HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-29, Page 5,ENROL NOW
at the
Thnrough_Ooneses taught by E
CompeLeut Teachers.
For particulars address—
I.fetowol, Ont.
?ha ✓aaGA aOreiitelt fire etravlm"raar��
A .e /ro LIMITED
®tAr I ,RIO
rase in foe Peet piece, shhet. 60.4
t Y - • Borrieter, 8olloltor, Conveyancer
Notary Public, dto, Otl eo-8toweres Block
l door North of Central Hotel.
$oileltor for the Metropolitan Sauk,
o nen,' will sell for better prloee, to
better' men, in less time and lees ohargea
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't obarge anything. Batesand orderr
can always be arranged at this 11Re0 orb)
p oreena, applioatlon,
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
rt' 95Ki' : StWToronto
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
r\Maar Colleges close for Vacation at
Slid -Summer. Our College does not
is strictly. liret•olaea• None better In
Canada, Enter WOW so 0e to take a
ogltion In the earl Fa1L •
One roan•
ate a hone ;—"My new position pays.
throe times ant I got nt ag ohms
school tele Chen fcur years ago gnat
I re plan to oyouolg .your aCollege."
we placed this young uranin w pining
after gain. Oat and have sow placed
him again. L`etnlogue tree.- vac
to car. Young and j W. J. ELLIOTT,
Fr9G, Charles Stn. 1 Principal.
16-ai F vo.,itytarg a`ratr,va'vrazeiiwgrrrz-4 ^^^
31 Ontario' s Best Practical Training 11
Srhoul. We have thorough courses
/ 0 and experienced lo9truetore in each of
la our throe departments— .4
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
0 Our gradnntem auceeed and you ehonld
rend our Jorge, free catalogue. Write
for it
at onto.
D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal.
Best Brains
10 Canada have pnrtloipatedin the pre.
potation of our splendid Homo Study
Courses in Banking, Economies, Higher
Accounting, Cnrnmercinl Art: Show
Card Welting, Photography, JournOl-
lanShort Story
wBookkeeping, Sote work
which most interests you mid write us
for pertloulnrs. Address
391.7 Tonga Bi.,. Toronto
Tlwusnudo of ambitious ynnngpee•
pie ere fast preparing19, their own
hones to occupy lucrative l,oeitiolla no
stenographer's, boniii,eeporo, Labium.
pliers, civil servile to in feet every
ephero of activities. Yon may apish et
college If you go wlet. Ponil.ione guar-
anteed, Enter college any day. Iudi-
vidunl tuatrttotiett. Expert teachers.
Thirty years' experience. Largest
trai,,era in Moeda. Seven colleges,
Special course for teachers.
Aft:dieted with
aCommercial_ Ed
Soo fCanada. .
School lou famous Spotou Business Col-
Wingham Business
RHO. 5900300, W. I% moan.
President, Principal,
Buelnw*s Oesyds Accoaplee to the censors a fatly to be
in style must weer buttene. this is
t/AS, where a man has ,the advantage, He
oan Wear a Ilot'aesll. D nal].
VETERINARY SURGEON. Better than giving the ballot to the
Supoasaor to fe, H, Moore, Olfaa et Ander. Canadians in the tregehes would be to
aoa Bros, Livery stable, Bruasole. U etepheae hold off a general election Datil next
No, ae' year, by which tine it is hoped the boys
T. T. M' RAE
M, B., M. C. P„ R S,• O.
M. 0, H., Village of Brussels,
t%ryeicim; Surgeon, Aauuaohour
Office over Standard Dank
Beohelor of Medicine, Univeretty of Toronto ;
Licentiate of Oollege of Physicians and Sur-
geone Ontario ; ex -Senior Reuss Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr,
A,MoKevey,Smith Block, Brussels,
ural phone 46,
M,B.. M.C.P.@ S. 0.
198 Blour etreet East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinical aaalotant in Her, Mose and Throat de-
partment New General Hospital, Toronto ;
.Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bow
ton ; late Senior Resident Surgeon blabs, Ilye
3k Ear Infirmary ( late Clinical aeaiatent to
Nose and Throat department Maes, Gen. Hoe•
pita] • late House Surgeon Toronto. General
Hospital. tOe'In Brussels by appointment,
Physlelen and Surgeon; Post Greduetecoursee
London (Eng.), New Rork- and Chicago Hos•
Mesta, Special attention MT/disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested- fon glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of RoyalCollege of Dental Sur-
geons of Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In Ward Block, Wingham
Phone 290. Post' Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario- Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Office opposite
Irloar,Mil1, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
III., is prepared to test eyes and tit glasses at
her office over Grower's Resthurant, Bruesele,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of every
week. Office hours Ito 8 p, m,' Forenoons
by appointment,- Phone 1219,
Barristers, sem: tote, Notaries Public,
OfBae on the Square 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at loweat rates.
