HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-8, Page 5BUSINESS CARU$I' JNO,,SUTHERLAND & SONS treVe9rHaNC m,PMITflo G 0SLItir • • O.rrerstrm WM.. SPENCiE OONVEYA,NOER AND ISSUER oF'MARRIAGE LIOENSES Mee In. the Post Office, Ethel.. 80-.4 LElrP+L AND GONVEYANCU4I . /r M fSINCLAIR- v c 4)Barrister, a i' 1or, Conveyancer, , Notary ka.tale e-8 wen's /nook door North of ar Hotel, Ho)loitor for tha Metropolitan Bank. AUCTIONEERS, 111 8. SCOTT: AS AN AUCTION - .1. a 01 aloe o can, will a l me better prices, t titan bettor fuer, i other lase time' 10 less 0000 00 80 won't any hrg Auctioneer anything. In Host Baron or o won't be arranged a l Caton acend or by ono always ll arranged at this nates or by 4('•+•e mal applloation, r . ray.6vappvarovartlr way4erly.,,. A'mxiv l4( n of ee olb a for acn ion en 0 to e D e E ygmld•Sununer."One nolle edaenbot 8 ,1 TORONTO, ONT. in otriotly Bret-olnse. None. better In Canada, .Enter now so as to take n Position in the early Fell. One end u- ole writes :-"My newpod tion pays three tiro es what I got at teaching 8011001 le+a than four years ego Junt previous to entering your. College." We pieced this young man in a position after grndnetion and have now planed hint againtanalogue free. 4 Cor. Young and - W.J. ELLIOTT', Chat lee Ste. f Principal. x*�0y 4,F',TaiR4avltfl>,` llo;AtaP PRtVgg tA7 r. rr.a'ittg Ar 4,a 6m6'oRvarkkaratro 1 OENHAL 1 ro frT ATA 6 R F RD. ONT- 1R Onturio'e Best Practicel Trand% 6 111'4 Srhool. -.Wo hu: h o4(. vs t or ugh eoeh oo anduthree enoedinetrnptors in epah of 4 our three deparnuenEe- .� 'Commercial, Shorthand Telegraphyp Write Our graduates euoreed end should fond our large, free autologus. Wrfte for etn o 0e,. era D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. 6s. Qr.6rml ravArZONO btMAVatarA'tsV.OMMG.1 .P.A ENROL NOW at the q LISTOWEL MIMEO COLLEGE 1 f g Thorough Courses taught by Competent Teachers. igs For partfoulare address- EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Listowel, Ont. b �Plsai r'av�P.aA`Qkm�YA� �'Y�a^Pt:a-P,ma ennegamegeggiegemmegogemmegoi THE Best Brains• in Moonlit have partici pa bed in the.pre. Aeration of our splendid Home Study Commies in Bunking, Economies, Higher- Accounting,Commercial Art, Show Card Writig, Photography Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand' and Bookkeeping. Select. the work whloh [noel interests you and write us for particulars. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL quI-7 vgngo s1., Toognte • imossimmimmimeimmiliesEIWIESOM COLLEGE AT HOME Thowiende of ambitious young peo- hple are -fast preparingin their own ones to oocnpy lucrative posittotle 00 stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-• phere,civil servants in fast every sphere of activities, 'l:oti may finish at college if vett go wish. Positione.guar- anteed. Enter college any dey. Indi• vinuel inetagondn. If sport teachers. TI qe rty $ e experience. Largest - tra44nors 11 041101 , (Seven colleges. Special ppd rep top tulip); ere. ATM; gf1 with Co'niiperplol .$hues• tittle 4"eonetgbioe of Caitpoli. Summer oboe at famous Spotton Busi Doe Col- lege, London.• Wingham Business College 000..S'r0TTore, W, '1'. moose, President, Principal. tasenurevt I� Brick and Tile Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to he had at the Cole & Dougherty YARDS • HENFRYN Business Oard16 JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Sueeesegr to M, If, Moore. Office at Ander- son 13100, Irleery stable, arum's 'Telephone Nor 20, D. T. M'RAE M. B,. M.' C. P., a 9, O. IH, 0, H., Village of Brussels, Phyelolgn, Surgeon, Aocouobeur Office over Standard Bank DR. F'. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Phyojelans end Sur - goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Sargeon of WesterilBoepitnl,Torenbo, Offices °flute Dr. A. MolieveY . Smith Bluok, Brussels. Rural phone 46, ALEX, D. M'KELVEY M.O.. M.O.P.&S:CI. 108 Bloor. street East, Toronto • Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical assistant 111 Ear, Nese and Throat de- partment New General Hospital, Toronto Posit Graduate Harval'd Medical School, Bos- ton ; late Senior Resident Surgeon Main. Eye &Har Infirmary late Clinical aenistont in Nose and Throat department -Mims, Gen. Hos- pital • late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. ,mrin Brussels by appointment.', DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate malaise LondonEn New York g a w Yo t and se ofe ear, nose Speroa . Eyes odifor g of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tented for glasses. Q. H, ROSS, D.D.S„ L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. ;mann of Ontario and Graduate Univerelty of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In Ward Block, Winghatn Phone 240, Pont Office box 278 Painless .Extraction, Plate work. and . Bridge Work a specialty OR. •WAROLAW •Honor graduate of the Ontario Vbterinary College. Daand night palls, Office opposite Flour 51111, Ethel, MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthol• urology, McCormick Median' College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glaeee0 at her office o er Grower's Begtaurant r on Tharsday, Friday and Saturday otevery Week. Office hours 1 to s p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Pointment Phone 1219. • Acnes ISO, Joseph 1Urtel'hi 688, the rerort 1 ing I1toses are those; :0b = WOMAN SUFFERED Lewrence Love 803 The rmttke of ,tabled Nur daily 0vnl'k ilr AIt0eP11, Jr, 11,- Sylvester Jtayrtoed 1102, Mlty 1 .Jackliu 4j2,..Gordot Loh0 M. a4,. 1 1 .- .avp i S ' 1 1 1 Hey 3d.. Ir, 1 d E� : YEARS Ir Join' T � A Primary-. Y 11'ill'rid Iirff�+� 219, 217.1� )V1nnila l.+lelu 221, Chien haat lin 180, Petal sectuiny highest 'mother of titmice for pet flrb daily work was Sylvester Rltytuu O. 1. 13. 1iOAIN, J 1 cachet. Ethel MARRIED IN '1ArtOH,-A quiet 111.41- (0,1g wits .perl'ltn>0d tot the 110111e B, and A4110; Pierce, Pori age -le -Prairie' Man„ when Geo. Wesley Love, of 51001kPal'k, hitte., and Mine Carrie Sanders, iii' Ethel, Ont., were n>al444,41 o11aM0;I'Ch 240, . Supper` was served in IMte. • Pier'ce's best style. -Mr. and 1Jo11s,Luve.left on oho evening built for Douglas and deoveto their home mL 5loo'epurk where the groom bas a Parra. May their joys be ulemly and' their troubles few is, 111e wish of old friends here. Tile bride Was married in her bevelling suit of grey ladies' cloth with black velvet hat and large Week plume. Nh'. and Mrs. Pierce Were ?loner residents of ,Grey and Intimate friends of the: bride. Fon SALE -500 bushels of Banneroatsfor. Reed. Taos, 1.0081,00, Lob 111, lion, 18, M0 Killop, Pias Fon SAL& -18 storei p. to,i wit weigh a- bout , branbr Ile., for ante, Apply to t3 HO, Batten, Cranbrook. Phone 624. LIME pea SALR.-About 85 timbals or good lhue Cor nele: Apply to GOO, BAamit, Oran- brook00 1. H, MAODONdL», Ethel. Fen 441e.-0eed Barley 2 rowed. Suitable: mixb)g with Date.' Good seed.. Taus, MILLa4t,L L20,011a Line, Morrie. Phone 1018. 8 Pine 6 weeks old fora s te, Apply to GRD, BAa`at1AN, Ethel. .. GRIMM Mountain seedpotutoes for sale Purr, got from Ottawa District 1918. and 1014. Iarge white and a goodyielder. 0 00 per hag. Phone No. 8418. D. W. DUNBAR. Ethel, Out. BnaD grain for sale. Reid'e Green Mountain and A mor)onn Benner oats and June Pens.. For farther pertieutars lively to .1; P. Mo INTOsn, Lot 21, Lion, 12, Grey, Uranbrnok P. 0, Phone 556. 