HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-1-14, Page 5MINUS CAROL
GeJta"eyrpod1%. Laze
,WM, S
lane 11* the Pont Ol1116e,1111191. 80.4
Barrister, Nouoilor, Qquvayanaer,
Notary Public), 1ko, uilioe—Btewart'a lflook
1 door Nor til of tlouh'al Hote)'. •
SOLI a1LOr (Or the MetropolitanBank
•: - v,
( T
(` tl `I A 8 .A.14. r1UOT ION
sea, w.111, nen -3Iur better rrloua,al.
batter mon, in Jess taw. and lune charges
than any ohot Aecitloueer le blest Huron or'
be won't ehurge anything. 'Dateeand ozd*ry.:
ash Biwa ,a 1,0 arranged at this, nillee or he
t'.rs;eel nPPI'aO 300,
`m'a,AriJ rgt & s?.kr Ra.PA lTr r
(00100 NORTH - (4OING Nolen
Express. 7:18 n m Mail 11:12 a m'
Express 8:46p In 1,Express 8:629 rn:
Gee° .1kfi31ra e tlft
To Toronto To Godorlah
18xprasa ., 7:62 a. MI Express 11:18 a m
Express ,. 1:22 pm- 'Express 8;45: p
•...;-WRO.) ETER
Going Best. - 7:06 a, m, and.8:40 p. re.
Going went - 12':19 and 9:58'p.. m.
All tennis going East connect with C. P. It, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. 13. stations.
GE0. ALLAN, Local Agent.
:1<;rArarGray. axle MY4varatvbvtr,fes'
One Schooi that Merits
the Confidence Nigh
of the public61,0because of .
_High Grade:worh is the t-
I y,,) E:I.LOTT
We teoilt shunts lien nnawomen to
W01090 become ,Typistekilful and export Steno 11-..-
\ Morelia
rn Typists, Soak-keepers:enablers
menet l'OOsoo Assistants
(:larks, froiei•s'or' ''g'
General otioo nod assist
{t frau four 61
A to six ,is. Oa -nod year, thane to get w•
positions. Open all year, Enter now.
CFlEnlague free.
Cur. Young. and i W. J. ELLIOTT,
Chnrlen Sta. P PrInci al
, 1`7rs+ '.caO y a'YA'2` ,ea'taageAAva vc t tc>
Ontario's Beet Penance' Training
Svhool. We hero thorough courses F.
and experienced h,Ntrllotote in each of ,'0 -
our three depart ',lents--
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
0 Our grndnntes sus e,el and you should
(1 'rend our huge, f'00catalogue. Write °y ,
. for it et ones,
•3 O. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
f •, ,rzALsr r6v z&xtlt"vO$I rir Atlh OW/1' 7. vAvAlsib
Thorough ,Conrsee taught by t
1 Compel cit. Teachers•
R% For purtioulnro nddresa—
Listowel, Ont.
aV REAG_4,^aqMS
in oeumdn have pertlolpiltod in the pre-
pn,•atlon of our splendid Home Study
Courses in Banking, Economics, Higher
Accounting, Commercial Art, Show
Gard. . Writing, Photo rnphy, Journal-
ism, Shot Story Writing, Shorthand
and 13ooklreepiug. Solent the work
which most ill terimts you rind write us
for particulars. Add rens•
391-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are feet preparing In their own
1oal0e to occupy lucrative positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, tologra-.
pphare, oiv11. servants In Not every
Sphere of at:Mottles, You nifty finish et.
college if you so wish, Pnslyions EOM',
elltepd,-98100,' oqllogo 8119 day. Ind]•
lduel ilstrge's,
atlon, Expert Graeb
Thirty yearn' experience. Largest
trainers In Oauada., Seven (mitoses,
nl e0n1.90 for Winton.
AMinted `with 'Comtnerclal Educe -
MOH a0i n of Canada. Summer
School *t fouOoueSlotEm:Business 001-
loge, Loudon,
Win9ham Business College
0110,SPOTTON, W. T, Monate,
P President. Principal,
_ rte
Business Ot Vd>i
Successor to M. H, neero. 011foe lit Ander-
sou Bros. Livery stable, 13eussele, Telephone
No. «0.
