HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-15, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
GOSAPM ON151410'
Mee 1n .the Peet OWce, Ethel. 80.4
i..OiiAL 11N6t' .1;ONVEYAN(NO.
M SINCLAIR—W.Barrleteri Solicitor,
Cou e anco
Notary Public, &o, ciiac-Sewart's Bioh
t door North or (Juana Hotel.
' Solidi for for the Metropolitan Bank.
13elm' will Nell for better .' `rluee to
better mac,in lase time and leas chargee
than any oher Auctioneer In East Linton or
lin won't charge anything.. Detoe and orders
oda always 8e arranged at thea nUIre or by
8 ' '0 ,,,ai llppltea8lon,
Fine, modern steam.
ere - equipped with
every comfort end -
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
95Ki': StWToronto
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
r VAD,LVN.A` 'CVAN dS1t'AD24:%
Mn Vara
Colleges close for Vatlou' n8
Mid -Summer. Our College does not,
le strictly arst•olasa. • Nona better in
Canada. Enter now so tie- to tette a
position 10 the early Fo11. One gradu-
ate writhe: -'My. now position pays
three times whet I got at teaching
school leas that Pour years ego just
previous to eeterieg your College."
We pieced this young man in a position
after graduation and have now placed
him again. Catalogue free.
Cor. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT,
Charles Sts. f Principal.
tori Avetc2aVeserleriinav iteevkxaVeta`rail w v
/ / 8
65 Ontario's Best Fraction] Training A
11', School. We have thorough coarses
7Aand experienced inotruotors in each of 0
our three departments -
g Commercial, Shorthand;' Telegraphy
Onr graduated entailed and youehould.-®
rend our large, tree catalogue, Write
for it at anon. --
D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
0.4441f4 38,413a/M rby M3638,=5 ,1'1313 ,
r at oho 7c!
Thorough Onneseo taught' by g
1 Com petent,Teachete.
Vol. particulars address- •
Lletowol, Ont.
Lift'vapaa7�sa Ash'
'4t¢L'U' Arr.gs4a'4Ata
Best Brains
in Canada have participated in the pre.
aeration of ottr splendid Hoole Study
Coarses In Baking, Eoononlice, Higher
Accounting, Ooianeroial Art Show
Card Writing. Photography, Journal.
tem, Sheet Story Wr ti,tg, Shorthand
and Booklroeping . Select the work
pamost b- you and write tie
for etiectnre.Address
3014 Vongo et., Toronto
Thousornls of ombIElotut young poo,
ale are fest preparing in their own
ho n,04 to occupy ]uerhtive positiong its
stenographers, bookkeepers, falcgrn•
phers, civil servants, In feet every
sphere 01 activities,. rip may fuieh at
college if you so. wish, Positions guar-
anteed. . Eaton college any .dny. . L1d1-
vldnul instruction. Export tenohore.
Thirty years experlonee. 'Largest
trailers in Canada, Seven colleges,
%moleI oatire0 for teachers,
Afmiotedith °e,nnlercial Educe.
toi',,1 Aesoointlon of Oabndn. Smnntor
School tit fnmotte Spotton Business Col-
lege, London,
Wlo ham Business College
Otto. erome e, W. T. 2701883,
President. Prinolpal:
Business earths
Su000esor to Af, H. Moore, Millan at Ander.
SOH Bros. Livery Stehle, lirnsuel. telephone
No, 29, ,
'M. B., ,skin O P„ • S. O,.
Al. 0, H., Village of erassole,
Pli7olnian; sop goon, Areenohotii•
Office over standout Brink
Ilaollelor. of Medloine,. Unlverslty of Toronto ;
Lloentillteof College of Pbystelens and Sur -
matte, Ontario ; eu.Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr.
A, MoEovoy, Smith Brook, Brussels,
mufti Phone 46.
M.B.. M,C.P,&S. O.
