HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-8, Page 8inrinaldthyde
The Great Smut
and Germ Killer
Seeding time is at betel. Better
take things in time anti have your
grain treated with a solation of For.
meldehy:le before planting. The
value of this as a smut kilter for oats
anti barley has been demonstrated
year after year, until now its use has
become quite general. Our For-
maldehyde is the best that can be
obtaiuec. is 40% strong and s pound
bottle will do from 89 to roc bushels
of grain. If you have not used it
come in and see about it -it will cer-
tainly pay you, as tate Bost is very
trifling as compared with the im-
proved grade of grain that is ob-
One Ib, Bottle 4oe
Half Ib. Bottle ase
Easter CO*
Easter Booklets in very neat design
with place to insert your own per -
$0051 Card, come at 50 and roe each,
Other Easter Booklets at: too; 150
and 20e each;
Easter Post Cards
All Silk M 509 each,
Special Card with 3 Cloth Chickens
are se each,
Cards with Booklets attached and
suitable verses are 5o each.
The 2 for 5 line -Fresh colorings
unci decorated with Cros es, Puesy
Willows, Violets, &e. 'Plenty to
choose from.
Easter Novelties
Nancy Baskets at 150 each.
White and Yellow Chickens se each.
Rabbits 5c, and other Novelties.
Egg Dye, Sc pkge.
?'fie it?.....ted Store F. H. SMITH
gond 11 etas 4tents
i evening Board Friday e g of this
SEE "The Devil" at the Picture show
A number of interesting matters have
to be held over until next issue.
COUNCIL minutes are crowded out of
this issue but will appear next week.
THE ice cream season is now open at
W. A. Grewar's Confectionery and
Fruit Store.
MILITARY •HORSES.- Wednesday of
next week officers will be in Brussels to
inspect and purchase horses for the
overseas military service. People hav-
ing suitable animals for sale should have
theneotii hand.
corn -
"',,,,, evening of this week a corn
pany of the boys from Brussels Contin-
uation School will go to Winthrop and
put on the "Trial of the Kaiser" at a
school entertainment to be held in the
Calder Hall.
CARD OF THANKS. -We wish to very
heartily thank the members of Brussels
Fire Brigade and the many citizens who
rendered as such helpful service on the
night the fire destroyed our mill. It
was highly appreciated and we hope to
have opportunities of repaying the kind-
ness only not in the same way.
Yours Truly,
of Grey township, has purchased the
house and lots of Joseph Bolger, Turn -
berry street. South, known as the
"Danford" property. There are 6
acres of land connected with it. Price
is said to be $reoo and immediate pos-
session. Mr. Bolger, who has land at
Cabra, Sask„ will return to the West
where he has spent aeveral years, al-
though a former resident of Walton lo-
cality. We wish all concerned success.
resentatives of the various Insurance
Companies carrying risks on the Pryne
mill and contents, recently destroyed by
fire, were here during the past week
when the losses were adjusted. Messrs,
Pryne received $5.700 on the mill and
machine's, and $9,600 on the grain,
flour, &c,, burned. Some clearing up of
the debris has been done and a portion
e'> of grain taken out and offered as poultry
feed. The safe was also removed from
the basement into which it had dropped
during the fire.
MRs. J. L. KERR'S FUNERAL, -O0 the
afternoon of Good Friday the funeral
of the late Mrs. (Rev.) J. L. Kerr took
place from her late residence. Rev.
Mr. Wren, her pastor, condpcted an
( appropriate service and interment was
f made in Brussels cemetery alongside
the partner of nearly So years, Pall-
bearers were 5 grandsons (Dr. Fred.
Gilpin, of Milwaukee, Mich. ; Lieuts.
Chas. and Harold Kerr, of Welland ;
W. L. Cavanagh, of Owen Sound ; and
J. Leslie Kerr, of Clinton) and a son-in-
law (W, A. Matthews, of Colpoy's Bay.)