3.ou% AND 041:0 10 FOR 840.1,-8 good young enact will calve in March and April. A leo a number of young salves Milton Lowe,- Lot 0, Con.9, Grey. Plume 288. G80400 000 SA(,lt,-Undersigned offers his cement garage, which bo 8U,x 60 feet, with. me(anio roof, for sale. la in fire proof. and waterproof, with handy office, &c. Building. Is well boosted. For price and terms apply to D. EWAN, Brussels. I m Fon SALa-Durham. bull Smooths old dark mongsod else and quality . young them'' bred York • Newmarket [etS oats also a Lot 6, 00,10, GrePhone BARLEY AND OATS. 1(011 8ALa -I into for sale good clean 0. A. 0. 21 Barley and Improv ed Siberian and Gold Drop Onte, A11 good clean seed, MARTIN M024111, Lot 17, Con, 15, Grey. 11. R. No. 2,Brussble. 9Phone 2818. GOOD brick house on William street for gale together with good stable and driving shed. Exeellent repair.All oonvonieuoee, bath, etc. For further 'particulars apply to GRolle a THHOMSON, Brussels. B.Goon grade Short Horn Heifers 8 Tears old for sale. A11 to calve before May let, B, L. M °DON a LO, Lot 1-7, Con. 6, Grey. Ethel P. 0. Phone 4118. Two Short Horn butt calves for sale. One a year old and the other 18 months. No better animal. in the country. Terms to suit the purchaser. Have aleoa- young Yorkshire hog for. sale. 318. SPRla. Lot 80, Con, 8, Morris, Box 287 Brussels P. 0. Phone 267. PROUNIOOT, IILLORAN N PROUOFOOT I Barristers, Bofcitors, Notaries Public, 1 ' &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, •- . GODERIOH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest . ' w a W. PRODDFOOT, 1i, O. .T, L, KILLORAN Wu. Pnot orooT JR. -• atliStr1:ct 3CIUs Cranbrook School will re -open next Monday after the Easter holiday. A number -from this locality attend ed the opening services of the new Presbyterian church, Brussels, last Sunday end Monday. George Campbell has nerved • to the house on the Balfour form W. . Rothwell to the Geo. Buehler proper- ty which lie has bought and Mr. Leitch and family from Attercliffe moved to the Dan. McQuarrie house near the Maitland bridge. Morris SCHOOL REPQRT.-Following, is the report of S. S. Nu. 6, Mortis. , Promo- tion exluni'atious.-34,, IV to Sr. IV. Total 725. Honors 540, Pass 435.-J. Bowman 473, M. Shaw, 395. Si. 111 to Jr. IV. -Same total. -14. Sellers 487. Jr. III. to Sr. IIL Total 640. Hon- ors 480. Pass 375.-N. Shaw 487, N. Wilkinson 470. •8Sr. IE to Jr. -III. Total 600. Honore 450. Paso 360 -0. Bone 529. L. Sellers. 427, E. Sellers 407, J. Hogg 329, Sr. I to Jr. Totttl 550. honors 410. ' Pass 330 -1?. Sellers 451, S. Barr 413: Pe. -Harry Kerr. 13. M. CURRY, Teachey, Grey ScI100L REPO13.'G-Ftillnwlit is re- port of S. S. No. 6, Grey. Promotion Exams. MIMI% l4( a entered in proper (3i•tsnes fur c.anilig term. pr. Ill to; Jr. IV,-! tal780 ILn,o18..f{lil3 pass 401- win., iluyy ((39, Robert .inrltlii 987,.011311. McCallum 917. Jr. 111 111 Sr. 111,-'.l',o1d 705 Honors 521) Piss 432 -Cecil Hell 000, Leonetti Sin elide 589, i7lywen Somers 504, 'Phomas etaili1:458 Sr. I1 to Jr. 111-Tritel 050 Bosuns 488 Pass 390- Lyle • Bluevale A FORMER RESIDENT OP THIS LooAL1TY.-The following obi tuaty notice taken from a Puget Sound (Wash.) paper refers to the 2utl 804) of tile late lex. B, use, who died here a few years ago and was a former resident of Mo•ris township: After a cout:iuu0us service of sixteen yelps on the Seattle-Neah Bay route, aur - ing which time he won the friendship of hundreds 0f families and residents of Oiallam mud Jefferson Counties, R. A. Bruce, purser on the Puget Soured Navigation Company's steamship 13ellinghatu, died in Providence Hospital. He had been ill- with diabetes' for four weeks but prior to that time had enjoyed almost perfect health. The funeral Wile held '1'1'10 relay afternoon from the Bonney -Watson chapel. Many prominent steamship men at- tended. Bruce, who was 