HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-11, Page 5Ire- max xareearaeariecaseeew,venatAssaeataratose ENROL. NOW fyl °:i at the Y LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE y c Thorough Courses taught by 'I Compel ent Teecho's. el For particulars address - EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, P. P,yy Listowel, Ont. '2 4Qeai 72l771929141427111514815 A 1 1/U3INE8 CAROL JNQ, SUTHERLAND & SONS p �yp�vn�lrm,�r� 7p��ppl-IMITED d/aV ATlw b6rs4'r/y VO.Jpr .. V11114P,Ip Wawa WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Ince its the PoNt Office, PitheI. 90.4 VAAL AND CONVEYANCING. ku M SII GLAIR- V V • Barrister Solloitor o onoer 0 over 7 4a r9 0 ,k(, ti111oo-'8tetvart"e elooG 1 dear North of Central hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, nomme AUCTIONEERS. 1.1 S. SCOTT AS AN A'UC'TION - .8. • ls08,will sell 1or bettor prices,to better men, in Iona Gime and Mee (bares OAR any other Auctioneer in Plast Huron or be won't (Marge anything, Dates and orders oan always be arranged at this otlloe or by pummel application, GIZa *U `r(fereVI,C !OIL war ,BRUSSELS GolNO Seers)[ 1001140 NOrtrn ,uprose 7:10 a in Mail .. 10 ..,.11:12 a Express 8:45 p m l Express' .8:52 p in ((,°at.hteihrnx Sii diCzwwC WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express........, 7:52 a in(,Express 11:111a m Express. 1:22 p m Exproos 8145. p in WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. In, and 8:40 p. m. Going West - 12:19 and 9:58 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. Am varargovAmicew kmtasrA gg. One School that Merits the Confidence of the p ,bile because of it H d N f h Grad a worir)e,the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. We train. young men and women to hr skilful n hematite f t a d export Sten �' smelters,Tachers,, Book -Clerks, Cashera rs or Ge a al 'Oeac* Clerks, from f or General Office andasstAssistants in from four to six ti Ins. Oa and nerthem to gat Oatalegue 7rea. ail year. Enter now. Catalogue ire(. (MrYoung and 11 W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. i Principal. ?; net Salle" t.`cii aee?ays isct+a?e YOMA ,0 TRAL // fl ;" q d GC� O STRATFORD. ONT. 0 . Ontario's neat Practical Training I r • School. the have thorough oourees 1� 't nnd experienced instructora to each of Sv y. our three drpnrtments- .a . Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy tgt 0 Our graduates sac errs and yoasI) tld 4 read: oar large, fres ootnlogue. Write .5 t for It at once. 2 D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. NW•ag yu02XlAvtp'AVIli>r..4 rI>YptSrp• ,yAvuyi wrpvor CEN MISIMISEEMEMEIVICAREISEM THE Best Brains ,s® in Canada have participated in the pre - aeration of our splendid thane Stilly Courses )nBfnkiuti Eo0,uticn Ro t Accounting, Cam nuncio) .Art, show 1 Writing, 1 0nr, W nt u Photography, w-nnd I y Ind Short, ops ruin 11ae work S Writing, g and ::,:ot interests Solent the work for pu most ars. Ad you and svelte no for particulars. Addrasa THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 301-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto gliiiiktSZESESSIVERSIBMESIMENEMEMBRIIMINIM COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young Imo• phi are fust p,'eparing in their own houses to gooney lucrative pooltiona as stenographers, bookkeepers, tel ogre, pliers, 0)01 aervnnts 10 , fact every Sphere of notivities, 'lion ,na Retell at college of you so wish, Pnnlltoi(a Riim'• indeed. Inter college any day. 111d1- vidaal instrnation, ]Oxpe't tenohere. Thirty years' experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges. 8peotol course for totalled'. Affiliated with Commercial ]5dnea- tor'sAasooiatfon of (:(nada, Summer' Sones) at tnnteue Spotton Basilicas Col- lege, London, Wingham Business College> GNo, Brommote, W, T. wear!, President, Principal, 61.1610606 tif'6mo JAS, ANDERSON. VETERINARP SUR QEQIV.. Successor to A1. A, Steers, Oaloe at Ander• sun eros. ,Li vary stable, Bruooelo. Telephone No, 29, T, T, M' RAE M. d., M. 0, P., •i S. co, Al 0. it., Village of Wessels. 