HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-12-31, Page 5•
I .4
�>raw^x�><^n+zt+i�l>rwp4se9ur.+w,. �riunimrar"sNa�a+a+`+sa•Kw J�..,,.,..a+rpwe�w. rr _',�S+wa.,Tue�mr�• :itya
t?f+a�awL„ �,.,.,e�..'�r'rfitrrzallsrx•rt'a�+�acmFx'• ,tet-9�nnRc°.
tone Ip Ike: Peal *fllce, Ethel. 80.4
Barrister, Solloltor, Oouveyand1i,
Notary 11ublio1 410, OElee-8 tewart's 111ook
I door North of Ooutral Hotel
Solicitor fur the Metropolitan 23 auk,
A a00, win 8,310: for butter prices, to
tottor won, in Inas t)mo and lase 0111(x0,30
Loan an
other Auctioneer notlmlee
r in boon 1 est
i H or'
1/e ,vvu't.86)0, u anything, Bates W.o.o 0ders
tan, al 11 :epby arranged 2)t. this nillpe. er. by
.r1( ,nal applfoit
A'ta:IP,~.t a riirogexo Balzie.fir
BRussE4.S •
Going So WM (401220 Nn4t•e11
Rxprose 7:18 a mMelt 10:12 a m
Express 8:451/ 20 I'Mxprees • ..8:82 p m
C$AVfA.4 .>t' 9f filiZ°J£'Pler•
y-ToToronto To tioderlch
Express 7:52 a 281Express 11:19a an
IMarem .,.,,. 1:22 p 111 11;X2).001( 8:46 p m
Going Mast - .7:06 n, in, and 8:40 p. 221.
Going West - 12:I9 and 9:68p,'n.
All trains going Enid connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T.
.13. 13, stations.
(}EO. ALLAN, Loral Agent.
r20 0.,4v.:o'a,1lAvarlvvuylri,vAr,>'pov'4v025w..4.
' Winter Term opens Jan, 4 0
t��( P
0 `? Strike for a Bettor Position. • )c1
by taking n course in the Popular
gTill. School stTORONTO, ONT, l3mands' Deed and should )-
7c efs 11 110v0 the ordineryru0)s College r,
endwhen thoroughness of train.
Ing in cOnxkle'ed, ranks an oug the
be+t on this. nontiii en t.
Handsome Catalog/meant on request. a,
Oar. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT,
Charles Sta. f Principal,
Ontario's Boat pn,cn0al Training
statnol. We have thorough courses
Pecy and experienced (Im10 tabors in .011011 of
our three rlepnrtutonte-
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
Oar graduates .noreed and 5 00 should
read our largo, free m1011°gpe.l Write
for it at once.
D. A, McLAOHLAN, Principal.
ri>somYdvr tsu5S. d t vi.sessxSWp'Av22 cavAj.
m! y..4.4.4,wm,wird''arov .v.;r S „
at tho
Thorough Courses taught
g by
y -
Compel .eut '1'eauhos. a,
For particularsaddress-'
Listowel, Ont.
.- 0" r.0>,0 0 ti j
sfli Ria R4s Rvai' . v `P'
`Gkpa11 Ria4R^a 41( aa.�41s�
Best Brains
In Canada have pertloipeted in the pr•.e-
pnration 61 our splendid Home •Shody
Courses. in Banking,, Economies, Higher
Accounting, Commercial. Art, Sllow
Card Writing, Photography, Journal.Ism, Short Story. Willing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping Select the wort(
wh+oh meet interests von end write as
for particulars, Addles)
392.7 Vonge St., Toronto
Tlrousunds of nail:Moue young pee.
3 )18 18011 fust preparing 1n their own
1oe18a to occupy literative positions an
stenographers, bookkeepers, teleg n-
? pliers, cavil servants in foot every
sphere of oOtivities. You may Ankh 2(t
college if yon. Se w1811. P,,85910118 gu222"
' anteed, ]linter College any any. SIKH.
0"nrl inetrimtlon. .Expert teachers,
Thirty Seers exp0r1onr8. Largest.
trainers in Canada, Seven colleges.
Spa:lel 011111'se for twashe's.
Affiliated with Commercial 1➢dnee.
tbr28 A8800101403) of Oeuul1, 4nn.mnr
2)t Cam frs S Ottoi Boldness Col -
1880, London.
