HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-25, Page 510(0NEss CAROL,
e1rr !'a Vile] 'icor v
COWAPJI ®,io'pt.iifr.
ludo Ilk MC P1181 Office, Ethel. se -4
" .,
i' • Barrister, Solicitor, OonveyaPoer,
'Notary Public, dm. Office -Stewart's moot
1 door North. of Central Motel, ;. .
Soflpitor for the Motxopolit
a. .NNEa' ill sell for better prices, 51
better wen is less. time and lees eicarees.
than any other Auotioueerin BASS Bn0O0 or
he won't charge anything, Dates and orders'
Don. always be arranged at tbis ofeee or by
p oraunal application,
)325, 088 7:18 a muMall .. ,11:22 ant
Express 8:451, m I Express 8:62 p m
*writ, rd 'dm?amply
' To Toronto To Goderich
Express 1122 p 7:52 a m Exr0 Express8:46 p m
Going Eitel - 7:85 a. m. and 8;4Q p. m.
Going West - 12:19 and 8:58 P. TO.
A11 trains going East connect with' C.P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound., Elpra and T
G, B. etntlonGEO. ALLAN, Loon! Agent.
All from Brussels and Vicinity.
who attend the famous
N TonoNTO" ON'f. ' `Y'
r' redelve vya onlythe Higheist G1'nde of
smei S
Education . u
assistance aware positions,
lo,b potcut. weweretupon •
recently 104111 0.1t 1,worhfrom 010
l to 510parweek aswell
00some Prom
4 to rIyo month. Thisiof
5for you to attend. Opon all year. a
Einer now.
Write our large Cato- t�
n logne.
Cor. Young end ii W. J. ELLIOTT,
01100188 812. S Principal. �el
geeieweis rez Yea\xateterRA'0ftiege4 �•
"'4,4'4' As5415 iEaa4,=._'4s'a`lveo
klOntario's Best Practical Training 6
School. We have thorough coulees
2 and experienoeti,iustrtictors in each of A'
on1 three departments
. Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
1 Our gradnatoa snoreed and yon should q
rand air Ixrge, Lrea m,talogue, Write
k. for it fib onus. u
Pi D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. t•
#.,r x,ir4PSYdr,V4,M,Oe flt rNArSYDV.04,1 r( 'OVA,
tY at the
Thorough Courses taught by
Competent Teacher a,
For p0rtloulers address -
Listowel, Ont.
- � �AwAn�a�A
. '7��aay
Litt 0'4a's'afatA' •�
Duoli,ePli 00414
t Ander-
o ro, Moe t A ei
a .bi H. M a O'fl e 1,
sµco sou. M,
sun eros. Livery atpblo, Brusaeis. 1'olepheno
No, 2U,
Best Brains
in Canada have participated in the pre.
peratlon of our splendid Home Study
Cotuwes 111 Baking, Economics. Higher
Accounting. Commercial Art, Show
Card Writing, Photography Journal-
ism. Short Story Writing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping. Select the work
which -Meet interests you and write us
for particulars. Address
201-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto
T, T, M'n+AE
M. B. M. C. P„ A Sr 0,
111. 0. A., Vllloge or Bowels.
Physician, surgeon, Meemehetu'
Genca over Standard Bank
Bootiolor of M ioln , 'Univel'sity of Toronto ;
Licentiateof. College of Physlo,ato and Sur.
geone, Ontario ; ex:8511100,Rpuee Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr.
A, MoKevey, Smith r Bloat, Enamels,
Rural phone 0l,
ALEX. 0, M'K -,-,VEY_
198' Bloor street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Noso, and Threat
Clinical amistent in Ear, Nose and 1'hront de-
partment Now Generol Hospital, Tpronta
Post Graduate Harvard 'Medical School, Bow
ton • late Senior Resident Surgeon. Mess, Eye.
& Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant in
Nose and Throat department Mass, Gen, Hoe -
Intel ;
oe•ppltel-; late House Surgeon Toronto -General
Hosplto6,• ,4 In MONSOls by appointment,
' ETHE'L, ONT. -
Physician and•Surgeou; Post Graduate eouree0
London (Eng;),: New.. York and. Chicago Hos
pitnle, Special attention to disease of eye, ear,.,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses. ' -
G. H. ROSS, D. D,S. hL'. D. S.•
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
g¢�e�onsof Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, ,.
OfHcu In laard'Block, Winghank '
phone 249.x. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour. Mill;Ethel. -•
Personal graduate Department of Opphthal.
molpgy, McCormick Medical Collage, Chicago;
M., le prepared to test eyes and at glasses at
her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office home 1 to 8 p. m, Forenoons
by appointment. Phone 1218.
"Barldstern, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oings el% tlra.egoare,Street Indtdpor from Haftilton
Private funds to
est rates.
loan at tow
wp PtiOUD5'OOT, K. C. !. - J. L. R1LLORAN
Thousands of onbltion young two -
pie are fast preparing In their ow.n.
homes to wormy lucrative poaltiens as
81011ogrnphe•s, beokkeopors, : Whim.
pliers, olvil earv,uet0 in feet every
0p110re of aotivitioo, Nota may shish at
collage it you so wish, Positions guar-
anteed, .Enter college nay day, buil,
viduhl instruction, ]Export teachers.
Thirty years' experience. 'Largest
11 yes.
BooedtrainersOmuta)11 forte Seven ao eg
Booed tedwith
Affiliated with 1 Canada,
Educe -
001•'0 1 aofamous S tion& SnmCol-
Snhool at famous Spotton Bnehtase Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Business College
Gino, Sr0000N, W. T. n 011011
President. Prhlofpnl,
Prat helps Items
nix Pool telephet a"N.os,; are 31 And;
A NOM8Ea from this tonality attended,
the lttnel'al of the'lato Jno, R. Miller, of
risbauk, on F'lt1AY afternoon,
o m
Cavanagh,f U cn'aot d Form•
Dr. w
ern of l3russels, who bee been ill for
50me time shows little improvement and
is almost incapable of helping himself.
Rv'glneld and ,Mrs. Fletcher, former-
ly of Brussels, but recently of Winnipeg,
have .taken tip residence in Toronto,
We lintlet'staod Mr, Fletcher hoe accept-
ed a position at: traveller for jewellery, n
post be should Le et Monte in. •
8 yeees'1N BUSINESS.- It tyre; 8 years a-
go Moadiay of last week since Wm. Pryne.
& Son commenged business in Brussels
lo connection with the Flouring Mill and
associate litres of milling., they have
enjoyed a large' share of public patron-
age and possibly they .were never busier
Mae this, past,, season, ,,We with them
iacreesed trade.
HocicsY -Wednesday eyening of last
week on Brussels rink the fastest game
of the season- in 'a win by' the
• Lucknow septette over the local seniors,.•
by the small tnargiu.of two gOHls,r .No-
where was the, game slow, and the large
crowd showed great. interest in the. play.,
The Mehl se err, although out of
practice, came back strong"in the second'
period. Johnston, of Luekuow, gave en-
tire satisfaction as .Referee. The visi-
tors play fast hockey but are somewhat
inclined to rough it. The full time
score stood 8--6 in favor of Leeknow,
The Lucknow boys are good sports and
will bo'welcome back, Line-up waseeie
Lucknow • Brussels
M.ohnston R. WingF. Gerry
J . .
D• {tome ;. ,, ,, Wigg , , le, Ameut,
E. Millson Centre W. Bell
H. Allen Rover E. Ewan
C. Allen C.' Point W. S. Scott
C. Reid • Point S, Fox
W. Reid Goal H. Lowry
Mrs. John Speiran'spent a week in
'Listowel with her • mother, Mrs.