54 years old, crone to Seattle (rear Canada, his 'native country, and enleled the Puget Sound transportation business. In 1899 he went on the Seattle:Nerth Bay route as purser of the steamship Gerla» d, in which he served for foto' yea40. When `the Garland WES sold to the Cotlpallie Nutrient' del Pacifico for operation in the MON Citli West &Mel haul 0, lit HOB teansfetti'ed to the steam -hip Alice Ger Unlit: which sac- ceerled the Garland nn the run. The Alice Gertrude was ' Wrt'ciced Ivhile eidering 0lallatn in a snowstorm in 10117and the I3ellinghn401 was filen placed nm )lie route, 1341ine being Liens fel red til the new vessel O. cialeof the Puget Sound Navigation Amount Each I unici»lity have to liaise The following fl;;mres Show what ellt:1).r1111(i1.1ln1n1y i4( (inion Courtly will have to raise 'nasi the War tax of ,[mer mill a hieh the 0 :1a110 (,nvei 411)104nt proposes „ll i he assessed value The automat, of 4180e000()'bit no e 111.100 Hxed by the County Uulnluil 518 Ile sresi.m 4,n Junnbtol and 04(0 mill ell the dollar Will of course realize whet is:Mewl, in the fjfth r, Ricin I TAWNS'Ilir 4. Anhflrld ................. ........ 2,542 04,191 Colborne 1,43$ 31,801 Goderreh-...............'.. 1,0513 52,731 Gray 2,044 84,762 ,Grey 2,739 51,889 Hawick 3,298 67,710 Ilnllett 2,288 63.541 McKillop 2,081 ' 52,111 Morris . ,,. 2,129 65,223 Stanley 1.672 -43,8110 Stephen .... .....,. , 3,313 50 Sr 79 i Tucke+atmth 1,9874 0, 702 Tnrnberry I,007 35.897 U•tbot'ne 1,803 42,700 \Vnwua0e11 E .. 1,497 40741 Wit wittiest) W . .......1.. . 1,651 41,725 'DOWNS & VILLAGES • Ray field ......... .....»....s. 480 1,170 Brnesels. f#1 tli -170. 41q Buten 2310' 903 e 1, tee 59 1.200 7 Goderich . 4,900 1,083 Heir salt ,......... ..... 708 , 491 Seafnrth 1,925 550 Wlllghant... ....... .... 2,019 880 Wroxeter 810 4881 50,590 Total ..,,,,..... N- p, a s z e WI>J $2,590,800 1.592,000 2,208,000 2,857,500 2,407,000 8,38.1,900 2.571.000 2 078,800 2,491,800 2,185,100 2,788,800 418,S00 1,680 000 2,417,500 1,004.800 1 013,900 0 o 8 $2,590 1,522 2,208 2.857 2.407 8,381 2.571 2,078 2,491 2,185 2,738 2413 1,080 2,417 1,004 1,818 141,400 141 321,000 $41 270,800 270 084,400 684 538,200 538 1,422,6)10 1,422 250,400 250 750,000 750 703,600 703 150,200 160 $42,501,400 $42,501 From Female ,T118 -- Restored to Health 'by. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable I Compound, 114,11,:01:10,11.S,, Canada. - "I doctored 4140 tea years for female troubles slid did pot get well, ^I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable' Compound and decided 10 try it. 1 write now to tell you that I am curial. You tan publish my letter as a testimonial, - I171•s.. SUVRIl4E 13ABINE, ]3ellsvilli, Noy Scotia, Canada, Another Woman Recovers. Auburn,' N. Y. -" I 'suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such prganiepains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time; could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk t0 me or bother me at all. Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at time. Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began giving Lydia Pinkham's g g d'a y t "Vegetable Compound'a trial and now I am in good health. "--Mrs. WILLIAM H..GILL,N0.15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. The above are only two of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly. received by the Pmkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound does for those who suffer from Woman's ills. If yen want see. cial nal lec write to Lydia E..Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confl'- deutial)Lynn,biass. Your letter will be opened, read' and answered by awo- man and held in strict confidence. Company decl61 ed that Purser Hence's death was adietinct loss mit, only to the company but - to the Clallaw and .leffersou °entity ports served by the Bellingham. • He was 011341 ex1l• mel ge y quiet disposition._ By ' his thought- ful eo,sideratiotl for the comfort of passengers he won a permanent place 4affections the 1e atl tle of the travelling public on his route and it has been a common saying in Jefferson and Olalltuu 0cunties i41 recent years that he had mere friends in those two counties than any other man. In ad- ditiot.t0 serving as purser he held the position of mail clerk on the route during the 16 years. Mr. Bruce is survived by a wife and one daughter. Fordwich John G. McLeod attended the Good Roads Convention in Totem to. Wm. Lambkin is making prepara- tions U re ara- tions to remodel his stables this com- ing Summer. B. S. Cook was confined to the hoose with a vet'y sore knee, the re- sult of a nasty fall on the sidewalk. There were two services 11 Trinity church of Easter, Sunday, Pnmmen0- ing at 10.80 and 7,80. The ream. was in charge. The Belgian Relief department of the Red Cross Society shipped a bale valued at $40.85, containing 72 quilts 10girI's dresses, a quantity of under. clothing and stockings, and a small quantity of second hand clothing., Molesworth • Ben. McCormick, of Trowbridge, has gone West on a business trip. The public schools will resume work next Monday after the Easter vaca- tion. This locality is the 1101329 of maple syrup manufacturing, many gallons being sold, Thos, 119eDonald, cheeseutker, has gone to 13ur essville, where he tvill follow his trade for the coning Rea- son. Fred. Seehaver has gone to Z'n de on a similar mission. 1Ve wish them success. STROKE -Last week George 1 i isl op, one of the pioneer settlers of the Smith boundary' of Howiok, 1700 atriekrn with a paralytic stroke, It is looked upcnl ae n 0016000 condition from the fact that Mr. Hislop is 8.1 years of age. He has been a very hearty 14)e4), SCHOOL NEronT.-The. .fullow'itlg 1s the n•epnt't of the Easter Prnnintiol Exams. of U S, S. No. 10 linwiek and Grey. Sr. IV.- M. 110)ieeteon, A. Arulstrong. Jr, IV.- 1). Doig, V'. Bowmen. Sr. 141.-13;. GI Kinzer, G. MaoDopald, 13. Patrick. Jr. 111.-H. Bowman. Sr. 'II.- E. 131•mvi,, 4)l. Dolg, 1v. Hislop, 111. Bnwnuu[. Jr. 7L -A. 134Own, W. Doig, E. Thome. 0041, 1i, Grainger, G. llislop, A, Me - Reveller. Pt, IL- M, Grainger, L. Lindsay, 13, alintks 3r. 7.- 3. Arm- strong, C. Grainger, A. Dog, V. F. Ecituton, Teacher. Blyth F. and Mrs. Lytleleft for their new hone at14epwol11, Friends or Rem Mason will regret to learn of hiscoltlhood Moose.' Jos. Stockers has been nppoitrted by the Ontario Government, a Notary Pnhlir, for the province. R. H, Robinson Inas possession of the heelless bnsitle58 1ilticl1 he lately 1 ee V acquired from C P Lytle. I he dedication of a Madonna and child, the gift of bliss kelp McCaugh- ey, took place i11 St. 15Itchlud's ('Lurch on Sutidayof hast week. The Dramatic Society of Trinity:. rlmroh will present the dnlue0ti0 drama "The COnntr7 000101," in In- diistry Hallos the evening of Thurs- day, April 1501. The. slatir111, agents no the Guelph. Godeo'leh retitle, C. P, R have received instructions that of and after April 7t11, they w01 not be required to Meet the evening traitl. A ni mbor of neighbors and friends assembled 4)t the home of R. 8, Mc- Gowan, East Wawanosh, 00 Monday evening of last week and presented 11 r f , 11ndM4,s cGn M wan two wo With eernfot treble rocking ellaile and ek hila, ly worded addl'ese, reed by l4,, D. 1 Stttlk01, W,' M, Sontt left fee a visit to 1'ela- tives et d(ffei'enl points in the States, 1-e will speed some time at the Pana- ula-Paritic International Exposition at Saw Francisco, Cellfot'nie, before re. turning 11011e. Seaforth Oscar Iteld, who underwent an 01r1040111(14) 011 his 114111e, !n Guelph 11081)4el retulvled home last week. Dawson C. Smith, sols of Samuel 8401111, licKIllop, left for New York where Ire intends taking a technical college 0011(se. "Dot" Reid, R, Heid, '1', Dick and Nig 1111111' returned front London last week where they were taking mint 'try e0m'eea for the past month .1s 3', Daly itisp oeerl of two Ford sale diming the past week, 04(11 a five passenger: model to .1. 