HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-4-1, Page 5BUSINESS CAROL JNOw SUTHERLAND P S U�' _HEp A t„ ND & SONS LIMITED VRAPS 10YriIRIO WM. SPENQE CONVJ3YAN..O +!R AND ISSUlaBB or MARRIAGE LIOL+1NSElti' IsoO fa tilt. 11.0.0 Office, Ethel. 80.4 • LEGAL AL AND .CONVEYANCING. /TM SINCLAIR-- 1 S • i3arrloter, -Solicitor, • Conveyancer. Notary Public, dm, Office—StoWart'a Block 1door North of Central Hotel, • Solicitor for the Metropolitan Banka AUCTIONEERS. (? S. SCOTT AS AN •AUCTION- • sen, will soli for bettor prices, to better mon in loss time and lees charges Mute any ether Aoetloneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders Dan aIva ye be arranged at thla office or by p ors•)1Blapplinatlon, Gamma 2l iwQJ1'.E Italia war BRUSSELS Gorge Sousa fGOMNO Notemn Express 7:18 e mI Mn11 11:22 a m Express 8:45D in Express 8:52 p m C4XatW3JV ? CIPlC WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:52 n ml Express 11:19 a m Express 1:22 p m express 8:85 pm WROXETER Going East - ,7:05 a. m. and 8:40 p. m. Going West - 12:19 and 9:58 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Loofa Agent. anF !'.ollegee close for Vecatlob A8 E�'!! .sitd•8ummer. Our college does not, TORONTO, once. T is strictly nrsbalnss. None better. in 0 Canada, Eater now so as to take a position in the early Fall. One grad's-. me writes :—"My new position Ma three times- what I got rat teaching school laza than four years ago jnet 61 previous to entering rain Is Allege." h. We placed th14 young man in a position after graduation and have now placed him again. Catalogue free. LCor. Young and/ W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. i Principal. i t"'fa AVRin irrArIgrealrmass'ymk`raa e r4:tgai 3a4�a`Y�^af ,1%V;A9i' J CEREAL STRATFORD.. ONT Ontario's Bast Practical Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors 1n tach of our three departments— Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy Our graduates summed and you should read our large, free catalogue. Write for it at 03100. D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. a a ENROL. NOW at the LISTNWEL ROSINESS COLLEGE 'Thorough Courses taught by Competent Teaehets. �- Fa particalara nddreos— EDWIN B. MATTHEWB, Listowel,. Ont. nry swilEssimisessiouiwowiwsswiimiiissles THE• Best Brains In Canada have participated In Lite pre - nitration of our splendid Bonne Study 0o11rsa9 in Banking, Eoonoados, Higher Acootmilin , Commercial .ArtShow Card, Writing, Photography Journal- ism• Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work Which mdst interests you and write on for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 891-7 Tonga 8t., Toronto smeollmlegoOssmossometesmews COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of 1310)1110m young peo- ple ere fat preparing In their own hooted to 000(lpy llior'ttive positions as etenogra pliers, boolcko0pers, telegra- phors, civil servants,1» foot ovary sphere of 110tivitlo0, on play finish at college if you so wish, Positions guar- anta0d. EotIrcollege any dsy, Inch - Victual Instruction. Expert teoohors. Thirty years' oxporlence. Largest tr,dnors. in Canada. Seven colleges. Special with dteachers, n nerolsl Educe. tor'sAssooiation of Canada. Summer School at fauteuil Spotton Boldness Col. loge, London, Winhem Rosiness College 9 9 GEO,9140008, W. T. MORSE.' President: Principal, 13usinets Oetrtlts JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Sueoe0e r told. 51,Moore, 9tve at Ander- son o Brea. ;Avery ohle, Bpassala, Telephone • No, 20, T. T. M' RAE M. D. M, 0, P., d S, Q. M, 0, 51,, Village of Brttsse)o, Phyaiotan, Surgeon, Acouu0heur Office over Standard Bank DR. P. T. BRYANS Baohelor of Medlolno, University of Torento ; Licentiate of College of Pkyslolana and Sur. goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of western Nanette), Toronto, Moen of late Dr, A. MaCevey, Smith Blook, Brussels. Mural phone 46, AL. EX.' D. M'KEL.VEY M,8.. 