HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-2-4, Page 40,be truants est
`i H� AY�FEBRfIA Y ,jk} 5
Bingen I for Huron,
;Dale is a short mouth, Get ready for
the coming of Spring,
Tete Red Cross worker both at the
front and in the home community has a
mission to perform -which the angels
might envy,
it• the roads are as bad to Salisbury
Plains as are portrayed by pen and artist
the soldiers should be suppliedwith
aeroplanes to get to and froth camp,
ARRESTED under a charge of high
treason Senator Pnssehl, of Lubeck
Germany. stands accused Even
In the Fatherland they do not
measure up the Kaiser's stard-
ard, The end is not yet but public
opinion will assert itself.
will end in ;August next, Guess more
than he have a wish along the same
route but it appears to be a question of
doubt with armies as powerful as are
arrayed against one another at the
present time.
"SAsETy First" is a good motto up to
a certain point and may save many an
accident and probably lives. It should
be particularly practiced by the careless
as by their neglect many a one is called
to suffer. Geed has been wrought in
thousands of instances by the little sign
of two plain words "Safety First."
It applies to more than the physical.
IT has often been the custom to throw
old boots and sboes after a wedding
party as a token of good luck, There is
a fine supply at Sallsiury, England,
that can be had at a bargain. They
were intended for the soldiers but they
were found so unsatisfactory tbey were
not accepted. Wedding parties should
apply early.
OLD Probs. took the low "dip" last
week aunt frust bitten 'noses and ears
were quite fashionable. Even out in
the West "where they never feel the
cold" some people were frozen to death.
They say they did not feel it and as the
parties cannot speak for themselves we
accept tbeafiiimation.
A Montreal policeman was dismissed
charged with burglary, This is getting
to be a funny world. He may have
been holding his job on the theory that
to 'let a thief lo catch a thief" is one
way of nabbing a culprit, It pars to be
square eo matte what honest
calling you follow.
"MADE in Canada" is on the gain
and not only in quantity but the best
quality. This Dominion has little idea
of its possibilities if it will rise to the oe
casion and make the attempt. Our
tradespeople, mechanics and farmers are
as good as the best of any land and this
is a supreme opportunity to "get busy."
HURON Co. Council did themselves
credit last week by voting $5,000 to the
Belgian Fund and $t,000 per month
to the Patriotic Fund until the Council
cancils it, which will probably be at the
s of the war. A mill on the County
equalization will raise about S42.000.
It is not rt too much to say that st Mr. Ames,
M. P , who addressed the County
Council last week, nad no small in-
fluence in giving decision to the mode
of application. We would like to bave
seen more go to the Belgians.
Bream:roe has the gold fever. coo
foot licenses along tee Saskatchewan
river are being issued by the Govern-
ment for leases at $r oo. Cancellation
will fo'low any fellow who is dilatory in
working his claim. Indications look
favorsble to meeting
with success,
s ess,
This will likely make a flurry in that
locality especial:y if a "find" is made
that will boost the precious metal. It
looks as if a kindly Provi fence had put
almost every form of wealth in the
ground in the West. if somebody
could apply an occasional cold bath to
the folk who get so Feverish that they
lose their head, good would be ac-
complished in the saving of many a
man's coin,
CHANGES are contemplated in connec.
tion with some Counties in the matter
of Consolidated Schools in rural com-
munities. At the present there is only
one such school in Ontario andthat is
located near Guelph. While there are
two sides to (bee i
u st oa of consolida-
tion it is a question that will be upper-
most in the mindsof many until decision
is arrived at. There are features about
the system that appear to have advant-
ages while other phases are not eousid-
ered as favorable, Iu some sections of
the United States Consolidated schools
have been taken hold of with a sweep
and the opinions of many there say "it
is the very thing the doctor ordered."
The question of Education is a wide
reaching tlg one and thebest
and Wisest
eeneiusions are always desirable,
We are lie Kneasing when we Kay the
Motion llidtdret in/the heir lutese, will
be the medium in the retinol, lecture
hail and Variate organizations In both
Church and Slate, whereby facts Bud
figures, pripeiples and great truths will
be taught. A portrayal throughthe eve
es well as the ear is otteu doubly effec-
live. 'Phe lecturer of today has it as his
best ally and the beautiful in both
Nature and Art may be seen with an -
=racy and delight.
Baessees Council is contemplating
one of the most importaut municipal.
