HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-5-6, Page 4ebe leusaei$ Mot THVRSDAY, APRIL • 19 1915. DON'T forret Arbor Day, • PROBABLY the shell game will be the Onlooking of the Dardanelles. Peemeo IIA hes cut a wide track in many conrmugities this Spring, par- ticularly'among the aged. Too much care cannot be exercised. WE can't help wondering what W. S. Dingman, of the Stratford Herald, will ever do with the >)I6,000 for r2 months work on that Commission, MANY on both sides of the political fence think a Dominion Election should not he held while the war is on, partic- ularity ati'there is no need for it, Dittmar. surgeons are wanted on the army corps. Guess they would have to have a "pull" whether Grit or Tory to fill their post. JAPAN will "monkey" with China iu s tantalizing way until "John" may give it a "biff" that may surprise the little Jap. Sometimes patience ceases to be a virtue. A PROMINENT Londoner died On Tues. day of last week in the person of John Labatt, who built up a very large booze business. He was 77 years of age anti well off: - CONSTANTINOPLE 1s on the Riflery of the allies, The Turks are giving them a "warmer" welcome than the usual Summer resort hands out to their well- to-do guests, A. Deserve Fos'raa, M. P., for King's Co., Nova Scotia, has resigned. He was mixed up in the horse buying deals be- fore the recent investigation Committee at Ottawa. HUND1tEDS of memorial services hove been held during the past week over the losses of Canadian soldiers at the front. War is a dreadful scourge and militar- ism ism is to blame. $300,000 was raised for Belgian relief rn Old London in 24 hours and New South Wales contributed nearly $144,000 for the same object. This heart of this old world is in the right place after all. TORONTO, "the good," bad another series of prize fights, during the past week to ascertain the bruisers who are entitled to rank in the coming prize figbts at Montreal. Funny there is no law to stop such unmanly exhibitions. It's a nice school for the youth. ONE of the war rumors last week was to the effect that the German squadron was heading toward the Canadian shores to give us a similar "touch-up" to that of the coast town attacks on England. It may be a long time before they make the return trip across the Atlantic if they visit Canada. PRESBYTERIAN Synod, at London, passed a condemnatory resolution on the graft business and the fellows who are in politics for the almighty dollar. This should hit more than one politician. Many of them are four square, however, we believe, SAD news from the battlefield last week brought the terrors of war very near to Canadian hearts and homes. The fact that our lads fought a heroic battle affords small balm to the hearths from which the brave boys left a short time ago never to return. No more courageous soldiers serve the Mother- land than the loyal sons of Canada. JUDGE DUNLOP decided that the sink- ing of the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence river last May, by which many dives were lost, was entirely due to the collier Storstad that collided with her, The C. P. R. asked $2,000,000 for the loss of the Empress but Judge has not assessed yet. damagesThe disaster lana( fi never should have occurred. A CoMMlasroN has been named by the Dominion Government consisting of Hon. A. E. Kemp, Toronto ; Hormisdas Laporte, wholesale grocer, Montreal and Geo, F. Galt, a wholesale liquor dealer of Winnipeg, who will purchase the war munitions. There might not be a nasty taste in Canada's mouth to-dayi i f this plan had been thought of earlier. THE old fable that a feline has q lives received a bad jolt the other evening between Fort William and Port Arthur. Robert Taylor's Thomas cat climbed one of the poles carrying the high tension wires from Kakabaka Falls. Mr. Taylor also climbed the pole to rescue tabby. The result was a short circuit with the sum total of a badly injured man, an electrocuted eat and 55 minutes darkness in the twin cities. Live electric wires are not to be fooled with, South Bruce Conservatives Hama John Purvis The ou es 1 'i ll 0 aervntiv of the Odin of r ng South Bruce held their convention in the village of Formosa Thursday af- ternoon and selected as than' candi- date to oppose R. E. Truax, the Libor., al M. P, in the approaching Federal election, John Purvis, an auctioneer of.lolYhood Otherss nominated wer : W, Beaking, Oult•oss ; Dt', Fowler, Teeswater • John Rowland, Walker- ton ; F. W. Lippert, Mayor of Wal- kerton ; Dr. Biehn, Ohesley ; and John Joynt, Luoknow. Of these, all but Mr, Purvis and Dr, Biehn with- drew, and on a ballot being taken the former was chosen by a considerable majority; All the speakers admitted that in the fight to regain South Bruce the Ooaservatves have a hard row to hoe, and a marked feature of the meeting was the very evident lack of confidence in their ability to win this riding back to the Tory fold, One 0(0010ee expressed it : "We must get a strong man to be our candidate for you know we have the strongest man 111 the riding to fight against. The meeting was addressed by Senator J. J. Donnelly and W. D. Cargill, M, P. P. The following officers of the Asso- ciation were elected :-Hon. President, James Totten, Walkerton ; President, Mr. Brown, Cheslev ; Vice -President, E. Siegner, Carrick. Howick Council Council met in Cook's Hotel, Ford- wich, April. 201.1), pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion of Doig-Demwer- ling, were adopted. Moved by Doig-Spotton, that Clerk be instructed to have all who do not their roadwork charged on the Collector's Roll at rate of $1.00 per day. Carried, Tenders were opened for new cement abutments. Moved by Demrnerling- Armstrong, that tender of Paul Preias for Stewart abutments at $3.57 per cu. yd, and Jaynes Walkoan's tender for Strong abutments at $3.60 per cu. yd. be accepted. Carried. Moved by Armstrong -Doig, that following changes be made in the pathmaeters :-H. W. Laird instead of Adana A. Graham and Hugh Doug- las instead of Hugh Wylie. Carried. Moved by Spotton-Demmerliug, that By -Law No. 3, appointing path - masters, pound -keepers and fence - viewers be read the third time and passed. Carried. • Moved by Spotton -Doig, that the Miming accounts be paid : Wm. S. McKercher, insurance on Township Hall, $3.10 ; W. D. McLennan, speci- fications Inc abutments, 90 cents ; John F. Sothern, rent of roadway, $8.00 ; J. H. Rogers; for suitcase to carry books, $3.50 ; Harry Cook, rent of room, $1.00 ; Fred. Seifert, refund of road work, $6 00. Moved by Armstr ong-Doig, that Council meet on Wednesday May 19th in the Township Hall, Gorrie, Carried. 0. E. WALKER. Clerk. Standing Field Crop Competition East Huron Agricultural S....iety offers $75.00 divided as follows $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6, $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of competition -Fields en- tered for competition must consist of not less than 5 acres and not more than 20. Competitors- Competition will be limited to members of East Huron Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each compe- titor. Any individual can make entry for this competition by becoming a member of the Society. All competitors must be within 15 miles of Brussels. All applications must be in by the 20th day of May. Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to M. BLACK, Phone 36. Secretary, Brussels. Clinton Heavy shipments of fish are being sent to Buffalo from Hayfield. J. J. McCaughey, Jr., has gone to Naughton where he has secured a pos- ition in the C. P. R. station. Dr. Herridge, of Ottawa, will con- duct the services on Sunday, May 9th, the 58th anniversary of the organize - thin of Willie church. Rev. Dr. Rutledge expecte to take his work on Sunday, May 9th, in Wesley church, and will hold Quart- erly Communion in the morning. Andrew Porter, formerly assistant Postinaster of Clinton, but recently of the Sterling Bank, Goderich, has been appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures. Alderman Neil Cooper, who occu- pied a oleic chair in London almost continually since 1890 is dead. He was an auctioneer and was born in England 60 years ago. Deceased was a cousin of Mrs. Rumbull, of town. Thos. Trick receivedr wo cl of the death of his brother, William Trick, of Thedford, who was in hie 82nd year. Deceased had been in poor health for past two years. Funeral took place on Friday and Mr. Trick went down to attend it. Our worthy citizen is the last of a family of 9. Election of officers and teachers for the SundaySchool of Ontario street Methodist church resulted as follows . -Superintendent, Geo A Bradshaw ; Associate, H, Wiltite ; First Assistant, W. Walker ; Second Assistant, 11. Thompson ; Secretary, Jabez Randa ; Assistant Secretaries, Amos Castle, Harold Pickett, Douglas Shipley ; Hon. Secretary, Ralph Tiplady ; Chor- isters, Geo. Webber, 0. Thompson ; Pianists, Miss Plumsteel, Mies Elva W iltse, Mrs, A. 0. Pattison, wife of the G. T. Ragent here, met wwitr a painful accident last Thursday. She was standing 00 a stepladder cleaning the ceiling and in some manner slipped. In het fall she strtlak her head 00 a pail, making a musty wound, and ('�p•'j„1'.i'+*'l'.h,l„I,.