4R, r,. T. M' RAE
3ae11olar of Mtdieur, University of 'i'er0nvve
Lloentteto 41212 Graduate of the College of'Y117'
etoono and Burgeons. (014. • Ponr•grndestt
lineage Ere. Bar, Nose nee 'Throat Li)Rltltal,
Jhlaagu, 1111 Bx•Konre ediege rl to St. Mieh-
nel s 13nspitaI, Wornntn,
Qllhoo ovor 1''. !t. Slutth'e Drug Stan, 'Leg phono Oanneotten 0'nh UJ•onbruok at 2021 hours,
OR. .r- 7'. BRY ANS
Baobelgr 01 51 edict tie; Uolvoi.vJfyef'JYlronto }'
Lioenthlte06 College of Phvs,c,00s end ,,,ar.
geons,"Outa r, , '87•$0111or House ',surgeon of.
Western Rosie f01,'rorelito. Olnoes of late Dr,
A, MagovR,, Snllth Rluek, Br,o'oo)R,
Rurdl i'hun' 45, -
":198' ljldor street gag, 'rinv,in, •
Diseases Este,. Naso and:Thi'oat'
Olin Mal assistant' lo Ear, Nose and' Throat de-
partntnnt New General., Basilatn!, Toronto 3
3)006 GrndassirlIorviird-I1. odiool School, lion•
ton :,Into Senior tt0sldeut Sul•gonn-(hales, Eye
& Env lnflrmnry • lute Clinical assistant In
Nose and 'J'lu'eat brio rhnenl 3g,*ee (3w,Hos
etttll 'Reese 410,'02011 Tmrontu GeneralElosl'itn . 1.10 In 13211.seols by spool n Meant.
Phyalolai, and Rurgtonr Post' Graduate amuses
London (Eng.), .136W York''R'lld Chiango Hos-
•oitnls, Special attention todlsease of eye, ear,
'nose and throat. Bgeq tested for glasses.
G. H ROSS, 0 D.S. L;D.S.
Grailuate'df' Royal' of Dental Sur-
geonaof Ontario and'Greduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry,
Office In Nardi Block, Wingham
Phone 249 "" Post Office liux 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
• . Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary.
Oollege, Day and night calla. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Oir'hthal-
mology, McCormick Medical Collage, .Chicago,
prepared to test eyes and Htglnsees at
her office over'Gruwar's Restaurant, [}runnels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every.
Week. ()Moe hours Ito 6 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment. Phone 1210. _
barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oflloe on the Srinare, End door froin'Hnnlilton-
Street ;
Privote'fnnds toloan atlowelt
W. PaoUDsoi1T,'K. 0 T, L, "EILLoa.oN
War. P1tOU0rooT Jn. 11 11.
` axe lenvlions
Nitw moon on the rcth inst.
CARNIVAL on Brussels skating rink
Thursday evening of this week
Ta you like THE Pos•r tell' your neigh-
bor if he does not take it•and get him ro
subscribe.. .
GRAND Trunk Railwa • notified
1 Y has,
thousands of its employees Y
7o een that their
-wages will be reduced 1n April.
Two eclipses of the sun in 29:5, but
as both are invisible in America we may
as well waste no time about them, •
EAST Huron Agricultural Society
Aunual meeting on Wednesday after-
noon of next week, zoth inst., at 1,30
o'clock, 'l'own Hall, Brussels.
By a geographical blunder in the
press, a seizure- of anti -temperance
beverage was located et• the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, instead of the Queen's
at Seaforth We don't want Brussels
to answer for the stns of our Southerly
neighbor. .
DR. Holmes; County Treas., Gode-
rich, formerly of Brussels, while calling
on Dr. Hunter at his residence, slipped
0o a bit of icy pavement and fell on his
back, with Ole result that he was con-
fined to his room and suffered some-
what from bruises and shock,
SEAFURTH Expositor, who is certainly
no judge of beauty, says ;—THR BEES-.
SELs Poor of last week ..publishes a por-
trait of Archibald Hislop, the Liberal
candidate for North Huron, but it was
token when he was a boy. Archie is not
so good looking as that now, '!'his may
he accounted for by the fact that he is
still a bachelor.
W OMEN's INSTITUTR —'she next meet-
ing of Brussels Women's Institute will
be held in the Library audience room on
Friday, r5til Inst , at 2 3o p. in. Topic
will be "The value of tact," introduced
by Mrs. (Rev )Wren. Roll Call will be
answered by a favorite recipe. A large
attendance is hoped for and the ladies
are asked to fetch their work if they see
fit so that they msy not lose time and
still be able to enjoy t program
t j y he p gram
Make a note of the date—launary r5
following are the officers elected in
Court Princess Alexandra, C. 0. F.
