HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-11, Page 4'1tllii ASEAlt. FEBRUARY rt, ret Opposition leader Rowell Visits Different Points Dealt Ste.-- Mr. Rowell, has been down to the Maritime Provinces and to Montreal making addresses on the war and urging upon Canadians a ,greater realization of the responsibility of this country in connection with the European struggle, Some of the sub- jects of. Mr. Rowell's speeches have beet i"Brittaaic vs, Germanic Ideals of Empire, "Canada and the War," "Democracy vs, Militarism" and "The Churches and the War, la addition to his speeches in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Mr Rowell has also addressee a number of meet- ings in Ontario on the same themes. His itinerary on his Eastern trip was as follows :- Friday, Jan, 29, Moncton Canadian Club. Saturday, Jan. 30, Halifax Canadian Club, Sunday, Jan. 3r. Mt. Alliston Uoi versify�and Methodist church, Sack- ville, N. B,, an "The Churches and the War.". Monday, Feb, 1, St. John Canadian Club Tuesday, Feb. 2, Montreal Canadian Club. We thought you might be interested in one or two comments which have been made on Mr. Rowell's speeches on the war, The Canadian War for example, a non partisan paper published in 'lbroato says editorially, "It is bare jnstiee to say that Mr. Rowell has in his speeches shown more realization of what we are up against than any other political lead er who has recently spoken. His speech at Hamilton in which be appeal- ed for more and more recruits and cell- ed for united campaigns for them similar to what theyhave baaad still have to the O'd Land, displayed more states manship and patriotism, more of the essence of unity and of the promise of vie'p-y than anything which bas been uttered in Ontario for many days. His responsibility for striving for unity is no wbit greater than th.r. of e9ery other man each 1o.Ws own sphere, Me Hamilton Herald. Independent, said -'•Mr, Rowell's speech on Satur- day was not merely fervently patriotic bat was practical also. He set forth the obligations of Canadaa t - the Em- pire in the present war and the obli- gations of Canadian men of military age to volunteer tbeir services. Such speeches as that of Mr. Rowell's are needed to arouse our young meu to the needs of the situation and to the real- ization of their own obligations. INSPECTOR FIELD! SREP DRT Dr. Field, inspector of Schools in East Huron, presented the following re- port to the Co. Council :-There were 85 rural schools open in 1914 of these the schools in Fardwieb, Walton, Man- ley and Cranhr,rok have two rooms. The school in No. 5 McKillop. for lack of attendance, but more part,cularly be- cause the neighboring Separate school bad encroached to such an extent on its boundaries that the present ratepayers felt themselves unable to continue to support a school. Of the urban schools, Wingham has 7 rooms to which a kindergarten de partment was added this year : Clint .n has 8 rooms with an additional teacher during the Model School term : Sea.. forth has 7, one of which is a kinder- garten ; Blyth has 3 public school teachers, one of whom has during the past year been engaged d for half the time in the Continuation class • Brussels mss s bas a public school class of four teachers and Wroxeter two, The Continuation schools ie Blylb, •'Brussels and Wroxeter have each now a staff of two teachers, thus enabling the school•s to do much letter work • that the addition to the staffs in Blyth and Wroxeter, are appreciated is shown by the greatly increased atteadance Aggregate attendance of rural schools for 1914svas 2.977 ; the average attend- ance 1,¢3g• The average attendance for the year in Clinton was 310 ; Seafortb, 200 ; and Wingham, 26g Average attendance in Blyth was 88, Brussels rat and Wroxeter 65, The Legislative grants this year to rurais schools amounted to $6,68r.5o, this was a reduction of 36 per cent. from the amount earned. There were two new schools built in 194 One ar Ethel, with two rooms, costing between $5,000 and $5,000 and a single roomed school