1W,C.P.&S. O. 100 Blom' street Bost, Toronto D29eaeog Ear, Nose and Throat.. Clinical assistant in Eur, None and Throat de. pertinent New Geaerol Hospital, Toronto; Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos- ton ; late Senior itesidont Surgeon Mass, Eye & Bar Infirmary ; late Clinie,ll nimistent in Nose and Throat' department Maaa. Gen. Doer npiter Intel:ouse Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. R'In Brussels by appointment. DR. M; FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT, Phyoloian and Surgeon; Poet Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos. pitals. Special attention todloease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.. Q. H. ROSS, D.C.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal college of Dental Sur - goons of Ontario and Graduate Univeratty of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In taard Block, Wingham Phone 249. - .Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WAROLJW Honor- graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Oliloe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department. of Opphthal• tnology, MoCormiek Medical College, Chicago, Ill., 16 prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Bru8eeis, on Thursday, Friday and Saturdaof every week. Office hours 1 to 8 p. m, Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. PRDUOFOOT, .1ILLORAN & PRONDFDOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, No. Office on. the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROUDrOOT, L 0 J. b. MILORAM WM. PROUa5OOT JR. fool bops Items APRIL WA'rcu out for the April joker. Rev. Mr. Amos, Presbyterian minis- ter at Atwood, who resigned his charge on account of poor health, has tnoved to his recently purchased farm near Palm- erston. Rev. E. G. Powell., now of Clinton, formerly of Brussels, will spend a month in Alberta Province assisting in a Temperance campaign. He's ars enthusiastic worker all right and knows how to hustle. He is Huron County Temperance Travelling Secretary. GRANO 'TRUNK EASTER EXCURSIONS,— Single fare—Good going and returning Good Friday April end only. Fare and one-third—Good going Thursday April xst, zed, 3rd and 4181. Return limit Tuesday April 6188. lets Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada. East of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron. Mich., Buffalo, Black. Rock, Niagara• Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. A SURPRISE PARTY.— In gloomy state. the Kaiser sits, communing with his dachshund, Fritz, "Alas, my pup," the war lord sighs, "the last faint hope within me dies ; I see at last I have no chance to wallop Albion and -France. My counsellors sbould be in jail ; they filled me with a fairy tale. They told me France was weak and frayed. a oation obsolete, decayed ; they said that if I Bred a gine, the French would have a fit and run. They said old England. gone to seed, was to inert to fight and bleed, too much wrapped up in idle sport, in football field and tennis court and she would crumble at a kick, and I. they said, should do the trick. 'Phey told me Russia was a joke, a land dis- organized and broke, whose people lacked all martial fire, and vodka was their one desire. And so I took my sword and shield, and snicgsu ee a d went afield, counsellors have told me fibs, for Fiance has feckod me in the ribs, and Edgland, which -they said was weak; has spread my nose all o'er my cheek. and Russia cut out Kin and beer, and hit me zwei tithes in 111, ear. For lands decedent, pup. they seem, to have all kinds of vim and steam." The dachshund yowled, loud as he durst and thea oaa changed to wielerwurst. ACCOPTRD CALL 'rhe