HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-29, Page 8ij
Our New S.pring
Wall P
.Aro haying their inn!llgsthese days and will certainly pny.you to comein and
look over our Samples, if Vou have any notiou at all of papetiutt, No better time
than right this SprOag to Paper, as We do not think we ever had patterns that Could
at all compare with this season's, as far as price and artistic merit are concerned
We have some very pretty Floral. and 'rile patterns At 6o, 8e and gcyher roll,
Have you seen the new ready cut-out Borders that go with so many of the
Bedroom Stripe and Dotted patterns. They are a pow feature this year. The
new Chintz Papers are proving popular. You will like the Bedroom Papers
that are to be had at Inc and 122 per roll,
The Brown and Tan shades are mostly being used. Oatmeal j ograins and the
Stippled.'Ingraius, with Cutout Borders .and Base Trimmers will be found
Most suitable tor these rooms, but there is a large choice in the Patterned
Papers as well.
It Is perhaps the hardest room of all to select for, We think you will be able
to find something suitable among the Crown, Panel or Silk Patterns. There
are also some very tasty Papers at from 12c to Ise a roll where an fuexpensive
room is desired. See them.
.TA RI'izt'i�I' Razz war
l�aTd4r `�
Goma Somma Go150 NORTH
Express 7:18 a m ( Mai i 11:22 a rn
Express 8:46 p in Express 8:52 p rn
Camel:Ex rsitMEc'
ITo Toronto To Goderioh
Express 7:52 am I Express 11:10 a m
Express 1:22 p m ;Express 8146 p m
Going West - 12 19 and d 918 a, m.
A11 trains going East connect with 0. P. B. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound., Elora and T
G. B, stations.
GEO, ALLAN, Local Agent.
Natal bebls items
SEE Local news on page 5.
AUTOS are more numerous than ever.
EARLY swimming is elf the progranl-
AWNINGS are once 'more called into
use, -.
A NUMBER of new cases of measles in
HATLESS girls and barefooted boys are
in fashion once more.
FOURTH Division Court will be held
Wednesday of next week.
A NEW gilt letter sign has been placed
before the Bank of Nova Scotia.
GOOD -MORNING ! Have you become
accustomed to the war stamp yet
THE woodwork at the Garfield House
bas been brightened up by the painter's
TRAINER ANDERSON wilt have a string
of fast horses on Brussels fine 4 mile
track on East Huron Fair grounds this
THE music of the lawn mower is once
more beard in the land. People hardly
bad time to get the snow shovel out of
THERMOMETERS showed 820 in the
shade Sunday afternoon and Monday
was about the same.
THE residence of lSrs. S. Stenmon,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, has been sold
to C. Pope, of Brussels machine shop
As it is located very handy to their place
of business it will suit then fine.
THE cause of the Maitland being so
muddy this week is said to be owing to
one of the big ditches in Grey township
having the outlet to the river opened up
by Contractor Gubr,
W. M. S.—The Women's Missionary
Society of the Methodist church, Brus
sels, report their finances for the past
Conference year as follows :—Annual
subscribers, $42:Oo; Life membership,
$2500; Associate member, 5oc.; Mite
boxes, $46o ; Public meeting, $13;75 ;
Rest fund, $2.47 ; Easter offering.
$15.06 ; Flower fund, $7.5o ; Other
sources, $14.9! Total, $125.73•
Eon SALC.—Oneb'oggy;cutter,light wagon,
set of light single 'harness, two spray pumps,
Favorite" No. 8,, churn, three ]adders
21, 16% and 11 feet long and.a quantity of clear
pine and maple lumber. Mas. 0nmruLL,
Tarnberry 80, North
GADNTLn.T mitt found, Onager may have 11
by proving property and paying for this
notice. Te 2 Pose,
HALF dozen cone seated chairs and a aide•
board for sale ata great bargain. Ask at Tax
FAant to rent or work on shares, being Lot
12, Con. 6, Grey, For further particulars call
Phone 408 or see CHAS, Coox, on the premises,
at an early date,
Richard Stevens, of town, who was
canvassing at Hensen and locality, was
taken ill with pneumonia at the home of
Dune. McMartin, formerly of Brussels,
but is making favorable progress now,
we are pleased to state
FROM ELaosE, SASE —Wm. Keys
writing to THE Posr from Elrose, Sask ,
under date of April loth says :—You
will find euelosed my subscription to
THE Pose. I would not like to do with-
out it as it keeps me posted on all the
tbe way, home news. Seeding is in full swing in
JNo. WRIGHT has invested in a fine,this district. Most of the wheat is sown
young horse for handling the Expressand coming through ground. Land is
wagon. Old "Ted" will 'likely be sold. j in grand shape and plenty of moisture.