built at BI ev I e, at a cost s of o0o and is one of the beta `� h v in the County. Attendance at Walton has outgrown its s accommodation and provision must be made for the junior division. Many in the neighborhood are in favor of a Consolidated school and consideration will be given to the _proposal. By amendment of the Truancy Act, Inspectors are requited to notifyP ar n. s and trustees to 5 of violation of the Act In order -to make the notice of Inspec'ors effective,'Pownship Councils should ap. point truancy officers. A mu* larger proportion of candi- dates wet successful at the Entrance ex- amination throughout the Couuty in 1914 lien in 1913. The ltrdytthcial Qoyelijlticut will Sea core legislation to protedt the rights cR'°r1(Nnt loCIitormcd miters who o to the war. e „ ve n s dsi elag a proposal to piece all I gear' litense treater a Provincial col#tmisston. "TRE POST" LETTER BOX ���worth Leafloe s The following la a letter from an old Bu'ueselite, W. J. Halliday, who went West a good many years ago. He bas been te reeideut of Calgary foe many years. Mr. Halliday is a broth- er to the Misses Halliday, of town tend visited here a year or so ago :- FRIEND KERR -Enclosed find P. 0, order for subscription to TEE PosT. We have had a steady Winter striae November but no severe weather. Times are vety grtiet since the war started, but this is headquarters for the recruiting of soldiers and the pay roll for them is about 200,000 dollars. for the month of January in the Pro- vinne so that helps some. We moved to a new house we built last year and the address nnw is 191910th st, Weat. We are always elect to get TEE POST as it is like a lettetofrom home. Yours truly, W. J. HALLIDAY. 191910th St, West, Calgary, Jan. 27th. DEAR MR. KERB. -Enclosed find money order, for "THE POST." I aut always glad to get it. It is like get Ling a tetter fton home. With best wishes Yours truly, ETTA MCNAIR. Miss ISI Nair is a daughter of the late Alex, \InNaie, formerly of Cranbraok, Ont., and ie well known here. She is following her profeesiou as a nurse in Chicago. 828 East 481h St. Chicago, Feb. 2. 1915. Anniversary Methodist Church, Brussels Sunday and Monday 1 Pleb y 21 & 22 Rev, J, W, Hibbert,. Chairman of 1Vingllatu District, will preach at 11 a, m. and 7 p. an, on Sabbath. Special music will be rendered.. Monday Evening a Musical and Literary Program will be given Hayes, 0 Mr. Cyrilr oo London Y Pupil of Prof, Duxbury, AJenrhest- er, will present a rniscellitneous program as well as the interesting story of "The Prodigal Sou." Musical numbers interspersed. Program at 8 o'clock. Admission 25c. Children 15c. A cordial invitation extepded to the public, • 8. 8. PLUM, MRS. I. PARKER, 8ecre tart'. President. December, "Well, Good-bye 1914, we're not sorry to see you go and may we never see the likes of you 'a- gain" sn day we all of ns. It has been a very hard year on church financing. Several of our churches here are very ernbar s efinancially. much d f U 11 4 4 1 But I am pleased to be able again to report the best year in the history of the congregation to which I now minieter. We raised several hundred dollar's more than last year, while we are very much handicapped f•t proper equipment and we have slant men - petition. I enclose you at clipping from the paper here regarding our annual meeting as there ale some in my congregation old who might be interested and -care to know, The total teceipts as tepo•ted there are short of the accord receipts for the year. Item referred to says 1 -"'Tie annual meeting of St. Paul's Pies- byterian church was held on Wednes- day evening with a good attendance. Reports of the various activities of the congregation were presented, and despite the bard year show that good work hoe been done The report of the session was given by the pastor, Rev. A. 0. Wishart. During the year eighty new members were added to the roll, of whom twenty came from the Sunday &,boot, At the present pastor's induction theta were two hundred and seven tnernbets, and now after a careful revision, the