The Brussels Post, 1915-2-18, Page 4e eltee • ereessese: **4. 4it)agiztto ; 'pot ettuni whet 1 Olean, We heve auother all rivet theiBeltIsli Isles yeti Will lindet• would attrolene to a Mtge stun. • re-as-eeseeeee•-s-i esef-T . 400n billeteel here Nottinghatte in- depehdent of the 2000 now on the Col- Epworth re.rv.6. to Kitebonm'g army; WIllell are Anniversary PERTH DAIRYMEN viort6DAt PuBituARY t9I5 wick race (retiree and mind yeti these ere going out in a week or so We have ea tie otw, Witys ettiteed is)? titiilk •••••••••••••••*"" AO 444.4.400 I). ItatIlWalli leadiale 11, A.rnott, 1M, I. 0. P. S. ?„ one of the 001311eillms of that' town . • baker, rovitieely St, Marys le now 4 ,,At the inetigueel Meeting' of tire • ()root° Ihserd ot Trade 11, L Of - Se Maryit, Was 010(.101 all Examinee ill • lit gime for the ensuing year, . ' it#061,1010040.40114W0446**0! .1,7'...,1*.S2MVAZgAMIttn,f4C4,110),WW,IMR.V.MOMIMMINIPOIMP.SA 33 new limee le the °Mario Logis. latera When it meets. anlYVAILII KirLitinis "Pay ! i7sv Pey, 1" is being realized, as never before la the Britisb E'rnpire. CANADA 'remperance Act voting clay M Perth Comity will be toward the close of Tune next. A lively campaign Is prOmieed. • Is Saskatchewan it is suggested that every farmer should contribute the crop of one acre of lend to the Patriotic Fund, Some sections of Ontario a somewhat similar rule is proposea. Tere.v%one for tbe State of lows Senate. What did they do? 'rimy . gave the women an equal right with the men to use the franchise. Vote stood 39 to sr, The day of equality wilt soon be here. Movzo, seconded and carried' unani mously that as the first zoo years of peace between Great Britain end the United States expired on Wednesday of this week that we reuew tbe happy con- dition of affairs by at once entering up- on the second century, nun' roux British aeroplanes visited German submarine bases along the Belgian Coast last week and rather shook things up a bit. They all return- ed In safety but Commander Graham - White received a cold bath in tbe sea. Object of visit to prevent development of these banes where marine oraft prejedlci. al to the anise are being pet tete tom- Miseion or horsed on return from at. tacks, a lot of wountled here too, Euglieh and Belgians. One of our men mime home from Ypres, in BeIgnim, on five days torten I had a long talk to birn, 1 -le eater the seem as Melte wounded aims tell us. They are simply waiting for the weather to clear 'rimy are deg well in under groued. for the Wetter and there they ere going 10 stop till it is fit to move, There are far more British troops in France than is generally sup- posed to be. They have even got great bases right back on the West coast Be far as St, Nazalre. These are well away from any otwervai ions of the airmen and when the time contes, they will be resh- ed up on the railways aud into it. An- other thing these men tell ire is bow well they are ltd. My word and they look it too. They get plenty of jolly gond grub and they say they are better fed, now thee the army ever was in peace times. This is Eitcheper agaiu. They tell us too that a were many of our meu throw their lives away in the trenches by not keeping down when ordered to They will persist in trying to look out 10 see what is happening. Then the Ger- 11150 snipers get thern. Well, Charlie, it will be a good job when it is over, won't it, and I thiuk it will prove to the world that England, although public opinion had dubbed her "asleep," With very much awake. Where would ane of us bay° been now *1 11 had not been for the Nee, 1 We hacl a very nice week in Loudon when it was my week off in November. IL is just the same up there, soldiers • very where. Old Wimbledon Common is smothered with them We saw a good sham fight on there one clay Naval men too with armored motor wagons, There is no cloubt we are liv- ing in times that will prove very historical Your old traction engine is still ruuning about. The government commandeered most of the other !orrice, steam and petrol They also took the horses from both laundries and provision places It was rather laughable how they nabbed one of the brewery lorries, He war; coming dctvn the hill with load, just I y Hall Street, when an °Omer melee hirn up. He had to unload his stuff on the side of Lite road, and they bitudled the machine straiglit uft to Bristol. The driver had to take 11 100. 