HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-1-14, Page 8Itr Panacea Makes Hens Lay Np'w whets eggs are eggs is the time yoji want to get 'the bet possible re snits front your peel y. Take good ciiste of them, feed them well and gi' e' Hess' Poultry Panacea and they will soon start to lay. Panacea also Mee diseases in fowls and keeps them healthyand in good con. clition. Try it. 55e pkg., also the Targe 5 ib, pkg. at 85c. Keep your'hens clean by occasional- ly applying Instant Louse Killer Most effectual for destroying lice on poultry, 35c can. HESS' STOCK FOOD 3oc, 65c and $I,00 pkg. ZENOLEUM-A Dip and Disinfectant, purifies the air, cures parasitic skin disorders. 25c and 5o tins, Blood Root Cough Cure rhe old, rellabre Cough Medenne, Blood Root Cough Cure, hoe been sold from Our store for years, We prepare it ourselves, know what is to it mid can recommend it as a Safe, Pleasant and Effective Cough Remedy, The season for Coughs and Colds is at hand ; bepn the safe side and have on hand a bottle of "Blood Root" if required. It may save you from a prot'acted cold. Price 25c a bottle, rhe Arcca Store F. R, smiTH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Parol l ebom Pins LOCAL. news on page 5 of this issue, CARNIVAL 'Thursday evening of this week. Some cases of mumps in the locality. Watch out. WHEN you have a newsy item let THE PosT know it. COUNTY Council opens on Tuesday. 26th Inst , at Godericb. STATUTORY Trustee Board meeting Wednesday evening of next week. BRUSSELS junior Hockey team play at Palmerston Friday evening of this week. DID' you see the long list of prizes offered for the Carnival Thursday evening of this week on Brussels rink ? Skating after the judging is over. THE up•to•date wide-awake broad. minded people patronize the Moving Pictures Are youone of these? Don't be narrow minded and stop away. THE Pols acknowledges with thanks, the receipt of an invitation to Huron County Otd Boys' Reunion in Toronto on Friday evening, January 22nd. This will be the 15th annual At Home of the old Huronians. DR. BRYANS, of town, has been ap- pointed Medical Health Officer for Morris township, as successor to Dr. Stewart, who removed from Belgrave. The new appointee will look carefully and promptly after the duties of his office we feel assurred. OPE>ttATION.-Tuesday or this week Mrs, Alex. McIntosh, of Brussels South, was operated upon at Fergus hospital. While a serious case we hope Mrs. McIntosh will soon be restored to good health. Mr. McIntosh accompanied his wife and is remaining with her. BOUGHT PROPERTY.- Mrs. Edward Bryans, of Grey township, bas pur- chased the residence of Mrs, George Seeker and will get possession in March. Mre. Baeker will hold a sale of furniture, etc., and will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Jno. Duncan, Tnrnberry street and will also visit with her other children. SOUVENIR BOOKLETS. - Melville Church, Brussels, has issued a Souvenir Jubilee Booklet in connection with the congregation and dealing also with the tormer Koox church before the union. These Booklets are on sale at the Drug stores of Tames Fox and F. R. Smith. Price is only 35 cents for first copy and 3o cents for second or more. Every- body will want one hence the purchase should not be delayed. Get one on the first opportunity and make sure. BRUSSELS Women's Institute meeting Friday afternoon •ofthis week. Now is a good time to renew for THE Pose' and your outside dailies or weekly. Sex the "Million Dollar Mystery" every Tuesday evening, all the people like it, -o- FoR SACH.—Set of light sleighs, set of heavy sleighs and a eater, Bee Walter Lowry, Brussels. PURR bred Short Horn boli calves for sale. One le 14 months old and the other 8 months N34 Lot 15. Con. 8, Morrie. A. ROWLETT, Prop. Phone 955, ern"' 40,4104* 0004,0000600004 0400000000.0600004000000001 I s � ee R COWS for Sale—Two young � Springers also a fresh calved cowDAN, 7 , MCKrxtroN, Lot 6, Con. 8, Grey, 'phone FOR SALE. -A doable platform sleigh, also one light sleigh. A bargain for a quiok sale. A. RAYMANN. 