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The Brussels Post, 1915-1-7, Page 5
t11181NESS DARDS, JND. SUTHERLAND 86 SONS LIMITED �yII,,yy 1Dt z/t7r77wtv�� fr/ i XCIff 0,4144411 • ®JI¢Mme WM, SPENCE QQNV rYANCER AND ISSUER. or MARRIAGE LICENSES Ince in the Pied Office, Ethel, 80.4 N LEGAL A AND A G ANYEYANCINO. VM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister; Solicitor; Oouvoyauoor, 'Notary rgblio, dip, 018oe—Stewart's Bleak t doer North of Central Hotel; floliaitor for the Motropolitan Sauk,. AUCTIONEERS, •�3t. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTIOIN- • ,.Iia, will sell for better prfoeo, to batter wen, to 1888 tone an ieeo chargee Ilan any other Auotioueer in Least Huron or ne won't (Marge. anything. Dates and orders can alwais no arranged at tale office -or by . u .•e,/al applioa low B41114 war BRUSSELS Gorse t;onon GOING Noreen Express ...,.... 7:18 a Mali 11:12 a In Express' 8:46 n In I ®sprees 8;52 p in 6v6gNafl01.1.A0 ?a t 6'Z!Ye WALTON .To Toronto To Goderteh Express 7:52 a m8/zeroes 11:10. a in Express. 1':22 p m I' Express 8:46 p m W OXE R TER Going ISnst - 7:05 a. m. and 8;40 p. m. Going West 12:19 and 9:68 p.111, All trains going East oonneet with 0. P.R. at Orangeville for OwenSound, Elora. and T G. B. stations, GEO.ALLAN, Local Agent, t2..,>rad,5vavbm7 ,200 V. r.Ova9AAvm. s , n r ne School that Merits g Confidence C e oe of the public becausee ot T Ito H1 r High Grade is the bidigeld •:=LLIOTT • TORONTO, ONT. ' - • ' c' '. Wo t,ain young men :and women to • hoeomo skilful and expert Steno- •ra 1 hors T' N x S 1 of G C)erkoe er - 1- y e • p n Uam ( oils al 0) fee Ae; ,tant,st Cashiers for 1.b• y Go 1* 11l rI Hes Ass 000ta in. from four. tom. to elk months o and 6001.4 them to net • •( positions. 'O to n an year, Enter new.Catalogue free. Cor, Young. andW.J. ELLIOTT, L Charlet' tits. 1 Principal. a+:s "" acvc+:rAsSi ararevavcsa'74C 7 Y'a40Kf CENTRAL ,.iGfliY/ STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Trandng• A rti and experiineed inetrh,G,,egin atoll of our throe departments - 9, o art• p ntents 6 Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy Our graduntee atlere,si and you should 4refondr it at our cooslarge, free catalogue. Write 1d t. . _y D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. iy l 44V sayaDe .4V.4 ( riil.tlsre' bsst , • r ENROL NOW i 1'tat theLISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Chorough (lotses taught by t 4 Conipelerlt Teitelhehs. 111ur particulars tldd ram— EDWIN O. MATTHEWS. r® Listowoi, Ont. 1 INNIIMENEngsgsfinENNEINNEEIllinsmonga THE Best Brains 10 Canada have participated in: the pre- tleration of our splendid Horne Study Ceureasin Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art, Show Card Writing. Photography, Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and lionkiceopmg. ;Select the work whichmost interests you end write ns for particulars, Address THE SHAW CORHESPOHOENCE SCHOOL 301.7 Yongo et., Toronto 111111010MIMIMIIME=MmISISIBINISIREISZEMile COLLEGE AT HOME Thonxaade of ambitious young poo• plc aro fast preparing in their own Jhowee. to money In0rat Ve tloaitlons as stenographers, booldreepers, telegre- plrora, :ICI ivll ervaicta hl 1001 ovm'y - eplter0 of aativiUoa, 1'ou 111147 liniah xt oollege,lf roe so Dish. Poel0iona guar. finked.. Enter college any doy. Ind). .vldeal instruonoe. Expert te00)100e. ,Thirty years' experience, ',armlet trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, $poolal course for teachers. •Aiilliated Wtth'Coa,mercial Etlufia• 00,',, Anso8lation, of, Oneida. ' Summer School ab Milieus Spotton 13110104009 Col- lege, London, Wingham' Business College 0100. SPOTTON, W. 1' Menem, President, - Principe!, INNIANIN �rt�r • - Bus4no$s Oars o/AS. ANDErv8ON. VE 1 ERINARY SUJRGEOIV, ia00pssor to 51 H. 11noro. Other at Ander. em) 1r0,1. Livery 0180114, 1#1•udeets. 'lmppiteno No, 20, OR, T, T', M' RAE • d0ohelor p1 Model lie, Unlyeralty Of Toronto 1 Licentiate and Graduate of the College 02 Ph)'• steams and surgeon Unt.. • trunk-grmUtste 1)1110400 Eye, Ear, None and Throw Claipttnt. Uhie11. 11.1. 