He is a faithful old piece of horseflesh. Hoping you are well, Yours Trulv.
SPECIAL bargains are being offered I WM. KEYS,
• Plum itIDGE, SASE.
WORK of Th4E RED CRoss.—Brussels
Branch ot the Red Cross shipped the
following list oE, goods to headquarters
last week :—
ix flannelette bight shirts,
q cotton night shirts,
6 surgical shirts,
4 day shirts,
7 pair pajargas,,
40 rolled bandages,
5 pillows,
5 pillow slips, '
g pair white heelless socks,
400z. pairs bane knit socks,
2 knitted wash cloths.
1918 is opening up well for S. Carter,
the local agent for the well known Ford
car, His Gist of sales during the past
mouth are:—john H. Galbraith, Bus.
sels ; James. 0, McKay, Moncrieff ; Jas.
Clark, r4tb Coo., Grey Township 1 Wte
Sebuock, Moudrieff ; Dr. F. T. Bryaus,
Brussels. Prospects are good for
another half dozen or more for the next
month and the good roads are just com-
mencing. Read the advertisement 00
the Ford in each addition of THE POST
and call to see, the cars at S. Carter's
show room.
evening the 96th aoniversary of Odd
Fellowship was celebrated by Western
Star Lode. No. 14q, Brussels, in at-
tendance a4t servicein the Methodist
church. Upwards of 6o brethren of the
triple link, marshalled by Noble Grand
12, Henderson, were in the procession, a
couple dozen of Wingham brethren
joining in the fraternal gathering,
marching from the Hall, in THE Poor
Klock, to the church, Rev. D, Wren,
M, A , occupied the pulpit and preached
an eloquent and most appropriate ser -
followed by other citizens of Brussels mon from the text, "Pure religion and
which added to the rowboat fleet will undefiled before God and the Father is
afford some fun. There is a fine body this, to visit the fatherless and widows
of water at present, in their efiilction and to keep himself
JAMBS DUDLEY DIES.—Last Saturday unspotted from the world," Epistle of
this week by 1. G. Jones in Jewelry,
Clocks, Cut -glass, etc., before vacating
his present store. See his advt. in this
Seem news items as early in the week
as possible. Matter coming to hand on
Thursday morning is too late for that
issue, as THE POST goes to press early to
catch the morning mails,
Soon of the long standing subscrip-
tions to THE POST will have to be hand-
ed over to the Division Court for col-
lection, we guess, as those in arrears
appear to take no notice of friendly re.
minders. The fault will not rest with
us if costs are added.
15th inst., at Saskatoon, Miss Edna,
daughter of Mrs. A. Good. a former
resident of Brussels, was united in mar-
riage to Alfred S. Barnhouse, of the
same city, where they will continue to
reside, The numerous old friends of
the bride in Brussels and locality wish
them many happy, prosperous years.
MONDAY evening saw Victoria Perk in
use by some of the Foot Ball experts, the
first on the ground for about a year, as
the Park Was plowed up in the Spring
of 1924 and seeded down. It looked fine
last Fall but the snow appeared to either
have smothered some of it or killed the
root so that the grass is very thin in
some places now. A few nice showers
would likely make quite ite a difference
however. Let us hope so.
Gerry is the pioneer in the introduction
of a motor launch on the Maitland, He
got the "Maid of the Maitland", or
whatever he may christen it, lest week
and launched it above the dam on Mon-
day, We expect considerable aquatic
sport will be on the program for the
next few months as it is a great form ot
pleasure Mr Gerry's example may be
evening an old and web known resident
of 'Brussels locality, in the person of
James Dudley, died at his home, aged
73 years and 20 days, He had been in
falling health for several months, cancer
of the throat developing. Woodstock,
Ont„ was Mr. Dudley's birtbplace and
hespent a number of years in St. Marys
locality, where be was married to Mary
Near 50 years ago next August. Tbey
came to Brussels South 57 years age
where they have lived continuously.