8Itysi:inn, Surgeon, Aoconehour Office over Standard Pat* DR. F T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto.; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Bur - 700110, Ontario ; ineeenlor Donee Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. (Shoes of ptie Dr. A. Mcllevey Smith Stook, Brussels, Rural phone 46.. ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.B,. M.0.P.,AS.0. 199 Bloor street Nast, 'Toronto Dlooasee Ear, Napo and Throat. Clinical onsistant In Ear, Nose end Throat de- partment New General Hospital, Toronto Poet Graduate Harvard Medical Snhool, Bos- ton ; late -Senior Resident Surgeon Moos, Eye &Ear Alfirmary •.late Clinical assistant in Nose and Throat department .Mass. Gen. Hos- pital• late House Surgeon Toronto General Hoepl tut L•w•L) Bruanela by appointment. OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Phyelolan and Surgeon; Post Graduatecoursee London (Eng.), ,New Fork and Chicago Hos- pitals. Speoial attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. "Eyes tested for gismos, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. 1 Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geonoof Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentlotry, Q7Ace In Ward Block, Wingham ?hone 249. Poet Office box 278 Painioae Extraction, Plato work' and Bridge Work a Specialty DR, WARDLIW Honor : graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Da and night calla, Moe opposite Flour Mill, 1i thel, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Pergonal graduate Department of Opphthal- Inology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, .111„ is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over Grewar'e Restaurant, Breesels, on Thurndn , Friday and Saturday of e ver week Ohours 1 to e Pm. Forenoon by appointment,ps, phone 1219. PROUOFOOT, MILLORAN & PROUOFOOT; .. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door trom Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PRoaoronr, K, 0. .1. L. X1LLn0AN WM. Pa0II0r008 JR. Irani hebis Pms NEx'I• Sunday is St. Valentine's Day. Scaooi Board Friday evening of this week. SLIPPERY sidewalks were in fashion last week. ASSESSOR Long is making his annual rounds of BruBs,is POUR dais without a train reminded us ofa olden y d days. DAILY papers were at a premium last week owingto non -arrival of mails. PHUR-DAY afternoon of this week is the time at hording the annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at Gorrie. SUTTER parchment paper supplied of THE PosT. Have'a new choice stuck Keep within tee law by wrapping your butter in the printed parchment. 840 5o was handed to J F. Rowland, Treasurer of Brussels Red Cross Branch, as the surplus from the Assembly held in the Town Hall on Wednesday night of last week. A 800,1E of men were employed last week on the G T. R. section In remot•- ing the snow and ice. First mail train arrived Saturday noon. Mail had beeu teamed from Palmerston and Wingham Ice a few days TNO. H. GALBRAITH, of town, who d arly loves an ermine possessed of oue speed, has purchased the pacing horse, J D. Scott, from Joe Miller, of Belgrave locality A Currie of Brus- sels, wag a far mer owner. SALE OF HOME MADE 130241170 -Fri• day, February 12th, at the home of Mrs S. Carter. Mill street. the Ladies' Aid of the Alethodiet church will have a sale of home made haklug from 3 to 5 30 o'clock p. In. If you want to share 111 the good thiugs, keep tab on the dale and place. QUITE a crowd attended the Monthly Horse Fair Thursday of last week and a number of equines were sold Next Fair will be held Thursday, March 4.11, and wilt likely prove rouser as Spring approaches People with horses for sale should get them ready for that Fair. Pos'rPoNEo -Lest Friday evening was the time set tor' the Red Cross Party at the rink. Owing to poor weather and the train aervice off for neveut Band, the eve, t ryas post- poned The Red Cross society WAS so-ry, if anybody WAS disappointed, but c..»iiered it the wisest thing to do. