The Brussels Post, 1914-12-31, Page 8We Thank .You.
In wishivg our ninnycustomers
the Compliments of the Sensou,
we wielt to 1ltanit you for the
very generous pa'ronage ex -
landed to us tiering the peat
It will be our policy, as in the
past, to try to keep out of our
stock what is commonly known
as trash, gdbds which are per-
haps the easiest to sell, but not
so easily forgotten by the dis-
appointed customer, We hope
to merit yotr trade in 1915 as
A Very Nappy New •Year
Mood Root
Cough Cure
The Ohl. reliable Cough Medicine,
Blood Root Cough Cure, has been
Hold from Our store for years, We
,prepare it ourselves, know what it.
In It and on recommend it an a
Pleasant and
Cough Remedy. The season for
Coughs and Colds is at band ; be on
the safe side and have on hand a
bottle of "Blood Root" if, required.
It may saVe you from a prot-anted
Price25c a bottle.
The • ,. Store
Izza l belvs Rims
„ HAPPY New Year.
WRITE 1915 tomorrow.
HOCKEY Concert Thursday of this
NEW YEAR'S Day will be a Public
NEXT Mouday will be Municipal
Election day.
PosmoPPlcE hours on New Year's Day
will be from 8 to 9 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m.
Punic Schools resume work next
Monday. Brussels school will not open
until Tuesday.
A Carnival will be given in Brussels
rink. Thursday, January 14th. Watch
for the bills,
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of
'next week. Local and outside buyers
will be en hand.
EARLY Saturday morning an aeroplane
was seen here coming from the East and
dying high. A lantern signal was given
by Wm, Pryne, who with others saw the
machine, and it turned and flew East.
ward. What it's mission was in this
Hart of the country on so cold a .morn-
ing is not divined:
Junior Hockey team is putting on a
Concert iu the Towu Hall Thursday
eveniug of this week.' at Which 'an fn.
teresting 'program will be rendered.
No reserved seats and general ad-
mission 25 cents. A crowded house
would please the boys first-class.
I. ANNUAL meeting of East Huron Agri-
cultural Society will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, January
2oth, at 1.30 o'clock. The annual re-
port will be presented, officers chosen
and. other business of interest to the
Society transacted. Every member
should make a point to attend this meet-
ing as it is an important one.
AT GonERrclt.- Tuesday forenoon
Reeve Leckie, Clerk Scott, Councillor
Muldoon, Treasurer Strachan, Gen.
Edwards and Barrister Sinclair went to
Goderich to attend
the trial of Kirkby
vs. Brussels corporation over a suit fo
extras in a sewer contract in which
contractor claimed he had rock to con.
tend with which the corporation 'dis-
puted. judgment was reserved.
HOCKEY.- Au exhibjtion game of
Hockey was played on Brussels rink
Tuesday evening when a picked team
from Wroxeter and Brussels Junior
Northern Hockeyites met. Final score
was 7-2 in favor of the local septette.
E: Ewan refeering gave satisfaction to
both teams. There was a fair attend-
WEEK. --
lowest during at noon
Thursday, Dec. 24 9 . 22
Friday, 25 5 16.
Saturday, 26 o r5
Sunday,' 27 6 18
Monday, 28 20 26
Tuesday, 29 24 31
Wednesday, 3o 27 23
•LITTLE STARs."-The Mission Band
of Melville church, held their annual
Birthday Party in the Town Hall
and was a decided success and reflected
credit on both the members and those
who had the training of the young
folk. Presents on the. Christmas tree
were valued at $25.00 and were sent to
Toronto to be distributed to the poor.
Receipts at the door were nearly $20.
The program was as follows :-Opening
Hymn ; Prayer by Rev. Mr. Manu ;
Secretary's Report ; solo, Miss Mamie
Moore ; dialogue, "Doll's Hospital" ;
solo, Marjory Campbell ; dialogue,
"Christmas stockings" ; recitation,
Archie Ritchie ; solo, Miss Kate Awent ;,
dialogue "Christmas Dolls" ; solo,
Wilma Galbraith ; cantata, "Santa Claus
& Co,"
Taking advantage of Ross McKinnon,
who is a Corporal in D Co. 23rr1, Batt.,
now at Quebec, awaiting orders to cross
the Atlantic to aid the Motherland,
being here on a short visit to the home'
of his mother, Mrs, Hugh McKinnon,
of Grey township, the members of Brus-
sels Odd Fellows' Lodge presented him
with an elegant wrist watch. M. Black
made a neat speech and Walter Broad -
foot, the uew Noble Grand made the
presentation. The recipient replied in
brief but well plated sentences thanking
his brethren of the g links for their kind
wishes andmost acceptable gift and
hoped to represent Western Star Lodge
in a way that would show him to be a
worthy member. . Janes Bowman; M.