W. PRouDFOOT, R. 0. .r. L, HILLMAN
WM. PROlmroo0'JR..
/.oral Cletus Items
RHUBARB pie has arrived,
SATURDAY will be May Day.
ARBOR Day Friday of next week.
Couxeuo, meeting next Monday even-
Moss Alice Wilton visited t
d a Atwood
last week.
ROUTE cardsprinted art ted ou short notice
ARE your premises ready for, the
Sanitary Inspector?
THE foot bridge was put back in its
place last Saturday afternoon. It's a
bandy route to a good many.
IT stands to reasou that a newspaper
which euters every home in the town
should he the best advertising medium.
MRs. Nesbit Hamilton, Atwood, was
a visitor in town last week. She came
to attend Miss Bertin Sharpe's funeral.
ANSWER your te'epllone call promptly
and save Central from repeats and be
fair to the party who wishes to speak to
AN 8 day regulator has been placed in
the Lodge room of Western Star Lodge,
No. 1417, I. O. O. F., purchased from
Jas. G. Jones.
THE derrick for h.s g
ndlio stoup and
granite at A. E. Hersey's marble works
was moved to the new shop. corner Mill
and Elizabeth streets last week.
MRs. ino. Cardiff, who has been
spending the Wiuter with her daughter,
Mrs. H; Bartliff, Clinton, ,has returned
to her h•.me, Princess street, Brussels.
MITCHELL Advocate celebrated its
55th birthday lis veteran owner, W.
R Davis, commeuced thepaper,and has
beau at its head ever since. This is a
great record.
Tpgsn,ty of last week, B. F. Carr, of
Wroxeter, received a telegram convey•
ing the sad news ofthedeath of his
brother-in-law, T. H. Peel of Toronto
Deceased was
as d a brother of Robe Peel,'
6th Con of Howick, near Fordwich,
EVERY newspaper publisher in Chu
ads will heartily agree with Charles`
Young, publiutlt,<r et the Cornwall Free
holder, when he says to his readers the;
no line of business has been harder hi'
by war conditions than newspaper pub
IN the Canadian schools it has herr
the custom for years t.t observe Arbor
Day in a greater or less degree 'rhes
custom should receive increased a' ten.
tion from educational bodies and tlh
general public, for the couutty has a
great need for the planting of more trees
and shrubs, both' in school anti resident -
101 grounds. Friday of next week will
be Arbor Day,
OIL CASE nl'MlOSED —Tile Essex Free
Press of last week sari—Chief of Police
Doan, of Essex, laid an iuformatioo be-
fore P. M. Beaman against A. C. Davey,
representative for the Columbus Oil Co.,
of Columbus,'0 iio, who had been en
gaged for some days da ivei'Insoi to
purchasers in this vicinity, who had
given orders for same a few months
ago. The representative was charged
with violating the transient traders' by-
law. The case was }lento] on Saturday
alternoon and the charge dirmissed.
This Company is doing business in this
manner in different parts of the pl•ov
' i 1Ce
q antd through the
section and takes tle�orders oand their
represcntatives deliver same The cam-.
parry have delivered tgo druids of coal
oil a Essex t ss x station the price charged
nein 144c. per allon. When the local
merchants sell oil at 16c. a gal, ins -gal.
lots, and the purchaser is not induced to
purchase a large drum to secure this
price, it will be seen that the purchasers
of the oil have not been getting such a
bargain as the sellers would have us be-
will be bade home again,
Etrtoeenteet Reporter r "Gordon lies
left for Goderich, where he Will again
take a position wilt Win;- Birmingham
& Co,, the cotitrectors who built the
breakwater here last ,Snootier." 'rh
young gentleman Is a grandson to Liu
veteran t3russellte, David Ross,
(tenor potatoes wonted. D. i7. Roes.
