HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-15, Page 4f a trouts Vat THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 29t5 Baan Cplimlwt gad Boost. Haim you ordered your nuts 7 AN Election for the Conn one in Juue would mean a short, sharp eanlpa'gu WHAT is your guess as to the date the allies will march into Constantinople. ? Soar techers in Ontario r aukshus 2 c spellug reform introduced. loth Billings if alive, could maim 2 b the pioneer of the bizvus. He had a style peculiarly his own but put no patent 00 it. Seaforth Municipal Council slid e sensible stoke when they paid $200 in settlement of a suit threatened by Mrs. Hugh McIntosh, of Toronto, for injuries received by falling on an icy sidewalk. The amount cashed up wculd not stand Song when It carne to a Court of Justice. BULGARIA i5 thought to be playing a two faced part, while professing neutrality and may be asked for reasons as to supplies to Austria. If the Bul- garians dont want s peck of trouble they bad better play fair as the allies are in .no mood for any "monkey" work at this stage of the war. ONE of the new terrors promised to the allies is to smother them in the trenches by poisonous gasses encased in a shell, People would almost forget that this Was the zoth century and the Nations at war Christians if we were not told, Wonder what could be put on the program worse than hes been, If it were the loth century and the fighting forces heathen 7 ONTARIO Provincial Parliament con. eluded the business of the session Thurs- day of last week. 99 bills were passed in addition to the Supply bill. Dis- satisfaction is felt that no pronounced Temperance legislation was placed on ,the Statute book. In numerous places condemnatory resolutions have been passed by the Prohibition party ir- respective of politics. Premier Hearst missed his chance. Jr'is said a goodly number contem- plate having a rural telephone installed in connection with Brussels, Grey and Morris system. We doubt if tbe same amopnt of money can be put into any utilitythat ill as surediY Y1611rete roe. Now is a good time to order so that dur- ing the long Summer season practical use might be made of it when times are busy. The more 'phones in use the better the service should be to those up- on the circuit. Cost is a mere bagatelle compared with the many uses the tele- phone can be put to in facilitating the business or work of the owner. Hello 1 Wiil you place your order at once ? As an indication of the interest felt in the proposed prohibiting of the liquor traffic in Great Britain while the war lasts, and perhaps longer, it is said Loyd -George, the well known British statesman, received an average of s5,000 letters a day on tbe question. Some doubt that the Old Country people are ready for it.,. Guess it you wait un- til everybody is fully persuaded Dooms- day would arrive ahead of it. Good will come of the discussion whether the ''lid is put on" just now or not. We dislike to see the Motherland behind Russia and France when she leads the eau in so many other advances. IN the past S months of the great European war no less than 6,000,000 men have been lost while the cost is said to have footed up to over $q,soo,- 000,oco, Such a wastage of men and money is telling very seriously and as the Germans and Austrians have nearly every available man in the ranks the breaking point cannot be long delayed. The allies have still unlimited backing and are as certain of final victory as though the last shot had been fired. A rocky road is still ahead of them how. ever as they commence the big job of crumpling up the German, Austrian and Turkish armies, Four months more is estimated as the possible limit of hostilities with a possibility of hall that seeing the smash, WILLARD. the giant cow boy from Kansas, who "put it over" Jack John- ston, the darkey pug, at Havana, Cuba, has a good deal of horse sense. On his way home au aspiring mother asked teim tokiss her I baby5171E he contented himself with patting the kiddie on the head, Many a baby bas good reason W kick