In additloe to floral tributes from the
family, the Women's Missionary Society
placed a fine doral pillow on the casket
and A. J. and Mrs, Lowry sent two
choice sprays. Among otber relatives
and friends who were here for the
funeral in addition to above mentioned
were :-Mrs, H. Metcalf, of Toronto,
i.: sister to deceased ; Rev. W. E. and
Mrs. Kerr, Welland ; Mrs. Cavanagh.
Owen Sound ; Mrs, W. A. Matthews,
Colpoy's Bay ; Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr,
Clinton ; Mrs. A. M. Kay, Stratford ;
Miss Mary Grainger, Listowel ; and
Mrs. A. Bruce, Palmerston.
A FINE WOMAN DIES.- The impera-
tive call to which none can say "Nay 1
name to Mrs. W. H. McCracken, an old
and well known resident of Brussels,
and she reeponded last Saturday morn-
ing passing away to her reward from
her home, Albert street. Sbe was in
her 6gth year. For some time she had
been in poor health and it was hoped
the amputation of a limb Thursday of
last week would prolong her life but a
hemorrhage of the stomach followed
resulting in her weakenedkened condition,
in her demise.
Mrs, McCracken was
born in the Township of Durnmer, her
maiden name being Jane Carveth. 47
years ago she married the late W. H.
McCracken, and located in Brussels.
She is survived by 3 sonsFred, and
Will. Brussels, and R. G., of St, Paul)
and 4 daughters (Misses Amanda and
Eva, Brussels ; Miss Clara, Edmonton
and Miss Carrie, Toronto) who share in
l ; '
the sympathy of a wide circle of old
friends, Funeral took place to Brus-
eels cemetery Tuesday afternoon Rev.
' • D. Wren, deceased's pastor, being in
charge of service. Pallbearers were
W. El. Pryne, J, 'T. Wood, R. Leather -
dale, 5, Carter, R. J, Hoover and Jno.
Cunningham, A better hearted or
more hospitable woman than the seb-
jest of this notice would be hatd to find
and as a reselt she had a host of
friends, W. and Mrs, Carveth, of
Oshawa, ti brother the former a,
Mrs Bryce and Mrs. Grant, Paisley,
and Mrs D. Sehraeder, Hanover,
cousins ; and . Mrs. Jas. Wilkie, Lon-
don, It niece, were here for the funeral,
Sclroot will re -open next Monday.
OWING to the dance to -night the
Picture Show will start pormptly at 8
and will be over at 9 30.
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.-- Friday after-
noon of next week the regular meeting
of the Women's Institute will be held.
"What a child should be taught before
entering school" will be the topic, in-
troduced by Miss May Smith. In
response to the Roll Call members are
asked to give their favorite recipe
ery" contest in the Londun Advertiser,
in which people were expected to draw
hats on hatless ladies heads. Miss
Rhoda Hewitt, of Brussels, came in for
honorable mention. That's better thau
some of the artists in the real article al-
ways receive as there were over 4000
competitors in the Easter Bonnet con-
HATonrNO Boos - 8. C. Ancones, Heavy
Winter laying strain. Eggs 51,00 per 15.
J. B. BALLANTYNE, Brussels.
ORANGas are at their best. Sweet, juicy
and Seedless at W. A. Gln wAR'e.
BARRED Rook Eggs, bred to lay strain 0
per hundred. Jas. ahiela, Brussels P.
O. R,
R, No, 2. Phone 4515.
ASoole 20 tons of good timothy hay for sale
at HECTOR MoQUASRIE'o, Lot 12, Con. 4. Grey.
WE sell Heinz's cream of Tomato Soaps,
Pork & Beans. Olives and Preserved Fruits at
W. A. GnsWAa's
8 young laying hens for Bale,
Dins. A. KBEs, Brussels.
LAnr'a muff lost. Will finder kindly leave
nt Tbm Pon.
I HAVE some extra fine clover honey now in
10 Ib. pails at $1.25 each G. A. DRADMAN.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Geo
Lowry. Princess street, keeps real
poorly but we hope she will soon be
fully restored.