membership is three hundred and ninety three almost doubled in two years. The Treasurers statement was presented by 0. J. Campbell, in which i shown c t was eh n that altertin P y K all the running expenses, over $1,000 were paid to reduce a floating debt of some years' standing ; the remain- der of that debt is $500 which will easily be paid off lhia year, A very encouraging Sunday School report t was presented by Mrs. Allots. IG showed that the School supports a pupil ie the Point Aux Trembles School, a native helper in China, a native helper in India, a cot in a I hospital in India, at a cost of $50 each, and gave $40 to the Missionary ! Budget besides. Total receipts were $528. The 0. E. Society sent $175 for ' missions. The Woman's Missionary Society gave $150 for missions, raised $88.50 for the maintenance of the Presbyterian Rescue Horne fo' Girls in this city. and gave $28.75 to the building fund cif the Belfast mission in the Northeast corner 0f the city. The Mission Band has justified its ex- stence by what it has accomplished. It has supportedv pupils two ll lea in a school in India' presented the Sm School with aset of ten missionary books, paid weekly visits to the city hospitals with flowers clueing the Summer for the patients, made five warm comforters wt tom ori is Porour people fn the city, dressed seventeen oltfor children elsewhere, and sent 111158 boxes of clothing to Redcliffe and district,' total The e a C tel moueY raised ed wwe 03 40. The Ladies' 4Aid ltaen m itt- tained its reputation for energetic work, The sum of $431 was raised and spent for local needs. The pul- pit was supplied with flower's, a "Peerless"individual communion slat Was paid for and the Society made itself generally useful and was a real aid to the congregation in many ways, The total receipts from all sources in the congregation during the year a- mouued to 68,010 40. By a standing vote the meeting presented the pastor a most enthuse ns tie vote of thanks for his untiring and faithful efforts in the congregation, expressed their heartiest loyalty and faithfulness eo hire in his endeavor',; 11, build up the Mastersdoth in, K and also I. expressed their eyrnpathy to him 111 the very trying experience through which he had passed at the beginning of the year and the hope that 1915 bad better thine in store for hire," I am sere that the pastor and congregation of Melville church will be thankful when they are installed in the new church a out of which has come to land and which reflects great credit on the Managetnent. I hope that you are keeping well and that bneiness is gond. We trust that before the end of 1915 comes wholesale this t r } v murder of human beings will cease, But we do believe that in enure way or other, unable to be deciphered by us linty, t God will bring gond out of it all, and in some mysterious way his King- dom will be advanced and the fulfil- ment of His promise will be bi ought nearer wherein He says "Phe earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters do cov- er the sea." As I write I hear the bugle calling the men to drill. etre lave here probably Ir`Qfl ,,, v' ' t ,e pick of the .>-. or Alberta, fine athleele ea siendid fellows. It seems tert'ible to think they are plepariug to gn to the bloodiest war in the annals of history. What roust Gael think of it all ? With best wishes, Very Sincerely, A. 0. Worn ART.. 1925-4 St. W, Calgary, Alta. Jan. 28, 1915. HURON CO. COUNCIL • i Following letter is from the pen of Rev. A. G. Wishart, of Calgary, a former esteemed pastor of Melville church, Brussels :- I)b:ARMR RERR.-I enclose renewal r for 1J1 ' 5 forTam PUST Y sloth always t rannes as a welcome visitor week by week. The items of news are tate n fully scanned and I m thereby able to keep in touch with what goes on there. The worst year on record has passed. We all feel like saving "Amen", to a little squabprinted in n,ve'nf our 'papers on the last day of ..tN:�" WAFFRlYM0nxr1N9N,n..'