HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-18, Page 5sirriraerevirrersowsse UUSINLNS CAil9$t oM/1Il11ig °Ina MtiMllil/lE 11%10lrnll�t 1yf►11111111 �thlll'eday, MOO 4511, 1t ought to be ii ,JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS J.As, ANDERSON, dalidj•, N VETERINARY SURQEO hIMITED xtA ode . H, M re O0ln, r deesor to o , u v - d a Td la Teld lone 1.O 1 I d' 11 1 B'aHHtl , l.. eo s, , r nt h e t nB Y p *� y �lG4 h?1 � f� , 20, ''autAPH It ovrdlitfal0 T. r, nfl'RAE '• WM. SPENOE M. B., M, E. P., ® S. O. OONVI-nXANOICH AND 1SKUJ It151.0 H,, .Village Ur Brse uele, 11 Z.0714°11111, Surgeon,' AoaouohOur OP _�Ir�J.t1t1AG1;} IIIUL!1t�JtS J1t1 Office ever Standard Dank 11100 In the Post olleoe, Ethel. 20.4 1 LEGAL ANC : CONVEYANCING. • Notary Yubllo, he, npfeo-S towart's Block 1 door Nort1 of Central Hotel, 8olioitor Tor the Metropolitan bank, S. SCOTT AS. AN AUC'1210N • •• • Enn,wllf sell for better prices, tot M SIN ()L 1-[ • Barrister, 8olioitor, Ooaveyan9e AUCTIONEERS. butter men In leas time and less Mamma than any ether, Anet1011e0t In East Huron or Dates and orders earl always be arranged al tine office or by personal applloatlon, DR. F, T; BRYANS• Baohetor of Medloine, Univeraltyy of Toronto ; Liioontfote of College of Physi0ian9 and Bor. W apptorn hospital, ex-Senior u onto - QBlceSurgeon of late Dr. A. McRovey, Smith Stook, Brpesela, Rural phone 45, • - ALEX. D. M'KEL.VEY M.B.,.. M.Q.P.&Sr U. 108 Blear street East, Toronto diseases Ear, Noso and Throat Clinton! assistant h, liar, None and 'hroatde- partment New General Hospital, 191001to ; Post Graduate Harvard Medical S tool, Boo - ton ; late Senior lteeident Sorgeon use, Bye e Ear Infirmary ; late OlhHoal assistant in Nose and Throat department Mass en, Hos- Teal nt h o� ssG ; late House Surgeon Toronto General spitat. 1�-In Brussels by appointment, be wont charge anything. u ee a DR. M. FERGUSONETHEL, ONT.Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate coursesLondon (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitnia. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. vmaxi) Timme e .Razz, W47 BRUSSELS GOING SOUT1I 0,0159 NORTH Express " 7:18am I Mall . 11:22. a m. Express ,,...... 8:45 D 1n Exuma 8:52 p iR C rias hies rP, CJPLC WALTON To Toronto • TO Godorlch Express 7:52 a m I Express 11:19 a m Express ........ 1:22 p m Express 8:45 p m WROXETER Going West - 47:05 2 18 in. and 9:58: p. m. 0.11 trains going. East oonneet with 0. P. R. at Orangeville. for Owen. Sound, Elora and T G. B. statlone, GEO, ALLAN, Local Agent. All from Brussels and Vicinity mous' who attend the famous j)LL1ff. OTT Pi TORONTO,. ONT. 7 00 receive not Doty the Higheilt Grade of a- Bu.ine-e and Shorthand Education but assistance e' eenw'e efoice,oc pledupos n ' When ly toOrent. -WO,o Werth from $10 ro$18tlerwee poelltoitO1-oIlOfrom$75 g to 910perweon h. w „lin es ome Schee! from e! I to IW per month. This is the Schoolrto attend. Orn nit ear.f r ou yo.PY ��gg_S� r r e `stn 1 now. Write for our la Com- o g Euler o r ®' loline. Car, Yount• mid 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Chxrine Btis. s Principal. �r PR)r /2, 'vRvavaa Ela ,attYaaVE^Ry'%A . Ea'sea•'yPeaZ a`vE^aYfigtS aa'rl' er air CENTRAL r� fTRATFgRD. • Ontario', Rest Prnoticel Training school. We have thorough courses .. i and experienced instructors in each of our three departments- Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy 2 Our o,'adltea ,'gu,lreo nbologeed you should .c read our large, free catalogue. Write p 1R for it at once. �� D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal. 199Avi✓Arr4roY,dir+ V v, 1YANWAVV.r.91 vdv e1�`(8yi r,;rAvi+YA YtAt41`ierl; erAsBtpuSrAvar. ENROL NQW E at tho r6 LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Thorough Coarses taught by t • Conipeltint, Teacheis. y w For particulars address- EDWIN ddress- ED IMO. MA TTHEWB LPsto wol Ont. y 'Paatsa a•1,uta0P:mny�taa� aa�E:av Era THE Best Brains htCanada have p i ehr in the pre. . aeration of 11r splendid Bonin StUay Actear16Eoolmrdoa Higher Accounting, Commercial Art Show Card wnitl6 Photography Art, Short Stony Writing Shorthand and Bookkeeping Select the work tvltichmost interests you and write us for particulars. Address. THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yong.) 8t., Toronto COLLEGE A ■ HOME Thousands of etnbiblons young Imre g MIle are fest preparing in their own onied to occupy incrptivo -positions as stenographers, bookkeepers,-telegra- phere, civil servants, ill Net every .