Wingham Business College
8r098.119, W. T. Melon,
President. Pt1
• lxuainoss QarUs
1906000800/' to M. H. Moore (51110,3 at Ander.
4202 Wren, Livery stable, W u.sieln 0 meld/11114'
Bachelor of Medicine, Linivereiey of Toronto
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy.
• 42011(116 7111(1 Burgeons, 01n6, . Pest•.L'1'at)uate
tlh,01g0 11,Y4-1, tow and
, Mor, 4t'throat 't10x ital.
Ct6innpo, lt I0(•lion. . .nrgon,l to Bt. hifuh•
sol a Itoopitel,. pronto.
O1r1ooOver Ir.It. Sndth'8 Drug Store. Tole•
Plante 00/1 10160011 witI, CrmlbrQuk et all hours
DR. r'- .T. SRYAJV$
Stiehelorol' hied101i>e, Unlversity'T essast0 ;
Lioo>lClete of ()Wien.. of Phys,oiaue 112101 Sur-
geons, Ontario ; en-8on+'oo Elonee Sm•gem1 of
Western Hoepita 1, Toronto. Onium oe lite Dr.
A. McEevoyp, Smith Block, Brussels,
Berlt1 pilun0 45,
M.B., M.C.P-d S. O.
10) Blom. street East, Toronto.
Diseases Ear, Noee and Throat.
Olhdcal, 118010(111, 9 in i8*', Nose and ash l'Oa t. dW
partulent New General hospital, Toronto ;
Post Graduate H2'0,20(1. e1ioal9School, Bee.
ton ; late donlor Madden t Surgeon plass, Eye
& Ilar Infirmary ; late Olbtioal aosistnut in
Nose wad Throat department
es +e. Hnn•
pital late House Surgeon Toronto General
r ' In 16.118.018 14 appointment, .
Physician and Surgeon:Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Ohioago.. Hos.
Wads, 'Special nal/Mien todl8ense of eye, Dar,
11088 and throat, )Byes tested for gl110800,
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S,
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Stu,
goons of Ontario and Gradunto University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry,
OMho in Isard Sleek, Wingham
Phone 249, Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plate work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Da and night calls, .Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate 1)epartmant of O hlhal.
110109y, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
is prepared eyes
her Mace over Grower's oRestaurant Brus els,,
on Thavelay, Friday and Saturday of every.
week. 0213oe hours Ito 8 p, 111, Forenoons
by appointment. Phone 1219.
Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, End door from H'emil ton
Private Rinds to loan at lowest rates.
W. PnouuvooT, K.U. .1, L, Et hLoltAN
Wm, P101)869009 .111.
fatal fi eW hero
CHIus'rMAs was a quiet day in town.
YOUNG ladies who graduate from
Listowel Business College have a prac-
tical, workable knowledge of business
that is a means t
I veli -
hood i1/ pleasant surroundings,
!'HE Poss.' telephones
are Nos, 31 and
32. If you have a 0201999 item concern-
ing your neighborhood ring us up as 2e
are always glad to receive them if -sent
early in the week.
ANo'rIEa graduate writes "I have got
along fine with my work since coming
here. I can take dictation almost as fest
as they can give it to me. Somuch for
the Listowel Business College.
A steam .whistle has been put in to ser-
vice at the Electric Light plant, We
like the sound and would like to see cue
installed on each institution using stearal
66 they give a business atmosphere in
their friendly "toot I toot 1"
You should make use of your spare
time this Winter by taking a course of
study in business at Listowel Business
College. It will be worth tunny tinges
91159 121 after years. New Years term
opens on 1110narY4 11.,
C ge reap blur the Winter
tern] on Monday, Jan. 4111, This school
has Commercial. Shorlhaud and Tele-
graphy departments. IIs courses ale
superior to those of other schools and
our readers who are interested in Busi-
ness College work should write the
College for its free catalogue,
Lis -rower. Business College opens for
New Year's term oo Monday, January
4(51, 1915. You should enter with the
others en. that day stud prepare yourself
for a position i11 Lausda's coming pros
perity, which will be a greater Canada
thau ever.
