HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-11, Page 8Valentines as Usual St. yale/Dtine's Day, Fob, 14 It is a good time to remember rnur Mende with sending a Carc1 or Vltl nttehave e p , We matte suitable for ble f r Olio (Toulon, not the h F9 I S OW , Y, tt l,al ones that -used to be, for these have been succeeded by the Soraller, dafo- ty designs, with appropriate reading, Large Valentines, Drawings of Girls' Heads. &o,, 25c each. Smaller .Valentines, deep red back ground, at 50, roc and r5e each, Valentine Post Cards at 5c each and 2 for 5c. Red Hearts for Decoration. Come in and look over the Valentines whether you want to buy or not. Better Than a r Alary J Keep a Kodak record, of the good tinges now rind throughollt the veer. Writing op a Diary is a bother—making tile Kodak record a continual delight Take a Kodak with you on your next Snow -shoeing Party. Films Developed Printing Done The j' Store F. R. SMITH H DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. run' :i etas .e - PUT in some ice, GRT the posts ready for next Spring's fencing. BREAO-advanced to 7 cents a loaf last week in town, Tun Winter assizes for Huron will open in Go lerich on Tuesday. February /6th, Bailouts "trimmed" Atwood bockey- ites on the rink here with a good mar- gin. TILE tie -op of the mail service made a busy time at the post office when wheels were set in motion, FORD AGENCY.— Samuel Carter bas taken the local Agency for the Ford automobile as successor to 1. H. Gal braith. The 1915 car is a good one. 6 \YEEKs MORE —Tuesday Of last week was Candlemas Day when the ground hog came forth to size up the weather. We doubt if he saw his shadow and has likely retired for another six weeks. PARCHMENT butter wrappers with "Choice Dairy Butter" printed on thefn for sale at low price at nix POST. We add the name of the farm, maker and postoffice if wanted. ROYAL Arch Degree will be Out on in the Orange Hall next Monday evening. The Scarlet Chapter will be opened on March 14th to continue for 7 days in stead of February 14th. Rs0 Cross night at Brussels rink Fri- day evening of this week, Wingham Band, Ladies' Hockey game and also a burlesque match. Rink open at 8 'o'clock. Take in the sport and help the Red Cross. Nom' Tuesday evening Brussels Branch of the Red Cross will meet at 8 o'clock, sharp, in the Board Room, Library Building, to consider forward steps of service. All interested are asked to attend. Doter forget about Cyril Hayes, of London, and bis engagement by Brus- sels Epworth League on Monday even- ing 22nd inst. He has no peer as an elocutionist and is worth going miles to bear. See the advertisement concerning the anniversary on page 4, Wm. Pope, son of the senior partner of Brussels Machine shop, is an officer on His Majesty's warship, "Princess Royal," which was recently in conflict with the German fleet. Mr. Pope has been in the service for the past to years and bas seen almost all parts of the world. Bausssts Women's Institute is anxious to form a Sewing class to begin work about the second week in March, when Miss McKay, from the Department of Agriculture, will be with us to give in- struction in sewing. Fee for to lessons 3s only $t,00 and you will get full re- turns for this small outlay. Plan to take the Course and fuller information will be furnished later. Capt. 0. V. Jewitt, B. A., Mathema- tical plaster of Chatham Collegiate, has joined the 3rd contingent and will go in- to training at London camp next week. He has been pursuing a military course for several Summers, Mr. Jewitt is the eldest son of Rev. George Jewitt, Blyth, and a grandson of Wm. Jewitt, of Brus- sels. It is said the Collegiate may con- tinue his salary, which is $}Boo. We hope he will steer clear of German bul- lets and land home safe and sound. FAIRS AssottAT1oN OFFICERS.