P., gave A short patriotic speech and the
proceedings were brought to a close so'
Corporal; McKinnon could' take, the
afternoon train for the Eat, He;enlist-
eri with his Co. at Estevnn, Seek„ from
which point 25 men have gone. Mr.
McKinnon left the West on Nov, 3,
The large circle of ' friends in this.
locality hope Ross, who is a fine looking
soldier boy, will return without a sear
Otter he has done bis duty for his King
and his Country, He was a member of
Brussels Volunteer Co, before he went.
LOCAL news on page 5.
DISTRICT Orange Lodgewill be held
in the Orange Hall, Brussels on the
second Tuesday of lauuary.
Now is a good time to renew for THE
POST for 1955 if you have not already
done so. $1.00 pays the bill.
SEE the first junior Hockey match on
the rink, Brussels, Mot:dav evening of
next week, Palnlerstol and Brussels
will be the competing teams. There
will be skating after the match. Gents
251, Ladies and children 15 cants.
RED CRr•ss WORK.- Next Tuesday
afternoon the ladies of the Red Cross
Society of Brussels will meet as usual
at the Library audience room. Any
ladles willing to either sew or knit can
be supplied with work to aid in the
manufacture of goods for our soldier
boys. You will help a good cause by
lending your assistance.
JERSEY cow, 6 year old for ease, due to salve
January 11111. Phone 21. R, HENDRRSON,
Mna. WN, NEwaoM, Queen Street, Brussels,
desires that people having any tools orother
property belonging to the late Thomas New-
som, her son, would deliver them at her home;
WooDwoaK repairing in eonneotion with
the. Plum blsokemith shop. Anythingin this
line will receive their prompt attention.
Corms 508 SALE. -Two general purpose geld-
inga 2 years old. JAS. D. =NAMLot•22, field
12. Grey, Brussels R. R, No. 8.
CONCERT. -A big special feature con-
cert will be put on in the Town Hall
Brussels on 'Thursday night Dec. Sts
under the auspices of the Brussels Junior
Hockey Club The program will con-
sist of strictly local talent and many ne
and original hits will be billed. Tickets
25c and 151,
SKATING RINK.- After January 1s
the following program will be on at the
skating rink :-
Monday, Hockey practice.
Tuesday, . Skating.
Wednesday, Skating.
Thursday, Curling.
Satu da Skating.
Skating Tuesday g
ay andSaturday after-
noons Skating this Thursday instead
of Curling.
A. O. U. W. -At the last meeting of
Brussels A. O. U W. the following of-
ficers were elected for 2915 ;- Master
Workman, R. Leatherdale ; Foreman,
N. F. Gerry ; Overseer, Jno Cunning-
ham ;'Recorder, W. H. Kerr ; Financier,
R. A. Pryne ; Treasurer. G. A. Dead -
than ; Guide, Jno. Simmons: Inside
Watchman, P. A. McArthur ; Outside
Watchman, Wm. Armstrong ; Auditors,
N. F. Gerry and Jno. Cunningham,
This Lodge was established 43 years ago
and the membership roll has undergone
many changes by deaths and removals,
League gave a Social Evening in the
School room of the Methodist church
last Monday evening. Rev. D. Wren
presided. A choice musical and literary
program was presented and much en-
oyed. It was as follows :- Duet by
Bobs and Marjory Campbell; readings
by Miss Frances Stubbs, of Calgary
solos by Lorne'Eckmier ; "Trial of the
Kaiser" by boys of Brussels Continu•
ation School ; solo, Miss Carrie Hing-
ston ; solo, Marjory Campbell. Every
number was well done and thoroughly
enjoyed. The presentation of the
Kaiser's Trial showed more than a little
talent on the part of the youth's giving
it which proved educative and quite in-
teresting, Lunch was served before the
gathering was brought to a close. The
treasury was fattened by $2o 50, the
financial receipts., League is to be con-
gratulated on the success of the evening,'
BayssaLs NoMINA•rtoN,- A goodly
company of ratepayers assembled in the
Council Chamber last Monday evening
in connection with the yearly Nomina-
tion of local rulers over Municipal and
School affairs for the coming year. The
following persons were nominated ;-
Reeve- W. H. Kerr and J. Leckie,
Councillors- H. L. Jackson, R. A.