up a rebellion against the fashion so many folk bave of fairly smothering the child with kisses, The osculatory fad may be all right where the party kissed has the option of saying "Yes 1" or "No I" but when it comes to pollee- ing down on a defenceless baby and impressing a dozen or so smecks it is time to call a halt, It is not healthy for the"bundle of sweetness" and the adult sbould know better. (IUE1,R'1,t17"TISJ ON FIRS'1' ,MEMBERSHIP ROLL OF ICNOX OI4UROIFL A. Simpson Mrs. Thos. Strachan Airs. Jets. Ferguson Ronald McNaughton PUBS) EINE OLD LADIES ON MELVILLI."7 CHURCH 0H ORIGINAL LIST AEAMMMYREMEDY FOR MANY YEARS Used "Fruit-a•fiues't'With The Best of Results, Mrs. Donald Ou71•ie Mrs. Gilbert McCallum Mrs. Wtu, Rose DOMINIotr Parliament has prorogued thereby putting a stop to the numerous investigations in counection with war purchasing scan lals. J+'s just doubtful if this style of clearing up things will be very satisfactory to fair minded electors and it may have to be met a little further down the road when it comes to ballot marking. There msy be a sort of excuse handed out for one sided patronage but tbere should be no "winking" at crook. edness, Now for a thorough cleaning up cam psign. Some of the changes in the Public Health Act are very radical bat are aimed for the protection of the people. A reaey compliance with the provlsioos may save people trouble for negligence. The slate of the Sanitary Inspectors cfcial visit will be made on Saturday. May 15th when it is expected he can report favorably to the Board, All the worse for the offenders if he cannot. A word to the wise should be sufficient. South Perth Liberals In Line At the annual meeting of the South Perth Liberal Association at Mitchell last Friday Wm Forrester, of Mitchell, was chosen Federal candi- date. The attendance of delegates was large, every municipality being well represented. 8 candidates were nominated for the liouse of Conn- malla :-V. Stock of Tavistock ; Dun- can MatVannel, St. Marys : John Murray, Avonton ; Peter Snaith, Downie ; F. J. Sanderson, St. Marys ; F. A. Campbell, Mitchell ; Wm. Forrester, Mitchell, and Win. Elliot, Mitchell. All withdrew except Mes- srs. Stock, Smith and Forrester. On the Rrst ballot Mr. Forrester se- cured a rnatjnrity of the votes and on motion of Mr. Smith his nom- ination was made unanimous. Mr. Forrester' accepted the nom- ination and said he was willing to do wbat he Could to place the riding of South Perth back in the Liberal column, and he urged all tine dele- gates to see that their municipalities were properly organized, and if all did their part he was sure that he would be elected. Mr. Fort'estee is an extensive farmer and Iiax miller and is well known throughout the riding. F. F. 'Pardee, M. 1?„ of Sarnia, was then called upon, and gave a very vigorous address. He congratulated South Perth on the splendid con- vention and on its oholce of a candi- date. He referred to his pleasant relations with their former r•epee- sentative, the late Gilbert Alclulyre, and predicted that if the Liberals of South Perth got solidly behind (Mt. Forrester they would soon be able to welcome him to the House of Coln - mons. George liastner. Sebringville, was re-eleoted Ptesident: Jesse Looker, Logan, 1st Vice -President 1 John Murray, Avon ton, 2nd Vice -Presi- dent, and Wm, Elliott, Mitchell, Secretary -Treasurer. Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday evening of last week. Present Reeve Leckie awl CouncillorsMcGuire Muldoon, Hew- itt and Walker. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accounts were presented : N. A1oCaulay, streets $ 2 25 F. R. Smith, Board of Health. 7 65 Fire Dept. Pcyne fire 57 00 F. Sperling, wood for Hall 5 50 G. Hender'w"n, teaming 100 J. Sharp, Electric Light 172 60 Gerry & W0156r, miscellaneous 04 Dr, T. T. McRae, eRne, Board of Health . 60 00 Brussels cemetery, Lay .... 