6 THORO'BRED Berkshire Bowe for sale. 534 months old, Nye Lot 17, Con. 7, Morris. Phone 8614. JAB. NIOBOL, R. R. No. 4, Erns - sets. 3550EY cow, 6 year old for sale, due to oalve January 14th.. Phone 21. R. HeNDERSON, Brussels. WooDWoRa repairing in conneotioa with the Plum blacksmith shop. Anything in this line will receive their prompt attention. COLTS FOR SALE. -Two general purpose geld- ings 2 years old. JAS. D. MCNAIR, Lot 22, Con, 12, Grey, Brussels R. R. No. 2. Worsen SEEING. - The Whirlpool which will be presented at the Town Hall. Brussels, next Monday evening, Jan 18th. by the Buyer -Vincent Stock Company, with all special scenery and Electrical affects the most complete and wholesome attraction in years with new and funny specialities between acts. This company play here to fill an open date , coming direct from Stratford. Reserved seats now on sale at Fox's Drug store. Prices 25 cents, reserved seats 35 cents. Get your seats early. DIPHTHERIA. -We regret to state that Mrs. Lay, daughter of M. Opensizer, Who was stricken with a severe attack • i of diphtheria, died Tuesday morning and was buried that evening. Her heart gave out. The baby, a child of 2 years of age, who was also ill with the same dread disease. passed away Wed- nesday . evening. The Board of Health has quarantined the house and every precautiouary mea urs is being taken to guard the public health. Another daughter of Mr. Opensizer is reported none too well. THREE CHEERS FOR TEE B. C. S, - Friday morning of last week about Is boys representing Brussels Continuation School, travelled to McGaw where they presented a well prepared Patriotic Concert in Zion church to the people of that section, The excellent program which included the trial of the Keiser was given in a most pleasing manner and by reports from every quarter the greatest satisfaction was given. There was a .full house and the proceeds a- mounted to abet' $53 00, These re- ports angor well for the future of the B. C. S and as the boys behave in a sensible, gentlemanly manner we wish them the greatest success. Cott ISO. -Next Monday evening, Jan. 18th, the people of Hrnssele will have the pleasure of seeing a real dramatic production when The Buyer -Vincent yi CommencingNext '.-.Week- . • a• 1 SAND 'UNTIL FURTHER o Z NOTION THE e 6e 1 Farnily.. Theatre go Family I WILL 130 OPEN • ONLY • • • Saturday Evening 0 s Tuesday, Thursday and Satu y g In case a feature is run other than on above nights due notice will be given. S •• S KEEP Dr, Barber's Lecture in mind for Thursday evening of next week, in the Methodist Church. Subject is a most interesting one, "How I escaped from Germany" A musical program and literary selections will also he given. Dr. Barber is well worth hearing. "I wouLn like TES PosT to come as regularly as possible. Last year I missed it so much when it would fail to appear as it seems so much like a letter from home." The above is clipped from a letter carrying a subscription to THE POST from Miss Theresa Switzer, now teaching at Dresden, Ont. LOCAL TEMPERATURES FOR THE PAST WEEK — lowest during at noon night Thursday, Jan, 7 3o Friday, 8 22 Saturday, 9 20 Sunday, to 55 Monday, it re Tuesday, 12 30 • 37 Wednesday, 13 r9 28 MATRIAIOIAL,-At the residence of Councillor and Mrs. Muldoon, Market street, Brussels, on 'Tuesday of this week, at 1 3o p. m', Thompson McIn- tosh, of Westhope, North Dakota. and Miss Fannie Sboldice, of Grey town- ship, sister to the hostess, were united in marriage by Rev. ihtr. Page, rector of St. John's Church, Brussels, in the presence of only immediate friends, owing to the poor bealth of the bride's mother. A becoming costume of brown broadcloth with black hat was worn lay the good looking bride. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh left on the 3 45 train for a bridal trip to the East and will return to this locality and visit until they go to their home in the West. Many good wishes accompany them for a happy and prosperous wedded life. 27 27 25 26 3z • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • `The Milli o D liar Mystery' s n1 0 • See It Tuesday, Jan. 19th • Show will start in future at 8 p. m. . Govern yourself accordingly. COMING SATURDAY, JAN. 23 "The Mystery of the Poison Pool" In 5 Reels. This is a Special at Regular Prices. Read full .announcement next week. • • • • ••• • • • •• • S • • • • • •••e•••••••••••••.