Improvements of the slay, in putting
down permanent roadways, Work of
this character properly done is a great
blessing but a poor job, as is sometimes
palmed oil, is an eyesore, money
squandered, end a source of everlasting
regret. It is to be hoped every care
will be taken by the town fathers to see
that each step is carefully considered,
construction vigilantly guarded and
foundations and proper drainage secur-
ed. A large amount of the people's
money will be expended before the task
it completed and the highest efficiency
should be tee prime object.
War as She is Warred
In olden days when war was just
A game of hit and miss,
The armies ranged upon the plain
And fought it out like this.
But now when methods all have
And truth is mixed with lies,
Non-combatants must keep alert
And, while upon the sea, the way
To ward off battle slaughter,
Is to keep one's optics always fixed
Did you read an early "extra" at your
breakfast, Mr. Brown ?
And your coffee --did you like it : did
it pleasantly go down ?
Did you think, above your bacon, of
your peaceful, happy lot ;
Ay, and joke about the figures on your
china coffee-pot?
When your children came around you
and your wife beside you sat
Did you throw away the "extra," say-
aying : "Foolish business that 1" 2
When the women called upon you for
the wounded and their wives,
Wearing crosses on their bosoms, ask-
ing aid for shattered lives,
Did you think about YOUR children,
safe at home in luxury,
Or the children of the heroes who are
dying hourly ?
Did you think about YOUR business
and that treasured
bit ofg old
Or the business e ofthe Empire and its
duties manifold ?
To the Crimson Cross before you were
your eyes awake or blind 2
Did you bless the cause it symbolized,
or poor excuses find 1
Did you make a lying promise and put
on a sorry face,
Or fulfil your obligations—like the
Anglo-Saxon race
DEAR SIR.— EnclosedP le
ase find
one dollar ($1.00) subscription for THE
POST for thin year, We get THE
POST every Monday a. in. We have
had a vel'y fine Winter up to the 20th
inst., when it got cold but is bright,
sunny weather. Do not have enough
snow for sleighing. Things in
general are quiet, waiting the result
of the war. Farmers have a large
acreage ready for crop this year,
Wheat around Moose Jaw was a good
crop this year and prices were good,
We are all well and like the West
where we feel quite at home. Will
Welcome a visit from any old friends
in passing. Wishing you a happy
and prosperous new year and hoping
all are well. Yours Sincerely,
Moose Jaw,
H. R. Swale, a former well known
Brusselite, sends the following wel-
come letter :—
DEAR SIR.—I am forwarding you
a P. 0. order foe a sum to
pay my subscription bo THE
OST till end of this year no doubt
yon will have a place for it if you are
like the rest of us. We are all well.
I have 8 grown up daughters one is
married—Mrs. Bosworth—living in
Toronto ; one is with me in the shop
and one has been in the "Stat" Print-
ing office here for some yeare. Mrs.
Steele is holding her age well but I
am ett n
1 white hair but Iwill be
g 81
next month. Trust yourself and Mrs.
Kerr and family are well. I am still
Epworth League
Methodist Church, Brussels
Sunday and .Monday
IFeb y 21 & 22
Bev. J. W, Hibbert, Gitelman of
Wingham District, will preach at
11 a, re. and 7 p, m, of Sabbath.
Special music will: be rendered, •
Monday Evening
a Musical and Literary Program
will be given
M -, Cyril ri Na
es Landon
Pupil of Prof. Duxbuey, Manchest-
er, will present it miscellaneous
pstoryr am of "tThewePodigal Sonas the resting
Musical numbers interspersed,
Program at 8 o'clock.
Admission 25c. Children 150.
A cordial invitation extended
to the public,
E. 8, P.MRS. 1. PARKER,
8eeretaty. President.
journeying on with a good hope of
reaching home some day, Nothing
to complain of but dots to be thankful
for. Dr. Barber who, lectured in
Brussels, is an old friend of mine.
We have Revd, Mr, Truax here and
he is a fine preacher and is well
thought of amongst us. One of my
girls takes quite a part in church
choir. What a terrible thing this
war is but I believe good will come
out of it in the end. I have faith to
believe so. Remember me to any old
friends who may be in Brussels now.
Many have died. We do not see
many of the friends front up there ay
this line we are on is a through road
from the Western to Eastern States.
With best wishes for yourself and
kind regards to Mrs. Kerr.