Dungannon News of March 18tH speaks of a son of John Hunter, of Brussels Rs follows'At the conclusion of the morning preaching service in the Methodist church Rev, J, E.. Hunter called the Official Board and informed them( that he had received mud accepted an:unani- mous invitation from Charing Cross Circuit, Chatham District, and that this Was his earliest opportunity of giving them a definite reply to their cordial and unanimous invitation .extended to (tit's at the February meeting of the Board to remain for the 401 year, at which time, while sincerely thanking diem for the tame, he had promised to let them know his decision 00 soon 118 possible. A meeting .of the ("Moral Board Was then called to meet: the fol- lowing Monday evening to consider the question of pastoral supply." Rev. Mr. Hunter has done excellent work at Dungannon both as preacher and pastor and both he and Mrs. Hunter will leave. men* warm friends behind theta when they remove next Tune. The present pastor 'at Charing Cross, which is a strong point, le Rev. Jno. F, Kuigbt, 13, A., a format Ctanbrook old boy, who is invited to Bengali for the neXt pastoral term, DOING WtOlos •'Rev, Dr. Rutledge, of Clinton, who is a patient' at the. John Hopkins kl Ho it it Il n s f kiano ws re, i& qo 0 mob improved that he is able to sit up eaell dand it is bed bis 9010 wilayt be speedy and peeofplete, li,ecoverye 19 a brother to Mrs, (ley.) J, L, Kerr, of Brussels, NEW TAXR0 IN EFFECT APRIL, I5,-- 'l'lla rei;uiatious regarding special revenue ;Stamps on letters, elleques, etc„ will come into effect April 22th, According to a newspaper despetgll from Ottawe, the new stamp tax will apply to drop letters which are closed, but not to open tetters, circulars, parcels or newspapers, No doubt more. definite informatics's will be furnished in due time by the Postoffice Department, —O _�- OAa of corn to hand. ALF, BARRER, Sean grain far sale. Iield's Green Mountain end American Banner oats and Juno Pens. 'f'or further particulars apply to ,1, P, Mc- INToen, Lot 21, Con, 12, Grey, Uranbrook P. 0. Phone •560. 8 oouNo pigs for sale, Apply on Lot 10, Con, 7, Gray, Grey. Phone 2112. - Cuss,. LAMONT. LeooiNo chain, With hook at melt' end, lost between Ethel and. Wm. Slemmon's corner, Finder would much oblige by leaving it with the owner or ht ltobt Gibson's chop, Ethel. DAVID .2ANDsRS, Oon..10, Grey Twp,. OOHS AND OA DM FOR BALs. -8 good young coWt Will ealv0 in March and April. Also a number er young calves. Milton Lowe, Lot 0, Con. 9, Grey. Phone 280. GA1AGa FOR 8AL5.—Underslgnad offers his cement garage, Which is 00,x'60 feet, with metalnc, roof, for sale. It ie fire proof and waterproof with handy offlee&o, Building ,s Welt 'mated. Nor pride and 'tonne apply to D. EWAN, Brussels. Foe SALn.—Derham bull calf Bmonthv old, dark moan, good size and quality; young thoro' bred York pigs; Newmarket Seed orate also a draft filly rising 8 years. ANDRRw LAMONT, Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Phone 2214. BAULKY. AND OATS 8010 BALK,—I have for sale good clean 0. a. 0.21 Barley and Reprov- ed Siberian and Gold Drop Oats. All good Olean seed. MARTIN MOHAIR; Lot 17, Con. 16, Grey. R. R. No. 2, Brussels. Phone 2810. Goon brink house on William street for Pale together with good stable and driving shed. Excellent repair. Alt conveniences, both, etc. For further particulars apply to GNORO8 THOMSON, Brussels. YOUNG Short horn bulls for sale, Also grade heifers with calf, Lot 10, Con 15, Grey township. 0. PummeLL,. Brussels R. R. N0. 