HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-3-18, Page 8•
lumber, house furnishings, &c., trade.
Most of the feed for the horses is growu
on the Morris township zoo acre farm
owned by the proprietor. On Con. 17,
Gray township, Mr. Ament °MS goo
stores and the probabilities are part of
this will be cleared tip for cultivation
this year. The mill yards are well
stocked this season with logs, stave
bolts, heading and other timber, nearly
as large a stock as last year. Sawmill
will likely commence work next week.
As side lines great quantities of butter
mouldare made, The agency for the
Chicago Air motor is held by Mr.
Ament, whose staff also look after the
erection of the windmills. A special
feature of these usetul powers may be
read in advertisement on page 5 of this
week's issue gives practical particulars
that everybody interested in air motors
should read, Mr. Anent has a fine
property, well planned with modern
equipreent which has cost a large
amount ef capital, as his motto sitpp,eare
to be "Nothing but the best" A large
outside trade is enjoyed by this busy
industry and locally it is the Supple
house for the building needs of the
shingles, lath, dressed lumber
and everything that line,
OUR new 1915
Wall Papers are all
and cannot be beaten for artis-
tic Value The outstanding feat
ures of opr new stock may be summed
up AS fellOWti :
Superior Materials
Patterns of Merit
Individuality of Colorings
Export workmanship
These are the kind of Wall Papers that
please the most exacting purchaser, and
then besides the prices are lege than
what are sometimes asked for goods of
similar quality.
The :IttC44Cat Stare F. R. SMITH
ratai egos 4tents
COLD North winds.
GET the snow off your share of the
Comities of interesting local news on
pages 4 and 5,
J. H. GALI1RAITH has disposed of his
little donkey to a Blyth party.
WOMEN's Iustitue Friday of this week.
It wilt meet in the Board room in the
Pablic Library.
THE regular shipments of cattle and
hogs are kept going from Brussels G. T,
R. with old titne regularity.
A NEW dress of paint has been applied
to the outside woodwork of the Pope
machine shop brightbing It up.
MILLINERY Openings ate billed for
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week
by the town millinery stores. No doubt
the ladies of the locality will be out in
full force to see the new styles and
choice goods.
SEATING was on the ptogram this
week at the rink. This hes been a fine
Winter for the popular exercise of skat-
ing and F. Burchill the proprietor of the
rink, has kept the place in good shape
and has received a large patronage.
25 OR 3o horses were purchased in
Brussels last Friday for army service
after a thoro' testing as to soundness in
wind and limb. They were shipped
Eastward the following day and were
counted a good bunch. The Goveni-
ment Inspectors were here.
CARD OF THANKs.—We wish to return
our thanks to the friends who were so
ready to tender their kindly help and
sympathy in the demise and burial of
our loved one -Mrs. Stinchcombe -It
was appreciated we can assure you.
We are Yours Gratefully,
BELGIAN TEA.—The sewing circle of
the Red Cross Society will hold a Bel-
gian Tea on Thursday, March 25th, in
the Library audience room. Those
wishing to quilt are invited to bring
their thiinbles and join the quilting bee.
Others are invited to bring their knit-
ting and enjoy a social time from 3 to 6
p. m. A silver collection teteived at
the door.
AN OPPORTUNITY for a young lady
who wishes to take a course in Listo-
wel Business College and get her board
free of charge. We can offer board
free in return for companionship and
light services in the home of an elderly
Indy to a young lady who wishes to take
a course at College. Must come well
recommended. Address Edwin G.
Matthews, Principal, Listowel, Ont.
OLD CoTTON.— Housekeepers having
old cotton, pillow cases, sheets, table-
cloths or pieces of cotton or white
fiannellette are urgently asked to give it
for ese in hospital work at the front,
Kindly have it washed and ironed and
leave it at A. Strachan's store not later
than Tuesday of next week and it will
be shipped to Toronto where it will be
sterilized at the hospitals before being
sent to the front. Dont delay, please.
Tux ANIENT FAGToRY.—The new etio
h. p, boiler purchased from the Hunter
Bridge and Boiler Co., of Kincardine,
bas been installed at Philip Ament's
factory and the machinery was set in
motion last week after the holiday while
boiler was being put in. Engine room
was extended r6 feet. Last year a head-
ing factory department 28 x 36 feet was
built to give increased accommodation
where the heading sawe are located, &c.