Pryne, W, A. Greaser, J. Hewitt, G. R.
Muldoon, R, Downing, W. J. Mc-
Cracken, D. Ewan, A. McGuire and D.
Walker. School Trustees, J. Cunning-
ham, M. Black and S. Wilton, At the
close of the hour Clerk Scott was voted
to the chair and the candidates were
called upon. Mr. Leckie referred to his
long period of municipal life, 27years,
spoke of the low rate of taxes and within
$6000 of being obt of debt iu Brussels
He also spoke of Co. Council matters,
the Patriotic Fund, House of Refuge,
etc•., and desired another year in the
Reeve's chair, W. H. Kerr mentioned
what he thought would improve con-
ditions in Brussels, and resigned in
favor of Mr. Leckie. •The only re-
sponses from the cos Councillors nontin.,
ated were from A,. McGuire and W. 1.
McCracken, and the snme was in evi-
dence when the School Trustees (who
were elected by acclamation) were called
J. Cunningham being the only one
ix f
S o, the
t tie
present.s for
Councillor dropped out so as to avoid an
election and the Board for 5985 will be
Reeve Leckie and Councillors McGuire,
Muldoon, Hewitt aid Walker,
THE Pas'r WOPhelleg are Nos, 3; Mid
Pas u tltis•iifit in Yoitr hat :-
Jail t ^RPimerelo,n at Harristnn
4 --Palmerston at Brussels
8 --Listowel at Ha)ristbn,
11 •- Listowel at 131 itssels,
i5-Brtt5sela at Palmerston,
38--Herr)ston at Listowel,
27-L Htowal at Palmerstitti.
17- him 1111011 a1 Russets
29 -Palmerston tit Listowel
2q --Brussels et Hari'istou,
Feb, t-Harriston at Brussels.
5 -Brussels at Listowel
WEEK OP PRAYER Next week the
local churches will unite in observing
the Week of Prayer. the cervices to be
held As follows :-
Mondry -St. john's church, 'The
Cross of Christ," Rev, Mr, Page.
Tuesday=- Methodist church, "Per-
sonal and National repentance," Rev„A,
J. Manu.
Wednesday -Methodist church, "In-
dividnal and Family Religion," Rev. D.
Taursdey-St. John's church, "The
Missionary Outlook as affected by the
war," Rev. Mr, Page,
Friday-- Methodist church, "The
socia! ;application of the Fospel," Rev.
Mr. Mann.
Services will commence each evening at
8 o'clock and will be conducted by the.
local pastors. A cordial invitation is
extended to the public to attend.
Church Chimes
There are 5 Sabbaths in January 1915.
Attend the special series of services in
connection with the Week of Prayer,
The series of International Sunday
School Lawns for 1915 will be found in
the Old Testament, commencing next
An iuteresting an impressive cere-
mony was conducted at the close of the
regular preaching service. Sabbath even-
ing when the new officiary of Melville
Endeavor for 1915 were installed into
their respective offices by Rev. Mr,
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Wren's subject Will be 'The church's
Call," a Missionary theme. Evening
topic will be "England forever," the
closing discourse in the series of "The
Nations at war," which have been of
marked interest and instruction,
The special Christmas program in
connection with the Methodist Sabbath
School last Sunday was most enjoyable
and instructive. Those who took part
after the devotional exercises were
recitations by Lily Conley Esther Pol-
lard, Dorothy Rowland: Gordon Best,
Reta Pollard and "Pet" Rowland ;
girl's song, "Away in a manger" ;
quartette Sy the Wood family ; boy's
chorus, by R. A. Pryne's Bibie Class'; a
Mission chat by Miss Carrie McCracken,
of Toronto : a recitation by Miss Fran-
ces Stubbs, of Calgary ; and short ad-
dresses by F. H. Gilroy and E, Smith,
Loudon. The monthly Missionary of-
fering totalled $ig z6. $5 of the amount
being a special contribution by Miss
Clara Hunter's class of girls. Every-
body did their part well and the friends
from a distance were specially welcome.
People We Talk About
Robt. Thomson made a business trip
to Toronto this week.
Mrs. T. McFadzean was in Walton
and Seaforth thisee .
w k
Wyman Sperling spent a few hours at
home on Christmas Day.