0 00 Anderson Bios„ hauling engine 4 00 Municipal World, mis., 1 07 Robe. Oliver, salary 40 00 Moved by Councillors Muldoon - Hewitt, that accounts be paid except Brussels cemetery. Carried. There being no appeals against the Turnberry Server assessment. It was moved by Hewitt -\talker, that, the Special Assessment on Turnberry street South sewer be conftenecl and that a By -Law be prepared to issue debentures for coat of sewer. (tarried. Moved by McGuire -Walker, that Medical Health` Officer's salary for 1915 be $100 00, w) ich wilt cover ex- penses to Peterboro' to attend Board of Health Oouvenl'on. Ceteried. S. Oarter applied for leave to put iu a gasoline tank far service of ,tu60nto- hiles en Turnberry street. Moved by Muldoon- A1cGuiee, that pet mission be granted Air. Cartel an ccuditinu that it be put 10 according to rules one Ontario Underwriters Association and that it don't increase the insuretuc6 rates, Carried. A cotnneu leatinn wag read ham T. Farrow, Collingwood, relative to aesensment of bis house properly, Turnberry street. Council adjourned. Change Farmers' institutes At the meeting of the Agricultural Committee 0f the Ontario Legislature the anhouuoement was made that the depot tmeot would shortly reorganize the system with respect to Fat Hers' Institutes. The present system has not p104110ed all the results expected, and the change will be made almost iminetlitttely. Scheme is to amalga- mate all local organizations and enlist in some way the co-operatiou of the municipalities told the local Boat of Trade. A larger program of judging with lespectto Field Crops and other branches of age ieulture,,,will be 50110- dttced and a further revival of interest in rieoll 11 aleducation e, a t t as Matinee. g P LI future a board of irector o the 1 h d s f the taxes of the North West Tele- graph Oo. to the County Treasurer for collection. Oart•ied. Accounts, totalling $150.35, were passed and meeting adjourned to meet again eat call of Reeve. Turnberry Council Connell (net in Bluevale, Monday, 1 Mauch 29th. All mambas present. Minntee of last meeting read and ad - of Wheeler•. -Adair, Township printing was given the Whnghanl PublIshingg Go., beingtol the lowest tender. By-laws were read three tiles and passed appointing the following officers for the current year viz i- Fence -viewers, Wm. , H, ,1111,,4611, Thus. Aetkhi, Wm, S. Klug, Thos. Heigh, Satul. Vanetone, .hones E. Nieltnl. Joseph Love!, Frank I Wright j('., E. Preis, and Robert.Lea- • thorn. Rnuudkeepers z- Robert Mc - I JCague, Alex. Findlater, ,las. S. Scott, Hugit Turkel', Andrew Gemmell, Jas. Airtnn, Peter S. McEwen, F. W. Wright sr. E. Olivia, Jas. William- ' son, John .Mundell and W. D. Elliott. Patlituastets :-A. Findlater, R. Jet. Prey, W. H. Alundell, H. Cameron, J. Little, D. Holmes, A. Stapleton, H, Go(dkin jm., .1. '1'ervitt, D. Marshall, R. Stokes, J. Weir, W. S. Mitchell, T. James, A. Johnston, J. E. Homuth, S. Woods, Alex. Foigie, R. Wilton, T. Gilruour, 15. Carruthers, A. Wheeldhs, A. P. Homuth, M. Willits, E. Bolt, A. 1Pherson J. AJ H. Powell, I. J Wright, 13. Tutmin , S. gin W g , King, NLLVILLII 011UB011 ERECTED IN 1872 Farmers' Institutes will not he elected by the members, but will consist of reptese(tatives of various neganiz,t- Hens and municipalities. One will come from each Feruters' Club, Agri - cultured Society, co-operative Fniit Association and Final cul tura! Society, Tuwnabip, Town or village, from each boar[ of 11ade or publicity association. 17epresental 17577 211,20 the dpitmen' ent and di 177111 Wopteu's Institutes are included. The board of di( eel nts will actAS sal eXPetltive to decide where to hold meetings and to select points al which short courses in Stock judging, short courses in agriculture and other special kinds of work will be nn(let- taken. The funde for defraying ex- penses will be derived from Legis- lative grants, tnnnfripAI grants end membership fees. The policy will be to hold meetings only at those points where the crenperatiou of the Neuters in the surrounding commu- nity could be secured. 