The family consists of 3 sons (George
and Osiae, St, Marys ; and Peter, Brus-
seis) and 3 daughters (Mrs, John Goff,
Toronto ; Mrs, Setvenpiper, Berlin ;
and Entity, at glome) 2 sons died in in-
fancy. Mrs. Dudley has not enjeved
good health for a number of years. The
funeral took place Monday afteruoon to
Brussels cemetery, Rev, D, Wren, de-
ceased's pastor, sotiduotibg the tieretioe,
lames elhapter r and verse 27. It was a
clear cut discourse on true Religion,
with a very practical application to the
Order assembled. A well sung double
quartette, unaccompanied instrumental•
ly and a fine anthem were rendered by
the choir. The three famiilar hymns
were beartily sung and with a
volume that proved most of the large
congregation were lending their help.
On returning to the Hall, Past Noble
Grand Black occupied the chair and
sheet addresses, commendatory to the
sermon and choir, were given by some
of the visitors and local members, cog.
chiding with a hearty vote of thanks to
Rev. Mr, Wten and the vocalists.
Moat of the Winghamites motored over.
Western Star Lodge meets each Thurs.
day evening in their Hall, Quite a
number of new member.= have been ad.
ded during the past Whiter,
.:.oval Sale
Special I3argaills this week in all 1ineS Of
See the E -Day
Clock Bargains at $216 7 5
Sale closes Saturday Bight of this week; as I am vacat-
ing the store, so you must hurry to catch them.
Rev. Mr, Lang -Ford, of Listowel.
was in town on Wednesday.figMagfteaiTeMENISMINIMBE
AUCTION SALE.—Mrs Jeanet Watson,
Queen street, Brussels, has 1050/10004
Auctioneer Scott to sell, by Public
Auction, at her home,' on Saturday.
May 26th, her Household Furniture and
beloagiugs As she purposes giving up
housekeeping and has sold the hoose,
sale will be without reserve. See bills
for further particulars, Sale at 2
So fit, of Brussels Branch of the Red
Cross Fund, received the ;allowing let-
ter from Toronto which speaks for it-
self t—DaAR SIR.—I beg to acknow-
ledge, with minty thanks, tee receipt of
a huge number of Red
from Brusseis Branch, for which you
will find an official ricelpr enclosed.
In behalf of the Ceutral Society I desire
to thank the members of veer branch
for their good work.
Yours Very Truly,
Chairman Executive Committee,
Tennis Club meeting was held on Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week in Jas.
Fox's Drug Store. A number of en-
thusiastic devotees ot the sport were
present and the prospects of another
strong club for the coming season are
excellent. Prospective members are
cordially invited by the Club to join this
season and eujoy with the former mem-
bers the pleasures of the unceasingly
popular Summer sport of tennis. The
membership fees this season will be the
same as last : Geutleme1, $2 en ; ladies,
$t.00 ; and for new members, gents,
,$1.00 ; ladies 5o cis, All the members,
to well se Cp0etators, are urged this year
to make a personal effort to lessen the
noise wbile on the courts; which in past
years has been rather too noticeable.
Following (.facers and committees were
elected tor the corning seasou :—Hon, -
Prete John Leckie ; President, B. S.
Scott ; Vice -Pres , Miss Lovise Sinclair;
Sec -Yeas., Bub Leckie ; Man .ging
Coin , las Fox, B S Scott and Stuart
Fuer ; Refresbment Com , Misses Jessie
Cuuuingham, Pearl Backer, Vine Bow-
man and Nellie Fox
BEST THING. TO DO —Now go and
spend some money tainted For pure
white lead and linseed oil, and see your
residence is painted, according to the
rules of Hoyle. Your wife may have a
new Spring bonnet, imported and
supremely smart, with- beads and bugs
and doodads on it, a triumph of the hat.
smith's art ; and you yourself may have
new raiment, glad rags that might adorn
a king, suggesting you've received the
payment for tboee gold bricks you sold
this•Spring; your sous and daughters
may be wearing- a lot of togs that can't
be beat, and you'll imagine folks declar-
ing that you abide in Easy street. But
they will say to one another, "He puts
his motley on his back ; he ought to hire
a mate and brother to paint bis old dis.