'rhe War Office has kept the drivers in most case:. They get very good pay too, I believe it is /'s a week besides ordinary army pay with food. How would that suit you ? UNcee Sem. hints to Germauy that if hiS ships are interfered with by raiders belonging to the Kaiser's navy there will be something doing shortly after. We wonder who bas been preserving the trade routes of the Seas Since the war began? Great Britain has placed Many of •the Nations in her debt by safe- guarding the commerce of the oceans, even if the toll to the Motherland has been heavy. Tag "wet canteen" is still a subject of attack by people of temperance prin- ciples and the government is being be- siegel by letters and delegations to ' turn off the tap." Why should a soldier boy be disciplined and degraded for getting drunk when the means to put him in such a position are supported and main- tained by the authorities ? Most think- ing people believe the disciplining is done to tee least deserving. FRIDAY of last week Fanny Crosby, the famous and much beloved Gospel hymn writer was called to jell] the heavenly choir, in her 95th year. Her home was at Bridgeport, Conn. In 1853 she was united in marriage to Alex. Van Alstyue, a blind teacher of music. One among the mans choice hymns of her composition was "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." It is said her favorite verse was the last :- "Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, - Jesus has died for me. Firm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shall be. Here let tne wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er ; Web till I see the morning Break on the Golden Shore." Fanny Crosby's memory will be cherish- ed as long as her hymns girdle the world, The Gospel has been sung to many a heart by her marvellous gift. Interesting letter from England received by Chas. Pope, Brussels. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY The armee' meeting of Brussels PabliC Library was held last Stu malty evening. After the minutes were read the anneal retina was presented and adopted. From it are gleaned the foliowing particulars :- Receipts. Legislative Gran t, $75 24 ; Co. grant, 0 $28.00; Municipal vent, $285 0 ; rents, $47.25 ; sale magazines, $13.45 ; views thrown on the ettilvati and interest, $4.00 ; cards & fines. $77.00 ; make the various subject very pilau I _ bal. from 1913 including concerts, to all who heard. In . the evening 9138583 ; total, S800.27. Expenditure. there. was another interested audience. -Beet, light, etc., $148 63; Libeariate Dr. McNally is 0 gond speaker and $150 00 ; books, magazines and papers, his vieit here cannot, fail to do gond. $132 01 ; tepaire to roof, 912985 ; p to d The moving pictures is one of the best ways to impress the importance concert talent, 9113175 ; Sundries, $4.86 ; Cash on hand. 9126257. Value of the work being dealt with and we of books, $3,000 ; valne of Library look for a wider interest under the wilding. $7000.00 ; „„mbey of bunk, new iegulations. Inforcemerie will about 6,000. Insurance, $1,800. The probably be more exacting but to annual sale of magazines for 1915 fol. those who decline to comply under lowed at the close of the meeting, ac- ordinary circumstances the law will cording to announcement, Auctioneer step in and see after it. The mem- la S. Scott wielding the