4-1 huge Dunr- ber of live stock judging 0001.565 and other meetings at which denumslra- tions 501111 be a feature will be plan. nee. A111(fial expenses for "meetings iuclnding the ineget proportion of the outlay fm advertising, will be hone nut of the funds of the hinted of agri- culture, while lecturers and demote atrati0ns will be provided flee of cost. McKillop Council Township Council (net at, the Com- mercial Hotel, Seaforth, Tuesday, .April Mb, allmembers present. Moved by F 7 'McQuaid- .14:11:: Govenlock that Assessment Roll be accepted h inn Assessor subject to the Ootirt of Revision. Carried. Moved by John Govehllrk-Daniel Regele, that Cie' k return the 1,ngtn• eetes repte t.on the Canada Company Drain to the Engineer, the. Ooitn•il being rieshems of having the drain re- moved from the tennis where the natural course is net. on said read and that the Reeve be a cammit tee to lay this matter before the Engineer, and that in the Crozier and all future drains this matter be cnhsidered. Carried. Moved by le, J. McQuaid- John Govenlock, thak Treasurer tarn over Betimes, Al we c T H P. cL n J. A1.Rurt hton J. AJoEwen sr., P. Scott, Cloth o Hig- gins, R. Bhtek, P. King, H. Diment, Al. Procter, J. Lennox, J. McKenzie, G. Basile, G. Gannett, D. AicNaugh- tou, R. Hogg, G. 1Valker, H. Alerkley, J. Lane, A. Gewuzell, H. Muir, W. Leckie, 3, Alnffatt. W. T. P.: -G. Wilson, J. Reed, G. Phippin, G. S. Cruiekslnlnk, Wm. Bolt, L. Copeland. Bluevale :-R. Musgrove. Accounts amounting to $25.30 were passed. Cnunoil ndjour054 to meet in Blue - vale Monday, May 3rd at 2 p, 111, P. POWELL, Olen ic. SEAFORTR SPRING FAIR The annual Spring horse and Cattle Fair held at So,tforlh Thursday [vas a great 5uceese, Main street being lined with people as the judging of the various classes took place. Judges were :- Heavy horses -J, AR.Quillan, Luck. now i light horses -J. Kelly, Listo- wel ; cattle -J. Biggins, Clinton, Following tire 11te pei5e winners 1-- • CLYDESDALE Aged stellion---1, J. McGnvin, Lead - bury ; 4 W. Nott, Clinton ; 3, J. 15,' 1310,61,, Mil dud , Stallion foaled in 1012-1, James Spiv, Betiesele, Stallion foaled in 1015-1, R. D. Bell jr., Hensn11, 41trep.take-J. McGnvin (Cumber - laud Jim ) I' RC111(ROlO I Ili n Jas Smith, mit AIcTCrllnp. 1111773' draft linin 111 harness 1, A, 5inelair, Kipper ; 2, Arbogast Bros., Sebringville. Blood (mee in foal -1, John Drover, Crouse'ty ; 2, W. J. Dade, Mullett, Fiilyne grilling, foaled in 1912-1, Arbogast 13t•ns, ; 2, Wnl. Rijn, Hal- lett. Filly or gelding, foaled in 7013-1, Alimpet 137(79, ; 2, C, Wright, & Rohn, Seale» di. Petty or geltiir g foaled in 1914-1, 0. \1'(1711 ,@ 44- 1,5 ; 2, R. 'D, Bell j4-„ Jfeneall. STANDARD 131LED Trotting stalliotr-1, Leo Cllaeles- GEORGE MGM, Ego. RIPraN, ONT,, Julie 17th. 1913. "I have been usiug "Fruit-a-tives" as a fatuily remedy for many years. They are the best medicine I have ever tried. "Pruit-a-Lives" do me the most good- they never gripe and their action is pleasant. "I have used tltern for Indigestion and Constipation with thehestresults, and I heartily recommend them to - anyone similarly afflicted. These troubles have left =complete- ly and Igive "Fruit-a-tives"'full credit for all` this. A nicer pill a man cannot take." GEORGE AicSAY. The enormous demand for "Pruit,a- 71ves" is steadily increasing, due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all eases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumatism: Chronic Headaches, and Neuralgia, and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. b0c a•box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 25c, Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa, worth, Blyth ; 2, .e. Pinkney, Strat- ford. Pacing akatllinn-1, W. Oudmore, Seaforth ; J. Garter, Hallett. Roadster horse in hat ness-1, A, E. Close, Seaforth ; 2, G. Koehler, Zurich. Carriage horse in harness -1, W. J. Millar, Clinton ; 2, E. Wurm, Zut Mb. Rnadetee team in harness=l, J, Deolcee ar., Zurich ; 2, G. Cornish, Olinton. Carriage team in harness -I. W. Waido, Leemall. Troyer special 1, J. Pinkney, St•at- fot 4. AGRICULTURAL Team in harness -1, Jas. Ferster, Lu Ckno w• 2,D. I'uthett'u4- ham Tueketst i h 3 6 n t 3'.lso ithu N o, Eg- mondville. Brood mare in foal -I, Arbogast Bros. ; 2, Snell Bros., Constance ; 3, P. Bean, Rennie. Filly nr gelding foaled ill 1912-1, 0. Wright & Sons ; 2, Y. Lane, Seaforth. Filly or gelding foaled ire 1013-1, C. Wl ight & Sons ; 2, Thos. Dickson, Seaforth. P iJlyy ofcluing foaled in 1914-1, 0, lW: vigil t &s+ria, Cri0N15,IL PURPOSE Tenni- 1, Jae, Von leguo/nd, Clio• tun ; 2, J, i)7uitee., 41171017. 