graceful shack. With bogus pride his
chest is swelling, he flaunts his gaudy
rags all day, but the conditiou of his
dwelling gives him and all his tribe a-
way," Go, get a Lrush that's guod and
dauby. a can of paint—Ihl lend you
mine—and paint your house and make it
nobby, and help to make the village
shine. Go, demonstrate that you're a
dandy at boosting up the painter's trade,
and men will say you ars a dilly, and
pat you ou tbe shoulder blade,
DON.—Tbe Brandon Daily SIM, of
April igtb, gives the following particu-
lars ot the demise of Wilfrid Richard•
son, a nephew of Mrs. Tuo, Hewitt, of
Brussels:—The death occurred in the
city last Saturday evening of one ot the
most popular young citizens of Bran-
don iu the person of Wilfrid Richardson, H. 13. Churchill, of Megaw, was in
more familiarly known among the young town for the week end.
folk of the city as "Ritchie." Shortly Miss Isabel Strachan is home from the
after graduating from the high sellout 'roronto Conservatory.
at Seaforth, Out., where he bad spent Barrister Sinclair was in Goderioh last
most of his bright days, Wilfrid came Friday ou legal business.
West with his parents and other mem-Editor Spotton, of Wingham Ad -
bets of the family and alt settled in I wince, was rn town on Friday.
Braudon iu the year 1912 Here he Vernon Ross is home from the Dental
worked at the boot and shoe business op College, Toronto, for his vacation.
to the thee of his recent illness. On Rev. D B McRae of Armow, was a
Thursday, the first day of the present welcome visitor to Brussels this week,
i favor -
Mrs Geo, McLaren is making A o
ce e 1 complained0
m nth the do as t[d
lea to slate,
u ableprogress,we are sed
i a
feeling and decided tooft erisbP
Cev g lay
Misses uda a. Eva McCracken
from work and rest no He was only Ama and
home a day or so when the attending were visiting old friends in Wingham on
physician pronounced a serious attack Tuesdev,
of typhoid and immediately ordered the Mrs 5 Bell, nee Miss Elva Lamont,
patient removed to the hospital. from Teeswater locality, is home for a
Strauge to say, Mr. Richardson entered few days,.
the hospital ou his twenty fitst birthday, 5/1156 Fannie Friendship, Teeswater,
the 501) instant, .and on that date he be• was renewing old friendships in Brussels
came unconscious. never regaining a this week,
conscious state of mind to the last. W, end M.rs, Bailie, of Elm, were
However, it was always thought and visitors with Geo, and Mrs. Edwards for
hoped that he wield take a turn for the a day or two,
best but such was nut to be for the Miss Gerlie McCauley, of St. Marys,
patient patiently became weaker rind 18 visiting Newton and Mrs, McCauley,
weaker until his now grief stricken Queen street,
parents were summoned to his bedside Miss Robinson, who has been at Strnt-
Saturday and on that evening, between feed, has returned to the parental home,
the hours of seven and eight o'clock, the Queen street, l3russels.
end came. In Brandon "Ritchie" was F and Mre, Longfoot and children,
well known not only in business circles of Stratford, motored to Brussels on
but also in athletics. He was a member Saturclny to visit relatives,
of the strong lacrosse club that repre- Miss Little, mlllIner, was called home
seated Brandon last season, and always to Shelburne, Gr, y Cn, on account of
put up a fast and clever game on the serious illness lo the family.
defence. In hockey, football and el- Mr. Dignatn is back to town and once
most every branch of athletics he always mote on the staff of the Ewan Carriage
ioomrd up above the average and it was works hustling the wood work deport -
mainly on this account that he became went,
so well-known and popular in such a Committer McGuire is back from
short time. Besides the parebts, the Preston where be took treatment at the
deceased leaves to mourn his loss one mineral tenths which we trust will re -
younger brother and one sister. Pri- juvenale him
vete funeral services WAS held from Rev. ,lames E. and MrS, Hunter and
the Family residence, 355 Fifth street, on daughters, of Dungannon, were web.
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, come visitors at the home of John
thence to the Brandon cemetery, Iiuuter, john street, Brussels,
World's Best
So declared by Canada's Best
Dressers from Ocean to Ocean
HobberlinTailor Shops
quits $20
Tailored -to -measure
We are Sole . gents in town
W. P. Fraser
"Loon UP ! LIFT UP 1"— The aunuai
meeting of the Epworth League of
Brussels Methodist 'church was held
Monday evening, Rev..D. Wren, pastor
'in the chair. Following officers were
'elecred after the various interesting re-
ports had been presented i—Hon..Pres.,
Rev. D. Wren, M. A ; President, Mrs.'
Parker ; est Vice Pres., Jessie Cunning-
ham ; 200 Vice Pres.,_Clara Hunter ;.