••owee••••••••(••••••••••••••••••• People We Talk About Miss Daisy Wilson, of Wroxeter. is holidaying at her home here. Norman McGuire.. of Miivertou, was a visitor at the parental home here. Miss Laura Leatherdale is visiting relatives at. Listowel and.Harriston. Miss Minnie Cametou, of Benmiller, was renewing old friendships in this locality during the past week. Inspector Mills was here for a couple of days making bis official visit to Brussels Continuation School. Miss lane Mitchell has been nearly laid up with an attack of neuralgia in her face but we hope she will soon be better. Mrs. A. Koenig. of Paris, a former Brusselite, has been seriously ill with blood poisoning. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. F. Rowland has been having a siege of lagrippe during the past week but we hope she will soon be as well as ever. D. M. Scott left for Regina on Mon- day after a holiday visit 11:1 Brussels for the past month. He has a warm spot in his heart for Brussels. Miss Margaret McLauchlin, who bas been visiting her sister, Mrs. Robt. Thomson, has gone to Detroit, where she will train for a nurse. • Miss Jessie Stobie, of Souris, Man., and Mrs. Ritchie and Miss Lina Rit- chie, of Winchester, are visitors at the home of Alex. Stewart, Queen street. Clarence, son of L. and Mrs. Hol- linger, has been very ill during the past week but is improving now. Hemor- rhage of the stomach is said to be the trouble. At a recent skating Carnival held at Teeswater Miss Fannie Friendship, formerly of Brussels, took rst prize for best dressed lady and with Frank Bradley won the couple race. A well known resident of this locality, in the person of Duncan 'Taylor, has been tinder the doctor's care. He may have to undergo an operation. Many old friends wish him a speedy improve- ment. Co. Secretary Elliott, of the Child- ren's Aid Society, Goderich, was in town last Saturday on his mission of Love. No better work can be done than the saving of the boys and girls. Thursdayof this week, at Paris Miss LottiKoenig. a former BrusOnt selite, is being married to 1. C. Carrie. an old Godericb boy. Miss Mary Ross, of town, a warn friend of the bride, is a guest at the wedding. F. McRae, from Saskatchewan, was here this week visiting at the home of Ino, and Mts. Ferguson. He is a R brother to Rev. D. B. McRae, of Arnow, whom he bad been visiting. Mrs. Ferguson is a niece of the visitor. Last week James C. Duncan arrived from Pasqua, Sask., for a holdiday visit with his parents, !ernes and Mrs. Dun- can, of Brussels and other relatives and old friends In the neighborhood. It is 15 yea s since 315. Duncan went West and 6 years since he was here. He has prospered in the West but has deserved it as be has stuck faithfully at his work, New MBLVILLE CHURCH.- Plans are being perfected and final arrangements for tate important event of being made opening the new Melville church. Fol. lowing the first Sabbath's services, when Rev. Dr. Ross, of Toronto, a former well known pastor for many years, will occupy the pulpit, will be a Fowl Sup- per Monday evening and a choice pro- gram of addresses, musical numbers, etc. will be continued the 'rhe services following Sunday. An energetic Com- tnittee have their work well matured and announcement will be made shortly as to the dates. Interior work ou the new• edifice is well on toward com- pletion. The members of the con- gregation and Pastor Mann will be well pleased to get into their new church home after the unsettledness of the past year. LISTOWEL VICTORIOUS BY 14-4 - Listowel and Brussels juniors met in it fierce battle Monday night last in the Victoria rink here. The puck was faced oft before a large attendance end after one minute's play Brussels tallied. Play was everywhere slow and gave little real evidence of fast hockey. half tithe score stood 6-2 in favor of tile visitors The play gradual'y developed into individual rushes,. Hume team a minus several of their p even. aid a change was n eecsary !u 'he line 5111, Brnssele lacked combination and the Stock Company will present the benuH- heart to p'av their usual game. Listo- ful four act comedy drama "THE wei team is a heavy end older aggrega WHIaLPOOL'. at the Town Hall. 