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MIAs for tie Rorne
Some Tempting Sentlwlehes.
The tea table equipment is not
complete without a good supply of,
tempting sandwiches, Here are
creme au'ggestions.for savory fillings
that may hold new Woes for many
Salmon.—Ii,esnove the boues and
Skin ,from the contents of one can
o£ salmon and mince the fish with
the juice of half a lemon, salt and
pepper to taste, six tablespoonfuls
of mimed celery ,and a tablespoon-
ful el melted butter, Spread this
mixtuie between thin slices of
white bread.
Sardine. --Remove the bones and
' akin from the sardines and pound
the fiah to a paste. Season it with
salt• and paprika, and to each six
sardines add the .crumbled yolk of
One hard-boiled egg and a table-
epoonful of olive oil, Spread be-
tween epees of bread and better
or on slices of thin hot buttered
toast and serve immediately.
Egg and. Cucumber.—Spread a
thin slice of bread and butter with
thin slices of crisp cool cucumber.
Spread another slice with chopped
hard-boiled eggs mixed to a, paste
with mayonnaise dreesing and put
the two pieces of bread together,
Tomato --Cut firm cold tomatoes
in thin slices and place each slice
on a round of breed and butter.
On each tomato spread a teaspoon-
ful of minced celery and minced
sweet pepper mixed with mayon-
naise dressing. Top with a slice of
buttered white bread,
Chicken Giblets,—Mince chicken
giblets and mix them to a paste
with mayonnaise dressing. Spread
between buttered slices of white
Green Pepper turd Cheese.—Re-
native the seeds and stems from a
green sweet pepper and put it
through a vegetable chopper. Add
it to a oake of cream teethe which
has been softened with a few table-
spoonfuls of crease. Mix thorough-
ly, season with salt and pepper to
taste. Spread between slices of
buttered bread.
Minced Chicken. — Mince cold
cooked d icicen, moisten mvith may-
onnaise and spread on slices of but-
tered bread. Top each with a
heart piece of crap lettuce and
then with a piece of plain buttered
Anchovy and Egg. — Mash the
yolks of two hard-boiled eggs and
acid a tablespoonful of anchovy
paste or two anchovies mashed fine
with a fork. Add a tablespoonful
of olive ell, a quarter of a tea-
spoonful of Fait with a little pa-
('ream Sandwich. Beat cream
until it is solid, then beat in sev-
eral tablespoonfuls of any desired
jelly—quince, grab -apple or grape.
Spread the •mixture between split
lady fingers,
Dried Beef. --Put some shipped
beef through a meat chopper and
mix it with en equal amount of
minced celery hearts. Flavor with
a little grated onion and moisten
with a little olive oil and vinegar.
('oceanic Sandwiches.—Mix half
a cupful of English valnute, three
times that amount of grated fresh
cocoanut, moisten with cream and
add two tablespoonfuls of auger.
Spread between fresh buttered
Chicken and Inroad.—Mix half
a cupful of blanched shopped al-
monds with half a cupful of diced
cold chicken and moisten with four
tablespoonfuls of Dream. Season
with salt and pepper and spread
between buttered slices of bread.
Tongue Sandwiches.—Mince cold
boiled tongue and mix it with half
as much finely diced celery. Mois-
ten with mayonnaise and to a cup-
ful add a tablespoonful of goocl
tomato catsup, Spread between
white bread and butter.
Useful hints.
Very good shoes for a baby can
be made from bits of bathrobe ma-
Babies milk shonkl never be
warmed till immediately before the
child takes it.
Try making the table butter into
butter balls and see how much far-
ther a pound will go.
When you puncta eyelets for em
lbroideri.ng, hold the material over
a cake of white soap,
Cut flowere should be put in a
big pail of water every night if one
washes thein to last.
A. small amount of peanut butter
is good for the children, especially
in winter time, because it contains
so much energy.
• When frying fish have the. fat
boiling hot before puttiing the fish
in the pan. When the. fat is in the
proper condition a' blue smoke will
be rising from it,
Scoop out a little of the potato
at the end and roll a piece of ba-
con. Put the rola of bacon in the
cavity, Bake the potato as all po-
tetoes are baked, but notese how
rich the flavor will be.