�Wv-AT.:✓4'+M„4CT�!.k n. n el:etl foe' 50O foe � D. It l to t cringe retie and fetniture, the recornattend 00 payment he .made ria County of Huron utas Ito Pulpae friagistrete appointed by them, Ile letter:Of S. DJ. Sanders re supplies for British Govefnntett t, canned polio, etc, recommend 210 action. lie tender for County' printtug We recommend that tender of 1V: H. is et•t' 8t San be accepted, , ROAD AND BIIIUI.an CObtatrreale We reconnteud that the En. giteer be ci'Ihstrncted to consult with the engineer 1.1 County of Perth and if in their ()pluton tete conditions com- ply with tier Bylaw, they take steps for ennettPCti(n of bridges as 8000 as possible. Re claim of F. Kerr, Sivpheu'Townshlp, itt the Matter of the elate accident on the lake 'shore reediN bridge. Recommend 20 in t w 1 $ t full settlemenof said claim of auto accident. Recommend that En rine- etalerutbemitiedminutes. Re t in t 1 1 •. 4.. •••• F • • ♦ z • M H. 6 ♦ WANTS • • HEMLOCK, j BASSWOOD, j i No, i HARD MAPLE i •• ROCK ELM •• • AND • • ELMLOGS ♦ SOFT 4 • b Soft Elm, Soft Maple, Beech and i G ♦ Basswood to be cut odd lengths. mttitl snow guards on Day's bridge, • All other loge cut even lengths, !mulles g y g• recommend no action at )neseut. As a, 11 tui also buy any quantity of ♦ t•egarde a bridge to be built between • Hasswottd and Hardt+ood Heart • - , the counties of Huron and Perth be- Z'iug 'Bolts, eitbet• delivered at •. 1 tweet the Townships of Grey and • yards or at G. T, R. shipping .♦ Ehua, recommend that same be built epoints, and pay the highest cash • if the conditions comply with by-laws. ♦ price. • I As regards bridge to ne built oil bout). ♦ For further information a • ♦ dary between Counties of Huron and laP- i Perth. between townships of Logan :, Ply to • • • P. Ament, - BRUSSELS at • ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • • and McKillop, we recommend that saute be built if the conditions cont- • ply with by-laws. ice motion of Dein- {meeting ein-{meeting and Mulvey, that a grant of • $100 be given nu the boundary be- • tween Hmonand Wellington Comities and the Townships of Howick and Minto, if Welliugtuu County will give { en equal alilnlrlt 1, reCoin mend n0 ae- ii0u. EDJUCATxON CO3fMITTEEs REPORT Re marline of Mitchell and Mulvey, appointing Uouu1y Examinees. Since County Alcatel Schools are abolished there is no Comity Board of Examin- ers. Recommend that the usual grants be Horde to Continuation class- es as itt 1914. We recommend ap. peintment '.f W. D. Pringle, for Weightier High School Board, Wm, Battery, Seal foie h Collegiate Institute. Ray. Mr•Harper,-nCollegiate. le1n r -r - ri apnlr oem of W. L. ailfotl to Godeuoh Collegiate Trustee Boat d. li communications and re- Bruce and Iitn•on. Bad place passes ports of Pn die School Le be Iticto•s+ over the 'Sontll end of a mush, that recommend that repots be printed appears to have a end bottom, butI in minutes and that they receive the could tee no immediate danger. A commNt,dation of this Council for K giving sorb fine and explicit re nrte, deviation road can be got around the Recommend the following amounts be . South end of tura marsh should it he paid leas pupils fens ; Clinton 'Col- requited and I think cheaper than fill legiatr Iasi itute, $3,815 82 ; Goderich, ing the rood up. But' the case of this $3,585.74 ; HNaforl1, $4.050.99 ; wing- road will rest with ,the townships of ham; $8,234-50. Recommend Lite pay- Onlroes and 'lurnbet•t'y until enrh tocol ."f the fnllnwiug amounts :- Hives as the Vonnties assume that nrti n December e Patkbill High School, $141 23; St. p o of it 9th xarniued bridge on lake road .,mi of r Mat ys Onlegiate Institute, $140 04 ; a Stanley 1 v i f i,tewr•l Cellegittle 'Institut r, $9L25 ; shirt Rood and bridge are very low Mitchell high School, $2203 ; Strata ate lain for some distance around is Pard Collegiate Institute. $09. level. It appeared 1mu - let me that the n - let was the cause of writer going over JAILER'S REPORT the road and not the length of bridge. Rer ammend 00 action be taken at present. Some new bridges will he required but, all can be done after the Spine freshets.The total Amount of the oidere issued during the term was $1,479,30. (Contilned from last week) Co. Councillor Elliott, of Stephen, was unable to attend the meeting ate he had ttudergoue an operation. Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, and Co, Clerk Lane, of Goderich, were ap- pointed to the Criminal Audit Board for 1915. An interesting address was given to the Council by Co. Secretary Elliott on the work of the Children's Aid. On motion of Reeve Leckie and Milne Council increased tyrant to t Children's Aid work in the County I from $850 to $500 this year. SPECIAL COMMITTEES REPORT ' Remotion of Harding and Hroen that committee of R. Elliott, Clarnp- bell, Shortreed, Lobb and McKinley appointed and that they get all the information they can and report to this Council fat the June seesion. Re appointment of W. Pellow as a County Constable, that 'no action be taken at the present time. Re letter of Mr. Gaby on Hydro power thet Mr. Livingstone (mrd Mr. Reis be a com- mittee to look after this and report at June session. c0. PROPERTY COMMIT'E County Prolierty Committee re- couuneeded the completing of the wie- i ing of the jail,. Visited it and found` eleven prisoners and found jail ht { satisfrtrtory condition. New type- writer was recommended e trended to beP ur- chased for to t g sugars office ,a suit- able Chair lar Ctn,wu Attorney and new caret for p o the stair leading to Judges room. CLERK'S REPORT Population of Toronto is 534,322. The leach of the University of Toron- to, for the fiscal year just passed was $87,000. All alien enemies must register before February 15 or be arrested and interned as prisoners of tear. Hon. Joseph Martin M. P., for St, Paneree, Eng„ has bought the Vatican - Ver Times and Will edit a new Liberal paper, The Evening Journal. Dr. W. Wilfred Campbell, the emi- nent Canadian poet, addressed the Hamilton Canadian Club urging men to 185non4, to the Empire's call, Xavier Seguin and his wife, tosephine were arrested, charged with murdering Joseph Forget at bis homestead, near Rainy River, by putting atrychuine in 1 hie food. The Oleik reported the followingins an ranee in effect on county property Court House, $12,000 ; Jail, 610,000 ; Jail residence, $2,000 ; House rf Re- fuge, $11,250 ; Contents of house of Refuge, $2,000; Barn and outbuildings House of Refuge, $1,500 ; Contents of barn. House of Refuge, $1,500a EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Re letter of S. M. Sanders re war supplies, recommended no action, That $10 he granted to the Sick ' is Himeji OhIldrettal Toronto. Re circular frame A. Warner, u Secretary of the Trtreteee Association, recom- mend 1111o i u L 0n. Re cn'cular from Municipal Association no action, Re circulus floor Salvation Army, recommend Gifu $20 be granted. Re circular from Prisuners' Aid Society $10 be giantra. Re motion of Elliott and Bissett. ut•kitig grant for Huron Rale He Aael 1(a inn t recommend no g aithrant 11115 year. motion m0 ' tion of L - tt iL+ n yy x era 1(l Ellie 4L for grant of $20 for fi•,were for Court House square, 15001n - mend $J0 be granted. Re motion of Lobb and Mulvey ilial Itgiant of *25 be made t0 the Fainters' Institute and increase of $10 to Women's In. statute, recommended that $25 ,be granted to Farmers' Institutes and $10 to Women's Institutes. rte notion 01 Alitc•hell and Elliott, asking for a grant of $1000 to hospitals recommend grant $700. Re moduli of 3. A. Stewui•tand 011011 for u ran t of b25 each to Se forth Hensel{ arid Clinton Spring Srpt g Shows, the recouuteud that $26 be granted to Agricultural Societies in good standing wbn hold Spring Shows only. Re motion of of Reis and Murnay for giant of $25 to each of the Agelonitural ,Societies holding Fall Shows, recommend that, same be granted, Re motion of Lail it wet teand Hudson for a grant of $2000 to the 4 High Schools in County reeornnlerel creme be granted an terms as formerly. Re motion of Kalb- fleish and Taylor for a grant of $10 to the Beekeepers' Association, recon- Mend no grant this yeat', Ile