111., Hal 11070 apeciol 51111 1/7141171 for It en 110150 a1 811ow-1, \Vim, Brown, 0.5,1 nu. Sperinl ($10 mirth dnnate& by George 1'ruyee, I1,ha Green, 1'"t 11(1,, 514-51111rew nuftnnha Ly a +'Ian11,rd Turd irotluig etidlioen: melee two )cat's ,rill, spa .;erred, money divided) Aon by "Teddy Direct" culls owned by J. Pinkney, of Steatfol d. CATTLE Shorthorn -131111, ikeen yellt'e old 1117,1 1761-A & J, 1,1 ;ma fool, Tonkel • 57(,1111; 2, Jas. Melulosh, 'J'neltet- emil lb 117111, I,'I''',•nr•nld-1, Geo, JJIOkson, Seafnrl 11, , . Bill, one ye,u',0l(1-1, J. W. Beattie, Ss,,('rn th ;.2, J. V. Belittle. Sweepstalce-A. & 3.,Broadfpot, Trowbridge Roy Tughen went to Wingham where he has secured a position. Bruce Smith, wed Arthur Bradford 1Iaye exchanged faunst Id 'moved. Miss Libbie AleUurn�iek is visiting. her brother, Rev, R..1. Alc0otwick, Holnte871111. Word wits received from Bliss, Ai ich., of IJ.e'suddeu death of Stephen Cosens, son of Cornelius Oosens. His. ;We who is left to mourn his loss, is a sister of Archie and VP. J. Tughen, Listowel William King, Wallace township, badthe misfortune to receive a brok- en leg by getting kicked by a colt. . Many of our young 11160 spent Good Friday skating, curling or playing hockey. Lincoln Damm, the baker, has been going around with his left hand tied up. He eoalded it with hot lard. T, Male le remodelling lits residence, Improvements will inelude'new veran- dah, bath room and installation of a tut uacs. Miss Luella .Hach attended the wedding on Tuesday, at Hamilton, of Rise Clapham, of that pity and former- ly of Llstowel, to W. J. Mort Ison, B. A., of Dutton, former Science Master lit Listowel High School, An Act to Ouusolidate pertain De- bentures and Other Debts of the Wien of Listowel passed its third reading in the Ontario Legisletgre. It gives Liistowel;powey to Issue (lebentl;t'es to theatn0(1(7 of $153,000 10 provide funds 107)1737 the ijoating debt, James Tar. lance, M. P. P„ had charge of the Bill. The. bus team of William Donegan became unmanageable at the corner of Main and Wellington streets and ran along Wellington street until .they struck it tree opposite the O. P. R. station. Mr. Donegan was thrown na' just before the bt k the t use roc to ree. The bus was damaged but the horses are none the worse of their run. The annual vestry meeting of Ohrist Thomas se, Brussels. Phone 41x • UPTURE (51513 DATAS A5$ $q'11`QM) NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURE WITHOUT KNIFE, HARNESS, NOTHINGNTOINVESTIGATE STS dlr. Egan's now Kin appliances, "the 007775 ve 071(1" the Curfttrus", aro rapid- ly taking the plate of 7)10 01d.fesldoned trusses pm•eb(tsed by Mail order. Thos new (nvenldona1138 o0nstru0ted to assist 11771111.6 III iter 5,11,5 of healing 1111(1 unfree from even, eutubersonte feature that you possibly have been Annoyed with some time or another, Coniplete-co01't awaits you. Correct hold 1115 e•)It Uaul ek- parioneed from the start. No moeeseala of rupture. Misery comes to an end ut once, You will enjoy that absolute (Mill- deuce of being able to do anything at any time or anywhere wlthort the Dowel took - Int; its 00011110 outelde the abdomen. This worry. This 051l omakunta feel Mutat new person, This lth,d ofvretention is in- tended to assist nature to Mose the open- ing. These now inventions aro adapted to different forms of hernia to meet the needs of every man, woman or ohil(i. Step further expert:nen:me with foreign ap, prlanees and end your rupture troubles at small cost by consulting a Canadian 7111)'7nro appltanco speotalist. Delays may be dangoroas; [oar off coupon now. THIS FREE RUPTURE COUPON IIpon