3rd Vice' Pres, Roy cKay ;. 4111 Vice
Pres., Fred. Wood ; Secretary, W. J,
McCracken ; Cor, -Sec., Mildred Pryue ;
Treasurer, Dr, Hamilton ; Supt, Junior
work, Mrs, le F. Rowland ; Organist,
Winule Long, assistant, Alta Prune.
The nuances were not quite complete
but the year will show favorable results
and the work in good heart, Regular
meetings are held each Monday evening
when interesting and instructive pro-
grams on questions of live interest to the
development of the physical, mental and
spiritual needs of the young peop'e are
given. 6•irs. Pinker has special adapta-
bility as President and will be heartily.
supported by the officiary and the mem-
The following is the report of Easter
test examicatious iu Form II. Owing
to the number of students suffering eu-
forced absence it was impossible to have
every student examined in all subjects.
Those missing tastes. indicated thus *
Subjects failed in stated. Form III
will be given next week. L. Wright 77,
L. Ament 7e M. Bowes 70, S. Grant 6q,
R. Stewart 65, *I Rands 62 (spelling),
*E, McKay 61, A. Fulton 5g (Arith.),
A. Sperling 59 (Algebra, Geom ), B.
Campbell 59 (Science Geom ), L. Rich-
mond 59 (Arith. Hist,), L. Burgess 54
(Geom. Arith. Latin), 5, McDonald 54
(Latin Hist ). 1 Oliver 5o (Alg. Geom.).
el. Currie 48 (Geom. Arith. Spell. Hist.)
L. 'Purvey 47 (Alg. Geom, Science
Hist.), J. Scott 47 (Arith, Science Spell.
Gram), F. Scott 42 (Geom. Arith. Spell.
People We Talk About
E 110}104 OVOr ilcorhhOneYeatra,
4' � Iasi mil OF CANADA
ASSETS OVER 348,000,000
The A, B, C of Banking
You Will Find Us
& Efficient.
We solicit your account in our
J. F. Howland, O0rManager.
Wall Paper
This is the season of the year
for using Wall Paper. Om
stock is new, classy and moder.
• ate in price, ranging from On to
• 15c per roll. Better grades sold
• • from sample book at whatever
• price desired.
• • Flo -laze
+p Is the very thing you need for •
® •
painting, either inside or outside •
work. Various colors and the •
price only OOo per quart, +
Paper Hanging and Decorating. •
a Specialty. • ••
Painting attended to in all its t
branches and satisfaction, •
assured, •
Call phone 42 and your needs •
will be supplied. -
red;. McCracken
) Smale Block" - BRUSSELSS
Mrs. Wm Tackson and daughter, of
Blyth, and Mrs. Harry Jackson', wore
visitors in Brussels last Friday.
Captains Carling and Sloan were here
last Friday .looking over the Military
stores belonging.•to-Brussels Volunteer
County Secretary Elliott, of 'he Child-
ren's Aid Society, visited a number of
the children. located by him, at various
homes in this locality.
Wesley Walker and J. Leslie Kerr, ot
Clinton, and J. Doods, of Seaforth,
motored to Brussels op Monday. The
former is now the hustling agent for the
London Life Insurance Co. He was a
former Brusselite,
Geo L and Mrs. Walker, of Brant
ford, former residents of Brussels, were
in town this week for a short visit.0
They came to attend the funeral of the
late Mrs. George .Williamson, of Grey
township, a relative.
13 G McLauchlin, of Chesley, a
former Brusselite, was cbasen President
of the Bowling Club of that . town.
Dune, has always taken a great interest
in athletic sports and for years followed
up foot hall with more than ordinary
vim. He was a member of Brussels
team in former championship days.
Church Chimes
There are 5 Sundays in May.
The Presbyterian Synod ot Hamilton
and London met in London this
Monthly missionary program will be
given next Suuday afternoon iu the
Methodist Sabbath School.
The new pipe organ for Melville
church is expected to be installed next
week. A Toronto firm supply it.
Annual meeting of the Metbodist
Sabbath School will be held Thursday
evening of this week wheu annual re-
ports will be presented, officers elected
and the year's work mapped out. 8
o'clock is the hour set.