Miss Jessie Jermyn, of Toronto, was
here fur a short visit at the parental
Harry and Mrs Churchill were visi-
tors at the home of George Edwards,
Russel and Mrs,. Lowry, of Toronto,
were Christmas visitors at the former's
parental home.
W. A. Defoe, of Toronto, spent
Christmas at the home of G. E. and
Mrs. Barkley,
Frank and Mrs, Oliver. of Tilisou-
berg, were here for a short stay with
relatives and friends.
Eli Smith took a few clays off and
made a brief visit with his toolbar and
sister from Londou.
Miss Gladys MacQuarrie of Stratford
Normal is the guest of her stater•Mrs.,
Frauk Stratton, Brussels, "'
F, H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Master
Barrington spent the Christmas holiday
with Mt. Forest relatives.
Miss 'Amy Brett, of Preston, is enjoy-
ing a holiday visit with her sister, Mrs,
(Dr.) McNaughton, Brussels
Miss Gertrude Ross, of Prince Albert,
spent the Christmas holiday at the home
of J. E. and Mis. Smith, Brandon.
Miss Margaret Stewart, Queen street,
is hotne from an enjoyebie visit at the
home of her brother, Park Hill.
Mrs Coates, John street, bas two of
her sons visiting her from the West.
It is 14 years since one of them was
Miss Lizzie McArthur leaves next
week for Moorefield where she has been
engaged to teach school. We wish her
Alex. Ross, of the Customs Depart
meat, Ottawa, made a brief holiday
visit at the parental home during the
past week.
Archie McCallum, of Hanley,_
Saskatchewan, is here on a holiday visit
at his mother's, Mrs. Gilbert Mc-
Callum, William street, Brussels
T. G. McCracken, of Loudon, was
visiting relatives and old frieuds in
town. He is a brotherto the late W.
H. McCracken, and a former Brussellte,
Mrs. Wm. Pryne fell near the Public
Library last Saturday evening and in.
jured her nip, which has caused some
trouble since. Wesbopeshe will soon be
all right.
S, and Mrs. Boreham, of. Ingersoll,
Chas. and•'Mrsi Hingston'+and' child and
Chas: McMillan, of Woodstock, were
holiday visitors at the home of George
and Mrs. McMihan, town.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Bertha
Sharpe bas been quite ill with pneumon-
ia, in Toronto. She is a daughter of
lames Sharpe, Brussels, Miss Sharpe's
many old friends here wish -' her, a speedy
Christmas visitors at U,' C. and MrS,
Ross' were '1'. and Mrs. George and
Miss Hazel Rothwell, of Bay City,
Mich.. Mrs. A. McAllister and Lyle,
Ames and Mrs. McGuire,Ethel ; Dr, Geo, Ross and H. Burkett,
late of England, now of Dominion Bank
staff, Wingham, A fine time was en-
joyed by troth Ohl ppd young,
15 THE
3 bank accountFor
"household expenses"
paying allbills by cheque has many
advantages. It shows the balance on
hand,the amount expended, provides
receipts for every payment and does
not require a large deposit to begin
f,A,D OP:,Ct,
J. F. Rowland, El 0_ d Manager.
Family Theatre School Trustees -John Ounrlinghatn,
M• Black and S. Wilton were re-elect-
ed by acclamation•,
Reeve -Joint Shortreed.
Councillors -Wm. Elston, W. H.
Fraser, D. Johnston and W. 0. Laid-
Beans in Jar 3877
Nearest to Geese
Correct No:
004702 3882
004791 3872
Tied for let prize
004787 3870
2nd Prize
004952 3888
005080 3888
Tied for Srd Prize
004904 - 3887
4th Prize
Holders of coupons are requested to
bring 'their winning tickets to the
Theatre as soon as possible so prizes
may be given.
J. Leslie end Mrs Kern of. Clinton,
were bootie for Ch'rtstmas,.:
John Lynn, oe,Calgary, was renewing
old friendshipa1n town,
C. W. Jackson, o'EKincardine, was in
town for a few days dut`ing 'the past
M. Geo. Edwards and Miss ,ll9inole
were holiday visitors with relatives in
W. and Mr.. Gillespie were in Sea -
forth for Christmas at the former's par
ental home.
Will. Lowry, of London, was here
during the past week visiting his moth-
er and brothers.
Robert and Mrs McAlpine, of St.
Marys, were holiday visitors at the par-
ental home in Brussels.
Miss Margaret Robinson left last
week for Stratford, where she intends
to remain for the Winter
Harry and Mrs Kitby and baby, of
Stratfotd, are holidaying at the Queen's
Hotel wuh. and M
T isQ cerin.