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE,- Thursday evening of last week the annual meet- ing of Brussels Branch of the Lord's Day Alliance was held in the Methodist church with President G. A. Deadman in the chair. After a hymn wee sung Rev. A. J Mann read the Scripture and Rey. D. Wren offered prayer. Short speech was made by the chairman Meng practical lines and he was followed by the reverend gentlemen , whose names are aforementioned who gave brief, well pointed addresses. Rev. D W. Snider, Travelling Secretary of the Alliauce, was unable to be present ow• ing to the cancellation of trams on ac- count of snow and ice on track. Minutes of last annual meeting were read and the "treasurer's report present- ed, Etectiou of officers followed with the following result: -President, G. A Deaden •11 ; Vice -Presidents, resident Pastors : Secretary -Treasurer, W. H. Kerr ; Executive, Jas. Fox Sud Alex. Sretvart from Melville 0110705 ; J. '1', Wood and s Carter, Methodist church ; end Alex. Brvans and Geo. Colvin, St. John's church. The Pastors were re. quested to Arrange tor a Sunday whet] the interests of the Alliance could be presented and contribution envelopes distributed, returnable in two weeks. Meeting closed with hyntnand the Benediction, The attendance for a union service was small. Sa bildttgeteeccesSeMeeki:edeetaatteeeleetegairsie Morris 01P01007 R12301(P -'Fol lowI 111418 the repot t of S. S. No, 3, Mollie for this month al'' Janlialy. Classes exeu,ined 111 C01nla., Ar11h., hit, anti Daily Wolk 1 Mal ,11.11) Alan 100, llnnor'e 225. S1, )V.-Audtew Nichol 188, Jr, 1 V.-- Nnr»)nn Spelt 153, intoes) A'larke 86 Se, IIL--Metgttret )Annuls 289, Mary AJ*Nab 282, Cecil Somers 281 Margaret, McNeil 103, Lillian Mc- Ateer, 180, John McNeil 106. Jr, IT1, James Duncan 220, Clifford Marks 130 Sr, Ih Everett Nichol 207, Allay, Spelt. 18.4. Jr, I1,- Eldred Miller 102, Verentt Clark 124 Sr. Pt. I. -Miller McAteer, James Shatvt'ing, Mary Alcock, Jr. Pt, T. -Annie (lark, May Cooke, Lottie Champion, Priinall Class.-- Roland Marte, Howard Clark. : F. BitynNS, Teacher. Molesworth Sciroor. REPORT. -Following is the report of S. le, No, 16,. Howiek 'and Grey for the month of January, St', Hyg„ Gong., Spell. and Daily conduct. -J. Mnliereher '77, L. Atmstrong 63. Jr. TV. -Same sub- jects- M, Robertson 77, A, Ar»t- stro'g 76, V. Bowman 04., D. Doig 59, Jr. TIT.-Arith., Tlyg., Gene., Spell. and Daily conduct -G. McDonald 88, 6. Patrick 81, H. Bowman 67, R. Grainger 66. 1:'. IL-F,xamined in same stubjects-M. Doig 85, M. Bow- man 84, E Brow, 75, E. Hislop 73, A, McRer,dter 73, 13. Grainger' 71, G. Uielnp 61. Pt. If.- Examined in Read., Hyg., Arith., Spell, and con- duct -A. Brown 73, W. Doig 72, E. Thomson 71 Jr. I• -L. Lindsay, Al. Grainger, Printer -J. Atnlstl'nng, 0. Grainger, A. Doig. Avenge at- tendancefor the month 19. V. F. ECKMIER, Teacher. Grey SCHOOL Reecder.-Following is re- port er S. S No. 8.:Grey for Jenuat y. Jr. LV. -Exam. in Writ, Arith., Gram. Total 300 Pass 180 Edythe Antes 198 Se. Ili. -Exam. in Writ., Gram Ill Ali[h., Hist., Comp and r a Work. Intal: 525 1Pass 1. Y31 Wilfred Hey 408. Robert Jacklin 4255, Colin McCallum 317. Jr. 111.-JExarrr. in Writ., Arilh, Comp., Language: and Daily Work. Total 600 Plass 360 Leonard Sinclair 577. C.'eil Hall 507, (Elwyn Somers 314, Thomas Jaeklin 209. Sr. 1L -Exton. in Writ-, A,ilh., Ohm., 'Aletnoriz, Liter., and Daily Work. Total 600 Pass 360 Lyle, Aloes'•554, Joseph ( Martin 518 Jr.IL 1 xnw 'r , t h Daily Work. Tutet1550 P,t*s275 Sylvester Reputed 415, May Jarklo, 387, Gnrdnn Lowe 80. Se. I -Exam, in Daily \Vol k. Totai 500 Pass 275 Evelyn Hoy 451 Jun. Reynard 831. Primal y -Exam in Daily Work. Total 200 Pries 120 \Vilftid Keller 101. Winona Frain 127. Evelyn Hoy secured high- est Inm bre of trnuks for perfect daily work (luring J,atsnar•y. IDA. B. FRAI1 Teacher Cranbrook )Mlle du . evening aof i week, 11th inst., a Brix Socil will this held kt the home of Wm. Alderson, A good time lo promised so be sure to attend. Gond program. Report of Senior Room of S. S. No. 7, Grey, for .Ternary, the average per- centage (Mt/dried being given. Ham- m s 75, pass 00. The asterisk indicates absence for one nr more weekly tests. Class V. - Examined in Algebia, Spelling, Genlnetey, Arithmetic, Elsie Sperling 92, Lizzie Baker 86, Sr. JV.