No 24. Brussels, for the current term :
—C. R., Jas Burgess ; V, C. R., Jno
Shurrie; R. S,, E. S Plum ; F. S , S.
T. Plum ; 'rreas , Chas. Ritchie ; Chap,
Geo. Kerr • S. W., W. Rands • 3. W.,
I Currie ;S. R., N. F. Gerry ; J B , ),
Hewitt, there are 125 members ou the
roll of this Court. It meets 111 the Hall
over the s'ore of H. t, Jackson and
Seeker Bros. shop.
'1'his will be the interesting subject of a
Lecture by Rev. Dr. 13arher, of Listo-
Wel, in the Methodist church, Brussels,
on the evening of Thursday ztst hist.
The Dr. was pursuing a course of s•udv
in Germany, when war was declared and
Ile and Mrs. Barber had quite an experi-
ence in getting home. The reverend
gentleman is not a stranger in Brussels
as he has preached here and also deliver-
ed a Lecture o0 "'rhe Pyramids" uuder
the auspices of the Public Library. He
is a fine speaker and the. lecture will be
sure to please and instruct,
WHEitE DAD Sp013Es
They bought a dress for mother, of
sillo the veru best—
For brother John they got a pipe, a
tie and fancy vest,
For Sister Kate there lyas a book, 'a
cheque tte and dear
knows what
For Cousin Nell,the slickest ring
that money.ever bought ;
For Sammie there were toys galore
pictures, books and boolts,
For dad ? They bustled out o0, Christ.
DM Eve, and bought a pair of
sox I
G01' i'our butter wrappel's'priilted at '
Tim Pos')' Liege n1W: stook of parch., Eg
meat to hand.
1'StS: slippely .eine was alp on most of 9
the sidewalks oil f'urnberry street clue.
Ing Me petit week and some pedestrians
Who did net walk on the road;,pet'forined
a series !,if' gymnastics. The sand Was a
Christian act,
ANnud1, sleeting of Last Huron Agri
ouitul'a1 (Society Millie held le the Town
Halle Brussels, on Weri2esday, • January
20 11, at 1 30 11'3loek,. The annual re-
port be l)J„esenled, °dicers 'chosen
and other busi,iess of interest to the
Society tra6kact0d.• Every member
should make a point to atltncl this meet-
ing as win an important one.
Baron Expositor speaking of the
Co; Werdeuslmp says 1—We hove betted
mentioned as probable aspirants for the
position the oceans - of John Leckie,
lie*Ye of Brussels': Dr. Milne, ,Reeve
et Styli) i and' John M. Govenloek,
Reeve 0,r MdKillop'• Auy- of these
gee tlemen- would.inake an'•efficient and
.ure'ILlable head forthe CCM nen, • But
we de not suppose Mr,,•;142ek.le,:,,who is
frtgueutly effeetiouetely .,termed the
Faiher df the C1iunell two(ild care to be.
butheiec3 Willi it as the"h(inor'wbGld not
be new to him: he hdving • held the
position once of not twice in days gone
I'HE THIRD CoN•17pcgN,'4—,In,Strnc•
tions have been issued for Ole enlistment
(1f two more regiments of Infantry from
the first Division, which includes -the
Counties of Essex, Kent, 'Lnmbten; FI -
gin, Middlesex, Oxford, Waterloo, Wel,
lingual,. Perth, Horan and. Bruce, with.
headquarters at Loudon, Ont. These
will form part of the third contingent,
Expeditionary Force, and wilt
be mobolized -fat London for training.
Lt..Co1..-A Wilson;•i at'pi•ese5t in coin:
mend of the 33rd Huron Regiment, has
been appointed, to the eomrnaud : of the
new 33rd BatallioD C. 1,. F„ and en-,
listment of nien began on • Mouclay,
Recruiting station for Huron County
will be" estaMislied=et Clinton, as the
most central.•poiut to the County, where
all desiring to iglu, will require to pre-
sentthanlselves. . If Repented they are
at once pat .ou the pay -roll, With allow-
ance for sebsistenee 'till mobolized at
London: 'rite pay for a private is $t oo
per day with 'a field• allowance of 10
cents per day and oth:r-anks`inpropor-
tion. Subsistence allowance 76 cents
per day rill mobilization takes place.
