The Brussels Post, 1915-4-8, Page 1VQL, 43 NO, 41 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL ti, 1915 Sale Notes We collect or discount sale notes for farmers. Notes left for collectionare secure against fire or burglary, and the makers are notified of the due date. When paid, the money goes to your credit without any trouble on your part. We shall be glad to furnish you with the note forms free of charge. The Bank of Nova Scotia with which is united•the Metropolitan Bank Capita 6 6,500,000 surplus - - - - 15,000,000 Total Resources over - - 90,000,000 BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Gilroy, Manager In New Advertiseme nts Satan-Piotnre Show. bluff lost -Tan POST. Honey -G. A. Deadman. Eggs for sate -Jas. Shiels. •. Hens for sale -Mrs. A Kerr. Auction sale -W. C. Ellsoott, Machine shop -C. Pope .@ Son. Bay for sale -Hector McQoarrie. Flour stook -W. H. Pryne &Son. 4l istritt iltb3s Jamestown Mies Dunelda McDouald is 'recuper- ating nicely and will scop be o. k. we hope. Duncan and Mrs. McDonald were at Blyth on Monday attending the funer- al of Wm. Jackson. Monday George Hislop, of the How - ick boundary, died after a short ill- ness. He bad been bothered with rheumatism for years. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jnn. R. 'Miller is not very well but we hope she will soon be better. She is with her daughter, Mrs. S. Snell.,• •t•+•i••Q•t•Q••Ffi•i••h•A•I••Fi++++i'•A+•h3'3••t + + e + + + + Picture Show+ 4. II To-Night 1Satan ..„.. 5 Reels • 3 The Drama of Humanity + Cost $200,000 to Produce + + • Showing how :his Satanic • Majesty has tempted the + + 4- + •r• 4• Spec human race from the day of Adam arid Eve to the pree- eat time. This picture is well worth seeing. Admission 10e. Monday Night April 12th + 4. + .+ + + War- P + + + Over 1:00 Actual Scenes '46: from the ifOnt. • Illustrated lecture by hefmouss Peaker , Mar1o will Montrose 0 n McCoy, y, wt also sing 'popular ular songs. + EVERYBODY COME. + These Pictures are Real ! No Fake ! adults 21 Cts, Children 111 Cts, + 4,++++++++++++44+++++++++++ A. D.•McCoeil, of Kincardine, was here no a visit with the I'ainlily ul' Mrs, Jno. Strachan, He also attended the Jubilee services of Melville Church, Brussels, Monday of thisweek 'Writ. Hall, of Ethel, father of MIS. George Mcknlier, died in his 85th year.. Fmne1'al took place to 13ruasele cemetery on Wed- nesday. Hs wris a fine man. Ethel . Misses Heath, Listowel, visited with friends hereoverSunday. L, Eckinier is epeuding the Easter holidaya with his parents, August and Mrs. Bckmier. Mrs. S. S. Cole has been spending a fesv days with her signer, Mrs. (Rev.) Elford, at Corinth. Russel Love, Customs Office Inspec- tor, spent Sunday last under the par- ental roof. He is very busy and had to hustle off en the early train Aloe - day morning. The Methodist church was nicely decorated wills flowers last Sunday for the Easter service. Choir . sang two beautiful Easter Anthems and the pastor 'preached an appropriate ser- mon. An old and worthy resident of this locality, in the person of Win. Hall, bade adieu to the earthly home -last Monday, aged 8t years, 9 months and 16 days. Funeral took place to Brus- sels cemetery Wedneetftay afternoon. A more extended obituary will be given in next issue. Grey Puhlic•anhools resume next Monday. Township Council will meet, next Mendes,. Mise Jennie Re111ds is hones from Genie for her Laster vacation. Will. Hoover is le me its m Strat- ford Nitrated Mr the Easter holidays. Harry Ouurinings, Moorefield, is a visitor at the home of Jas. Cummings this week. Harold Armstrong, who has been teaching near Orangeville, in Home rot the. holidays. Miss Gladys IileQnar"rie is home feral, the Stratford Normal School for the Easter holidays. 2523 is the No. of the new telephone. installed et the horse of Mrs. Elias Diekenn,alth Oen. Grey. We'are.eorry to hear that Lawrence Wheeler has been onthe sick list but we hope he will soon be o. k. John Pearson is lit Clinton this week attending the funeral of his father's aunt, Airs. ' Richardson. Mise Alice Richmond, Silver. Corn- ers, who is training for a nurse' at Fergus is home for a two weeks' vaca- tion. Cecil McKinnon, of the Bank of NOVO, Scotia staff,. Petrolia, was home for, his Easter eggs. He likes the town and looks fine. Mise 011a Armstrong is home for her vacation from West Montrose. She was accompanied by Mise Sadie Lit - son, of the setae plare. Robert and Mrs. Shepherd, of Ham- ilton, were Easter visitors at the bonze of W. J. and Mrs. Hemingway. 