11x.HnuNe Sdrgeou to ,t. 011011+ eel's Hospital, Torentu, Olaoe over ir, At, lindth's Drug 590.0. 'fele• phone tinneati anWith U,xnh1 o ( k a r, Il twiner BR. r ERV ANS Bnahelor of Medlolne University 01 reroute • Liopntuhte et Omega of Physicians and Sur. peons, Outo,du ; e2•1400)0,'. 27011081lnrgedn of Western Hospitel.'roronto Odious of late Dr. A, MoReveyy. Smith 131581,, drneeelx, Dorsi pbone 44,. ALEX. 0. ACKEL.VEY M,B., M.O.P.GS. O. 108 Bloor etreet East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Ulbdaal00010tant111 Her, Nose End lln•oI,tde. pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto 1' 0000Gr'aduate l'lal'vai-d Medioal School, 140,1. 0011 ; tate Senior ltsskiolrt Snr7eou Muse.. Eye St Ear lnllrmitry ; late Clinical assistant in Noeu and 'throat department, Maes Gen. Hos. ental • hate House Surgeon Toronto :General Hospital is In Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL; OA1T. Physic/ion and Sargooli;'Popt Graduate courses London (En's.), New York and Chicago Hoe oftuls. Special attention to disease of eye; ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glaxeos. G. H ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geonoof Ontario andaGreduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In leard. Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calls. - Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Persons' graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, 50Cormi0k Medioal College,e, 01 100go,Ill,, iqprepared t0'teat eyyes and fit glasses at her office over Grewar'R ROAtaurmat ruesOls, on lay, Fridayand Saturday of every wank. Office hours 1 to 8 p. mrenoOne by appointment, phone 1219; • PNOUOFOOT, NIELONAN & POOUDFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publlcr, Moe on the Square. 2nd door from Band/von Street,... .00107182050, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. Pnenorbo,p,K. 0 - T, L, Hlr.f.oltAN, •• WM. Pa OIIDFOOT Jn gaol ;laws t.ems Days are lengthening, 1915 is the way to write it now. New Councils meet for organization next Monday. 'rats is a record Winter tor storms in the earlyart of 11" MANY f the holiday visitors have re. turned to duty doing both at home and abroad CARNIVAL On Brussels rink Thursday eveuiug of next week. See the posters and attend it, JUNIOR Hockey Team Coucert, held Thursday evening of last week in the Tovvu Hall had au excellent program but anything but a bumper house. KEEP the annual meeting of East Hurcu Agricultural Society in mind. The date is Wednesday, loth inst., the place—'town Hall, Brussels, and the hour 1,3o p. m. RENEWALS have been rolling in to Tim POST for 1915. We hope to give a bigger dollar's worth than ever in this year. .Send it to the absentee. It only costs 7011 2 cents a week. MANY a load of stone for the corpora tion Is being hauled by the local farm- ers. It affords exercise for the team,,, gets rid of an eneuulberance on the norm and earns a few dollars at the same time. A. and Mrs. Koenig, Paris, Ont., an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Charlotte Mildred, to lames Cecil Carrie, son of the late Rev, Jae, Carrie, and of Mrs, Carrie, Goderich, Ont., the marriage to take place in January. THE Pryue mill sometimes runs to midnight to keep up with the rush of work in grain chopping, making rolled oats, etc It is a busy spot. The large Methodiot church horse shed was filled to overflowing with teams waiting for cooshgnmeots at the mill last week. ANNUAL meeting of East Huron Agri cultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, Janumy zoth, at r 3u o'clock, The enn301 re- port will he presented, officers choseu and other business of interest to the Society transacted, , Every menthe should make a point to attcud Ibis Inset Ing as it iS an important one. SOME DA'Z'ES Or NOTE 1N 1915,— Good Friday, Aprirloth. Easter Sunday, April 32111. Victoria Day, May 2411), King George's Birthday, June 3rd. Empire Day, lune 23rd. Dominion Uey, July 101. Labor Day, Sept. 7th. East Huron Fall Fah, Sept. go tied Oct 1. • Christmas Day, Dee. 2501. A VALUABLE PAPER.