HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-29, Page 3Bread Recipes.
Hot limner, Iliseitits.-When bhe
bread dough ie ready to put in the
pans pinch enough bdiseuste off the
dough end roll them in small belle,
Lay them in rows in buttered pansy
pricking the top of:ear h with a fork,
and let them rase to double their
size. Put e, little lump of butter
between every two. Bake them
twenty minutes,
Fried Bread.— When the bread
dough is readyfor• the. pane cut off
a• good sized piece, roll it out op a
floured board and out straps Thal& an
inch thick and four inches long.
Boll them round between the hands
and lay them on a floumed board,
allowing threo to: each member of
the family and a few orer• Let
them rise unhil they puff up, then
have ready a kettle of hot lard and
fry them to a delicate brown. leap
them on a platter in a napkin and
serve with maple syrup or hot ho-
Rusks.—Take one pint of milk,
• one egg, three-quarters of a cup of
sugar, one-half eup of butter, one-
half teaspoon: of salt and three-
querte:rs of .a compressed- yeast cake
dissolved in 'half a cup of cold wee
ter. Add flour enough to make a
stiff batter that can 'aloe stirred
wii?h a spoon. Let it rise till light,
then mould into small eakes. Lay
the ,cakes in a well buttered pan
and let them rise again and hake
to a delicate brown. Brueh over
the top with a buttered cloth 'and
sprinkle yeah powdered sugar. A
cup of seeded raisins or currants
may be added if desired.
Egg Pull's. — Mix one pound of
sifted flour with one tablespoonful
of baking powder, one teaspoon of
salt and two tablespoons of sugar.
Beat .three eggs, add thein to two
tablespoons of melted butter, mix
all together and add enough warm
milk to make a moderately thin bea-
ter. Fill well -greased hot muffin
tins'self 'full and bake quiokly.
Sally Lena. Take one pint of
flora:, two teaspoons of baking pow-
der and 'half a teaspoon of salt,
Beat two eggs, whites and yeas sep-
arately; add hal& a cup of sweet
milk to the yolks, stir slowly into
the flour, adding one-half cup of
melted butter, beat thoroughly,
then add last the beaten whites of
the eggs. Bake in well buttered
warm muffin pans, filling them two-
thirds full;; bake about twenty min-
Popovers. -Take one egg, beating
white and yolk separately; one cup
of sweet milk, one cup of flour and
a pinoh of salt. Beat all together,
adding the white of the egg lest.
Bake twenty minutes in buttered
muffin tins.
Corn Mufltns.—Take one cup of
yellow corn meal, one ]ralf cup of
fiche, a tablespoon of sugar, one
and a half teaspoons of baking pow-
der, one beaten egg, one and a half
eups of sweet milk and a generous
pinch of salt. Bake in hot greased
gem pans from twenty to thirty
ra antes,
Gluten Muffins.—Take two cups
of gluten flour, two cups of milk,
two teaspoanfwls of baking powder.,
one well beaten egg, Mix the dry
ingredients, stir in the beaten eggs
and milk, beat thoroughly together
and half fill well -buttered gem
pans. Baked twenty nthsutee.
Glen House Flannel Cakes.—
Visitors to the White Mountains
years ago who were fortunaite
enough to get the old Gie:n House
recipe for flannel cakes still keep
it among their family treasures,
and ius%it•is passed to younger gen-
erations it loses none of its fame,
Put two ounoes of butter into a
pint of hob milk 'and Let it melt,
then add a pint of rich cold milk,
four well -beaten .eggs a teaspoon
of sash, an half yeast cake dissalwe+d
in half a cue of told water and
sufficient flour to make a stiff bat-
ter. Set it in a warm place three
hours to rise; then fray dbbe oaken an
a hob greased griddle, and. serve
witlh, hot maple syrup, fresh butter
and whipped ereann.
Fruit hlnfns.—Take one,pint of
a qusrber teaspoonful of salt,
two tablespoons of melted butter,
a quarter cup of sugar, two small
teaspoons of baking powdier, one
egg and one cupp of milk. Mix thor-
ottghly as tor plain muffins and add
last of ,sill one cup of teeth beamries,
seeded caries, or finely chopped
preserved fruib, dusted with a little
flour,. Bake in well -greased muffin
pans in e. het oven twenty minutes..