111.11 ()on. They are uncle and aunt to the host and hostess. An old time resident of Grey town- ship, was here during the past week in the person ofThns. Smith; of Wroxe- ter. He is 80 vears of age but is won- derfully age. smart for his u e. There is to be an EpworthLeague T serviee in Union a inch next Sunday evening at 7 30. At the afternoon service a special Thank -offering is to be taken for the W. M. Society. CARD OF THANKS.- We wish to thank out. neighbors and friends for their•. kindness (luting Roy's illness: We are pleased to say Roy is improv- ing nicely. JAS. A. min MRS. OuMsr.INGe AND FAMILY. Luke 0. Speiran, of Monerietf, was married on \Vednesday of last week to Mrs. McNabb, 0f Oranbrnok. After tt short honlyneem they will settle -nn the bridegroom's farm 111 M01rcief A large circle of friends Wish them twiny years of happiness. Quite Lt number ft 0111'Union. attend= ed the "peilileg sst•vice9 of the Meshy. terinn oh Moll 111 Brussels list Sunday In the- itl.sence of the regular 111 gni - ist i1)Uninrl church, Miss Alma Streit, an pt esided tit the organ very accept- ably. An Aucttnl, Sale of Farm stock, im- plements, &t . is nnuounced by W. 0. Ell/teeth 'Lot 30, Con: 11, for Thursday nf'next week, 15th iliac„ He has leased his fa tin to Rubel, Baker and will probably go West for a trip. Airs hllacottand family will routines to nreupy the house in the meantime. F. 8 Scott will he the Auctioneer. Smoot. REPORT. -Following is the result of promotion examinations of S. S. No. 8, Grey. Honors- 75. Puss 00. Jr. IV to Sr. IV. -Flora McLean 75, Ohurlie Bullnek 75 Maher Coss inleheel05. Sr, III to Jr. IV. -Jiro. McTaggart 73, Jr. III to Si. II1 - Sadie McNeil. 89, Alex. McNabb 85, Jas. MoJ'aggnrt. 78, Adrian ML•TrTa ggal t 72, Jae. Ourutirhtael 70, Jr. II to Sr. IL -Marjory jury Fulton 73, Gen. McNeer 09, John Mr.Naught61. Jr. ti. -Veva NcNanght, Margaret McNair. h- Feigns McTaggart. Annie AlcTaggart. - harlie McNan ht: Primer C g Soxoor. REPORT for S. S. No. 3, Grey. for the month of March. Sr. IV. --Examined in Read., Writs - Hist„ Hist„ Arith., Lit. and Mem. Pass 300. 1 ' h 357,Albert Oatcl if Charlie Stott 847, Jas. McFarlane'294. Jr, III. Examined in Lit., Mem., hist., Writ., Reading, Aritll. Pass 300.- Willie McDonald 375,aWiilie Smith 802. Elsie Smith 348, Annie Bohner 807. ' Sr. II. -Examined' In Writ., Read., Hist.., Arith., Mein. Pass 800. Rny McFar- lane 348, Cthaa.:Deitner 323. Jr. II. Examined in same subjents. Pass 300. -Elizabeth Sm,th 383, Cameron Strachan 864, Willie Bishop 322, Clifford Cardiff 803, Primary.-JlllX- emined in daily work. Good-- Mel- ville Lamont, Laura Turnbull. Mary Deitner, T. AUsreTRONtO, Teacher. John and Santee) roil!, 01''Vnntlre- bile, Mich, were here during the µ.l*t week on a visit to (lira' mother, tee there, sisters and other old fi•itenl-, They ileo took in the dedicatory eel,. vices of the new Melville chinch, GREAT Brussels, in which they were hate est - ed as'nld boys of this locality. Mes- srs. Yuiil keep close'tab on the doings of,this eomtnunity,' although "it is about 35 years since they ween to live with Uncle Sara, MATItIMONIAL, - An ` interesting event transpired •at'the house. of the bride, Conestoga, Thursday of last week. when Sidney Armstrong, Prin- cipal of Conestoga public school and Aries liilda E emreerch, were milted in matrimony by Rev. Mr. Hansen. Afton a short wedding trip to Toronto the happy twain earns to the groom'e parental home, OLh Con., Grey town- ship, where a reception was held Tuesday evening and were accorded hearty congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong will continue to re- side in Oonestogia. We 'wish then, a happy prosperous life. If • "Chet" would take the hint from the good example set by his younger brother another forward step would be taken. LAW REGARDING MEASLES, &C., Section 53, R. S. 0, Bays :-" (1) Whenever any honseholder knows or has (080011 to suspect, that any per- son withi0 his family or household, or hoarding or lodging with him, leas any communicable disease, he shall, within twel v hours, give notice the r 0 - of to the Secretory of the local board or to the Medical Officer of Health. (2) The notice may be given to the Secretory y Or to the Medical Officer of 140 01111 011 his (Alive, or by led or, ad- deessed to either of them and (nailed within the time «hove specified. R. 8, 0. 