2. Phone 2814. tf 8 Goon grade Short Horn Raiford 8 years old for sale, All to calve before May 101. It, L. MODUNAnn, Lot 17, Con. 8, Grey. Ethel P, 0. Phone 4118. Two Short Horn bull calves for sale. One a year old and the other 18 months. No better' animals in the country. Terms to suit the purohaeer. Have also a young Yorkshire hog for ;ale. JAs, SpaIR. Lot 80, Con, 6, Morris, Box 267 Brussels P. 0, Phone 267. MEMORIAL WINDOW. —A very beauti. ful stained glass memorial window bas been put in St. George's church, Gode- ricit in memory of Janet Barns Holmes, wife of Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, Co, Treasurer, who died on March 18th, (934 The design which is in chaste coloring and artistic execution, repre- sents the appearance of Jesus the risen 'Lord, to Mary in the garden with the words, "Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father," The name of the departed, with date of birth and death. is at the bottom of the window, which is directly opposite the seat which the late Mrs. Holmes occupied in the church for so many years. It is a •worthy and pleasing addition to the other windows of this class which adorn St. George's. Mrs. Holmes was a former highly esteemed resident of Brussels. GOLDEN WEDDING MARCH 31st 1865-1915. Thos. Davidson and Christiana 8. Lambio. flow much of change is compassed itt the years That lie between the entrance of else life, When two young hearts are drawn by Lies of love To leave the path that each before has trod And enter' on the ,tlatl'it110Ilial road, 'With but one thought of happiness for each. In making life some brighter for the elate, Thus mii.kieg sorrow light when borne by twain And doublingg all the joys because of love That smoothes the way and makes it very blight And worth the living as the„ lives thus meet, And richer grow because of loving thought, Anel kindly deed to bless the other life. Anil when the fifty year; have fully come. YVflh fruitage HHulfest to bless the lives Qf 211''808 tt'It0 patiently endured and who Withwhitening InL k9 and sometimes lagging fret, Still pu'Fs el. n 9 life's pathway hand in lewd, 01.81 still enjoy 1111; blessings of the p41.1 9, elle (A111120818of lheir'toit and earnest work, Thr. love of trowel Ilan a half a score of soils 09,81 tb ughter1, who have graced their quiet llnlne, And with like number of grand- children 9,n00 Unite in loving thought and kindly deed, To gladden hearts that ever thought of them, And were iluule glad as they did walk the way Of righteotierless and truth, with patient toil 'r5 prove themselves true sons of woh'thy sire. 'While friends unite in wishing tiler's Grad -speed Throughout •the year's that may be granted theta, Until like corn that now is fully ripe They may, be gathered to the Better Home, • Where the one Father waits for all lits own To then eujo9 that better wedding feast, • When Godfs own Son shall take His well lived Beide, And enteron the day ,that knows no end, naught but Joy and Peace attd blessings rich Shall reign throughout the great eternity, ING118919I. WOMAN D NERVOUS rinds Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Creston, Iowa. —"I suffered with fe- male tro(Ibles from the time I came into womanhood until -I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta- ble Compound. 'T would have pains if I overworked or lifted anything heavy, and I would bo so weak and ner- vous and in 8o much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told me what your medicine had done for her and I tried it. Itmade ale strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby boy. .I' am very glad that I' took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it.'—Mrs,A. Il, B013CAMP, 504 E. Howard Street, Creston, Iowa. • Tons of Roots and Barbs are used annually in the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for female ills. For forty years -this famous root and herb medicine has been pre-eminently rnccessful in controlling the diseases of women. Merit alone could have stool 'Alis test of time. If you lla4ve the slightest doubt that Lydia 11. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compoundwill hel ti you,write to LydiaE.Pinkhana Medicine(' o. (confidential) Lynn;Mass.,forad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in (strict confidence, Brussels School Board Regular ,meeting of School -Bnarit AVM .1801i1 Meisel 121.11 'with members present etceept D. 0. Rose. '' Minutes (flita9 meeting read and confirmed. Accounts for 101 cords hood at $2.'75 to Thns. Wilson and Miss Beatrice Harris' supply work, $11.00 were ordered to be paid. Inspector Field's report was present- ed and discussed. It wag as follows : To the Public School Board, Brussels, GENTLE.IIEN :— Tice fallowing is the report of my official visit to your school Feb. 23rd and 255th. Yours respectfully, Joan' M. FIELD. The staff is the same as at my pre- vious visit, Miss Deadman was act- ing as substitute fn the absence of Miss Basket', who was ill. The follow- ing is a statement of the attendance. February Aggro- Pres- Aver - gate eat age Aliso Buchanan's 28 21 25 Miss Backer's 28 25 20 Miss Henderson's 24 24 22 Miss Brothers' 20 18 19 Total 100 88 92 If the Board feels that there is any necessity for economy It would be possible to reduce the staff without reducing the efficiency. . Even with three teachers the a re ate average attendance per teacher would be belo 35which is far from being excessive. If the number of children below six years of age in your village were large enough, I would advise a Kindergar- ten Depat9an0ut, as the expense would be less on account of the grants being more generous. Sufficient attention to heating and ventilation of the school is not given either by teachers or caretaker ; It is possible In get much better results and gloater uniformity. The boys' closet, especially, leaves muelt to be desired. They ale always worse in Winter nn account of the Slime aha wet. They are too dark and not large enough for the size of rum school. The Summer is a good tittle for re- • Young People If yon ate determined to hurtle a success of life you should not fail to appreciate the great value of a lhorongh business education which will prove of untold bene- fit 110 (natter what your vocation in life. To' acquire this you could not do better 9111011 enter the LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE where you :would be efficiently ' equipped to take your place in the ftont ranks of succesefal Leen and woolen. There are numerous Business Colleges but none chore efficient nor with better environment than the Listowel Business col- lege. The students ate all made to feel at Houle, and Dal• goad-, nates are our best advertise- ments. Take vont• eyes off the pound, Derr wait for "soulething to turn rap." 13e prepared fur great oppnrtnniUPS and 81(00058 IS -half 470(1, Enter any tirne. Spring term opens Tuesday, April dtil, For particulars write EDWIN G, MATTHEWS, Principal. tinting the wall; and ceiling;• some ll )1, ni need e a It very Much, , fn `('11e olasees ars le good condition, I their pt1)gress le quite satiefactoc and tbu discipline nod .Lode of both Public and Ool,tineaticil School; are good. Blyth Annual meeting of the Lawn Rowl- ett: took ppiece in the Oddfellnws' hall on Monday evening with the Presi- dent, Dr, lltoTeggatt, in the chafe, Financial statement showed that the bowlers are now out of debt, and have a su ltiue on hand of 522. They have been going for 8 years and this is the first time they had a clear sheet, Officers elected for the corning year were ;— Honorary P1'eeident, J. Coombs ; President, Do, Allison ; vice -President, T. E. McTaggart; Secret ary'Tteasurer, James Me - Murchie ; Executive Committee, Dr, McTaggart, J. coombs; J. M. Hamil- ton ; Membership Committee, T, Stewart and A: W. Robinson ; Tournament Committee, T, Taggart and 3, AL Hamilton, East Wawanosh Council Council (net March 