198 Bloor street Eoat, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinical assistant In Ear, Nose end Throat de.
pertinent New Gehnral Hospital, Toronto ;
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Boo.
ton ; late Senior Resident Burgeon Mass, Bye
& Bar Infirmary ; late Clinical ,o .intent in
Nose and Throat department Mass.^Oen, Boe'
pitaHOal• ltal IMO HowiLI.BragselebSurgeon y raete General
e 9 appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
Loudon (Eng.), New York and, Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, eat,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses,
O. H. ROSS. D.D.S.,`L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur.
goons of Ontario andGraduateUniversity of
Tdrento Faculty of Dentistry,
Office In guard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Yost Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a apoclalty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night Dells.. Offioe opposite
Flour 81111, Ethel,
Personal graduate Department of OpDhthal•
mology, MoCorinfok Medienl College, Mirage,
Ill., Is prepared to test ejee and Bt glasses ay
her offioe ever Grewar's Restaurant, Brn80.10,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 1 to 0 p. m, Forenoons.
by appointment. Phone 1219.
Barrie , Solicitors, Notaries Public,
OMoe on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds tovloan at lowest rates.
W. PROUPPOoT, K. O. J. L, irtrzo AN
gran! cads Items
CLEAN. up is the slogan. - •
ARE you readigg the nvw 'story le'
Tiix‘Pos•r }�
L7lsHTNq in the Maitland has been
great sport during the past week with
many good catches.
HORSEMEN are again reminded 'that
THE POST has every facility for printing
route and pedigree cards promptly and
at reasonable prices.
THE railways have granted the soldiers
of the second and third coutingents a
two-cebt-a-mile rate when on leave of
absence to visit their homes.
AMHERSTBURG Board of Health will
see that fly proof minute boxes are con-
stru&ed in all the stables for cows and
horses iu that townin accordance with
the new Health Act.
good butter, let it be known by your
works. Wrap it in paper showing that
you are the maker. THE POST has a lot
on hand. Send in your order now.
The old friends of Rey. G. j. Abey,
of Kincardine. are glad to know that
his health has been recruited to such an
extent that he has resumed his active
duties as hector of the Church of the
Messiah in that town,
Charlie Bryans, sou of
Wm. ani Mrs.
Br au of
s Morris towuship, Y p„snow
manager of the Victoria Harbor branch
of the Standard Bank. He commenced
hisapprenticeship in Brussels but has
been in Kingston tor several years.
Ho will fi 1 the bill all right.
Friday after-
noon of this week,,the regular meeting
of the Women's Institute will be held.
"What a child should be taught before
entering school” will be the topic, in.
traduced by. Miss May Smith. In
response to the Roll Cali memb, rs art
asked to give their favorite recipe.
FORMER Ba0510LITh.-J, H Kremer,
agent of the C. P R. at Wingham for
over 30 years, has announced his
resignation. He will enlist as Sergeant
and go to the front as 0094, es possible.
It is understood that his melon will be
held open for him at Wiagham He
a man of middle age, blit full of youth
and is anxious to get to the fighting .
This BEATS HpomN Cn SOCI all Rs 'Po
A PRAzsWE.-J Thomas Murphy hat re>
signed from the Secretary Ti
ship of the Norfolk Union Fair afrer 48
years of service, H [3. Dimly, editor
of the Sinnott Reformer, was elected in
hls place at a salary of $25n a year with
allowance of $r6 for help on Fair days.
Dt G ANDRanON, formerly of Atwood,
has resold his interest in the St, Marys
Argas to A. S ewart, Mr. Grose'' former
partner. Mr. Anderson found that the
work in connection with the paper in-
fringed too much on his duties Ss
Prinolp.rl of the Public School, 'Phe
gentleman referred to is a cousin of
Mrs. (Rev ) Mann, of Brussels. and
known to many of the readers of THE
portotment of the Legislative grant' to
rural schools will be matte this year on a
different basis from that of former years,
which will be the assessed value of the
several school sections. •'The portion
peyoble on teachers salaries will be .a
smaller percentage than formerly and
the margin on which it is payable has
also been reduced. That payable on the
qualification of teachers . eppliee only
Where the teacher hes a permanent, Cor.