Mrs, T. Holler, who has been con-
fined to her room for some dtaye with
neuralgia, ;is somewhat in, proved.
She is 82 years old although pretty
Mrs. Jno. Dilling,"who is making
her home at Deputy Reeve 13rown's,
is not enjoying very gond health but
we hope .elle ..will improve .as Speirig
Fred. Benno,. of Edmonton, Alta.,,
who has been visiting 'with' hie uncle'
and'atiiit, Jas.' read' Mrs. Denman; for'
the past few' weeks; left for Montreal,
where he. 'will join one of ,Montreal e
fair,see, tr.?eiturrl, with him to Ed
mnntop. CpngratuhtLione Fred.•
Seaforth Spring Show has been
changed flour Tnesday, April 0th, to
Thursday, April 8th.
Fred. Hammett, of Sarnia, has sold
his house in town to Win. Wilson,
who intends to reside here in future.
Seaforth flax mill property is about
to change hands. Owen Geiger, of
rn r M. of
Herman, and J. J. Nether, t P.,
Zurich, are both negotiating for it.
Adam Dodds has sold his fano ad,
nScott for
joining the town to Jas. R. Sc t
$7000.8 The foorner takes Mr. Scott's
residence in Seaforth in part payment.
Jas. Cowan has contracted for 450
acres for thQ,growing of sugar beets in
this vicinity and hopes to -make it 500
acres before seeding time. This is for
the Berlin factory.
Harry Pierce was slightly injured,
Willi several other members of Stew-
art Bros', staff he was taking in linnle-
tu ns and while hoisting them upstairs
a pulley broke striking Mr. Pierce on
the head and causing a scalp wound,
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even -
mKEAn the advertisements and save
THE wea,her during the past week has
been quite Spring-like.
g -liike.
PARCHMENT for butter wrapping al-
ways THE POST.
A t
w vsOIIAtld o
NEXT Sunday will be the last day of
February. Time is flying.
Do you patronize the Public Library
and Reading room in Brussels?
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of
next week. It should be a sweeper.
LET us know any local news that will
be of interest to our readers at home or
A goodly number of subscribers to
THE POST are squaring up. How do
you feel about it ?
Mies CORA BELL, of Brussels, Was Visit-
ing at the home of las. Donaldson,
West Atwood, last week.
CARS of coal received last week by -the
Excelsior Knitting tactory where work
isroceeding at a steady pace.
tt�� n Brussels rink Thursday
evening of this week. Good list of
rds Win ham Band, &c.
SOME of the energetic boys of Brus-
sels arranged an improvised skating
rink on the mill dam last week.
Mas J. T. BROWN and Carl and Edna,
of Stratford, were visitors with T, and
Mrs. Ennis. The former is a daughter.
GEO. Roberton, of Clinton. was in
town for a short time last week. He is
a brother to Mrs. James Ballantyne, of
WE are glad to report that Mrs. (Rev,)
E G. Powell of Cliuton, is improving
since her operation. Mrs. Powell was a
former resident of Brussels
LAs'r week R 11. Jones, travelling
Auditor for the Canadian Express Com-
pany, made his official call on Brussel,',
Juo. Wright is the local agent and look,
after his work in fine style.
len080 Lowry, of Wroxeter, who has
been un the sick list for a couple of
weeks bas recovered and reaum„d ilia
studies at the Haarriston High School
He was a former Brusselite.
C. W, JACKI:ON, of Kincardine, for'm-
erlyot Brussels, who has been "on the
shelf' with an attack of rheumatism, is
able to be about again we ore glad to
state. He is a brother to H. L, Jackson,
IT will not be a matter of surprise if
the dollar weekly paper will go before
the war is over says the Stratford
Beacon. Iilit.5o will be the piece iu
future, The less.thau-cost editions of
the daily will also go.