See that the fruit is properly drains
ed before being ad,cled. Blueberries
will be hound espetciwlly geed in
these muffins.
Useful IRA.
Boiled puddings .should never be
turned cut the in,oni,ent they are
done, They are very likely to
break if this is dame.
It vegetables arc overcooked
their texture toughens, their flavor
is 'somewhat: destroyed, and they
are nob so digestible,
Don't forget to give your hair at
least a ,hundred strokes with a
brush morning and evening, Pro-
ip r brushing rices away with the
ne•ceseit;re of too frequent seething,
Don't f i,rget 10 bathe the Their
and ernes do a rutile milk to night
before going to a dance. This is
grandmother's remedy, wale's never
1 Eadie to make the elan look smooth
end white,
lamp rite, '
''s often the result
of a altigg'ed and dirty wick. Take
the bur'neroutef the lamp and soak
it in iw• little strong washing soda
and hot water, then ire thorough-
ly, land the lamp will burn much
To prevent new shoes .From pinoh-
ing lay a cloth moistened du hob wa-
ter stereos- the place where the press
sure is most felt, changing the
cloth els coca as it becomes cool.
This will make the leather eliape
itself to the foot.
The economical housewife has Aa
place for everything, and constant-
ly endeavors to keep everything in
its plane. One of the little econo-
mies etre delights in is saving the
string wthieh tie up the parcels slue
receives; -anise 'nothing will induce
her to out string; she always un-
ties it, an4 then winde it into neat
little bundles, are which ut do p au
bag " reserved for it, and which
hangs in a convenient pines. This
et1•in•g bag is e, great comfort in a
house, and saves much time aurid an-
Steaming is one of the simplest
and best ways of cooking potatoes.
Prepare the potatoes as for boiling
and out them to an equal size.
Put diem into a steamier and sprin-
kle with salt. Place the steamer
on bhe top of a •saucepan of boiling
water and put on the lid. Keep the
water in the saucepan underneath
the potatoes quickly boiling all the
time. The time for cooking will
depend on the :size and kind of po-
tatoes. aVhedn they oan be pierced
easily with •a. skewer, cover them
with a :ole:an cloth, r:emiove the
steamer from the water, and stand
it in a warm plaice until the pota-
toes are dry and mealy. Ten •min-
utes should be sufficient. Time bo
cook, 30 to 40 minutes.
Premier Hearst Announces Nantes
of New Provincial Board of
License Commissioners..
Toronto, April 19. — Premier
Hearst has implemented hie prone
ire to give speedy consideration to
the appointment of bhe new Provin-
cial Board of License Commission-
ers, and last night announced the
following gentlemen as the Board :
J. D. Flavelle, Lindsay, Chair-
W. S. Dingman, Stratford, Vice
Frederick Dane, Toronto, Com
George T. Smith, Haileybury,
Jahn A. Ayearst, Toronto, Coni-
These men thaws been chosen by
bhe Prime Minister himself, who
stated in the House that he would
be responsible for the oonstituti,an
of the Board. In addition to the
appointment of the Commission, a.
proclamation has been issued
bringing all the clauses of the new
sat into operation om May 5th next.
On that date the 101 Boards in as
many districts in the Province will
be dissolved, .and the new Board
will proceed en its work of orgeni-
zation and administration. The
date has been ,advisedly chosen, far
on May let the new license year
begins, and the last ,act of the old
Boards will be to issue licenses for
the new management.
Salaries to be paid the memb-ers
of the Board will be as follows:
Chairman, $8,580; Vice -Chairman,
$6,000; Commissioners, $4,000 each.