hammer. bet's of Brussels Board are :-Reeve Mrs. Jessie Ketr Is the paitistaking Leckie, (Berk Scott and Alex. Librarian ; J. F. Rowland, Secretary- Stewiti t ; Dr. T. T. McRae, Mediral Treasure', ; W. H. Kerr, Chairmen. Health Officer and R. Oliver Sanitary Other members of the Board ere Inspector. It pays to live up to the Reeve Leckie, Be S. Scott, F. H, Gil- law as the 'coming of an epidemic is roy, A. C. Dames and B. S. Scott. At often an expensive matter, even if the next meeting of Board plans will People escape with their lives. It will soon be elle time of the year to be arranged for the purchase of more start a Olean up and it is to be hoped new bookie ready acquiescence will be accorded. - Dr. McNally will be welcome back to Brussels foe another lecture. Methodist Church, Brussels Sunday and Monday Feby 21 & 22 Rev, J. -W. Ribber% Cheirrnan of Wingham District, will preach at 11 a. tn. and 7 p. m. on Sabbath. Special utusic will be eendered. Monday Evening a Musical and Literary Program will be given Mr, Cyril Hayes, London Pupil of Prof. Duxbury., Manchest- er, will present a miecellimeous program its well as the interesting story of "The Prodigal Son." Musical numbers interspersed. Program at 8 o'clock. ,. Admission 25c. Children 15c. A cordial invitation extended to the public. E. B. PLUM, MIREL I. PARKER, President. Secretary. DEAR MR. KERR t --Very sorry to know that THE POST expired in Dec- embee without my notice. I only noticed it, when my daily paper ex- pired. I certainly apprecial your paper. Mr. Kerr, not only for the local news but also or the information it contains of the Sunday School lesson each week. With kind regards, Yours Respectfully, MRS. J. S. BLAKE, Petrolea, Ont„ Box 684, Feb. 10th, /15. R. McNALLY'S VISIT OontrIbotod 1.1boroIly to Patriotic Pond, as List Shows On September 30th last the Dairy- meitec Aseeelation Weetern Onteeto operied it rood, to be known as the Deli yryieies Patriotic Fund, identified with the dairy y in Western Otititrio. .A circultte letter sent rmt by the Secretary, Feank Herne, of London, to the offieers of all dairy manufaceuring plants suggeeted thee the patrons be requested to volute tat ily enntribele the proceeds flout one de y's or cream or any por- tion ;limed and that eirnployees and Mhos ;mbar:vibe one clay's pay or any Pot thm thereof, Mr. Helms now is - flues his statement, A total of $4,532.• 88 has been received up to date, PetIlt Oontrty-Maple Grove (0 la.), Oat ter Bros., Strafford. (P), David Neil, Se. Paul (S), it111 ; Trowbridge (I3 ) $115 50 ; Black ()reek, (0. F.), T. Ballatityne., Stratford (B.), 9120754; Maitland (C. 0 ), R. H. Hammond, Atwood (S.), $65,26 ; Newry (0, TP.), T. G. Ratcliffe. Atwood (S,), $46.60 Elmo., (C. 11.), Geo, Lockheed, At- wood (8,1, $183 • Elmo, and Morning - tote Id. Tityloe, 'Britton (S.), $193.76 ; Silver Corners (0. F.), Win. Many, Monerieff (S), $77 ; fillinhatik (C. 11,), Jas, Cleland, Listowel, (P.), $67.89; Wallace. (0. 7'), Wm. Manning, Lis- towel (el ), $182 02 •, Marion Beaver, (0. F.). Geo. V. Poole, Palmerston, ), $68.60. On the 000itSion Of Dr. IdeNally's visit to Brussels, in conlieetion with his Wimpy of illustrated Lectures on the questiotl of Public Health, he was greeted with large and interested audiences. The afternoon Lecture ! was given to the pupils of the Coll- tinuation and Public Seltool ttutd others when fine moving pictures were given of the new "Safety First" principles. Nett e came u series halving to do with the care of the teeth ; circulation of the blood ;liquid air ; Tuberculosis it causes and its cure ; the necessity of guarding Public Health, etc. Dr. 