HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-12-31, Page 1i4 VOL,. 43 NO. 2 ts ONTARIO. THURSDAY; DECEMBER 31, 1914 TV. H. KERR, Proprietor The Metropolitan Bank was 0n November 14th, 1914, formally amalgamated with The Bank of tp Nova Scotia The business of the Metropolitan Bank will be conducted as formerly and it will receive the advantages due to the larger and older estab- lishment of the Bank of Nova Scotia, which was incorporated in 1832 and has 190 branches distributed throughout Canada, Newfoundland and the West Indies. • Paid-up Capital - $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund - 11,900,000 Total Resources over 90,000,000 We invite every description of banking business. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. Gilroy, Manager 173 New Advertisements Auction Hale—W. P. Bray. Lord—Mrs Wm. Newsom. Sew Strayed—Wm. Eolnnier. We thallic you—F. R. Smith. Prize (octant -R, al. Sinclair January Halo—Goo. M. Mitchell. Annualmeetht,;—A grioultural Society. strict . au MoncriefF W. E Hanley, of the Royal Bank, came from Ottawa to spend three weeks' vacation at his home here and after visiting his sister in Stratford has now gone to Thamesfortl to take up Manger's duties there while. the latter takes his holidays. All holidays were cancelled at the commencement of hostilities on account of so many of the Bank officer's leaving to juin their respective companies going to the front. Will. wee placed on the relieving alnIf and has been filling the afeitegel's positions on two of the Toronto le;o oles, 11idgetutvu and Ottawa testi. lively. Ile expects to • • • • Is ea a • 0 • a • • s 9 • • • • • 0 m 9 • a 0 • • • • • at, 19 • t,1) 0 19 t) a b among hie mime -Nee; Mende in London and ildln'inu for the I,'Htive 6//1111111 having been Hliil11111ed nl, the latter place for over 5 years; when le the service cif the 111191e Bank. Wroxeter Mies Daisy Wilson was a visitor in Mildnuty this week, Frerl. Davey and family spent Fel- day in Grand ViiIley. W. S. Ryan spent Ohiisimas flay at his home in Lucan. Dr. altcl Mr's, Jeekton were V1811:01e in Toronto over the holiday. Mee. McLennan is spending a week with relatives in Barrister]. Stewart Mcltercher, of Kingston University is home for the holidays. D. McTavish returned on Monday from a few holidays spent in Tlrotlt0. Ashton Morrison, of Ai him., is en- joying the vacation at his home here. Jun. Moffatt, of Gnderirh, spent several days recently at his home here. S. Dobbs, of Beaton, visited nvrr Sunday' at the home D. D. Sanderson. Wilfrid Weir, of 'Pot onto, is visiting his mother. Mrs. Win. Weir, of How - ick. Duncan Cameron, of Grand Valley, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Fred. Davey. Jno. R. Gipson went to Teeawater on Monday where he will be employed for some time. Ben. Ringlet, and bride, of 13espeler, were guests of the former's parents in Howick last week. Walter Stafford, who. has been at- tending Business College 'ex Toronto, hat returned to his home in Howick, Miss Eleanor Hamilton, assisted by Anderson Black, conducted the Young People's meeting in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Ali assembly was given bya number of the young people of the village in the Town Hall on Monday evening. London Harpers supplied music. The skating rink was opened litst week with the ice in splendid condi- tion. A. successful settsnu is anticipat- ed under the management of Thos. Savage. At the Nomination meeting held in the Conduit Chamber on Mnn(lay evening the Reeve 0. Reis and Onnu- (tillo's, D. Pepe, Gen. Lacitie, ion. Douglas and Fred. Davey were elect, ed by acclamation. The Trustees N. White, T. A. Gibson and 11. J. Rann were also re-elected for a two-year tern. Leslie McLaughlin arrived from Saslaatoon last Wednesday and spent Christmas at his home here. On Saturday he was united in marriage to Miss Marion Hutchinson, of Ford- wioh, at the home of the bride's par- ents, Adam and Mrs. Hutchinson, Rev. Air. Dobson, officiating. Mr. and Mr's. McL+tughliu will spend a few weeks with relatives here brfnre leav- ing For their hone in the West. January AT ETHEL ale Everything must he turned Into Cash In 10 flays. G.M.Mitchell's