15th. Members present, Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Following Pathmasters were ap- pointed :— Geo. p- pointed':— Geo. Sturdy A. W. Smith R. Patterson W. Ruddy , Geo. Snell Wm. McGowan Win, Fear Jae, Wilson G. Johnston Geo. Wallace W. W. Taylor J, McGill N. Walsh J. '1'. Bell N. A1eDowell, D. cook . P. W. Scott J. S. Scott W. Dunbar J. W. Bone N. Bolt Alex, King Geo, Irwin And, Ferguson J, Cochrane -W. Wightnsan Isaac Walker J Your, J. Elliott I. Stewart H. Taylor Chas. Mari burn A: Cornelius 11:Mc Gee J. Gibbons Sam. Thompson Wm. Robinson H. Chamney , Poundkeepers— • J. Stolz T. Bt'aduock J. McCllnchay J. Nicholson Jos. Johnston J. Caldwell Geo. Potter W. Walden J. Woods R. Buchanan M. Mason M, Bell Fred. Cook jr. W. Howatt F. Campbell J. W. Mason J. Wightman T. H. Taylor James Scott Ed. Walsh 0. Wightman W. Scott Thos. Montgomery W. Salter J. Menzies J. Shiell E. Walker , 0. Carter W. Anderson R. Stapleton 3. Gillespie J. - Morrison J. Srneltzer F. Doyle J. Jamieson S. McBurney Wm. James WM. Nixon J. Hoare R. C. MoGowan J. C. Stoltz B. H. Taylor Geo. Cduningharn G. N. Robertson D. Clow Thos. Robinson 7. Campbell J. Campbell J. Cochrane J. C. Ouirie Fenceviewers— W. J. Parks Geo. Sturdy F. D. Stalker John Menzies R. Shiel A. Robertson Sheep valuators— D. McGill J. 0. Stoltz 301191 T. Currie J. J.Kerr By -Lary Na. 8, 1915, ratifying the above appointments and By -Law No. 4, 1915, appointing J. E. Ellis, Collec- torfor the present year, both read and passed. Council adjourned to meet Tuesday, May 250, as a Court of Revision on Assessment Roll and for other town- ship business. A. PORTERFIELD, OleI'k. Howick council Council wet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, cm March 18th, pursuant to adjournment. All members present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting rend and on motion of Dnig— Spotton were adopted. Tenders for operating rood. machine were opetted and after consideration it was moved by Doig—Armstrong, that Charles King contract for service at $1,00 ,per Hour he to do all work also furnish power and wood be accepted. Tenders for steel work of Stewart bridge, Con, 9, were opened. Moved by Spotton—Demmerling, that the tender of Hill & Co., Mitchell, be ac- cepted, lowest tender, amount being $1370.00. Carried. Tenders for mak- ing. tile for Township were opened. Moved by Doig—Armstrong, that the tender of John Byndman be accepted at following prices :-6 inch tile, 450 ; Bin 50e; 12 in. 90e; 18 in.,,1,85. 24 in 225; 80 in. 3.00 Carried. Petition signed by 17 ratepayers, presented. asking them to give a grant to John Wylie to change his rail fence to a wire one along Side -road South of Gorrie. Moved by Armstrong— Spotton, that petition be placed on file for present. carried. Moved by Dennuerling—Doig that clerk be in- structed to have By.law under Snow Fence Act prepared for next meeting, Oarried. Pathmasters appointed :— Samuel D. Martin Wm. J. Lynn John Deitz Smith Vines Ai. Shoemaker Wnt. Doig Wm, Elliott A. Edgar 'Phos. McOlement 73, Hutchinson 1188117 Haase Geo. Magee John Lambkin Ben. Gibson John Topham John Maguire A. Toiler Geo. Townsend Robert Walker August Keil 0. Walker Henry Schaefer A. Darcy James Hy» dtnan Jno, W. Spence Ben. Ringler John Young R. Clegg R. 8pnttnn H. Zimmerman David Walker Galvin Rogers Jamas Strong Win, McLean Win, Leonard Wm. Montgomery Fred, Taylor Abram Strong Win, Pike Jas. Hunter Thos. .Tohnston Wm. Brown Wm. 13aer Wm. J, Gallaher. Cecil Day John Huesbin J. Stewart Thos. Bennett Charles Irwin 1l. Ferguson Wm. Strong A.. Huth A, A. Graham Wm, Craig Henry Dommerting Jno. Porterfield A. McKenzie Rabat Raker Si Finlay Isates Wade T. Dittle Wm, Jaques Wm. Wetlaufer Ed, Henry b. Porterfield ter$eld lin 11Wylie H. Wood Ernest Mahood Wm. PJlair Jacob Weitz D. Ziegler Waiter Renwick