•�, sphere or activities. You may Mask at college if you so wish. Positions glntr• Anlee4, Enter college any day. Indi- vidual 1118truution. Experttenohore, Thirty years experience. Largest. trainers in Canada. - Seven colleges. Special course for teachers, Affiliated with Commercial' Eduoa• tor's.Assoolutton of Canada. Summer Sohsol at tanoue $porton Buslnosn Col. logo, London. Wiugham Business College ,.0.$roT'TON, W. T, MOae®, President. Principal. G.14 ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office in teard Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. SRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal ddradunto Department of Ophthal. urology, Mocormiek Medleal College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and 8,5 glasses at her Milos over Grewar'e Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, -Friday and Saturday of every week. Moe hours Ito 8 p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1212. PROUOfOOT, KILLORAN & PROUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notarioa Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, - GODERI00, ONT. Private rands t0 loan at lowest.ratea. W. PROUDVOOT, K, 0. .2. L, KIL40IAN WM. PROUDFOOT .Ta. Tacos 4ieb s lions Bee:An:Ls Wetnen's Institute sent R Coutr1n do t of $5,o0 10 Sheriff NoY^ npldtl, Co, Treasurer fur the Chlillreu's f A(d Scahety of Huron .,o. 'l ti3 elision New Eraoflast week saidi -'Mr,, Adam MOK ramie retm'ned 1101ne last Friday from brussels, Her visit there WAS leuglheued by several (tttYe owing 00 the trains being blocked," The lady is a daughter of George and Mrs, Crooks, Albert street. FOlttlatt Brusselites now residents of Clinton, were elected to office in the new Liberal Club in the persons of Dr, J, W, Shay?, chosen as flop, Vice -fres' - dent, and. J, Leslie Kerr elected Vice President. The club room is supplied' with literature and is open to the mem- bers every evening House OF REFUGE NIA•r•1'ERs,-The County Council's House of Refuge Committee held its first meeting for this year in the house at Clinton on Tuesday of last week. They inspected the premises and found •everything abundantly satisfactory, with 88 inmates, Assistant matron, Miss Pat fit, wishing to resige, an advertisement in the city papers brought nearly 6o applications for the position, and Inspector Torrance and Reaper Mutoh were empowered to make the most desirable choice for a successor. WHAT Do YOU CO 7 -Some pecple seem to think the first verse of the N. Anthem runs like this : , "Naw get your overshoes, Aud grab your overcoat, And do it quick. Then get up frotn your seat, And heat a quick retreat, Don't let folks think you're sleep Get a wiggle on." SAVED FROM THE 13ELGIAN2,-A well known fraternity man went tout lodge tneetingthe other evening. On entering the ante room he began to divest him- self of some of his clothing before going into the warmer lodge room. He sur- prised his brethren by the quantity he pulled off. 'There were two or three extra fancy waist coats, a sweater coat, a military flannel shirt, a pair of trousers and two or three other little accessories. They asked him what was the matter and he said whenever he left the house now he had to put on all his belongings to prevent his wife from giving them to the Belgian Relief Fund or some other of the charitable relief works now bein g. ao energetically pushed by the ladies. STANDARD BANKS FIGURES ARE G0000. -The Standard Bank's statement for 1914, submitted in advance to the an. nual meeting, Wednesday,shows a rather notable gain in prpfits in a year when banking profits as a whole have rather tended the other way. The. Standard's net profits for the ear v P totalled $721,463 94, a gain of $66,368 over those shown last year, equivalent to 5.22 per cent. on capital and reserve to 21 28 on the average capital for the year. I To these refits there las to be added for distribution the