This is an important part of Mr. Ament's
business and works in well with the
stave plant located in connection with
bis saw mill. He is shipping a car of
basswood heading this week to Montre-
al. It is over 3o years since Mr. Ament
commenced business here and one ot the
best manufactories in the place is ener-
getically managed by hitn, From 25 to
40 hands are employed and 7 teams
worked regularly with his large timber,
THE Shamrock was in evidence on
Wednesday. Ireland forever ! •
THERE has been a busy time this
week over the sewing lesson program
put on under the auspices of the
Women's Institute. Miss McKay is fill-
ing the bill as instructor in lirst-class
SloRNING DRLITERY.— Oomnieneing with
neat week the milk delivery of W. W. Harris
will be made in the morning instead of the
afternoon as at present.
SEED OATS SIM Sarah—Bove tiquantity of
Seed Oats for sale, "Golden Drop"winner of
first prize in Field Orop compation out of le
entries, Phone 188. Jas, SPEITI.
Eyesight Speolalist. will be at the Queen'e
Rotel, Bruseels, on Thursday, March 25111.
Ons day, 0011 and consult.
Elation requiring farm help should apply
at arum owing to very grant shortage of men
to DAVID SHIM Elealsration agent, Brussels.
Phone NM
Goon road cart for sale, cheap. Just the
thing for bad matte or training colts.
G. A. Delnutus, Brussels.
PIROVOLLes 1 ireothy bay for sale, Los 17,
Con. 14, Grey township. L, MoNere.
Phone 4818.
OAR load of Bran* and Shorts and a car of
Pertllizer—Baste SAE. 405. Hamm.
GARAGE Foe. eams-IIncleraigned offers hie
cement _garage, which is 80;x:50 feet, with
metallic roof, for sale. 14 is fire proof and
waterproof, with bandy office, 8,o Building
le well located. For price and terme apply to
D. EWAN, Bruasels.
SEED pane for sale also a quantity of turnips
and rnangolds. Apply to W. R. Broadfoot,
phone 518. R. R. No. 4, Brussels.
LIMITED quantity of good Lincoln Seed Oats,
White and. good yielder. Price 70 cents per
bushel. Wso. SLEISHON, Brussels P. 0.
Telephone 607.
Yount pigs for sale, Lot 5, Con. 2, Grey.
Foe Samt.—Durharo bull calf 8 months old,
dark roan, good size and quality ; young there'
bred 'York piga; Newmarket Seed oats also a
draft filly rising 8 years. ANDREW LAIIONT,
Lot 8, Con, 10, Grey, Phone 2814.
sale gond clean O.A. 0.21 Barley and Improv-
ed Siberian and Gold Drop Oats. All good
clean seed. MARTIN MoNAtn, Lot 17, Con. 15,
Grey. R. 11. No. 2, Brussels, Phone 2818.
GooD brick howls on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, eto.
For farther particulars apply to GEORGE
TuomsoN, Brussels.
Yonne Short horn bulls for sale. Also
grade heifers with calf, Lot 10, Con 16, Grey
townahip. 0. Tuarznem, Brussels R. R.
No. 2. Phone 2814. tf
8 GooD grade Short Born Heifers 8 years old
for sale. All to calve before May let. R, L.
MoDoriAtn, Lot 17, Con. 8, Grey. Ethel P. 0.
Phone 4118.
AT the Empire night at the League
Monday evening a program of special
Interest was presented consisting of the
followings -Recitation by Mrs. Parker ;
Chorus by young men ; reading by Miss
Hingston • and a spirited address on
"The British Empire," by Rev.
Mr. Wren the pastor. Monday even-
ing, 2eth inst., a Belgian program will
be given, to include a debate, good
music, etc., and a contribution to the
Belgian Fufill. Remember the date.
Thursday evening of this week an En-
tertainrnent under the auspices of Brus.
sets Loyal Legion, will be held in the
audience room of the Public Library,
commencing at 8 o'clock. Program will
be as follows i -Chorus and quartette
by boys ; readings by Mrs. R. Stream],
B. S. Scott and Elmer McKay ; solos by
Stuart Grant. Lorne Eckmier aol F. H.
Gilroy ; Flag drill by girls ; duet by
Miss and R. A, Pryne and others.
Irish luncheon will be served. Pro.
seeds will be applied to the Red Cross.