account raising any more sinking fund. Foi- 1 lowing municipalities had not paid County rates at the close of 3914; Mullett, Tuckeremith, town of Gude- rich. Hensel' and Wroxeter. Acting upon instruciiolle from the Council last year, I saw a number of the mort- gages, and expect, to be utile to retire the sterling debentures maturing next year, without having to put any of Dur actin ities on the market. c0.. ENGINEER'S REPORT Examined the road opposite of L 33, Concession 12, Turober ey, it being the boundary between the Counties of Jailer tepot•led there were 11 in- mates in jell at the present time, 8 for vagrancy, 1 for assault 1 for lar- 1(r 1104 1 For using r ces firearms. That Yg it will be neem:sm•y to purchase 20 cords of wood for the County build- ings use That. the wiring to the jail cnrt•idees, which had been put in con- duit. Perin, had 1•Nn109ed a great dan- ger front fire and that he hoped Coun- cil would see the wisdom of complet- ing the balance of the wiring in the jail in the sante way as an added pro- tection to buildings. COUNTY TRI:ASORER'S REPORT -Gress receipts for year were $184,- 092 20, caa,ing a hank °verdiaft of $9 07. Net actual expenditure on closed accounts 1528 $1,907 20 less than the am'turlt estimated and levied. This esu fortes a surplus for 1915. The amount spent for patriotic pur- poses, $3,508'78 isnot included in this el lemenf, and must be provided for during the present. year. Amount of siukiug fords on hand not calculating accrued iutere t is •1 11 a OB 2S4 as the $ debenture lila ilii $1 . b is 13 OUO you will see there will be no necessity of Clearing Sale As I put pose giving up busi- ness nave a clear- ing Side of my whole stock of Fancy Goods. Olriva, etc. Everything goes at Reduced Prices, Stock must be cleared out ler two weeks, so if you de- sit•e' bargains don't miss the chance. Miss A. B. Ross, BRUSSELS. RACE POISONING To the Editor of Ten POET : Sir -Is it true that the white race are being slowly poisoned off the face of the earth that r met r a e growing smaller, disease increasing, doctors and drugstores multiplying, the insane increasing nut of all pro- portion to the increase of population, and the weaklings and nt1ftt threaten- ing to equal to number those who are able to take care of themselves ? Is it true that the moderate drinker who probably has never been chunk may leave behind him a race of weaklings on account'ol' his self indulgence? Is it true that where prohibition rohibitiun hoe been pretty well enforced ced for a num- ber of years urn•berofyears that 11e insane the weak- minded and the idiots have .decreased 111 wonderful -manner? Is it true that many of the great .nations of Europe have becometre srr alarmed at the degeneracyat e used bythe use of intoxicants that they are trying by masters, handbills 111 1 1ite 3041 other means to warn the people ple of flea danger ? If these serious statetneuts are evert half true and they are 'wholly -true, what kind of people. ate -we that do not rise in a mass as the people did in Russia and demand that cutis poison- ing of the nation shall cease. It is very hutniliuting to find that nations that we have been calling "Heathen" have more care for the national wel- fare and Stability than we. China has conquered in her war against opium A large colony of nem oes in New York with property valued at many millions are found to have less •••••••••••••••••+•+•444444+♦•t•♦+♦•E•♦•FhJ'•'F♦'F♦4♦d'♦+♦'i'♦'FhF• • •♦ 9 Special Prices• • •� ♦ • That will be worth your while to Investigate * • • ••r TRADE AT LEITCH'S AND SAVE MONEY Ladies' Underwear at ...... 21c Aden's Fleece -lined Underwear et 48c Men's All -wool Underwear tat,. 890 Bet's' Fleece -lined Underwear at 81c Boyo' All -wool Under wear at , 47 & 780 Children's Underwear at 21c Ladies' A11•wnol Hose at. 43c 13nys' All -wool Stockings at 37o Uhilcir011'e lime et 21c Men's All -wool Sox at . ...... ... 480 Men's and Boys' Knitted Caps at .............. 