Mrs (Ray) Page and son, Eustache,
are back from an ext ended visit with rela-
tives in Montreal. Mr, Page met them
at Toronto.
F. and Mrs Mee, of Stratford, were
visiting at the home of Walter and Mrs.
Wllbee, Turnberry street, North. Mrs.
Mee is a daughter,
R. M. Burton : nd G. G. Grieve, of
the Standard Bank staff. spent Christ•
mas at their respective homes at Elm
vale and Ailsa Craig.
Dan. McLaughlin, who has been in
the West for several years is here on A
bolidav visit with relatives and old
friends and looking well.
Robert Fergusou, of Guelph, is
here for a holiday visit with relatives
and friends in Brussels. He is the
youngest sou of Mrs Jas. Ferguson,
Chas. and Mrs. Howell, and sons,
Charles and Clifford, of 'Toronto, were
visitors at the home of S. 'P. Plum dur-
ing :he week end. They are relatives,
Rev. W. E Kerr and daughter, Grace,
of Welland, spent Christmas iu town
with relatives. The reverend gentle.
man is a sou of Mrs (Rev.) J. L. Kerr.
Mrs. Foster. of Kincardine, spent a
few days at her parental home in town.
'L'he visitor is a daughter of Ronelrl Mc-
Naughton, an old and well known Brus-
Last Saturday's London Advertiser
says: -1, D. McCrea, B. A,, of Queen's
Theological College is spending his vaca-
tion with his parents, Rev D. L. Mc-
Crae, D. D. and Mrs, McCrae, Hamil-
ton Road, Presbyterian manse, He will
preach to -morrow in St, Peul's church,
West London, in the morning and in
Chelsea Green in the evening.
The friends of A. E. Allis, B. A., of
Toronto, and son of Rev. and lvlrs. 5,
J. Allis, of Clinton, formerly of Brus-
sels, will be sorry to hear that he under-
went an operation for appendicitis at
Toronto on Monday of last week, 'The
patient is doing as well as can be expect-
ed and we hope he will soon be fully
W. L. McQuarrie and son Jack, who
were guests of Mrs. Frank Stratton,
have gone to join Mrs. MacQuarrie, to
spend New Year's with her visiting her
brother in Pontiac, Mich. Mac. also
had a pleasant visit with Some old
friends in Toronto and at H, A. Sabines,
London. After a slibrt stay in Chicago
Mr. and Mrs, McQuarrie and Jack will
return to their home at Saskatoon.
This is Jack's first visit to Brussels and
we hope to see him soon again.
Nomination Day.
I Reeve -J, Leckie and W. IL Kerr,
The latter withdrew,
Councillors-ArthurcGuire, R. A.
Pryne, John Hewitt, Geo: Muldoon,
R. L. Jackson, W. A. Grewar, R. F.
Dawning, W. J. McCracken, .D. Ewan
and 0, Walker. All.withdrew except
inglMesere, McGuire,'Muldoon, Hewitt
and Walker Who were declared dad -
Reeve-Robt, Livingston.
Deputy -Reeve -John Brown.
Councillors -S. S. Cole, Wm. Fraser
and. P. A. McArthur.
Reeve -John Govenlock.
Onuncillot's-J. Govenlocleancl Geo.
Hearne takes the place of 0. Eckert
and R. Archibald,
Reeve -John Mulvey.
Councillors -Messrs. Wheeler, Ruth-
erford, McBurney and Adair,
Reeve -C, Reis.
Councillors -D. Pope, G. Laakie, F.
Davey and J. Douglas.
Reeve Harding ; Deputy Reeve
Demmerling and old Oouneillors,
Reeve -N. Campbell
Conncillo'e- Messrs. Irwin, Stone-
house, Currin and Buchanan.
• The Penslar Store
•' 00.00000000 .?100000900011
Xmas Greetings
To One and All
we extend a Hearty Wish
for a
and Bright New Year.
•0•••••••••••••••••••e•••• 400004000090999000•9•9•990v
HIcoxNe-Wnssten,-At the Methodist Par-
sonage, Belgrave, by Rev, I, W. Kilpatrick,
B. A., on December 29th, 1014, Mr. Nelson
A, Higgins, teacher at Belgrave, to Miss
Violet Selena Wheeler, of bierris town-
at the home or the bride's parents, M r. and
Mrs. Adan, Hutchison, lPordwtoh, by Rev.