Mr. 5.. D. Flavelle, Chairman, is
a mall -known menc+hantin Lindsay,
and brother to Mr. J. W. Flavelle,
who is eonn,ected with many indus-
trial and finanebal institutions in
Toronto. He was born in Peter-
borough in 1850 and has been en-
gaged in business in Lindsay since
1864. All through his life he has
been connected with public under-
takings of one oharaaben or an-
other. In 1904 he was appointed
to the Dominion Grain Surrey
Board; is a Counoiilor et the Cana -
diem. Manufacturers' Association;
Oh.aartman of the Rose Memorial As-
sooiabion; and is a generous patron
of ,amateur sport, a=nd is one of the
most widely known auriers in Can-
Mr. W. S. Diungenan, Pipe -Chair-
man, is known tihrougihaut Canada
as an enterprisingand successful
journalese Born in 1858, he aip-
proaehed tiro editorial than
through the oomposimg room. At
different times he has owned' the
Strathroy "Despatch," Port Ar-
thur "Daily Sentinel," and latter-
ly, along with Isis brother, has
owned and edited the Stratford
"Herald," He has always main-
tained a sympathetic attitude to-
wards tempedranee. In 1899 he was
Presddent of the Canadian Press
Association, ,and exercises a wide
influence in that assooteticrn,
Mr, Frederdyok Dane was born in
Belfast, Iraland, in 1881t'aud mane
to Canada an 1880. For many yeare
Int was a wholesale eroocary Impor-
ter in Toronto and had a oonnee-
tioei in all parts of the world, Ap-
pointed member ,of the Temiskam-
ung and Northern Railway Commas-,
cion in 1908, he hates became Land
Colmsnisaioner,, but resigned to &e -
coat the poet of Crl.nadian Contarer-
ecCul Agent at Glasgow, Scotland,
13e le a prominent Orangeman and
is a Past President of the Irish
Protestant Benevolent Society.
Mr, George T. Snaith is Mining
R.eoordo•r ,at Hiaileybciey, and is in-
timately familiar with conditions in
bTorbhsun Ontario, He not only
understn sdifficulties tae
ministersinta the law in the unorgan-
ized districts, but Ibis 'reputation
and character will be of great assis-
tance in enforcing the 'law in that
essmet ry,
Mr. John A. Ayearst bas a long
record as ae efficient and painstak.
ing officer in the Liquor License
branch. Through his unrelaxing
efforts mach of the irregularities
that existed have been stamped out.
His work in Ontario drew recogni
tion from the Western Provinces,
Where he went three years ago, but
returned later to bliss province to
proseeute with diligencea task'
that few were equipped to under-
One of the first duties of the
Board will be to make a survey of
the Province, and establish new
districts, fewer in number than the
101 that now exist. '
The :appointment of this Provin-
odal Commission is the outstanding
feature of the new Liquor Lieense
Legislation, The Board +has juris-
diction over 'the entire Province
and will supersede altogether bhe
old Boards'. The authority of the
Board in the administration of the
Liquor Lieense Law shall be su-
preme and -absolutely independent
of political. control.
The Board shall have all the au-
thority of the present Liquor Li-
cense Commissioners and many
additional far-reaching powers.
The powers conferred -by the Act
upon the new Board are all of a
restrictive nature.
The Bowels has full authority to.
place such further restrictions upon
the liquor traffic as it may deem
advisable, but it cannot enlarge its
prividegers beyond what now ex-
Care has been taken in the fram-
ing of the legislation ereating the
Provincial Board to provide ma-
chinery that will enable the Board
to administer the law in conformity
with public sentiment iu every
loeality. '
The law provides that two mem-
bers of the Board will form a quo-
rum. The purpose of this is to en-
able the enemb•ers of the Board to
visit every part of the Prevince and
to examine into local conditions.
The Board must held at least one
meeting each year in every county
town in the Province, such meeting
shall be open to the public -
1. To hear applicants and con-
sider applications for licenses.
2. To hear re+pre:sentationsfrom
any source in opposition to bhe
• granting of any license.
3, To hear representations of any
other nature regarding the
Liquor License Law or the en-
foroe:me:nt of it ,
4. Notice of such meetings must
be advertised locally for two
weeks, and such notice must
• contain—
(a) The name of the applicant.
(b) The db,aracter of the license
applied for.
(c) A description of the premises
sought to be licensed.
(d) The total number of existing
tavern and shop licenses in
eadh municipality in the
(e) The total number of applica-
tions for tavern and shop
licenses in each municipality
in the county.
The extent and far-reaching ef-
fect of the new law and the advan-
tages that will follow from the ex-
haustive powers conferred upon the
new Board will readily be appre-
ciated when it is understood that
bhe new Board may -
1. Subdivide the Province into
new leeense chat -nets in such
manner ass experience and in-
vestigation may show to be.
adv:ambageous to the better
administration of the 'law.