'rhos. Bell, formerly of Wingham,
was eIected..a Mein bet,. of :Southamp-
ton Council, '
Annual lmleeting" • of Tbuu beiry,
`gi•iculturM :Society '26,11 be held in
the Uonucil • 'Ohunlber, 'Winghair);'
rhnrsdayi January: 21st. r• •-
Twn elian6e, have been made i0,
the teaching sLh 61 al, •the Wiugbam
High Schonl, Miss E. 0. Garrett, of
Windsor taking the place of Miss
Coope, curl .Miss Beatrice Kettlewell,
taking the place of Miss Anderson.
At last tweeting of Minerva En-
campment, No: 47, L 0. 0. F , the fol-
lowing 1 -fusers were elected : U. P. ,1.
A. Cummings ; H. P., H. fLinchlift ;
5.,\V., Fled. Guest; Scribe, A. Alder-
son ;. ;l'i ens., J. W. Dodd ; J. \V., J.
\ r i i,nl
N Jinl n .
G. CV. ()line; :been 1
for' 29
years: -01101r 1 eadet ht St. Andrew's
Chinch, is 42470-ln3i, 1119' connection
• and the members of the 011011 l eeentty
pr ese11ted, their deader. .will -a.: gold
coin. Mr. Cline tteknowlec;ged: ate,
gift in a letter to the members,
London Atlyeetisee says of a fernier
\Vinghamlte :—Stricken, u'nexpert edly
with paralysis as she Mir gning 1106111
her household •dnlies on Saturday
oto en noon, Mrs. Frances Brotkenahiee,
died Sunday at her. home,, 200 Simone
,treat. She wits 74 years old surd had
resided in London' nearly all her life.
Besides her husband' alis.:leaves one
(laughter, Mt's, HI lyllu•ks,'of that
city. '
Miss Jessie Inglis left With her
brother, John, to spend 0couple of
w, eks in New. 'York.
Mrs. C. H. Fullerton and daughter,
CaebNl1, of New Liskeard, are visiting
with her patents. L. and Mrs. Pelton,
Annum sleeting.' of Elmo Agri -
e Mural Society will be• held in the
AgeicnitIrltl Hall, Atwood, S1ttu1'dtty,
J,urlutrw 18th.
Aitptvtl meeting of Elntlt•Fairpers'
Mutual Fite InsuranCo,will ce O be
held in the Agricultural Hall, A1-
wond, T1W0l1ay, 3attut ry 2017*.
On Dec. 71 h. election foe hlaynl in
the town of Estevan, Sask., P. O.
Duncan, son of ,Jas. 1)nncsul, of At-
wood, was elected over 3, E. Laughlin
by 49 votes. Mr. Dunston has been in
.Estero') fur the past 14 years and
mnldnets n. large general store there.
At the close of the service nil the
20th nit., the scholars of Maitland
Sunday School presented Thos. E.
Haininond, Snpet•inte.nelentand Bible
Chess Teitehee, with it Waterman
fornit 6111 pen and a handsome Ohrist.
111114 l'elnel1lhl'a11rlt accompanied ley a
vee hal ltddreso, voiring their aroneein-
tinn 01 his enntinuous kindness and
untiring energy in sowing the good
seed of the Word of God.
• ELOIA OIILESE FAerorty.—Anntntl
rlleellhg elf1'311111. Cheese and Butter
51 fir, On., was held at the factory,
Sala tiny, J 2nt1. Large atteudlu,re
present Ool oielering extremely stormy
day. \Vol. 11. 'L'tlrnbull wits elalfr-
tmin and (ion. 14 rhhead ;Secretary.
Miuu'90 "f lust annual lneetfug rend
11 pproViel end Teeusnrer's and
Ateliters' 1 cpm t adopted wilir.h show-
ed il:cl'ea0e ihl 11tl»ilneee and a success-
ful year financially. 10 was realized
that owing to the high price 01 cheese
it would be meet, profitable to the
cal neer to eolttimue making cheese
throughout the Winter. OOloel's
elected :—Aduu1 1V1 11011311113', jos.
trhel1, Jas. Thos. E.
Duntlleon 01,1, l.hos. 1C. Shearer t'e•
elected as Directors 1 Jas, Donaldson
Salesman, and 3, Ballantyne, Audi.
tor. Directorsauet immediately after,
close of awn nal meeting and 01 gait ized
as follows :—Atlaur Willoughby, 1?resi•
dent; Jae. dlilnhnli, Vice -President;
Gen. Lochhead, Sect'elaey and-Treas.
rlr ; t Farrell,, s
u tL ubt 3. at 1 Auditor. Jas.