1897, c: 248, s. 80. Penalty for non-observtrnice runs from $5.00 to $50,00. DR. FEROUuoN, M. J3. 0. Grey Twp. MoncriefF Geo. 16. Hadley spent Easter. with relatives and friends in Stratford. W. Bailie. of thie locality, has not been very well during the past' week but we hope speedy convalescence will follow. • W. E, Hanley, Manager• of the Royal Bank, Lambeth, was a welcome guest of his patents during the Easter holidays. Morris ,George Jordan, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, made a brief visit at the parental home at the Eastertide. Several from Morris township attended the Animal of the late Win. Jackson, of Blyth, last Monday after- noon. Ho was a former well known Morrisite and a wide eh ele of friends. bliss Cora Speir, of Toronto, and Mrs. 0. E. Stone, of Oannington, were welcome visitors at the home of James and AL•s. Speir. Their visit was timed to permit them to enjoy the dedicatory services of tine new Presbyterian church, Brussels, which they formerly attended. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the result of the Promotion Examinations field in S. S. No. 6, Morris. Entrance class -Cora Armstrong 81. Sr. IV, - Myrtle Johnston 75. Jr. IV. -Edwin h rh: n 76, Mande Bell 75. Sr. III. - Violet o lellU 72, Irene Pease 67. Si. I,- Mildred Russell 82,Angela ern Kelly 79,Nora Vaucsrp 6. Nellie Anderson 70, Willie Stubbs 72, .Lulu Procter 67, Williard Armstrong O3, Jr. IL- Wilbert Procter•, 84, Roy Armstrong 78, Bert Pease 74. Pt. 1I. -Annie Kelly 08, Archie Procter 87. F. Al. ITtr.AY, Teacher, Cranbrook- blies Mabel Menzies is visiting at 411tl,e9tow l•, V. Laing spent the Realer holiday avith friends in Stu111)011. J. P. 11r•Lt0811 had some very large ede 101111ps last Fell and I hey are good keeper+. One 1 fl atom Po4t- oak. weighed ut•arly 15 lbs. A.. J. 11 Int sold the seed, Visitors in the "Plot "- bliss B. (!alder, 'rornntl, LOaeher.-.lige L. Sna"ling, Prone Fordi•idge.-1.1. R01111, M .t I110 t, Ill.-Olu•istl011 Fischer, fester Guelph training ceunp.= Cleve Mc- Donald, remit London training camp. The work set ms t i agree with them.. MRS Rolm Dowst I IIC.1uAshD.- 'I'uestlay of hast week Airs. Robert Down, of St. Thomas, who was a sister• to the .tete Mrs. J. ll,aue was called to 1114 13o111' Land, passing a- way peaeefitlly. She was 81 yearn of age. Funeral Look place on Friday, r \Ne. Dawn is survived by 1 et hus- band and an adult family. They were former residents of the 10th Oon., of Gl'oy township, moving away some 35 years ago. Sirs. Chas! Alderson, et 0 Imebronk, end Henry Rene, of 5latnon, Ili., attended the funeral of their aunt. She wee a Hee wmnau, HYbIL• NL eto AL. -At Georgetown, Mnwh 31st ant the hon Wednesday+ home of brides brother, Ralph Rnss, B. A, B. Paed, Penlcipal of the Georgetown High School, Miss Rosalie Rosa, of Toronto, gild John Bunn, of Oran - brook, Ont., were united in marriage, Rev. R. F, Cameron performing the ceremony, They were supported by Junes Dncan and .Mise Lavine Al- derson, both of Toronto. The bride it ream i c wasbeautifullye drssed cheateeense with ith LU nin Of richrichlace and carried a boquet of white roses. Travelling dress was navy blue, carried a BBridesmaidt wore wbite and can beautiful bognet of pink roses. The house was very: prettily decorated with pink and white sweet peas. Friends were present from Toronto and Craubrook. After partaking of a daintily prepared ' dinner the bridal party took tram for Toronto, Hamil- ton and Niagara. They rvill ineke their home ell the groom's farm here, We wish Mr. and