2. Issue any form of restricted or
special license, such as a
"beer" license in any locality.
3. May issue licenses at any time
of the year for any period of
the year.
4. May shorten the house within
wawa). liquor may be sold in
taverns or shops throughout
the Provinee, or in any por-
tion, but cannot extend the
hours beyond what the law
new provides,
li• May 'make regulations for im-
proved hotel acoornmodation
to meet the requireluenes in
any loeality and enforce the
Blame either by suspension or
min -collation of the license,
6. Mae, in its discretion, suspend
or •caned a license at any time,
7, May conduct, inquiry into any
shatter the Board may deem
, neoes'sary and require evi-
denee to be given under oath.
8. Mhy supersede the necessity
fur a vote on local option by
prohibiting the sale or other
disposal of liquor in any por-
tion• of the Provinoe—
(a) For all time, •
(b) For any particular day.
(c) For any +sipeoial period.
(d) To any elase of persons,
(e) During any special hours,
The new.ldoenee law further pro-
vides that all liquor shops through-
out the Province shall here -after be
closed at seven o'clock p.m. every
night, and adds Labor Day to the
list of dry days.
Intlustriinl Conditions in Germany.
The American Association of
Commerce a:nd Trade in Berlin has
published regularly since November
7, 1914, a weekly report on the gen-
eral conditions in Germany clueing
the European war. Ito contents
may well serve to .offset the exa,g-
gerated tales of •eufferine-and fam-
ine meportecl .at the beginning of the
war; but the picture is en many
ways dark enough. There are fig-
ures showing the number of union
workers now at the front—from bhe
metal trade 170,877; from the wood
workers 43,877; from ,the factory
wo•rker•s• 81,166; from the brewery
wonlcer.e 14,900. The writers of t'he
report are satisfied because unem-
ployment has steadily and notice-
ably decreased. They do not con-
sider that the state of the families
of the enlisted men is even now
precarious in the extreme, and that
when the men return from the war
unemployment stares them in the
face. The industrial world will be
in no position tb employ large
forces of worker's or to pay good
salaries, and thousands of men will
be idle. `Illie condition of the wo-
men at the present time is deplor-
able; the majority of the female
members of the factory worken•s
unarm are said to be oat of work.
Economy in production is of coarse
felt by the workingmen sooner than
by the producers, The amount paid
for workmen's insurance has con-
siderably decreased and the de-
crease is not entirely date to the fact
that there are fewer workers.
The Association is optimistic in
its final statement. We oan draw
oar own conclusions. The report
"In summing up the situation it
can be safely estimated that about
one-third of the Germain industry is
suffering under the war, ons third
is able to shift aloug comfortably,
while the remaining third is oceu
pied to its fullest capacity. The
confines between these groups re-
mained clearly outlined in the be-
ginning, but are gradually growing
less distinct as the adaptation to
the situation progresses, ,and a
more even distribution of work is
now taking place; and while tee
industries are not gaining in
strength they are in no way losing
any of their vitality. In eon•elusaon
one may say that Germanys indus-
try after the war will undoubtedly
resume its peaceful activity with
undiminislhed vigor."
Indeed He Had.
"Have you .ever thought serious-
ly of marriage, sir?" "Indeed I
have; ever since the ceremony."
When giving a sick person an al-
coholic bath, make a mitten fer
your hand out of an old bath towel.
It will hold more moisture and be
better for rubbing purpose.
Moderate cold is a stimulant, be-
cause it drives the blood from the
surface of the body, .and induces ex-
ercise in order to restore circula-
IJ UTIs T / 1 ' PRESS.
'TRIBUTE ( 11 t17I.SJ1 1111.SS
Italy Admires Work .of Raising
Arnty, Even by Reverses.