7),laldsc, 'WAR appointed to ship the
cheese. Supply all ice wl'te awarded to
Jno. Tiamilton, Directors decided to
let milk drawing on the several routes
Sat nt'day, Jan, 23rd; at 2 o'clock p. ln.,
when tenders foe dividing whey and
skim milk would be opened,
,l 11
l •
'! i
VF '"
t E! T
May Find Hel in This
TilausNTS of NU
' ey Clayton Duty
OI,, ye who bear oto• mune in eoartbg
Or ) ill' on la ]t 1 e
t taker lwid til pat es !(iso and
What dream o Mile h 0,e vale to you
*11 1100108*
\Vliet lhotnew'al(3 turn your
thoughts at evenLlde?
"Perhaps you think of her In eWeet
Spring weather
Clasped by her happy. fields of
Lender grain ;
'1'ln•ough a ;peen mist you'see the tree=
J Swan Creek, Mich,—/1I cannot speak
• too 'highly of your medicine. When
through neglect or
F OVCtwol'k I get rub'
14 •1111' 1, vu's 11:;, down and my appe-
I' i i i tits; •is poor and I
t , l .l
have that weak, lan-
.21212a Iii , quid, always tired
1: .i f 1 f
cell', I get
a t-
• • g,
l _
t :14,1
tie of Lydia E. Pialc-. •
"'ham's Vege,table,
Compound, and it
illi l u'
Ida me n.friveo
mestrength, and re-
stores lite to,perfect
health again. It istrulya great'bless-
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom-
mending it to others."—Mrs. ANNIE
CA3,tmooN, R.P.D., N0.1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
• Hebron, Me.—"Before taking your
remedies I. was all run down, discour-
aged. and had female weakness, I'took ,
Lydia E.,Pfnkham's Vegetable Com,
pound and' used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new_
woman, ready and willing to do my,
housework now; where before taking,
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the `minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." —Mrs.
CHARLES RowE,R. F..D., No. 1,
Hebron, Maine.
1f you want special advice
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-
icine Go., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wil be opened,
read and ansivered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
On the fern' of Henry Ronnenberg,.
18111 CebfElrna,'an accid'eift •oecnered
whileu\If; Ro nenbe,'g and.,- his boys
accotnpanied,by a ueighbouboy named
A1vi.n.Nutk.iva.tvere in, the, baro and
• engaged cuttitig. with. a cutting
ileiVen by „feed a gasoline engine.
Oarries' belt was running off and Alvin
had been keeping it on by the use of a
fork. • Atter stopping for the purpose
of sharpening the knives, and starting
again tate boy dill not use the fork but
stood close beside it with his leg until
the machine got going in full motion.
When his coat caught in the pulley, he
was revolved .around several times
before the machine was stopped.
Mr. Ronnenberg, who stood close by,
wenn to his rescue and was, struck a
severe blow ill i
t ne face by the boy's
boots as he was being e whirled' r
e around
0,l d
the pulley,' several • we ands being
caused and renderinghim unconscious
fora shoe's time, oung.. lad's coat
aild sweater were torn into ribbons,
andhis arm badly brpken,between the
,ilboiv and'shoulder. '
Mrs. 0. Heibein-has returned from
the Stratford Hospital and live aye,
glad to report that her sight is ian-
Mina Edith Worrell, of Cochrane,
who has spent the vacation here, left
for Toronto where she will attend the
Faculty of Education,
The business men of Gorrie have
agreed to close their respective places
of business at 030 p, re. on Monday,
Wednesday -and Friday of each week.
Mr. Scott, of Balmoral. Man., visit-
ed friends in this vicinity fora few
Martin and Mrs. Calder, of Zenda,
visited abJ. G. Mitchell's during the
Rev. T. A. Bell held special prayer
services front the 4th to the 810
Annual meeting of the Molesworth
Cheese 1st Butter Oo. was held in the
Orange Hall Saturday last.
George, John and Dr. Menzies, all
from the West, spent the holiday with
their parents, Jas. and ills. Menzies.
The many friends of Mrs. Henry
Oog11lhl will be sorry to learn of her
sudden ills les. We bona she may
speedily recover.
TIte annual meeting of the Presby-
terian congregation was held on Tues-
day evening. Refreshments wet'e
served at the close.
Thos. and Mrs. Cummings cele-
brated the 26111 anniversary of their
welding on New Year's Day, enter -
tattling a number of Mends to Yt
dance in the. evening.
