HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1915-1-14, Page 1VOL, 4.3 .VU, • 29.
1.1RU.ISRL$,, UVJ IRIU, ,TH(JR,SDAY,; ANUARY 14, 1915 W. H. AlslvR, 'ro%nieto*
was on November 14t11, 1914,
formally amalgamated with
The e Banhi` of
The business of the Metropolitan
Bank will be conducted as formerly
and it will receive the advantages
due to the larger end older estab-
lishment of the Bank of Nova Scotia,
which was incorporatedin 1832
and has 190 branches distributed
throughout Canada, Newfoundland
and the West Indies.
Paid-up Capital - $ 6,500,000
Reserve Fund - 11,900,000
Total Resources over 90,000,000
We invite every description of
banking business.
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisements
Wanted -P. Amm,t.
Notice -M. Murdie,
For snle-A, Howlext.
For sale -Wafter Lowry.
Comity Oonnoil-W. Lane.
Auction Sale-Jebn $ranter.
Notice to creditors -F, S. Scott.
Tenders Xvanted-char, Forrest.
Secant) aanourteengnt-Family Theatre,.
The"WI11rlpooi-Boyer-Vincent' Stook 06.
iI,isttirt iltbas
Wm. and Mee. Dodds, of Glenboro,
Manitoba, spent Christmas with Mr.
Dodds' brother, Robt. and sister, Mrs.
\Vm. Ball, of Wroxeter, and New
Year's with his sister, Mrs. Alexander
front, of Elma gravel road, near
Newry. Mrs. Dodds enjoyed a short
visit with her aunts, Mise Boyne, of
and Mrs. Robes t. Bonney and
Mrs. A. McRobb, of Moriington,
They are holidaying a few days now
Middlesex Omni y. Mrs. Dodds is a
daughter of the late Fred. Blair, who
butchered in \4't+el• !Ulm krim and
Atwood over, 40 `genre Ago'. 'Toll•'
went Web in Loin Sluing 1881.
Warden Govenlook will look tido
The Township Oounei1, which stet
haat ieronday, is determined Ilia( the
l3y-laty A:elat ing to dogs shill( be en.
fot'0ed Rini as 1401 lee eleetVhei.'e NInIeN
thatuule8slhc•law is obeyed an In-
Npectur w4 1 be appointed to look al'te1
ENGAGEMENT.- The New -York
Tithes a January 41.11 makes the fol-
lowing reference in whish this locality
will be IIItP)'ealHll :-lllll'a. Elizabeth
M..Hiibburcl of 18 Guion street, New
Rochelle, announces the ettgagenlent
of her daughter, Miss Mary Agnes
Hubbard, to Dr.•Robe,•ta. Humphries
of 104 Mast Fortieth Street. Dr,
Humphries was graduated from Tor -
out Univereity in 1906. No day II1aa
been mentioned for the wedding.
The new office beavers of the Toting
People's Society of Duff's church are
as follove :-Hon.-President, Rev, R,
A. Lundy ; President., John. Learning
1st vice Pies.'
Miss B. Davidson ; 2nd.
Vice, Thos. McCall ; Oor,-Secretary,
Miss Annie Fel'gnsolt ; Rec.-Secretary,
W. G. Neal ; Treas., Jno. McArthur ;
Oaterhiem Tutor, Mies Bessie Mc-
Donald. There are also the regular
Committees. New 1,Tie cat dsfor 1915
have been issued outlining a fine pro-
gram for the year.
IloorcEY 'MATCH, - The Walton
Hockey team played their first game
Ode season in Blyth last Saturday.
Gauge proved to be close and -Intel est-
iog, aur boys winning by the margin
of one goal. L. Blake was referee.
Return match will come oft.' in Walton
next Saturday. The line-up was :=
Walton Blyth
Turvey Goal F. Moore
J. Carter Lettddfence J. Garter'
Grigg Right defence Birnns
Bennett Rover . 0. Moore
McLeod,.,. - Centre Mason
Hoover Left wing R, Carter
Bolger Right wing Burling
Meeting of East Huron Farmers'
institute will be held in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall here on Friday, 29th inst.,
and will be addressed by Messrs. Mc-
Oallum and Schuyler, who come from
Shakespeare and Brantford. "Im-
portance of type in live stock," and
"Dorn and the silo," will be afternoon
subjects and "Is farming worth
while 1'" "Fruit glowing and manage-
ment of orchards" at the union meet-
ing in the evening. Miss Campbell, of
Brampton, will speak to the Women's
Institute in the afternoon in the base:
nient of the Methodist church and in
the evening will take as her topic
"Health, Longevity and happiness."