'this tion. Brussels ploy FI!clay of this week o t Compsny carry all the special scenery in Palmers op when the home cam will for each and every act of the play, be re -arranged and strengthened t Which will be presented complete in Referee J Shea, of PRlmers on is en every detail and it is without doubt the old hand at the job and gave entire best attraction playing here in some satisfaction, handing out numerous years. Several high class vaudeville specialities are also carried and intro- duced between acts that are alone worth more than the price of admission. This Company is ,now playing in Stratford and, play dere to fill an open date, Secure your reserved seats now at Fox'e Drug Store. Prices 25 cents, reserved seats 35 cents, penalties. The line up was as follows: - Listowel Brussels Donahue goal H. Lowry Strachan point • H. Fox Ament cover pt. H. Anent Inglis rover A. 'Thompson Kelly centre W, Bell Cavell r. wing B, Leckie Hay 1. wing J. Ballantyne Mise Olive Hawmau, of Collingwood, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. S. Scott. Church Chimes Rev. Walter E. Millson, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, Stratford, accepted an invitation to becomepastor of Grace church, St, Thomas, In June, succeeding Rev. Dr. Knowles. Friday evening of this week the an nual meeting of Melville coogregation will be held when a review of the past year's work in the Public Libray audience room at 7.30 will be taken. The Executive of. North Huron Sun. day School Association met in Wing ham on Monday of this week to outline and plan for a vigorous campaign in this all important field of Christian effort. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr Mann continued his aeries of sermons on the Christian Graces, dealing with Virtue. Subject at evening service was "Caleb". Sunday morning next he will speak on "Knowledge." A minister greatly beloved was called to his reward Sunday night last in the person of Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Galt. He was pastor' of Ceutral Presbyterian Church for 35 years and took a very active interest in the Christian Endeavor Society. He was born in Scotland in 183e. The aunual meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Melville churph was held on Jan. 6113,. when the following officers were elected for 1915President. Mrs. Mrs. D. C. Ross ; President, Mrs. S. C. Wilson ; Vice•Presidents, Mrs, Grant, Mrs. Jas. Grant, Mrs. Ament, and Miss Rae Moses ; Secretary, Mrs. J, Kerr ; Treasurer, Mrs. Chas Ritchie ; Auiitors. Mrs. McGuire and Miss B. McDonald. Sabbath next Rev. J. F. Farewell, Secretary of Young People's Society and Sabbath Schools, Toronto, will coo• duct services in the Methodist church here morning and evening. Subject for evening service will be "Ttage•ly of youth and the chutch'sPreventlon," Mr, Farewell will also conduct an Institute in the Sabbath School in the afternoon, session opening at 2.30 o'clock. The adult members of the congregation are specially invited to this meeting., This will be Missionary Day in the church. The pastor assist m the services, will l 7 'I MISSIONARY. -Rev Mr. Prudham. of Durham, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here last Sabbath and dealt, with good effect, with the Mis- sionary problem of the church. Morn- ing sermon was a fine one from the text, Job 41-r1, "Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine." He dealt trench- antwith four resources that are or mayi w't fube, in possessiou of the people Money, the Word of God, the power of Prayer and the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the evening the speaker gave an ad- dress on "Mission work in Japan", in which prosperous field Rev. Mr. Prod - ham spent 6 or 7 years. Many interest- ing facts and features were presented, concerning the island Empire and the services were much enjoyed. 