-Ex,tnined in Spell., Arithe Writing and 11 sunup, Irene Kreuter 8:3, Stanley Speitati 78, Alfred Knight, '77, Osenr Gum Ratite, 76, Atarie Lnng 75, Stuart Noble 73, Olw•e Lang 71, *Ida Hunte, 56 L•. IV. -Anile Sulall,Jnn 86. Evelyn Bake, 74, Ross Hunter '74, Earl Baker, 03. Sr. ITT.-\Valter Knight, 76, Alex. Sperling 74, Johnnie S,nalldc, 89, Alttbel Speir',,.n67. .L•. 1111.- (lei't 51' Alderson '71. Pearl Schunrk 70, Lydia Steiss 60. Harold Pennington 08, Alex. .Stpiss 63, Chtn'lie Dining 00, *Johnnie Nichol 24, *Willie Sitiela r 52 R0pn)•t of .715101' Room fur Jan»ary. Weekly examinations in Ari11, Spell., Lang. and Liter, Honors 75, pass 00 Se IT. -P. Attlee - ani 80, 10. Rork 74, E Knight 70, L. Be,'rel7, 64, E, Straiten 59, L. Kramer 59, C. Canrerm,57, *V. Alit rhell50, A. McQn,trrle 36, lr. IL -V Hunter 89, R. Noble 66, NT. L"eiking65, F..Srnall- dnn 67, Al, Baker 63 1't. IT -E. Petusinglnn 85, A. McTntnsh 86, Al, Halter *45 Sr, L-Exeellenl-R. Speirun, '1'. Pennington, W. Locking. WOMAN IN elolllfent pletttre of the Wale laid ht. f1 I Cexpiatory N e N , 1 e of the r P tl It' such and martyr's, Haat was listened to with deep hitt:gest, The S,olety had the ,tsafstanc9 of several Jantestowp friends 1, evenlan 's probtam, the TERRIBLEC recitation by Mise Pearl Pan arid T)))uba' by Meagre. Burk and Wal- Iaee being received with wart, tip. Fiends Help in. Lydia E. Pink- Pltulee. klatokl Kerney was an lob mensesu0eess bt his violist solos and harp's Vegetable the other minibus on the woman' were t 11 enjoyable, Some laciest ng Compound. lectures and other features will soon be announced, Cape Wolfe, Canada..-" Last March T waa a complete wreck. I had given up. all hope of getting better' or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what e wreck I was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham'a remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health." -Mrs. J. T. 000X, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada, Because your easeis a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female i11*, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need, The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateillsof women -ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia I'. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has LY restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? Jr. I -Excellent -L. Berfelz, AI. Spad- ing, F. Hunter, W, Speilan, L. Cain- even, Ethel Stnilldon Good' -A, Jeschke, E. Smalldo,, 3. 131ed, J. Mc- Nabb. R. McNAut, F. A, HOUSTON. Bluevale (Intended for last weekl The fine moonlight 'tights of lost week attracted many skate's to the pond. Jas. Carberry has sold his house and lot to Mrs. Rolph and intends re- turning to Toronto next Summer. \V..3. fila*ters has been making favorable progress sines his operation last weelc in the Wingham hospital. There passed away on Saturday, Jtn. 23rd, on theist Cim..of 11orrie Robert Patterson Mothers, infant son of Henry and Airs. Malhets. He was a year, 7 months and 28 days old. The laddie was only a few hours afflicted with that dread disease, spas- matic croup, and the sad clews of his sudden death hos cast a gloom over the home and Community in which he will be ouch missed. Ile was n bright, cheery child, the life of the home. Much aympalihy is extended to the parents and one little brother in the young life cut off. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to Bluevale cemetery and wits largely at- tended by frieudsand neighbors. Rev, D.Thompson condneted the service. The little one is gathered home, With others to Hie fold. Bnt soot) we'll tneet will) 1,11» again Around the throne of God, Short was the little laddie's stay He crone but as a guest, He tasted life, then passed away To his eternal rest. ' LITERARY SOCIETY. -Last week the Literary Society had the pleasure of hearing a blackboard talk faun Presi. dent Haney on "Short cuts in Build- ing," which was vett' peactcal and helpful. Such educational features aro to be more frequent in the work of the Saciet y this season now Chert an excellent blaeltboard has been in- stalled. A. Macl.wen concluded hie account of Montreal,. Quebec and the St. Lawrence, closing with an n01 Va Special at Ethel We will tenet air., one lent ire New Silting 1015 St ,,rk roe Two \Veelts uuly num- »u'hring Sat., Fell 0 at 8 30 ,t. 111. G. M. Mitchell's Sale of Wash Goods The newest in Ceepp,'s-.Plain, Flow- ered and Striped ; Pints, (1iughaurs, Galateag, Se fms, Ste. Remember for two weeks and Iwo weeks only. If you don't come yon will be sorry when you hear Ole prices. Ir you do come you will buy yards and yards. This is the first February Wash Goods Sale we have ever held and we are going to make it a success. (The talk of the Country) Flannelettes, Cottens, Sheetings, R'a., ata sacrifice. .411 \Vile• Goods to be cleared regardless of coat. 4 Bottles Extract roe........ 25c 3 Tins 00rn, 'Peas or Tomatoes 25c 3 Boxes Corn Starch for... 25c 0 Oakes Naptha Soap fur......• 25c Who wonid miss a chitties like this when everything points to higher prices. We ate still cutting them lower. rlifrliusitivet y 00 credit m) Sale Perms. Must he Clash or Trn(le, a cutter and Eggs taken as cash and Highest Price &Mowed. Sale starts Saturday, Feb. 6th; at 8.30 a. M. Phone 2215 Geo. MB Mitchell Wroxeter (Intended for last week) Mies Beatrice Howe returned to Leamington on Saturday. Mea. Geo. tackle is the guest of het• sister, Mrs, E, Cardiff, of Brussels, Miss Evelyn Crawford, of Howick, was the guest of Miss J. Black a few days, 'Phos, and Mrs. Inglie, of Beltnore, spent Thursday with Mrs. Jae, Ritohle, Petry Patterson, of. Dresden, spent two days of last week with )tie broth- ers here, Miss Mabel Patterson has returned front Harrislon where she has been visiting her parents, The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church met at the home of Miss Hazelwood on Wednesday after- notiu. Athos Gorton had a successful sale of farm stock and implements nu Thursday afternoon, Mr. Gofton hag rented his ftu'm to Thos. Grant and expects in leave shortly for Montana. Blyth A number of local Orangemen at- tended the Orange Annual County meeting 115 %Viughem on Tuesday of last week. =Owing to James McMurchie resign. mg as village Treasurer, Joseph Stot here was appointed ata salary of 805 pHs' ILIhtl Ulll. Mis00s Verdi) Asquith, of Auburn, after a month's illness, has returned to 1101 studies in the Continuation Glass of Blytli school. MIs , H. Homey Hlrl ey ie visiting her mother aid family at Holstein andal- so in attendance vat the wedding ..: her Meter, which event t.00k place on \Vednesthty of last week. Ethel Goon MEETING. -The supplement- ary meeting of the Farmer's' Institute took place here on Thursday after- noon, January 28th. Dilworth Hall was the centte of a well attended meeting, Miss McDonald being the President. The speaker for the after. noon was bliss S. Campbell, of Bramp- ton, who gave •art inspiring address on "The Judicious Housekeeper and Homemaker'," also "Horne and School." Choice solos were.well sung by Miss Spence and Mrs. Ferguson and bliss Grace Eckmier gave a piano selection while the Secretary took up the subscription for the Red Cross Society. Those present felt amply re- paid foe the effort to be present, The large audience in the evening gat the joint meeting in the hall was well entertained.Ed. Fulton presided. Patriotic solos were well rendered by Hartley. Menzies and Miss Spence. Recitations, on the same strain, were given in gond style by Mise (Menthe's and Be,glice Oole. The addresses by Messrs. Johnston and Murphy were of special interest to the farmers. Mise