W. C. 1'. U -The regular monthly
meeting of Brussels W. C, 'r U. will be
held in the Public Library, Ft idoy after.
noon, Feb, 26151, at 3 o'clock, Topic
will be "Purity and Moral Educatiuu"
to be taken by Mrs. (Rev ) Mann, A
cordial invitation is extended' to all the
ladies of the community to attend.
• Miss MCKAY COMING. -On 'Tuesday,
March gtb, at 2 p. m„ Miss McKay,
who Comes to Brussels under the auspi-
ces of the Woman's Institute, will give
her fjrst demonstration lesson in sewing,
in the aadieuce room of the Peblic
Library, Brussels, le will constitute a
class' And the Institute is anxious to
have at Meet three climes. Will all
who Wish to join hand their names, at
once, to either Mrs. Robe. Tbortisob or
Mrs. P, Aineut. The fee Will be shoo
for to lessons to be paid at time of rot
lesson, Miss McKay at her class in
Rodney, has 70 progressive women
under instruction, making 4 classes,
The instructor is sent by the Agricul-
tural Dept. of the Ontario Government
and is a most competent person, Now
witted be a good time to get your Spring
sewing done.
TUxtereertnx CouNCIL: Minutes of
Council meeting Held in Bluevale,
Monday, Felt. 8151, 1915. All members
present. Minutes of last regular
meeting read and adopted on motion
of Messrs. Adair and McBurney.
"Auditors report .for the year 1914
wits laid before the Council and a-
dopted on (notion of Messrs. Wheeler
and Mrllurltey. Tp. By-law No. 8,
1898 :-Any person or persons who
shall by themselves or by Huy person
in their employ, put or cense to be
pot into any street,, lane, road, high-
way, river, stream, creek, or in 1110
bed of Ally river, stream or creek with-
in this township the dead body of any
animal, or other decontprised Matter,
or dirt, flit 11 or n,bbish of ally des-
cription which may be deemed a
uuisenee, shell lie liable to a fine not
nun e. thein $10 poll ousts. Any poser'
61111111 guilty of hie eking Ihis by-law
will let proaemial nee'm'diugly," Any
rettepayee• annnting a change` of path -
master. please 'edify some member
of Connell or the Clerk before next
But L, d'la E P' kh ' V
u y m am $ egr
etable Compound Restored'
Mrs. Bradley's Health—
Her Own Statement.
Winnipeg, Canada.- "Eleven years
ago I went to the Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctors said it was a tumor and could
not be removed as it would cause instant
'death; They found that my organs were
affected, •.and -said I could not live more
than six months in;the .condi tion T Was
"After h came home I saw your adver-
tisement,in the paper, and commenced
taking Lydia' l;. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I tools it constantly for two
years, anti stili, take it at times, and
both my libsband and myself claim that
it Wits the'rrieans"of saving my life." '1•
highly' r e c o m m end it to suffering
women." -Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, 289
JohnsonAve;, Winnipeg, Manitob6, Can.
Why' wil l womon take chances or drag
out a sickly, half-hearted existence,miss-
ing three-fourths of the joy of living;'
when they can find health in Lydia E.:.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound ?
For thirty years it
has been the stan-
dard remedy for fe-
male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
who have beenLtrou-
bled with such ail- LYeA E FiNKN M
meats as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkbam Med-
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Yourletter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
meeting.. Following accounts were
passed,. arid cheques issued : 0obt.
Blank,; , auditor, $15,00 ; B.. ' Cruick-
shank, auditor, $15.00.; lT R E_ lliott,
T "' Odeon
prpt g $0•
bridge albt,,:$10,oft ; John Olmk; OuI'
rasa bridge accte• - $25,98 ;• A. Shaw,
M'errie bridge acct.,"$2:09.;"J. Mulvey,
attending audit $3.00.; David Eadie,
gravel, $4.20 ; G. Wilson, error in
taxes, $1.54. Next meeting will be
held in Bluevale, March 29th, at 10
a. 1111. P. Pawnee, Clerk.