tifioate, 1st or end class, laterite cer-
tificates and 3rd class certificates are not
recognized for this grant, owing to the
present fectecial conditions. :The
Amount at the dispose! of the Educe,.
the D,epartmeut 15 less than that'of
former years and grants will be 0e0es'
partly recluted its proportion,
PaLRMxsL ie pran(unced hlaytnee le, t
wltb the j e accaut on the n'meex' Dud giv- ,
Ing t ' the belt sound, as in French
l e 1
r .... .o
D oT0
Rs 010
v1' as though it was spelled Szhay.InBesle,
LieToivgt. Stauda rd of test week segs ;
-Harry Gu
et started down the
HELPHERMat11aud early Tuesday morning in
canoe of bis own manufacture, Harry
arrived at Brussels. at 5 o'clock', in the
afternoon 'Tide is a record as far as we
can ascertain.,
Baran INo Rage- 8, C. Appelitle. - Eei,'y,
Winter laying stride, Eggs 41 W per 16
3.13, I3A 8,L'ANTYN to, Brussels.'
OI,ARGae nee at tlwir 81098, Sweet, juicy
and Seedless at W, A. GaEWAu'e.
BAattep Rook Eggs, bred to lay strain 44,00
Dpeehiledred, Jell. !Adele, BtuBeela P. .d, 1t,
10, No, 2, . Phone' 4216.
Anon 20 tens of good timothy hay for sale
at /lemon MogintliRI E's, Let 12, Con, 4, Grey,
LADY'S muff lost.. Will Ander kindly 'ogee
at Tee Pose, We sell Heine'% errant Of Tomato Soups,.
Pork & Heats, Olives and Preserved N'ruits n t
W.R. 0itewates.
Pros eon SA,:E,-19 store pigs will weigh a.
bout et) lbs., for sale. Apply to O80. BAIONIi,
OrafbrQok, Phone 624.
LIMsrlf011 Sala, -About 85 bushels or Food
lime for Bale, Apply to -GEo. BARRE, (,ran.
brook or A. H.; MAono1ALD, Ethel.
Fon Sale.-Beed•-Bor1ey 2 rowed. Suitable
for mixing with oats: Good seed. Tmet.
MILLER, L ..t 29, (ith Line, Morrie: Phone 1619.
SEED grain for sale.' Reld's Green Mountain
and American Banner oats and June Peso,
N'or terthet' particulars apply to J. P. Mo.
hermit, mi, Lot 21, 00,1, 12, Grey, Oralbrook P. O.
Phone 556.
GARAGE FOR BAI,n: Underalg,,ed -offers his
cement -garage, which Is 80•x'60- feet, with
metallic roof, for stile. It is are proof and
waterproof, with handy office, &e, Building.
le well looated. For price and terms apply to
D. Ew.N. Brussels,
sale good clean 0, A. C. 21 Barley and Improv-
ed Siberian and Gold Drop Oats. All good
olean seed. MARTIN MONALR. Lot 17. Con.15,
Grey. R, R. No. 2, Brussels. Phone 2816.
GOOD brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Exoellent repair, All conveniences, bath, etc.
For further particulars apply to GEORGE
THOMSON, Brussels.
8 Goon grade Short Horn /fellers 8 vem•a old
for sale. A11 to calve before. May let: R. L.
MCDONALD, Lot 17, Con. 0, Grey. Ethel P. 0,
Phone 4110,
Two Short. Horn bull calves for sale. One
ayear old and the other 18 menthe. No better
annuals in the country. Terme to suit the
purehaeer: Have also a young Yorkshire hog
for Salo. JAB. Snare, Lot 80. Con, 8, Morris,.
Box see Bre 0ele P. O. Phone 287.
Y'Houau days be dark and trade he
rough it's always well to make a bluff,
to face the world with cheerful eye as
though the gooseswere hanging high.