A good point in ;sweeping (for
people vho do not possess a va-
tremum ole•aner) is to keep the win-
.clows alleged till the sweeping is
'one. Then open them for about
atu minutes.
Finger-snarke,on doors tan, be re-
moved easirly by using a clean piece
of flannel dipped in kerosene; then
wipe these with a elp'bh wrung out
of dist seater. 'ate destroys the
email of kerosene.
Hot water battles', before being
hung away, elaqqued ,first be dried,
then inflated with air aid the stop-
per put in natively: This prevents
stiokingetogetater,:tance in it short
time roans the rubber,
Pieties of dry bread and teed
should be kept in a covered jar un-
til you are ready to use them, Dry
bread and toast .eon• be used foe a
eeore of things, and otici• bits should
never be thro'wmt away, •
If it is neoeasary to give e very
young baby amedicine, and the little
mite will not open bre mouth, .gen-
tly pinch his nostrils, having the
spoon ready totip into We mouth
directly he opens it to breathe.
Oheese can be prevented from
moulding by wringing le sloth out
of vinegar, Wrap it around the
cheese, and put the whole ina
large paper bag. Then put it in a
cool plica ; the cheese will keep in
fine oonditioe.
The man who thinks that he must
have a roast, steak or chops every
day is an impossible man to eater
to economically oa' efficiently, but a
variety of cuts, fish once or twice
a week, and an occasional meat-
less supper or high tea for a change
will keep the meat bill down most
How These Wonderful Animals Are
One of the mast interesting fea-
tures of the town of Ghent, Bel-
gium, before the war changed e n-
ditaons, was the police dogs, or
"ohien policier," las the thief -tak-
ing dog is called upon the continent.
The Ghent system of police dogs has
grown out of the necessity in 1899
of strengthening the pollee force
without increasing the cost to the
Before the •oiby fell before the
Geammane there were 43 dogs upon
the paldce force, hardy, fierce and
literally untiring animals, but per -
feebly under control by the men in
whose charge they went nightly on
patrol duty. One of the first things
that one noticed in a visit to time
kennels was the wonderful allegi-
ance of the dumb aides. The matter
of obedience is one of the most im-
portant paints in the making of a
pollee dog, and every dog is abso-
lutely and unreasonably obedient
to his trainer.
The training was simplicity itself.
First and foremost obedience. When
a clog, without hesitation, obeyed
any order which he could under-
stand he was then taught to make
the most of his natural abilieie .
He learned to crouch and to hide,
to watch and to guard.
He w.as taught to jump and climb,
and what a dog can do in that way itself Tues: the wears.
when once he has acquired cone-
deneo ie surprising. Finally, the Ich.abod's brother, the son of
dog was taught how to attack a Phinehas, the son of Eli ldhabod
is referred to in 1 Sam. 4. 21.
When the wife of Phinehas, the sin
of Eli, gave birth to a son, it was
just et the time when the ark of the
Lord had been taken by the Philis-
tines. She called the name of her
boy, therefore, Ichabod, which
means "no glary," or, as it is ex-
plained, "the glory is departed
from Israel" (1 Sane, 4. 19-92). As
Iaha.bed was the son of Phinehas,
who was one of the sons of Eli, be
was; therefore, the grandson of
Eli, and was not $o• mach younger
than Salimatel. This mean thea
about fifty years had passed from
the time when the ark of the Lord
was taken by the Philistines to the
time when Jonathan scaled the
heights of Michnsash, The fact that
e, grandson of ,Eli should now be a
Priest, even although his father,
Phinehas, was a wicked man,. and
really brought about the death of
hiss father, Eli, above the heredi-
tary character of the priesthood
among the Israelites. Even one
who wss 'untrue to the tradition
and office of the priesthood could
not break the line of priestly des-
Wearing an ephod—Verse 3 is
seemingly thrown into, the narra-
tive here. It is important for two
reasons; first, because it gives us
these facts about the grandson of
who was a priest, and, there-
fore, helps us to fix the time ref the
eminence; and, second, because
it paves the way for the events
that are to follow. Because of
Jonathan's violation of an oath
whish his father took (1 . Sam'. 14.