'1'IME Ex'l•ENpeo.-As a number have
written THE Post' asking for extension
of time in paying back subscriptious we
have extended the date to January 15
instead of December r5, before nitrnes
of 3 years and over will be handed to
the Collecting Agency. We have no
desire to be arbitrary with anybody but
when hundreds of people owe us Isom
$3 to $5 it becomes a matter of neces-
sity to do collecting to meet our pay-
meuts maturing. We have heard trout
it large uulnber of people but must have
remittances [real many more before
!au...15. if they wish to avoid Lhe,;I1.geucy,
THE LOCAL NEwsrAPeR.-No 1 estuess
man, professional man 1/t' manufacturer
in any tow] should allow ii newspaper
published in his town to go without his
name and business being hlettioued
somewhere i1/ its columns says an ex-
change, This applies to all kiwis of
business --general stores, city goods,
groceries, furniture dealers, manullotur-
iug establishnleuts, automobile dealers,
mechanics, professional men and in fact
all kinds of busiuess. 'Chis does not
mean that you should have whole or
half, or even a quarter or page ad. in
every issue of the imper, but yotii• name
end business should be mentioned, if
yOu 250.1109 use more than 2 line space,
A stranger picking up a newspaper
sllonld be able to tell jest what business
is represented in a town by looking et
tine business meu110230l i1/ the paper,
is the hest possible advertiser.
The man who does not advertisenils
business does an injustice to himself and
his town. He is the matt who expects
the loos free most boosting g
b n for his town.
The man who insists on sharing the
business that comes to a town but refus-
es to advertise his business is not a
valuable addition to any tower. The
life of a town depends upou the live,
widenwake and liberal adVertsIug
business men,
1tev, Mr. Reddit1, assisfarl! Book
Steward at tht Methodist Book Route
r, I. 11
luun clad
I la .1 per from olu ^.n •
I. 4. t.4C
el II 01 Hai rlsiuu,
has a very credituldo standing In her
studies and pnlatluo at Listowel Basi-
' Pesti College, having written on it Rem-
ington 'ypewriter from reaciinit matter
which sue had nut previously seen, at
the late of 3y words per minute'. Mies
Childs 11as only bean in attendance at
Listowel Busu>0se College three and one
••"Spc( 000IOI. CABO1BA'ras,- The !)e
pa11111eut of Education. alluounoed the
names of the sueeessfut"Model Scheel
pupils who lire granted a 1111111 Third-
class tertifieate, Those who were secs
cessful [rum (liutou Model School and
other places are -S, Heuty, Clin-
ton ; A Hoare, Clinton ; W, Nelsou,
Cliutuu ; G. Case, Dungannon ; 1:.
Swartz, Goderich ; Misses V. Car'bert,
Clinton ; M. CarberI, Cliuton, C. Copp,
Clinton ; 11.. Dors., Clinton ; V. Lobb.
Cliutun ; F. Allan, Stratford ; M. Ryan,
Saltford ; C. Breckenridge, Ripley ; R.
Douglao-, Ripley ; E. Law, Drumbo ; H,
Turner, Saatortb; 81, Clarke, Varna;
G l'lumstt,el, Auburn ; L. Sperling,
Crani/rook ; 11. Palmer, Amberley,
A11.. OLD' BrtvssEl.roE, -The Daily.
News of Chsthaii>, under. -.date of.:De
eembel 23rd, speal(s as 505(0195. of the:
Cllri tnleb 1)10at5 display Made by D. B.
MoDonnld ''formerly of .13rnesels :-Au
'simept3oually fine stock' of Christmas
meats ate displayed i2) the mane market
'of D: E McDonald, Queen and Rich -
Mond streets, Every Cil.rist(uas for the
couveuience of his customers Mr. Mc-
Donald stocks his larders with choice
meets. of ;t he season 611) 11110 year rho
;variety has broken a record
D(10mM has been in the butcher business
tor the pest 34 years and is therefore au
excellent judge of good pleats. Out of
34 years he spent re in the packing house
business, but despite this fact be pur-
chases his stock of meats direct from'the
0011111,1y, pays the best .prices and buys
but the youngest and best meats, there-
by guaranteeing satisfaction to his Cus-
tomers. On display in the shop at pres-
ent are 2 flue heifers 01115 a steer, weigh
leg Goo tljiiece when dressed, fatted b'
John Duncan McCofg, a well known
farmer of the roth Coe., Harwich, 2
Iambs fell by S. Huffman, roth Con.,
Harwich, weighitig :about Sr pounds
Apiece, 2 deer shot in Government Park,
one weighing 127 pounds and the other
126 pounds, 6 ince Christmas hogs fed
by Henry Bowley, River Road, Besides
these he has a full stock of turkeys;
geese, docks, chickens, etc.; fed' by
Mrs, Jas, Doig, roth.Con., Raleigh, and
also it ,splendid line 'of lards; bacons;
sausage and everything in meats one.
would require for the festive season,
All his cattle were purchased by Bert
List, the well known Wholesaler and,
slaughtered and dressed by Claude
Prior. A visit to McDonald's shop
would bo well worth while. Telephone
546 if you cannot visit the store.