Yours Faithfully,
H. 4. SMALE.
Waterford, Jan. 18th, 1915.
Dr. E. E. Bryans, son of Alex. and
Mrs. Bryans, of Brussels, writes the
following characteristic note
DEAR FRIEND.—Find enclosed cheque
for $3.00 and when this runs out call
for some more. - THE POST reaches
here every Monday and I'll be darned
if I know the reason why, but my
wife tries to get hold of it first to read
and she does not know anyone there
but some of my friends. She is a
Western girl. There is a lot of gond
news in THE POST, but you would be
surprised what a difference there is in
10 years. It is practically that eince I
was home. We have had a beautiful
Winter in Manitoba. The wheels can
run nicely yet, but the sleighs really
are better. The weather is very mild
fiocJ Cross Night
Brussels Skating Rink
Friday, Feb. 5
A Fine Time is expected
and a good Crowd looked for
In addition to plenty of Skating
there will be a Young Ladies'
Hockey MBurlesque
and a Bu •1 e
Game withnotba 1
f 1 and brooms
between sides captained
Fox and G. N. McLaren.
Prizes for yaunges boy and girl on
skates ; the oldest lady skating
(numb e over. 80 years) and other
Good Music by
Wingham Cornet Band
Help the Red Cross funds and at
the same time have a good night's
fun, Plenty of sport for Specta-
tors on program even if you do not
care to skate.
Friday,Feb. PSth Ithe auspicious
oecaa bn and itwill
ill be worth driv-
ing 20 utiles to enjoy the evening.
Admission 25c Children 1Sc
Doors open at 8 o'clock,
B. 8. Scott, ,T. F. Rowland, W. H. Kerr,
secretary. Treasurer. Ohalrman,.
and the farmers' stock can run out
and get its own living, This means a
wonderful lot, for the feed is very
scarce. I ata feeding crushed corn to
my horses this Winter instead of oats
and it is really surprising how well
they are doing on it.
Have the curlers only one night or
day a week to practice there ? We
have between 85 and 40 enders here
and nave two games every night. We
started about Dec. 10th and will likely
continue Lill some time in
was at Winnipeg bonspeil last .ear,
but this year I expect to take a rink to
Brandon, The games come faster
than In Winnipeg. Yours faithfully,
Sidney, Man., Jan. 14th, 1915,
DEAR Mn. KERR.—I see our sub-
scription for DIE POST 18 run tint so
think it is time to have it renewed.
Please find herewith $1.50 for this
year. We do enjoy so much to read
it and always feel disappointed if it
does not come Saturday. Mother
takes great pleasure out of it as she
does notget out much and is it great
It 1. V a her. ll ifl
o m a( a l l a youare All
txell Fours V g y'1'1.uiy,
,•Ara 1t P. Hanford,
709 Hudson Ave., 1)ellolt,' Miele
D5M1 SIO.— %V'Ish vet mud your
Valuable paper every success. It is
better than a letter .from a plaee tutee
lived in tie see bow the old friends are -
getting along; Ionia Truly,
It. J. Hoy,
Pott Albert, .]alt. 18, 1915,
William Barest, st•nint' judge of
Brune comity, died Tlttiestiay after-
nnon the Brnro county hospital,
Walkerton at '78 ,years of age. Be
has been ailing fun' some months and
in the Fall spent several weeks at the
Battle Creek sanatorium. About
week agoo he trrdsrtv t s serious'
eatn i u t
p r t o loth d n t be
'vitality to
pull through.
He was appointed junior Judge in
1:•=5, and on thesupera,nivation of the
late Judie Kingsmill, .in 1898; was
made senior Judge of Bruce, Before
his appoieteneut to the bench, he was
senior of the law firth of Barest &
Klein. While earlier in life he prim -
Used law in Durham, beginning Itis
practice in Owen Sound. lie leaves,
besides hie wife, 3 sons, a daughter,
Walter, of Minneapolis ; Ethelbert,
of Flint, Mich. t Dr. Bereft, of Galt,
and Mrs. Bate, Brampton, lie was a
member of the English (Munich, and,
before his appointment, an active
Oonservati ve.
The Present Warring Powers of
.....,•••••4 **OA.' * e.Al*4*
s s
• • ' AND ir
•I 1ju• 1•t lilut, ,S •ft clank+, Beech laid •
Basstan"d im, lie opt odd iengibs.