25-30), even although Jonathan was
an innocent offender, it was neces-
sary to cast lots, This was ahveys
done only in the presence of a
priest who wore ,an ephod. (See
verses 18-24ff.) Also compare 1
Sam. 2, 28; 23, 6, 9. As to the
eetare of the ephod, see Excel.
28. 6, 7,
Siek 'Gorilla„ Visits Bear on Her Daily Opting:
Here is an interesting photograph of Dinah, the only ,gorilla in captivity, who, because she has loco-
motor ataxia, is taken for e daily outing in a perambulator, visiting tire bear cage at the Bronx, New
York, Zoo, Dinah is given every attention that :a human invalid is given, A, union suit of soft white
wool, a hood and a nice comfortable blanket complete Dinah's wardrobe. She is" also subjected to a
daily massage with an electric vibrator.
THE SUNDAY SCN001. STUDY t°7lhere is by •no. nto Jehovah
save many restraior byt few—It was
Lesson XII. Jonathan and 1118
A rmorbetirer. 1 Sam. 14, 1-48.
Gilden Text, Rom. 18, 12.
Verse 1. The young man that bare
his ermaor—The armor of the
Israelite warriors was patterned on
that of their enesnies., It•washeavy
and cumbersome. The warrior
needed a servant to carry his arms,
He told not his father—The re-
lationship between father and son
a vela -established belief of the
children of Israel that wherever
the proper faith was shown the
desired result would follow. Jona-
than believed 'that the Philistines
onigtht to be ,smitten, and that God
would help him to .smite them.
That he and his armor -bearer were
two against a multitude did not
spell defeat to him., •
8-10. The Israelites believed in
signs and weeders. They would
consider certaimi things as desirable
or possible, and then, look for such
things to coma to. pass. A splendid
example is found in the twenty-
fourth chapter of Genesis in the
instructions of Abraham to his 'seat
vont and. in the meditation of the
seri-arit himself.
is such annoeig the Oriental people' This =shall be the sign unto us=
that it was a very unusual thing See Gen. 24. 12-26; Judg. 6. 36-40;
for Jonathan to have done what he Iso, 37. 30, etc. It.widl be remain -
slid without telling his father. ' 'liered'that Jesus • once' reproved the
•n Saul abccle in the uttermost Jews because they. were always
part of Gibeah under the pome:gra- looking for a sign, when, as a mmat•
nate-tree—Saud was a full hour's ter of fact, their eyes were not
march from the place where Jona- open to the thine that were hap -
than was. For other instances of pening all about them. •
places made prominent by trees, 11. The Hebrews come forth out
see Judg. 4. 5; 1 Saar. 22. 6. /of the holes where they had hid
3. Ahijah, the son of Abitub— themselves — The Israelites had
Ahijah is the same Atheneleeh. See been so pressed by the Philistines
1 Sam. 21. 1; 22. 9-11. The ending that they had hidden themselves in
of A1mi1'ah,. ` jah," means "God".; naves, and in thickets, and in
and the ending of Ahimeleoh, "me-' rooks, and in coverts, and in pits,
lech," means "king." The He- or cisterns (1 Sam. 13. 6). The
brew names frequently had a dif- Philistines knew this, and when
ferent beginning, but the name they saw, Jonathan and his armor -
bearer oomaing up the hill, it doubt-
less looked to them as though they
:bad Dome out of a thole in a rock.
The boldness. with which they oapne
led them to think that other Isra'e•l-
ites also were near, and so they
jumped to the conclusion that the
whole Israelite army was coming
out of the places in which they had
hidden themselves.
Come up to us, and we will show
you a thing—This, of course, was
said mockingly. - The Philistines
thought they could easily overcome
not only Jonathan and hie expnor-
bearer, but the whole Israelite
man—how to seize the quarry by
time hands, for a. man once badly
bitten in the hand is practically
hors ale •combat,
The stsengbh with whish these
dogs can and do bite is shown by
the thickness of the padded armor
whish is worn by the men whom they
are set to attack in the training.