No merchant ever made a friend by
dire complaining without end. And
people never seek a store to hear a
grouchy merchant roar ; they'll patron-
ize the wiser gent who doesn't air his
discontent. The man who keeps smil-
ing and advertising gets the business.
Anderson wishes Le thank her many
friends in leunembering her so kindly
with a "post -card shower" on her
87th birthday just ._recently passed,
also for the many kind wishes ex-
-pressed.. Mrs. Anderson received
cards from Hamilton, Chicago,
Detroit, Calgary, Edmonton, Cleve-
land, Washington, Oreemore, Olifford,
Londesboro', Wingham and Bolgrave
numbering in all 60. There was also
a choice boquet of carnations from
i 'n
0 u Heart congratulations Hearty g s are ex-
tended by many old friends who are
not in the "shower."
Westfnrnn Farrners' Institute ex-
cursion to Model Farm, Guelph, C. P.
R. on Saturday, June 12. Tickets
gond until Monday.
L. 0. L. No. 182, Goderich, have
handed to the meal Red Cross Sneiety
.$10 the net proceeds of the concert
. and lectnre recently held antler their
At the meeting of Maitland Lodge,
No. 33, A. re. Rs A. M. Tuesday evening
after 111e regulat• business, B,o. M. G.
Ciminero') delivered a lecture on "Pat-
riotism and the war."
John Marriott was summoned nn a
charge by County Agent Elliott, of
the Humane Societ.v, of cruelly beat-
ing1L 110100. The offence was ltckno\v-
!ed ed and a fine of 5 imposed.
g $ i
Chief Postlethe e'
le has been.
t'nunding no 58,109 lads under 18 years
of tv•P who have been in the habit of
'al te,,I1i1,g the poolandbilliard rooms.,
He let then' off with a warning, advis-
.fug them against any further offence..
I r' 3r
C uL Its 1 Il , an employee at the
Pllulieg Mill, met with an
'accident. He was attempting to ad-
jnet a -belt to a revolving pulley when
his hand nnnght, with the result that
his arm wee broken nen. the elbow.
The ritnege "goblet. the pen prietoi'
of the 111..11'nld 0,f''unlewfully keeping
iTo oxicatit,g liquor foe sale or (Repos -
al." wee settled ht• defendant. • paying
e fine of 5125, wit ll rests, 'the bonze,
18 lent les ,.f \Ven e,'s Imperial, was
80,,Qocatted by the Come..
• •
To farmers•
• Repairs tit all kinds of Farm lv
• Ilnplt'nien la -
i Disc harrows ground, set -$1 50 •
4 Plnw Points Ktuumd....,..2 tor 25 2
• i , each .05 •
a Lawn Mowers ground and ♦
• Set ......... .... .50
T• hreshers Please Note ••
a A11 1111118 of Repair and Boil-
• e8 work promptly attended et
• to, SmokeStacksmade any •
size and length. •
• Oirruler Saws Gemmed, s
To utomoh
ilists O
• • Auto Repairs. We have in 2.
: stock the beat Auto Oils nip- .
4. Minable at lowest price,
i C. Pope & Son i
•••••••• ••••••• • .•••••♦
But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. Bradley's Health—
Her Own Statement.
Winnipeg, Canada. --"Eleven years
ago I Went to the Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctors said it was a tumor and could
not be removed as it would cause instant
death. They found that my were
affected, and said I could not live more
than six months in the condition I watt in
"After I came home I saw your adver-
tisement in the paper, and commenced
tatting Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I took it constantly for two
years, and 'stilltake it at times, and
both my husband and myself claim that
it was the means of saving my life. I
highly recommend it to suffering
women. "-Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, 284
JohnsonAve., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
W,hy will women take chances or drag
out a sickly,half-hearted existepce,miss-
ing three-fourths of the joy of living,
when they can find health'in Lydia E.