—The opportunl. ties of the coming year, from a flu'tter's point of view appear to be many. Ow - tug to the war there will be a shortage of crops iu Europe, and lhetetore au extra demand tor all kiuds of farm pro- ducts in Canada, This will afford an opportunity tor the farrier whoanauages his farm in a business like way to reap a riclh harvest. Every farmer who is farming for profits, should be a reader of the Weekly Sun, the Farmer's Busi- ness paper, 'there is no other farm paper in Ontario' that supplies the fsrm- er with the sante reliable information ate the Sun does. By perusing the Sun, you will gain a knowledge of the markets, which will enable yob to sell your products to 'toe best' advantage. The subscription price will only be a fraction of the additional .,profits you will make by Leading the Sun. When renewiug your subscription for your local paper, you will make no'mistake it you subscribe for the -Sim, the Farmer's Business Paper. L',llif 21031818 and . drifted slate -of roads kava bothered t'he Murat. M C Couriers, `,Co add to their trmlblas tit lj E1E9S' Mail train for which they , ere expect to welt, has -beau 111,101 an dour t hours late ou various occasions owlsheavy Lrauk end wanut; for connectf1(1 jti nrti9)11,l p01n18, MArri,4111 PRh181lYTERY.—The Presbnary of Maitland met 111 St. Andre011111011, Winlicuu. Re, D1)erria Mrs, W, 141, 01'ay, of'.11.munt, form•arty of Seafnth, tvblle spendingcU Ohrtnrnhlas pay 0It till Boma )4 1)011 ii ed sou-iu-litw, Pref. Harold Price, sue. • °t,! rained ,4 slight stroke of paralysis Ilip g ig LMOSTWRECK (01(1111 i(fi'eted her speech and rightons dile, She is still at the bowie of her daughter. Restored to Health by Lydia rdwich tv's FOrdwich oupied the chair in the absence of 1128 Moderator, ')'lie attendance was not large owing to the • severe weather. 'I'heasuler'e h9oks showed a balance of .240 51 (or tile Presbytery fund and A beetle:. of $5,53, for the Synodfund, Y Assessieent fate for the corning year was placed et ue per family for Presbytery expenses. The remits sent down from the General Assembly were considered but flied deoisioti Was deferred until the next regular meeting. The standing, couih11 Gees for 1915 were eppciuled, A ate miittee consisting of Reeds. W. A. Bradley, J, 5),' Damian, and A. J, Mann Ivan appointed to examine'the draft issue ut the proposed Book of Praise and re- port to the'Presbyterv:at its next meet - tug push additions and suggestions as may be deemed suitable. Owing to the G. T. Railway taking tiff the fo.renoou trains to and from Kiucardine, the Pres byfery Will meet. hereafter at 2.30 in the diteruooll, MELVIL1.E SABBATH ScnooL —Election of officers of Melville Sabbath School for 1815. , Annualmeeliug of the leas 10110 anis officers of Melville. Sabbath School Was hell Monday evening, Dec,. 21x1 at the 1anse: After reading .the minutes of lost meeting the followin officers were elected :—'Superintenden Rev A. J.. Mann ; Assistant Superin- teudeut . Jas. Fox ; Organist, Miss K. Smith Assistant Organist, Miss N. Fox ; Sech'etary.'ltreasufer, 'Phos, Arm stroug ; Librarian,Harry Ament; Teachers, A. 1). Gra.il, J. Henderson, Mrs 1L. Oliver, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson Misses E. Deadman, 13. McDonald ; K. Smith, 0, Stewart, B Henderson, J. Moore ; M. Stewart, C Ament, M. Smith ; I. Strachan, Mrs. Kerr. Substitute teachers, Mrs. (Rev,,, Mane, Mrs, Gillespie, Mrs. Fox, Miss N. Fox, Miss M. Brothers, Miss 'Jessie Elliott, Miss Jean Elliott and B. S. Scott. The Missionary contributions were as .follows' — Point Attx Trembles School $ 25 00 Foreign Missions 3o 00 Honkie elisions 30 00 Menlullal Fond (Wilbur Arm stroug) 20 00 B. S. Scott, Rev. A. J: Mann, Mrs. ' Kerr, Miss M' Brothers and '1,','Arm 4troug . were chosen.. S .committee t0, select books fora new, o n w . SabbaLb School Library. Musical ' selections ..were renderedis by M . s Nellie Fox and a tasty lunch' served before the meeting ad- jo0rned Melville Sabbath School has done exceptionally well during the pest year and the expectations are tode even Netter when the new church is opened and conditions will be more favorable titan at present. g Blyth Rev, Mt. Shaw, of Atwood, conduct- ed the services ' lu . uh l,hly church last Sabbath Rev. 1 H. Farr had charge of rhe set vines at Atwood. F. 13 and Mrs, lftliotr, Master Jack and bliss Mai gave!, of Listowel, spent the holidays at the tonne or the 11n')u- er's bendier, J, H. It. Elliott. At the regular meeting of Court Morning Steen,. 