• All utlt i Inge cut 'even lengths.
\ Ins,, hay any ice' of • 1 ti I u, r y qi t illy •
• It,iasn,n„I 11151 Unrd.vomd. H"'ad- •
• Mg Belts, Other deliverrd .tit Z
• ya,'d9 OP at G. T. R, shipping •
• points, and pay the Itighret cash •
•price, •
•• For further information ap- ce'
es ply to i
• • P. Amen#, 1
tionofall those iustruruents of death
that he and others employ for the
destruction of human life. This mall,
this disturber of the peace of Nannie,
seems to think that he is -journeying
to Heaven I Perhaps he would like
• to start another war there. It will
be well, however, if under his benign
leadership it does not lend to the
bank rupcy ofNatinns. Like Napoleon
he would fain role the world. There
should be another St. Helena prepared
for him.
From an advocate of international
To the Editor of Tas Posy :
DEAR SIR:—Will you kindly allow
me space in your joutvtal for the fol-
lowing eiiticisu, of the war now in
progress among the professedly
Christian Powers in Europe.
Viewing ib from a religious sland-
point we subunit that were the
chnebhee and churchgoers the world
over what they should be, would
there be any necessity for the "tears
and rumors of wars" that now prevail
among professedly Ohristian Nations 2
The Nation represented by the very
religious Kaiser is of .course "Chris-
tian," and so the others that are now
in deadly conflict. "Love one an-
other" is the comtnattcl ' of God and
such is the way that the command is
being religiously obeetved by"" the Na-
tions that are so engaged. But when
may we ask will those Nations, iuclud-
mg one and all of them, ""learn right-
eousness" and cease to brutally mut'-
der one another ? Christ and I he
Apostles being judges, neither covet-
eousuess, nor hate, uor robbery,
(national or individual) nor murder
is a Christian virtue ; nor a canthe
Kaiser or any other man or Nation
change them into such.
So long as he and other sovereign
rulers have plenty of men and money
to carry on this peace -destroying, un-
righteous conflict, (never mind the
right or the wrong of it, that is a
secondary consideration with ton
many of those who ole so engaged)
more especially this very religious
German Emperor, p who is the chief
promoter of the war, necessitating as
it has, other powers to fall in and take
part in this butchery of their fellow-
beings. The whole business is in-
human, un-Ohristian, detestable and
devilish, sacrificing thereby millions
of money and milltousof lives, widows
and orphans left to wail and starve,
destitute, houseless and homeless 1
And such are Christian Natious—
Were they dogs or other irrational
auimals fighting for ,,teat or their
lives, some excuse might be found for
them but for such en exhibition of
lunacy on the part of Nations pro-
fessedly Christian there is no rational
excuse. America, we think, does well
to be only a spectator and to keep
quite aloof from this iui
uitons cone 4
filet. IP God's hand is in it, itis
doubtless p
a as simply. unnt
ishent of
the Nasions for their inveterate covet-
ousness, worldliness and sin.
Christ's Kingdom was to be a king-
dom of Peace as introduced by the
angels with the announcement,
"Peace on earth, good will towards
men," but might not even the devil
himself smile at those Chrisbian Na-
tions mode of representing it? We
think he might, if smile he can ; and
so it may be said of those who are in
league with him.
I suppose the Kaiser manages to
keep out of the rangeShot and shell
but what a reflection upon the wisdom
and progress of the age is the inven-
The Editors of the Technical World
sac, "Emperors, business then, social
rani roars, are all agreed upon one
thing ; alcoholic drinks work positive
]tarts. A. single glass of beer lessens
a maii's efficiency seven per rent.
Imagine then what larger quantities
of wine, gin or whiskey will do, The
up to date employer will not keep
men who drink evert in moderation.
The Secretary of the Navy will not
allow there on our warships ; every
coumander in the field today in
F,nrnpe is leading a sober army.
Everywhere the brains of the world
recognize tlntt alcoholic liquors weak-
en hall um;rb•.'' 1 mind ,,ower.
For many soave the people have
heel, demanding of the Provincial
Government that the use of alcnhnlie
liquors for beverage purposes be 'pie-
hihitetl, but so far without ally re-
sult worth mentioning from either of
the political parties. Local prohibi-
tion wherever it has been given a
fairrn e
vial has
t p e d• to be u great
blessing to the community lent it is
handicapped by some wet Munici-
pality close at hand. But even under
those adverse circumstances it has
been such a benefit that Ihe,people
would not go back to. license :except
in a very few exceptional cases: Even
in Toronto Junction and other places
where liquor can be had by crossing
the street It has worked great good.