Pinkham's' Vegeta-
For thirtyyears it
hasbeen the stan-
dard remedy for fe-
male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
who have been trou-
bled with such ail- LY A 7, -, Na
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If you want a p e c i a 1 advice
Write to Lydia E. Pinkharn 11Ied
Idine Oo. (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
The:metnbers Of the Official Board
of'Victaritt Street Methodist church,
with their wives gathered at the
home of George Greene, and presented
Mtn with an address and iL walking-
cane, as a onkel} of their appreciation
of his faithful service and liberal giv-
ing in the various avenues of the
church's activities,
J. Hansford, of the Goderich Salt
Company met the Board of Trade at a
special tueeting and outlined a proposi-
tion which he wishes to be voted on
by the ratepayers. Mr. Ransford
purposes to install a modern salt plant
dere and increase the output to over
double the present capacity. He asks
free water and light, 10 horsepower
from the hydro -electric and exemption
at taxes for 10 years. He promises to
increase his stalf three -fah}, the
plans will be pot in shape and a vote
will be taken as seen as possible.
PROMOTION EXAMS. -Result of pro-
motion examinations of S. S. No. 8,
Morrie. To pees 60 per cenb, Honors
75. Sr. IV. -Florence Kearney 87,
Ernestine SelleteSO, Geo. Brewer 68,
Charlie Snuch 62. Jr. IV. -Elva
Warwick 77, Daulelon Mustard 77,
Charlie Bosnian 73, Cora Solicit 65.
Sr. III -Geo. Fell 87, Wilmer Kearn-
ey82, Ethel Garniss 82, Frank Garniss
76. Jr. III. -Elmer Forbes 83, Winnie
Allen 79, Marjorie Grashy 78, Harry
Garniss 68. Sr. II. -May Warwick 83,
Alfred Johnston 74, Jfhn Tnrvey 61,
Jack Allen 70, Fred. Brewer 67. Jr.
II. -Janet McVettie 91, Lillian Garn-
iss 90, Walter Sellers 86, Doris Allen
86, 13erthe. Souch 85, Adella Turvey
82, Fraser Mustard801 Charlie Wu
wtk78.Jr.JPt. I. -Charlie Allen
M. E. FI8YFOoLL', Teacher.
Smoot, REPORT. -The i eplm•t mf the
stinldlhg of the pupils in 8. S. No. 9,
Morris. Promotion Exams, were
held in Sr. III, Jr. I11, St. 1I, Sr.
P1imer. The standing in the other
classes is also given. Sr. 1V -Lily
Jackson. Sr. iII, to Jr. IV -Edna
SIrOal9 (Hovers) Cora Skelton, Earl
Watson. Jr. II1. to Sr. IIi-latvilta
Wyatt,11'. IL -Bert Kelly. Sr. 1 -
Ross Button. Se. Primer, to Jr. I. -
Katie Laidlaw, Jf. Primer-(47nrge
Kirkby, Mary Kelly, Lee is Kirkby,
May Watson (absent.)
Feortaaficit P. Yo\1Nit, 'reacher,
Robt. Dodds lost a vary v,tllotble
civ by being stvaligled in the stall.
James Rin) underwent an (mere
recently and is malting favorable
Mr, Webster, , Wol et 0th Dfltl. intends
t alis
sleeting a new residence. 01' Ilk form
which he recently Dur chased Prete P.
John Buchanan and Miss Isabel
1-leekwell were married tit the Parson-
age Settle ll,, the ceremony being
performed by Rev, A. \V. Btu Iter.
The following interesting statistics
are furnished by Township 01',k
hltudie P80,11 the Aeeesatuent Ito11 :-
Total assessment. for 1015, $2,257,000 ;
2093 Strums Labor
33071 days ; No, of Doge 282.