Misses Kathleen and Alice Wilton
were at Stratford Good Friday attend-
ing the funeral of the late Mrs. Patton,
aunt to Rev. Fr. Blair, recently of
Wingham and Brussels.
Mrs S. Fear and Mrs. A. Smith, of
town, and Miss Mary Fear, of Brigden,
and Miss Gerty, of Turonto, were at
Blyth this week attending the funeral of
the late William Jackson brother and
uncle to the ladies natned. Mr. Jackson
had been to Brussels two weeks prior'to
his demise, looking fairly well. hence the
report of his death came as quite a sad
day afternoon, after an extended illness.
Mrs. Joseph Kinney, died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Dora McFadzean,
corner of Church and John streets, aged
70 years, 5 months and tg days.
Funeral will take place Friday after-
noon at 2.3o p, m. service half hour
earlier. Interment in Brussels ceme-
THE GOOD WORK Gore ON, -Follow-
ing were coutents of bale sent to Bel-
gians on April and by Brussels :-2
complete infanta layettes, 4 women's
skirts, 2 boys cloth suits, 5 childrens'
cloth dresses, 4 el:itch-ens' flannelette
bloomers, 16 chiidrens' flannelette shirts,
r dozen childrens' flaunnelette gowns,
4 pairs boy's pyj man, 5 girl's cloth
dresses, 5 girls cotton dresses with
bloomers, 17 girl's cotton dresses, 2 pair
baby's stockings; I pair baby's boots. 3
flannel blankets, 6 comforters, r sweater.
coat, 5o lbs, dried apples, Until further
notice, the Tuesday afternoon meetings
of the Red Cross Auxiliary at the
Library will be withdrawn. Those
having any sewing or knitting out are
asked to kindly have it in as soon- as
possible as a bale is to be shipped to Red
Cross headquarters as soon as possible,
Miss McDonald will supply wool to all
t' fishing it and everyone is urged to
ontinue knitting as there is still great
d,:mand for socks.
SUDDEN CALL, -The report that James
Cuthill ked suddenly departed this life
on Good Fri.lay came as a great shock
to the community but proved to be only
too true. He was chopping some wood
in the bush on his farm, Brussels North,
that morning when he felt a pain in his
heart Coming to the house he took
SOME to relieve It but within
half hour ii spirit had taken its flight.
big, man aged He was ahearty
g 77
years, 3 mouths and 19 days and not
looked Upon as a person to go the way
he dad Mr, Cuthill was a native of
Stirhngshire. Scotland and came to
delude in 186a to visit his late brother
John, who was living at Seaforth, He
returued to the Old Land in 1868,
married Miss Robles Connell, on
March 17111, 1869 and they located on
Lot 17, Con. 15, Grey township in 1869
continuing there until 54 years ago
when they sold it to Jas. Perrie and
bought the Donald Stewart property at
Brussels. Mrs Cuthill, a son, John,
Calgary, and Miss Margaret, at home
survive. Mr. Cuthill has three sisters in
Scotland. He was for long years a
member of the Presbyterian church and
was a Liberal in his political preferences.
He was an industrious and thrifty man
and his integrity was undoubted.
Wednesday afternoon Rev. A J. Mann
conducted the funeral service and ,in-
torment was made in Brussels cemetery.
The bereaved glare in the sympathy 0f
the community, .
elf.4444lwl'+'04.+, FEW'*a,1Ha'+4444e't+14+4.4..44 1.441!0104'4,444.4 r' 4.1'
Annnunr.mnt n Price •
-.._ .... -AT. THE k
East Hurou Produce Emporium
At present we are paying the Following
.1. Extras • No. I No. 2
Butter..,.,.... 28c 26c 230
Eggs 18c 16c I2C
E Northern Spy pp A les$1.25N°.
1:.2 N per I.000 erba
Apples 5 P g P g+
*. Golden Russet Apples $r,00 peribag
+ Two Cars of Potatoes Wanted.