Help a good cause along.
above is the title given a picture that
will for many years to come be a highly
prized treasure. It is a photographic
reproduction showing the 32,00o men of
Canada's first contingent breaking
Camp and on March to join the Cotiti.
newel forces. It shows Miles and miles
of white tents and the marching
men. It is a most inspiring sight. The
size is zo sr 46 inches, all ready for fram-
ing. This picture is sure to be a popular
souvenir of the war as far as Canada is
concerned and will be in great demand.
It is owned by the Family Netted and
Weekly Star of Montreal and a copy is
being presented to all subscribers to
that great national weekly newspaper.
The Family Herald, Montreal, whose
subscription of one dollar a year is re-
ceived ftom this date for a limited perk
Matvress CHURCH °MINING — Ar-
rangements have men completed for
the Opening and Dedicatory services of
Melville new cherch. Dates are Sab-
baths, April 4th and nth, Rev. Dr.
Ross, of Toronto, at old and well known
pastor, will occupy the pulpit on first
date and also address a special session of
the Sabbath School. On the second
Sabbath Rev. Dr, Shearer will preach.
Special music and special offerings both
Sundays, Monday evening, 5th prox., a
Congregational Tea Meting will be
held when stepper will be served in the
church sehool room from 6 to 8, follow-
ed by a fine musical program, interspers-
ed by addresses by Rev, Dr, Ross, Rev.
Payne, Wingham, resident pastors and
others. New edifice is receiving finishing
timehes gild presents a fine appearance,
.++ .44+04.••••••••••••••444,11.44.4444••••••••••••••••••
Spring Millinery
to the Ladies of Brussels and locality to
visit our Spring Millinery Opening which will be
held on
Tuesday and Wednesday
March 23rd and 24th
The latest and most Fashionable Goods
will be on display and at prices that are in reach
of all. Your patronage solicited.
Pipe organ ordered will hot be
placed for the opening owing to uoavoid-
able delaye. Evening service in the
Methodist church, by resolution of the
Board, will be ,withdrawn on Sabbath,
April 4th, to permit that congregation
to participate in the noteworthy cere-
mony of opening a new sister church.
The Jubilee of Melville church is being
observed also on the occasion of the
dedication of the new edifice.
Churoh Chimes
'FLife's Ministries" 5411 be the morn.
ing topic of the pastor in the Methodist
church next Sunday and "The Oars -
map," the subject of the evening dis-
course, •
Friday evening of, this week the mem-
bers of R. A. Plyne's Young Idea's
Bible Class hold a Banquet in the school
room of the Methodlet church. The
menu and program betoken a fine time.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. I.
Mann coecluded ac. interesting series of
sermons on the Christian Graces, the
closing subject being "Diligence." In
the evening the theme was "Elijah's
Last Sunday morning's sermon on
"Life's Objective," in a series ot dis-
courses on "Your Father's Business and
mine," was said to be among Rev. Mr.
Wren's best efforts in his ministrations
of nearly two years. Evening subject
was "Samson, the man with a chance
who failed to make good." It was a
strong deliverauce, specially aimed at
the youth.
People We Taik About
Mrs, F. McCracken visited Bluevale
friends last week.
M ss Stella Gerry was holidaying with
friends at Listowel.
Miss Mae Wood is home from an en-
joyable stay in London.,
Mrs T. McFadzean made a business
trip to Seaforth last Monday.
Miss P. Coles, of Montreal. is a visitor
with Mrs R. E, Page at the Rectory.
Ernest Rozeli, of Clinton, was renew -
lug old friendships during the week end.
E. C. Dunford was in Hamilton and
Toronto last week buying Spring goods.
Postmaster Robinson and Jno. Doig,
of Wroxeter, were visitors in town last
Miss Mamie Messer, of Bluevsle, was
a visitor with 'Miss Viola McCracken
during the past week,
Mrs. P. Watson is home from a visit
of several weeks with relatives and
friends in Clinton locality -
Miss Mabel Bruce, of Walton, is a
visitor with her sister, Mrs, Thos.
Bolger, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Barrister Sinclair was in Toronto at-
tending the appeal suit of Kirkby vs.
Brussels It came up last Wednesday.
James Gibson is seriously ill with an
attack of pneuttionia during this
week but is improving. He is not often
laid aside by illness.
Rev. A. J. Matm, Mrs. McGuire and
Mrs. Dark are at Clinton Thursday of
this week as delegates to Huron Co
Temperance Convention.
Finlay Semis, of Claremont, Ont., is
holidaying with his grandparents, F. S.
and Mrs. Scott, William street. He is
a ante lad for a 4 year old.