A good program of musical numbers
''+++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
Opera House
onday, 1
Boyer -Vincent Stock Co.
• C. W. Boyer and Charlotte Bolton
• 21 Beautiful Comedy Drama in Four /lets i'
A True Story of Everyday Life
Full of Heart Interest
15 PEOPLE 1.5
Reserved Seats now on Sale at -Fates Drug Store
All Special Scenery.
Refined'' Vaudeville Between Acts.
Best Show to Play Here in Years !
Prices 25 and 35 Cents
This Show comes here direct from Griffin's Theatre,
+ +
+++++++++'F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
will b • (liven at the ,evening gather-
ing in lie A, O. U. W. Hall. Those
ehuul,l li'% L gpod rally „1t the people 1n
the community at blie5s meetings,
Che way to melte a thing go is Us phi.
.g," lion it;
,1411, 1tplledge, of Bram 1lon, e44111ed
on I',lends in the village this week.
Al I'S. 1'(4418, Davey and, children
vislte,l relative's hl '\relic this week,
It.. Kalbfleiech,' of Mildmay,. spent
Saturday with his• sister, Mrs., 0.
Arthur Itae, of Edtnouton,is the
great of his parents, Jos, and Mrs,
Jas. and Mrs Hastie, of Howicic,
01 bitaiue(1 aa,unibir of friends hast
Friday I'veuln r.
Wn McLennan, who has been
visiting in Seafnrbh for some weeks,
bee ieturueil to his home tree,
Robs, t Ir, land, of [inset own, Sask..
a formce resident of Hawick, is visit-
ing old friends in this vicinity.
Leslie 1)iclmngl,liu and bride are
vial' lug eelatives here before leaving
fur their home iu Rnetberu, Sask.
Miss Nellie Stewart returned to
Toronto this week, after spending
mune time with 1101' uncle, A. Sander -
so], of fiowiek,
Miss Daisy Wilson has gorge to her
hnrne in Brussels after completing a
ve,y ,eucoessful 58448011 in Fa11 .and
Winter millinery,
Tile Managing Oominittee of the
Presbyterian church has appointed
Mrs. G. Hastie as organist. Miss
Haim Carr will fill the position
until Mrs. Hastie lois recovered from
her meant illness.
Rev, T. M. Wesley assisted by Miss
Stall Wearying, had charge of the
Young People's meeting in the Pres-
byterian church nn Sunday evening.
The snbjeot was "Social Service and
Evangelism for young people."
1IAaarERS' INSTIemrE.-Wedneed ay,
97111 iose„ will be the date of the
Warmers' Institute meeting in Wrox-
eter Town Hall, Afternoon session
will have addresses on "Beef cattle,"
and "Corn and the Silo," by Messrs.
McCalluir,. Shakespeare, and Schuy-
ler,:of Brantford. Evening meeting
will have then ame (net) speakers and
also bliss Campbell, of Brampton,
whose subject will be "Agriculture
for women." A good program of
music will interperse the addresses.
Let there be a good rally.
Miss H. Black visited at Brussel9
last week.
Duff .Ct Stewart shipped 2 cars lum-
ber this week.
Miss Belle i3urgess visited relatives
at Listowel. -
S. Paul shipped a car load of hogs
on Wednesday.
Tiros. Sanderson, of Toronto, is
visiting friends here at present.
Duff k Stewart. have disposed of
their fine teal, to a flrtu at Guelph,
Misses L. Pocock and R. McCrack-
en have returned to Toronto after
spending the past few weeks a.1 'the
home of A. Holmes.
J,as. 111astors, G. T. R. agent, resum-
ed duty this week after being on the
sick list for the past three weeks.
While off he was relieved by Lorne
Aitchison. from Thedford.
LITERARY Sooiayy.-At the open-
ing ineel i
peningmeel ((5 of the Literary Society
in the Foresters' Hall, last week, the
following officers wei e elected d for
1916: on. Presidents, Reeds. D. B.