89, Canadian Order of Foresters, the following oflice18 were elected for the Pnsuing term 1- 0. R, S. Oeeighton ; V. 0. R., D. D. 0, i tteudeu ; Rec.-See., R. Slater ; 0"r. -Sec., Jas. Shia ; Treas. 0. H. Reese ; Chaplain J, Vincent; S. \V., 1. Dodds ; J. W. Wm. Situs ; S. B., le, Robinson ; J 13.. W. Walton. Court meets second and fourth Friday of the Month in Odd Fellows' Hall. The ilstellaliof of the officers of Blyth Lodge•No. 803, A. F. and A. M. I'ur OP ensuing runuths, molt plitce in I he lodge room on Tuesday night, the ceremony being perforated by Past Mast ars 02 the Lodge ao follows :—l. P. 11., W., R. M. 11rKay ; W. 141., John 0i. higee ; S. \V,, Dr. A1eTng- g ti t ; J. W., P110t11ae Stewart ; Sec'y W., 1. Al. Hamilton ; Teens., J. G. Erriigh ; Chaplain, Rev. 'I'. H. Fare ; S. 1) , 'l'hne. San neon ; J. 1).. it S. Pate; L G., De. Allison ; 'Pylar, Autos Spnhl. After be ceremony of instal - l/1.11011 u'(08 performed, It vel•y pleasing event took pairs in the presentation or goid headed cane to W. 13ro„ J• 11. liauliIIon, accompanied by an ad- drees. As Sect atm y, he has held that ;Moo cont iunimely foe the bast sixteen years. Few 50000(1(10 hold the unique Nested. having first Made This entry into the Society in the year 1888 111(11 has held ,w 0tliee since shot ty after hie initiation awl was Master of the Lodge 111 1891. In the 26 years he bas been a Men/her of Myth Lodge, he E. Pinkham's Vegetable Miss Blythe McLaughlin, teacher, oun ComX'd- -Ter was Lows from Sehrieber over the 1 • v aLat ion, • Own Story. •' David 1Vileou has lensed 'Wen. Sotheran's raum, 6t11 Con„ and move I d into 1 the village. Alex, and Mee. Edgar are enjoying the holiday feativitiee with relatives and Merida 111 Paris, J. W. I 3,at'' G e hardware w l( 194 t broken 1)k Pn Into and a couple of rifles and a • quantity of eartridgee taken, • Mrs, 13euson has leased .C, H. Thompson's house and furniture and will take possession about the middle of Jmluaey. L ndon Ont.—" 0 0 I am afarmer's wife and a veryu busy woman. Last summer I was taken with severe pains in my back so bad that I could not get up or 1 scarcely move with- out pails, and my periods were pain - 1111 ful, M y husband Ili called in a good doc- tor and I was under his care for some time, but he did me little or no good. One day a friend of mine told me to try -Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she had been greatly helped by it. I began taking it and soon got well, and my periods became natural again. Since then I have had perfect health. In fact I have never felt so' well in my life. Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine many women need. If you think this letter Will help other women please pub- lish it. "-Mrs. K. C. YOUNG, Tambling's Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. Women who sufferf romthosediatress- ing ills peculiar to their sex shouldnot doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkllatn's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you,write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medi eine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Mass,, forad- vice. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. holds .0.117,.pn.plreeedelrled record-'nf" luivitli missedbut one. meeting. He is lin ell thnsiastic. Mason, and enjoys the esee ` t nl of all the,brethten. . Seaforth :The first choral connect will be given in Gardno a Opera House on Tuesday, January 191 h Albert, Swiss, of Regina, arrived here and will spend a couple of /ninths with his mother in town. Nelson Westcott, who is training with the second con tingentat London, was hntne during Christmas visiting at 111e home of his mother, .las. Archibald and Wm. Oudmore shipped from beaforth station two car loads of heavy horses, 36 head and the DOlnirtion Bank paid nut $8,000 for horses alone nn that day. The horses ,vent to. Montreal. 