CampbelI gave an excellent ad- dress on "The Influence of Women and Alen." A silver collection, a- mounting to $6 85, was taken to aid the Red Otoss Patriotic fund in pur- chasing material for the women folk to make up. The meeting concluded by a hearty rendering of Use National Anthem. Fordwich The boys of the village have made a fine skating rink on the mill darn here. Quarterly Sacramental service was )held 10 the Methodist church Sunday morning. H. W. Cook disposed of his store business in Hanover to Mr. Price, i'ormeriy of. Guelph, and will now give strict attention to his business here. Mai shall and Mrs. Armstrong are getting settled in their new home et the Fordwich . Cheese Factory. The former cheesernake', Mr, Reid, ac- companied by his wife and child, left for their new hpnhe at Pott Hope. A, E. Cooper .and Robt, J. Sander. son•and Miss Verna were atTorooto, the two former to attend the annual meeting of the Shorthorn Association and the Shorthorn sale held annually at the Union Stock yards, and the latter' to visit with Mende. While skating on Tuesday evening, Jan. 2601, biiss Rutherford had the misfortuneto fall on the ice sol f 1 to ce nnd sus- tained a severe straining of the ankle, the 1 As a consequence Hofer r00m pupils had a three days' holiday. Miss Rutherford resumed work on Monday, Feb. lst. Wingham John Quirk was the guest of friends in London. H. B. Elliott, A. Wilford and George Spotton were at Toronto on a business trip. H. W. Dyer, who has been on the sick list for some time, will soon be able to h'eati,)e his worst, W. D. Pringle arrived home from \Vnllaceburg, where ho was attending the funeral of his !nether, The storm of last week did a lot of damage throughout the country to both telephone and telegraph wires. The road was badly blocked, Miss Mae Mason, who has n class in the Methodist Sunday school, enter- tained bee class at her hone the other evening. A pleasant% time was spent in songs and games and a dainty sup- per was served. The town Connell awarded the sur' of $1,200 to the widow of Chester Hill, who lost his life last Fall by a sewer caving in on top of him. Mro. Hill was left with a family of three small children. The train for London did net leave Tuesday, but was ready with two engines steamed up, waiting for the snowplow to come through. It did not arrive until early Wednesday TORTURED BY CONSTIPATION ''Fruit-S-tivosi" Cured Paraly- zed Bowels and Digestion ST, Boten'AcE PE SHAWINIGAN, Q0$.. Feb. 3rd. 1914. "It is a pleasure tome to inform you that after suffering from Chronic Constipation for a34 years, I have been cured by "Fruit -a -fives", While I was a student at Berthier College, I because so i11 I was forced to leave the the college. Severe pains across the intestines continually tortured me and it came to a point when 1 could not stoop down at all, and my Digestion became paralyzed. Some one advised me to take "Fruit-a-tives" and at once 1 felt a great improvement. After I had taken four or five boxes, I realized that I was•completely cured and what made me glad, also, was that they were acting gently, causing no pain whatever to the bowels. All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and take "Fruit-a-tives" for they are the medicine that cures". MAGLOIR1~ PAQUIN "Eruit-a-tives"are sold by all dealers at Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives limited, Ottawa. morning and the teen stated they had great difficulty In getting through, as the ice was very bad on the rails, The C. P. It. also had its troubles through here battling with snow dl ifte and icy mile. On the Palmer- ston and Kincardine branch u0 trains were Iunning. DID NOT WORK. -Responding to a call by telephone from the National hotel, a police officer found Fred. Scott the pioprietor, tri atm' engaged in an P P , encounter c anter with ttvoell known w young men of the town, one of whom was •slued in woman's clothing. The fight was stopped and the cause of it explained as follows':=lf teems that Mr. Scott advertised