A FsW tons of pea coal at $0,60 per. top,
R. HnnnnneoN.�
Boon FOR HATCHING.—Barred Rook, 0. A. O.
bred to lay etrnin, 1 00 per 16 or $6 00 per 100,
ED. FULToN, R, R. NO, 2,. Bruasele, Phone 286.
STOOK 900 SALL,-1 Fresh milk cow land
calf, 1 Springer and a yyotnlg Durham 'grade
bull. Apply to J. P. MolntoeU, Lot 21, con, 12,
Grey. Ornnbrook P. 0. Phone 668
909,10005 waited. at MoOraoken'e. Phone,
46 or 27 for partioulnre,
Boss Comb Browi, Leghorn eggs for sale.
$100 per setting, W. S. Boos•T, Brussels.
Rasa Oats for axle, also n few cows due to
calve in May. L. Ho0LINOea,Lot 1,. Con. 12,
Grey, Bruaeels, P. 0,
A 00911100 of young cattle for sale. Phone
8616, HARvgY DOBSON, Ethel,
DWELLINO rooms to let above stores. Solt
Water and other uonvenienaes.
I. O. 10TOHAnn9.
BAltann HOOKS. 0. A. 0, bred to lay strain,
Eggs 760 per 16 ; 98 75 per 100. A. A. LAMONT,
Brussels. Phone 207,
BATWING 110013.-- 8. 0. Ancona. Heavy
Winter laying etrain. Eggs 91.00 per 16,
1, B. BALnANTYND, Brussels.
BAenao Rook Eggs, bred to lay strain,94,00
R N, hundred.
.m3 s. i4hiels, Brussels P, . R,
Limit POE SALa,—About 86 bushels of good
lime for male. Apply to Geo. BAKER, Oran -
brook or A. H, MACDONALD, Ethel'.
GARAO3 FOB SALE.—Undersigned offers his
cement. garage, whichis80;x•60 feet, with.
meteillo roof, for sole. It ie fire proof Wad
waterproof, with handy office, die. Building
to well located. For price and terms. apply to
D, EWAN. Brussels.
sale good clean 0. A. 0. 21 Borley and Improv-
ed Siberian end Gold Drop Oats. All gond
clean seed, .MARTIN MCNAIR, Lot 17, Con. 15,
Gray, R. R, No. 2, Brussels, Phone MOM
Goon brick house on William street for pale.
together' with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All oonvenienaes, bath, etc.
For further partionlara apply to GRoaou
THOMSON, Bruseela.
Two Short Horn bull calves for sale. One
a year old and the other 38 months. No better.
animals in the country. Terme to cult the
purchaser. Have aleo a young Yorkshire hog
for sale. JAS, SYNTH. Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie,
'Box 207 Brussels P. 0. Phone 287.
e hb � IN
Aifisdistric ddvieg has Month
in this district cluelug the woiotii of
April and rain is much eredud now
for tike Fall Wheal', and grass, bulb of
tvitielt canto through in good eondl-
Janlpe tied Mia, Scott, of Sentt
s Bros„ former residence ul' Seeforth,
who returned from the Peace River
. 117 9 L -
, lt. t
C a Fall to, spend
Country I 1 u the
I Y I t ( \11n -
Ler, left agafll for the Melt and aa(td in-
tend to settle permanently at alumn-
aton or Calgar'E.Pinkham's Henry Edge hardware merchant, By Lydia E.Pinkham a Vega-
had lleoided to vacate the premises table Compound—Their
Own Stories HereTold.
A. Lloyd Smith, M. A , son of Rev, A,
E. Smith, B. D., 'formerly of Acton,
won the first prize in the oratorical con-'
test at Victoria University, Toronle. A
fine career is before this able young
minister Rev, A. E. Smith .was. a
junior pastor of the Methodist church
Brussels nearly 40 years ago.:
W. C. '1'. U —'rhe regular monthly
meeting of the W. C. '1'. U. will be held
at thehoune of Mrs. Leatherdale, Friday
evening, April 3oth, at 7 3o o'clock.
Subject "Phe relation of Temperance
to Missions" will be taken by Rev. Mr.
Mann, The Missionary Societies of the
.various churches are specially invited to
be present.