The Tribune of Home publishes
Lan article from its London eurre-
sponclent, Signor (lastone Chiesi,
entitled "The Marvels. of British
Patriotism: What the Press Hes
Dune fur the Ames," in which the
following eloquent tribute is paid
to the work of British journals and
journalists during the war:
The very reverses of the allies in
France during the first month of
wain were ably used by the press to
stimulate patriotism and to induce
young men to enlist without delay,
A consciousness of the national and
Imperial .peril that seemed to be
imminent was created in the
masses. , Having thus received
the first impulse, the great patriot-
ic movement continued in wonder-
ful fashion: One may -terra it aprw-
duct of the press; since it was the
press that aroused the youth of the
country, apparently inert and ape•
i esial
fhet c, or absorbed in its u
sporting ;pleasures; it was the press
that cried silence to the working
classes complaining of wages or of
excessive hours of work; it was the
press that threatened the specula-
tors and those in seareh of illicit
gains ; those who held up food eup-
plies, .bhe +shippers who demanded
exaggerated rates ler freights, the
mining companies which raised the
price of coal without reason—the
press which brought about the in-
tervention of Parliament and of the
state in their affairs.
Watching, encouraging, warning,
the daily .press has not lett the
brain of the British citizen a. mo-
ment's rest. It has obliged him to
think day and night of the war, of
its fluctuations, of possible dangers,
of incumbent duties and necessary
Titus from from the ,bosom of a people
eminently pacific, unused to arms,
has arisen, as by magic, this first
army of a million men now sailing
towards France, while in these is-
lands another million is growing
and maturing ready to replace the
first at the right moment.
This is the contribution spontane-
ously, freely, and patriotically giv-
en •bv the 'press 'to the country. Eng-
land, perhaps, will never succeed in
appreciating at its true value what
she awes to her journalism and to
her journalists.
A Forth Bridge Fabrication.
An officer tells of an interesting
sidelight on the false dissemination
of news in Germany afforded by an
incident on a ship conveying pris-
oners .after the recent naval battle
to Edinburgh. Steaming up the
Forth, the bridge came in sight,
and attracted the interest and at-
tention of the resorted German
seamen, who inquired: "What
great .structure is that 1" On being
informed that it was the celebrated
Forth bridge the men expressed
their surprise and incredulity, and
remarked that that was impossible,
as the Forth bridge had been blown
up by t'he Germans months ago.
The Humorist's Daughter,
The 5 -year-old daughter of e
well-known humorous writer ap-
peared one morning at .the break-
fast table with suggestions of a
cold beginning to manifest itself.
"Why, Kathleen," said her fa-
ther, `you are a little hoarse."
"Am Ii" said Kathleen, resent-
fully, "You said I wa.s a little pig
yesterday !"
"Have you a careful chauffeur?"
"Very. He never runs over any -
elm unless lie's sure be can snake a
Nor is his heart less hard than what
It used to be last season, but
He saved his fees with foresight
And now he owns a limousine,
1 Ruesinn Priuerss fu Paris.
1'iethce shows M. 3fillerantl the French i, i':.,e' n• 'Russian military : t, a welt the
1�Iei.lZ�au lfll.t l,n.dtuc+ll`
Princess Nariachine at the Invades, Paris, liter the aecubuiaatera anent ti, Fiancee by, her ally,
MAY 2,
Lesson V.—Saul '!'ries to Rill Da.
vial. 1 Saint. 19. &olden Text;
Prov, 29, 25.
1. Saul's Intention to Kill David
(Verses 1-3),
Verse 1, Saul spake-Doubtless
in a burst of passion, He hardly
gave a deliberate order that David
should be ,slain. Jonathan was net
sure just how much of his father's
desire to kill David. would be car-
ried over to a calmer mood. So he
tests him out in the morning.
2. In the morning — Jonathan
gave his father a thence to sleep
over his wild outburst of wrath
against David,
3, In the field where thou art—
So ,nuc+h .did Jonethan love David
that he did not want to trust to his
own judgment the ger etteness of
his father's intention to do away
with David. David was to be pre-
sent to hear what Saul had to say
and to study his attitude,
IL.. Jonathan's Intercession for
David (V ryes 4-7),
4. To thee -wand very good —
Jonathan eoutd have advised David
to flee from, Soul. But in so doing
he would have deprived his father
of the very best support on the
battlefield which he had. Jonathan
was considerate of David, But he
also was regardful of the interests
of ,has father.
6. Put his life in his hand—A fre-
quent Old Testament expression
(see Judg, 12. 3 and 1 Sam. 28. 21).
So also, Sehov.ah wrought a great
victory [in Hebrew "salvation"]
for ale, Israel—See Judg. 10. 18; 1
Sam. 11. 9, 13.