Entire stock of Dry' Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Rub- bers, Furs, Millinery, Ready- made Clothing will be placed on Sale Monday, Jan. 4th, for to Days only, Don't forget the Date -- Monday, Jan. 4th at 8,30 a. m. WE -are going to make this the best ever held in Ethel so come and get your share of the Great Bargains. Hitch the team to the sleigh ; bring the family out ; get busy. Don't let some outsiders get the start of you ; say, "I'll be there first." First here, first served.Just a glimpse of the waywe are cutting g and slashing ;— Boys' Readynaade Suits, sizes 38, 84 and' 35, regular $8,50, To clear at ... .. . ... ..... .... .,. , 3 95 1 ' Read. made Suits, ages from 10 to 15 year's, re.n- - Youths' g Y g 2 75 alar :$5,50,. ITC oleur at ......... ....•..:. .'.........'. Who would wash Dishes when you can get a set of 97 pieces for $4.99 Toilet and Bedroom Sets while they Inst at $1.49 per set •l±ul' Muffs and Stoles worth $7.00 to clear at Ladies' U.'rimnned Bats worth up to $4.50 to 00 t0, 1 95 clear at from .... ........... ................ ..... Everything goes—Factory oes—Factory Cotton, Flannelettes, Prints, Ginghams, Underwear, &c. Corn, Peas and Ti maa t0ee at 3 Tins for 25c 4 bottles Extract 25c 3 69 At a Big Reduction c s like these • Who would believe: it ? Fri iN in time of War a ul _. tza to :Geo. • M MitcheII • Butter and Eggs taken as cash.- gg ••••••••••••111•••••••••••tlllr •••••••••••••••••••••••t•• Sale starts Monday, Jan. 46, at 8.30 a. m: • • • 0 s 19 1$ 13 ss • • 0 • e • O m 0 • • • • • w • • • • • ••• • Phone 221.. 0 5 • 1 'I'hn4, Sanderson, 111' 'l'urunlu, spent 1 !111141-I11'te wiIh. Illi) pare!!!'+, I). D. land 1 Mr-. S,uldersun, Airs, W. S. MuKercher entertained, 19' Si1nlhty 5011001 close at her 11(111re on Tuesday evening. (!,/soul Willits, of Mnsnhank, Sasl(:,, a 1', 111101 resident. or FIowicic, is renew - 1.1g enew-1.1g. 1L1•t11114h 1.111110a's heir. Sheets; isilu and Della. Ituthel,ford, Irl' 'In onto, finer etpl'ese11t,. vieitillg under t Ile parent al roof. A u old and union t eSpected resident of IJIe village in the person of George Nicholson, passed away !tt hie home here 011 Wednesday evening. Be Was in hie 83rd year and had been 1n Painful. health toe solar. time. The funera took plane Snnlhty afternoon to the. Me -reeler cemetery, service being conducted by Jtev. T. 81. Wesley. Mr. Nichnleon is s11rviveel by a sister and several brothers, his wife having (Heol several years ago. Bluevale LITERARY SOCIETY.— An informal meeting was held in the Foresters' Ball Monday night itt which plans were enthusiastically discussed for the Whiter's program of the Literary Society. As it has been pointed out in the press several tinges vet:enlly, the peed of stilt societies 111 every com- munity will be greater than ever this Winter in ()Hee to provide e. means for the discussion of the many vital aid serious problems brought about by the wai' as well as to supply the cheerful social interenurse which is needed to counteract the depressing effect of ton Much dwelling on pres- entconditinas. There are also many more young people in the country this seasnil than 0110111 and a Literary and Debating Society provides a splendid scope for their activities. The first open meeting will be held in the Foresters' Hall next. Wednesday night Jan, (3 and 111 addition to the annual • election of officers and other: neces- sary business the meeting will partake of 1t petrici is ualm'e. There will be a piano this Winter as usual, the mem- bership and admission fees will be at Lhe same low figure and everyone is invited to co-operate in this means of tri turd pleasure and improvement. A SC1300L WORTH 13EL0'0 PROUD OF. —011 I. now school mlLde its list bow to the public o1 the afternoon of Tuesday, Dee. 22110 when the parents and friends of the children were iu- vited to attend the closing exercises which took the form of a Concert and Christmas Tree, The bright new schoolroom, which many entered for the first time was the subject of many ttppt'OVlllg continents timid to add to its attractions there IVel't= seasntiahle designs in °mored chalks on the black - hoard while a beautiful