MA= mots tAT..- .4, happy everil.
tool[ place ILL the home of 1 he bride's
pnrenls, Winthrop, on Wednesday,
March 3ist, 1811911 Selena, drt)ghter of
\V. and Mrs, PIetvm'thn, b9ramr the
life partner of Zech DIeSentlden, 88111
of Geo. mutt Nh8. MPSpildtlen, The
bride W'180 becomingly nulled iu
white.e,llt with over lace toll carried.
a bognet of American Bennly 10890,
She wile escnl'ted to the wedding arch
by her fatherto the strni110 of;
Mendelssol,u's Wedding Marcel play-
ed by Mise Marion Scarlett. The
ceeemony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Cnraw4ll assisted by Pastor Yong,
Wal MM. The happy erupt° left on
the 6.15 p. 111. train for CVhlghant and
other pointe to the Past for a ween''
trip. They will reelde 0n a farts just
Notch of Winthropwhere we join
their malty friends in hoping they
will enjoy many years of prosperity
and happiness, Besides a number of
neighbors and old schoolrmates of the
011ta'Itrtipg parties them were preaent
Mra. 1J. Holley, of Glen 13tlron, 0)0981'
of the groom, and Misses Florence
1441(1 Myrtle lrewat'th3L, of 'liolInes-
viAe, cons i s o#' Ul(1 brida.
Semite) Scarlett, son of John Seat' -
lett, has gone into the plumbing bu9i-
uess for himself in Vancouver, He
went \Vest about 0 years ago and has
done well ,there in spite of the dull
imes 08 the past, y4111' or two,
3. J. Irvine has leased his farm t0
John Boyd for pasture and the hohne-
stead focal to :'2)1001180 Pry & Bum
Of h is 320 acres Me, Irvine reserves 30
for hisntvu MOO as well as the dwell-
ing hooses and orohei ds,
Mr. Kailtel, Toronto, hoe leased the
small fin w close to Winthrop belong-
ing lu Thos. Pollard and intends Dur-
ahashig and feeding hogs on an ex-
; aiaiive scale during the cowing see -
Ford w)ch
Mies Ruby \WaLLrie, \l'iudanr, spent
the liolidays at her huure hire.
Miss Margaret Helmets -I 11', of New
York is visiting het' father and 'kite's.
Wes. Williltmsorn who has spent
the Winter at W. E. Donaghy's lute
gone to Wiartun where he has a
m l 11aL1(111.
Rev. G. W. Rivers, of Corrie, con-
ducted' Edncatioual set vices on the
Furdwich circuit of the Methodist
church Sunday. Rev. Mr. Walden
AWLS iii charge of the Gerrie circuit,
A meeting of the Fodwich;Athletic
Association was held when A. 0.
13ntchisen, J. R. Richardonn and Rev.
W. A, Walden were made a com-
mittee to see about getting .suitable
Annual vestry meeting of Trinity
church was held on Monday evening,
April 561i and 17818 well attended.
Lunch was served by the ladies of the
eougeegalioil and a pleasant social
hour spent after which the business
of the evening was transacted. Re.
pmts from the different departments
of the church work wet'e encouraging.
Otlloets for the ensuing ,year are V.
Foster; Sec..Prees., J, H. Wade;
Vestry Cie, k, Wm. Corbett; Andle
tole, W. 8. Beeare, E. Lester 1 Sides.
men, Erle Corbett, Robt, Watters 1
Ushers, Wilfrid \Wade, Crawford
Graham, W. P. Wade, E, Donaghy i
Repi•eseutatives to Synod, W. Goggin,
A. Spence.
Alexander Edgar, the Subject of the
following sketch was called to his
reward ort April 1st. 1915. He was
born in Ayrshire, Scotland, on March
27th, 1832, making pini 83 years and 4
days old at the time of his death.
Sir. Edgar immigrated to Canada
with his parents In the year 1830.
They settled on a farm in the town-
ship of North Dumfries, near Ayr,
Ont., where the family received such
public school education as was to be
had at that time. Deceased was the
6th'in a family of 10 all of whom pre-
deceased him. His mother's name
was Jean Wallace, a descendant of
Sir Wm. Wallace, of Scottish fame.