This shows that if a bunch of turn
are passing a saloon they may, gn in
whereas if they have to gni round a
block for it only the chronic drinkers
will do sn.
H. ARNOW, M. B.. M. 0. P. S.
Clearing Sale
As I pui pose giving up busi-
ness I have commenced a clear- -
1,.g Sale of wy whole stock of
Fancy Goode, China, etre
Everything goes at Redneed
Prices. Stock roust be cleared
cutin two weeks, so if you de-
sire bargains don't miss the
Miss A. B. Ross,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
Special Prices
That will be worth Baur while to Investigate
Ladies' Underwear at .
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear at ....... ........:..
Men's All -wool Underwear at ...
Boys' Fleece -lined Underwear at
Boys' All -wool Undetwear at
Children's Underwear at
Ladies' All -wool Hose at,
Bos' All -wool Stockings at ................
Children's Adren's Dose at g
Men's All -wool Sox at
Men's arid Boys' Knitted Caps at 43c
Horse Blankets at.,•.,. ..................... 98c
47 & 78e
Ladies' and Men's9tveater' Coats and Fort Shoes at Reduced Prides,
APR. 1st; 1915
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
••••••••••••••••••••••••• will be Present.
A good supply of Fresh Groceries always on hand.
000011 o CO,COU_CII,
R _�
Heron Count Commit met in the
Court Hense, feoderich, last week, all
the members being present,
Reeve Goveuiocir, Reeve of Mo
Kilicp, was chosen Warden.
The standing committees for the
year ate as follows
Executive Committee -el. Leckie,
W. Livingston, F. A, Ellerimi;tun, J.
Leith waite,'le Fl, Hodson,
Special Cunun.ttee—W. R Elliott, S.
Bissett, J. W. Taylor, S. Nineteen, C.
Finance Committee—Juhn ringlaud,
Rohl, Elliott, John Love, H. Crich, J.
A Stewart,
Bien:410u Committee—Dr, Milne. 1.
A. Ford, W, H Lobh, J. Shorlreed, R,
Hsi thug,
Road and 13ritlge Committee-- J. W.
Taylor, J N Campbell, John Mulvey,
L. Stewart, John Brown,
County Property Commstto e—Dur-
ray, las. 'lYtomaon, J. McKinley, L.
Kalbfleiseb, L, Detnmerling.
House of Refuge—JF A. Stewart, R.
Harding, C, Reis. Samuel Bissett,
Warden's Committee—J. Shartreed,
T. H, Hudson, L, Demmerling, 1.
Leckie, 1. Lingland.
Wednesday afternoon was large'v
given over to hearing delegations,
19tere was one representing tate Co.
Children's Aid Society, consisting of
Sheriff Reynolds, Goderich, J, Wilson,
Seatorth, and W. H, Kerr, Brussels.
A Temperance deputation,,eomposed of
A. T. Cooper, J. Irwin au5 Rev. 11. G.
Powell,' Clinton, and Mr. McGaw,
The representativt'of Exeter Canning
factor placed before the,Co, Connell
information concerning their output if
such goods were to be sent to the
soldier boys at the front.
Thursday Mr. Ames, M. P., of
Montreal, addressedtheCouncil rela-
tive to the Patriotic Fund grant and
gave interesting inforrnati•tn. The
Couoeil granted $l,000 per month,
until countermanded, which will likely
be at the close of war,
$5.000 was also voted to the suffer-
ing Belgians.
5'tettders were received for Crunty
printing for 19t5. The work will be
done by W. H. Kerr & Son.
Messrs. Holman, of Seatorth, and
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk of Bast
Wawanosh, were chosen Co. Auditors.
There was a heavy quota of business
matters before many of the Committees
but this was pushed "through so that the
Council completed its work on Friday
'Canadian. News
Montreal City Council proposes to lax
non-resident workingmen $25, thus get-
ting a revenue of about 82 500,000.
The lowest temperature recorded earn'
Friday morning in Western Canada was
36 below, at Winnipeg and Minnedosa,
St. Catharines have a physiological
mystery on their hands in an English
youth, Ernest Gobell, who is hysterical,
and has a respiration eometiutes of 225
a minute.