'McNally, who is the , Govertunent Inspector for this Dist' ice gaveet clear cut, well defined lecture or running comment On t he East Wawanosh Council Commit met on Feb. M. Members all preselit. but Mr. Stonebouse. Minutes of kat meeting read and colifirmed. Commuideations from several charit able hied t 'Miens asking fin, donations in aid of such, also from the Good Roads Association, were re. ceived and ordeeed to be filed except that, of the Childrente Aid Societe. of Ileum Co., the auto of 91600 being granted in aid of that Society. Tenders for Township printing for the present year received from The Tittles and Advance offices, Wing - lin in and 'The Standard office, Blyth, Tender of The Standard it 913825, being the lowest. Was accepted. Ourrie-Irwin that De. White, of Whiteelim eh, be appointed M. 0. H. in place of Dr. Stewart, who has re- signed. Carried. On motion nf Councillors Irwin and John la Ellie was re -appointed Collectin for the current year tit the stune salary as formerly. «Auditors' report and Treasurer's abstt act for 1914 received and read. Moved by Mr. Ourrie, seconded by Mr. Buchanao that the same as now read be. adopted and that the auditors be paid 91800 each for their services. Larried. • WANTS I - HEMLOCK, 1 • BASSWOOD, : : No. 1 HARD MAPLE: 1 ROCK ELM AND : I SOFT ELM LOGS You have no idea what a tremendous army we have now. Why there are thousands of men training evervwhete. You would be surprised too what little distress there is about. The reason is where men were out of work, tiny have joined the et my. 'rhe wives and child• ren get the separation allowance from the war office. which runs from 15 shill. ings to the wife and a shillings rind six pence a week for each child. Tbe men re also will have a bit trom their own pay. They are forced to do so by the regu- lations, Well, you see, the women are all right with no man to keep earl where meg have left their work to go, in most cases, the masters allow something to those left behind. One big arm, cm Haydn Road, Le eises, the Hosiery place, are allowing the wives and mothersof their men who have gone, full pay independent of the Army allow• mice. Some firms allow half pay, some 5 or 6 shillings a week. The corporation allows the latter. I have no doubt yeti have seen papers where they have been crying sheine on men of England for not coming forward in time of need. Don't you believe it. Yoe can take it from me, that when the actual figures wore to be published it will surprise the world, It is -part of Kitchener's plan to let foreigners think he is trot getting enough 10011 but isn't he? Why Notting - here alone Is averagiug between 300 tatld emo a week. From a little place like Arnold well over 500 men have gOne. When you think for a few minutes that exactly the Same thing le taking place "THE POST" LETTER BOX A letter from Mrs. J. A. McLean, Glenbrae Sask., says :-We are hav- ing a fine' Winter, no snow storms but , a little frosty this week, for the first, I enclose subscription for THE POST. Gordon Mooney, formerly of town, writes from Deleraine, alate, in re- mitting for his paper :-We could floe do without TUE POST, as we look for it like a newsy letter. Geese yon people eve drilling all the yuntig men for war as they are here. Barry, who is a big 6 footer, chills every week. Everybody is well here and hope 11, 18 same in and about Brussels. The writer of the following newsy uote is a daughter of 181 115, Walker, of Turnberry Street, South, and known to many of our readers :- W. H. KERB, DEAR SIR. -I think THE POST sub- scription expires some Lime this month 50 enclosed find $1.00 for 1915. I am always glad to see it among the mail when it comes in, We certainly have one of the mild- est Winters since I catne to B. C. in 1897. The city cows have been at pasture all the thne, which says a whnle 1011 101' Alberni. Times are not very bright but they , might be worse. We have a Getman Jew here as Postmaster, so we always have 801110 MIX news to talk aboue. He has to be very sweet to everyone these times. They are 0011 115 loyal to the British as the