430 Neese Blanket.; at, 9811 Ladies' and Men's Sweater Coats and V011811095 at Reduced Prices, TRY OUR FRESH BEEF A good supply of Fresh Groceries always on hand. . A. LEITOH CRANBROOK • • • ♦ • s • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••+•+•+••••••••••••••••••••••+: ' kilol ' half Oita 14 tial00 n e i k 9 blo tto sluraltnling whiles hew., H111111 ow 1 v7 hrttl( the 111 11'3(but t 1 ta eH it h on uhpdoI d the mei of ititoxicanleof all kinds, Recently the greet n1111e nF Prt1•ngrail and 1lnsonty have tn• fnserlpp lay it Impolite vile, t01111(5(5 rho I1sr or 1 vl'I( be'1' and hell 1, tvlalPa, In, t'lc ' of all lbeSe. tante Is it amt time then we Itsk the L151411.1011'. by nn inlrnenae prtitt011 to :to something 1 n 83513 1 Ile nal ion before 11. i 3 100 late ? They tvneto their lieu' mid the routitr,y't tuonvy neer rhildiah non- 8ense, 1301,3 pa1'etl 111 thin game (lobo Wel evil, whioh they 59901 srlue'd 10 101101, H. AIratiet ', Al, 13., Al. 0, P. S, 510 110 FACTS ABOUT CANADA I0111 0,5 0tuuldu I Iuake Oatntcla knntt'n 1" le a sl91111115 99111 MICE. Ill 1110 1Vur Yearn edition for 1015 of that popular booklet "5,000 Pratte about Camelia" compiled by Frnuk Yelgli, of 'I'ornuto, who knows 041.1111da as • probably few Canadians do, Ib is true that be who would know 0113111dat and its n elt g tawith in any Y one year, ar , will ftp(this annual t 't ati(n worth its weight in Yukon gold or Cobalt silver," while as it 1110a11s of making the Dominion known 111 Whet onuulries, itis no lens valuable: Fifty ehaptel'a are devoted to such subjects as Ag 19,111111*, Area, Banking, Con - sue, It,nui5ration, Alining, 'Watteau - tering, Trade, etc., turd a page of Canadian War Facts slow how np•10- date it 55 Sketch maps nee inelieled of aand 1015, the Domini u 1 1867 n i Copies May be had from progressive newsdealer., or by sending 25c. to the Canadian Facts Publishing 00„ '588 Hill on Street, Toronto, Canticle. PATRIOTISM AND PRODUCTION In a plunphiet issued by 110 Domin- ion Government Huron Comity is credited with the following :- 1.1vROn-Thisbunt lits the third L i Y ]nlgest 101014 fol horses in the 1'111• vinoe, 135,228 ; 'Ditch emus, 8(1,151 ; other cattle, 88,330 ; sheep, 25,138 ; swine, 70373. Large quantity of poultry raised,Recund to rely county 111 the Province. Second largest hay arrea50, 141,723. Large grain twee - ages ; Fall wheat, 80,055 ; btu ley, 30,053,. third lai gest acreage of 01115, 130,407 ; peas, 7,419 ; rnen for silo, 17.886 Large runt arm. Superior quality of ()relaxed fruits- act tango 18,114. Of Perth On. thefollotving is said :- PERTH -General feigning end eon - timed improving ; dairyheg a leading feature, Su•etread being a well known cheese and butter market. Consider- able puce bred live stock 1ttieed, iiorsee at hand, 26,047; nilch cons, 33,118; other cute, 60.800; sheep, 12.490 ; swine, 75,092 .A large nurlthee of poultry raised. In 01 chard, 0,178 acres ; hay, 90.923 ; considerable roots for live stock ; corn for silo, 16,173 ll• o\ahtN,at 11293,,967797.; barley, 25,004 ; - Cel at'm South, lot mer commending rlficer0f the 28th Perth Reg'men and for 57 years a resident of Stratford, d:ed there in Inc 8 mh veer. Caretaker Wanted Tenders for caretaker of Melville church, Brussels, will be received by the Sec; Treun„ up to Monday, Feb. 15th. Applicants are ask. edto state salary end duties pertaining to the work can be obtained by applying to JAB. FOX, Ileo: Treae. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK, 121- 205aaaTB V A`0. -F., Scott, Auctioneer, has been Instructed by the undersignedtoasIl by Public Auction ry Lot G, et 1 17, Grey, on Thuradlow ng valuable February 0th, at1 p. e( the mare lowing valopble d nefon 1 daltt Isile 5 years old a geneed In tool, 1 di ett more 70 yeelsy old, 1 2 yeatilrs, 1 gelding rh4(years old, 1 fill rising 2 ybure, 1 gelding ruing 2 years, 1 gelding riemg 1 yrar, 1 driving mere rising 9 care eared b y tl doe 2 n Y Y P owe ant ts. Ip rd to calve In March and A r p a a steers rising 1 yeas, 8 el ers ringising 2 ear, 2aleera doing 1 year lo) -oar dein g 1 yest 1 lumber e u' ivnt 1 et of boWt s harrow