging and improving the house and fitting np the premises generally. It is a fine site. R. M. SIecLAIR's Family Theatre front has been polished up in a dress of white. Signs above the doorway and alongside the windows set off the place. W. C. Smith was the artist. A row of electric lamps are placed along the front. THE Pose, was pleased to have a call from Judge 4olt, of Goderich, and to know that he had recovered nicely from his recent severe illness Judge Holt has spent 13 years on the bench and sticks possibly, too close to his work for the good of his health. He held Court in Brussels on Wednesday. CARD OF 'rHANKs.-We wish to thank our neighbors a friend fortheirkind- lyo n bora nd g s deeds and 5 m athis in words during P s g the illness and subsequent decease of husband and father. Our appreciation cannot be adequately expressed. Gratefully yours, MRs. I. DUDLEY & FA1,111.Y• PROP ERTYS oto. --The house and lot advertised in THE Pose' byA. Somers of Morris township, has een disposed of to James Nicholson, of McKillop townihip, for the sum of $600 He gets immediate possession. Mr. Nicholson sold his farm in McKillop and he and Mrs. Nicholson will retire, His health is not very good. Joseph Nicholson, barber, Brussels, is a son. Dr. and Mrs Stewart, of Woodstock, New Brunswick, arrived Saturday for a visit at the home of Jno, and Mrs. Broadfoo', Mrs, Stewart is a daughter. One reason for coming just now is that Mr. Stewart's health has not been very good and the change of air, scene and occupation is counted upon as one of the best methods of rebuilding and we hope the fondest hopes will be realized. He is engaged in the hardware business et Woodstock Mrs. Stewart has a good many old friends about here yet, al- though the passing years has thinned them out considerably. The visitors have lived in the East for a number of years, Antagonish. N a., being the spot before goitg to Woodstock, N. B. 3350 BATTALION. -The 33rd Battalion, headed by its splendid bugle band, un- der command of Major Ranee, made its first night march in London Monday evening. Owing to the heavy rains, it was decided not to teke the troops out over the muddy country roads and they were taken for a long tramp about the city streets instead. The 33rd presented a smart, soldierly appearance and the results of the hard training they have been having on Carling s Heights is sates v a arent, It was Stated that regu- lar IIP gu- . lar night marches will be held from now on end sortie fairly long tramps into the country are contemplated. A little later the troops will be taken for all day marches into the e0,untry as a variation from their manoeuvres of the Heights, Extras No. i Butter.... , 24c 22C Eggs 2 I Igc 'Potatoes 35 Cents per go pounds Due Bilis No: 2 18c 13C Issued at 5 per cent additional in trade. + ROBT. THOMSON - Brussels • 'i+++r++++++++++++++++++++++++'i•+++++++++++++++++++++++ Church Chimes Next Sabbath will be Mothers' Day. Wear a white Carnation emblematic of the event. The new organ has been installed in Melville church this week by Messrs Lye & Davies. Recital Monday even- tuA Rural Deanery meeting for Huron Co. is being held in Wingham Thursday of this week, Rev. Mr. Page is in at- tendance. "The Sovereign who would have saved Europe but couldn't" will be the su ject of Rev, Mr. Wren's address next Sabbath evening Choir of married men will lead the singing. At the monthly Misatonary service in the Methodist Sabbath Schoui last Sun- day Mrs, Henry Hoover gave a fine reading and Miss Barks contributed a choice solo. The offering was $6 35 Rev. Mr. Mann preached in Melville church last Sabbath morning from the text "Unless ye are couverted and be- come as a little child ye shell in 00 wise enter the Kingdom." His evening theme was "The Great Atonement." A Lantern Lecture will