'tJcGavin, of 1VcKillop, and the ell lel, !0 two passen. ger roadster, to E. Ou4(ninghnm, Another pioneer l,ure,41 irony nn Tuesday of last week l(1 the lleironu "f Williatnl Kyle at. the age 'if nearly 74 years. Deceased 00110 born in Leland and cams 1.0 (1110 ent111try With his parents when only five years old. Listowel Christ Church Choir is having lock,/' ere Built i4( the vestries of the church for their vestments. David McNichol, who is mining in Alaska, is visiting with relatives in town. It is 20 years since Mr. Mc- Nichol left Listowel. Roy Ballantyne has been offered the p081110n of snare drummer for the band of the Fifty-second regiment of Port Arthur, which is to go with the third contingent. He purposes ac• crit(itlg, Geo. M. Rogues, who has been tak- ing the leading tenor parts in musical comedy successes Sn Canada, United Si Ines, South America, New Zealand, Australia teal other parte foo' the past number of years, is spending a few weeks .With 1(18 parents 1)1 town. Listowel Foot Ball teat' was re- organized raid the following officers were elected"for the ensuing year :- Floe. -President. H. B. Pdorphy, K. 0., M. P. Hon. Vice-President,skl a or Featherstone President D. ulcahy ; • Vice -Pres � J M.Campbell bell Manager P W. Deans ; Sec.-Treas.,4 'J, Kemp ; Managing Committee, D. Mulcahy, W. Evans, S. J. Kemp, G. E. Harron, E. V. Stewart, J. Moorehead, B. Bamford ; W. 'Yule, H. McLachlan, L. McMinn ; delegates to annual meet- ing of the' W. F. A., W. Evans, S. J. Keulp, G. E. Harron. Listowel pur- poses entering a team in the Inter- mediate and Junior series, which, with the Hough Oup team, will give the football fans a season of good sport. Practically all of last year's players are available this year and the chances for having a companionship team this year are very bright. Atwood There will be no Spring Fair held in Atwood this year. Geor e'Anderson and g Herb Peebles left for their home in Macklin, Sask. Johnston Peebles has taken a posi- tion as clerk in Mr. Rogers' hardware. store. The wagon shop of G. F. Thompson was sold to Nin Ward, of the Gravel road. Harry Ratcliffe, who has been in Stratford for the past few weeks re- ceiving treatment on his knee, has arrived dome. George, the youngest son 9f W. G. and Mrs.' Iinglis, lith Con., has been dai>gernusly ill with typhoid pneu- monia bntis now slowly recovering. The record for the amount of mail received by any person at the Atwood Post nee was ptobably broken when Samuel Peter, of this village, received 1214 postal cards, letters and booklets in recognition of his 70th birthday, FOOT BALL -A meeting was held in the Bank• rooms. for the purpose of organizing the Football club for the ensuing season. Following officers were elected :-Hon;-Pres., T. G. Rat - of lire • H ,.v its en o. VV I e Pr Lamb • m, e, Pteel4ent, E. I1,. Swing; VI00 Pres., 7 P,'.Greensides r Secretary, M, R. Morrison 1 'I'Ileaslw ee,.1,, A. Vallance t Manager, A. E. ingh110. Goo, W, Rtowil, A, 10, Oughli,i and Captain wore appointed 40 coln+nittee 10 pick a team to play in the Intermediate series of the W, 10. A. M. R. Mor- eleon was appointed ea delegate to the annual meeting of the W. F, A. new in Stratford o11 Frkley. Stanley Ford end A. E. Ooghliu were appoint- ed referees. Qoderich Non -jury cases