ROBT. THOMSON - • Brussels
+++++++++++++ +++++4444++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++•r'i'ar8.l + r8.r'Yi+++'a'c+•E'•I+aF3'++
People We Talk About •+•••••••1••••••••••••••••
Ilton. • Bert Lott sp •nt Easter at HamelIDo. Long spent Easter with r atives in Toronto
Mi s Bneari e Curry is holida ingvtth friends et Stratford.•Machine5
� •
Alan Mann is home from Woodstock a BRUSSELS ••
for the Easter vacation,•
13. and Mrs Edwards and children are
visiting relatives in Hullett, •
joe Wilton, of the Standard Bank, : •
Midland, was home for Easter. • To
• Farmers •
Druggist Frank Smith was a visitor • •
with Turonto friends this week. • Repairs to all kinds of Farm i
Mrs Harris, Mildmay, visited Mrs. • •
N. Platt over the Easter holidays. • Impleutente- •
George Buchanan, 13 A , of Omemee,• Disc harrows ground, eet...$1.50 •
is here for the Easter vacation lookiug a PIGW Pointe ground 2 for 25 •.
well • Cultivator Feet, each .05 •
Reeve Leckie was at Goderich 'Tues- • Lawn Mowers ground and
day as a member of tae Criminal Audit • set . .50 •
Board. •
Irene and Willie Hunter, Wiugham, • Threshers -Please Note , -
were here for the holidays at their • •
graudmother's. • All kinds of Repair-tmid Boil -
Fred Wood, of Erin, was an Ester • er mirk 'promptly attended •
visitor at the home of his brother, J. T. • to. Smoke Stacks made any •
Wood, of Brussels, • size and length. �,
Miss Ida Parker, of Atwood, is here • Circular Saws Gntnmed. • •
on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Thos.
Curry, Queen street.
I 'Look, of Chicago, is D. Robb, : To ; Automobilists ••
visit with his sister, Mr •
Turnberry street. • • airs. •
• Auto Repairs. We have in •
Win. and Mrs. Gordon, of Niagara • stock the best Auto Oils ob- •
Falls, are renewing old friendships in • tainable at lowest price. •
Brussels and locality,
Charlie Jackson, of Kincardine, has • C. Pope' & Son
been on the sick list but we hope he • •
will soon be fully restored. ••••••••••••••••••••••*•o+
S R. Crerar and son Ross, of Tor-
onto, were renewing old friendships
here during the Eastertide.
Misses Belle aucl Sarah V. McLaueh-
lin, of Toronto, were Easter holiday
visitors with their sisters in town.
Rub. McCracken, of St. Pant, was
called here owing to the illness of his
mother, Mrs. W. H. McCracken.
Mrs. S. Slemmon and Mrs. 3, H.
Cameron, of London, we're Easter
visitors with Reeve and Mrs, Leckie.
Mrs Parker Foster, of Kincardine,
was home over Easter. Her Lather, R.
McNaughton, has not beeu as well as
Miss Mabel Thomson, of Toronto,
spent Easter at her home here. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Beattie, of
the same city.
Chas. and Mrs. North, of Piston,
were visitors with J F and Mrs Row-
land, Brussels, The former is Mrs.
Rowland's brother.
Duncan McMartin. of Hensall, a
former Brusselite, bas gone through a
siege from pneumonia but is rallying
we are glad to say.
ex Warden Miller, of 'Toron'o, spent
a few dais with Diuggist and Mrs,
Fox They are old friends the families
being acquainted in Scotland.
Mrs. Neil MoLauchlio, a former old
resident, is renewing old friendships in
Bras' els and locality. She has been in
the West for the past few years.
Misses Gertrude Deadman, Juneve
Tay or and Gladys McQuarrie: of Strat- Warwick, Vernon Ross, Misses Isabel
ford Normal School are nulleopthe Strachan and Verne Walker, Miss
Easter holidays at their respective Hattie Downing, Miss Carrie Mc•
Mrs. Geo. Edwards spent Easter at
Stratford with her daughter, Mrs. Feed.