The protection eonsista of a com-
plete suit built up verymmuch on the
principle of a cricket pada and with
heavy leather extensions on to the
feet and hands.
Nothing shows the obedience of
the dogs so well as the fact that
any one of them would •at a word
from the trainer attack even the
keened mean, who fed them, and to
whom they were obviously devoted,
although they might have had to
stop licking his band to fly at his
'1'11011,G11'1°S FOR THE DAT.
It is better to sleep over what yen
are going to do than to be kept
awake afterwards by what you have
done. -Lord Avebury,
The heart of moral force is con-
science — e faint unextin.guishable
flame—whose light we call duty a'nd
its heat 'love.—Amiel.
To avoid an occasion for our vir-
tues is a worse degree of failure
than to push forward pluckily and
make a fall.—R. L. Sbeveneon.
No preacher is listened to but
Time, which gives us the mama:
train and turn of thought that
elder people have in, vain tried to
put into our heads before. Dean
He that does good to another man
does also good to himself, not only
in coneequence, but in every act of
doing it, for the conscience of well
doing is ample rewards—Seneca.
It as clarions to note the ale sea -
margins of human thought1 Each
succeeding century reveals some
new mystery; we build where mons-
ters usedi to hide themselves.—
All experience bath shove that
mankind are more disposed to sof
far wrhile evils are sufferable than to
right ihemmeelves by abolishing the
forms to which they are acetactamn-
ed •—Jefferson.
A world without a Sabbath would
be like a all without a smile, like
a summer without flowers, and like
a Homestead without e garden. It
is the joyous day of the whole week.
A young man is not justified
in talking an eye-opener because he
ie blindly in love,
The people knew not that Jona-
than was gone—It seemed impel,
tent for the narrator tp state this
fact so that the people themselves
would mot be held responsible for
anything that Jonathan had done.
el, The nasne of the one was Bo-
zez, aid the naane cf the other Se-
nele—Bozez emeses "the shining,"
It was a crag toward the south
which caught the full nays of the
sen, and hen.oe, whatever the sun,
thane, ft wee shsning. Seneh
means "thorns."
6, The garrison of these nncir-
cumeised This is a tei'in of re-
proach • awed by the 'Ieraelitcs omy
of the Philistines. See Judg. 14, 3;
15. 1H; 1 Sam, 17, 26, 36; 31: 9;
2 Sam, 1. '20. etc.
:Some people seem by intuition to
see only truth and right; others
must needs work out their tfaith by
failure and sorromw.—George Eliot.
This is not a war among§t na-
tions ; it is a rebellion by one na-
tion against oivilizabion, and
against the whole development of
international law. — Sir Edward
The wool when once stained with
dye does not recover its • former
'whiteness, nor is true virtue, when
ante lost, anxious to resume its
palace in hhe degenerate.—Horace.
Kind looks, 'kind words, kind
acts and warm handshakes—these
are a secondary means of grace
when men are in trouble , and
fighting their unseen ibattles. Dr.
John Hall,
Style! Style! Why all writers will
tell you that it is the very thing
which can ].east of all be changed.
A man's style is nearly as meth a
part of him as any part of 'hes be-
ing which is lle•aet au'bjeoted to the
auction of the rill.—Fenelan,
A. 'D emocratia Amy.
Queen. Mary's Neeellework Guild
Highly Appreciated.
Montreal, Manch 9 (Special).-
Lady Williams -Taylor, President
of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild
in Canada, has received ,from the
Hon. Lady Lawley, Honorary Sec-
retary of the -Guild... at London,,
England, an •acknawledgnment 'of
splendid co-operation that Cana
clian woakers'heve given to this
,most commendable -movement. The
work is being very actively con-
tinued in Canada, and it is hoped
that the results in the next few
months will even surpass the-spie'ta-
did support that has already been
Phe acknowledgment is as fol-
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild,
Friary Court, 5t. Jesnec''s Pal-
eee, S W,, 18th. February, 1915.