Mrs, Rants many matrimonial joys. Melville Presbyterian ChurchOedicated AUDIENCES ATTEND OPENING AND JUBILEE CELE- BRATION. Splendid. Sermons by Rev, Pr. Ross, of Toronto. Fine Muele and Generous Offoringe. The erection and clediotition of a clitwelr is atlivILysall interestingg, event and the opening of such an eUifne is a yeti letter day in the 11101017 of the congregation. This 5008 epeelerlly tree last Sabbath when the new Presby- terian cloreell was opened for the first services. Weather wan beautiful and notwithstanding that roads wet none too good a great congregation packed the fine edifice to the doors At 11 a. m.: the pastor, the, A. J. Mann, B. A„ conducted the in- troductory part of the Ivor -- ship and Rev. Dr. Rose, of Tor- onto, 0 well !Mown former pastor, for more than a gnat ter of a centrey was the preacher. His text was St. Mutt 10:18, , "Arid I say also unto ties that 1,11011 art Peter and npou this ruck I will build my church andthe gates of hell shall (Int prevail against it," suhj'01 be• ing "0111401 and His Church" and the sermon was one leng to be remembered, packed full to overflowing with LT1111n«1 fond. 111 pr•esenLin+r. the Ih 1111' Dr. Russ develepedrit t;Itong fin11• mwiu thoughts 'viz :-(1) The conception which Christ -.enter- tained 0f the. Church. 'In Ilia mind it was aspiel turd organiza- tion ;. the Kingdom of God upon email, composed of all believers. (2) The 11 (11 1al run which Christ chose for His Church - "this Rock"-'tvhic•h - tvas Himself, a foundation, strong, exclusive and adequate. (3): The erection • of t11e ,Church by Christ. He chooses the -ma- terial, employs tvotkrueu, dir- ects their operations and furnishes the effective power so that the work 'pro- ceeds grad trail y• con tinunosly and successfully.' (4) . The invincibility which Christ affirms of the Church. Invincibility guaranteed by the in- dwelling presence of Chriet, the infi- nite power of Obrist and the redemp- tive 'Passion of Christ. In conclusion the large congregation was urged to belong to this church, 10 beautify it by their Christ -like characters and abide in its blessed fellowship. Excellent music was rendered by the large choir led by Mrs. Addie Wright and the offering totalled $725.00. At the con- clusion of this initial serviee in the new chinch many very happy re- unions of old friends was enjoyed. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY At 3 o'clock a rally of the Sabbath School and young people was held in the auditorium, presided over by the pastor. A musical prograrn was rendered by the Y. P. S. G. E. choir and an excellent address, one that will 1101 be easily forgotten, was given by Rev. Dr. Ross, He took as his topic "Learn of Me" and developed fourfold advantages from the "learn- • • the ilrst preachers of Presbyterhtnisre and he coiloluly very ably euetabied his repntalinn by hie noble efforts of Sunday , last. In addition' to thy hearty cougi•egatiotial singing the chole gave two fine anthem- 'tient wet•e much, appt•ecieted. Offering was $160.00 which totalled for the (ley the splendid sun of $885.00. For the two Sabbaths at the opening $1,000 diction. If program bad been divided into three there would have been am- ple for each evening. Tuesday afternoon's At Home tendered to Rev. Dr, and 11re, !toss, was largely attended by utembere of the congregation and numerous end - tors and was a delightful function. It was informal and consequently more enjoyable in the eonnningling.of friends of happy days' of yore, Chmce instrumental selections were rendered by Mrs. R. Thomson and Ales, (Dr.) Holmes and vocal solos well sung by Miss Isabel Strachan and Mise: Verne SValkei. A tasty lunch was served. The boys and girls of the Sabbath School aoeepted the invitation to eat Temper at the church instead of at their respective homes and put in a good time, To prove the super -abundance of the provision made by the MELVILLE NEW CHURCH; was set as the sum hoped for in the 'offering but itis now anticipated that what was thought almost impossible by some will be superseded by the hearty co-operation of the congre- gation. MAMMOTH GA.THERXNG MONDAY EVENING The ladies of