Lient-0111, Alex, Wilson has accepted
command of lite of the new battalions
of the Overseas Expeditionary Forces.
Anmlttl meeting of Seaforth Api-
culture' Society will be iheld at the
Carnegie Library, Thursday, January
21st, at 1 p. m.
Mts. Hugh McIntosh, of Toronto.
had the misfortune to fall on one of
the slippery spots nn Main St... Mon-
day of last week, breaking her leg.
Will. Jones. who has been on the
staff of Stewart Bt'os. for a number of
years, left for 'Toronto to begin his
duties RR traveller for the Silks
Sunday evening. February 7th, the
elude of the First Presbyterian church
will render 't'urner's short cantata,
"Festal Song" as their monthly
song service.
(lamp Lady Nairn Sons of Scotland
hnso r
c e officers for 1915 :—Chief, A. W.
Stobie ; Chieftain, Robert Steele •
Chaplain, Wm. llallantyne; 11', Na R.
Secretary,A. D. Sutherland
, Treasur-
er, W. 111T{inchle ; Marshal, W.
Smith ; S 13., Jolla Gillespie ; S.
•S 0.,
Alex. utherland ; J. G., Robb.Broad•
Broad -
foot ; Phyeioian, Dr. McKay ; True -
luted river
And hent' the robins singing in the
rani.. . .
Or ' you may . picture her in still
Soule Caobor,hn, gray afternoon when
• life 7s peace;
1Vh0u', um0 by Bile, the wagons home-
. .
And up the hill doift snow-white
flo'eks of geese,',
When evenin u
g folds the ikndseerpe in,
her bloom,
And calls the happy children from
their play ;
When"little rains come whispering
' and healing,
And wash the stains and eine of
earth away,
But, LllOre's a dream of her that I
would (Alerted'
If life should bear me far front
scenes 1 know—
'Tis when o'er hill . and vale and
•' udhigrivet'
Descends tile, benediction of the
Then all harsh forms are touched
with grace and beauty
And naught remains but what is
pure and fair ;
And o'er these clustered roofs some
brooding epirit
Of love and peace' pervades the
eveniug air..
Faint and far off the sounds of day-.
' light dwindle,
h b uddylaeke Forge flares with
The mill wheel stops, the waters hush
and whisper,
The last sweet bells ring home
-across the snow ;'
And up and down tate, home lights
beam and beckon,
Ch, should I wander far o'er land
and sea,
Those raysof'!dve Would guide my
roving spirit'
And light me home, dear little
town, to thee 1
What makes the landscape look so
fair ;
What blossoms bright perfume the
What plant repays the farmer's toil,
And will enrich the worn-out soil ?
Alfalfa 1
What is the cropthat al a
And will maturin forty days ye,
Resisting drought, the frost and heat'
Whose roots reach down one hundred
feet ?
Alfalfa 1
What grows in loam, in clay or sand ;
What lifts the mortgage off the land ;
What crop is cut six times a year,
And no foul weeds in it appeal ?
Alfalfa !
What makes the swine so healthy
And never raise a hungry squeal ;
The wholesome food that never fails
To put three curls into their tails ?
What makes all other stock look nice,
And brings the highest market price ;
What tills the milk pail, feeds the calf,
And makes the old cow almost laugh ?
Alfalfa 1
If you want to live in the kind of a
Like the kind of a town you like,
You needn't slip your clothes in a gtip
And start of a long, long hike.
You'll only find what you left behind,
For there's nothing that's really
TL's a knock at yourself when you
knockour town.
It isn't your town—it's you 1
Real towns are not made by men a-
Lest somebody else gets ahead.
When everyone works and nobody
You can raise a town from the dead.
And if, while you make your personal
Your neighbor can make one, too,
Your town will be what you want to
It isn't your town—it's you.
tees, Wal. Ballantyne and W. E.
Smith. Delegate to Grand Camp,
Geo. P. Oarduo ; Alternate, A. W.
While helping to put in a machine
at the legging factory, Burton Muir
had his hand crushed badly. The
doctor found it necessary to amputate
the first finger at the first joint.
Misses Cora and Ella Farr visited at
the homes of R. Shortreed and W.
Seat le,
A. L. Sellers, of Chicago, is visiting
at the home of her mother, Mrs. R.
Dr. A.nnie Roto of the MacDonald
Institute, Guelph, spent the holidays
with her parents here,
Mies Tessie Halladay, of Belgrave,
and D. Robinson, of Manitoba, were
guests of J. L. and Mrs. Williams.