for a housekeep- er, "between the ages of 25 and 35, no objection to one or two children. If mutually suitable will marry at the end of one week. No triflers need apply." By way of getting a little fun the young fellows determined t0 a ue- wer the advertisement. One of them event to considerable trouble iu "mak- ing up" but even then it was no use. His height and his big feet, the hotel- men fivers, gave him away and then there was a call for help to which the other man responded. In the scuffle the fashionable hobble skirt interfered and the alleged female fell downstairs but escaped serious damage. Then the police officer came. Seaforth The Buffalo- , r' Gc de uh express. bound for Buffalo, running double-header, left the tracks West of Seaforth tit 1.30 Tuesday morning of last week. Fireman Metcalf and Engineer Ross were scalded. Both engines and ex- press car turned over on their sides and pulled the rest of the train off the track. Goderioh Jack Stuarts, son of the proprietor of the British Exchapge Hotel, ap- peared before P. M. Relly on the charge of selling liquor. At first he pleaded not guilty, but later on changed it to guilty. He was fined $100 and costs totalling 110.75. Wm. Pellow, the newly appointed County Constable, laid the charge. Clinton Rev, Dr. W. L. Routledge, pastor of the Methodist church, has been grant. ed a two months'• leave of absence and will leave for Baltimore for medical treatment. Rev. E. G. Powell will supply in his absence. One of the local industries will as- siatin supplying "Jack Oanuck" with the necessary clothing while abroad. The Jackson Company, clothing manufacturers, has received a con- tract for 5,000 pairs of militia pants and no doubt a further order will be received, as this firth bus alreputation. This will necessitate the firm working night and day for some weeks to com- plete the order. Corrie FREE FROM DEBT,. -The Methodist church at Gerrie and Orange Hill has burned the mortgage on their beauti- ful patsonage and d ll the churchPro prop- erty on Ole charge)snu free front debt. Celebratingthe event the geegatiou gatherd and the pastor, Rev. G. W. Rivers, introduced a splendid program of anthems, solos, quartettes, violin selections and read- ings. 'Toward Ole conclusion of the program, the Presidents of Gorrie and Orange Hill Ladies' Aids,, Mrs. L,'. Spariing and Mrs. W. G. Strong, as- sisted the pastor in burning the mortgages, The Gerrie parao»age was built about seven years ago, dur- ing the pastorate of Rev, H. '75,7", 147c- Tavish and is a fine, red brick house, presenting a beautiful appearance both within and without. During the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Hibbert Jnbilee services of the church were AtiM'bFaPr'faie�rereN Wil{;� h.}x.�i�•ii . held and art'angt lilelltli WISUt MAAS thenlfov the pwyl5 4llllttle indebtedness upon the 151itrch property Perth County Largo amount of lee is heipfa Mau, vested in Alitrhell tills week, Saliu'y of Jtev, J. (1, Miller, pastor of Wiest ()bomb, St, Marys, was la. creased 5;1110, Joseph MCC; emit has ncbased alae Butter business front 111n• 1', Baligo, of Dublin, taking possesslon the 1st of Feb. 'There were 82 births, 11 marriages anti 20 deathe registered with Oity. Clerk Lang, Stratford, during Jan- nary, Spying Fair date wee fixed for Thnr'eday, A pvil 15tH for South Perth. Fall Fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 21 and 22. Rev, Dr. MarRae, of Knox church, Mitchell, announced the gift of $1,000 from oue of the members for the Foreign Miaefou Fund of the Presby- terian church. BLACK ICN1oxre4.