the congregatian made .A. 1 preparations for a great crowd Monday evening and had well ladened tables set in the Sunday School room to accommodate 175 at a time. Sup- per was served from 5 to after 8 o'- closk and when we state that between 900 and a1000 people were waited on the undertaking of the ladies may be guessed at. By carrying out a well arranged system of numbered tickets there was no confusion nor crowding and first came were first served. The bill of fare was par excellent and the tables. were decorated with imitation apple 'blossoms giving a very tasty appearance in the well lighted room. What was demonstrated downstairs was amply reproduced in the audi- torium in the musical and literary bill of fare presented. Shortly after 8 o'clock Pastor Mann took the chair and until nearly midnight the st- te.t program r r ive }reed sway over the audience. give To a detailed report REV. A. J. MANN, 13. A., Pastor leg" as we (1) Walk ; (2) Work ; (3) Wear ; (4) Win. The school was con- gratulated ed nn p the spacious loess aa c ntu- mod0timt provided. The musical exercises of the school will be lead instillment/01y by a new piano, Ihanlcs Lo the energy of Alias, Irate South and her class. EVENING 8511110E At the evening service, even before - 7 o'clock, seating was. at to premintu it the immense ' chairs the aid of c la butt1' n art by audience Wee accommodated, Rev. Mr. Aloin wile assisted by Rev. Ale, Wren, pastor of .the Methodist church in the introductory service and the preacher of the morning demotlstrated the null 10 tl clear, logical and well arranged discnnrse. Isis subject was a gond one -"The Book of God in the House of God" -The unique place the Bible occupies wee ably set forth in its Prominence, Pre-eminence andd Perrilanency. Its high Authorship, wonderful themestette knowledge, ge , its inexhaustible atore, its uplifting and saving power were dwelt upon and the strong place it has won a- mong the children of nten pointed out. 1n closing Dr. Ross touched on the function of the ministry of the. Word and . Re interpretation and clearly showed the privilege of receiving, re- talniug and following it. We are sorry space is not at, our disposal to give the splendid sermon in fall. Dr. Ross was always regarded es among REV. DR. ROSS, 26 Years Pastor world necessitate several cplulns hence the condense by stating merely theoutline 1'111 whichwhichwas a9 follows t Doxology ; prayer by Rev. Mr. Wesley, Wroxeter ; anthem by choir ; • male Quartette, Stratford Scotch reading, Miss McNaught, Tor- onto ; solo, Mr. Lightfoot ; address on "The place of Worship," by Rev. D. 1 eerie, Wingham, who also conveyed the greetings of Mait- land Presbytery Stratford Quartette; adiltess n1 y , Q n the Jubilee of Melville Church by Rev, Dr. Ross ; solo, Lorne Eckteier • reading, Miss Mt:Naught, ; short' address by Rev. R. E. Page, rec- tor of St. Joint's church ; solo, Mr. Hohnstein ; address, Rev. D. Wa•en , pastor 'of Methodist church ; Male Quartette 1 ress b Rev. R. A • Lundy, pasaddress Duff's church, Walton ; reading, Miss MoNaught ; address, Rev. sir: 'WesleyFinancial state- ment by Reeve Leckie, Chairman of the Building Committee, whofigured art slue total cost at `1,7 600 and cash n $ , and promises in sight, with other 'ex- pected donations, that would' only leave a balance of $7,700 unprovided for. Rev. Mr. Mann heartily thanked all who had taken part in any way in the snccess of the opening services and stated the financial proceeds of the evening at, $400. Mr. Bradshaw sang "My Ain Countrie" as the closing solo and the patient and somewhat weary audienoe was dismissed by the Bene - ladies many well filled baskets were sent to various horses after all the programmed dining was concluded. Probably no member of the congre- gation has rendered as faithful ser- vice about the new church during its construction as Alex. Stewart. He is assuredly entitled to the warmest thanks of the congregation for his constancy and thoughtfulness. The unqualified success of the open- ing of the new edifice should do much to hearten the work of pastor and peo- ple and they are to be heartily con- gratulated upon the