Roy Currie commonly known as "Bill
Bailey," Was real sick last week with
pneumonia. He is doing nicely now
and will soon be o, k. we trust.
For a few days last week Rev. A. J.
Mann was partially laid aside from his
usual activities through illness but was
able to take his work on Sabbath.
M. Buchanan has been incapacitated
from his usual activities for the past
three months from Neuritis but is im-
proving and will soon be free from his
troublesome companion we hope
Mrs. Kenny, who has been so serious
ly ill for Several weeks, shows signs of
improvement We are pleased to state
and hope she will continue to gain.
Erysipelas is one cause of Hitless
R. E. Coates, of Seaforth, formerly of
this locality. was here this week en route
to Cranbrook to visit his mother. He
has added so much adipose tissue his
old friends hardly knew him at Bret.
Tindall Ritchie was in town last Fri
day, Ole has bitten charge of the dray
business he recently purchased iu
Winghans. The people of that town
Will find him "as straight as a string."
Robert Ferguson, of Guelph, was in
town over Sunday visiting relatives and
old friends, but ,coming particularly to
see his sister, iss Lizzie Ferguson,
who 19 18 poorlmalth. "Bob," ae be is
familiarly milled, is at old Britssels boy
well known to many of our readers
Mrs. Voting, of Moosornin, and Mrs
P. D. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, who
Were called here 4 months ago on ac-
coubt of the serious illness of their
sister, Mrs. J. Leckie, left for their
respective homes on Tuesday They
will visit their sisters, Mrs. Thonapson
and Mre, McEwen, at Thesealou, en
Harry Duncan returned to the West
last Monday •afier an extended visit
here. He makes his home at Pasqua,
Sask. Mr. Duncan usually comes East
for the Winter.
An old Brussels boy in the person of
David Shiel, ot Hillsdale, Mich., drop.
ped into town on Tuesday and spent
pleasant hours looking up former
Mends. It is 25 or 3o years since be
moved from Brussels and hence noted Row
Eetablielteci over Portrone Yeats
ASSETS OVER $48,000,000
'The A, B, C of Banking
..., Get the Savings Habit.
...,,1\, „.„,,.....„5,e nighest Current Rates Allow.
1,,..4.pi i„, 4,.-
...< c , taLed, and
Tnterest Compounded Half.
"Yearly on Deposits. us
We solicit your account in our
J. F. Rowland,
Grey Council
Mwdclpal Council of Township of
Grey met in the Township Hall,
Ethel, Monday March 8111. Members
present. Minutes of previous meet -
mg read and adopted.
By-law No. 8 for .1915, appointing
Pathmastera for 1915, was put through
its several stages and finally passed.
• By-law No. 4 for 1915, dealing with
the removal of fences that cause ac -
Cumulations or drifts of snow in
Winter or otherwise obstruct the
highways, was read a first, second
and third time and finally passed.
Olerk was inetructed not to return
balance of taxes due on 5 lot 24 Oon.
5, amounting to $5.02, to County
Treasurer, but to place amount on
Roll for 1915 as arrears of taxes, un-
less same is paid before completion Of
numerous chaeges. He is a son of
Mrs. Frank Shiel, who now resides at
Galt, Quite a number of old time
accpiaintitoce, were foutrci b.y the visitor
who was very welome back to town,
eyed if only for A day.
Mrs John Manning is back from Ber-
lin, whither she went owing to the ill-
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Patrick, Wile
is making a good recovery,,we are pleas-
ed to state. In the course of a few
weeks Mrs. Manning will go to Flesher -
t00.1,, visit Mrs .1elattlieWson, a dauglis
tee, and.later will •take a trip tq
eine Hat where she will spend sometime
with her daughter. Mrs, K Cousley,
We wish her ati eirievable 'thin on her
holiday...She will eall on otheerelatives
and friends in the West as well.
pleasant and enjoyable afternoon was
spent on Saturday, March lfith, by the
young ladies of Jamestown at the
home of Mrs,- Greo. Balmier, the oc-
casion being the "showering" of Miss
Mary Forrest, a bride-to-be. Early in
the afternoon the guests arrived and
when their number was completed
by Mies Mary an impromptu program
was given, in which every one of the
young ladies took part, either in in-
strumentals, solos, duets, recitations,
speeches, etc., punctuated with many
laughs and funny .happenings. To-
wards the end of the program a rap
was heard at the door and to the sur-
prise of those present a funny little
peddler with fishing pole and line,
who announced that he was going
fishing but the young ladies must fish
for bun. This tui tied out to be fish-
ing for the parcels the girls had
brought and provided a great deal of
fun when they were opened and the
verses with them read. After all had
been opened and admired, Miss Mary
made a little speech - in which she
thanked the girls for their pretty
gifts and this was followed by a
dainty lunch, served by Mrs. Eckmier
and the Mesdames McDonald. The
afterhoon's fun was brought to a close
by the ghee joining hands and singing
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot"
and "She's a jolly good fellow." .