balance brought for- ward from last year of $12,217, together with a premium of $239,76o, resulting f from the nil balance having paid ai d of the last issue of new stock, making in $3 which of out 80 all $813.441, and.54o (13 per cent) has been iu dividends ; contributed has been to the $15,000 officers'pensionion fund, $25,000 written off bank premises, $100,000 set apart for depreciation in securities, $25,000 con- tributed to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, $2,500tothe Red Cross Fuud, $1,5oo to the .Belgian. Relief Fund, $too,000 added to the reserve from profits„ and $139,76o from premium on new stock, bringing the reserve account up to $4,000,000. equal to 133 per cent. of the capital, and $531.14x1 will be carried for- ward to profit and loss account for next year. A feature of the general state- ment is the further gtiu in deposits Last year these showed a gain over 1953 of $3,001,439, and a further increase is shown this year over those of last year of $3,o17,836, making a total increase for the two years of $6,o19,275, while the cash on hand and on deposit in central gold reserves amounts to $8,386,- 360 and the immediately available assets 'to $16,o16,168, indicating that the bank is in a very strong position. MERCHANTS are stock taking. Gou bless the Red Cross nurse. HAVE you renewed for your POST? A FEW more weddings are on the pro- gram. you wish get i h the news first hand e t THE POST. DAYS are stretching very noticeably 51222 days. KINCARDINEputting P g i8 uttin u p a vigorous kick over inadequate train service, NEARLY $to 00 were realized by the sale of home made baking by the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, last Fridge afternoon. It was held at the home of Mrs. S. Carter, Mill street. There was a lot of fine cookery. Dr. Strang has served continuously as Secretary of Knux church, Goclerich, for the past 44 years. The number of deaths in that congregationduring the past year was the largest in the 80 years' history of the church, namely 37. HELP US OUT 1N THIS -Iia editor should not be expected to know the names and addresses and residences of all your uncles, aunts and cousins, even if he should see them get on or off ! he train. Send in your pehs0nals. It's news tbat snakes the paper interesting. The offer of Rev. W. D Collins, An- glican rector at. Exeter, to go to the front as a cotnbatant has not been ac- cepted, owing to • inability to pass medical exam. He may go as a Chap- lain, The clergyman soldier has been taking a course ot instrncti'on at the London armories, INSTITUTE Brussels Women's Insti- tute will convene in the audreilce room of the Public Library Friday Feb 19th, at 2.30 p. m. The subject, "Sociability of yesterday and today." will be intro- duced by Mrs, D. B. Moore and Mrs. Wm, Rands. Subject is a good one and will be presented in an interesting manner. Bring your work ladies and come and enjoy this meeting. 33150 BATT. DRV. -As far n5 lies with- in the power of Ole officers of the Thirty third B•ittalion, drunkenness and rowdiness in the regiment will be pro hibited. Col. Wilson is vety emphatic t )nl led rn I sit 1 C and IS strongly on this cin v I p R sup pot byYsuperior officers. !lir gra P determine(1 that the battalion ~hall 1•e known for the gentlemanly conduct of the men comp"sing it, as well RE f"1 its fighting efficiency Dist-ipline on this point will he very at 105 and un desirables will be weeded out. The first step in the "weeding out" pro. cess was taken one morning when time or four who had been drinking Heavily and acting in a rowdy meatier were rlistnissed and sant home, The dry can- teen is being established. GOOD SUGGESTION. -The 0111 1* Pack• et tells of a retired farther by name, George Hendry, who died at Anrota some weeks ago and who bequeathed $5o to the Methodist church at Aurora "in consideration of the use I have made of its sheds during my life -time." There is a suggestion here for some nears of church sheds' when they brake heir wills. 