Beery Dennis is suffering ,frog art I
of cin a ]ur
1 1 n It
attack !e o a t is s
1 u end e Y
mit often Henry is tied down but its
betel to mope the va1'imei ills of life,
The 111.0 at Walton SundayMorning
canoed a 1 un 011 exit all
dall Mond
1.511t1 now he community will taste of
snit anti smell of smoke for some time
to came,
10 candidates are being filleted into
the I. 0. 0. F.
30 horsepower' new p ower' boiler is being
P g
put in at the Pilule factory.
bliss Evelynn 1
urnbbll left for an ex-
ted d trip
to Vancouverand Cali-
Hugh Richmond was appointed Col-
lector of the Township of Enna, for
the year 1915 ata salary of $100.
Jas. Hamilton, 05 0011. 6, Elute, de-
livered to A1lhur Peebles two hogs
weighing 1260 lbs., one weighed 740
S. Peter had the misfortune to be
structs on the face and eye with a
piece of wood he was breaking with
an axe. He will be laid up for some
Elisa Council made a grant of $25
to the Women's Patriotic League of
Elora Township, for pui'chasing
material for making socks, shirts,
bandages and other comforts for our
Canadian soldiers.•
A Ptetelotic Oencert, under Lite
auspices of Gur'rie and District Pat-
elutie League, will be held in the Tinvn
Hall, Goole, on the evening of Fel.
day, Feb, 29th, 'commencing at 8 o'-
clock sharp, A splendid and vaned
program will be rendered,
with an inspiring address from
A. EI.
Mfisgrove, Al. P. P„ subject "Why
Britain is Fighting and our Duly as
ryi olle worth' "' •
Thomas Elliott's little gill was ill
with pneumonia.
Miss Steise, of Brodhagen, has re-
turned home again after visiting
Molesworth friends.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was administered on Sunday, pr -
ceded by the preparatory service on
Dtnest King has bought Wm,
Brown's farm on the 11411 Con. for a
good figure.
Village Trustees will hold their
next meeting on the evening of the
third 'Wednesday in Match at the
hotel, andthereafter on the third
W.ednesday of eaoh month at the
same' time and place.
A shipment of comforts for the sol-
diers was made by the different so-
cieties of the village engaged in that.
work and consisted of 95 pairs of sox,
a number of hospital shuts, night-
shirts, hauderchiefs, towels and a
quantity of bandages and old linen.
Mts. Duncan McKellar sr., suffered
a severe paralytic stroke the second in
less than a year,
Messrs. Little and McKee had a car-
load of feeding cattle . shipped to Sea -
forth front 'lot onto.
Jas: Campbell, 91.11 Con., had a very
successful bee drawing brick for the
erection of his new residence which
he intends building next Summer.
W, G. Seaman, of Manley met, with
a peculiar experience while repairing
a compression pump at the Dublin
convent.' -He was accompanied by L.
and J.
cJ. Keauskopf. They picked him
upcement- floor in' an un-
conscious condition and all he could
relnernbee was that he was fixing the
valve when overcome.
Lead b u ry
[Intended for last aveokl
Miss Margaret Love was home visit-
ing her parents, for some days.
Russel Onults is home from London,
where lie was attending the Military
' Alfred Stafford bus purchased a new
grain grinder and will now be able to
supply his customers more satisfactory
along that line.
Frank Hackwell is crnl°ned to the
bailee with a severe attack of inflam-
matory rheumatism but is some better
ander good attendance.
Noble Forbes was taken to Goderich
Hospital. He lives alone and as he
developed pneumonia some days pre-
vious and only by chance a nei hbor
called and learned of his condition
hence his removal to the hospital.
Reports say he is improving.