Rev. G. Jewitt and family spent
New Year's Day with W. W. Logan.
of Parkhill, Mrs. Logan to a sister to
Mrs, J.ew1171.
Miller Begley, who has beets visiting
h's parents, has returned to Alberta,
where lis is to play on. one of the foot
hockey teams of that province.
Il Fruit -a -tires" Healed His
Kidneys and Cured Him
2-14.GERSVTLLI8,ONT , ADO, 96th. r913.
"About two years ago, I found my
health in a very bad state. My Kid-
neys were notdoing their work and I
was all run down in condition. I felt
the need of some good remedy and
having seen"Frujt•a-tiyes"advertised,
I decided to try then Their effect,
I found more than satisfactory.
Their action was mild and the result
all that could be expected,
lily Kidneys resumed their normal
action after I had taken upwards of a
dozen boxes, and regained my old-
time vitality, Today, I am enjoying
the best health I have ever had".
B. A. K2LI,Y
"Fruit-a-tives " is the greatest
Kidney Remedy in the world. It acts
on the bowels and skin u well as on
the kidneys, and thereby soothes and
cures any Kidney soreness.
"Fruits-tives" is sold by all dealers
at 500. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size 250.
or will be sent on receipt of price by
Fruit -a• dunes Limited, Ottawa,
Roy Denholm, who has been spend-
ing the holidays under the parental
roof here, left for Newtonville,.wher•e
he has been engaged as teacher for
s0111e time.
F. Haines, who has been the
courteous told obliging manager of
the branch, of the Bank of Hamilton
for the.past year, has been transferred
to Palmerston.
Itliss Lily Carr, who had been spend-
ing the holidays at her home here,
returned to Toronto, where she is at-
tending the Deaconess College. She
expects to graduate next Spring.
A. B. Carr received a telegram that
a sister-in-law, who is well •known in
this vicinity, -a Mrs: Killough,'of Glen
Ewen, Man., was stricken with
paralysis. and :was in a 4Orycritical
Robert Stanley is confined to his
home with erysipelas. -
.tiiss McKinley, of Seaforth, has
taken up her duties as teacher in the
High School.
Cameron Stewart has left for Cock-
burn Island where he has accepted a
position as teacher.
Mervyn Grills, of Winnipeg, arrived
home and will spend some time with
hieareats in town.
r .
Miss Hazel returned Melvin v e to
Queen's University, Kinston, after
spending the holidays at her home in
Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford will move to
the house on Bay street, lately vacat-
ed by U. F. Vandrick. Mr. Lang=
Ford's late residence will be- occupied
by Me. Duckering,.of Wallace.
H. Young has entered 8 cheese in
the different sections of the competi-
tion in the Western Ontario Dairy-
men's Association to be held in St.
Thomas on January 13th and 14th.
Visual Test Oar No. 85 of the C. P.
R. arrived in the local yards on Wed-
nesday of last week and the entire
local staff including the seetioumel
had to go to Linwood to have their
eyesight tested.
Cecil Clark, Chas. Doolittle, Chas.
Tremain, Perkins Thompson and
Fred. Vandrick left for London where
they are taking the Officers' Training
Course that ie being given at the
Barracks in London. The course is 4
weeks and is for officers only.
Les. McLaughlin and bride, (nee
Miss Marion Hutchison) ate their New
Year's dinner at the home of the tat-
ter's parents here.
Special services are being conducted
in the Methodist Church here by the
pastor, Rev. Mr. Walden. Services
commence at 8 o'clock.
The members of the loungLadies'
Bible Claes of the Methodist Church,
presented their teacher, Miss Eva
Mahood, with a gold -headed umbrella,
as a token of appreciation.