in the County 'Court were heard before His Honor Judge Holt, '011 Tuesday. David Sproul, C. R. of No, 82, C. O. F,, has been appointed at; delegate to attend Grand Lodge f1leetitng at 51. Oabharines in June, The neat 011401 of $28:50 was collected at Victoria School for the Shilling Fulyd of the School Childt'e10 of Cana. de, to aid the Belgian children, Several of the inernbers of the Col- legiate obIogiate stall are attending the Pon - Teachers' Convention at 'Tor- onto Pram Monday to Thursday in - Rev. and Mrs.:hews, Bateman have received ward that Clete son, John, who was 1440,111detl to No, 1, hospital, East Cambridge, England, las been transferred to a 0011valescent hospitat. The staff of the Guderioh cnstnms office have remitted to the Commis- sioner of Customs at Ottawa the sum of 544 ae a eorltribUti0n to the Cana' titan patriotic fund and have wider. taken to remit $11 monthly until the ceesatiO4( of Lhe 7('111',,, Agricultural Bulletins So great' hes been the demand for 1301101ns, Pamphlets, Records and Reports upon the Publications Branch of the Department o1' Agriculture at Ottawa as a result of the Patriotism and Production Movement, that it has been found impossible to comply with allthe applications t a pl of tons ns ' promptly as could be desired. Of some of the Bul- letins' u -letins the supply has been exhausted and no time hoe been afforded for re- pt•igtiag, while of others the quantity asked for individually has been such that instant compliance would me. an Inemy applicants might have to go without. This has meant extra °o1 - respondence 11u41 consequent delay. The situation is, of course, setisfac- tory as indicating the success of the campaign and the widespread interest created, but the inability to respond on the instant with tete multitude of applications is greatly regretted, At the etlme time it, is impossible:that the size of the demand culd have been fueseetl, A5 Fast as possible the re- quests will be attended to hub in the meantime these will have to be re. printing g and in oases revising. In such circumstances patience appears to be a desirable and necessary quali- ty. e♦•e•♦•Get the •♦••••♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦•♦Oeeeee••A®♦•O♦♦ee0•••N•N.31 First • e •• • • • • All the Newest and Smartest Patterns of the season -more than you see anywhere else -are now on exhibition. Come and have the benefit of first choice. • e • Niftiest Styles of the Year are Shown. • • Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring. • • • • • W. !- . FRASER • e • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ®•Oe'•eeee•♦♦NNe jeN•s••N•••es•••S••ae•®•s•®•e008090ser e>a•••••N•N• • ••• • • • • •• • 1 • • • • • ••• i • • 9• No Darning for Six Months If You • • • • 9 • • a • Get This Mark on • Your Hosiery To -day. Buy six pairs of Holeproof Hosiery NOW and you won't have any darning for half a year -110 necessity of wearing darn- ed hose -no wasted time in looking for whole hose -no hosiery trouble whatever. Try it for six months. IJOLEPROOF HOSIERY For Mon, women and Children • • • • • • • • • • The Ransom, bears the trademark shown and the signature of CARL It P REsoHL Co. • • 39 years of experience go into every pair. • • • See the wide assortment to -day. Six pairs cost $1.50 to $8,00 -accord- • • ing to finish. For sale by ` i D. C. R ' O SS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• mess 90000•001430000•••••••• • • THE AUTO -OILED WINDMILL WITH RUNNING DUPLICATE OILS Every bearing is constantly flooded with oil. Two quarts of oil in the gear case of this year 8-footor auto-more.'oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with on for a The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust. keeps