Mr, Dobson, Mr. Leslie McLaughlin, of
Saskatoon, formerly of Wroxeter, to Miss
Marion Hutchison,
NIOROLeox.-In Wroxeter, on Deo. 28rd, 1014,
George Nicholson, aged 82 years and 7
MAMMA N. -In Morrie township, on December
90th, 1014, Annie McKenna, relict of the
late George W. Rendman, in her 75111 year.
.Wheat 01 08
1 U0
BORN - Oats
Eggs 85
. 20
CARn'IPo,-Xn. Grey township. on Dem 25E11,
1014, to Mr. and Era; Mark Cardiff, a son.
t1ELLeoe,-At Expense, Saek., on December
8rd, 1019, Eo Inr, null 61re. John Sellers, n
wi ous.-InHarriaton, on December 15th, Pota
nTmttoes per bus
1014, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Whitmore tree Wool washed..
Nellie Nutlie Black, of Wroxeter), a daughter. Wool unwashed.,,
#1 40
1 65
12 00
W10ns10 DAY, ,LAN. 8th, -Cows, yearlings and
calves, at Lob 10, Con, 2, Grey township. Site
Atop' in. A lex. Mai/amid, Prop.; 1f. S. Scott,
W1tnosSOAY, ,TAN. 19th: Farts Stook, Tm-
Mements, Household S'urnitm e, &e., at Lot 20,
Con, 15, Gray township, Sale unreserved at 1
p. in. W. P .Bray, Prop. ; F. S, Scott, Auo,
Sow Strayed
Strayed on the premises of the undersigned,
Lot 22. (101,..7, Grey, about Nov. 15t11, a white
sow. The owner is requested to prove proper.
ty, pay oxpeusea find tnice her away,
W61. El:RMIir,a,
27.9 Ethel P, C.
East Huron Agricultural society
The Animal Meeting of East Huron A gricnl•
turni Society will beheld n theTown1 Haat
000'elo, on Wednesday„ Januaryieet 10-,n.
IMO ing ck p.the
l StatSS of sntent end Auditors' Re'
o Report,
the Annual Statement and Auditors'
Report, appointing oMeers for the year 1015,
.T. LECKIE, President,
M. BLACK, Secretary.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6••••••••••••••••••••••soarioasoaariesOO®••®0•®•••• t'_0
°e i'9(Ill V I�(I to II allWinter and
s '1 °3 aye f� lyi
4 ti,
t i
• e.
IIIOtlliii, ,,,,. "..tllllllll
s ..y.�
• r '
: PRQGIRFSS HRAr1D •• fj�g
At $10.00
UR stock of Fall and
Winter Overcoats is
now complete and
we would like you to see the
very latest models in PRO-
A_ t $10.00
Meit'a fine dank grey Meltnus,
medium weight, wool eel ge lining,
sills facings on lapels, all sizes.
Special st $10 00
At $10.00
7lieti's heavy bhtelc Melton Gym. -
coats in Semi -fitting and Chester-
field styles, with silk velvet cellars,
wool serge lilting, all sizes.
"Progress Brand" Special $10.00
Men's heavy wool tweed Ulatere, double and sin-
gle breasted styles, with and without back straps,
"Progress Brand," heavy wool serge linings, a very
serviceable coat, with euuvertable collar's, all sizes.
Special at $10.00
At $14.00
Men's :1 length cloth coals in grey and brown
colorings, form fitting with bell bottom, the very
latest styles, all sizes in "Progress Brand."
Special at $14.00
• At $10.00
o Men's heavy bleak cloth overcoats with curl cloth
•lining, fut. collar, sizes 40, 42 and 44 only.
•Special at $10.00
At 15x00 17.00 00 & $20.00'
Men's extra heavy elates allauthe best styl
, m
"Progress Brand," some betifmi cloths o
At $12.00
Men's heavy beaver cloth overcoats. with heavy
plush lining, good quality of miuk marmot collar,
all sizes.: . Special at $12.00
At $15.00
Men's fine Kersey and Melton cloth overcoats
good quality of curl cloth lining, tubber interlining
in body; and sleeves, No. 1 Marmot shawl collars, also
Persian Paw collars, all sizes,
Very special at $15,00
At $20.00
Men's fine Kersey cloth And fine broad cloth over-
coats, rubber interlining, with plush and Bite mire
cloth linings, No, 1 German Ottercollat' ; this is 1t,
splendid coat and will give the beat of satisfaction.
All sizes. . Special' al, $20.00
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