Thompson and Crawford Tate ; Hon.
Oeuncil, Robb. Musgrove. George Mc-
Donald, Milton 81nirh, Mrs. H. A.
McCall, Mrs. 0. Tate, Robert Shaw
and J. W. King; President, W. H.
Haney ; Viae -Presidents, 1st, Ohes.
Forrest ; 2nd, Robert Black ;
Alice. Paul ; Serretarv, Bary Duff ;
Treasurer, Gordon Ial1C lca•. -SSeter' e
tory, Ula
n Duff. Miss Aline Paul,
who retired from the position of
Secretary, which she had 118113' lolled
since the Society was first organized,
wars the recipient of a very hearty
vote of thanks for her valuable ser-
vices which have contributed se
greatly to the success of the Society,
An interesting feature of tire• opening
meeting was an address by a former
Bluevale boy, A. Bartley Paterson,
0. E. A. Macltwen introduced the
speaker as One whose success in life
was a source of pride to his old Blee-
vale friends. Mr. Patterson gave urr,
entertaining account of life in Spain,
where ho was engaged as engineer en
n (targe electrical development project,
near Barcelona, "which,. when the war
broke out, wee foreed•
to close down
for Iliek•of funds. He gave a graphic)
ppfoture,of a Spanish bull fight ancLex-
hibibe'sd a large oolneed poster adver-
tising+one that was held in Barcelona'
in September, Another interesting
souvenir was a bill, which he brought
Ifrom,0ibraltar,'advertising the auc-
tion sale 'at that port (,'f a German
prise beat, "Adolf," cepbured by the
British. The bill was printed in.both
English and Spanish. The account of
his return to ,Americo . by way of
Gibraltar and England made war
conditions very vivid to his hearers.
The feature (i6- the meetingthis week
will�be a talk by A, MacEwen and
Mies Cora M. Messer, deeeriptive of
thein visits to Quebec last°Summer,
The first debate of, the season will be
held next week and the subject is one
that is being widely discussed ab the
present time, "Resolved that Con-
scription as a form of military service
is preferable to the volunteer system."
The speakers will be :-Affirmative,
W. H. Fraser and W. II. Haney ;
Negative, Rey. D: B, Thompson and
J. W. ging.
Belgrave •
J. T. Bell lost a fine colt on Sunday.
D. Sproat paid a flying visit to
Seaford) this week.
Miss Jeanet Hood, of Blyth, called
on friends in the village ou Friday.
The annual Missionary sermon will
be preached ir, the Methodist church
next Sunday.
Philip McKenzie is spending the
Winter with his sister, hire. W. J.
Geddes, of the village.
The O. 0. F. held a supper in their
Hall on Tuesday night. A rousing
good time was enjoyed by all.
John McGill has been suffering with
a sore hand for some time, the effects
of a pinch by the cutting -box,
East Wawanosh township' Council
met here last Monday al:d transacted
the usual business of the initial meet-
ing be the year.
The January meeting' of the
Woman's Institute will not be held
nn the regular date of meeting but on
Saturday 80th inst.
Richard and Mrs. Vanalstine, of
'Manitoba, are visitors at the home of
John hopper, The ladies are sisters,
It is 20 years since they went West
and they have done well,
Rich icl Procter was stricken with a
severe illness one day last week which
though severe was only of a few hour's
duration. We hope there will not be
any return of such severe illness to
Mr. Procter.
The friends of Mrs. Win. Wray will
be sorry to know that she fell on New
Year's Day and Injured oue of her
limbs which will necessitate her being
in dooifor a time. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
Annual ' meeting of Knox church
will be held Tuesday 16th inst., at 2
o'clock in the church. A large at-
tendance is looked for. The annual
reports, which have been printed,
will be ready for distribution.
A Missionary Banquet is on the
prograil in connection with the
Methodist church (lie. last week of,
Jaunary. Speaker to be present from
the Missionary Board, Toronto.
Annnnncement later as to date, etc.
J. G. Murdoch Lt
neknow, occupied
thetil it in Knox church last
on behalf of the Laymen's Missionary
movement of the ,Presbytery. He is
a pleasing speaker and is a man who
has the cause at heart being well in-
formed on the needs of the work.