+�a+�a o•1•� F+�+�a a r♦+��+•
Cash Shoe Store
Richards & Co. •
Offer all Winter Shoes +
at +
Greatly Reduced Prices•
Men's Heavy Felt Bals, reg, $2,50, reduced to $2 00
Men's Heavy Felt Gaiters, reg. $12.50 " 2 00
Women's Best Quality Felt Bals - " 1 25
Men's and Woolen's Overshoes and Leavy
Rubbers at
Reduced Prices
• +•+•+44i4.+.+.+4,444444,4444•44+444+4•4446444
We have 'a few Blankets which tae are Clearing at Cost
itO'Ropairs in Shoes and Rubbers dote protnily,
Phone 47x
Richards & eo.
Miss Lottie Code is home from
W. A. Leech, Calgary, was visiting
with his sister, Mts. J. R. Code,
The Official Board of the Methodist
church have decided to erect a new
cement shed this coming Summer.
Ivie COMM of Brussels, has rented
the house owned by W. J. Tughen
across the street from his father and
moved into it..
Trowbridge • readers will be in3
levested in the following from a
recent issue of the London Ad-
vertiser :- "At a meeting of the
Quarterly Official Board of Empresa
Avenue Methodist church, London,
the pastor, Rev; T. W. Cosens, was
given a unanimous invitation to re-
turn for the 4th year. Several mem-
bers of the Board expressed their ap-
preciation of the splendid service
rendered by Mr. and Mre. Cosens dur-
ing the past 3 years, and the fact that
the work generally was in such
splendid shape. Mr. Cosens accepted
the invitation heartily and stated
that thepresent pastorate was the
happiest in his ministry, and with a
united Board and people and the bless-
ing of God he looked for the last year
to be the best of all.
Mrs, Kelly Advises all Women
to Take "Fruit -a -Eves"
IlaeuRSvxr.LE, 011th„ Am, 26th. k9x?„
"I can highly recommend Fruit-a-
tives" because they did me an awful
lot of good and Is cannot speak too
highly about them, About four years
ago, I commenced taking Fruit-e-
tives for a' general break -down mid
they did me a world of good. We
bought a good many dollar's worth,
'but it was money well spent because
they did all that you claim for them.
Their action is so pleasant, compared
with other laxatives, that I found only
pleasure, as well as health, in taking
then{, They seemed to me to be
particularly suited to women, on
account of their mild and gentle action,
and I trust that some other women
may start taking "Fruit-a-tives" after
readiitgmylettee, and if they do, I ain
satisfied the results will be the same
as in my own. case",
Mots. W. N. KELLY
"Fruit -a -fives" are sold by all
dealers at pc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial
size, 250, or sentpostpaid on receiptof
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
all claims on them for $500, but at
that time the investment looked too
speculative and no one took the doc-
tor up. Now he is satisfied that they
Blyth Monthly horse Fair, Tuesday,
March 2nd.
T. Taman sold a ear of ashes and
chipped the setae to"New Yorke.
W. F. Vanetone shippe0 a car of
maple lumber to Toronto on Monday
from the sawmill here, •"
Postmaster Sims, who has been
confined to.his home through illness,
is now able to be around again.
Mies Rene Bennett, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents
here for some weeks, returned to Tor-
Ooun. R. R. Sloan left on Monday
of last week'' for London where be
will take a few weeks tuition at the
Military Camp. •
A. W. and Mrs. Sloan, who have
been spending the Winter months
with their daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Coolnbs, are now visiting their daugh-
ter, Mrs. 'Wes. Walker, Clinton, prior
to returning home.
Chas, Roadhouse, who seine months
ago underwent an operation in the
Fergus Hospital, is we regret to state,
not improving as rapidly as his many
friends desire. Although able to be
about at times he is still quite feeble
and with the least exertion is much
The supperiven in aid of the
Belgian Relief Fund by St. Michael's
church at the Commercial on Tuesday
evening of last. -week was a decided
success. Many from town and
vicinity taking the opportunity to
assist this laudable cause. Proceeds
amounted to $55.00.