Jaynes Burns Peter Diokert 0, Wolf Peter Reddon Isaac Bayliss Walter Johnston J. Drummond J awes Douglass Geo. Doubledee Wm. Mitchell Thos. Gibson . Robert Adams Ruesel Harris Fred. McIntosh James Wright 0. Maxwell Ed, Lambkin Andrew Doig Pound -keepers Levi Galbraith James Wright Bet't Cooper D. Rogers James Douglass Wm. Foster Fenceviewel's A. A. Graham Levi Galbraith Wm. Hood David Walker Wm. Edgar John Maguire 301111 WarI 'el l Joint Kreoller Samuel August Allan Pot tet'fleid Wn1.lHays Stewart Finlay Walter Pomeroy lien('yy Resting F,'ttnk Duuglae Wm. Hood Geo, Newton Jus, Barton. Garnet Wright 0. Wright John Deltntan L. Hooper Geo. Johnston Jas. St. Marie H. Reinbeoket' A. 1219011 Albert Gallaher Wm. Casernore. Witt. Ball Thee. Tremble James Underwood James Stitt( A, MoKercher 13. Hyslop Geo. Robertson Wm. Murray 11. W. Laird Win, Reis Wm. H. Gregg Alex, Edgar Wxn. Hestia John Johnston C. Irwin E. Phair S. Zubrigg Win. Gibson Thos. Johnston Geo. Townsend papranguig 'Met JNO., LUNIV FAINTER, PAPERHANGER 6114I59R and DECORATOR My air's is to give satisfaction by Good Work etnd Moderate Prices, JNO. LUNN T'liomas et., Brussels. Phone 41x. Robert Mitchell Russel Barris D. Reis Moved by Armstrong — Spott011, that following accounts be paid;-- George —Geor a Bray, legal service at Drain- age Onut't, :(15,00; E, D. Bolton, en.. gineer, attending Court, 57.00; Wm. Stinson, genet for failings in Gotrie, 525.00 ; Elmer Charles, cleaning ditch, Howick share, 75c ; James Anil - strong, goods for Hodge faintly, 59.75 Geo. Spotton„ balance on ',printing contract, 535.00 ; Amos Doan, service at Twp. Hall, 51.90 ; A. Hill & Co„ part pay on bridge con tract, $200,00 ; John Hynclnlan, tile, 52.70. Moved by Armstrong—Doig, that Council meet April 20th in cook's hotel, Fordlvich, when tenders will be received for building new abut- ments for the Stewart and Abe Strong bridgee. Carried. C. E, WA.L1tER, Clerk. "No more headache for you ---take these" Den't hist "smother" the headache without removing the ranee. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only core the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone tbelives, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. All Drogoin,, 25c., or by mall CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO, Toronto, Ont. 13 •••••••••••t••••••eses•eeefee•eeeeeseee•®0.0000•••••0 • ••' • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • s_ D. C. R C SIS --��V•- _���-111/iIV11111111I1'I • O • • • O • • • • • • • • • 0 S •• • No Daroing for Six F'onths If You Get This Mark on Your Hosiery To -day. Buy six pairs of Holeproof Hosiery Now and you won't have any darning for half a year—no necessity of wearing darn- ed hose—no wasted time in looking for whole hose—no hosiery trouble whatever. Try it for six months. • 0 •, .. G ••••••••••••••••••S••••••• ••••••••••feaeai•s••••••••• s • IJOLEPROOF IS For Men, women and Children The genuine bears the trade -mark shown and the signature of CARL 1'RE80ffi, CO. 39 years of experience go into every pair. See thewide assortment to -day. Six airs cost51.50 to83.00—accord- ing 3.00—accord- y P � in g to finish. For sale g n by •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 S 1 • • • ■ ice'i rye/ The post office • ivoesn doesn't give five minutes' credit. T I Yet the .post- • master probably knows you as well as we do. • • • It's not because we don't trust your honestywhen • we say " no credit."• aIts' just because we can't afford to give credit and • sell at the prices we do. IWe can't afford the expense of book-keeping, of •• collections and of losses in bad debts—because, you t, know, if we'd give you credit, we'd have to give it to others who might not pay. • • • And then we'd lose or those who do pay would. 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