During the Winter months Miss
Wilkinson, music teacher, who has a
flourishing class on the 6th line, will
not 1 ,etitle to teach at her
place, e home o
MMrs. Vancamp, c r but
will instruct of class in Brussels during
the stormy weather. Mies Wilkinson
is an up-to-date teacher and is meet-
ing with a marked degree of success.
The Trustees of S. S, No. 5 were
present at the school on Wednesday,
6111 inst., and presented each of the.
children with an orange and a New
Year's card much to the pleasure and
satisfaction of the little ales. Acts
of this kind should be encouraged by
the ratepayers of every Section and
we commend one up-to-date Board.
•+•+.+•+•++'+4'4.+4.+O+4.+4+ •'1,•+•'r•+•+•a••+•+•+•+••r•+•• k
We must make room for t.
Spring Goods which will
soon be arriving.
Prises Greatly •Cut in
Felt Shoes and Heavy
Reduced in Price to Clear
Great Big Bargains for those who have the Cash
Rel1 airs in Rubbers aid Shoes done promptly.
Richards & eo.
+•+•44•i'•+e+e•1••+4'l'0.14f*4.14+41+•3 +•+' 4
As they MUST GO. All Winter Goods away down
in Price as we avant the 011811 ant of them and also their
shelf settee.
Phone 47x
On January 29th the young' people
of Knox church are having an even-
'ing's entertainment in the Jforesters'
Ball, r -t
I a 1 Pto um will consist of
tic ic. r'
a (tel og the
t PKaiser, which will
be given by 16 young maiof the 00n•
gregation. A. short program will also
be rendered,
EASY DI ED. -The sympathy of the
community goes net to Wm, and Mrs.
Corbett iu the death of their lnfalil
daughter, aged 3 months, whioh took
pierce Saturday, from the effects of
tonsilitie. - Funeral on Monday and
was condnoted by Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick.
interment in Brandon cemetery.
FARMERS' OLen.- The next meet-
ing of the Farmers' Olub will he held
Tuesday evening of next week in the
C. 0. F. Hall. Subject will be "The
benefits of the Olub' to be death with
by Richard. Procter and Jno. Clegg.
Election of officers will also take
place, A large attendance hoped for.
The result of the annual meeting of
the W.M. S. of Knox church for the
election of officers was Mre. Jae,
Wigbtmai, Hon. President ; Mrs.
(Rev,) Boyle, President ; Mrs. A. T.
Cole, 1st Vice ; Mrs. John Oole, 2nd
Vice ; Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, Secre-
tary ; Mrs. W. E. Scott, Treasurer,
'there has been a marked increase in
membership and attendance during
the past, year.
Oi -Saturday, January 30th, a meeting
will be. held in Belgrave Forresters'
Hall under the auspices of the Farm-
er's' Institute, There will be after-
noon and evening sessions. Topics
for first meeting will be "Breeding
and feeding beef cattle," introduced
by J. M. MoOallum, of Shakespeare.
0. Schuyler, of Brantford, will speak
on "Dorn and the silo." In the even-
ing a joint meeting will convene and
program will consist of address, "Is
farming worth while ?" by Mr. Mc-
Callum ; "Fruit growing and the
management; of orchards," by Mr.
Schuyler and "The judicious house-
keeper . and homemaker," Miss 8.
Campbell, of Brainpton. Musical
numbers will also be rendered. Don't
fail to attend and he teady to ask or
answer questions in connection with
the subjects 'under discussion. Mies
Campbell. will speak to the Women's
Institute in the afternoon. Every
member and many others should make
sure to hear the visitor as she is- a
bright, i'actical speaker,
Sleighing is good since the badly
drifted roads were plowed out.
Next Sabbath afternoon will be
Missionary day in the Jacks on church
when the pastor will deal with this
interesting question.
Gement wall will be extended under
the barn on the Shurrie-Sharpe farm
6th line, next season, Material is
being hauled this Winter.
Last week Ernest Bozell, of Clinton.
purchased a fine well bred Short Horn
young bull from Allan Adams, 6th
line. The animal was taken home on
a sleigh.
Council met last Monday in the
Township Hall. No change was made
in the officiary excepting that Dr.