Following accounts were presented
and ordered to be paid t -A.. li. Mac-
donald, supplies, postage and station.
erY. 811.86 1 Municipal World, St.
Thomas, Assessor's rolls Collector&
rolls and other eupplies, $21.18
Treasurer Logan, balance on bound.
ary, 82.87 ; Cole & Dougherty, tile,
McKay Award, s2.BO i Geo. Speiran
road to gravel pit, 88.00 ; Gideon D.
Parks, repairing floor of McDonald
Bridge, 81601 Q. W, Pollard, dish),
feeling house, 82.00 ; Jno. N. Lamont,
- —
tracing dog suspected to be affected
with rabies, $2.50,
Council adjourned to meet Monday
April 121h.
A. H. MACDONALD, ()leek,
Maitland Presbytery
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Knox churcb, Winghatu, on March
211d with a large number of members
present. The augmented congre-
gation of Armow was recommended
for a grant of .8100 from the
augmentation und. Presbytery
agreed tce overture the Synod of
Hamilton and London to make uni-
form the tabulating of families
throughout the -synod. Revds. D. A.
McLean of Ripley, A. M. Boyle, of
Belgrave, C. Tate of Bluevale, and
T. M. Wesley, Wroxeter, were ap-
pointed representativee of the Pres-
bytery at the Genetal Assembly that
meets in Kingston In June.
The repot 5 on Sabbath Schools was
presented by Rev. R. A. Lundy, of
Walton, the report on the Budget by
Rev. J. S. Hardy Lochalsh, and the re-
port 011 goofed tearsice by Rev. W. Mc-
Intosh of St Helens.
Rev. D. D. McLeod, of Barrie, was
nominated for the Moderatorelalp of
the General Assembly.
The next regultp• .meeting will ,be
held in ,Tegewatee in MAY -
++44+4444+414+++++++++ BRUSSELS MARKET
Sprung °eta
Wheat '"-
115-245 41.50088
Millinery 4. Rum
* Eggs
20 27
„1„, Rev
7 7 8017
18 00
Opening .„,
T. 18 00 Potatoes per boa 85 86
4/.. •
MGLEAN—PAaTTEasea.—Aa the 'home of the
bride'a nrenta, in Harriston, on Mar. 10111.
to mr, Wm,March 13rd & 14th1 St
We are ready andsfully equip- 4*
+ 1915. MISS STEWART wishes 4,
4. to invite all the ladies of Ethel +s,
• and the surrounding district to
4. inspect our showing of Tailored +
and Dress Hats.
+ Early foe>ibasts from New t,
+ York indicate a wide range in .6,
• variety,of material for the cons- 4-
*ing season. Sniall. medium and 17,
* large hats are being displayed.
Ge▪ o. M. Mitchell *
• Phone 2275 ETHEL
• ped svith New Seeing Models for + I
* Butter andigge taken as Cash. :t.
•1. +4.4c1.+4.4444+444.4.+++++++4.4•44
Best to Buy
Buy to VVear
The 3 -piece Double-breasted Sack, with Long Lapel,
Padded Shoulder, Double Elbows, Double Knees in the
Trousers ; Lined with a most serviceable Lining.
This is the correct thing for this season and we have it
in the newest Patterns.
The "Lion Brand" and fully guaranteed,'
New Spring Hats and Caps just in.
• 401111k rift 'The
Us KOSS illgre
LAIRD. --In Grey township, on Starch 15111,-
glit'eaRfaltacl,a8grd'f4erZI:i2 Moitigs long
WAnnACK.—In Toronto, on March 10th, 1016,
Robert Wallace,formerly of Gray town-
ship, In his 88t11 year.
!Souvenir 1
o . .
• porni..., provinoal 3
: and Hero
•:• A difftireUlnivaSinptirmSuP1171n7istelb- 0
• sited each week hearing the
• Omit or Airily of tie, Oittiadian
2 Pete/lures aild Heroes Of the was 0
• until the fell twins is completed. 3
• A. guttrantee of quality mapped 0
mound moll on, We si e 0
• 9 having a big demand foe them.