8, Saul sware-17nti+er the influ-
ence of Jonathan's appeal But he
was not sincere in his expncrsbun of
desire not to kill David, as the
events soon ebowed.
7. As beforetime — For a long
time, doubtless, David was safe in
Saels presence.
III. Saul Overcoe by an EEvilSpirit (Verzesm8-12).
8, A great slaughtervicl's
great victory which sa sial, Ssu1
from destruction was the ca"•nse of
the new outburst of Saul's un-
quenchable hatred of David,
9. An evil spirit—See 1 Sami. 16.
14. The result of Sail's jealousy
was an unholy brooding wtich
drove hint to ate of madness. Saul's
jealousy did not'iaave its origin in
David. David, it will be remem-
bered, was brought to Saul for the
purpose of dispelling his distem-
per. Had David not -come across
his path, Sail's jealous spirit
would have been kindled to red -
heat by some one. else.
With his spear in his hand—The
spear was the scepter of the king,
his symbol of royalty. In his coun-
cil (1 Sam, 9s, 6) and hare an hes
house the spear in bis hand ; at
table the spear was at has side. (1
Sam. 20. 33); when he slept in
camp it was stuck by his pillow in
the ground (1 Sam. 96. 7). Teas-
tram in his book Land of Israel,
says: "We recognized the sheik's
tent, among a group of twenty
others . .. by the tall e•pear plant-
ed against it." The ancient Is-
iaelite custom lives in that of the
modern Arab,
10. David fled—This was the be-
i n• i1' as a fugi-
n ing of David's s life g
tive (see Psa. 59. 3, 4).
11. In the morning—Saul was
not so much erased es to be bereft
of all his .wit, ".He imagined that
David would go ,tome to has wife.
He knew that to seek itim out there
would rouse the townspeople, who
would T•a dy to the protection of
their favorite' hero. Saul, there-
fore, would wait until the morntine,
when David happened to leave his
house, before making any ettaek on
him, As Pse, 59 shows, Neal was
in danger not from Saul only, but
from Ruffiwns in Soul's employ.
19. Through a window—See Josh.
2, 15; Acte 9. 25; 9 Cor. 11. 33.
David's hours, litre R.ahab's and
the one from which Saint Paul es-
caped, was probably on the town
wall., 'While S is 1's men w aklied I
the front door, David was being art I
dd,ion over the. wall out +•f a win-
-. a --.
win -
The Wandering Jew.
After voyaging 33,000 stiles 'be-
tween the United States and Bra-
zil, both .of which countries have I
denied him ,dmissicn, Nathan Cu-'
hen, aper<priately fennel the
"wuntktring Jew'," has just been
dot•meel to snot) 'i' six wcoks' trip
back to Brazil.. He usiginally seers
here from Brazil, ate the authors -!
ties deported him hack to Brazil i
because it wee repder1I d he was;
menially uica und. (lir neighbor
in the Smaller/1 liens; ,rheic re
fur• al to allow him to leu 1 end the
steamship t melt: n' of 1.amp- ri and
Hoyt has bran ferrel to fu,i,ish lain
with 1 is igo back end retell h;
tweet]. t1:, c+cint.mrs. Ife 1,as tat
Nellie' :13,0e0 miles- fee `al,, th.
price of at .inyl staerags ti: -kat.,
and there is little bole that his
e:meele94 vn arc will soma end.
The Hebrew Sheltering ilea lmml•
gestate Sssieet lea interested sled n
1 :ant im tha ,a»c and man, a:u that I
the am life has mails Celia, :muesl i
ler trial, tr•:d it lei, :meal ire
1ah ', r •w1 • hate i
, o et -ideal
bufe•rc a board of sp,=,^aur inquiry
Items From Provinces Where Many
Ontario Boys ani, Girls Are
Residents of Morden Man„
claim to have seen a mysterious air-
shipseveral times.
At Gladstone, Man., on April 9,
W. S. Washburn 'took home-grown
vegetables to market,
In the vicinity of Meeks, Alberta,
the acreage of wheat this year is
(Amble that of last.
Around Lemsford, +Sack,, Go per
cent. more wheat has been planted
than in former years.