Bryans, of Brussels, is appointed
Medical Health Officer as successor to
Dr. Stewart removed.
By notice elsewhere it will be seen
that a wedding was on the tants at the
home of John Jackson, of Wiwa Hill,
Sask„ on Dec. 30th, when his eldest
daughter, Miss Margaret A., was un-
ited in marriage to James Forsyth of
the same place. Both were former
residents of Morris. Rev, Mr. Leitch
performed the ceremony. Old friends
here wish them many happy years.
owner is asked to take note of the
fact that several dogs have been
des eo ed of late supposed ed to have
rabies. The Council
purposease vigor-
coal enforcing the muzzlinor tying
upnines hi h
of can the township, to safe-
p, e
guard the public, and ask the people
to bock them up by hearty compliauoe
with the law, It may save many a
sorrowful hour.
The'Teeswater News speaks of an
entertainment in the school of which
Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, of Morris, is
the haid working teacher :-The Box
Social held iu the school house on Con.
8, Weet on .Friday night last was a
most successful event and those who
were responsible for the splendid pro-
gram prepared are to be heartily con-
gratulated on the result of their ef-
forts. We have not apace to go into
details describing the program but we
think diet possibly the most popular
numbers were the flag and Brownie
drills. bliss Ferguson and the little
ones taking part in these drills de-
serve special mention for the way in
which they were conducted. The
other numbers were almost equally
goad and with Mr. Purvis in the °hair
the entertainment was carried out
without any delay. Mr. Purvis also
auctioned the boxes which brought an
average price of about 75 Dente each,
The proceeds of the evening amounted
to 388 50.
Despite the severe storm that was
raging a Marge number of the rate-
payers of Uniou school on the gravel
road, North of Blyth, assembled on
the closing day at the school house,
Room was adorned with a profusion
of tasty decotatioes of patriotic col-
ors. Wm. Craig, Sec.-Treas., of the
Section, occupied the chair and a
good program was rendered by the
children, consisting of readings, reoi-
Cations, dialogues and vocal numbers.
The children acquitted themselves in -
a creditable manner which reflected
credit on the teacher, The Christmas
Tree on the platform, laden with its
store of treasures was unloaded, two
of the pupils acting in the capacity of
Santa Olaus. Trustee Board retnem-
bered each child with a card beating
the season's greetings. Teacher's
gift to children was a well filled bag
of candies for each. Number of
children donated gifts to the teacher.
. i ••s.*P•Ane•zPAm.EN
♦ A
• •
Soft Elm, Soft Maple, Beech and i,
Basswood w od to be cut odd lengths.
All other logs cut even lengths.
• Will also buyany�♦
• quantity of •
• Basswood and Hardwood Head- •
ing Bolts, either delivered at o
yards or at G. T. R. shipping
• points, and pay the highest cash •
• price. •
• For further information ap-
• ply to
P. Ament,
A pleasing feature of the afternoon
was the presentation of special prizes
by the Trustees on behalf of the
Section. These were awarded to the
two most, efficient in each class,
A former resident of Morris, in the
person of J. G. Hill, of Flee Island,
Manitoba, was renewing old friend-
ships here during the past week. He
came tc North Bay to attend the
funeral of hie sister, Mrs. J. W.
Richardson, who was buried on Mon-
day. 31 years ago Ivor. Hill lived on
the Ord, line. It is 8 years since he
was here. Mrs. Hill was formerly
Miss Janet Mason, a daughter of Jno.
and Mrs. Mason, Bed line. Mr. Hill
was a welcome visitors.
Mr's, D. McCallum, of Hullett, has
been visiting at the parental home,
9th Oon.
Miss Dora Watson, teacher of S, S.
No. 4, spent Sunday with ,her friend,
Miss Ella Pearson, 4th Con.
We are sorry to hear that the in-
fant daughter of Austin and Mrs.
Raynard died on Tuesday. Funeral
on Thursday.
At the meeting of Grey township
Council last Monday, Robert McKin-
non was appointed Assessor for 1915.
Be should fill the bill all right.
A lilac bush or tree on the farm of
James M. Knight, 12th Oon., is out in
bud, an unusual freak of Nature for
this season of the year. Sample was
sent to Tn5 POST, Brussels.