110115. W, W. Meredith has been ap- pointed teacher of the fifth room at the public school as substitutefor Miss Ada Sleetb who bas been granted leave of absence for six mouths on account of ill health. Miss McGregor, of liuliett, will act 14s substitute for Miss Sommerville in room three, who has also been granted leave of absence frit six months .on account of ill. health. r. e- 1 10 1I10 Don'tletitrun too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow complexion,Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion — gently but surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach and l iverin perfect running order. At all druggist., 250., or by monk= 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto TAKE, THESE'' •+••NOM0+.•+•+04•s+F•+•+•+•+•+•+•+0+•44•+•+•+•+•+•+•+41444 • Great Values in Hockey • t • • •• •M • Shoes mosamississmssommn • •+ Gents' Box Calf, White Rawhide facings and ••• $ 3 00 Gents' Russet Calf with Black facings and • . 250 Gents' Black Box Kip Shoes toes • toes, Felt lined ... 2 255 $ 4.Ladies' Hockey Boots, neat and strop 'Box • Calf g' .1. 1 • 'Shoes an11'Sli i iehs all f • i I t a' ayornbie. prides for Christmas + I'tin(1 Net, Years gifts. Gloves and "10-E ie warm and durable .•t, ms7 Repairs in Rubbers and Shoes donne promptly, • Richards & eo • •+•+•+•+••1+1444+0444444,..14 4.•+•+44.44+0 4,MrFM' **111• Atwood 3. W. and Mrs. Ward and son, Nel- son, of Hamilton. spent the holidays with relatives in town. Annual meeting of the Elma Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Oo,, Limited, was held at the factory on Saturday. The first meeting of the Literary Society will he held in the Music Hall on Friday, Jan. 8th. A mock trial will be given in which the Kaiser will be tried and representatives of each of the countries engaged will appear as witnesses. Annual meeting of the Conservative Association of the Township of Bina will be held in the Music Hall, At- wood, Monday, January llth, for the election of officers and ether general business. Addresses by H. B. Mor. pity, K. 0.. M. P., James Torrance, M. P. P. and others. Grey SoS400L REPORT.—Ftlllowing is the Report of S. S. No. 3, Grey for months of November and December. '75 per cent honors, 60 per cent pass. Jr. IV. Examinedn i Nature Study, Geog., Hist., Spell., Comp., Gram.Read,— O Smith 80, J. McFarlane 73,, A. Oar - diff 72. Jr. III.—Examined in same subjects except Grammar.—W. Mc- Donald I 98 W. Smith h 80, E. Smith 85, A. Delmer 05. Sr. Il.—Examined in Nature Study, Spell„ Hist., Geog., Comp., Head.—R. McFarlane • 08, U. Definer 58. Jr. IL—Examined in earite•subjects except Hist. 'and Comp. C. Strachan 73, E. Smith 70, W. Bishop 60, 0. Cardiff' 60. Primary.— Gond—Melville Lamont, Laura Tui n - i bull Pam—Mary Deitner+ T. ARMerioxo, Teacher. Carmunnock Wm. Harvey attended the funeral of a cousin at Oraubrook, Miss Lizzie Young spent the holi- days with relatives in Stratford. Mr's. Seiling is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Machan. Miss Lizzie Patterson has retut tied from visiting with relatives at Mon- crieff, Frank Tarr has returned home from the West and will spend the Winter with hie parents, Ansa Ethel 111cNaught, of Toronto, was spending her vacation with her parents, at "Deerbank farm." D. and Mrs. Battin spent the holi- day with the latter's parents at Mil- verton. lure. Bastin remained for a more extended visit, While working in Mr. McNaught's gravel pit, a mass of gravel fell on J. Flood, breaking his leg. We hope he will be around again soon. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Walter Nicholson had the misfortune to fall down cellar, breaking her arm. Her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. Listowel Owing to New Years falling o1 the first Friday in January, the regular Monthly Fair will not be held until Friday, January 8th, Because of pro -German talk which lie Was freely indulging in, a traveller representing the London Cigar Com- pany and well known locally, was re- fused an important order in town re- cently, which he was accustomed to get. Mrs. Mary McKinney, one of Lis - towel's oldest residents and long a member of the Methodist church, passed away Tuesday