'chis was Mr. Prudham's first v'sit to Brussels and be will be welcome back, OF CANADA .pU OF'I TORONTO BRUSSELS SAVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever cleaved without delay. •16 BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, Prom Manager, Cranbrook Noeroa,-Take notice that all parties owing 1 A. Reymann are asked to pay same to him or on his order. A. RAYBURN. Orenbrook. Herb. McDonald is home from Prattaville, Minh, Will. Forrest returned to Detroit on Saturday last. Mre, Johns is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Gramm. F. Jeschke (er.) has the ca retaking- of the school this year. Eric Pennington is attending the Continuation School in Bruss 4e. Mrs. Alf. Kreuter, of Berlin, is visiting her mother, Mre. F, Raddatz. Mise Celia Beseey is expected home this week from visiting relatives at Orton, Cleve. McDonald has enlisted and goes to Guelph for training next wedk. is. It said there will be a wedding be- fore long in this locality. We must not give Jack however. away, Tenders' will be received by M. Kreuter up till Jan. 18th for 10 cords green r400d 22 in. for school. Miss Millie 1oerster returned to an extended' London on Monday after visit at the bonze of her father, V. Foerster. The Missionary address last Sab- bath afternoon in the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Prudham, of Durham, was enjoyed. • Be spoke on • Japan. . • The congregational meeting of Knox church was postponed from: Wednesday to Thin'sday as the pastor had the funeral' of Jno. Bishop, on Wednesday. Owing to the resignation. of William Smalldon as School 'Trustee a special meeting of the ratepayers of the Sec- tion will be held on Saturday, 18th inst„ at 1011, Ire,, to elect another, All interested are asked to attend. K gt long L...1irkll A 0-111 ••••1' '0 1!41 4 lir,iitraw) ie 1 ! r \ trffuL AttlDsr7N i; Pi E CARNAGE AND ROAR OF 111 Our. MY SOUL WILL FLY HACK TO THEE A 16A Scene from "The Whirlpool" TOWN HALL, BRUSBEkS, iWIGNDAY EVENING NEXT SCHOOL REPORT..Iieport of S. S. No. 7, Grey, for November and Dec- ember, the average percentage Ob- tained being givon, the asterisk indic- ating absence during one or more weekly examinations. Honors 75 ; pass B0 :-V Olase-Elsie Sperling 85, Lizzie Baker 85, Sr. iV-Ida Hunter '78, Marie Long 77, Claire Long 75, Stuart Noble 75, Irene Kreuter 74, Alfred Knight 72, Stanley Speiran 72. Oscar Gnrsalitz 70. Jr. IV -Annie Smalidon 84, Evelyn Baker 78, Ross Hunter 70, Earl Baker 69. Sr. III-- Johnnie II-Johnnie Smalldon 72. Mabel Speiran 69, Alex. Spading 67, Walter Knight 60. Jr. IIL-Pearl Schnook 75, Harold Pennington 68, Gertie Alderson 67, Lydia Steles 53, Alex. Steles 39, Charles Dilling 22, Willie Sinclair 12. Report of Jr. Room for the months of November and •December. Sr. 11. -Honors 75% Pass 60% P. Alderson 84, L. Berfeltz 82, E. Dark 81, C. Cameron 81, V. Mitchell 80, A. Mc- Quat'rie 80, L. Kreuter 75,' E. Speiran 69, E. Knight 56. Jr. IL -V. Hunter 80, M. Baker 73, R. Noble 67, M. Lnek- ing 62, F. Smalldon 57. Pt. II. - Honors 60% Pass 60% E. Penning- ton 84, A. Macintosh 52, M. Baker 42. • Sr, I.- Excellent- R. Spoleto), ''I. Pennington. Good- W Looking. Jr. I,- Excellent- L, Berfeltz, 153. Snarling, W. Speiran, Ethel Small- don, L. Callteron, A. Jeschke, E, Stitalldon, F. limiter, Good- J. Bied,,0. Dark, 1, McNabb. R. MOHAIR, 1.3. A. liousroot. • Brussels Council The Statutory meeting of Brussels Count:II was held on Monday with Reeve Leckie and Councillors Mul- doon, Hewitt, McGuire anti D. Walk- er, occupying the chairs, the latter boiug the only new member. He suc- ceeded R. A. Pryne. Usual qualifica- tions and oath were taken. Minutes of last Council meeting read and passed. Following accounts were ordered to be paid :- 'Wm. Light $ 76 70 Wrn. McCall, woos for Hall6 25 Anderson Bros streets .........5 00 THE POST account....•,....•••• •..• 4 00 F, S. Stott, Election - 4 00 Moved by J. Hewitt, seconded by George Muldoon, that above accounts be paid. Carried, Dr. McRae, Medical Health Officer, addressed the Council relative to the new lacy and the necessity of living up to it and stated Dr. -IlisNelly, the Provincial Inspector, would be here on, the 29th to give two illustrated lectures, (These will be given' in the Picture Show building, of Which clue notice will be given.) On motion of A. McGuire, and J, Hewitt, Alex. Stewart was appointed a member of the Board of Health. Jno. Ferguson and G. N. McLaren were appointed Village Auditors for 1915, at a salary of $10 each. W. H. Kerr was re -appointed a member of the Public Library Board. By -Laws were passed confirming the same.' On motion Clerk was instructed Lo order 6 copies of the Municipal World for the Board. A grant of $5.00 was made to the Sick Ohildren's Hospital, Toronto, on motion of Messrs. McGuire and Walker. A. communication was read -concern- ing the price Of stone being delivered to the corporation aeking that price be changed from 35 to 40 cents 'per ton. After discussing the question it was decided to take 510 action as it appeared to be a hold-up. Street Committee for 1915 will con- sist; of the Reeve, Hewitt and Walker. 