The ladies of the Women's Patrio-
tic League servedriddle cakes and
maple syrup at the griddle
Library on
N. Milburn, of Seaman, Sask., left
Monday of last week for home after a
6 weeks' visit, taking in Listowel,
Brussels, Wnudstock and Br i158121.
Miss 111, Kopp, of Palmerston, teach-
er in the Listowel public school, has
recovered from an attack of appendi-
citis and has resumed her ditties.
About 30 young people gathered at
the home of Elias and furs. Bassett
and gave a little surprise in honor of
Miss Mae Bassett who left for Guelph,
where she has entered the general
hospital to train for nurse.
Mrs. R. C. Britton, widow, of Listo-
wel, whose eon, Cleveland, joined the
Strathcona Horse at Winnipeg and is
now in France, has learned from a
second son, Gordon, of Maple Creek,
Sask., that he has volunteered and ex-
pects to go along with the second
contingent. It is 13 years since Mrs.
Britton has seen Gordon and she has
forwarded a letlergram to see if it
oannot be arranged for him to come
home before going to the front.
There are three boys fit the family.
Over three months after his return
from the continent, Rev, Dr. Barber's
two trunks and valuable contents,
which he baldly hoped to see again,
have arrived from Germany with the
locks cut open and goods worth $200
missing. But at that the doctor is
more than satisfied for the contents
was valued at $1800 and is therefore
"better late than never." Dr. and
Mts. Barber were b1 Germany when
the war broke out and were glad to
eat out of the country even minas
their trunks. These they registered
at Marburg, Germany, to London,
England. 8 months later they re-
ceived word in London that the trunks
had arrived at Cleve, but would not
be forwarded until the doctor produc-
ed to certiflcatte showing that he was
an American citizen. This he didn't
do. A campaign of letter correspond-
ence followed and one which delight-
ed the doctor and his wife arrived re-
cently in Listowel from New York,
announcing that the trunks had been
brought over by the Cunard litre.
Just how little Dr, Barber had hoped
to see the trunke and contents again
may be judged from the fact that to
different persons he offered to give alt
Manning, Deputy, all Vitae long since
+' Ser
a , do all the Sergeant has
passed away. g
served under cloven Mayors.
A. curious and interesting. fact came
other when tel. o
' ] ' s Gill # la w t n tl at
urn 11 t the Y
Mrs. Thos. Robertson v s laid to
in Clinton cemetery beside. her 1108'
band, who Wile buried iu July of 1801,
the rebbrde showing that his was the
Hest body to be interred there, The
second bridal was that of Goor'ge
Stanbury oi' the London ]'toad 'and
John Stanbury, of Bayfield.
Remember Clinton Spring Show
will be held on Thursday, April lst.
Clinton New Era was awatded the
printing contract for Goderich Town-
ship for the year.
Tom. Rance, second eon of 0. C.
Rance, formerly of Clinton, but now
of Toronto, is suffering from appendi-
citis and may have to undergo an
A Convention call has been issued
to all the Tetnperance workers of
Huron Co„ to meet in the Presbyter-
ian church, Clinton, on Thursday,
March 18th at 10.80 a. m.'
Wednesday morning of last week,
Ent. Mitchell, youngest sora of Mrs.
Mitchell, left for London to join the
Medical Corp of the 2nd contingent
which In ie expected to leave in the next
two weeks.
Mrs. Daniel Shanahan slipped on an
icy walk and broke her hip. Owing
to the fact that the lady is seventy-
six years of age.this is a most regret-
table accident as her recovery must of
necessity he slow.
Sergeant Welsh is deserving of a
long service medal for he has been in
Ole employ of the corporation since
Feb. 15151, 1887. When he was ap-
pointed Joseph Whitehead was Mayor,
Alex. McMurohy, Reeve and A. H.
Huron County.