morning of last week in her 92nd' year, at the resi- dence of her brother, Thomas Mc- Dowell, Main street East. Public School Trustees were all elected this year by acclamation as follows :—Bismark ward, John Bam- ford ; Gladstone ward, A. E. Wind- sor ; Victoria ward, Joseph Wilson ; Dufferin ward, A. M. Smith ; Lans- downe ward, George Raines. G. F. Thompson, of Listowel, has purchased ethe small farm property formerly owned by Mrs. Widdis Jack- son, on the 211d con. of Elmo, near Trowbridge, and intends moving there. ' Goderich Earl Elliott, of Molesworth, spent the vae1tin1) with his parents here. At the Harriston Winter Pair in a class of foi ty font' Rhode Island Reds Henry P. Lashbrook, of Goderich, was awarded 4 firsts, 8 seconds, 1 third and 2 special prizes on 8 birds. A family named Edell, who have been living in town for a year or so and giving the Relief Committee and rlluurmpal authorities some trouble, left on Tuesday in charge of a Dominion Government immigration agent to be returned to England. Mrs. Wm. Warnock left for Cali- fornia, to spend the Winter months with Reg. and Mrs. Black in Pasadena. She was accompanied by Mrs. D. Millar, who will also enjoy the sunny sides of the Golden State for a season, Mies Mary E. Vanstoue, of Ben• miller, was the fortunate winner of the Singer sewing machine offered by Mrs, LH. Tape to the person making the e109eat guess of the number of beans there were in a glass jar dis- played in the window. The judges said there were 5183 beans in the Jar and Sliss ',oilstone's guess Was 5180. The guesses ranged from 500 to 1,200,•' 000+ • • • 0 • • 0 • • • 5 • • • • • anuary AT ETHEL • • ale • P • • i. • Doortge1 n# • the Ode: Way, Jan, 4th = at : 8.30 a. m. • • Everything must be turned into Cash hi 10 Days, G.M.Mitcheir Entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Rub- bers, Furs, Millinery, Ready- made Clothing will be placed on Sale Monday, Jan, 4th, for. to Days only, WE are going to make this the best evet held, in • • Ethel so come and get your share of the Great • Bargains. Hitch the team to the sleigh bring the family out ; get busy. Don't let some; outsiders get the start of you ; say, "I'll be there first." First here, first served, Just a glimpse of the way we are cuttillo' and slashing :— a • • • 3 95 S • Boys' Beadyinade Suite, sizes 33, 84 and 35, regular 38,50. To clear at.... ..... ............ ................ Youths' Readymade Suits, ages from 10 to 15 years, regi- ular $5.50. ITo clear at ...., 2 75 Z 5 who would wash Dishes Toilet and Bedroom Dot n, Peas and Tome- • when you can get a set Sets while they last I toes at • • of 97 pieces for at 3 Tins for 25c 0 $4.99 1.4 • $ 9per set hot 1 1 t ilea Extract '' I t2.ac • )rut' M•uffs and Stoles worth $7.00, . to clear at .... 3 69 0 Ladies' Trimmed Hats worth up to $4.50 t00 • clear at from 1 00 to 1 95 • • Everything goes—Factory Cotton, Flannelettes, Prints, 0 I Ginghams, Underwear, &c.0 0 0 At a Big Reduction s • Who would believe it ? Prices like these in time of War s • Sale starts Monday, Jan. 4th, at S.30 a, in. • s iGeo. Y • Butter and Eggs taken as cash. �hetl• • Phone 2215 • ••••NN•••••••••o••••eso• NOON 96/63000001111111011161111.111111001111 The Watch That Runs On Time. L. BLAKE, Wait© Buyers to Share hi Profits Lower Prices on Ford Oars Effective from August 1, 1914, to August, 1, 1915, and guaranteed agaiust any reduction during that. time, Touring Car - - ;6590 Runabout - - 540 Town Car - 840 In the Dominion of Canada FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiently in our factory prodnotion,and the minimum coat in our purchasing and sales department IF we eau renrh an output of 80,000 cars between tho above detos. AND should we reach this production we. agree 10 pay, as the buyer's shore, from '840 to 680 per car (on or about August 1,1916) to every retail buyer who purehe 09 a 110W Foh•d ear between August 1,1014, and August 1,1016, For further particulars regarding these low prices end profit• sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Drench or Dealer. '•'J. H, GAL BRAITB; Agent, Hraeeele Ford Motor Compsany of Canada Limited Ford, Ontario