be given in the basement of St, John's church, Fri- day eveuing of this week at 8 o'clock by Miss R 'I'urner, the deputation Store tary of the Zenna Bible and Medical Missionon the work which this Mission is tieing. Collection will be taken up for the Society. The Society is inter. deuomivatiooal. The ladies of Melville church and the Methodist church are cordially invited to be present. At the Communion service last Sab- bath morning in the Methodist church the pastor gave a specially applicable discourse on 'Che great Imperative." to new members were received and a large number partook of the sacrament. A young mens' choir lead the praises at the evening service and sang as choruses, "Will you he a Volunteer ?" anti "Dare to be a Daniel " Rev. Mr. Wren's topic was "The Sovereign who could have saved Europe but wouldn't," re- ferring to the Kaiser and militarism. People We Talk About W. J. McCracken is visiting friends in London for a few days this week. G. A Deanman is away to Merlin for a couple of weeks working with his bees Mrs. Grimoldby, and daughter. of Owen Sound, were visitors with Mrs, S. Carter, Miss Eva Bryans was on the sick list but is able to be about once more. we are pleased to state. Miss Cherry Bell, of Fulton, N. Y. is the guest of her cousins, Miss Edith and Roger Deadman. Mrs Greeosides, of Atwood, was visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Wilton, dur- lug the past week. Miss Richards. who has spent the past Winter here at the .home of her rother left for Bayfield field this week. v Miss Lil. Lamont returned to Pees - water locality with her sister, Mrs S. Bell, where she will visit for a while. Mrs. John Manning is back from Fiesherton and is arranging to go to the Westforacontinuation of her holiday. e S Mis e, Annie and Jennie Brodie, of Seaforth, were visitors with Mrs. Thos. Ritchie, Mill street. dpripg the peat week. C. Hewitt and Roy Peter, of Bervie, were visitors at the home of John Hunt- er, Brussels, for the week end, The young men are cousins. andH. and Mrs. Galbraith and Wilma Mrs. Jas. Bowman were at South- ampton last Sunday to see Russell and. Mrs. Wheeler. The trip was made in the former's car. Among the list of wounded in couneo- tion with the war last week was Pte. John Thornton, who went from Wood- stock. He is a cousin to Mrs. D. M. Scott, of Brussels. Rev, D. Wren, J, T. Wood, F. H. Gilroy, Fred. Wood and Cleve. Den - bow motored to Listowel Monday even, ing to attend the special union services being held there by Rev. Dr. Gordon, of Winnipeg. Mrs. (Rev.) Mann and son, Man, went to Grimsby last week for a short visit with relatives and friends. Rev. M. Mann foiloeed on Monday. They also attended the Wonten's Missionary Convention at Hamilton this week, Dr. Finlay Fraser, who bas been as- sistant in the Dental office of Dr. Jas. Strachan, at Fort, William, has opened an office on his own account at Sudbury. We wish him success. Dr. Fraser is a son of Malcolm and Mrs, Fraser, King street, Brussels. Principal 5, 5, Scott was taken ill Monday night withacute in f estio 4 and threatened appendicitis. Medical attendance was promptly secured and T the patient relievedhere was no school in bis department on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mrs.' Scott was away at Coltittgwood visiting at her old home but had a hprry past pack. Mrs. Gordon McDonald and Miss Margaret and •Miss Margaret Hirons spent Sunday in Myth, Harry Fox, of the Bank of Nova Scotia staff, Brussels, is holidaying at Toronto, Whitby and other points. Rev. Will Jewitt, who is a student at Victoria University Toronto. was here on a visit to les grandparents. He will spend his vacation as associate pastor at Woodereen Methodist church, the Queen city Mrs. lames Duncan, who was real ill with pneumonia, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nesbit Hamilton, At- wood, was able to come back to Brussels last week. She is now visiting at Francis Duncan's, 4th line, Morris. Mrs. A. McGuire was. at Blyth last Tuesday attending a meeting of the Co. W C. T, U Executive, arranging for the Co Convention which will be held in Brussels in July next. Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion President, is expect. ed to address the Convention. Mrs. McGuire is the energetic President of Brussels Branch. BRUSSELS SCN00L REPORT Form III - Easter Test M Meehan71 L iackson ....64 W Lott 7o I 4cLauohlin...6t H Work 68 H Lowry so J McLellan 65.5 F Wood............52 G Edwards 65.5 H Det•rnat 52 L Ballantyne..... 65 J Ballantyne37 *J Elliott 65 (part exam ) * missed exam. B. S. Score, Miss McPmeesoN. Report for Room IV for March and April. Examined in Composition, Geography, Spelling, Art, Hygiene, Arithmetic and Grammar. • Sr. IV. - Honors M Skelton 8o J Fox................:7g Pass P Barkley 74 A Fox 65 H James ,73 J Warwick 63 MJ ,osa...... .... 68 A Currie. 62 M Fawson... ....G7 Below Pass *M Carter..... ..... 58 *W Buchanan..,.46 F McNaugbton...57 Jr. IV. - M Dunford. ..... ..76 (honors) Pass H Cardiff 7o H Lott 65 G Thompson .67 V Harris 6o Below Pass W Burgess 54 *S McLaucblin.47 l Mc uchlia47 *missed exams. M. BROTHERS, Report of Room III. Sr. III -Exam. Exam in Comp., Geo., Hyg., Arith., Mem. work and daily work. Honors 75. Pass 6o. E Burgess 84 C Anderson...,. -55 *D Holmes ..... 77 M Campbell 53 M Wilton Stewart .. 6 Ao T5 I McNichol Grf r Baeker 49 Jr. II1.-Exam, in Comp., Arith„ I-jvg , Mem., Work, Geog, and daily work. D Welker ,7..8o C Thompson 57 L Fulton ........,q9 L Conley F Stewart 70 L Barkley 0 Hollinger 65 D Currie F Burgess ,..59 E Hollinger. W James -, .58 J Lowry K McLaren .57 ""M Wood. 35 M Oliver 57 *M McCracken...z6 Those marked * missed school. B. HENDERSON. Sr. II. Examined in Arith., Spell., Geog. Honors 75. Pass 6o, I Milligan ..... ..,.91 G Wilson 72 3 W McDowell...089 G lames ....72 H Keys ..........88 3 *M McLauchlin 62 B Card.ff.. 88 •B '1`hueh 52 F Oliver. 8y L Platt so E Oliver 84 ""E Fraser 25 J Walker 8a **L jr. II Examined in Arith , Spell., Geog Honors 75 Pass 6o M Rowland ,.97 5M Wilson 61 K Fere usou ,..... .96 E Mc Laren A Thompson 8g *G Stewart .5g W McFaszean ...77 L Hollinger 89 G Best 76 "E McKay 55 C Lott 7o *L Snider ........55 D Thomann ...,6r 3 Those market] * missed exam. P. Saloum. Class V -Examined in Arith., Spell., Depdaily and work. ..,.95 M McDowell,,.„,75 Ba lank ne Anderson o S I C V A3 7 I'ver... . ,, o 1M H0T(in a ,.Go b Or 9 ", g J McCraeken....85 D Sieveoplper 80 IV -Exam, iu same. D Rowland go *A Ritchie ,..so 64 51 45 45 3stab1I1ea ver rorty-one THE STANDARD B OF CANADA ASSETS OVER 348,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Absolute Security Best of Servige Courteous Treatment in We solicit your account tri our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BRUSSELS BRANCH, .1. F.•kowland, 0 Err Manager. III, Excellent. -E. Thibideau, R, Pollard, E. Pollard, M. Walker. M. Thomson. Good -Y, Sohwadron, H. Pa axon, H Thibideau, II. Excellent. -Y Yolleck, M. Thomson B. 'rbibideau M. Harkness. Good -E. Edwards, S. Scott, M. Snider.' N Snider. Ist. Excellent -E. Keys, M. Fergus- on, W. Galbraith, D. Warwick, D Lunn. Good -J. Oliver. C.'l'hueli, A. Grewar, R Define. F. BUCHANAN. W.ngham Word from Ottawa has been re- calved here that four of the Winghagl lade who left here for the war have been wounded, one fatally. E, J. Mach is mentioned in the casualty list as dead from wounds in the head. although the telegram to his father said he was severely wounded. Pres. C. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell and F. Wiley are suffering from gunshot wounds. The telegram announcing Pte. Wiley's injury was read out by Rev. W. J. Hibbert in the Methodist Church last Sunday, Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday evening. Present Reeve Leckie and Oouncillore Muldoon, Hewitt and Walker. Minutes of iaet meeting read and passed. Following accounts were present- ed C. Ste & Son, repairs to engine . ' Walker & Black,Board of Health ...... .......'31 00 Rural Telephone messages ,,.. ,- 1 50 R. Thuell, Town Hall latnps 80 R. Oliver, salary, &o., .,,...., .. 45 00 THE POST ae 14 50 Jno. Long, salary, Assessor50 00 Moved by Jno. B:ewitt, seconded by Geo. Muldoon, that above aecouats be paid. Carried. By-law No. 4, 1915, was passed for 1 $2,060, special assessment on Turn- l berry street sewer for 10 years at 5i per cent interest. The receipts for the market scales were reported as 337,45 for month of April by Constable Oliver. Moved by Jno. Hewitt. seconded by I D. Walker, that Court of Revision ou John Street sewer, be held ou Monday, { June 7th, in the Councii chamber at 8 m. Carried. Moved by George Muldoon, second- ed by D. Walker, that Court of Re- vision on the Assessment Roll for 1015 be held on Monday, June 7th, 1915, at 8.80 p. in, Cat Tied. 13y -Vaca No. 5, 1915,'regarding meat, bread, fish, fruit, &c., dealing with Public Health, was read three times and passed. By-law will come into effect at once. - Barrister Sinclair presented the various bills of costs, &c„ in connec- tion with the expensive law suit of Kirby, vs, Brussels, over the John Street sewer. After a lengthy discus- sion it was moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded by J. Hewitt, that the bill of Barrister Buys, Mr. Kirkby's lawyer, Seaforth, aruounting to $277.15 be paid, 'Carried. Moved by D. Walker. seconded by Geo. Muldoon, that Lawyer Sinclair's bill of 3377.38, expenses in Kirkby vs. Brussels suit, be paid. Carried. The last amount included $59 95 to Barrister Proudfoot, who was also employed by Council. Judgment was given the plaintiff for 3200 and with the 3054.55 for legal expenses aggregates the very tidy sure of $854.53. The question of road making carne up at a late hour and various plans were talked over. A delegation from Council will visit some of the neigh- boring towns where street work has been done after which it competent Engineer will be secured to lay nut the work, which will likely include Turnberry Street, South of the Town Hall. Several enquiries about the work have been received and tenders will likely be asked shortly. Council adjourned, WESTERN FOOT BALL ASSOGIATiON The Executive of the W. F. A. met at the Y. M. C. A., Stratford, on Wednesday evening to consider the applications for affiliation. Monday was the lost day for receiving these, but it is quite likely that the time will he extended to the end of the week. To date only 28 teams have entered and at most, uol, more than 35 teams are piobabie in 011 aeries. The failing off, can no doubt be credited to the large number who have enlisted. The affiliations thus far to hand are Hough Cup -Berlin High School, Listowel Collegiate. Junior -Listowel, Tavistock, Wil- liamsburg and Galt. Intermediate- Atwood, Listowel, Mildmay, Monk ton, St, George, New Dundee, 29th Regiment, Galt, Brus- sels, Millbank, plume, Wroxeter, Owen Sound, Dundalk and Wingham. Senior- Stratford, Woodstock, Preston, 8t. Thomas, London, Aylmer, Galt and Tavistock. In all 'melee keen competition is looked for. BORN E'rsiN.