HEREAFTER the travelling public who
do not use railway tickets or portions of
ticket it
s will he' able toet their mane
from the railway companies without
having to wait from two to three months
to a year for it. The Railway Commis.
sion issued au order last week compell-
tug Canadian Railway Companies to pay
the refund on all tickets within thirty
days from the time of application in
cases where only one line is affected,
and within sixty days when inter-
lines are affected. The order was grant.
ed after the Board had heard arguments
from counsel for tile companies as to
why there should not be prompt pay -
chell, editor of The Goderich Star, has
accepted a position with the Ontario
Archives Department. His acceptance
of the position involves his retirement
from newspaper work, and after May 1st
the editorial chair of the Star will be oc-
cupied byWalter F. Naftel, a to
N who has
purchased a partnership interest and
will be associated with J. W. Vanatter
in. conducting The Star. We congratu-
late Mr. Mitchell Ob his appointment,
His long experience in uewspaper work
will well fit him for his work.
troit Journal says :—'Booze isn't good
in time of war. It isn't good for the
navy. I' isn't good for the soldiers. It
isn't good for the policemen, The first
thing we civilians know someone will be
te'ling us that booze isn't good for us.
And did you notice that Villa 0 talking
about complete prohibition for Mexico
i1 r i s
t n ? No twescgi no pulque, no
In i
•'r N4 r kv 't They've e shoved it
me of IIe'and, out of Russia, and mostly
ut , f France '1`llev don't u' e it in
I`urkee We'll soots have to fall back
to 0 tm'io or Holland, 160ys."'
i Tu Farmers
Reintiie In all kinds of Farm
• Implements—
• Disc burrows ground, sei...$1 80
'j Flaw Points geoun(1. 2 for 25
• Oultiv,ttoe Feet, each,........ .05
4, Lawn Mowers ground and
Threshers Please Note
: All kinds of Repair
e)air and
• work promptly attended
tn. Smoke Stacks made tory
size (1,1(1 length.
01ITrtoter Salva
G to too Intel.
2 b
To Aotomo bilis
• Auto Repairs. We have in
• stock the best Auto (7b-
• tamable atTowest price.
• C. Pope & Son
now uct:upled by tum and remove to
the store in the Kidd Wok now occupi-
ed by Beattie Bios., the latter going
back to its own block.
Mise Minnie' A, Best, Lite elenfoeth
girl, who is going as uutsino Ji,ruten-
antin No. 4 Base Hospital (Univer-
sity of Torouito),'lute been presented
with a wrist watch and address by
Mayor William Anleul oil behalf of
the citizens of the town.
Peter Duoklow purchased the farm
property of Mrs, Jtio, McIntyre, at
Newry, for 52,400,
Robe. and MI's, Smart left for
Michigan wheee Mr. Snittft will be en-
gaged in working his brother's Will.
Ehna Cheese and Butter Mfg, 0o.
Ltd, shipped their make of cheese fur
the last part of Nlarch to C. 11. Slaw -
son & Coe Ingersoll, on April 15th,
Average price realized for Match teas
Tile briek work of the old Methodist
church was taken down on Itlonday
and Tuesday of last week. Me.
Buuscho, Milverton; was given the
contract and the work of greeting the
new building is now in his charge.
31eleoHABLE.—Ail interesting and
profitable day 19x6 celebrated fn the
Methodist church 011 Sunday, 18110
inst., it being in form of closing day
of the old church, which was erected
in 1882. Large congregations wend
present tuicl also a large attendance
at Sunday School to hear Robert
Hamilton, Milbank, who addressed
the scholars. Services at 11 and 7
o'clock were in charge of Rev. Step-
hen Bond,
Toronto, a foi rater pastor,
who preached forcible sermons.
Pastor Dr. Hassel., Rev. Mr. Marshall
and R. Hamilton assisted en the ser-
vices, Mrs. Russel and Eric 14IcBaiu
sang solos. One service was held last
Sabbath morning when sacrament was
administered. Regular serviees will
beheld in the Baptist church until
the new edifice is completed abo t
P u.
November 1st.
The Citizens.' Band here has ,tow a
new bandmaster, W. 1'. Willis, of
Gananoque, who at diiferenb times
played in Ringling Bros.' circus and
other travelling troupes. He succeeds
Bandmaster Hinkley, who went to the
Northwest last Fall.
One more robbery has been brought
to light, the victim being Mr. Rosa,
who conducts a hardware store on
Josephine street. The police on in-
vestigation found in a nearby alley-
way some remove,cartridges files
which had been e t tad taken, andsome cans
of syrup which evidenttdly had been
taken from some of the other stores
recently broken into.