Misses Wilda and Wilma Baker,
twin grated -daughters of W. J. and
Mrs. Sharpe, 11th Oon., were visitors
with the "old folk" last week. The
lassies are 21 years old and cute ones.
Saturday afternoon of next week an
Auction Sale of agricultural imple-
ments, hardware, tinware, cedar
poste, &c., will be held at the Kreuter
store, Ethel at
t e 1,00 o'clock,. F. S.
Scott will be the Auctioneer.
Harold Armstrong has gone to
Orton, near Orangeville, to teach
school. He was presented with a
watch fob by the pupils of the Whit-
field school as a parting gift. We
wish him success.
F b.28(] 1
Union Church anniversary sermons
will be preached bye
cRev. D. F. Arm -
strong, B. D. of Essex,a former
pastor, and on the followig Monday
a rousing anniversary supper will be
held with an Al program. Watch
out for particulars.
At the annual School meeting in S.
S. No. 6 Wm, Stephenson was re-
elected Trustee for the incoming term.
Wood contract went to Wm. Jacklin,
at 32.70. Elwin Somers is caretaker
of school. Home gardening has been
taken up under the direction of Miss
Frain, the teacher acid the people of
the Section are well pleased with the
interest aroused. We hope to see the
teacher well backed up and possibly
a School Fair arranged for in the time
to come. The idea is the solution, in
art of arousing using a new interest in
an extended illness John Bishop, au
old and well known resident of the
5111 Oon. of Grey township, passed
away last Sunday in hie 83rd year.
The funeral took place Wednesday
afternoon, service being conducted by
Rev. J. L. McCulloch and interment
being made in the family plot iu
Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were
two sons (P. J. and A, Bishop) three
sons-in-law, (F. Bagg, J. Holmes and
0, Martin) and a grand soli (Wm.
Martin.)) Among those in attendance
from adistance :-H. Welsh, Weston
Russell Bishop, Loudon ; Mrs. Fowler,
Clinton ; W. A. Crich, Seaforth ; Mrs.
0. Ainlay, Chas. and John Grant,
Hareistor ; J. and Mts. Holmes,
Moleswort; Chas. and firs. Martin
and eon, Harristou ; Fred, and Mrs.
Begg, Hespeler. Mr. Bishop was
bore at West Oalder, Scotland, and
came to Canada when 2 years of age.
After a sojourn in Oaledon and An-
cestor the, family moved to Grey
township in 1856 and bought the land
frau a Mr. McNab, then a bush lot,
upon this 100 acres deceased lived and
died. In 1860 Mr. Bishop married Miss
Eliza Welsh, who predeceased him by
8 years. The children are Peter J.,
Abram, of Grey, and Joseph, of
Washington, U. S. • Mrs. Martin,
Harriston ; Ms. Bragg, Hespeler
hl re, 1Iolines, \Vellera',' ; tanto Miss
Eliza, tit home, (144e 6-1111 is (le0et1sed..
The subject of Ude notice was a
strong, hearty man, who hume little
of siolcness until a few years ago.
Two Men -hers, William, of iiomoko,
and James, of Grey township survive,
Mrs. Grant, a sister, passed away
many year, ago. Mr. Bishop was
one of the p1olreer•s of this locality and
enjoyed the )(lpart and esteem of a
wide circle of friends, many of whom
receded him to the Land Beyond.
The sons of toil who settled in the by-
gone years in this township are grow-
ing very few but their names will alit
soon be forgotten.
Tenders are being asked for am
erection or a new brick echool house
in S. S. No, 10, let line Morris, known
as Ramsay's school. It will be a mod-
ern building with cement basement,
&e. The present school building is up
about 40 years. Tenders will lae re-
ceived by Chas. 13. Forrest, up to 7 p.
m. on the 27(14 inst, See advt. in this
meeting of Jamestown Women's In-
stitute will be held at the home of
Mrs. George lackinier, Thursday, 28th
hist., at 2.30 o'clock. Topic will be
"Planning and serving meals," to be
taken by Airs. J. D, Miller, Current
events will be in charge of Miss Pearl
Fey)) cud the Troll Cali will be answer-
by quotations from Hobert Burns.
A good attendance is asked for.
A. D. (smut, of Brussels, will take
the sec vice next Sunday evening in
Victoria Hall.