Dear Lady Williams-Taylor,—The
splendid contribution from time
(]anadian Queen Mary's Needle-
work Guild has just arrived and
been unpacked, and I am desired
by Her Majesty to convey to the
workers of the branch her very high
appreciation of their kindness in
helping tier Guild in to practical a
manner. A large number of things
have been sent to the Canadian
Contingent, and some of the beau-
tiful dressing gown and hospital
thinge have beea>, -sent to Her
Majesty's Convalescent Home at
Cimmez. I mention this, as I feel
it may interest your workers to
know where, their things go.
I hope you have received our
weekly list, and will tell everybody
in Canada how grateful .we are
for the eplehddd help they are giv-
ing us—our grand total :for; things
received being new 867,819—and
how greedy we still are far all,
warm comforts for our men..
Yours sincerely,.
Hon. Sec.
To ililusbrlate ehe desnooreeic
spirit 'that prevails In the B'ritis'h
volunteer army, this story ie told
in punch,
A company a:f the sportsmen's
regiment was being drilled at New
Forest: The sergeant;, en. elderly
etalblenn•an, acid to one Of the young
recruits, who ,happened to be the
bro'thee of an earl t
"Head up. Montaig!" (So he
pronounced the mane.) "Head up,
chest out, shonldees back!"
"My name ien'1 Montaig--it s
,Manta-gue," said the young man,"
'Very goad, Meeta-igais," said
time sergeant. "For speaking -up
like that yon eau just do four days'
C.'•anadammde geode must &lame
,be good (wilds„ •
The Effects of War.
Of course warfare diminishes
the population by the sum of the
killed, and to that extent decreases
the, demand for food. Neverehe-
less, the supply of food diminishes
rapidly. Met is-ba'ought about,
says the Malthucian,' through llhe
killing of a relatively large pro-
porbion of the produoens, time pat-
ting oif efficient laborers et unpro-
ductive work, the destroying of ma-
chinery of production, and the
checking of agriculture. Thus wax
immed:iebe'ly increases ,fhe pressure
toe ,population on the means of sub-
sistence, end the pressure cannot
be entirely removed until the max-
imal number Of laborers is again
reached. In other works, war,
like emigration, leaves in the coum-
try an excess of women and ohil-
duen and other nonproduaers, and
so, although reducing the actual
number of the people, has all the
ill effect off overpopuladuon.
Why We Caleb Cold in Warm Room
Even if you are perfectly well it
is possible for you to get cold in a
warm room if the .heat in the room
tends to evaporate all the moisture
in the 1room2 oUrtaide of what is in
your body. 'That is why it is wise
ee keep apan of water in a room
so that it will net beoosne too dry.
While heat is necessary to evepor-
rake water, the process of evapora-
tion produces cold, and the quick-
er ±0e evaporation the sharper the
cold feeling produced.
Tlhe body is Continually evaporat-
ing water through the pares of the
skin, Thee is one of nature's ways
,of raking impurities and waste out
of the body. If the air in a rooen
becomes too dry the evaporateon
on the outside of rise body .proeeeds
faster and makes vou cold,
"Can you suppoa't a family?"
The cautious father cried,
"1 only wanted Emily!"
T1he suitor then replied.
I(,PhiPS'1'U11 P1.I'T OF SO1./rx;;RS
\'shill AND 1)113.
Results of Experiments 11ave
All Proved highly Salisfai:lore to
Ee. per
Many people have been keenly
distressed by the thought, of the
ieufferinga of The 'soldiers in the
trenches, ,partly filled with amid
incl water. That '.gives special
interest to the recentexperiments
made with the new "Wader -Stock-
ings," adopted by the British War
Office for the use of the troops in
wet or flooded trenehte. Pbc "wad-
ers" keep the men's feet dry and
warm in t'he worst conditions, and
thus' greatly increase both their unless be works.
eomfoel, and eflicieney. Tie "wad- British Columbia will prohibit pool
era," which are !both lighter.
and ,,cam licenses of British siiblecte on'
Progress of the Great: West fold'.
in a Few Voluted
Pare graehs.