(,.1,+++'l.y„p+,i"1„i,a„F' 4»l I'l-++, +-' y,.l„h� ++'1,.++' 0"1.+++14 andFiguresfur Facts Investors 3 1. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4'. d• A Rend is an Improved form of Mortgage with all the advantages of an ordinary f 'i'Mortgguee but without Os dleadvnutagea, Ona properly selected Bond you CANNOT 4 + LOS.. A DOLLAR. Other advantages In eoaectiot with any Guaranteed Invent- 4' ,1, meets, in addition to Interest and Safety, are these :-,1, '1' You have not one cent of expense, d' There 18 no delay in investing your. money. •. + You any invest any amount for any period you oke. •1. ,1, You have no more work than if you were making a deposit in 0 Bonk. + 4, Instead of receiving a peas book to chow for your money you receive negotiable .a. ,1,. securities whlohanay be Bold at any time for more then the amount of your .i. 4Investment. + • Yon may either take your interest every six menthe or allow it to accumulate. + •4. Interest rates whtoh have been high on account of the warare now falling find will ' + continue to do eo for some time Looms. An opportunity for an Investment of this . ,1, kind at these rates will not be available in a short time. •F + It you are interested, whether you intend to invest or not, call on me et any time + and I shall be glad to give youany further particulars you would like. This will not 4. place you under any obligation. + ,1*. Phone 88x ROGER C. DEADMAN, Brussels t. i' ,-+++++++++++++++++++++++44,44e4++++44++++++++++++++++ Showing the advantages to foe derived from an Invest. *. ment in Bonds, etc. Guaranteed Investments at 6 p. c, Present tate 3% 6% *1, Annuli,' income (ate, omit'd) 4• After 5 years $ 35 $1182 4. n 20 41 54 198 + " 475 11122' 14000 l'4'� Also, we will compare the increase ii this money if deposited at8% a with the increase iu it if invested at 6 pe cent, We end that while 4.d' your money is increasing by - 1,460 at 8% it will increase by $ 6,000 at 6% First we will consider the question of Interest. We will compare the income that you will receive on $1,000 that is earning 3 per cont, and compounded every six months, with the income 00 the same amount that is invoeted at 6 per Dent. This is what we get 2,325 " • 10,000 " 8,0W• 11 20,000 " • aar'Phese figures speak for themselves. Next we will consider the question of Safety A properly selected Bond Is safer than the average ]lank and as safe as the safest Bank. • World's Bes Tailoring So declared by Canada's Best J. A. Turnbull, btother-in-law, and Wm. Oruikshluiks, a nephew. 0ALLEn nasus. -Sunday morning, April 25th, one of Atwood's most highly respected old citizens passed taway in the person of Mrs. George Graham' in her 82nd year. Deceased whose maiden name was Jane Thomp- son was .narr•ied to George Graham in 1802, who predeceased her 11 years ago. During the past years of her life she lived with her son and daughter, of tnwn, and was minister- ed to by kindly hands. She was the mother of 9 children Bessie, San Francisca ; Mra. Tyndall,' Wingliant ; Margaret(Mrs. Win. Taylor, Wood- stock) ; Rtohru d, London ; William, 1301110 ; Mina and David at home and George and Jemima deceased.. Funer- al services were held at the house.. Rev. Dr. Nasser of the Methodist Church conducted the services. in- terment was made in the family plot' at Ehna 0 --titre Cemetery. Pall- bearers were : Alex. Morrison, Wm. Bell, Thos. G. Ratcliffe, Geo. Loch - head, Jas, Donaldson and W. R. Erskine. Dressers from Ocean to Ocean Hobberlin Tailor Shops Suits $20 Tailored -to -measure We are Sole Agents in town W. Pa Fraser broke one of her arms. She is said to have lain in a seed -conscious condition for about an hour before she was found. Atwood Samuel and Robert Alexander, of Britton, have purchased Ford touting Cars. Mrs. W. G. Inglis and daughter, Aggie, were at Stratford visiting George Inglis, who is in the General Hospital. He is prggressing nicely. Rev. Hislop Dickson, M. A., 13. D., Rainy River, Ont., has received and accepted a call to Grand View, Man. The induction took place Friday even- ing. Chas. Lucas had the wagon shop, which he purchased from Mr. Ward and formerly owned by G. F. Thomp- son, moved to Itis property, Mr. Cole, Ethel, had the contract of moving the building, J. W. MoBAIN 'DECEASED. - The death