The iC.P.R. has arranged to take
1,000 tons of coal per day from
Crow's Nest coal mines.
At Winnipeg, a poolroom owner
•was fined $26 and costs &or allow-
ing a 13-year•old ,boy to play.
The immigration bureau at Win-
nipeg records a big demand for do.
mestics and male farm Help,
At Hamiota, Man., Wilfrid Hoag-
land had his face split open by the
kick of e 'horse he was watering,
+Stanley Diewold, 23 years old;
was killed at Balgonle, Sask„ when
a well he was excavating, caved in,
One of the largest eagles ever
seen in the west Was shot by Arthur
Haacke on his ,farm in Little Egypt,
Paynton, a town on the C,N,R.,
suffered a $20,000 fire lately which
destruyed most of the business sec
The Board of Trade of Lethbridge
wanted the post office Lobby open-
ed on Sunday, but the department
Isaac Katz, of Dauphin, went to
Winnipeg, and while he was away
his stove blew up. wrecking the
The body of Herbert Aldirdge
was found floating in the river at
Edmonton. He had been missing
for six months.
George Shortt, aged 18, a tele-
graph operator of Winnipeg, died
suddenly of heart failure while in
$innipeg, ten foreigners, who
had crawled into eoncrete sewer
pipes for shelter, were arrested as
A block of 5,000 acre's of land,
east of ,Stonewall, Man., was sold
for $100,000. The new owner will
nee it as a cattle ranch.
Rev. G. A. Edmison, pastor of
Knox Presbyterian
Brandon, Man„ has volunteered
go with he next Canadian conting-
Calgary citizens in large number,
appealed against their assessments,
The difference, if the appeals were
granted would be over $•1,003,000.
At Minnedosa, Man., Harry
Cloud, an Indian from the Lizard
Point reserve, was committed for
trial •on .an alleged assault on a 10 -
year -old girl.
Dr, O. (', Edwards died at Mac-
leod., Alberta. He began pract e
in the west in 18552. Later he was
in enlarge of the Indians of the
Blood .and Piegan reserves.
A looker warehouse, 1.50 •,•r 110, is
to be erected in Edmonton. It will
be in the nature of a safety .deposit
building, and will be the fire, builda
r ':'builal-
ing of the kind west of Toru. •.a.
All French reservists at °t, teased
as well as other places in Ma:;-
toba, have received a circular let-
ter ordering thein to juin the col-
ors at once Father Joseph, the
parish :priest; was among those no -
Military Discipline Has imbued All
The astounding decrease in crime
in Paris since the outbreak of the war
is attributed by Alfred Papus, In an
editorial in the Figaro, not to the war
itself but the atmosphere of military
discipline which has imbued all the
citizens since the beginning of hostil-
"There have not been," says he.
'more than two or three daily crim-
inal acts in the last five mouths, *
Even the Paris apaches have acted in
moderation, •
"This cannot be attributed to the
war alone, 1 remember hearing a meg.
isti'ate say at the beginning of the
straggle: 'Here in Paris, in the void
caused by the mobilisation, must be
feared the growth of a mob of idttio
apaches of from 14 to 16 years, wi'u
will constitute one of the graves! d: 'r
gens of the entire situation.'
"The pessimism of this magistrate
has not beer confirmed by experience.
Not a single young bandit has at•
tempted to rommlt any situ•ttieg
crime either of assassination or of
"This is because the erimi11715 in-
stinct, coiubiued with the 01)1 011llt its,
does not of itself predate slime slate
must also be a special stn o•111 ro,
created either by, Cur example, l l av
ado, or by the literature pe. the <'uer
hculeviide, and in which this ,:,Blind
may It, n'isil.
"Then, at a -511(0 niontent, tate Pct., •
terra electricite e - ndeat.e s i the
dividual who Bel, les lbs- i le• n141
the spnrk, which 1 + the conn, ,i:u ri;:
between Mita and tic;etY,
"Tho war lints. for the
pressed in Peas 11 e, e a 1
the malefactor ftourislc.A.
social stele, wl ic'l', ta it „!, . y.,
('01-10 and disetdr.r, at, 01 t, 1'•_
t-ct.or, Anarely r'i ha.• i . ..,.
vokeis temptation fie 16v:or t-,