—Ont- ario Association of Fairs elected the following officers :— President, J. C. Stuart, Dalmey ; rot vice•President, William Scarf, Durham ; Treasurer, Alexander • McFarlane, Ottervilie ; Secretary and Editor, J. Leckie Wil- son, Toronto ; Auditors, S. R. Agnew, Meaford, and Dr. Atkinson, Embro ; Directors, J E. Montgomery, of Mountain Station ; W. J. Connolly, of Cobden ; J H. Thompson, of Macloc ; Norman McGilly, of Millbrook ; Geo. Downey, of Bolton ; Levi Meager, of Beamsville ; Dr. Atkinson, of Embro ; J. W. Morrison. of Mossley 1 John Far. cell, of Tara; W. J. Hamilton, of Ray- mond ; G. Farmer, of Steelton and E F. Stephenson, of New Liskeard, AN OLD COPY.—This week a copy of Tits L'os'e dated Dec, 3, 1875, Was handed into our office. The 40 years has made many changes in the person- nelof the business men, dere is a list of the Dames of those who catered to the public then :—In Dry Goods, J. Leckie, 'T, Learlbeater, Strachan & Smith and F. C. Rogers. Other names were Duncan McIntosh, woolen factory; Bennett & Ferguson, planing Brill ; Sheriff & Neal, flour mill ; W. R. Wil- b Soh. foundry ; f. W. Dutton, drugs : 1 c Jackson & Hltltiday, tineware and shoes ; s Bit'SSELS High School pupils have an evening at the rink Thursday of next week A MIASQUERADE party will be held in the Town Hall Friday evening of next week. DoN'r forget the sale of Homemade baking at Mrs. le Carter's, Mill street, Friday afternoon of this week. LOCAL 'TEMPERATURES FOR THE PAST WEEK - - lowest during at noon night Thursday. Feb. 4 Friday, 5 78 Satin day, 6 30 Sunday, 7 z8 Monde v, 8 h6 Tuesday, 9 2 24 31 28 27 25 1 Wednesday, to ro t8 _c1— LADY Boarders wanted. Apply at Tun POST. OLOTsa and Timothy Beed at M0On8 OREN'S. PAID gauntlet gloves lost. Will finder kind- ly leave them at Tim Poem. OP'PIOAL —Miss J..7, Allan, Eyesight Special- ist, will be at the Qreen's Hetet, Brussels, Monday next. Hours 480 to 9 p. 111, IINoaaa1QNEp wishes to lease a farm for a term of years. Send particulars to ,TAMs0 EIMNAOHAN, Welton P. 0. LITTLE pigs for sale, ready to wean. FaexR MARTIN, Lot 11, 5th Lina Morrie. Phone 8815, 8 Goon grade Short Horn Heifers 8 years old for sale. All to calve before May let. R. L. MODusALo, Lot 17, Con. 8, Grey. Ethel P. 0. Phone 4118. Fou BALE —A water tank 6 feet high, 7 foot bottom and 8 foot top made of two inch. pine. Also a tank 4 toet long by 2 Peet deep. Three are for sale as I have changed system of watering stock. GEonoe WHITFIELD, Brus- sels P. 0. Phone 4915. Two pure bred Short Horn cows, due to calve in April and May, for sale. .A Short Horn hull 18 months old, with registered pedi- gree, a thorn' bred bull calf 8 months old ' also a Short Horn bull ant' 8 months old. Lot I, Con. A, Tarnberry Township. Phone 40 Wroxeter, ANDREW DOUGLAS, Blaeva le. P. 0. Two Short Horn bull calves for sale. One a year old andthe other 18 months, No better animals in the country. Terms. to suit the purchaser. Have also a young Yorkshire hog for axle. 7A5. Brant. Lot 80, Col. 8, Morrie, Box 207 Brussels P. 0. Phone 287. COMFORTABLE house to rent. Apply to M, BLUE. Pine Fon SALE.— Two young brood SOWe due to farrow about April 1st. Also a thorol bred Berkshire hog, 8 months old, bred from let prize winning stock at Toronto Fair Bargains to quick purchasers, Lot 21, Con. 12' Gray township. Phone 568. J. P. MOINTosE' COLTS FOR SALS.—Two general purpose geld- ings 2 years old. JAS. D. hroN tra, Lot 22, Con. 12, Grey, Brussels R. R. No, 2. —0 --- The Quarterly Board of Wesley Metho- dist Church, Clinton, has extended an invitation to Rev, Dr. Rutledge for a third year in/ the pastorate Dr. Rut- ledge -a few days ago was granted leave of absence for some weeks to have medical treatment in Baltimore. He is a brother to Mrs. (Rev) J. L, Kerr, Brussels. INSTITUTE.