Rev, Mr. Mann discoursed last Sab-
bath inoruing in Melville church on a
Missionary theme and in the evening
pointed out four proofs for Christ's
Divinity. Next Sabbath morning the
ordinance of baptism will be performed,
Regular gnsrtetly Communion will be
observed next Sabbath in connection
with the Methodist chef eh Testimony
service at lO a 011. in the Lecture room.
pastor, the theme bele
lead by the g
Lr to n stn
The power of faith." a hl
O'clocfollowed by the Sacramental
service. Subject of sermon, "The great
imperative." In the evening a sbort
series of discourses will he commenced
on "Four European Sovereigns in the
limelight," the topic being "The
Sovereign who could have saved Europe
but wouldn't." Choir of young men
will lead the singing.
Reeve John Joynt's name is men-
tioned as a probable candidate in
Bruce Co.
The funeral of Miss Coulter, of St.
Helene, was held in St, Helen's ceme-
tery, Friday afternoon. She was in
her 64th year and lived wibh a brother
for a number of years.
Lachlan Macintosh, an old and re-
spected resident of Lucknow, died at
his home Ott Wheeler street, on Fri -
clay, in his 86th year. The funeral
was held Lo Kinloss cemetery on Mon.
day afternoon. Mrs. McIntosh teat
pveeent under the doctor's care. An
only daughter, Isabell, a graduate
nurse, is at home.
The Lucknow Bowling club held its
stir» tat meeting and elected the foie
lowing ofitcere :—President, Dr. A. M,
Spence ; Vice -President, RobertJolhn-
stop ; Secretary -Treasurer, Robert
Brown ; Grounds Committeet 5', 5,
Reid, 3, Glennte, Dr, Spehoo I t'ouEna•
!tient Committee, R, Johnston, W.
Borne, J. Glleuttie. The club intends
holding a tournament commencing on
May 24th. The members are looking
forward to anloet successful season.
Members of the I. 0. 0. Tr., No. 119,
auLoed over to Lucknow and Brussels
to attend divine services there Sun-
Mr. McLeod, of Godoricb, has re-
cently purchased the goods and store
of M J, Bell. Be takes possession on
TSewart McGee belongs the hon,
or of making the first capture in con-
uection with the aeries of robberies
here, Sunday night. He caught two
boys in his store and handed them
over to the police.
Friends and members of the Lady
Tone Blue Lodge assembled at a party
at the residence of Morris and Mrs.
Beckwith, in honor of Mise Lizzie
Plenty, one of their members, as the
youngladyis to be married shortly to
, Shckleton, a prosperous farmer of
Mise Jeanet Hood, of Blyth, is re-
newing old friends in this locality.
Next Sunday Rev, Mr. Boyle and.
Rev. Mo, Stewart, Whiteohuroh, will
exchange pulpits.
Next week Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle will go
to. Hamilton as a' delegate to the Wo.
men's Missionary Convention from
Andetve:rew Cloakey, of Olds, Sask.,
who is visiting in this neighborhood,is
a wonderful old gentleman for man
90 years of age. Be is a brother of
the late James. Clonkey,
The At Henle, given by the Wo.
melee Institute to the members of the
Farmers' Club, in the Foresters' Hall,
was a very enjoyable function. Good
program of music and literary selec-
tions, an up Gtr -date tea and enjoyable
social time. About 100 were in at-
day.of last week Jerry Brydges was
found in his stable in an unconscious
condition, in which he retrained for NOTICE
24 hours, and with a severe gash in
YES ! Every roll of it from one
ohatpt'st Co papers up In 011' ellh
hnished'Payee's ill $1 (10 pee ',till,
Our cheaper line roniprist's eouieeplen-
did impel% in good range of petteree
and colorings suitable fon Kitchens,
Bedrooms and small Balls, Oo to So.
For the Dining Rnonle, Halls and
Living Rooms we have a very large
variety—Oattnealei.ti 5 different colors
' er effet 80c cts, eP A'80e 011, $$1,00 esotno with fine
panel otfect.
Our stock of Parlors is also very
comprehensive, from a. very .delicate
stripe at 180 to a very handwrite sills
effect at $1,00 per roll.
We will appreciate the opportun-
ity of showing you our samples,
O '
The Penstar Store
more socks can procure the yarn from
Miss McLelhutd The Red Orose
Society is- asking through the Patriot-
i0 League for donations of maple
syrup in gallon 0ans. Contributions
will be gladly received.
4111,10.—.1)0 Halifax, on March 15th, to Mr. and
Mrs Cleveland ADM, a daughter.