'Finance Committee, Reeve, McGuire and Muldoon, Anderson Bros. asked for increased pay as assistant weighmasters at scales. Left over to next meeting, Council then adjourned to meet 011 the let Monday of February. evatoetzeommeoec00000selitoofeie • Gist • (03 Ut • • • i�r lW it aLv r nr v. j 0 By R. A. Torrey tw, •. AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, JANUARY 211rd.-At granter's Store, Ethel, at 1 p.tn., Agricultural ample• ments, hardware, tinware, cedar posts, eto Jno, Kreuter, Prop., F. 8. Soott, Ane. p .t1.2011eIae exposition of the N • Snmday School Lessons frac • m a the spat' 14115. • +' Regular price 25c •0 We have a 1'ow copies of this 05 popular little book ,on hand �, tablet we offer etc 0 0 • 15cr' • • 0 • o DIARIES FOR 1915 • at 2l3 and 4o Conte 0 e • a a • t1 • :James F`�%C • C Druggist & Stationer 0 tt it The Penslar Store W 0esseeeessee, 9(305'50 geese®e, BORN I,IoORB.-In AtlentleCity, N.3„ on December 2155, 1014, 10 Mr. and AL's, Win, Moore, a daughter (51arglu'et Willellul HOY.-In Grey township, on Januai'y4th, 1915, to Mr, and Mrs. W.3. B oy', a son. MARRIED 00Lio—Alrmenitl.L,—At the Methodist Parson- age, ltthel, on January 18th, 1915, by Roy. 1. A. McKelvey, Mr Breast Cole to 1liss Fot eysnbl,Teoseorlil of Grey a Bills Sash. at the residence of the bride's parents, on Dee. 80th, 1914. by lieu. Mr. Leitch, Mr. James Forsyth to Miss Mnrgsret A , eldest dnnghtm'-of Mr. and Mre: Jno, 30011 - eon, all of Wnv11 Billy. MOIreroslr-Snosnion.-At the home of Mr. •..and AIr5. Gorge Muldoon .Brussels, on Janney 12th,191554 hy.Rev,. Muldoon, Page, AIr, l'homU. Molntooh, of Fannie Sae North DEMO:.0. H., to Mull Fannie Bhoidice, of Grey township, Huron Co, DIED BieHnr: 111 G1'ep new 11911tp on January 10th, 191 G, John Bishop, nge11 82 pears, 8 months -and 1b dove. RAYNARD: In Grey township, on January 12t11, 1016, infant daughter of Austin and Aire. Raynerd. BRU.SSEL.S MARKET Wheat � 3120 Oats 1 50 45 Bel Barley6o 25 Buuterr 158g8ggt82 I7 20 83 Hogs Potatoes per bus 20 Wool washed le Wool unwashed 11 48 1 03 08 22 7 25 18 00 116 28 Natire i=b"^ebv given that nnle.s the reel. dents of the Municipality nr Mr'XlIlop Ptriotly nb'erve By -Law Nn. 12, of 1014 to Icy -1,u pro- hibiting the running nt large of dogs in the Muuiaipeiitgnf 850K1110p1 the Council of the pard Municipality will appoint an Inspector to pnforro'observance thereof, By order of the McKillop lielllIell. Al. MIIRDIE, (dark, Dated Jen 19th, 1518. 211.1 Meeting of Huron Co, Council The Council of the Corporation, of tho Coun- ty of Huron will meet in the Council Cham - e 20th' inet ,eat the hour of 8 fo'uloeTuesday, tit • W. LANE, Clerk. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned dor the erection of n brick school hones with basnnrent, in S.8 Pio 10, Morris townshipup 'to 7 p 111, on Wednesday, Jun ::7t11, 1918. Pias and speclfentions maybe 05011 at N;+; Lot 20, Cen. 1. Thewesto,sy feeder nneees :airily accepted. Oo Secretary. Phone 998 _ Bluevnle P. O. asilt p•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0ooieeoi•s••eeseseee®•65••0•••0.0••0 e Brussels Daylight Store . e , ,1 . e '. 'pit '1 'I 'i 'i il,'I ,4 "I " ' ", I rIp'Id'1,"1',1,'1„9'nrlirn,4lrL'�5i1lilliV,'li„I„4plr�l,"4'4,"h'4i1„ Ip'S11r'li'li 11'1�'rli'li 4i4i Ali 1� q,,'le'ryi �,� IrV,� ,,,',,",; ��'5 i,i" 0,,,n,4�'1.1.1,1,i,'Inenii,,,1,ni,1 ,, , , ,tlr'v,11 6 • • d • 0 • O • e • • • BIG • . IR OA • • fi o o • r ti J .JANUARY o • sl G•01111003/853001,03110510 110808123031003215•10111111 06') • • a • • • • • • Great Reduction on all • e0 of Heavy and e • • Winter Goods. 0 • • '.14 Q1 0 • •• G. N. McLaren • W • • 113 b Ib 0 E You will not be Disappointed if you come _ looking for Genuine Bargains. • • • • a Highest prices for Produce. • • G. N. McLaren (t 53 • • to • • ea ,D 0 82 r • • • • • i ••••SINS•NNS•NMN••N•Nmesime•••••••••••••••••al•••••••simmes•••o•••s••• 1•i