— Brussels Women's Insti- tute will convene in the audience room of the Public Library Friday, Feb. 19th, at 2.3o p. m, The subject, "Sociability of yesterday and today," will he intro- duced'by Mrs. D. B. Moore and Mrs. Win. Rands. Subject is a good one and will be presented in an interesting manner. Bring your work ladies and come and enjoy this meeting. Friss •rills --Friday evening, Jan 29111, the A. Y. P. A of St. John's church, is response to a very kind in- vitation. betook themselves in sleigh loads to the home of Win. and Mrs. Bryan, 4th line, Morris, where an en- joyable time was spent b everybody, A choice program of solos, instrument- als, duets and readings were rendered by it ffereut members of the Society, after which various games was played followed by a lunch. A hearty vole of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs, Bryans and family for their hospitality. This is not the first time that the A. Y. P. A. have had the pleasure of spending an evening with the Bryans gamily and hope it wont be the last as they are right !oval entertainers. The singing of Auld Lang Syne and God save the King brought the evening's fun to a close HICK'}' FORECASTS.—The first regular storm period extends over the 5th to the rrtb, having its neuter on Sunday the 7 h Disturbing causes and what to look for, The 'Vulcan influence" lies at the foundation of this and all other storm periods. The Venus equi Box is still in full force, with moos is perigee on the 7th at last quarter on the 6111 and extreme South declinationon the Ob. Pacific coasts and mountain regions will have growing storm Con - [Lions by the 5'11 and 6th, Falling arometer armee to warmer growing loudiness and storms of wind, rain and now will arms in extent and forcers Ivey pass Eastward and Southward ti cross the country from the 7th to tate loth. These storms will he crossing the Central Mississippi valley about the 811r and 9th with barometer r sing and cold clearing weather advancing from the West and threatening storms approach- ing the Atiantie coast states, 'Thus, three di.tinct)ve pliates of weather will prevail in these extremes at the same time Each section will have Its turn at each of them as the changing am- nions move from West to East across he country, Donald Scott & Son, general store ; jun. Dolson, grocer and baker ; W. H. McCracken, grocer ; G J, Ament, grocer and baker ; Wm. Harris, musi- cal instruments ; B. Belcher, black- smith and carriage maker ; T. English, ea,riage shop; Wm. Moore, marble works ; Mrs, T. W. Tait, dressmaker ; A, W. Thompson, watchmaker and Jeweller ; ID, Stewart, photo gallery David !toss and S. Smele, tailors ; Watson & Brooks, Carriage shop; Jno. Duncan and Wm, Knechtel harness d Makers; Town & Burrows, lime worsts. t People We Teak About I Soerote4y and 'Treasurer for 1015, '-Tindall Ritchie Was In Toropto last week. Mrs. P. Scott is At Seafnr111 visiting her lntit her and sister, Q. N MuLeron made a bosiness trip t0'i'eronlo thisweek. Miss Mary )g. Ross Is enj tying a few holidays with Monition friends • Mrs L. Ru; ran, of 131uevule, Was re n -%win' old hien} ski ' r Brussels g i ps n ru segs this week. Miss Kate Denman, of Coo. la, Grey, spent the week end ip town with rela- tives and frietds, Mrs. Askin has been laid up for a few weeks with peuritis but we hope she will soon be better, Mr, and Mrs. Mcletoeh, of North Dakota, are the guests of Councillor and Mrs, Muldoon this week. Miss Grace Du,vsier, of I'orooto, will sojourn et the home of Mrs W. H. Mc- Cracken, Brussels. She arrived last week, funs. Garuiss, formerly of Morrie township, who is now living in L stowel, Was fu Brussels on Monday atteudlu15 10 business transactions P. and Mrs. McMartin and chi'dreu, of Beamsvide, were visiting at tate home of W. and Mrs. Wilton, Brussels, slur the past week. They were former residents Earl Beeker; of Cavalier, North Dnkot.e, who has been holidaying here with relatives and old friends, left for his hone lest Monday He enjoyed his stay in Brussels anti we hope he will soon get back again. J, A L'lidlaw, of Saeramen'o City, CRliforuia, was here on a visit with his sister, Mrs. George Jackson, of Mill street. lie was a former Tuckersmith` boy and went to California 24 years ago. Itis 7 years since he was here 61Y Laidlaw spent a good share of the past year in the Northwest. Church Chimes Next Sabbath is Peace Sunday and services dealing with the subject will be held in the sevetal churches. Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Minn discoursed forcibly on "Godliness" in connection with rue series he is follow. ing Rev. D Wren preached last Sabbn h evening on "TIte Red Closs " I' has a graod mission • in the present great struggle in the East. Rev Mr Maim will have for his sub- ject next Sabbath evening ' The 1.'0 y..ars of Peace between the British Em- pire and the UuitedS.ates " Ou Sabbath, 2191 and Monday 228 I the Epworth League anniversary will be observed. Rev 1. W. Hibi err, Chairman of Wingiem District, will preach at both services on that Sunday and an A.1 program has been art.,ngetl for Monday evening. Read about it on Page 4. At the Methodist church on Sunday next there will be special services in eommem' ra ion of The Hundred Yeas of Peace between the British Em,iire and the United States of America '1 he pastor will preach special sermons at both serviees ap propria!e to the occasion. Morning suhject '"rhe Prince of Peace," evening topic "Is United States justified in her present attitude towards Great Britain 7 Can she remain netttrel ?" Blyth A sitting of the Division Count was held before His Honor Judge Holt, iu Industry Hall on Friday. There was only one case, Beaver ve. Johnstone, which was settled in favor of the de• fendant. The Presbyterians have been taking a vote for the past two weeks for oth- er new elders to Lake the place of two who have died and one who has left here. The result of the voting was that Duncan Laidlaw, Harry Young and R. B. McGowan received the high- est number of votes. The young ,}loin of the town held a deuce in the Lornmercial Hotel on Friday night. A. number who were invited were unable to attend on ac- count of the rainy night and the bad state of the roads, but there was a good attendauee. The Clinton 6 piens orchestra furnished the music which was highly appreciated. Atwood Rev. D. W. Snider, General Secre- tary of the Lotd'e Day Alliance, con- ducted services in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, in the Bap- tist church at 2,30 and in the Metho- dist church at 7 p. en. An appeal was made for funds to carry on hie work. The funeral of James Donaldson, aged 83, held from the residence of hie ,ep,,, James, on Saturday after/Joon to Blum Centre cemetery, was conducted by Rev. Dr. Hooses. Deceased was (me of the pioneers of Erma lynij resid- ed there Until tnoving to Atwopd pn retiring feon farming. Airs. Dunn, of Portage la Prairie, is a daughter. 1VII'. Donaldson was a life long Liberal. ELefA FAtt51ER8' INSURANCE 00,— The annual sleeting of the policy holders of the Elmo Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held in the AgticulturalHall, Attwood, on Tues- day, January 201.h, a goodly number of members being present. J. S. Cowan was atppointed. Chairman and J. R. H1lmmoud Secretary of the meeting. Minutes of the last meet• ing were read and confirmed. The financial statement of the affairs of the Company for 1014 and the Audi- tors'report,.which elnosved that the Company had hada prosperous year, were read and adopted. The ad- visability of allowing policy holder's to use gasoline engines and acetylene Iightuing plants without affecting their policies was discussed and it was resolved to consider those articles, in future as ordinary farm machinery providing proper care be exercised in their use aod that no gasoline be al- lowed to be atoned inside the risk. James Jt, Thomson and W. 11. Jolly Were ie,appointeci Auditors for 19I5 and J. K. Baker, JI -4/4 MCOIoy tyrttl T. E. Shearer were re-appoitiud Directors for the ensuing year. The board of Directors, composed of J. S. Cowan, S. J. Love, Jas. Moffatt, D. B. Grieve, George Cleland, John Mo- blot', J. K. J3aker, 'YS E. Shearer Brad A. Stevenson, then met for organ!.