Auto agents are having tt harvert
here this Spring, recent buyers locally
being ; Mrs. I. 13. Johnson, Dr. Munn,
J, Harris and T. R. Holmen, of Rip-
ley ; \V. Isbister, J. Radford, J. Fry-
ole, Dm. A. W. Harnbl Dr. R. .C.
Redmond and W. McKibben, \Ving-
ham; S. Bail and L. Fergnsnn, Tees.
water ; E. A; Sperling, E. Hunter, P.
Fisher and Dr. Bruce, Kincardine ; J.
Gibbons, Luckuow ; W. Renwick and
R. Ashton, Gerrie ; De. McLeod,
Wroxeter ;'.I. Patterson, Tiverton.
The large bares of D. Fothering-
ham, on the London road, I
smithTovnsTownship, were completely
stroyed by fire Thursday. e horses
and cattle were saved, but it quantity
of grain and implements were de-
stroyed. •'T'he fire originated in the
loft of the driving shell, mid its aright
is a mystery.
Du. POTTSmien. —The (leach oc tu-
red of George Jerrald Potts, el. 11., .91.
13. 0. S, tot merly 01' Termite and
Belleville, i'n his 80th year. I)r. Pill is
was for some tiros editor n1' the Lead-
er, the organ of the Omeletealfve
party in °el:ari0 nttnistly. As a
yonug man he saw coesidernble;Lel ive
service- acting rnl li as a Aar'
e 1 111 the
Anglo-French ex d' lou ri ,1116
China, when the 'I'ak,1 f.a'I0 were
taken, twit as stogeolein eq. of the
t'etlerni troops in the An„.ticon civil
war. 1 -le is survived by 3 sena And 2
d•1ug')Leis ; Alni•O ntald T. P.
-erretary of the Journal, fee lilted,
Ute. ; Murray C. Pate, of Victoria,
li. 0. ; Mrs. (that les Ulm ke. of
Victoria 13. 0. • Miss Jessie Potts and
Rev. Jerrold Potts of St. 1 „ul',
rectory, 011uton, whore his death ac -
curved. Funeral set vires were nun -
ducted at St. Paul's Uhnreh, OHutou,
nn Sunday, at 4 p. ul., ieterm0111 at
St. Jellies Cemetery, Toronto, the
following day.
The adjourned vestry Int eltng of
Trinity ()Mitch was hell lee& week and
WAS extremely gratifying. A all] i)11,R
ti' 566 with no outstanding debts was
t canned.
W. T. Riddle, up't'chant of Anhui n,
was severely injured on Wed nestle y
of last week by being pinned beneath
his auto when the machine overturned
after striking it atone. The car was
also badly (hultaged.
The annual meeting of the Public
Library was held last week and the
followingr, officers elected : --President,
Dr. G. le, Al oTaggiu't ; Sect' et cry, D.
1). 01'ittenden ; bonit cnrnutil.teer
President, Sect etar y, li, Thomas and
James Sivas.
Considerable ealisfttrtiotr is being
felt fere at the decision Lnooded down
h lie ''n
p t Ontau Ituiltvay' Board in the
Biyth'1'elephnlie ptu'ehaae ease gro\Y-
it'1g (711t of 0118 e
1 assumption of the Bell
Ootnpany'e local interests by the
Blyth Rural Company. At the special
hearing at Goderich; a decision was
banded down, declaring the deal to be
legal and equitable,
Edmonton, Alberta, Can. —" I think
it is no more than right for me to,thank
you sor what your kind advice andLydia
f:. 1 irtliham'o Vegetable Compound have
done for me.
'When I wrote to you some time ago I
was a very sick woman suffering from
female troubles. I had organic inflam-
mation and could not stand Or walk any
distapee. At last I was confined to my
bed, and the doctor said I would have
to go through an operation, but this I
refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E.
Piolcham's Vegetable Compound, and
now, after using three bottles of it, I
feel liken new woman. I most heartily
recommend your medicine to all women
who suffer with female troubles. I have
also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills, and think they are fine. I will
never be without the medicine in the
house."—Mrs. FRANK EM$LEY, 903 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
The Other Case.