C. Baker, teller in the Bank of Nova
Scotia, Brussels, is away for a holiday
of three weeks
Mrs. W. H. Pryne went to Newbury
last week owing to the serious illness of
her daughter. Mrs. Robinson.
Mrs Wm. Cameron, of Owen Sound,
locality, was calling on relatives and old
friends in Brussels and vicinity.
A G. McDermott, of the Stendari
Bank, Whitby, was here on a short holi-
day trip during the past week.
Mrs. John Manning is visiting her
daughters at Hamilton' and Flesherton.
She will go West on her return in the
course of a month.
',MSS Alice Huston and Rob. Fisher,
Lucknow, and Howard and Mrs,
Stewart, Bluevale, were visitors at the
home of James and Mrs. Burgess.
Mrs. Ross and children and M. Coates,
brother of the former, left for their re-
spective homes in the West this week
after spending several months here.
C. and Mrs. Stepliensou, of Cathcart,
Ont , spent the Easter holidays with
theirson, i.,orne and Mrs. Stephenson,
Turnberry street, Brussels. This was
their first visit to this place but we hope
not their last.
Among the students and teachers
home from 'Toronto for Easter are Bob
Robt. and Mrs. Ross and children. of
Kincardine, and Mrs, Thos. Ross and .
daughter, of Chesney, were here during
the past week on a holiday visit with
Mrs. I K. Kingswood, of London,
made a short holiday visit with her
sister. Mrs. A, j Lowry, Turnherry
street, She is a daughter of James
Sharpe, of Brussels
Mrs, Storey, nee Miss May Skene, of
Toronto, was a welcome visitor with
o'd friends in Brussels. She was a
former resident, daughter of the late
John G Skene, merchant.
Mrs. Samir, of Claremont, was home
for a short visit with her parents and
other relatives and friends, She took
her son Finlay back with her. He had
been visiting b
ere for several weeks.
Norman McGuire, of the Milverton
Sun staff, smiled on his Brussels friends
this week. He is a son of Councillor
and Mrs..MeGuire, of town "Rumor
has it that "Shorty" is not going to
stay a bachelor much longer.
We regret to state that Mrs. -8, 5.
Scott was taken ill last week with
threatened congestion of the lungs end
tile plan of getting.,keroe to Colling'
wend for E' -ter haci to bet abandoned,
Mrs. Scott is improving nicely now.
The visit of Rev, Dr. and Mrs Ross,
of Toronto, during the past week, with
old friends, was a source of great delikht
to both the visitors end the visited. Dr.
and Mrs. Roes hold a warm place in
many Ileerts and homes le Brussels and
Mrs. W. A, Matthews returned to her
home at Celnoy's Bay 'Thursday of this
week, She was accompanied by her
sister, Mrs, May Tureball, who will
spend a few months if not more there,
recruiting. Mrs, (Dr.) Cavanagh went
to her home at Oweud Sound the same
totallgttoJ otho. Porty-45tw Yew ARD BANK'
ASSETS OVER $48.900,000
The A, B, C of Bankin
Perfect Safety.
Quick Assets.
Reliable Service r7e
We solicit your account in our
ri err Manager.
J. F. Rowland,
Flour Stock.
We wish to inform the
Public that our stock of
Flour and Oatmeal has
been removed to the
Electric Light Chopping Mill
ill b
where 1t w en sale o
for the present.
W. H. Pryne & Son, Brussels
Crackon,- Miss Jean Armstrong and
Miss B. Bryan and Frank Scott. 'Phe
.Queen city appears to agree well with
Church Chimes
St. John's church evening service will
be withdrawn next Sunday to
permit the members of the congrega-
tion to attend the services of the new
Melville church...
Sabbath morning last Rev. Mr. Wren
preached an Easter sermon on the sub•
ject "The life immortal.1' J. Leslie
'Kerr. of Clinton, sang a solo. Evening
service was cancelled in deference to
the opening services in the new Presby-
resbyterian church that day.