We yogi el to leery!) that Rev. •1eir,
Dobeoa 1121'', haven nunieWhtlt indis-
Rev. and 101ie. Ernest. Jai'* 7) of
Eastwood, visited at the 1t031 of
their mol1114 I
101111 other vele-
ti vee.
school slid not lien here on Monday
of lid week 110 51 n» iltandetl The
rea8011 1V ad 7,111.11 the eare'titlteJ9lt'ti(302'.
took to 14teal• (lie lire on Sundlty even-
ing, lie found Ow furnace badly in
need of repair. Temporary rena;10
wane made and 'neintii eoninlenot'd
'Tuesday, .A new I'ttruiu1' Wi11 be pint
in in a few weeks,
The following letter which the
Secretary of the Feed%ricl1 Branch of
the Wolneu's Instittltp received, fn
refer Once to the donator forwarded
some Lillie a.o says 1—
Ales. \62'ai Cons IN,
MADAN 1.625',, duly reueive26..lh0
lour (Jaffee and three bales of clothing
which Ole ladies of ,your Institute xo
generously forwarded to -out Relief
tvot'k some 1 i1n1' ago. Please accept
our most macre t11101i60 for Ph to
splendid donation to 0112 wnult"-'itlihl
convey our expression of gitttitude
to )tll thergen(-re et:t Pi hu - •:•
iOUr•N Iaid111d1y,
H. L?rnd'liownis, ,
Honorary '1r'easurer.
Montreal, Dee, 81)1, 1014.
Jonathan and ;tars. Jewitt, of Slid.
brook, Sask., were visitors rids Wm•
and Myst Ball j:'. They are relatives.
0Ait,Ii OF THANES •-- 1 wish to sic -
press my thanks'lo,the friends; iteigh-
bote and rim se for then kindness and
sympathy i11 comes -lion with the' ill -
cess and subsequent demise of the
late Mr's, Mary E. Wright. It was
highly apptetiated. I can assure you.
Youre Truly, :
Eckmier, nth, l' ' 11,ytldell Hanle ,119.9
Elizabeth Haddock., who passed awi,-v
on Friday Jan. Int ltt 0liutnu, was
born in the County Down, Ireland;d'ifi
the yelu• 1860 and ":one to this codntry
when very young. She spent several
years. at I.thel it, the township of
Grey, whsle on (hi. 271h of April 1881
she was married. to her now bereaved
husband, D, Eckmier. Daring the 11
• years of their residl'nre in Clinton she
has been an itrtive member of Wesley
church and for several years connected
with the Wortlan's Christian Temper-
ance Union and was an ardent Tem-
perance Itdvueate. 1411e was character-
ized for helsell'denittl in visiting and
caring for those who were suffering
even at the t xpenea of overtaxing her
usual weak ci"tstitution. Several.
weeks before her release she was a
great sufferer. At tate service in' the
house, wln(11 was 111 charge of her
pastor, Ret Dr. Rutledge, several of
her f avorite hvunis w•(58 sung conduct-
ed by E. East, choir leader of Wesley
church, and a shote address by Rev.
J. Greene based on a verse selected by
Mrs. Eckmier—Rev, 14.113, "And I
heard 21 voice from Heaven saying un-
to me, Write, Blessed are the dead
which (lie In the Lord from hence
forth ; `e saltl
the Spirit,
that they
may rest front [hc,r labors and their
do follow them." The pall-
bearers were Messrs. Chant, McMath,
Wallis, A. Tyndall, E. East and
Constipation --
the bane of old age
is notto be cured
by harsh purga-
tives;they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For n gentle,
but sure laxative, vee
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, They
stir up the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen the
stomach and bowels just
like an internal bath.
Woman's best friend.
From girlhood to old sae.
these little red health re-.
0 02/10 are an unfailing
guidetoan activeliverand
€ a clean, healthy. normal
stomach. Take a
Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet at night and the
',lYr sour stomach and for,
mentation, and tho
headache, have all
gone by morning.
A11 druggists, 25e.,
or by mail from
Miami* Medicine
t } Company, 1.0102t1112
000000000000ON0000000000000000b.es'!*•a000e'al00000000 0
__ Prices of
ErClip this out for handy reference.
Prices for the Month of lanae Q
ecS ry/
Prime rib roast per Ib...... ,. 10e
Shonider out...... ........... 10
Boiling beef ......................18
Pot roast 14-15
Porterhouse roast18.19
Flank ......... 13
Brisket ..................... 11
Corned beef 16
Chop Steak
Pork 1111. 18
Breakfast flacon 25 •
Lean baric 28 0
Spiced nolle. .11.1118.20 R;
Tongue, according to size... 35-4.6 ,e, .
Hearts, 11 11 ... 35.45 '40.
Headcheese ..... ., 15 4
Balogna, largo. ..... lIr'or 2 for 210
Summer sausage 85
Fran is forts 15
Oobited Ilam. 40 s
Place your order for Ground Bone -3c
■1111 Price
i Moles. Highest Cash Pl ice Paid t..
.iii iaes
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••e 4000•00*.•4•04•00000••••4441