lm'a 1 Frost 1 00od cultivn 1 disclew, 1faraow n.,plo stow, ion herrn t double Plus, iwalki8 , 1Ila, I. not iron lfnrrnwy, 1 set 1200 , ] scalae, hay fork, car, pulleys Wad ropes,e hay reek and other articles. Sole un- reserved as the proprietor le riving up the term. Terms -Alt antlla of (11110 and under Dash ; over that amount if coda gtveu on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 par cent off for cash . n o•edit amounts, JAB. (METER, Proprietor, The People's Column r, a r, cbhg mist 1914.16 Tura;. Polar hits luatl1' ltl1'allgel(INllIe to chub tvillt thefullIWlug pal WI81111(1 Pse(except, r t 11431 the Be Y 111 Will ( slot t y United Settee 5U .ufnis cxirA) 1tt Lho following buhserlpthaat pt ices ; - Weeklies Po3'r and moil and )aupire...••, ,$100 " Leudet Ad vet 1leer 1'00 Lorelei) 1'',Nn PI'ess 1 $5 J nntily 11. rttld 11(14 Star 1 85 Alontreal Witness .... . ,., 1 85 ra l'ar(rit,tys Altvacate . 2115 Northel•n Messenger 1 40 Dailies Pour end Toronto Stlu'..,........ • e2 85 ' ) n Ntva.. ......,2 Toronto N 85 , 'J'(l( (11110 (3101)8 3 75 'Peron tn 11311 1,rnpil9.,8 70 Por0nto Wold' 3 50 ,1 Meet User: -.......,• . 3 75 Call .at the etfllre 0r remit. the amount byla, 0. Order, Express Or- der m (registered Letter addt essing THE POST, Brussels, 0111, eta l++...416..d.ptae4.A k .A®.fir.. • LOVE Fit neral Dile-eG`E®f and Embalmer j Ordel:s promptly aunt care- fully al tended to night or day,110111 ns. ETHEL, ONT. a erk and Tile S Brick and all sizes of 'rile are now to be had at the C & Ekijllirty YAR1)S I.1LiNFRYN RAVMANb itt prepared to supply the hest meets in \Cindlnill', 1iol and Wonders Pumps and Statile Fillings, 81101 as Piping. Vat- er Bou is fel 41ork, arc, Reputes to Pumps promptly attended tn. Give me a call. AL HAMANN, l Ill� 1f E-Ahl attb t � .t I'oak A Position $ 031.1 for Fall ' and W- i 6'i$eiiN \Ve have a sound business proposition for a reliable, enert.elir salt soon for this distrIet to 0.11 trait trees, small fruit)) flowering shrub)), ete. Pay weekly,outfit eachtstve territory. i o 7• Over 600 acres of fruit 51:11 'a n0, n , lel str elt wider ot11t3vnttotr \S i• sr.11throughoursales- men (lh•ort to flee consumer and guar- antor) doll very of fresh, high- rade tram Mir flgei(c1Nq ere valuable by reason of the ,-ervire lye give mai tba volume of basleese done. Established e5 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont, P. 5.-11xnd5nann rntningu" nn re0neat either tonmama nt or those wishing Nursery stock, HOUSE AND LOT for sale on John street Brussels. Comfortable house, goat`gc. stable, well, cellar, cistern, fruit trees, 5.e - 34 acre In lot. For further particulars an to Price &a., applyto oArf. tOB,t�tt 'VI Brussels. P ARx LOT FOR SALE, -Tho undoreigntd offers Ma Park Lot Tarnberry street, North, Brussele, for sate. There ore 5 acre,. upon which is a house and barn audit splendid Well Most Of lot is seeded down. tl1 t For fart', u th• JIM.erSMITBrussels, price, terms. quo, spryly to SMITE, FT➢ ARM FOR SAL -The 100 normknown as the Francis` Coates s utate, Lot. 6Con. 1, Erma township,Is offered a ed for sole 06 F e 0100104, balance hardwood bunk It Is a gond farmmile well located and Well miles watered.Only es male tom Trowbridge and 0 uillss from Listo• wet or Atwood. If not sold by Tebruary 25th, 1915, It will be rented. For further par Moe la e ea to price, terms, Rea. A pphv to W M. COAP109, A, D. 51 , 11. Trowbridge, MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS AIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held in Brussels as follows : T1•IUJRSDAY, MAR. 4111, 1915 ItAPR, 1st, 1915 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. 1PTHq ' r eY d a At your 1101110 without pain; danger or operation., My method will cure ap- parently hopeless p-paretltlyhopeless Cases no matter what your age is. or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when? you can b Y be cured . On not wait - Fill In coupon Age Time Rep, ... .., Single or Double Address and return to J. S. sM rrH 88 Caledonia' $t, Dept, A Stratford, Ont,