'There is also a better way of attending to the business by the party of Ole first part before lie dies vit. handing n few dollars to the church Treasurer for the sante purpose. All of these accommodations cost considerable money to put them there; with metre or less expense to maintain and the free use of them should be recognized by more than a friendly nod, particularly when the party so accommodated does not contribute to the church finances. We have known of instances where men who paid good shares' toward •hebuildidg were crowded ottt of shed room by people who had not put tip a cent, A dollar apiece would dot be a heavy charge for. the fine ac- commedatiou for twelve months, Atwood 1' a The annual meetingr f the tela0i'- p ance mud Social iefnrnt workers of Jf1Untt was held in the Methodist 011111ch ne Monday. A tweeting of the Methodist con- gregation WEE 11.0,1 Jlnn,1ay Rfterlloon to further discuss the new chord queetinn before final action is taken by the truvlt'» I104041. 1'he \\' 111. S. of the Methodist Cl,tnrrl, w joy ed a sleluh ride 10 the home of hire, \\'111, Vipmel, where their nh.'nlbly ,,sting was held. 11 to, Vi pnn,l' eves presented will) a life HU'rnber-hip eellincate, Nes. J. 'emoted' Made the pie.0en1R1iou. 51,8. Vilanul 1e111.iitI d 8nit1tbly, 50- F 4, 9 0 0 9• 0 0 • 0 9• • 9 • •�.. •. + + • • •A • • FENS LIKE A NEW WOMAN tinllEee4e, 01111818 itoid elhglllit ii•1t'ileti l filio and national songs+ The Party brbke up at 12 p. nl. The 74 't v O 1 of th ! xei tri e C n1il1t1Re s MIRAGULOUS Red Owes Circle have decided to melte tut exhibit of their. supplies on the day o 1@ 1' n t t y f tl t text meeting, Feb. 20th,' In the afternoon in De. Milne's As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. Jitrll.-Refr•eahtnente will be served end ti ten cent fee will be chewed, Piqua, Ohio.-" 1 would be very un- grateful If I failed to give Lydia E- li!1 11 Vii !i;jil l';Iry4l ble k C mpo nd the ,!a. _l't!!If!Pa t deserves, )1l ! for I have taken it at different times I : and it always re - 111 sieved me when jli{i i!I+1 other medicines II failed, and when I hear a woman com- plain 'I always rec- ommend it, Laetwin- ter I was attacked with a severe case of organic weakness. I bad backache, pains in my hips and over my kidneys, headache, dizziness, lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached and I was always tired. I was hardly able to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound on one other occasion, and it had helped me so I took it again and it has built the up, until now I feel like a new woman. You have my hearty consent to use my narno and testimonial in any way and I hope it will benefit suffering women." -Mrs. OAHU TURNER, 431 S. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinitham's Vegetable Compound to re- store their health. 15 you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. pressing regret at not beieg able to attend the meetings, -owing to physical disability but assured the ladies of her intention to du her best to aid the good work. At Ole close of the meeting, M1 e. Vipond'entertained the ladies to tea. Moncrieiff LECTURE ON GERMANY. -0u Tues- day evening, 231.0 inst., Rev. D. Wren, of Brussels, will deliver A Lerluie on "Germany and her place in the great European war" in Knox church. It will be given under the auspices of the r Adult Bible Cines and the proceeds ceeds v will be devoted to the Red Cross funds. People should arrange to hear the Lecture g Listowel CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT, -At a • meeting of the executive of the Perth Comity Temperance Alliance in ICnnx church, it MIS decided to sold a monster Temperance Convention in the int.eteste of the C. '1'. A. campaign at Sitatl'nld about the middle of Merrh. It was left with Pr5sldeet T. L. Hamilton and Field Secretary Rev. John Little, to secure speakers and to secure a building of sufficient capacity to accommodate the big 155 ondttnce anticipated. Field Sem etnry' Little has been doing efficient wolk during the past few months and huts the gt eat- er portion of the country well organiz- ed. Word has been received from Ottawa that the vote will be brought on about June 24. Blyth Sacra,neut will be dispensed in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday, Feb. tuts y 2311. The price of bread Inas increased in many towns in Ontario. Ih BIy11 the price remains at 5 cents a loaf. R. R Sloan was at Mitchell attend- ing a Fruit Institute steeling. His subject was "Spraying and snow to ap- ply theta. A. A. Taylor, brother of AI'ehie Taylor, and who is well known here, has °peneel a brokers offlre at 34 Iinghson Street, South Hamilton, and friends will be pleased to learn of his Surcess. The young people of'1'riaity clinch, Belgtave, to the Humber of 30 as- sembled at the Rectory, Illyth, The thee passed Very pleasantly in games, -.