Ontario Germane. We have very few young men left in our city, all to the front, Otte wo- man, next door to us, has tht ee O0118 and the airiest was only 21 years old Friday last. Her oriole lives in Wroxetee, J. Davidson. Some half breed Indians are off to the front which speaks volume for them. Trusting all the old friends are well, Yours truly, I remain, MRS. JAS. WILKINSON. Alberni, B. 0., Box 47, Jam Met, 1015, J), Se-Oefite a feys people here 11.1.5 ill with cedar poisoning. Mr. Wilkin- son has his face poieoned with some- thing just now and is euffering Wale - times pretty bad. M. W. ,HOW IT. WORKS- re THE EDITOR ;- There has been a great deal of theorizing about how pi obibition of the 'Mem' traffic would work. I would like. to lay before your readers a few exemples -of how it does work in places that have it. I will begin with a few plares in Bassin. From 01 el the report is prohibi- tion has reduced crime by eighty per cent as compared with previous months. In Voronegh the police repot t that in the first half of July when llie liquor shops were open there were in this city. twenty seven murders or other serious crime% In the first, hair or August when the ligtme shops were closed there were only eight. The Police of Ek ateri 'nosier report that mimes attributable to deritikett- Trees have wholly ceased. In Ekaterimodar the police repriet that crime has -decreased ninety per cent. hooliganiern. has disappeared and the town IS absolutely quiet. In Saratuf the monthly average of criMeS has fallen from one lintrilved and thirty to allay. The asylum for alcoholics is entre,. "The river Sieve. (Innis have pet on new clothes and ere sending money home. In Yaroslow_ the registers of the justices of the Peace show that be- tween the 3181 of July and the 28th or August there wag brought before the inagietrates only one case. In the same length of time before the closure of the licmor shops the num- ber of cases often exceeded Vero hund- red, I will not occupy your valuable space with any more. Theae are enough to show how pt ohtbition works in places where. it is carried out. In this country we seem to heve got the 11011100 that part of the taxes . TRY OUR FRESH BEEF. could not be collected if the money was not first, spent in drink. From t study of bow it Works in other, parts of the meld I ant convinced that °tie taxes, especially in the cities would be reduced twenty live per cent. or more by prohibition. Why not a The money that is spent for ctirne, , poverty, half of the infirmity and in 10 Moine i0 \re.> 4i /// IN POPULARITY / \ RISING There are good points in near- ly all makes of watches - there are few .that are bad in every respect. In REGINA WATCHES you will find em- bodied ALL the good points a %vetch cen IS No, judged from tl.e standpc Las of SOLIDITY, DURABILITY, RELIABILITY. • 4li • • • Sort Ellni Sof 1 elaple Beech and : • , , • Basswood to be out odd lengths. • • All other logs out even length& • • * • Will also buy my quantity of .1 Basswood and klard)vood Read- • : ing Bolts, either delivered al,. ile points, and pay the highest cash . yaids or at G. T. R. shipping I : mice. • • • et For further info]. illation ap- 4, 41, ply to * • * • * 4 PAment, 2 • BRUSSELS • • ** ••* ••••••• A 11 tliewklue, 0. le , of Listce well. him recei Veil Ilia hoportnnt an- peitilliwitt or Pre.ii.leni thn 1/01rtinlier Land Serveyots Asso- S. J. ittlrlilfit, menet pet of t London Hormel sehool, formerly ni' Steelfiell bee simeeelled itt pees' rig in iteguilin. 811.'11111y Vitirs will be i‘VO of lite font. courses necesattry held in lirmisele as follows ; t Ile degree of (loot or of ;retie gegy, t he TIIIMSDAY, 6IAR. 411e 1916 highest edueational degetie 0111011a ide " APR.. Dit, 1915 in Canaan. • The Disbursement Committee of the Stratford branch of lila Plit1101 10 1. 