occurred, at his home in At- wood, on Sunday, April 25th, of James Wallace McBain, in his 844th year. He had been in poor health for a number of years and confined to his room a year, Deceased was born in 1832, to the township of Cavan, Co. of Durham and was the last surviving rnerubet of a family of 13, At the age of 18 he commenced to teach school for two years iu township of Mariposa, Victoria County, afterwards for 18 years in S. S. No. 4, South Monaghan, township, Northumberland, at the came time he held position of post- master in Bensfort and for 15 years was Superintendent of a large Union Sunday School in the same placer In 1855 he married Mary Niunuo, daugh- ter of Thomas and Ann Mimnm, South Monaghan, who died in 1859 leaving 2 children, Thomas W., Vancouver and Toronto. Annie (Mra. W. Scarlett), lot onto. June 1802 he tnarried Rachel, daugh- terof Win. and Mary Ann Wood, who died Sept. 10th, 1907. 5 children of this marriage are : Albert and John A., Atwood ; Rev. J, H. Me - Bain, Tilsonburg ; Nelson, Vancou• ver ; and Ida (Mee. J. W. Ward) Hamilton, These 7 with 5 grandsons, 4 granddaughters and Bleat grand- daughter survive. In the Spring of 1882 Mr. -M:d3ain with his family moved to Co. of Perth, g settlin on Sth Con. of Eines, where he remained a- bout 5 years, wheel he moved into At- wood where he resided till tate time of his death. In religion, a Methodist, he was Recording Steward and mem- ber of the trustee board of his chetah, Superintendent of the Sunday. School for many years until failing health caused him to resign his loved work. In politics, a staunch Liberal he was a constant reader of tie Globe for over 60 years. Funeral service setts held Tuesday and was conducted by Dr. Rosset, of Atwood Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Marshall. Inter- ment was made at Elmo Centre Ceme- tery, Remains were borne to the aavoiim Wallace and MSaNelsonWad Trowbridge J. R. and Mrs. Code received a let= ter, ander date of April 401, from their son J. Harold Code, who enlist ed at Saskatoon and is now with the soldiers at We front. At that time he had experienced no mishap and was in good health. GONE TO THEIR REST. -Word was received herb recently of the death in Ohio, U. S., of Mrs. 0. Newman, formerly Miss M. J. Bingham, a daughter of the late R, Bingham, one of the earliest set tiers of Elma town- ship. -The news has also been re- ceived of the death of Mre. Rev. Coch- rane, of Toronto, formerly Miss May Christie. Mrs. Cochrane was the youngest daughter of R. Christie, the fleet merchant in Trowbridge. - It is remembered of Mrs. Cochrane that in a competition of 22 schools of Ehna and Wallace in the year 1886 she carried off let prize in ' Arithmetic. Competition was ar- ranged by Rev. A. E. Miller. L. S. S.. Award being books to the value of $200. Teaches from Fergus and Elora were the examiners. Emerson and William Lane took let in Euclid and 2nd in Algebra respectively and James Zerare and William Brown,' son of Rev. Arthur Brown, took lst in Algebra and 2nd in Euclid, respec- tively. Others were awarded prizes for penmanship. At that time J. R, Code hadcharge of the Trowbridge school. He is one of the few teachers MOTHER SUPERIOR ROSARY HILI NOME Tells How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality to the Weak, Worn -Out Ones in Her Charge. Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y. --"I have been at work among the sick and poor for nearly eighteen yearn, and whenever I have used Vinol for run• down,weak or em w a a ci tedP ardente they have been visibly benefited by it. One patient, a young woman, was so weak and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid and was leaning on a friend's arm. f supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me I hardly recognized her. She was strong, C ggnn her Dior choral ng and her cheeks rounded out. These words are uttered from my heart, in order that more people may know about Vinol, as there is nothing makes me happier in the world than to relieve the sick." - Mother M. ALPHONSA LATHROP, 0. S.D., Hawthorne, N.Y. Such disinterested and reliable testi- mony should convince everyone of the merits of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic to build up health and strength for all weakened and nervous conditions, whether caused from over - Work, worry or chrome coughs and Colds. If Vinol fails to benefit we return your money. F. R. SMITH, Druggist Brussels. TOPTURED. BY CONSTIPATION "Fruit -a -tires" Cured Paraly- zed