Next Sabbath morning the pastor,
will con'inue his series of discourses on
"Your Fsther's business and mine" and
will speak on "The biggest job in the
world." At the evening service sub-
ject in connection with "The Bible
Athletes, will be "The swimmer and
the sailer."
sfternonn last the regular monthly
Missionary service was held in the
Methodist Sunday School and was a
most interesting gathering. Prog.am
after openiug exercises consisted of the
following :--Reading "Easter Day at
Wastago," Fred. Hillson ; solo, Lena
Barkley ; reading, "An Easter Prayer,"
May Armstrong ; solo, Miss Florence
Whitfield ; recitation, Lily Conley ;
chorus by girls ; reading, "The changed
Cross." Miss Jennie Rands; address,
"A. good theme for gossip, Rev. D.
Wren ; solo, Miss Whitfield. The offer-
ing totalled $16 43. making over $80.o0
for the School this Conference year
Associate Superintendent Gilroy presid-
ed dnring the afternoon.
Mies Ada Gardiner, 'Milverton, is
spending Easter holidays at her home
Rev. Mr. Lundy, was one of the
speakers at the Jubilee Tea Meeting in
the new Presbyterian church, Brus-
sels, Monday evening.
Sorrow, REPoir.-Following is. the
report of Promotion examinations in
in S. 8. No. 11. Junior Room. Jr. 1I
to Sr. II, Pass 60 percent.-9nuie
Barris 68, Fergus Ryan 61, Olive
Bolger 50, Cecil McNeil 55, Florence
Bennett,50. Sr. Ito Jr. II. -Wallace
Sholdieo, Hazel Ryan. Sr. I Class B;
Mary Pollard, Joe Ryan. Class A. -
Leila Lawsnn, Torn Shortreed, Nora
Sholdice, Geo. Sholdice, Ilene McLeod,
Tom Ryan,Grace Shortreed. Jr. I.
Glass B -Lawrence Ryan, Ritchie
Drager, Clarence Ryan, Class A -
Guaranteed Investments
Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, . Etc.
:These represent the highest form of security.
They fm'm a large part -of the reserve of all
Banks, Insurance and Trust Companies
1. They are the safest form of Investment to be had and can be count-
ed upon to return one hundred cents on the dollar.
2. They pity n gond rate of interest (averaging about 6% at present)
which does not fluctuate after purchase and can be counted upon
regular intervals.
e a definite sum to be hid at e
a e
3. 'I'beycatibe turned foto cash at ones when
FI15 last monthly return of the Can-
adian Chartered Banks to the Gay- Government bonds, etc. 10%
ernmeet showed an amount equal G oiernml etc. 22%
to 05% of their total Reserve Funds in- Oorpottaal bonds, bonds, etc. 22/.
vested in theee securities. This is div-
ided he follows :-
YOU will notice their preference for the Corporation Bonds. These not only pay a
higher rate of Interest but have certain other advantages as Well, while if prop-
erly eheeen they are as safe in every Way as the others. I wduld recommend a select•
ed group of these for voar investment, but if you wished you could finitude as 'Many
Munielpale es yon like The Financial Times of Montreal, to its issue of March lath,
1915,has this to say of these Monde
Un Unblemished Record
It le absolutely and Mortally truo that not a
dollar has boon lost in Princlpaband Interest
by tho purchase of Canadian Municipal
WHEN you have an opportunity to invest your surplus MOM* in a eeourlty of this.
plass there is no reason whatever for aIlOwlag it to remain idle. I can give you
full information about every Canadian Security and em in a position to place your
:money to the hest advantage forour If you are not familiar with this elan Of Seoul,
Ity Coal on me at nn v time and 0 shalt be gad (So show you what itis like and explain
the merits of the diffe'ent forms to you. This will not piece you under hay obligation
Phone ass ROGER C. DEADMAN, Brussels
David Murray, George Pollard, Wee -
ley Clark, Mary McCall, George Itic.
Call, BESSIE MoDoer4LD, Teacher.