•h •••r••t P •• k • + Cash Shoe Store • • 4. Richards & Co. Offer all Winter Shoes at a. + Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Heavy Felt Baas, reg, $2 5o, reduced to $2 00 t. Men's Heavy Felt Gaiters, reg. $2.50 2 00 Women's Best Quality Felt Bals " 1 25 • Men's and Women's Overshoes and Heavy + Rubbers at ... Reduced Prices We have a few Blankets which we are Clearing at Cost :t' Repairs in Shoes and Rubbers dose promptly. Phone 47x • + + •• + • l Richards & eo• • d•••••••••d•••••Y•+•••••M'•U•'t'• 1••+•+•+.+•••+••+•+i••••••• Clinton CURE OFASTHMA Suffered Terribly for 15 Years Until 8s Tried r�Prelt-a-twee" ]Following are the officials who will ' look after town affair's for 1916 1 - Clerk and Treasurer, D. L. Mac 1 phereon ; Chief of Police etc., Joe. Wheatley ; Night Constable, Robt, Welsh ; Cemetery Caretaker, J. W, ' Shobvook ; Aseoasni', shoe, Cottle ; Pound Keeper, Robt. Mennel ; M. R, 0., Dr. Shaw ; Engineer, Oliver John- ston. The Fire Depot ttoent ie officer- ed by :-Chief, Ii, 13artliff ; Capt„ J. T3, Kerr ; Lieut„ Jae, Finch ; Secre- tary, 4. Glazier. W l ngham The Codnoil has some new propoei- thine before it this year. The dray - men have stated they would be satis- fied to take.ont licenses, provided the licensee carried with it the sole right to move furniture, plow gardens and do other work which has before been done by fartnets and other outside parties. They also want carrying of travellers baggage to be limited to license holders. Council has appoint- ed Committees to ask for tenders for sewer and etleet worst construction. Chief Allen, of the police department. hail been instructed to enforce the Canada Temperance Act strictly. The Council has decided to have She Mnuicipal salaries cot down ten per cent. Fordwich 3. 13. Johnston and James Downey were in Toronto attending the Provincial Convention of Fall Fairs. ]l'urdwich Comedy Company went to Paltilet•etott Friday evening where they put on their play, "The Country Minister" under the auspices of the Angfilirati cluu'ch. Wes. Downey, second eon of Jas. and Mrs. Downey, 8th Con., who has been in the West for the past few years, has enlisted for active service and is now 111 training at the Military Camp, Medicine Hat, gillI tl 1 d morninga union 9etvice y comprised of Ole three congregations was held in the Presbyterian church, the occasion being in commemoration of the 100 Yeats Peace between Great Britain and United States. Rev. Mr. Dobson, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walden v and Rev. Mr. Roberts had charge. MoKillo P Following are the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Municipal Coun- cil of the Township of McKillop held at the Commercial Hotel, Seafortb, on r All mem- bers February 8th r Monday,5. hers wepresent, Moved by Geo. D. C. Harp. and Daniel Regele that the Collector's time for collecting the re- maining extended until the be Council on' March [ th next meeting of L u5 m g tors on condition that he make every effort to collect all unpaid taxes by that time. Carried. Moved by Daniel Regele and Geo. eo . D. C. Harn that the tender of the Seaforth News for the township printing for $70 be accepted Carried. Moved by F. J. McQuaid and John Gobenlock that the Auditors' Re- port as read be accepted and that the r"erk have two hundred copies printed r distribution. Carried. Moved by John Govenlock and F. J. McQuaid hat a grant of 940 be given to the Sea - forth Spring Show. Carried, Moved by F. J. McQuaid and John Govenlock that the Clerk send for 6 copies of the Municipal World for Council. Carried. Moved by Daniel Regele and F. J, McQuaid that Cle k hand over the Assessment roll to Wm. Evans, As- sessor. Carried. Council rose to meet again at the Commercial Hotel on March i5, r915. Huron County. The following are the minieipe 1 ap- pointmentsin Exeter for 1915 : T. B. Carling, clerk and treasurer, 9400 Salary ; \\r. J. Bissell, constable and street commissioner, $525 ; Mrs. John Harness, ringing town bell, $50 ; T. Crews, true IIL0dicer $10. 