Digestion Bowels an Zed e g ST. I3oNIPAczt Dl: SHAwINICAN, pug, Peb, 3rd. 1914. "I1 is a pleasure to me to inform yon that after suffering front Chronic Constipation for 2y6 years, I have been cured by "Pruit-a-tives". While I was a student at Berthier College, I became so ill 7 was forced to leave the the college. Severe pains across the intestines continually tortured ate and it came to a point when I could not stoop down at all, and my Digestion became paralyzed. Some one advised me to take "Fruit-a-tives" and at once I felt a great improvement, After 7 had' taken four or five boxes, I realized that I was completely cured and what made me glad, also, was that they were acting gently, causing,00 pain whatever to the bowels. All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and take " Pruit-a-tives" for they are the medicine that cures", MAGI,OIRE PAQUIN "Petit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at sot. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa. of that time who survive. Another is Rev. J. S. Ross, D. D., who taught in Wallace township. Gerrie Torn Nash has moved hie printing plant from Wroxeter to Gerrie. Wel- come back home, old boy • The annual meeting of the Sunday School and Epworth League Societies of Orange H 1 church, wits held re- cently, The different reports received were encouraging. Following officers and teachers were elected for the en- suing year :-Sunday School -Supt,, W. Simeon ; Asst., H. Cowan : Sec'y. Rath Galbraith ; Treas., Telford Montgomery ; ' Organist, Alfreda Strong ; Teachers, Mre. W. Sirnsou ; Mrs, 11. Belding, Mre. W. G. fib ong, Mrs. 1351. Galbraith, Miss Alice Edgar. Epworth League -Han. -Pres., Rev. G. W. Rivers ; Pres., Miss S. Simeon ; let Vice -Pies., Alice Edgar 2nd, Norman Harding ; 3rd, Alfred& ro; , Ilowuld Cowan t Ileo.° SSt, nrelangry,4thWellesley kltr'ong , Uor.- Seo`y, "'afford 'Montgomery 11eaa., Lawrence Gal bra i111 ; Organist LUIIe an Rainey; Aest , Alfred Suring. r .•- I April 11th t Tr L UIa Mn1aa;,tN n , the hour: of the britla s Ilttreute, J1isa Olal't Irene McKersie, fit (int rie, and Jae,. A. H tlliduy, of Ho,viclt, were pitted in the holy bonds 01 n,niriatett.y Rev, G. W, Rivera officiating in the rtesenee of about 80 guests. Mise Kitchen, Wroxeter, played the Wed- ding March and lilts Alias i)nris 13a1c= er 1.051 as wr rl 'Lilo lut nou1(0ple loft theflofeollowinggituorming Inc Toronto enroute to California where they intend spending a year. Seaforth George, .mittens left for Toronto where he has secured'' a flood pireitton. Choir Concert in the First Presby- terian Church on "Tuesday evening, May llth. Commencing May lst the Dentists of Seafot'th will close their offices each Wedireeday afternoon. R. G. Winter has made an aeeign- ruent to J, M. Best who will administ- er the estate for the benefit of the creditors. Wnr. .Davidson, Stratford, spent the 21st of April with his brother, Alex. Davidson, in town, that date being the 60th anniversary of the day they sailed together front Glasgow for this country. • Announcement is made that Sir • Wil- frid Laurier will visit Toronto on May 21. Are you Bilious?_, Don'tletitrun too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow tomplexion.Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH &LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion - gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomachand liver Is perfect running order. At ell dranb% 25e., erltymaINN 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto TAKE THESE "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Runabout Price $ 540 Your rreighbor,drives a Ford -why don't you 7 We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before -because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury. Touring Oar $590 ; Town Car mice on appli- cation. All Ford Oars are fully equipped, including electric headlights. No cats sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford car's Will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. 