• nation, Afi', McOloy being absent on accents} of Illness. J. S. Cowan Was re -appointed President, John McOley, vice-Preaidant, and J, R. Hammond, ,A,pPlicatione for inslaranott were spa. opted 501011111i0g to,$129,000 anti the Secretary woo aothoeiged to lame pollutes alcoortiingly, ' Tito meets adjourned Iill'l'neadtpy, 2ebrultey 10th to meet at usual time and place. NRI TELEPHONE MEETING The amulet }meting of the 13rnasels, Grey anti Murcia Telephone Company WAS held to the 'Tutvn Hall hero on Tuesday afternoon .and was largely. atteittled. Report was read front which the following facts rife gleaned :-' RECEIPTS 0,tah on Mind 1963.,,;,, $ 100 89 Rent of Telephones . 709 25 Rent of .lilxtoualons ..... 13 75 Movaub Telephones 15 20 Tolls ..... 160 00 Rent, of `rooms 88 00 Dehcut urea sultl 1579 18 Interest and payment Deben- :. tures unsold 927 11 Interest On Deb, account 9:3 81 &, Thuell wire ......... .. 3 00 Loan Debenture a 0011101, 1000 00 $4763 09 EXPENDITURES Capital ae, poles, wire, etc....$ 1500 77 Maintenance supplies 406 99 83 00 100 00 44 00 10 00 960 00 649 92 805 00 241 55 97 96 88 62 26 81 41 75 65 78 Directors fees Sec. and Treats. salaries Clerks and Collectors salary. Auditors eatery , Operators salary ., Llueitlam'o salary ..„ Livery .,.,..... Labor conste action Freight, express St Customs. Fuel and light . Taxes Printing Supplies Expenses R. -1L. R. 'Deb, by- law N'lisoellanentle Wall on hand ASSETS Debentures on hand and ac-$ cried Interest 0249 15 14 'plumes ivatalled 700 00 Anuu!1.0'fleet ed from sir b- Seribet s 1914 for rnainten- anre 38 25 73 51 21 88 $4763 69 ;1Ltterf,tl nn h)tud repurchase Dell Telephone 0........... 600 00 'toile unpaid .. ...... 90 05 Phone 3'1,t,1 aild exteneion un- paid • Stank mi' hand Cash on hand 158 1.0 208 00 495 20 21 88 $8522 38 LIABIM TIES Overdrawn arcs. from Deb. benture account. „ $ 1000 00 Almond to balance 7522 88 $8522 38 The former Board of Directors was re -appointed, viz :—F. S. Scott, R. Procter and Wu,, Cameron. Thos. Miller was re-eiected Auditor, A vote of thanks was passed to Brussels Council for the satisfactory and help- ful work they have rendered in furth- ering the interests of the Telephone Company. Regret was, expressed at the absence of Director Procter, through illness and the hope enter- tained for early and complete restora- tion. Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Co. is a well managed and well sustained public utility and one of the largest in the Province. Some patrons find fault at the large quota of chit chat that ie done on the party Bnee to the delay of urgent messages. The Women folk are blamed in some instances for keeping the lines hot, School Reports So13oo1 REPORT —Following is the report of S. 8. No. 8, Morris for January. Pupils examined in Arith,, Spell., Lit., Gram. !total 350. Jr. IV.— Ernestine Sellers 82, George Brewer 03, Lorne Turvey 51, Charlie Souelt 48. Se. III,— Elva Warwick 85, Cameron Mustard 68, Charlie Bosnian 64, Cora Soucb 65, Jr. III.— George Fell 72, Winner Kerney 64, Ethel Garniss 62, Frank Gentles 51. Sr, IL—Marjoriu Granby 80, -Winnie Allen 67, Harry Garniss 64, Elmer Forbes 63. Jr. IL—May Warwick 80, Alfred Johnston 70, Jack Alien 50, Fred. Brewer 54. Jr. Pt. II.—General Work Walter Sellers 484, Janet Ain- Vettie 405, Fraser Mustard 309, Bertha Souelt 381, Charlie Warwick 342, Adella 'Purvey 316, Doris Allen 282, Lillian Garniss 215. M. E. FRYFOGLE, Teacher•, SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the report of 8. S. No. 10, Morris. Se. IV. Exam. in Jiiet„ Geog., Spell., Read — lat'y Miller 76. Jr. IV. -Harvey Rnbettenn 78, Addisoro Fraser '71, Hazel Robb, Sr. III.—Recta Turvey 88, Christie Forrest 87, Elva Ramsay 86. Jr. Ill—Spoiling Johnston 84., Margaret Miller, Jr, II.—Exam, in Comp., Geog., Spell., Read.—Gortie Rnbertsnn 95, Gordon Moffatt 90, Janet Millet 89. Prot II.