Beatrice, Neb.—"Just after my mar-
riage my left side began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that I
suffered terribly with it. I visited three
doctors and each one wanted to operate
on me but 1 would not consent to an op-
eration. I heard of the good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
doing for others and I used several bot-
tles of it with the result that I haven't
been bothered with my side since then.
I am in good health andl have two little
girls. "—Mrs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice, Neb.
Two more cars have been purchased
in the village, the latest owners being
G. E. McTaggart and John LDgan.
Richard Hoy, who
has been in
charge of theoutside work of the
Blyth Rural Telephone Company, has
resigned and goes to Walton to take
over Ilia father's business. He is suc-
ceeded by George Garuiss,
An electric organ :blower has been
placed in North Street Methodist
Judge Holt was suddenly taken ill
on Tuesday of last week and for a
while was in a critical condition. He
is iwpt'oving.
A. Farrow, Collector of Customs at
' Honorary -President I6 President of the
Western Ontario Customs Mutual
Benefit Association, which has recent-
ly been re -organized.
With the next issue of the Star, the
partnership of Mitchell & Vanatter
will dissolve, 3di'. Mitchell retiring to
take alt appointment on the staff of
the Dominion Archives Department.
The duties of this office will take him
to many points in the Province of
Ontario, requiring all his time and
hence necessitate lois retirement from
the Star, His interest in the business
has been purchased by Walter Naftel.
Dr. A. H. Macklin some time ago
offered his services to the British
government as a physician and sur-
geon at any of the base hospitals in
the present war, and last week he re-
ceived an acceptance of his services
and expects a summons when and
where to report. He now rachis as a
n• British Stn' en Lieut. in the tech arm
andwithhis special experience and
knowledge and familiarity with the
Gertnan language, he will do good
work on the staff.
Albert and M(rs, Edward Bond, (the
M es McCracken,
n' daughter of Jae, and Mrs, McCracken,1 Victoria Stteet,) late of Detroit,
the guests of the lady's parents,
They will shortly remove to the
Cantelon farms, near Holmeeyille,'
where they intend to reside.
V a
li Street tree•
MetbAdiet church
last Sunday was anniversary day.
Rev. Beorge N. Hazen, formerly pas-
tor of North Street Methodist church,
President of the London Conference,
Preached, Tile choir give special
music, There Was no tea -meeting
this year but a liberal thanksgiving
offer] ng,
Friday evening a Dumber of ladies
of the W, M. S„ of Victoria street,
Methodist church, gathered as a sur-
prise party at the borne of G. Al. and
Alt's. Elliott and presented ]tire,
Elliott with a 7.ifo Metnbership ,in
that Society. After the presentation,
which was a complete Rurptise to the
recipient, the evening was spent in a
social 0lannel',
RANsir0RD BY-LAw TO BE Summme'r-
TLrD,—The Town Council has decided
to submit the proposition of John
Ransford, for the developmenb of the
salt industry here, to a vote of the
ratepayers. The By-law is now in the
}lands of the town Solicitor and It
special meeting of the Council will
probably be held shortly to fix a date
for the polling. The proposition has
been somewhat simplified. Instead of
10 horsepower, electric light and water
the town is to furnish Mr. Ransford
with 12 horsepower to cover both
power and light and he will make his
own arrangements for water supply.
In addition town gives exemption
from taxation except school taxes for
the period of 10 years.
T. W. McLaughlin left here to re-
turn to Alanly, Alta.
Robert Lindsay, of Oklahoma. is
tiCongn. at the home of his brothers,
Mies Mae Winter has returned
to her home on the 9th Con. after
visiting in the States for come months.
Rev, Mr. Young, of Clifford, had
charge of the services in Fordwich
and Gerrie Presbyterian churches on
Mrs, Jas. Matthews, sr., was strick-
en with a paralytic stroke Tuesday
morning of last week and is under the
doctor's care.
J. W. Ratz and Roy Wade and
Mrs. Ratz went to London to bring
down an auto which the former pur-
chased there and intends converting
it into a motor truck.
aper -hair jhig panting
My aim is to give satisfaction by Good
Work and Moderate Prices,
Thomas st„ Brussels. Phone 41x.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Tuesday evening, March 30111
at 0 o'clock. The modearting pparties
Edward wets Ldward Currie, Fcrdwteh, late
of Harrieton, and Sarah August, of -
Clifford. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. P. W. Currie, B. A., pastor
of Blackstock Presbyterian church, at
99 Humberside Avenue, :Toronto, A
dainty dejeuner Was served by the
oouslin of the groom. The happy
couple departed on a honeymoon tour
to Parry Sound and on their return
will resile on the farm recently par -
abased by the groom near Fordwich.