1111. yfoven liew families wet e added to the offielai lest at an tttltl 1 tittt>ttl rust or $562 monthly. James MeMeetiste Emit Niseouri, de- livered tli MilX svel Is, leniffetl, St. t Marys, receutly, an elm log 16 feet • Hc)RsE FAIF?s BRUSSELS The sum of $8 75 was ordered to be 'refunded Mrs. Ingold, being part of taxer] on W. H. Lot 32, Con. 3, Following accounts were paid : Wm. Nixon, gravel, 39.75 ; Treasurer of Morris settlement of Boundary line account, $10.08J. E lellis, balance of salary as Collector, $15.00 ; Mrs. refined nate taxes W. N. Lot 82, Con. 3, $3.75 ; aclunielpal World, Assessment rolls and express charges, $4 95 ; J. Shoehottom, repairing eel - vet t, Con. 10, 60 cis. ; G M. Elliott, grant to Ohildretert Aid Society, $6 00 ; A. Porterfield, fees as Div. Regletrar In 1914, $12,20 F. Ander- ann. eatery 110 Tp. P1 Primmer, $110.00 ; J. \V. Bone and 1 S. Scott Anditore. $8.00 each. Next meeting of Conned For sale by L. Blake, Walton will be held on Monday, March 15111, at 1 p. tn. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk, Perth County • • The Half -Way House, SoritholM, is now lit rip with acetylene gas. Adam Thompson, of Stratford,- eves elected Vice -President of the Ontario Berkshire fireedees' Assoehttion. Mrs. Marlin O'Grady, West Ward, St. Marys, slipped on the iey sidewalk at her home and fractured her 01 111. Perth County Council has struck a rate lif half u mill on the dollar for the Patriotic Relief Fund. Next year another half mill will he given. - At ebibald McIntyee, graduate of Knox College, Toronto, and former resident of Se. Marys, died Jan. 46th, at Holly, Oolorada, aged 64 years. W. R. Davis, the veteran Editor of the Mitchell Advocate, has so far ye - covered from his recent illness that he is able to spend part of each day at his office. Leonard Tremain. 10 year old son of Mrs. Andrew Tremam, Listowel, broke his arm recently while playing in the basement of the public school during noon Mew. Mr. 4ogere, of Fullerton, who erect- ed a fine new residence last Summer is installing a 'modern acetylene gas plant in the same. Connection will also be made with his barn. Telephone poles end wires suffered severely in Mitchell neighborhood as the lesult of the sleet and rain. It is repotted that some 47 poles on the Logan erred between Mitchell and Bornholm, benke and fell, owing to the weight of ice on the wires. Rev. J. W. and Mee, Hrtdgins, Stratford, entertained the teachers of St Paul's church Sunday School, at the rectory. A most enjoyable even- iiwas Spent in music, games, guess- ing cintests, charades, etc., until the small hours of the morning. A hearty vote of thanks was Missed In the Rec- tor and Mrs. Hodgins for their hospi- tality. A most unfortnnate accident befell !Baster Rey Spooner, the eight-year- old son of \V. H. and M1.13. Spooner, 'William se, Stratford, at the rink on Saturday after noon. lite little t'elluw had just left the ice and was entering the cloak room when tI larger boy is said 10 have jumped on him, crushing hint to the floor and breaking hie left leg just below the knee. The accident is a vegrettable one, rts well as very painful 10 the little fellow. • 37 i hes at the top and 41 inehee at the butt, having it total of 1.024 feet. Itt twos decided to commences a mem- bership campaign on Feb. 15, with , the object in view of increasing the ttieunbm ship of S twat ford lien tient- tined Snciety tO 1,000 members, front the 500 member; now enteilled. The gray tett held in the basement of the Methodist church, Mitchell, one Tuesday afternoon amid), befitted the mune. Upwards of 100 women gath- ered and each benught a skein of gray yarn and a number of kiiiteing needles. Seated around the capacious room, the ladies and their needles presented a scene not scion to be foie gotten. They were making socks for the soldiers and a gond cleat of work WAS arcomplished. Tett was served by O number of young