in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year. There is a windmill,known the world over as "the windmill which rdns when all others stand still," This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with oil runs in much less wind than that well known windmill. The two large gears, which lift the load straight up, are each independent of the other and each is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and must take its half of the load at all times. . The auto-oiledwindmill,withitsduplieategearsondtwopitmealiftingtheloadstraightup,Isun breakable. Every&foot mill is tested undera pumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump rod. For the larger sizes the load is proportionately greater. We know that every one of these windmills is unbreakable. We venture the assertion that this is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested. best oiled,111098 nearly perpetual, automatic and self- sufficient of anymachine of any kind ever made for farm work and: the most nearly fool -proof. There is no friction on any part of the furl- ing device when the mill is running and very little when'the wheel is furled Asmall child caneasllylfuri this windmill or an automatic regulator can takecato Of it. One of these mills has been furled 1%000 times in one day by a man on out premises -more times than it would ordinarily be furled in 30 years of service. A band brake, of the automobile type, is used, and it always bolds. The gear case contains two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out .through the friction washers in the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to the gear case. Not a drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So tong as there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded with oil. If you ere tired of climbing a Windmill tower; if you ere tired of buying repairs and having them put on; or, if you are tlred of waiting for • lig wind, let us fur- nish you an unbreakable, self -oiling, v sal a e4,- oln mill to go on anyold tower. r gr g 9 It costa but little ando4( will et the difference between no i Y g n a light wind and an abundance of water In almost no wind. The flooding of all the working parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small turntable on which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference. Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to get wind. You don't have to climb it. Your dealer can come once a year and put in oil, if needed, and inspect the mill. Running water purifies itself -stagnant water, standing water, collects and melba impur- Ines. If you pump from your well constantly all the water Wean pare, the water that comes In to take its place will be pure. If the writer in your well stands until you happen to want some, and you pump but little, then it is likely that surface water will flow Into it and carry in im. purities. The unsafcewll Is the one that has standing water. A flowing stream is the thing tobe desired. The auto -tilled windmill realms all this possible as it can run from one year's end to the other with precticolly no wear and no cost. If interested, write Aermotor Co., 1146 So. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Why not have flowing water, cool In summer and warm in winter, always fresh and pure? 11 will cost next to nothing. It will give health to your family and stock. Let the water run into a geed else reservoir and raise all the fish of the choice kinds your family can eat, and have water to irrigate your garden and make It raise many times ab much as it would otherwise. Water costs nothing. Use it. unmunnnnmm�iunnnnnu0i )lll1 at� To lent stand la to abuse 1t. A pull of 30 Ib,, es Olt wire furls the mill. P. AM ENT, Agent Brussels