-In Grey township, on April 80th, 10I6, rLPM,-Ia Lekeslde Hospital, M1lwnukee, 0 oc n. m. par os n ores e w ,i goy Wie., on A 11118th, 1916, to Dr, and Mre. ern themeelvee socordingl Rol] ie !n Clerk's to Mr. and Mrs ELF nn, a daughter. esday, the. 26th do of May, 1010, a G i k Alt tr i t t d i ••••••••f•••••••••••••••••• IStick , . at • The Great Cold Water Paste sMade instantly • with cold Water + : SC• I.OR Paper Hanging, IWOunt- + 1" ing Photographs, Ses'ap • Books ; for school and Z • borne use and for pasting of • every description, • + • A one -pound package will t • Leake one gallon of smooth, • • white liquid paste ready for use. _ • Requires no fuel or time in . • making, Does not sour and ie ,•j • always ready for use, w • 15•c per Lb. Package o a IF O S s •i ' DRUG STORE • • i The Penstar Store • DIED BnOAnSOOT,-In Bt Martha's Hospital, An- ti onish, N, S„ on April 18th, 1016. Gerald Edmund, second sen of Mr, and tura. J. M. Brondfoot, aged 21 years. FINN. -In Grey township, on April 80th, 1015, Grace Edna, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Film. HANNA. -In MoEillop township, on April 27th, 1016,. Rachel Pritchard, relict of the late Noses Hanna, aged. 76 pears 2 months and 20 days. RonaaTeoN,-Tn Grey township, on May 8rd, 1016. Mary Jane Boyle, relict of the late Robert Robertson, aged 60 years, 10 months and 22 days. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 5146 Oats 66 Peas .100 Barley• e- - 27 Rage Hogs Potatoes per hue Wool washed Wool unwashed 10 19 00 86 28 11 446 170: 28 20 8 90 1800 86 18 Court of Revision John Strout Sower Assessment The Court of Revision on the Special ANON. meet Roll re the cost of sewer on John street in. the Village of Bruseele, will be held on Mon- dpp. m, the the Cannon 15 Chambee Brussels.nrRall is in Clerk's oifioe and o eft for inspeotlon. F. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk. Dated may 4th, .1016..• Court of Revision Village of groomele ^ The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Village of Brussels for the year 1016. will be hold in the Council Chamber in the Village of Brussels on Monday, the 7th day of June. 1016, at 8.80 p. m. All parties in- terested are naked to govern themselves as. cordingly. Roll is in Clerk's office and open for inspection, F. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk. Dated May 431i, 1915, Court of Revision Township of' Croy The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Townehip of Grey for the year 1916, will be held in the Township Hail, Ethel, -on Fred. Gilppl'n, a daughter, (prematurely 1 ogee and opon for tnspeetten. HAMtIr,TON.-In. Grey township, on April 25th A. H. MACDONALD, da I��uBiiker i'. and pars. Thos. Hamilton, a Dated May 401;1916. Township Clark. • • 00 • 00 • • A••••EO••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••OS•••0•••R•••••••••••••••••••s••••••••••••••• 0 • Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren ••• ,,,,,,.0.,,,,,,,,.000„...,,,,,,.0„.,,,,,.,01,010,4,,,..41^I,°I.N.N'W4,PWVh,',u'W+ ta,ii, iupr6+evb'4,' owl, 0,1101Id10h1N%'I0101114P41VII '1104'VOA, W'W'W.iiii •%01,1 °,'W9,i W'i • is • a • • • 0 Progress • • • i + • a • e • • • • • Clothing • • •i U2 stock of Progress Made Clothes is now complete. We had placed our ord- • • ers for these before the advance 'n Worsteds and have the most complete as- • • it a 1 P • 11 • sortment we haye ever shown. The Prices are rights in fact we consider them • the best values we have ever had. • S • Boys' and Young Men's Suits • • • • All the newest patterns, as Well as Properly •Made and Perfect • s Black and Blues Fitting •a • 10.00, 12.00, 13.00 $15,00 7.00, 8.00, 10.00 & $12.00 A • • Il..r}.. I.....ww 11...-..J Suits Children's end I�....� lf�.._! h..!2. • o• S • 1 • o s I • • • •• ••• Men's Suits • • • • • • • • • • • 00 • • • 00 • 1 ••11•••••••••3••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••0••0•••••••• Call and see them. 5.003 6.00 & $7.50 Splendid assortment, Newest Patterns From $2.50 to $8.50 A Complete assortment of Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Child- ren's, Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Highest Prices for Produce. C. N. McLaren 1