The big sale going ou at Geo. A.
Mitchell's closes Saturday of this
week, Get after the batgains.
Council met hero least Monday for
the Statutory meeting and pushed
through considerable business.
Several from this locality attended
the funeral of elle late John Bishop, a
pioneer resident of Grey townehip, on
Wednesday afternoon.
The evaugeltslie services being con-
ducted in the 'Methodist church are
growing in interest, . Rev. Mr. Pen-
rose, of Whitechurch, is .assisting the
pastor this week.
W. J. Gill haw iris new grocery a-
bout ready at Ethel station. He has
made quite a change in things. New
stock will be ready to opeu Monday of
next week. Flour and feed will also
be kept,
Saturday of this week, at 2 p. m.
Auctioneer Scott, of Brussels, will
offer fol sate the home and lot itr this
village, the property of the late Mrs.
E. Wright, also the household effects.
Hugh Ouuniugham is the adminis-
Au Auction Sale of Agricultural Im-
plements, Hardware, Tinware, cedar
posts, &c., will take place at the
Kreuter store, Ethel, Saturday of next
week at 1 p. m. - h. S.. Scott will be
the Auctioueer. I1 you avant bargains
don't fail 10 attend.
Wednesday of this week Ernest
Oole and 1lis,, Leila Alitehell, daughter
of Jno. Mitchell. 915 Oon., were united
ill marriage by Rev. Mr: McKelvey.
The yuuug couple left on a short'
boneymoo, trip and will later go to
Mowat, Northern Ontario, where they
will spend the Winter. We wish
them prosperity.
'Tuesday the auuual mooting of bhe
Woman's Missionary Y Societ of the
Presbyterian church was held. The
past year was one of the most eu°0ess-
WI. on record, 394 being the financial
receipts. Meetings have been . much
enjoyed. Mts. J. K. Brown is
President and .Mere. (Dr.) Ferguson
Secretary -Treasurer.
meeting of the Women's Institute
will be held in Ddnvor th s Hall,These-
day da Jan. 2181, at L 30 o'clock, e
record attendance is asked for The
ladies are making preparation to help
the Red Cross Society by way of sew-
ing, &c,, and ate meeting to lay plans.
Members of tliis 1141111 1111e ars specially
requested to pay their annual dues at
this meeting.
ENDEAVOR.-Foll.ow1ug are the new
officers of the Christian Endeavor of
Knox church for the forthcoming
term c- President, E. 8. Dunbar ;
Vice President, 'hiss R. Spence ; Cor.-
Secreta( Miss M. A. Campbell ;
Rec.-Secretary, Elwin Thompson;
Treasulex .hire, J. K, Brown; Organ-
ists, Muses Edith Ferguson and
Sarah Hutchinson. Committees were
also drafted for tole different depart -
men ts.
This week the animal meeting of
Ethel PresbyteIuw church was held.
The reports ilii,, as t . Jr.10wth ,and
broadeinng1nterestuider the pastor-
ate of Rev. J. 1,, McCulloch. Total
receipts in General Lund 3874.82. Ex-
peuditure included 3500 to pastor's
salary ; 3225.80 to schemes of the
church; 385 o i
3 t rt,taker ; 310 each to
Secretary-Treasuter and organist.
Women's Missionary Society has 23
member's and contributed 394 to
Missions besides clothing, &c, valued
at 330. Y. P. S. C. E. gave 320 to
Missions and Sabbath School 35.05,
J K. Brown is Superintendent of
latter and Miss Stella Dunbar Sec,-
Treas. There are '70 00 the roll,
INSTITUTE WORE.. -Thursday, Jan.
28th, should be a reed letter day here
as on that date meetings will be held
in the interests of the Farmers' In-
stitute and tine Womeu's institute.
The speaker at the latter will be Mies.
8. Campbell, of Brampton and Messrs..
McCallum and Schuyler, of Shake.
spear°, and Brantford, respectively,
will deal with "Milking Shorthorns"
and "Corm and the silo." Evening
meeting Xvill be a• union one and
should crowd the Hall. The three
speakers referred to will 000npy the
platform and a program of 800111 and
instrumental music will be render-
ed by local talent. Ethel generally.
has large meetings and will likely on
the 28th,