'Upwards of 30 pupils are now at- tending the Convect Continuation school ea Dubibt. Neighbors of John Hutchinson, 111h 1 ' Con. of East NiBsnt rt, whose barn was recently destroyed by Eire, gath•'red at. his home one evening recently turd presented hint with a purse of $520. An address expressing • appreciation of his pluck and industry was sighed on behalf of the subscrib- er's. Howard Saul, of Mitchell, who is a of age, is n 0 ears ab nil vtakingdeep g interest le the tear for one of his rats. He lately succeeded in win- ning a prize donated by the Toronto Globe for sketching a warship. He NM now embarked on a campaign to raise money by Belling patriotic song books, containing the words and music of the National Anthems of all the allied nations. The books sell at 20 cents each and Howard• purposes giving the profits to the Patriotic Re- lief Society. Listowel was chosen by the South Perth County Orange Lodge as the plaice of celebration for the 12th of July, 1915, at the annual meeting in Stratford on Tuesday. The North Perth lodge chose Listowel some time ago and the South Perth Orangemen fe11 in line. County Master R. W. Switzer, of Rannoch, occupied the chair. Attendance was not l'ar'ge ow- ing to the stormy weather and the genei•al tie.up. Prior to the election of officers, Ald. Bro. S. L. Ireland, of Stratford, was ptesented with a Past County Master's jewel. The officers for 1915 will he as follows :-County Master, R. W. Switzer, of Rannoch ; Deputy County Master, A. Ronnen- burg, of Mitchell ; Chaplain, Rev. 3. George Miller, of at. Marys ;• Financial Secretary, W. H. Douglas, St. Pauls; Recording Seeretatry, G. W. Reagy, Stratford ; Treasurer, G. D. Lowrie, St. Marys ; D. of O., A. Btethom', Kirkton ; Lecturer, J. 0. Monteith, Stratford ; Deputy Lecturers, R. Berry, of Hertyland, and H. H. Hamilton, of St. Marys, D. A. WHITE, E•e, 2I WAI.I.ACB AYE., TORONTO, Dec, 2204, 1913. "Having been a great sufferer from Asthma for a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to sit up at night for weeks at a time) I began the use of "Fruit-a-tives". These wonderful tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and through the continued use of same, I am no longer distressed with that terrible disease,Asthma, thanks to "Fruit-a-tives" which are worth their weight in gold to anyone suffering as I did. I would heartily recommend them to all sufferers from Asthma, which I believe is caused or aggravated by Indigestion". D. A, WHITE For Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any troublecausedby excessivenervouaness due to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion or Constipation, take ' Fruit-a-tivea" 5oc. abox, 6 for$2.$o, trial size, zee. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. The members of the Epworth Lea- gue of the St. Marys Methodist church were pleasant visitors at the weekly meeting of the Epworth League of Cental Methodist church, Stratford. The handsome new house of T. H. it ll est Mitchell. . is near- iDore,ng G. T. R. a ing completion. This will be quite palace -like to 'Mr•. Dore and family after so many years in the dingy old station house. Clearing Sale As I purpose giving up busi- ness I have commenced a clear- ing Sale of my whole stock of Fancy Goode, China, etc. Everything goes at Reduced Prices. Stock must be cleared out in two weeks, so if you de- sire bargains don't miss the chance. • Miss A. B. Ross, BRUSSELS. 