—Exrtin. in APibh„ Comp„ Spell.. Read,—Lougee Fraser 01, ( ;edit Eckmier 88, Mabel Johnston 84, elnegaret McDougall 88, Jessie Messer 79, Laura Johnston 76, Harry Until) 70, Dtutcen McDougall 50, Genrgs Oat ter 61. Pt. I --.(Excel- lent) Florence Eeltmier (Good) Clarence Johnston, Willie 'Peaeoclt, Cameron Miller. B. 141gSEB, Teacher. Mise E. G. Mitchell, teacher of St. }Marys, is quite ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, 6C16AI At0o0x,—In Morris township, on lrebruary 7th, 1915, to Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Aieook, Jr. Ft son. EDW:natue.—In Vancouver, 13, C., onJan. .22nd, 1915, to Mr, and Mrs. 0.1r. Edwerds (form- erly of W roxetert a daughter. WATSON.-111 Morris township on February Qth, 1915, 50 Mr, and :Mrs. Bert Watson, a poo. mI EO RorMTON.--7n Howtsk, an Jan. 26th, 1818, Verna Edna (Mho,. wife of Robert Ifois, ton, aged* yenta, end 6 months. TDllNDUrr.—ln GI by township, on February 1916, Dorothy Mny, infant daughter of Thos. and Ma 261 Tara bull agged 1 week, That4aa,—Tn Winntptg, on 'Feb. 4111, 1015, Alice Trench,granddaughter of Ere, Jno. Gibson, of Wrexoter, aged 20 ea y re, el THE STAN OF CANADA. D OFFX 11�� cte TORONTO TAM-1311ED 1613 ']"'HE business man who has lI customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere Will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. lowland, D ITO Manager. AUCTION SALES YODNG Short horn bulls for sale, Also Tf Tn l800Ar, l8 en. tem.—PermnStook, f U plea totvnuiif fors with nralnten 1.01 1O, Brinae25, Itroy to t r&o., L , O 7 Gray, Oslo oro No, t2,o Phone 2879. tf R. served at 1 p. m. James barter, Prop , F, S. Scott uo Farna'r, F$nttuArtY MO.—Term .stook, hn• piemente, etc., Lot 12 Oo1. 2, Grey township.. Nage unreserved at t p. m, hese. E, BRRYAN8, Proprietress, Is. 8 Scott Auctioneer. TDasney, i3'gnHIIARY 9R A.— Farm stook, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK,—F, Grail etc„ on Lo. 4, Con, 11, Grey toWnehlp, e B, Scutt, Auctioneer, has been matt anted Sale at t p. in. Monson linos., Proprietors, by the underalgned to sell by Public Auction F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer, - at Lot 4, Oon. 11, Grey, on Tuesday, Palma. pry hard, at 1 p.1n., the following live etoclt ;- 1 mare rising 6 year old supposed in foal, I horse rising6. 4 years, 1 mare rising 2 MFR. 2 gelding,' riring 1 year, 4 cows supposed in calf, rl 80 51 00 1 farrow now. 14 steel's rising 2 years, 1 year - 00 110 ling steer, 0 heifers rising two, 4 ewes and n 1 75 1 76 ram,1 sow dna to farrow let of Maruh, 8 Rows 76 75 onppoeedin pig, 7 pigs weighing110 chs„ 10 25 20 pies weighing 80 Ma, quantity of ay, 76 bus, 62 58 or seed barley No. 2t O, A. 0 Sale unreserved 7 56 7 00 ne the proprietors ere giving up this farm 15 00 12 00 which was leased. Terms—Alt sums of 55.00_ 85 82 and ander cosh ; overthat •antotu,t 9 mentheredit given on !arnlsbing approved joint notes. 5 per sent off for cosh n oredit omouuts, Hay and grain tobe cash. DIOKBON BROS, Proprietor. Auction Sales BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats - Pess Barley Butter Eggs Hogs Hay Potatoee per bus The People's Column PROPER TY FOR SALE'—House and Lot 'on Mill Street, East, with lawn and fruit trees, stable with drive and woad shed, Bard andsoft water, furnace and bath. Also iron safe connected'to house. If safe not wanted will take may, Offer for tale also frame_ shop Stan Standard Bank n8. GgitiloY,aFort William or Nonce Gsaar, Brussels. To Whom it May Concern I bog leave to retract and.apologise for any statements made by me regarding the conduct of Mr. John Oliver, of this Village, and having now learned that I was entirely mistaken in the source of My information regarding him, I wish to say that I regret having made nae of any of the remarks or insinuation, complained of or any other words,' which ndght have a tendency to Injure him in his character or general reputation, FRED. HUNTER, Bull for Service The Shoat Born Bull, "Scottish Lad," be- longing to East Huron Agricultural. Society. wilt he kept this year at Lots, Oen,8, Grey, For pedigree, terms, &a„ apply to Phone 217 D. MORINNON. 