Capt. Peter McL. Perin, Belleville, in
command of the 34111 Battery, died of
pneumonia, after several weeks' illness.
Deaths amoug Canadian troops at the
front now total more than aro including
some 75 from illness. The total casual-
ties are about one thousand.
General Guy Carleton Jones cabled
denying Mr. Shaver's assertion before
the Public Accounts Committee that he
had said goods must be sold to the
Government only through middlemen.
Premier Roblin has appointed Chief
Justice Mothers, Justice McDonald and
Sir Hugh John Macdonald, the Royal
Commission to investigate charges of
fraud in co0uectiou with the new Parlia-
ment buildings,
WesternUi. University
Greatly Enlarged Facilities ht Arte and
Vastly Improved Equipment—Library, Labor-
atories, etc.
Seven New Scholarships. Record Enrolment.
Inquiries E. E. Bralthwaite, M.A.,Ph.D•
Solicited, President.
• •
60 DayContest :••
• •
Beginning April 15th•
t . A
$25.00 Buckingham 01 Piece Dinner Set
9 •
Given away FREE to the one who guesses ••
the closest to the number of beans in a jar. A j
guess given for every dollar's worth of goods •
Our stock of Gereral Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and
Shoes, &c., is large and well assorted. •b
New lines of Wall Paper to hand. •
• Leitch's General Store
Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this
8 -foot auto -oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with oil for a
year or more.
The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, m known k own the world over as "the windmill which runswhn all
others stand still." This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in
much less wind than that well known windmill.
The two large gears, which lift the load straight up, are each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and must take its half of the load at all times.
Theauto•oiiedwindmilt withitsdepl1cate gears and two pitmenlifting theload straight up, Nun -
breakable, Every&foot mill la tested undcrapumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump
rod. For the larger sizes the load is proportionately greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbreakable, We venture the assertion
that this is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested,
best oiled, most nearly perpetual, automatic and sclf-
suf relent of any machine of any kind ever made
for farm work and the most nearly foolproof.
There is no friction on any part of the furl
Ing device when the mill is rosins and very ". k_
tnewhoa�the wheel is luded._
A small
ch Id can eastlylfurl this
windmill or en automatic regulator can
tokecare of It. One of these mills has been furled
10,000 times in one day by a man on our premises—mom
times than It would ordinarily be furled In 30 years of service.
A band brake. of the automobile type, Is used, end it always holds.
The gear case contains two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction washers in the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not a drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with oil.
If you are tired of climbing a windmill tower; If you are tired of buying repairs
end having them put on; or, If you are tired of waiting fore big wind, let us fur-
nish you en unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going mint* go on any old tower. It
costs but little and you will get the difference between no water In a light wind
and an abundance of water In almost no wind. The flooding of all the working
parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on „Which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower, Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to climb it. Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oil, if needed, and inspect the mill.
ItlRunnin water url i
g fes ur welates
Intently r 1 1
p na water, ng water, collects and retsina lmDur-
hito, lilyts Syumpfromyourw?twtet'%yotheasstancantPilare•thwatertintcomm
Inyou pump butce little,
the. t the Litt r at surface ester ill low Into 11happen andtcarry some,
and you pump saf ]well to the H Is IILTIYthat standing
eerer, flowing
flow stream
it carry to be
operates, unsafe well ilheons allttlas possible
it ca A0(rom000ye l'teething.terw,th,
' The tacit
4 u ed and no c melee Interested, n tkwrite
A it can run from one o. Ca end l the other with
'practically 09' a wear and no cost If insummer
an Awarm I wi thr,114Sw Campbell fresh Ave., pure?Cr81
Wk not have flowingwater,1 1 m
Y w gg woo i eh met and ll and st' i re
w111 coat nest to nothing. I. will. give. health to your Tamil t always fresh and It
gand stock, t, the water run into
Rood gaze en and lr and ke 19 a l e an fish thee,
the choice kinds yourlotherwise.
can eat, and os% nothl g. irrigate
your garden and make !t telae many times ae much as it would otherwlee. Water costo nothing. Use It. To let it stand ie to abuse It.
A pull of
48111 c
this Wire
furl. the