Walter Stewart, ono of the best
known men in the district and head of
Me firm of Walter Stewart Ss Son,
died et Lucknow Thursday night after
an iilnees 0f several mouths' duration,
Mr. Stewart was Presylent of the
electric light company, One son sur'
The Mallougli House, a two-story
frame building was burned to the
grotuid at Dungannon Thursday night
m a fire that is thought to have had
its origin in a chimney. The damage
is estimated at about $10,000 and is
partially covered by insurance. By
the time the blaze was discovered the
fire had gained . considerable headway
and although volnnteer flretnen work-
ed hard to cheek the spread of the
flarnes,the hotel was, within afew
minutes, a tmassof fire. The blaze
was first noticed shortly after° o'clock.
Little of the furniture was saved, only
such pieces as were in the lower rooms
near the doors' being taken out of
reach of the flames. A. barn in the
near of the building was also burned,
but stubborn fighting prevented a
spread to other ptemises. Firemen
from Goderieh conte with chemicals
and did 10051 effective work. James
Duruin is the p50511elor of the estab-
lishment. The hotel is owned by Mrs.
Mallough, of Toronto.
Perth County
The St. Marys Daughters of the Em-
pire Have undertaken to look after the
poor of the town,
Simon Brinkman is the newly ap-
pointed postmaster of Sebriugville, to
succeed Michael Goerling, resigned.
Herbert S. Pringle, B. A., son-in-
law of Joshua Thompson, St. Marys,
has opened an office for the practice
of law at Victoria, B, 0,
Stratford School Board have decid-
ed to purchase vacuum cleaning ap-
paratus and time. recording clocks,
and to instal a fire alarm system in
the school.
An organization of the teachers,
trustees, and people of the Township
of Downie for the advancement of
rural education in the township has
been formed,
At the annual meeting of the Pub-
lic Library Board, St. Marys, it was
decided to instruct the librarian to
remove books of more pronounced
German views, and the entire list of
publications by German authors will
be revised at an early date,
A family that was getting
liof in SL. Marys, surged heavon the
bill -of -fare -boiled sliced ham
and Soli eggs, steak and other dal
lief accountfor
fes -and ran up a relief
two weeks which amounted to $86.
Mrs. M. A. A. Ramsay, Wellington
street. South, St. Marys, while cross-
ing the road at the intersection of
Chetah and Jones streets, late Tues-
day night of last week, slipped and
fell on the icy surface and fractured
one of her wrists.
Kenneth Torrance, of Guelph; neph-
ew of ex -Mayor F. G. Sanderson, St.
Marys, left to take a commission with
the Manchester Regiment in the Brit-
ish army. His only brother, Doug-
las Torrance, is taking an officer's
course at London, preparatory to go-
ing to the front,
The Fullerton Council has ordered
all dogs in the township locked up for
60 days as a result of a reply received
from the Provincial analyst concern-
ing the head of a dog sent to Toronto
by W. Shillinglaw for examination.
It is thought that the Council of
Logan and Hibbert will take the same
steps. There has been no evidence of
any cases of rabies in Mitchell as yet
but it is probable that dogs will be
prohibited from running at large.
Among many interesting curios high Rice
has re-
ceived from his son, St.
n, Lincoln, of the
First Canadian Expeditionary force,
is a fifteen -pound shell (unloaded).
The shell resembles an ordinary quart
bottle in shape and size. The top will
unscrew and around the neck is a
tuning arraungement similar to the
combination flxtare on a safe for tim-
ing the explosion. While on leave
at Salisbury, Private Rice paid a Visit
to Ireland and sent home some very
interesting souvenirs from Dublin.
Patriotic Series of Souvenir Spoons in stock.
i 5
and other fam-
ous Soldiers
for a British Hero Spoon in Genuine
Rogers quality is a Bargain.
Sold Singly or In any quantity at above price. Start a Collection.
Jewel ery