The revised list of dead from the
nine. disaster at , Nailailna totals
twenty, '
Fire did ' $15,000 damage to Robt.
Abernethy's residence at Port Mpody.
Tlae. G.T.P. anticipates a daily ser-
vice from Prince Rupert to the east
is the spring, •
One of the best known designers of.
anarine craft in Vancouver, P, J. Trust,
is dead,
Invernaere reports three samples of
radium -bearing ore found in British
No able bodied man in Saanlch le
given food by the Relief Association
stronger than, those used by fisher-
nfen, are a.tviolutely waterproof.
They are lined with wool:, and are
worn on the bare .foot': that is,
without socks er stooltin:gs, and in-
side `the ordinary army service
boot. Ie punctured by a nail in the
boot or otherwise, they can. be
mended like a bicycle tire,. These
wader-stoc'kim,gs, which are proving
an inestimable boon to the troops,
were designed by Mr. F. B. 'Belo,
who aeknowle,dges "the very valu-
able assistance" of •Claptain F. C.
Jenkins, Adjutant of the 83rd' City
of London. Battalion (Royal Fueil-
•iers), The experiments were made
upon men of the same :ibattalien,.
with most satisfactory results,
They all wore their "waders" and
boots continuously night and day'
during the test, and ;suffered no
ill-effects from long periods of itm-
mession of the £set :in icy weber.
Experiments Were Satisfactory. ,
During the first week of January,
a corporal le the regiment made an
experiment, and the splendid re•
sults obtained with the "waders"
is intlicated by the following re-
port: "It was (begun en Wednes-
day, January 6, at 7 a.m. He spent
four hours on this day in the trench
Tull of water, with imeervatle.
Temperature 39 degrees. Reported a Salvation. Army funeral procession,
quite warm and comfortable. Jan- scattering the band.
miry 7: 4%' hours in 'water. • Tenn- 11', Shaffer, killed in battle
p:erabnre 39 degrees. Feet very whileCapt, withL. the Suffolk Regiment, will
comlfortalble. January 8: 6 hoursbe much regretted among his fellow
in water, Temmperataire 39% deg. residents of Pander Island.
Condition .as previous day. Jan-
ua.r,y 9: 6 hours in trench. 'Tem-
perature 40 degrees. Tiaae ,srpent
in ebocdciug, :without removing
boots or stockings, 61 hours. Time
spent in water about 20A hours."
'Still more interesting experi-
ments were tried on two .gro0>ps,
each consisting of four men. One
quartette went into the trenches at
9 a.m. on January 11th and the
experiment terminated at 12 noon
on January 14. The temperature
of the water during this experiment
varied from 38 eo.42 degrees. The
weather was very !bad, as there was
A, great deal of rain, the same as
during the other experiment. The
total time the wader -stockings were
worn by these mea a:moninted t;o
75hours, and the total time. during
which they were in the water in
the trenches • amounted to 16%
hours. The men reported them-
selves as .perfectly comfortable.
the voters' lists.
Vancouver License board were ask-
ed to bar Asiatic help from hotels;
the mater is held over.
Col. Lawrence S•Ierchiner, western
pioneer, once in the R.N,W,M.P„ died
suddenly at Vancouver, aged 74.
Dr, C. -J. Fagan, health officer . of
British Columbia, a great tubercu-
losis fighter, is dead at Victoria.
J. Bullich, reported dead in the
Nanalmo mining accident, turned up •
at time company's office for his pay
The unemployed of New Westmin-
estminster will be allowed to cut cordwood
for their 'own use on Government re-
New Westminster claims local
Chinamen have raised $10,000 to fight
the antigambling campaign of the
'Prince Rupert salmon reached Bri-
tish markets in good condition without
freezing, butpreserved by special pro,
Victoria's mayor says time is not
yet ripe for a special appeal for the
unemployed, and spring may solve the
problem itself. '
The Canada Cape reaohed Victoria
from Australia after a rough voyage
1n whish two boats were lost* anda
deck -house.