results of the oc- casion. aca810n. Next Sabbath, 11th inst., at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. Shearer, of Toronto, will preach. Elis subjects will be "The call to sacrificial service," and "The ministry -of Mercy to the victimized." Rally of Young People's Society in the afternoon. Special music will be rendered by the choir and special offerings taken toward the Building Fund. (Continued on page 4) GOLDEN WEDDING W. H. KERR, Pro/yielor'• family were here ,excepting Frank and Mrs, Bennett and 7 grand child - len were: in attendance. Among the gguests wereRobt, Davidson, Toronto ; Mrs, Thos. Johnston, of Carlyle, Sask„ who is 82 years of age and Mrs, Thos. McFaclzean and sou, of Walton. The home was nicely decorated for the occasion with flowers, ever- greens, bunting and a floral bell, There Wee a 3 story bride's cake which- was out by 1110 bride of 50 years ago. After supper the company separated with the expression of rnauy good wishes to Mr, and Mrs. Davidson that they Might live to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. A wide circle of old friends join in the felicitations to this worthy couple who are well and favorably known to many. Blyth Went. JACKSON ANSWERS THE SII51- MONS.-Last Saturday morning Wm. Jackson, of Blyth, was called away. Mie illness was brief and hie demise little dreamed of by those outside of of his immediate personal friends so that the news of his demise was a sad surprise indeed. He was born in Waterloo Co. in the year 1854 and came with his father's family to Morris township 8111 line, when 2 years of age. In this locality he spent his life in the favor of both God and man. to 1880 deceased was united in marriage with Miss Alice, daugh- ter of the lute George Hood, of the same township, and they made their home on Mr. Jackson's farm until they moved to Blyth in 1908. Here he busied himself in every good word and work and was virtually every bcdy's friend, possibly he did too much. Ile was a faithful member of the ,Methodist church and in the choir, Sabbath School on the Official Board etc., ire rendered A 1 service. His integrity was undoubted and his geniality was not easy to surpass both at home and abroad. The writer feels he has lost a splendid personal friend whose decease is greatly de- plored. Funeral took place Monday afternoon and wasoneof the largest ever seen in Blyth. Rev, George Jewitt was in charge. To Mrs. Jackson and other relatives will be aocorded deep sympathy. -•- s Ia.-In St. Andrew's church DevrnaoN L un 81 C 1 88 ' sv. am Ont.,on march s 8 B,by Mev. James Christiana Mr. Thomas Davidson to Mese Uhriatlana S. Lambie, of Soarboro'. The Golden anniversary of the a- bove annow)cement was celebrated at the comfottable homestead of Thos. Davidson,ot and Mrs. 10, Con. 11, Grey township, Wednesday of last week when a jolly company of rela- tives and old friends assembled to 'celebrate the happy occasion. After a. 'splendid dinner the following ad- dress was read by Robert Davidson, Toronto, brother to the host, and James Davidsou the oldest son, pre- sented a fine gold headed cane to Mr. Davidson, a gold headed parasol to Mrs. Davidson, and a purse of gold from family and friends :- To THOS. AND MRS. DAVIDSON.- Your children, grandchildren and friends assembled here would join in congratulations that, in the Provi- dence of God, you have been so long spared together and have been blessed 111 family and store, with health and strength to still enjoy life. We trust with many years still of loving 001n- panionsbip. We rejoice thatthere has been so much occasion for joy and so little for sorrow in the 60 ears you y have passed together. 