ladies and the whole affair was much enjoyed by those present. An admission fee of 10 cents was charged and in this way $15 was realized which has since been handed to the Patriotic Society. Atictlon Sales AtKerION SAL131 OF FARM 5T0015 -P. Psit Soott, Auotioneer. has been instructed by the undereigned to sell by Public Auotion at Lot 4, Oen. 11, Grey, on Tuesdny. Febru- ary 28rd, at 1 p. m , the following live stook :-- 1 mare rising 5 year old suppored In net horse rising 4 years old, 1 ware rising 2 years obi, 1 more rising years old, 2 geldings rising I year, 4 cows P ppoPed in calf, 1 farrow cow. 14 steers rising e years, I year. ling steer, °heifers rising tito, 4 ewe, and n ram, ism due to farrow 1st of Marob, 8 ttilwdt 15 imyymed in pig, 7 pigs weighing 140 is., pigs weighing 60 lbs • quantity id hay , 76 bus, of seed barley,No, 21 0, A. 0 Sale unreserved as the Keynoters ore giving op this form which was laver Terms-All toms of 2500 and under cosh ; over that amount 9 melba redit given on furnishing approv. d joint votes 5 per cent off for cash n oredit amounts, Boy and grain to be ca‘b. DICKSON BROS, Proprietor. •4114.40+.+0+4144•1•4404•414444114.411+ 41+4,44.1.41+41+41+4/4E+•+•444.114•+: TRADE AT LEITCH'S AND SAVE MONEY Special Prices That will be worth your while to Investigate Ladies' Underwear at .... ..... . 21c Metes Fleece -lined Underwear al-- ... . ... ... ... . 480 alett's All -wool Underwear, at 890 Heys' Fleece -lined Utitleewear at 31c Boys' All -wool Underwear at . 47 &78o Ladies' All -wool Hoge at. 21c 43c t Chihli -ell's Underwear 0.1, + Boys' All -wont stockings at 87c i OMetes All -wool Sox at ,.. hildren's Hose at 21c 480 t llorse illankees at Men's and Boys' Knitted Caps at... • 48e 081 Ladies' and Alen's $weatet, Onata au(1 Felt Shore at Reduced Pvices. i eading Local and Outside Buyera will be Present, - Clubbing List 1914-15 Tnls POST has made arrangements to club with the following papers said will be sent' to any address (except the 'ite following sti beige pl ions prices :--- - POST and Mail fuel Empire ...... ...$1 60 London Advertiser 1 60 London Ft C`P Press 1 85 - Fetidly Herald and Star 1 85 " enteetil Witness ..... 1 85 1.,,,P..,T11;:‘,1:::i0ci‘eillevssoecittigteel. 12 85 40 Dailies .$2 85 POST and Torinito star 2 85 Toronto News 'i'ttttltttt (41ihc' ., 875 , 3 75 " 'rorootu Win Id. ..... ....... 3 50 0 Alre' tier'. 09 1,0)11 301: Call at the office aliment by P. 0. Order, EXpreeS Or- d& of Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Beinsels, 0111. United States 60 edits exus) tut oseaelseeeeseeele.... s W. H. LOVE ; Funeral Director 1 and Embalmer Orders promptly and cave - fully ateended to night or day. Phone 228. 1 ETHEL, ONT. 0-9.-4.--9,-.--4,-;r-qi- •••e -v -v v- ire AUCTION SALE OF FA RBI OCR, 1M - Am pentium, Soott. Auctioneer, following valunble propertyt-1 heavy draft mare 8 "ears old, 1 heavy draft hor"e 5 yeara 00, 1 driving horse 11 years old, 1 di lying rick and Tile has been instructed by the tvideridant d to by Publio Auction at Lot 12. Con 2, Grey town. ship, on Fi Way, February 111th, Kt I p. , the more 8 years old 1 'notched team of roan carriage heroes 5 and 7 years old respectively, 1 'gelding rising 8 years old sired by Davey Hackney, 1 g• klieg Habig years old eired bv Davey Hacknes, 7 COW, oupposod to be in calf, 1 farrow cow, 4 steere rising 1 year old.) heifer rising 1 year old, pigs 6 months old, 5111900, 4 geese. 76 hens, 1 Massey•Barrls binder. t bias- eel...Barrio mower, t Massey Barris 10,1ace seed drill. 1 disc harrow, 1 sin chi farrow riding plow, 1 twin plow, 1 walking plow, 1 sat iron har- rows. 1 iron waffler, 1 fanning 111111.11111Y iaket 1 hay rook. 1 turnip pulper. 