In the year 1858 110 married Miss Jean
Arbuckle and with hie faithful wife
and 2 children, 4 years later moved
West intowhat was thenen
Queen's Bush," and settled on Lot 9,
Oon. 3, Howiek, where he lived until
his death. Unto them were born 5
sons and 2 daughter's, (James, Wtn.
and Alexander, of Howick ; Thomas,
of Edmonton, and John, who died in
childhood) (Mrs, D. F. Stewart, of
Wallace township, and Mrs. Hugh
Hutchinson, deceased.) Politically
he wRS a Liberal and in religion he
was a Presbyterian. He was one of
the men who organized the Furdwich
congregation and he and Mrs. Edgar
were present at the first service of
the congregation which was held on
Lot 18, on the 3rd Con., of Howiek,
in June, 1865. In 1887 he was one of
a group of men who secured the site
of the old church, South of the village,
and who pushed the erection of the
fleet church to completion. 3 years
later he •was called to the Eldership
and continued hi t office to theW'
u1e of
his dew h ' though
t h
for several years
unable to attend
services. Although
of a retiring disposition he filled the
office with ability and honor. Mr.
Edgar was far from being narrow or
bigoted, always keeping a warm
heart to other Siett0miilatione, yet he
49188 always truly and loyally Attach-
ed t0 hie own, 881111111 Rind Ile ser'vicee
and anything which would further its
Interests had his approval. Ile wag a
inao of peace. He valued the Hol
Bible as the Word of God, and Jived,
as he also died,' in the hope of the
Gospel of Christ." M1'. Edgar's home
was a most; hospitable one. always
open, not only 10 his hosts of friends
but to the wayfare who had no
where to go. Hie honored partner,
who is 8 years his senior, survives
hila and has the sincere sympathy of
a very large circle of friends. Owing
to the illness of Rev, A, 13, Dobson,
his pastor, the funeral services wore
conducted on Saturday afternoon,
April 3rd, by Rev. Mr, Bell, of Moles-
worth, interment being made in the
PtesbyLetdan cemetery, Furdwich.
Mise Gladys 0utt spent the Easter
holidays with London friends.
John Moser, Berlin, was the guest
of his daoglhtetr, Mrs. A. F. Carr.
Archie Bell received the sad in-
telligence of the sudden death of his
molder at itipley,
Geo. Leith, jr,.htts his first batch of
chickens uta this season, there being
10 healthy chicks out of a silting of
16 eggs.
Robt. Stewart, of the staff of
Royal Bank, Toronto, visited his
parents, Jno. and lire. Stewart, aver
the holidays.
The Woman's Missionary Society
of the Methodist church will hold
their annual "talent Social" in the
chureh on the evening of Friday,
Aprill 23rd
Miss M. E. Welsh, who resigned
from the teaching State of Blyth
Public School went to her home in
Fergus. She has secured a position
on the teaching staff of St. Catharines'
school for the ensuing terns,
(,?,alta a number of horses were of.
fered for sale for military. Rueposee
on 'Outlay of het week, Lt, Col.
MOEw011 dill the purchasing for the
War Department.
Oath R. R, Sioau, of the 38rd Bat,
talion, London, spout t't'om Saturday
until 'I'uesdiay of last week At bis
home here and took his seat at the
Council Board on Monday night.
Officer Pbippl'1h received from
Mexico, via Montreal, It beautiful
talking parrot,
Mrs, Wln, Goy slipped and 8011 on
the verandah in front of her home
and ft/thawed ,her left arm in two
Miss Ethel Waernttn, Clinton, spent
the Easter h011day0 with her friend.;
Miss Victoria Paterson, Victoria
$1.110 per day 381813 fixed by the toWn.
Cuuucil as the cntpuratiou p1'100 for
lLboh'ere. A. P08tlifl' gets $918 for
street waterlog and R. Leggatt 1313
cents per hour for street cleaning
The annual meeting of the Wing -
ham Temperenee Association was
held in the O. 0. F. stall on Thursday
evening lest when office's for the en-
suing year were as follows :-Presi-
dent, '1'. T. Pi e14 ; Vire President, W.