The regular monthly meeting of the
women of Duffs church will be held
next Wednesday, Apr. 14111, W. M, S.
at 2lem. Bible reading Mark 10:13-
16, Mrs. Will, McCallum. Topics I-
'1'he child at Worship, MI's. D. Mc-
Callum. II -The Hindu Irnmigrant,
Mrs. Neal. Ladies' Aid at 3 p. m.
' Belgrave ,
PosTPONED.-The Red Cross Seeial
evening announced for the v g of the 9th
1 'Bel Belgrave, has
he Foresters' Hall,' t;
been postponed owing to the batt state
of the mads. Another date will be
set when conditions improve as the
Society wish to send in all the help
SCHOOL REPORT: Following is the
result of the Easter Promotion Exam-
ination. Se. IV. -E. Nethery, H.
Taylor, G. Ferguson, M. Montgomery;
N. McLean, 11f. Armetrong. • Jr. IV. -
M. Beydges, 111. Wightntan, A. Stone-
house. H. Procter, H. Wilkinson.
Sr, Iih-E. Brydgges, M. Nethery.
Jr. 11I, -W. Whaley, R. Montgoin-.
ery, L. McKenzie, E. McGuire, L.
Stonehouse. Sr. I1. -A. Geddes, D.
Brydges, G. Brydges, J. Wightntan,
L. McDougal, H. Sutton. Jr.
McGuire, R. I:ItKenzie, V. Armstrong,
L. Taylor, G. Jordan. Pt. I1. 0.
Scandrett, S. Cole., A. Robertson, J.
Budges, 1. McGuire, E, Stonebbuee,
S. Whaley. Pt. I Sr.-D..A.rmstrong,-
J. McKenzie, A. Corbett. Pt, I Jr.-
0. Fay, L,- Corbett.
y1531 Every roll of 11;_ front onti
ebeapeett flo ptapers up to our silk
finished Parlors at $1 00 per Loil,
Cue elteapul' lino cialipri018 mune eplen-
tlitl papers in good mange: ut patterns
and notoria 5 a:aitable for Kitchens,
Bedrooms and small Bulls, Oo to 80.
Far the Dining Rooms, Hs,lle and
Liying Ronnls we have a very large
variety-Oattneals in 5 different 01)10115
nt30c pet' roll, 30 inches Wide. Leath-
er effects, 80e to $1,00 --some with line
pallet effect.
Our stock of Parlors is alsovery
comprehensive, front a very delicate
etripe at 18e to a very handsome silk
effect at $1 00 pet' roll.
We will appreeitlte'the opportun-
ity -of showing you our samples,
The Penslar Store
A1tn8TaoNe-HEMNEMOK,-At the residence
of the bride's mother, on April 1st, 1018, by
Rev. Mr. Benson,. Mr, Sydney Armstrong,
Principal. of Conestoga School, to Miss •
all of Conestoga
Hilda flan
thebride's BANrotiersGeOrrhor n, doge of eta 1 d
brother, 1 F. Cameron, O Ont., on Marah Bleb.of
t�y lieu It F. t., to oM ill r, John Bann, of
ranbmok, Ont., to Miss Rosalie Bobs, of ,
Torun o,
SKINN-CUs10 -ill myth, on March 131st,
1015, at the hone of the brides sister, Mee,
Richard Hoy, by: ltt.v.. T. H. Farr, Miss
Aline Ouelo, 4o air. Barry Sidon, of Turn -
berry TOwneltlp.
Oomntnr,.-'-Ht Ilrttsenls, an ' Aaril 211d, 1015,
lnnee Cuthill, aged 77 years, 8. months and
lO dxyti.
Dowty -ln St. Thomas, Ont., on March OOth,
1015, Mrs. Bobo..' Down, aged 81 years.
• EDGAR: In HoWiek, on April 1a5,'1050, Atex
had er Nd gar, 8.r., aged 88 78510 and -1 dayo,
]3ALr.. Ie Ethel, on April 6th, 1016, Wintnm
Hall, aged 89 years, 5months and 10 days.
Humor -In ISewiek to 8 y e i, April 6th, 1015,
Georgy Melon, aged 2 pril3, and 0 months.