-Perth and Huron Grand Chapter Black Knights of Ire- land, in annual session at Stratford Friday evening, elected officers as follows :-Oou:ty Preceptor, R. W. Switzer, Rannock ;'Deputy Preceptor; Eli Hodgins, Loran ; Deputy Chap- lain Rev, Mr. Lowe, Lucian ; County Registrar, \Veeley Vanderburg, Por- ter's Hilt ; Treasurer, .1. W. Dodds, Winghaur ; Lecturers, It, McMurray, Bayfteld and Win. Guest, Wingham ; Standard Beams, A. Brethour, St. Mary's and Aid. S. I,. Ireland, Strat- ford ; Censors, George Vanderburg and W. J. Kenny \Vorshipful Pre- ceptor. Walter Derourcey, Lunen, presided and representatives were present from Goderioh, Clinton, \Vingharu, Lucius, St. Marys, Mit- chell and Stratfotd. The next annual Meeting will be held Ju Lucan. Only general business was transacted. MBS. MRTTREW DRNE DECEASED The death of the beloved wife of Matthew Dane, Cm, 10, Township of Howick, 's deeply regretted. tcisco. hre Dane hal) been sullen in R forthe 'h rpeat 7 years I'ruuh the rife, is of several at- tacks of inflammatory rheumatism which left her with a weak heart. Al- though not ieeliegart well as usual she took a sudden cllaugo fee the .worse. Thursday 21stinst., when the d'oetor was called and said she could not live. Talking calmly to the family up to the last, she passed peacefully away at noon on Friday, 22nd ult., leaving a husband and 2 sons to mourn her loss, viz: -George R. Dane, of Toronto, and David W. at home on the farm. Besides these, a brother, 3', J. Weir, of Regina, Sask. survives. Mrs. Dane's tuaideu carne was Agnes Weir, and she was born March 17, 1856, in Township of Cartwright, County of Durham. She came to Howick about 54 years ago with her parents, David and Mrs. Weir, settling on the farm about milesNorth 3 N a•t It of Wroxeter, when she resided until she was mar- ried to Alatthew Dane, on July 8rd, 1878. Mrs. Dane was a loving wife, e a fond mother, and a kind neighbor, al- ways ready to help those suffering or in need. She was a member of the Methodist church and up to the time she became afflicted was a regular at- ttendant. The remains were accom- panied to their last resting place by a very large cortege of relatives and friends after the service was held at the horse, Sunday, Jan. 24th, at 2 o'clock, when Rev. Mr. Rivers spoke from Hebrews 4th Ohap. and 9th verse, "There rentaineth therefore a rest for the people of (40d." Remains were laid to rest in 7407510 cemetery. Pallbearers were David Armstrong, Marshall Armstrong, George A. Dane, William H. Dane, Daviel L. Weir and Waldo Weir, all nephews of deceased. Canadian News 'fudge George 13. Douglas, of Heidi - mend County Court died at Dunnville. The dairymen of Western Ontario have raised 84,500 for patriotic pur- poses, Provincial Government has decided to erect all statue t5 sir James Whitney in Queen's Park, Toronto. James Broad, a Victoria county pioneer, who died at Brooklio, leaves nine cbildreu, five nt the six sons being doctors. M. S. Schell, ex -M. P.. was nominat- ed by the South Oxford Reform Asso- ciation as candidate for the House of Commons. A vote of one hundred million dollars for war purposes is the first item of Government business for the session of Parliament. To snake room for dormitories for the 37th Battalion volunteers, 26,000 cases of calmed goods will be shipped p P ed West- ward from Belleville CanningFactory. Y• . McLeod. Mr s. Milia the oldest resi- dent or` Belleville, who has a great grandson in the artillery with the first Canadian coutingeut, diet) at the age of 97 years, Acclamations in Federal bye•electious were given to Jos. A. Descarries, K. C., ex -Mayor of Lachine, in Jacques Cartier, Que, ; F. Stewart Scott, ex - Mayor of Galt, iu South Waterloo, Out. ; Sam. Donaldson, in Prince Albert, Sask., and Wm. Gray, in Lou- don, Ont„ Conservatives and to A. B. Copp, Liberal in Westmoreland, N, B. lu Terrebonne, Qtteb. ' Area Rochon, Government candidate and Jos. Beaulieu, Independent Conservative were note hutted. if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable - for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digestis -it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass,ohsoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets- they make the liver do its work --they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system, You'll feel Ass in the morning. At all druggists, 25[., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 RLAi'11! CHAMB°