11•110.c AUOT70N SALE OF FARM 8 0010, /kV PosstaNi's, &0,—P. S. Scott, Auctioneer has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 12, Cot 2, Grey town• ship. on Friday, February 10113, at 1 p in.. the following valuable property: -1 heavy draft mare 8 rears old, 1 heavy' dee ft base 6 years old, 1 driving horse 11 years old, 1 driving mare 8yenrs old, 1 ma toned team of roam ca, riae8 horses 6 and 7 years old reaneotively, 1 !gelding rising 8 yenta old sired by Davey Hackney,. 1 gelding rising 2 years old sired by Davey Hackney, 7 cows supooned to be in onlf, 1 farrow cow, 4 steers rising 1 year old. 1 heifer rising 1 year old, 5 page 5 moat he old, 5 ewes, 4 geese. 75 hens, 1114assey-Barris binder, 1 31n8- seyHri -ars mover, 1 hlnscec Perris 70.1/00 seed drill, t disc harrow, 1 at ogle 00 naw riding plow, 1 twin plow, 1 walking plow, 1 et Iron har- rows I roc 3 s1nturni1 fanning Wei wagon, 1 os 1n se, z hay rack,! tocols pul20 l l ngl1 set bp -1)13104)m 105.1 cotter, 2 set, 2 utile bug- gies, 1 road rate, 1 artier, 2 nein double harn- ess, ahs single im0 bu t e arpy or boy, 4alt bushels hers ants, shovels, b 5,0,05 abarley,qurakes, hone hforks, niture nd a quantity of household ,, m furniture and other o•ticlen too nu pretc mons so Palo forwithout emsma'am,— A tsortiofproprietress.has sold her farm. Terms: — All same ii,o,, and adder rush: over not amount 10 menthe coedit will he given on fper iehingannum ap518 for ed JE On notes. 4 per cent per annum Oft for sash on credit ninetieth MRS, EDWARD BRYANS, Proprietress, 00”.e0ee..ee®eesleomosefoof • The Proof so 01 W 41 a The u diin " 'rho old shying '"1'ho proof of e a ( f • the pudding' is in the eating o + one and 1s true also 85 it." true t td 1 iNttl I a regal Oleg Otlr tH BLOQRQQi' a D GCb2.tf;li C6JRE We .chid this favorite cough e Rentpdy i['creasing in pool- : 1ari 1y ovt+ry sett0' from the fact ,. that tlti,an who once }tae, it fled 65 It so satisfactory that they loop upon it an one of . thole house-. Larontcdiea, • Yrnti.ttic] tice no'clatnbe with it We p-guat'ttotee every bottle to give tp satisfaction oe cheerfully return O the price paid for it. M Not only 15 the quality right but 7' we put lb Up in , at larger bottle g them any other cough Remedy it]' bhe market at the. atone' pr'lce, . ty 20C per Bottle at a 00 W te el to a 0 tt H a 0 dt 0 0 10 vl 0 0 v p 0 m) O 7A 0 9 0 8 0 e Y ® _ o kik • DRUG STORE r • sooneetve01800' 13tict02eeeens4r Free to Farmers D n y a to ggravy corn. Ir crease your twin want in find Ont how to ant national ow vial i, at presentovur e>) 01> the national 81i t.1811. j,rt, Wrg, olv'nl1laced on the Muco.sot io_ m 1 -tri Ido!•Alay of Gauntry 0OW. ERS, d b, C1Iie ONTION. SCORN I eft ERs' ASSOCIATION. SOCK, - OO , OW TO ,ROW 885 • M FREE BOOK, -'WOW cheerfully GROW 0W S an -4. nicytee 1' n fro ers, Chatham; mt Ontario, o,,t u Corn P. 8 10 . Ontnrlo, Bout Cmun G,c. P. O. Box 107. Notice to Creditors In the matter of 1 ne rsrn'e of Andrew NIC[ODDS, Into of the Township of Grey, hi the Cuui'yof flume. fa•n1- er, deceased. Norwell hereby given pnrenant to 55o. 56,: Ohap 28of the Si litotes of Ontario', I George V, that all pet'sons having any claims against the said Andrew Malnses, who died on or about the Twentyf myth day of January, 1915, are required on or before the 10(1 day. oil P4 arab, 1916, 6o Rend by poet prepaid or de• liver to the undersigned, Agent tat' John B. e., own nod Cone. E. Cleaver. Ethel P, 0. Executors of aha aairi deceased, their: Christian end ,Rrinintea, addresses ao,d desa,•lptions, the full animist of their claims, the statement of then' aceoultto, and the nature of the aernrity (Many) held by them, And teethe.. Oslo' not i0e that atter Such. lana mention d date aid Ee,00l0ra will pro. need to diatrihuIa theaosrto of aha paid deems. ad nm onto he parties anti. led thereto, Int regard only to the 0bdms of whtrh ho 74h711 than have bad notice and said Exooutore twill net ba lfel,lernr aha e,Hd nn.ets or ons part thereof to any person of whose -claim lie shall not then have reneived nodes. F 8. 