1 askyour aces sauce of We would p theseifts as a little memento of our esteem and love for you. May you be shielded from the storms of life and aided in its difficulties, with abun- dance to smooth the path of life to its evening hour, when may there still be light, until you enter the open door into our loving Father's Home and enjoythe fellowship of 6111 Elder and of friends'who a w o 1 rave al- ready passed in oe may follow after with the blessings in store there for God's loved ones. Mr. Davidson briery returned the hearty thanke of his wife and himself for the address and beautiful gifts. After their marriage Iver. and Mrs. Davidson resided ingSoarboro' town- ship until their coming to Grey town- ship in 1886They are enjoying a good degree of health and takinglife a trifle easier as they turn theirfaces toward the evening of a happy ex- sperience. Theyhave a family of 8 ons (James, John, Joseph, Thomas, William RobertDavid and Frank,' all residents of Grey or Morris townships, excepting John who lives in Brussels, David. Lvleton, Mau., and Frank,'Mich.) and 8 dauggh- ters (Mrs. Bennett, Stoughton, Sask., Miss Mary,Brussels ' and Miss Bessie, Arcola, sk.) There are also 10 grand children. All members of the Wroxeter Following item, taken from The Globe of April 5th, refers to a former milliner here :-Mrs. Laving McCart- ney, who has been carrying on a mil- linery businessin Palmerston for more than two years, was found dead in bed this afternoon. She had been living alone. When some customers called Saturday the doors were locked but they thought she was away for Easter Sunday. The doors being found still locked to -day Constable Gamble gain- ed entrance through a window and found her dead and quite cold. The Coroner has been notified to take charge. Deceased, after the death of her first husband, Mr. McDowell, a military officer in Ireland, came to Canada and married the late Mr. Mc- Oartney, Midland, Ont., and since his death has been conducting millinery establishments in Mt. Forest and oth- er places before coming to Palmerston. As far as is known here she has a son who is au officer now at the front in France. NEWSY NOTEs.-Archie Wells, Tor- onto, was a visitor at the home of T. A. Gibson this week.-Mrs.P Chas. Pope and son, John, London, are visiting the former's parents, Geo. and Mrs. Barnard. -John Smith bas been ser- iously ill during the past week, suffer- ing from blood. poisoning, but is now on the mend. -Mrs. Pied. Daveyand children spentGoodFriday at Arhur. -D. Littlejohn returned on Monday from a few days' vacation spent at Niagara Falls. -Among the teachers who are spending the Easter vacation at their homes here are :-Ashton Morrison, Arthur ; Miss Janie,Howe, Muncey • Miss Beatrice Howe, Leam- ington ; Miss Clara Rutherford, Ford - with ; and Miss Lulu Rutherford, Toronto. -Wm. Goldner has returned from Toronto and is at present em- ployed by I. Durst. -Miss Mina Doug- las visited over Easter Sunday with friends at Exeter. -Mise Cassie Harris has returned to Toronto after spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Harris. -Robert McKeraher is or home from Stratford Normal School for the Easter holidays. -Mrs. Robert- son, Wingham, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. Rae, Howick.-Miss Annie Harris, Toronto, is renewing acquaintances in the village. -John Ri"gler conducted the Young oung People's meeting in the Presbyterian Church on Suda evening. The subject was "Conquering Discouragement." -Mrs. R. Black is spending a weep with rel- atives in Toronto. --Miss Martin, Ex- eter, is elle guest of Mrs. T. G. Hemp- hill. -J. 11. and Mrs. Wendt spent Good Friday in Hatriston,-Mise Della Rutherford was home from Toronto for the week -end. -A number from this vicinity attended the opening of the new Presbyterian church in Brus- sels on Sunday. -A meeting to re- organize the Bowling Olub for the coming season was recently held in the Oouncil Chamber when the follow- ing officers wore elected :-Hon.-Pres., 0. Reis ; Pree•, Rev. T. M. Wesley ; Vi Feil White ; Soc.-!rens, Vice -Pees., Fred. Davey t Lawn Manager, W. O. Hazlewood. -Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church -met eat the home Hemphill n Wednesday Mrs. Tics, Flem 1 q of y afternoon. -W. Iv, M. S. of the Pres- byterian church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, A. Mun- ro Thursday afternoon. - Another shipment consisting of 5 dozen shirts and 3 dozen lair's of sooks has been made by the Red Cross' Society here to Toronto, Athol McQuarrie, Editor 01 the Victoria Harbor Eta, was home over Sunday and took in the Presbyterian church opening.