Ray M. Dawson refused to obey an
order to appear court in Vancouv-
er, -and was sentenced to ten days for
contempt of court,
)ix -Alderman Beard of Victoria was
fined $10 fordriving his auto through
The feet Were Perfectly Dry
during the whole time. Their sleep
wes very good and oomfortelble and
there is nothing unusual to report,
as the experiment passed off exaot-
ly the same as the :former experi-
ments, in a mesh satisfactory
Theexperiment with the other
four an.en began about 12 .an on
January. 9, and ended at 12 noon
on the 14th. Although the men's
feet were all different sizes, 7, 8,
9 and 10, the same wader -stocking
was used, but ipraetically speaking,
the men said they were all quite
comfortaible. Part of the time the
water in the trench was frozen
over with %-inch of ice, and the
temperature varied from 33 to 42
degreest,l'The men were quite coan-
fortalble the whole time, They did
nob remove their boobs for the
whole 118 hours, and slept in them
Their Meet were comfortable and
:fairly 'warm, exeept,when there was
a' heavy fall of sleet, when the feet
were sightly colder, but not un-
colmliortalbiy so, The total. tdi6 •(af
iensities was about 23ee a58 L
When the water rose' to a temper-
ature of 42 degrees thefeet were
quit nvarsn,
All He's Come Foie -
"Mr, Greer has called to pay his
reieolig ,to you, sir 1"
]eipeepointed again. 1 brought
he'd cone to pay me that ten he
When !'The Day" Coutes.
Econa:nists predict e, boom in'
trade when the war is over, In-
creased and improved production
now means riches for Canada then.
Markets are not won. in a day.
When pecpie say mean 'things
about you, 11±0 a safe bet. that you
bad it •coming.
An Incident at the Signing of a
Treaty in Africa.
A certain chief on the west coat~(
of Africa had expressed ells desire
to oome order British protection.
As he was king of a large tract of
Gauntry and a man of considerable
influence, it :was decided to send a
small cruiser up the river to receive
the chief's submission and'to oarry
out the signing of the treaty with
proper ceremony. One of the offi-
cers of the ship tells the story in
the London Weekly Telegraph.:
As many of the vessel's crew
were down with fever, we called for
valueteeirs from the other ships pre-
sent; the sick were tr'aamsdeered to
the flagship, and away we went. It
took tee three (bays to renelm our des-
tination. The day after our arrival
was fixed for the ceremony, and
about 10 a.m. the commodore and
commissioner landed, with eighty
men with rifles for a guard of honor.
'We lied set up a large tent under a
tree on' time river batik wherein the•
treaty was to be signed, and we
were drawn up in line, two dieep,
facing ,this tent. Thee programmmme
was that on the arrival of the chief
the ship should fire a, nine -gun sa-
lute and that the men under arms
should •,tial et salute with their
So far se good, but we had not
reckoned on the natives. A big
crowd of them preceded the chief,
and all carried, muskets of mare or
less ancient pattern, and in addi-
tion tlhey brought a good-sized bar-
rel of powder, which they placed at
the rear of the tent end opened.
They were in, no sort of order, and
es soon as the salute• began from the
ship they also commenced to bang
away in all detections, They used
dry groes toe wads, which fellin
balls of fire, and it wee rather try ..
ing to the nerves to have to stand
steady •at the .salute when your'
straw hat was every iuo'mene in
danger of catching fire from a berme
leg. grass mead.
They, had brought time bareeil ref
powder be replenish their powd'er-
horns, and me clroubt they intended
iio keep on firing as long ae any
powder was left. But suddenly
there was a tremendous, 'explosion.
One of the blacks hail fired his wad
right into the barrel of powder,
There w•a•s e •hasty stampede on the
part of the chief end ofl asset while
we dropped our rifles and 'rushed to
rescue time tent, which was knocked
over and set on fire. Foctunn.bely,
110 elle was' herb, and the chief was
persuaded to go on board the ship,.
where the treaty wee aligned in the
Alas! Poor Willie.
Teachere-N<w, ohiida'est , name
some of. the lower animals. titarer
ing with Willie. Jones,