• Price 15c 0
. 0
:: xi AT 9 cl,._ Si
: x 0 X tz, :
• •
e• The Penstar Store 000
• • P, S. -See oily Wall Paper advt. 0
a next. week,
O ' II
re su0000000000/ pe0•••000000
FRIDAY, MARCH 19141.—Worm Stook, Lots 88
and 86, Con, 0, Bowick, known 'ne thelreland
farm. Sale alt p. m. ado, MoLennan, Prop,;
TIIHRSDAY, time= 20eit.-letrin, Parra
stool', implements, househeld furniture, 8te.,
Lot 24 Os».0, Gray tow,,81109 Sole at 1 u,
tripetrg.:Yrasg, 1.e111. ggNIIIITT,Allon:taneg
FRIDAY, MARGIT 2850 —ram stook te.
manta, furniture, &o.. Lot 18, Gm, 11,`Gray.
rrloapireTtT'F., 13d. Snot tit tiep 831. = -1."1' n
impROPERTEFOR BALD -The undersigned
Were for sale the 0 acre Park lot, With
Roca brick cottage and beak barn on it, ad.
Joining the village of Ornnbrook. There Is
also a good orchard, 0 wells, 92o. Dom eninte
possession eon be elven. 00111,0111611b to salami,
ehuroh and posteitloe. For prioe, term, do,
apply on the premises or enquire at 1105 PORT.
MRS. .7500. COATBS,
• 9.80019558, FeANIT/ pm, 3io.-2. 8. Scat.
Auctioneer, has received inetrootions, from
the undersigned' proprietor to .all by Public
Auction at Lot 18, 0on.11.,:Grey Twp,, on Fri-
, day, M aroli 20110, at 1 o'alook, the following
valuable propertY:-1 span of heavy (trek
mama yearn old, 1 general purpose snare,
• fat steere,.1 fat heifer. 8 heifers rising 0 Mrs
o14, 1 farrow co*, I, 0 Treah aow, 4 mfouro
tilting 2 years. 2 heifers Aging 2 years, 8 heifer
.oalves Heintz 1 yea r. 5 steer calf rising 1 3, ear, 1
brood KO/ 7 PIO 255niontlis old; 10 flit heat('
60 young hene, 12 rooatera, 1 Deering binder,
118 -toe diso drill, 1 aid tivator and. wieder, 1
hay loader, I fanning mill, 1 set 4.seation 1101.
rows, 1 harrow cart, 1 heavy wagon. I set of
eleighs,leet or SOillefl 2000 11H., 1 disc harrow, 2
gang plows, 2 walking plows, 1 atone boat, 1
scalier, 1 root pallier, I .81team harness. 1 set
plow harness, 2 seeks fertilizer, 1 load of flax,
a qoanfity of ensilage chant 100 binhela pota-
toes, 12 tone of 'nixed hey, 11 tons of timothy
hay. 900 bnabels seed mite, 125 bushels seed
barley - 150 bushels feed barley, 90 'umbels seed
peas, 66 bushela of wheat 1 cook atove, 1 parlor
cook, 1 extenelon table, 1. kitchen table. 1 side-
board. 55 dozen chairs, 18 , cords hardwood,
grain IMO, allovelm, chains, end other articles
too numerous 1 mention. Sale without re-
serve lie the prom irter has rented his farm,
Terms ;—A11 sums or 72 OD and under cash;
over that ,rota 10 months credit will be
given on famishing approved joint notes.
5 per cent t0 tel' 0005, 08 credit AM ounit .
WM. LOCKING, Proprietor.
• • ++ •• + ••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••• s•••••••••••40 O. •
I Get the First Pick
IAll the Newest and Smartest Patterns of the
season—more than you see anywhere else—are
• now on exhibition. Come and have the benefit
t of first choice.
Niftiest Styles of the Year are Shown.
Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ford Touri lg Car
. Price $590
Prices of other Ford cars are
Two -passenger Runabout '54o,
Two -passenger Couplet
Five -passenger Sedan $1150, All
cars fully equipped, including elec-
tric headlights. Prices F. 0. 13.
Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford
cars will share in our profits if we
sell 30,000 cars between August
0914 and August 0, 2915, All
Ford cars are on exhibition at S.'
CARTER'S, Brussels.