Meg. George Hiteris, WI'nxeter, Ont.
auuunces the engagement • of 11 81.
daughter, Mildred, to A. Raymond
Lenity, of Herschel, Sask., the mar-
riage 10 lake place the firstweek in
Miss Helen Larkin, 1/l' Westminster
College, Toronto, is with her parents
al the 11 111118e.
11 itis Verde Best hats returned Insure
after spending six months with friends
the \Vest:.
Seaforth and 1(1110hell Juninr North-
ern League hockey teams will meet at
Mitchell on New Year's Day.
The Onits will hnitl a 1 10118.13101 011
Tuesday, January 12111, 1015 when a
rlmuber of visiting rinks will take
The many friends of 3111111e 11'ab-
kirk: 2)l' the telephone office, will be,,
pleased to learn that she is retro vettlig
91'0111 her illness
The ,hale 1/l' Mibs 1•laetie 0. 'Truer
1(1111611(:8 in the list of those who have
been successful i1/ sern1iug their
limit etl8rd' class certificates from the
Dep mtuleut of Education,
.1 W. Beswilherick has purchased
a fine 1et1111 of heavy dray horses.
Anhui- 1/u1 Mrs. "Do
111(,31, 09 Mans-
field, 01110, are visiting with the
fo, Mar's parents at the 2114110e,
Misses Mabel and Been rule and
Bei bent Dobson, of Toronto, are ttlso
home foe the holiday.
The closing exercises at the Pnblic
School tve'e enjoyed by the pupils and
visitors, the unloading of the
Christmas 'Tree tieing especially in-
teresting to the little folk. A copy of
Ilnl'lts' 11nei1111 wits pi ('8621 ted to Prin.
riled t.1ofl'et'yoo by the 1914 Et/bra/ice
Olnes its a, token of appreciation.
: 133
WOMAN itI" D ll'eye Dr. Milne generodaly prep
nentr(I each member of the Gnlnlcil,
�, all 02)• .lsvll opts els,- employees and
the Miof the Standard, With
' Cuhn1h'stausnl.l,s turkey, box of cigars oe
From Female Ills •'-- Restored
Health . by Lydia E.
Pinkham's b
Ve eta I
g e
Bel)dyiile, N.S.,Canada,-"Idoctored
fol' ten years for female troubles and
did not get well. I read in the paper
about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Comppund and decided to try it. I write
now to tell you that I am cured. You
tan publish my letter as atestimonial,"
-'vire. Stiv1:1NE 13AI3IN1:, Belleville,
Nova Scotia, Canada.
Another Woman Recovers,
Auburn, N. Y. -"I suffered from
nervousness for ten years, and had such
organic pains that sometimes d would lie
in bed fourdaysa
me could to
2) te at
or -sleep and did not want anyone to talk
to me or bother me at all. Sometimes
I would suffer for seven hours at a time.
Different doctors did the best they could
far me until four months ago 1 began
giving 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial and now I am in good
health." --Mrs. WILLIAM H. GILL,No. 15
Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York.
The above are only two of the thou-
sands of grateful letters which are con-
stantly being received by the Pinkham
Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass.,
which show clearly what great things
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound does for those who suffer from
woman's ills.
if you want ape-
Oa1 advice write to
Lydia 11. Pinkbain
Med irine Co. (eon 11 -
deli tial)Ly na,3lass.
Your letter will be
1' end and
answered by a wo-
man and II el (u
strict confidence.
Jas. Hunter, 9th Oon., is confined to
the house with a very severe attack
Of sciatica.
L. 0. L. No, 042, held their annual
meeting for the election of officers for
the ensuing year. The following
were duly elected and installed :-
W. 11., Findley Lynn ; D. M., Jas.
Waitrons ; Chap.. J. H. Johnston ;
Reo.-Sec'y., Wm. Goggin ; Pin.-Sec'y.,
Gordon Sanderson; Treas., B. S.