5e CARTER, Agent Brussels I PERPETUATE THE MEMORY OF OUR HEROES 1 BRITISH HERO SPOONS Patriotic Series of Souvenir Spoons in stock. KITCHENER FISHER FRENCH 25r, and other fam- JELLICOE ous Soldiers for a British Hero Spoon in. Genuine Rogers quality is a Bargain. Sold Singly or Y I In an quantity at above price. Start a Collection. Wendt'sJeWelery Store ONTARIO WROXETER Flour Stock Removal We wish to inform the Public that our stock of Flow' and 'Oatmeal has been removed to the i Electric Light ht Cho in i i g Chopping Mill where it will be onsale for the present. W. R. Pryyne & Son,Brussels ssels Frank Sleigner was whirled around shafting and battered to death in the Miramichi Lumber Company's mill at, Chatham, N. 3, Sebtingville flax mill was working 'cleaning seed iuid getting in shape to resume business. ' Wrn, Butson, Hibbert, plotted on his (arm on Tuesday of last week a blade of grass which measured 105 inches in length. The storms which passed over Ful- larton on Tuesday of last week were exceptionally severe. The rain and hail came 'down in torrents. Hail measuring 14 inches in diameter were plentiful. L. Loobv, of Dublin, had an ex- periencein Mitchell that he will not soon forget, He was driving up. Main St., when his horse became frightened at a passing auto. Two little sons were in the buggy with him at, the time and the horse got beyond his control, upset Ling the rig and throw- ing the children out. Fortnriatety the little boys escaped with a few. scratches and bruises. Riverside Poultry farm BRUSSELS, ONT. ' We areoffering for axle this Spring hatching eggs from four hundred pens aelooted from a flock of C00 birds, neeolotlog of R. 0. R. I. Reds (Bushmen -Pierce and Lecher Tompkins etroins, America's two greatest laying strains . Of Rede): white wyondottee (Regal strain mated withsuch ooekorele as McLeod Bros: of Stoney Creek, from their famous prize win- ning laying pens) ; Barred Rooks (O.A.O. strain bred from their heaviest trap nested stook) N. O, Aneenas (the townor city bird, that lives on lees, Amide confinement and most panda - tent layers of any clans) ; Mammoth ,Pekin Ducks,red from American stook at aher ae- , ed ee 96 eggs each green 0 months,. end make ni Ica 0I o In t y o wecko. dada, weighing from p ll 2 lbs, In 00 , r 15k; Price of eggs up to April 20th, $1 60 per ; fi0 piece. a or over g ,ppiece ;" niter Apr)) 20th, 6e n piece. , Duck eggs, 100 per egg- Correspondence invited in reference to in day-old and brooded ch irks. There 1s mons in poultry, even et the high 000E et feed. 15 matured puliete produced me 0)95.00 in eggs in two months, parte of Deo,. Jan and Feb. BORT. THOM8ON. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Cu°htll, lam of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, gen• - rlenrut, d,ceased. Notice le hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Ktetntee of Otetorio, 1914, Chapter 125, Seo. 60, thnt al l pereuno having claims against the estate ertlte oald.tnmea Cuthill, who died on' or about the Second day of April, 1915, aro ragnlred on or before the 1st day of June, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deliver to le S. Scott, at ilrueselsP, 0 , agent for the Adminlxtretrix of the said .deceased, -their Christian and nurnoo0e, addresses and de- nnrlptione, the full pertleulers of their claims, theotatement of their aeeeante and the nature of the seeorlty (11 any) held by them. Andfurthertake notice that after such last mentioned date said Admin)strntrlx- will pro• need to distribute the ansate of the Fold deceas- ed among the parties eutl,led thereto having regard only to the claims of which she' shall then have had notice and said Administratrix will not be liable for the Said PAnet& or Buy pert thereof to any person of whose olefin she shall not then have received notice at the time of Ruch distribution. Dated this 271)3 day of April,1916. ROBINA CONNELL CIIPBILL, P. B. SCOTT, Adminiatratrix. Agent for Adudnietratrix, The People's Column PROPERTY FOR SALE -The undereigned offers for ante the 9 acre Park. lot with good brick cottage and bank barn on it, ad- joining the village of Orenbrook. .'There is also a good orchard, 2 wells, &a Inmtediate possession can be given. Convenient to school, church and. postofee. For price, terms, ,&0. apply on the premises or enquire at Tna POST, MRS. JNO. COATES. Cranbrook, UDUSE AND LOT for sole on John street Erasable. Comfortable house, good stable, weil,oellar, elstmrn, -fruit trees, etc, : yi acre In lot• For further particulars as to . price, 17 apply to or F -tf 8 Scott. Brussels. A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the beet goods in Windmills, Iron and PVooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &o, Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to, Give me a call, A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook Brick and Tile Brick and all sizes l5f Tile are now to be had at the Colep� tl( Dougherty. [YARDS HENFRYN ) e •