1••••••••••••••M } veil, ltdiddolpbr ani t1 i1'itll, w1119 HO tientty Bolsi hie farm has purclui ecl the home , of Uho late Wm, Mcenzie,. Mitchell, North Wssrd. Pelee, 41,1,200, d'e o te Mr, Rudolph h will05 t town in th M,It w Spring, p F1'ederiek Barris, a young dual frnln Rt, Marge, who was engaged with Ina North Awlrrlean life As- Ntll4ttlOe Co at Tot'W1t(i, 55'115 Ltf1'f+atetl ill 1.'oro11tn 011 lit: charge of theft, Hai tis, who is a member of the Y, 141, 0. A., is charged with desennding in- to the loeketerooin and trifling the clothing bolonglog to tncnnbeve who were in the gyttluaelunt or swimming baths. Canadian News 'rite plain estinietes for the year were tabled in the Commons, totalling $Igo,- 309,352, Rural mail delivery routes in Canada increased about fifty per cent last fiscal year. Health returns for Tanuary show that smallpox is prevalent in many parts of the Province, Ontario Government hes given six carloads of beans to the Belgians, the value of which is $50,000. Sir Francis C. S. Langelier, Lieuten- tant.Governor, of Quebec, died at '•Spenoerwood," Quebec, 'All grades of sugar advanced to cents per hundredweight in Toronto and Montreal and twenty cents in Winnipeg. The "Patriotism and Production" campaign was launched at a memorable banquet at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Charles A. Massey, 16e Wehner Road, Toronto, was shot and killed by Carrie Davies, domestic servant, in his own house, George Rochen, Government candi- date, was elected in Terrebonne, Que., by 133 majority over J. A. Beaulieu, In- dependent Conservative. Two hotels and two large educational institutions in the Maritime Provinces were burned, with a total loss of more than a hundred thousand dollars. Private Samuel Ashworth, of the tgth Battalion, and Private Basil Victor Jones, of the Army Service Corps, died of pneuouia at the, Exhibition camp. Toronto.m In an address to the Canadian Club, Prof, A. B. Hart of Harvard University said the Balkan States would resist to the last the overlordship of Germany or Russia. Following tits return of a true bill by the Grand fury, Emile Nerlich was re- arrested, rind his wite arrested, on a charge of high treason. Bail was grant- ed at $r5o,000 R. A. Pringle, K. C., Royal Commis- sioner, reports practically substantiating the charges Y h F. B Carvell, M. P. as to alleged gnat in connection with the g subsidy to the Southampton Railway, A large deputation from the Ontario Fairs and Exhibitions Association wait- ed en the Provincial Government to protest against a reduction of grants but were given an indifferent reception. After a year of operation, Renfrew's fine hatless hotel taiable, bas been ts r declare aite of the businessP depression, sioo 0 inP tock ant on 6 000 stock, , dividend ot $ 5. dvl e 4P the shareholders, only regretting they . did not erect a larger building. 1 Oil Company. a I nternatioua O The an suhsidian•yofthe Imperial Oil rome Y, has been formed to take an interest in two British Peruvian oil corporatious and bring crude oil from Peru to Van- couver for distribution in Western Canada, Hon, W. C. Sutherland, Speaker of the Saskatchewan Legislature, address- ing the Dominion Cattle Breeders' Association said the nutloolt for the current year in the Canadian West was good. There would be an increased acreage of probably 15 per cent. There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick e or she will take he biliousness, fermented stomach etc. if h headaches, b u , Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. All drouI,is, 25e, .r by mull fns Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 CHAMBERLAIN'' TS War Special at Ethel We will Sam i five our Entire New Spring 1915 Stock for Two Weeks only com- mencing Sat., Feb, 6 at 8 30 a. nn, G. Ma Mitchell's Sale of Wash Goods The newest it) Crepes -Plain, Flow- ered and Striped ; Prints, Ginghams, Galateas, Scrims, &c. Remember for two weeks and two weeks only. If yon don't come you will be sorry when you hear the prices. If you do come you will buy yards and yards, This is the first February Wash Goods Sale we have ever held and we are going to make it a success, (The talk of the Country) Flannelettes, Cottons, Sheetings, &c., at a sacrifice. All Winter' Goods to be cleared regardless of cost. 4 Bottles Extract for 25c 8 Tine 0orn, Peas or Tomatoes 25c 3 Boxes Dorn Starch for250 6 Cakes Naptha Soap for....,., tic Who would mise a chance like this when everything points to higher prices. We are etill cutting theft lower. eV -Positively no credit on Sale Terms. Must be Cash or Trade. ao'Butter and Eggs taken as cash and Highest Price allowed. Sale starts Saturday, Feb. 8th, at 8.30 a. m. Phone 2215 Geo. M. Mitchell