Onok ; D. of 0., Win. Corbett ; Lect„
Joseph Williamson •
Committee, John
Campbell, De. Workman, Jas. .A.
Sanderson, Geo. Williams, J. T.
E. W. and
A. G. Jewitt are spend-
ing the holidays at the Parsonage.
Feank and Nfrs. Metcalf and Miss
Ella have le9nrned from Medicine
L{at, Alta
W. Sho.ltreed, who has been at
Swift Current, Sask., for the past
Summer, has returned hone.
Miss Annie Taylor.', who bas been
teaching school at Sarnia is spending
the holidays at her home here.
]reeve Dr. Milne made a great
many in town happy by presenting
them with a turkey for each family.
At present there are a number of
the children in this locality afflicted
with measles but not many in the
'Vire member's of Blyth' Lodge No.
808, A. F. & A. M., attended Service
in Trinity church in a body on Sunday
Chats. 101141(,,, who has. been located
in the West for the past couple of
years, is home and will spend the
Winter with his parents, Thos. and
Mrs, 1,'lllnttll.
Local merchants report that they
did a epientlitd holiday trade and' are
well pleased, Rough weather for a
da ( '
v or two interfered with business
1111s, litter it came .tvitll such a rush
that theatarekeepers were kept busy
satisfying everyone.
G. 1.(7. McTaggart, as Chairman of
Otis district of the G. T. It. operators,
left on Saturday for Toronto to attend
a meeting of the chairnnen, when itis
expected the $100,000 promised by the
G. T. R will be divided amongst the
agents in the way of an increase in
wages. During hie absence, Me.
Snider, relieving agent, will have
charge of the station here.
Values in
Gents' Box Calf, White Rawhide facings
toes, ...
Gents' Russet Calf 'with Black facings
toes, Felt lined
Gents' Black Box
Kip Shoes
Ladies' Hockey Boots, neat and strong,
Calf .,,
..• 2
Shoes and Snivels all at favorable
ons for Christmas
111 New Years gifts. Gloves riadMitts
warm and durable
a01(Ropah's int Rubbers incl Shriek' done promptly.
At the Methodist Ohriatutae'free
i 2 huexpeete(1 gifts were presented, the
Adult Bible (hese givhlg their h'achet'
a leather upholstered rocking chair
and the offices and the Leach -
ors presenting the Superintend-
ent, 0. 11. Haase, with 4 gold headed
At the 11110Ulll meeting of L. 0, L.
No, 968 the following officers were
elected, and installed by P. 0. M., H.
llorney :-W. M., J, E. Taman ; D.
M., A. Anderson ; Chaplain, John
Mains ; Rec.-Secretary, S. A. Pople-
stoue; Fin, -Secretary, H. Honey ;
Treasurer, W. 13. McElroy ; D. of 0.,
Jas. Glbeon ; Lecturers, R. Pratt al,d
W. Bryant ; Committeemen, F.
EcHaggitt T. 0. r', m. berm,
HllggittttndMa17lWes.oyaWsnan, Hibe
East Wawanosh Oourncil
Last meeting of East Wine/1,1100h
Council for
O 1914, was held inRe grI •
on Dec. 15101 . with all the members
present. Minutes: of last meeting
were lead. (ted confirmed. Report of
Dr. Stewart M. 0. H., showing the
Township to have been practically
free from any contagious or infections
diseases during the year was received
and lead. The suns of $25 was grant-
ed Dr. Stewart for services as M. 0.
Oletk was instructed to bill the
Trustees of S. S. No.. 11 for $5 60,
being the aulount of expense, incurred
i1 having an analysis made of the
water'frnrn the well at the school.
(Immmnnioation from the Canadian
Suffrage Association asking that the
municipal franchise he granted to
married women owning property
and that a referendum o1/ this ques-
Linn be taken. at the next municipal
election. Received and ordered to be
It wan Ordered ' that when the
Pettiness Board of the Police Vilhtge
of Auburn furnishes a stalernent
showing that they have expended
what monies they had on hand and
send an order signed by the Chair-
man of the Board on Township Treas-
urer for the amount requested that
the Treasurer be instructed to honor
the same.; '
' Dilferene ratepayers Were 'present
regarding minor drainage problerris,
but in each case these' :natters were
left over for the present.