JeoxsoN.-In Blyth, On A prit 8rd, 1015, Witham
Jackson, eggad 01- years and 8 mouths.
$I Love. Al Brussels, on Apel) 7th, 1515, Dora
- relict of the 1519 Joseph Kinney,
aged 70 years, 5 months and 10 days
MCOUAmaw -In Brussels. on Apr. Ord, 1010,
Jane llarveth, relict of the late W. H. Mc-
Cracken; int her 68th year.
Cooley, who Fitted Czar of Russia,
Called .to Oodorlch
F. E. Seeley, of Chicago .and Phila-
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
be at the Bedford Hotel Goderieh
and will remain Wednesday
only, April 14th. 'Mr. Seel-
ey' says : "The Spermatic Shield
as now used and approved by
the United States Government will
not only retain any ease of rupture
perfectly, affording .immediate and
complete relief, but closes the opening
in10'daysron the average case. This
instrument received the only award
in. England and in Sphin, producing
excellent results , without surgery,
harmful injections, ]medical treatments
or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley h'ts docu-
ments from the United States, Govern-
ment•, Washington, D. C.,for inspec-
tion. All charity cases without
charge, or if any interested call he
will be glad to ebow same without
charge or lit them if desired. Any
one ruptured should remember the
date and take advantage of this op-
NEwTON.-In Molesworth,ou Marsh 20th,1015,
to Mr. and Mrs. George Newton, a son,
TnoasDAY, Aranr. 16Th: Farrel stook, im-
plements, &e., Lot 00, Con. 11, G,•oy. Sale un-
reserved et 1 p, 10, W. 0, Ellsoott, Prop. F.
8. Scott, Aue.
OeWheat $]. 55 61 56
Barls ey 176 175
Eggs 18 18
Hoge 8 80 850
PnatiaNTe, &n.-.8. Scutt, Auctioneer,
has been instructed byLthe undersigned to sell
by pnblio auction at ot 80. Con. 11. Grey, en
Thursday, valuable
At1 drafth, the follow-
ing 1drafpropoisi :-1 draft mire 8 verre
old, 1 draft mare rising 8 years, 1 draft more
rieutg 0 years, 1 draft gelding rising 2 years,
1 drivinghorse Spears old, 8 cows supposed in
calf, 1 fresh cow, 1 heifer rising 2years suP-
posedin calf.0 yearling steers, 4 yearling heif-
ers, 1 young calf, 1 enw supposed in pig,e store
pigs, about 5 hens, 8 turkeys, 1 Collie dog, 1
set new breechingharness 1 set backbend
harness. l net singlar
harness, 1 set bobsleighs,
1 cutter, I one•horeo x agmi,1 lumber wagon, 1
buggy nearly new, 1 old buggy, 1 wagon box
and stook Tacit, 1 gravel box, 1 Massey-Uerrls
binder, 1 Elaeoey.Harrfa mower, 1 Massey -
Harris cultivator, 1 E1eFsayI3errik disc, I
Oookohntt dleo drill nearly new, 1 Frost &t
Wood rake nearly' new. 1 hay loader, 1: plow, I
setiron harrows, I aerMer. 1 set 10001b. Seale?,
1 fanning mill, 1 water tank. 1 milk can, 1'"
wh«elbarrow, a quantity of bay, :800. has. of
feed onto, 80 bas, seed ono, 5a bus. 'barley,
chains, forks, ceythes and nnmerone other ar-
ticles.Salo unreserved as the fern hasbeen
leased. Torras -A11 sums of $600 and -ander
cash'1 over that entrain t8 anon Its credit given
on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per
Cent off for cash on n.
Best to Buy Buy to Wear
The 3 -piece Double breasted Sack, with Long Lapel,
Padded Shoulder, Double Elbows, Double Knees in the
Trousers ; Lined with a most serviceable Lining.
This is the correct thing for this season and we have it
in the newest. Patterns.
The "Lion Brand" and fully guaranteed.
New S rin lHats and
p g Caps just in.
D� . Ross