H. Gurney ; Treasurer, F. 1, How-
son ; $ecretaty, 0. Cook. Chairman
of Ward Committees :-Ward I, W.
J. Haines ; Ward 2, P. H, Deans ;
Ward 3, W. D. Pringle ; Ward 4, Dr.
A. 3. Irwin ; \Vard 5, A. Angus.
Finance Committee -S. Bennett, F,
Buchanan, A. Cogen'. The follow.
ing resolution was unanimously
carried "That this association here-
by expresses its great disappointment
with the proposed legislation on the
temperance question. We regard it
as an insult to he temperance people
of Ontario, That a ropy of this
resolution be forwarded to the Hon.
W. H. Hearst, Premier, also to our
representative, A. H. Musgrove."
Best to Buy Buy to Wear
The 3 -piece Double-breasted Sack, with Long Lapel,
Padded Shoulder, Double Elbows, Double Knees in the
Trousers ; Lined with a most serviceable Lining.
This is the correct thing for this season and we have it
in the newest Patterns.
The "Lion Brand" and fully guaranteed.
New Spring Hats and Caps just in.
D. C. R o
Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this
8-footor autmore,o-oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with oil for a
The galvanised steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, known the world over as "the windmill which runs when all
others stand still," This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in
much Less wind than that well known windmill.
The two large gears, which lift the Load straight up, arc each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion en the main shaft and must take its half of the load at all times.
The auto -oiled wmdmif,witb its duplicate gears and two pitmen lifting the load straight up, is un-
breakable, Every 8 -foot mill is tested underapumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump
rod. For the larger sizes the load is proportionately greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbreakable, We venture the assertion
that this is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested,
best oiled, most nearly perpetual, automatic and sell -
sufficient of anymachine of any kind ever made
t work andfriction the most nearly foot -pros[
There isnonteIanypart
on of the furl-
ing device when the lis l is runningdand very
little Avhen'the wheel is furled.
esauuamntannomaunuum t9
grlreree - - 1 n t �;:
A small
child can easilylfurl this
windmill or an automatic r gulator tan
takecara of It. One of these mills has been furled •
10,000 times In one day by a man on our premises -more
times than it would ordinarily be furled in 30 y ars o1 service.
A band brake, of the automobile type, is used, and it always holds.
The gear case contains two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction washers in the hub of the wheeT and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not a drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with. oil.
1f you are tired of climbing a windmill tower; If you are tired of buying repairs
and having them put one or, 1f you are tired of wafting fora big wind, let us fur-
nish you an unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going mill to go on any Old tower. It
costs but little and you will get the difference between no water In a light wind
and an abundance of water In almost no wind. The flooding of all the working
parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to climb It. Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oils if needed, and inspect the mill.
Running water purifies Itself-etagnaat water, standing water, collects and retains Impur-
ities. If .you pump from your well constantly all the water Rican opare,the water that cornea
in to take its place will be pure. If the water in your well stands until you happen to want some,
v [SIMDb t little tbca It le likely that Mending water i
will flow into it and Dotty in fill.
purities. The uasafe well Iso-ol ed windmill the undiesall that has possible
wtter. A fl from one ye latheend to the of desired.
'Phe auto -oiled and no c bt. 18 alt this ed, wr io ea it can run from one year's end 1 the other ago.
McNeal! no car an
v w dao eo5f. It interested, write cAwo m In o
tC .1146 So.Cem
Campbell Ave,, Chicago.
�wIll cost have dowing water, cool i Bummer and your fm llwinter, always freshti ter run in get
will cost next to nothing. It will give health to ourtamd
Y 8 and stock. Let the water ten into n
good sire reaetvoir rad mise all the doh of the choice kinds your tamely can cat, and have water to Irrigate
YOU garden and make It raise many times es much as It would otherwise. Water costs nothing. Use it. To let It stand to to abuse It.
Aull of
dile trite
Inde the
Pa AMENT, Agent