presentation to J. Y• Egan, specialist 0 West King street, Toronto, who will vlsii the towns below, entitles bearor to free eon- sultation none exuminationoi sem polos. Ash at hotel of Ice for room number, 1Toto dates, LIstowol, Arlington Hotol, Apr1119 BI'Uaaele, Amerlean Hotol, Tuoaday (an day 5111 7 p.,nt,) 1 day onty-Apra 20th Winghnni, Queen's Hotol, April 21st Made In 'llamado. papr-hanijin sg ainting JNO. LUNN FAINTER, PAPERHANGER GRAINER and DECORATOR My aim is to give satisfaction by Good Wolk and Moderate Prices, JNO. LUNN Church was held on Monday evening ()fleet weelc at which ie was shown that the. past year was one of the most successful in s the history e ch of 5111 arch Those in office 1717111K past set v ear were re -appointed, except the Ward- ens who will be elected at the adjourn- ed meeting R Woods was added to the select vestry. 'Votes of thanks ' were passed to the choir, Wouten's Auxiliary and other n1ganizations for the splendid work done during til year., Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford is the es- teemed recur. !gym neTonight., -if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable- for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Yopr food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a solo•, fermented mass,otsoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets- they make the liver do its work -they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll feet fine in the morning, At all druggists, 26c.. or 47=11 from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14. CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS "MADE IN CANADA" Fordn iour � Car a Price . Prices of other Ford cars are Two -passenger Runabout $540, Two -passenger Couplet $$5o, Five -passenger Sedan $1150. All cars fully equipped, including elec- tric headlights.h ts. Prices ccs F. . 0. B. Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915, All Ford cars are on exhibition at S. CARTER'S, Brussels. 1 Chopping The Chopping Mill at the Electric Light Plant has commenced Chopping and farmers are assured of satisfaction. Chopping will be done every week- day. Brussels Electric Power Company Riverside Poultry Farm BRUSSELS, ONT. We are offering for sale this Spring hatching egg+ from font hundred (fens 0elocted frog, a took of 600 birds, consisting of R• 0. R. 1. Reds (Suslnnan.P(erco and ',esker Ton,pk(ns strains, Amorics's two greatest laying stratus of Rede) • Whits Wyeadottes (7(872aal a6•ahl mated with sues( corkorsla as aloT,eod Bron.' of Stoney Creek, from theirfamous ;rite whi- ning laying pens); Burred Rucks (O A.C,strein bred from their heaviest trap nested 81000 ; S. C. A.,leollea (the town 0r alt, bird, that 11784 on lees, stand•, confinementand moat perils• tent layers of any claret ; Mammoth Pekin Ducks, bred from American stook that nverag. 0(5 95 eggs each in 6 months, end make the fin- est quality of green duels, weighing from 6 to 8 lbs. in ten weeks. Price of eggs up to April 20t1, $100 per (5 ; 60 eggs or over Oe n ppiece after April 2071, tc a;Ikea. Duck rap, 100 per egg. ('orre0pondenee 1117(1ed in referenda to day-old and branded chicks There 14 *money 1(1 poultry, even at the high cost of feed. 155 matured pullets prodtter,) me $(50 00 in eggs in two months, parte of Dec., din and ]Telt. 1tORT. THOMSON. ----- The People's Column PROPER''lY FOB '+AM,E--1'116 undrrslgoed offers formic the 9 pore Park lotwith oodbrick cottage and bank horn on It, ad: joining the vitiate of Croninook. . There Ss also a gond orchard, 2 wells, fin, Lnuuedlnte p0aa,isaloa' can be give11. Convenient to 20(1201, church and uoatmises, ' eu etre n norma ,88, apply on the premises or maitre nt Tel m �'Ost. MRS. 3SO. COATER, Ornnbrook, LA OUSE AND LOT for sale on,john street, • • Br00se10. Comfortable 110,100 650.1 8076111 lot e0,1for, Pin era, particulate i 00to price 860,, apply to A. 7011EIt8 1'f-tf or P. 8. Scott, Brussels. Brick irrd TIe 'minimmommommaiszmunaga. zzi Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Core & llouherty -I YARDS HENFRYN