1 wagon, 1 "et boboleIghs, 1 set scales 2010,lbs. 2 Angle bug- gies, 1 road cart, 1 cutter, 2 seta double barn. ess, 2 sots single harness, a quantity of haY, 400 bushels oats, 20 bushel"' barley, rakes. chains, forks, above's, stoves, a quantity of household furniture and other ankles too numerous to mention Mile without reserve as proprietress has sold her farm. TOPOIR:- Ali sums of 86.00 and under cash: over that amount 10 'months credit will be given en furnishing approved Mint notes. 4 per cent per MIMI m off for mall on credit }mounts MRS. EDWARD BRYANS, Proprietress, The People's Column PROPERTY FOR SALE -House and Lot on 51111 St eet Bast with lawn rind fruit trees, stable with drive and wood shed, hard and soft writer, f unlace and bath. Alec, iron safe connected to house. If safe not wanted will take away. Offer for sale oleo frame shop building an Turitberry street North of Standard Bank. R. GI:Ka, Fort William pr lionttn Stamm Brussels. Bull for Service The Short Horn Bull, "Scottish Lad," lar longing to East Huron Agricultural Society. will be kept this year at Lot 5, Com 8, Grey, D. IlloKINRoli. For pedigree, terms, (90., apply to Phone 217 1401:7815 AND LOT for solo on Jahn street ble,Vigeee'llor gra trgift, bfitFuith=1, re°. X8acre in lot. For further particulars as to A,SOMERS ot11'. 5, Scott, Brussels. rlati-8,o., spply to ARK LOT FOR SALE, -The undersigned P offers hie Park Lot Turnberry street, North Bruosels, for sale. There are 5 acres, upon which is a house and horn and a aplendid well Moat of lot is seeded down. For furth- er partloulars Ofi to price, terms. eto apply to 3120. SMITE, Brussels, ARM FOR SAL,19.-The 100 norms known 1" • n- as the Francis (Mates e tate, hot, 5 COO. 4, T. Elmo township, Is offered for sale. 90 acres *." cleared, balance hardwood bush It Is a gond farm. well located and well watered, Only mile front Trowbridge and 8 miles [min Lbsto• • wet or A twoml. If not sold by Februory 25tb, vt- 4918,11 Will bo rented. For further partlaulara • as to petite, terms,4051. Apply3ate, T . D. 114,,_ 11, Trowbridge, • •+ • • • + Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Sec, 05, °hap. 28 a the Stntutes of Ontario, 1 George V, that all iterating having any claims against the aald Andrew Mantles, who died un or about lbe Twenty.? mrth day of ,Ianuary, 1015, are required On or before the Ifith day of March, 1915, to send by post prepaid or de- • liver to the underSignerl, Agent for Joint R. + Prowl' end Olms. 10, ()leaver. Belot P. 0. • Rxeoutora of the said deceased, their Christian • and surnames, addresses and deanriptlens, • the full amount a their claims, the statement 4. of their accounts, and the nature of the security tif any) held by ti... And tart her take notice that after Sorb last • mentioned date said Executors will pro- + aced to distribute the afloat' of the said doom. • ed among the parties enti, led thereto, having di. regard only to the 0151158 of Arbiolt lie shall • thee have had notice and said Executors 11•0011/11MMEMERIMEIR Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Cole& DoughErty YARDS HENFRYN Notice to Creditors !i In the matter of the estate or Andrew IVIcInnes, late of the Township of Grey, in the Cowry of Huron. la tn- er, deemed. A good supply of Fresh Groceries always on han d. + .0111 not be liable for the, said onsets or any A. LEITCHCRANBROO:1107PgrWIZ.Vrvg, °I'in lis 131Vtho Telotg .I. 1 1,111i. 70 .261;10077., ,R.eia F. 0. 4015. t+4•44+4+•+.+...1..+•444.•+.4•44+4+.4.4•+•+•+.44+•+•+.+•+•+• Dated itIntli°Llya 11N is prepared to supply Lite best goods in Winchnills. Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, \Vat - et, Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. 1 14 k At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure. ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- Lurebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon . .... Time Rup Si tigle or Double . .... .... Address and rehire to J. S. SIVIITI-1 88 Cowen:mirk St, Dept. A Stratford, Ont. I *O. 0