J. K. Dowslev, K. C., of Prescott, Inas
been appointed Judge of Leeds and
Grenville, succeeding judge McDonald,
who has retired after forty-two years on
the Bench.
PheToen Council of Lachine, Que..
decided to cut off after the 1st of May
the licenses of the four hotels, one
liquor store and five bottling houses in
the municipality.
London Conservatives, who called a
convention for Saturday night, to op-
pose a candidate to Wm. Grayfor the
seat in the Commons held by the late
Major Beattie, cancelled it.
From information that is being ac-
cumulated by the Provincial License
Department it is not unlikely that
drastic legislation will be passed by the
Legislature in regard to the sale of
liquor in hotels.
Brussels, Morris & Grey Telephone
The annual n meeting o
..th the
uaeela Morris
and GreyTelephoneto will be held i
n the
Flail. Brussels, on n y, Februery
5111, th, nt 1 rwhen rep its will be
ppa iusDirectors elected and other rears-
sary business
Alt subscribers are requested to flay their
falls on or before the close of each month
This isneceesary as reverts Imre to be meds.
to the Bell Telephone Co. each Month p'. S.
800m., President. id. BLAOK, Secretary.
The People's Column
...AMISH AND LO r. for nate on Zahn street,
Brussels. Comfortable house, good
stable, well, cellar, cistern, fruit trees, &c. ;
ee acre in lot. Nor further eartrculers ne to
price, Bcs., apply to A. elOMERS
o F. 8. Saott, Brnssela.
PARR: LOT FOR BALE,—The undersigned
offers Ida Park Lot Tarnber•y street,
North Brussels. for pale There are 5 so o+,
spoil which is a house and barn and a sp"end ld
well Most of lot Is seeded down. For (Utah.
er psrticulars auto price, terms, etc apply to
JNO. Fin1ITII, Brussels.
Fa tt MFOR SALE,—The 100 acres, known
int the Franck Coates e• tate, Lot, s 1 on. 4,
Erma township, 18 offered for ante. Ori Berns
cleared,balance hardwood bulb It Is n goad
fern, well touted and well Wattet•ed ftnly
mile from Trowbridge and 0 miles from Mate.
wel or Atwood. If not sold by February 25th,
1515, it willbe rested. For further partioelara
as to price, terms, &c. Apply- to
tf Trowbridge,
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels as follows :.
THURSDAY, FEB. 41 h, 1915
MAR. 4111, 1915
'11)14-A i
r1`HE`Powr tilts made to raugentenla
to OM) wi111 the 1'nlluti ing pitpeta and
.will be soot to any address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) tit Iht+
fmllowiug'subeetiplluics p, ewe..•
Pon and Mali and Eutl•itt .,....$1,00
u London Advertiser . 1 00
" LoudurrFree Press . 1 85
" lls,tnl1y Herald tend Stu' 1 85
" Montreal Witless...,.... 1 85
11'ut'ttter's. Ail vitae e 2 35
" Nol'thet't1:Messetlgei' 140
i . usr and TorontoFilar. $285
1'ermltn Newe... . 2 85
" mit 1, (lh,be .. 3 75
"Por'nittu 8lail -Ere pire .. • 3 75
" a'oi'uutn Win Id 3 50
Ativet List r . ..'3 75
Uttll at the aloe or trout the
amount by P. 0. Order, J:'xpr•ees Ov-
del of ltegistered 1 eLter adth•essiug
13,ttasels, Ont.
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended cat night or
day. Phone ne rl
1 n ..25.
Brick and all sizes of
Tile are now to be
had at the
Cole & 1vherty
IS pct pared 1n ;1tp1Jy t h.•.1
goods in Windmills. Icon and
Woo len Poops and tet able
Fittings, such cis Piping, Wat-
er Hoek fur stook, &v.
B.eltttirw In Puntps preeietly
attended to,
Give rue a tall.
A. HAYMANN, Cranhrook
A Position for Fall
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We heron xnttnd busmu,so treon"MMHmt
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V out weeks u
l.11t fret! exclusive ivx Gtr n c
600 acres
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n dire..t muslin), e,jarees delivery of freshigh grade
rrasdor a are valuable by
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My method will cure ap-
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Why wait until your rup-
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you when t
e u 01111 be cured
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Dept. A Stratford, Ont.