Taxes having uot.(t11 been collected
the Collector's time for returning the
toll was extended'to Feb. 1,
A large number of accounts were
11t'dered paid. ALEX. PORTEREIELD,
Stirred up by the recent articles
running hi The Financial Post, show-
ing how impracticable were the efforts
and how inefficient were the methods
of the Departments of Trade, Agri-
culture and Labor in meeting the
present emergency, the Goveniment
is responsible for the following inspir-
ed despatch which has been sent out
from Ottawa :-
"The government is planning an
active campaign to stimulate agri-
cultural production of all kinds in
1915. Hon. Martin Burrell ie arrang-
ing fora series of conferences ehrongh-
out the Dominion in January and
February at which the farmers of the
various districts will be called to-
gether and given full information as
to conditions in Europe, and the great
demand for food supplies by the allies
while the war 18 011. The best means
of meeting those demands will be fully
discussed by Lha farmer's and those
who address them."
The Pasts articles 1
B subject
ell cot
have not been intended as criticisms
of the Governnont, but rather of the
system under which Cabinet Ministers
are selected. As a rule, the selection
does not fall upon the best men avail-
able for the vacant posts, men with
successful experience in the fields
ovbicll they are called upon to ad-
minister, On the contrary, the ap-
pointments are generally awarded in
return for party services or with an
eye to the political influence the new
Minister may wield in his section of
Canada. The result is that, under
this system, party interests are
frequently considered before public
advantage. The Financial Post has
been urging that in this, the greatest
opportunity for extending Canadian
trade which has ever occurred, the
Ministers referred to above have not
risen to the einergency. Though 1/o
doubt directed with the best of inten-
tions, their efforts have been quite in-
This will be seen by referring to the
desue:tch above quoted. 101r. Burrell
prop' 500 10 Lell the fanners thrnngh-
out Canada of the greatdelnaud which
has arisen for foodstuffs on account
of the war. Thanks to their local
newspapers, however, every fat mer
in Canada already knows all about
thi8, anti hither thanks to the urgent
suggestion of a brainy railway man
who started a campaign early last
AuLulnn, in which lie was supported
by these papers, there are few farmers
who have not already prepared for the
greatest crop 011 record next year•.
That part of the campaign iS, there-
fore, wasted effort, and consequently
Suppose Mr. Burrell's scheme were,
as he seems to think, the rine thing
needful, where is he to find his big
a lecturers 2 The Provincial
Governments are now at their wits'
end to find such men, He will be
oolnpelle,,d to appoint, ih most cases,
incompetent party workers -a silage of
mel who seldom show much capa-
bilit. i•
y More than that, what will the
cost be? Good men cannot be got
under $80 to $40 a week, and another
$20, perhaps $50, will have to be added
for expenses,
travelling, e1/
ole., say, $75a week poatof then'
Will not be worth their saltRichards & Co.
, and the
attendance at their meetings is likely
to be small.
The Financial Post makes this sug-
gestion to this well.intentio ed
Minister : There on his department,
In the agricultural departments of the
pt•oviuu•s, fu the ttgri01lt:nral colleges,
and on the fauns. a number of very
able, enthtn,bed le, puhllr>-spirited men
whose practical 3') I'' leil0e8 if follow-
ed out would enable the average farm-
er to (lnnble the present t(verltge fu-
colne from his lam.
A ememittee of the beef of those
.011(121 could concentrate on a series o1'
the nlnst practical and telling ting -
58s `111 1 ''his is thework nowbeing
111 splendidly -edited (lgri-
cullnla newspapers -.which, by the
way, 11011. 1111, Burrell in his caparily
1(0 u party man proposed to Oupin'e9s.
TM, (lest of these dgricullmal papers
are not rend by 1 he 111488 of farmer's,
but only by the more enterprising
e)a88. there are, however, few fttl'm-
ere who du not read and swear by
their local weekly. 1'110 G0vernmen
should, therefore, arrange to present,
this series of practical and timely sug-
gestions in the form of well.displayed
announcements in these local weekly
papers, regardless of whether they at e
Prance un(1 (:Te,•Irotny have partly don+
so., T13111 01) 11115 (4)21191110* anyone
"LIT/(192)1/111 1,1)1(1y 91,1'01'1 -le a da11g0r t0
the safety of t. he nation;
1 e b.