800T7', Agent for Executors, Brussels. P. 0, Dated this 811, day afloat nary, 1016, ,„.: Call e('.tfrFrrnerXti :a s X11 rb+' Empire's "Approximately twenty million men have been mobilized in Europe. A large pro- :wrtion of these have been withdrawn from the farms of the countries at war. Even in n«ut<at countries large numbers of food producers have been called from the land to be -lady for emergencies. It is difficult for us to realize what will be the effect on food pro- duction through the withdrawal of several million men from all the great agricultural countries of Europe. These millions cease to be producers, they have become consumers, —worse still, they have become destroyers of food.(" HON. MARTINBURRELL, Minister of Agriculture, Britain must have food—food this year, and food next year. Britain is looking to Canada to supply no g€ that foody Virti are sending our surplus now, but we Must prepare for a larger surplus this year and next year. Patriotism and Production must go hand in hand Because of this need of the Empire for more food, and the call to Canada in that need, the Canadian Depart- ment of Agriculture has arranged for a series of Conferences throughout the Dominion with the object of giving suggestions as to the Wiest ways of increasing production of the particular' products needed at this time. At these con- ferences agricultural specialists, who have studied agricultural conditions and produc- tion throrghout the world, and the best means of increasing agricul- tural production in Canada, will give valuable information and suggestions to the farm- ers, live-sicck men, dairymen, poultrymen, vegetable powers, and other producers of this country. The Canad- ian Department of Agriculture urges you -to attend as many of these Con- ferences as possible, also to watch for other information on the subject will be given in other announcements in ,:,;y newspaper. ATT YO CONFE END UR RENCE Put Energyinto Production of Sta k Foods � The Croverpnlept dogs not ask farmers to work harder, so much as it urges them to make their work more productive, and to produce those staple foods that the Empire most needs end that can be most easily stored and transported, Europe, and particularly 13rltale, wlU need the following staple foods from Canada more than ever before: -- Wheat, oats, corn, beans, peas. Beef, mutton, bacon and ham. Cheese and butter. Canadian Department of Agriculture, OU4wa Caala 111 Poultry and eggs. Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, and turnips, The larger the yield of these staple food products, the greater the service to the Empire, Germany in the last ten years has doubled the average yield of the majority of her field traps largely through better Beed, thorough cultivation and use of fertilizer. And while the Empire's armies are busy putting down German Militare ism, let us at home appropriate the best of Germany's agricul- ture' methods for the Empire's advantage. The Government urges farmers, stockmen, dairymen and other producers to make a wider use of the Free D tl:etlns issued by the Canadian 1:epart- ment of Agriculture. Clip out, All in and mail the couponLelow and get n list of these bulletins. Thep select the bulletins that will be of value to you. Mail your coupon right now, Do not put a mp on e elop Your costaupon the will be "nve0n 110 e. Majesty's Service," VI= IEEE MEDI IMIEMS REM 51511 DM =a Publications Branch Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Please send list of Publications Available for Distribution Name P.O. Address County," ......... .... .....Prov NMNMI NM ME awe 113112