ToaNRa.—At Regina, en March 8011, 1916, to
Mr.Turner, nee• Mies
Per and Mrs. Fred, , Alice e , (
FernI A foo) n daughter, oAFernlea.
Sawn township, r, April alai„
1015, to Alex. and Mrs. $Fair, a eon -James
IvssoN—MAaoN.—M Springwell. Form, Radia-
son, Bask., on April 5th., 1915, by Bev. W. J.
A. Henderson, Annie Louts., eldest
daughter of Lawrence A. and Mrs. Mason,
and G. Ethelbert Iveson, .otPielding, Sask.
DUDLEY: In Brussels, South. on April 24th,
1016, James Dudley, aged 78 years and 20
PAnxna,—In Turnborryy township, on April
27th, 1015, William Henry Parkes, aged 77
years,0 months and 18 days.
Wheat - 01 46 91-16'
Oats 56 60
Peas 160-. 1 20
Barley 70 51
SutterEgg2T IC
18 80
Hogs 12 000 18 00
Potatoes per has 86 -85
Wool washed 20 20
Wool unwashed 18 18
the back of his head suppose( to be
from a kick from nae of his horses.
He is improving now.
The annual meeting of the Green
Bank Bowling Olnb was held on
April 12011. Ot$crrs elected are :—
Pres., Harry Kirkby ; Sec., John
Stewart ; Treats , Wm. Fasken. The
Treasurer's book showed a balance
from last year of $50.50 which Will be
used for further improvements of the
grounds and equipments. The fee of
the present year was fixed at $2.00
and a law passed that rubbers must
be used on the green. Next meeting
will be held April 50th in usual place.
response to the appeal for material for
bandages by the Patriotic League last
week at least 280 yards of unbleached
cotton, a number of sheets, pillow
cases, towels, hospital gauze and a
quantity of pieces of linen and cotton
for wrappings were sent in. As a
result a bevy of women and girls met
in the 0. 0.-F. Hall on Monday after-
noon and evening and rolled about
670 bandages all of which were for-
warded immediately to Toronto to
be sent with supplies for the new
base hospital which is being equipped
and will leave shortly for the front.
It is worthy of mention that at least
70 pairs of souks have been sent to
Mrs. McPhedran since January tat.,
through the diligence of our faithful
knitters. There is another supply of
yarn ou hand and any wishing to knit
Notice fe hereby given to the4.0atepnyore and
others withhr rho Townohip eoftilop in
the County of Huron and Ptoviade of Ontario
That an Inspector ofByIs appointed toftheTenforce the
provisions Bylaw No, b? 011914 of 0115 Town-
ship of McKillvop. A Bylaw prohibiting the
runoutat largge of Doge in the above men-
tioned owlish p.
By order of the Mclilllop Council,
Apri127,1016, a1. MIIRDIE, 00E11S.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Janne
Cuthill, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Huron, gen-
tleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re -
'deed Statutes of Ontario,. 191.1, Chapter 121
Bee, 68, thnt ell penman having airtime against
the estate et the said Js,n o (Rahlll, who died
011 or about the Second day of Aprll,
1916, tore required on or before tete 1st day of
June, 1016, to send by post prepaid or deliver
to F. S. Scott, at Brussels P. 0 , agent for the
Admtnistratrix of the said deceased, their
Christian and surnames, addresses and de
scrlptione, the full particulars of their claims,
the statement of theiraccounts and the nature
of theseenrity (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such Stet
mentioned date said Administretrix will pro-
ceed to dtetribnte the meets of the said deceas-
ed among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which Cho shall
then have had notice and said Administratrix
will not be liable for the said Resets or any
ell not then have received notice atthe time
of each distrihutlon.
Dated. this 2701 day of April, 1810.
B, B00T
Agent for Adminietratrlx. A.dmhli5tratrix.
d•4.4.d••f 8'+l"1"F3••F9'++++4. 4+4.4.4^Na••1444.d'4•d•✓r4R+•£,•F-.+.4„l,•y,h4'4•Fd•++4. �r
000uflcement of Prices
East Huron Produce Emporium
At present we are paying the Following 4.
Butter 26c
No, I
35 Cents per 90 pounds
Due Bills
No, 2
Issued at 5 per cent additional' in trade.
ROBT. THOMSON Brussel, ”.
+++++++++44444444444441FN 44++'N'1+'kik.+44 !'N.i!'N.3'dt`f ++40i!!'h imr+