\Vi cal 1/f' :ht de t . In of life k I s1u0G n y
war but .there ate literally laundrette
killed by 15111110 94.1. every pile killed; in
wall', '1'114 3U,m11)i11Pe of Fifty" (00531.-
9u1,ed 1hal in the United Stales there
are 11,0 many killed every four, leers by
drink 1005vere killed dul,lhg the fou
years of the hiatus!: war. ..um liquor
Journals admit the ('rn'rectaless (11: the
Colic! tsi(ns 2)f Mr, Pholps who pays
that Inn/sleeting liquors 0405,,0 the
death of sixty-six thousand every year
in the United States, No wonder that
the (400113,12) Emperor taught his sold-
iers that the snbel nations would have '
the advantage i1/ future battles both
09 peace and war. Every roan who
dues not do 41,11 he can to destroy this
greatest enemy of our country may
talk loyalty but he is not loyal,
11, ARNOTT. M,B., M.0.P.S.
Liberal or Onnset•vative. It is a busi-
nee8, not a party, proposition, In
this way all the farmers of Canada
would have 111) opperl unity of profit
q by the advice 2)f. the best algri-.
eultul al exflerts, •and the, cost should
be much less''' than the totally,
efficient plan proposed by the Minister
of Agriculture.
If this suggestion were'intelligelrll¢
carried out it would give atremendons
impetus to the lucre/teein quality and
quantity of farm products to be sold
and turned into money. The farmers
are the most generous spenders whet
money is plentiful, and the inventors,
merchants, manufacturer's, financieest
and ether business interests for which
The Financial Post is the mouthpiece
would all also greatly benefit,
False loyalty,
To the Editor of Tax P089 :
It has been said that every lean
should be as a brick in a wall of de-
fense for his country. Thal is true
loyalty and every one owes that much
to e h
L country that nnrLure an
him. But is a man really loyal
who weakens that wall of defense by
'poisoning himself with intoxicants so
that at best he can be only a rotten
brick and probably he leaves behind
hint a, race of rotten Vicki, a burden
instead of a help in bine of need: Yet
that is what thousands have done and
what thousands are doing.'•
What is
my authority for such a
stlttement? I an8tvee Government
Commissions in almost every civilized
country, and reports of eminent scie1-.
fists who have collected the 'histories
of thousands of families. Besides that
anyone with eyes can see for himself
that it is correct.
The present war has been called a
teetotal war. Russia and
have completely abolished the use o
intoxicating beverages, and England,
Regular Monthly. Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels as follows :
THURSDAY, DEO. 8rd, [914
.IAN. 7111, 1915
FEB. 4th, 1915
MAR, 4911, 1915
APR. 1st, 1915
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be Present.
The London Advertiser
Edition $2,00 per Year by Mail Out-
side Cit'.y of London.
All the War News.
All Market Quotations
Ali Sporting News
The Best Newspaper , Value in
Western Ontario
Delivered through your Post Office
or (108(2Rur I
o r
y u a Route same
day as Published for
$2.00 per year.
Every Regina Watch carries
with it a universal guarantee.
That means, if you purchase a
Regina from this store, we en-
dorse the universal guarantee,
which will be honored by any other
Regina watch agent anywhere.
Add to this, the manufacturers'
absolute and permanent guaran-
tee against structural defects and
you will see that you cannot make
a mistake in purchasing a REGINA
L. BLAKE, Walton
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prides on Ford Oars
Effective front August 1, 1914, to August, 1, 1915, and
guaranteed against' any reduction during that
Touring Oar - $590
Runabout - - 540
Town Car - 840
In tho Dominion of Canada
FURTHER we will be able to nbtrtln the rnaxinanni
efficiency in cut• factory production, endthe minimum 0086 to
our puri lasing and sales department IP we can roach nn output
of 80,000 oars between the /More 2511tee,
AND should We reach this production we agree to
Pay,as the buyer's share, from 040 (0350. per Oar 1010 or about
Aeguet 1,19151 to every retail buyer who 1)100151115381212e13 Ford
ear between August I, ISA and .August 1,1013,
For further artie tlar regarding
p t sVora those )ole sale 1(1115 profit•,
sharing plat, sec the nenroeti li or Mrnnnh.m• Dealer,
J, H. GAL BRAITH, Agent, Brussels
Ford Motor �y
of Canada Limited +`y
Ford, Ontario
Ais. eyple®Ide,aremass<relalccti