Christmas Tree stood in one corner. -Under the direction of the teacher, Miss Cora 111. Messer, the 'children enteettsiued U1 sir guests with 'a charming program or choruses, dialogues, r50,1(1timis, Motion songs, etc. including a el 1.11 and closing With 1L flag salute. The chorus, ,Its a Long Way to Tip - ;revery" was especially 'well done. J. t ' and add- ed.Biu acted as Ch1 ilmttn n i VT King *r pleasure ace of the ac- ed � eattly to the pl is melon, Between the, numbers by the children 11e called on several of those present to give addresses including the village ministers, the trustees, the coelrnutors, A. Aiachlwen and Robert Black. The boys and girls received (1111115' valuable precepts from the speakers as Well Its ronmendations for the courtesy which marks the be lIlIvinnl' of the Blnevaile children in public. They were aslced to take a pride in their new school and do all m their power to keep up its present at- tractive eppelarn.nre. Rev. 0. Tate hop„d ann,t to see the open-air rink oriel (Woo on the school grounds and expected to meet U1en all again next Fall at the first Bluevale School Fair' 8111011 he world do all in hie polder to help the teacher and trustees to ar- venge. Trustees G. Mcdonald, R. Musgrove and M. Snaith were too modest to enlarge on the work they have dune in bringing the school to completion but the 'faibhful' way in which they have discharged the numerous and exacting duties of the position received the approval of the other speakers as it Anes of the general public. Geo. Slaney, the contractor 811$ equally modest but could not es - crepe many genuine tributes to the thurongh rind eonacientione way in which he had peeformed his contract. and to his high pi1neiplee as a busi- (1e8e man. At the close of the pm - gram the gifts were distributed from the Christmas Tree, one of special in- terest being a handeoane writing portfolio front the pupils to their teacher. None of the children were ove'lonlct'd and to close a very pleas- ant afternntnl it lieaati of candy was distributed 1(1 brags nl' blue and white the sohool (Tarim The new school is a building 47 x 30 in size, built or red brick, supplied by Elliott Bros. brick - with concrete basement. The front door opens into a vestibule from w,ci1 step 1 i s lead at each side down to n and 'o the •rh- nl- the basement a up t s n /.nam. Above the vestibule is the teacher's ro011 which overlooks the. schoolroom through a window. The schoolroom is lighted by five large windows on the South side bringing thei int to the left of the pupils. 'Cho ran m is wainscotted to the height of 1110 Windows in Georgia pine above which the walls sae plastered, There is a picture moulding herrn which hang several beautiful pictures pre- sented . by the Literary Society and other friend. The metallic ceiling is painted cream with a nui,rnoll border and the general effect of the roam is h ill cheerful. Black vely bright t 1 c g hoards are of slate manufactured et Shateville, Pa, and obtained through the Geo. M. Hendry Co. of Toronto. The now desks and seats are single aild stdjnstable to the size of the occupants and were maeufa0tnreil by he Office and School Furniture CO, Of PITS/Ain E4e 81511 t.hl' new teacher's leek which nlaLchee the woodwork, (leurgia pine ie need ton' the 0000 - work throughout with the exception of the doors which aro cypress. At the bottom of the besetnelt stairs at each side are the cloak hooks and shelves for lunch baskets. Basement contains the playroom and the furoate which is a Gurney -Oxford put in by W. J. Boyce, of Wiegharn ; plaster- ing was done by li't'yfogle Bros, ; Wok -laying by T, Groves, both of Wingghern ; the varnishing by F, Mc- Creauken, of Brussels ; well was drilled by ()harnberlain & Roach. The school stands on a lot over 2 acres in area which it is planned to make a beauty spot and recreation /•entre by the co- nperatinn of the 'Crnetees, ratepayers, the Wouneu's Institute and the Literary Society and it connnittee representing these bodies has been ,phtced in charge of the work con- sisting of Geo, McDonald, Rohr. Mus- grove, W. H. Haney and Mrs. Robt. 13htok. Tlie new Bluevale school has a splendid possibility for usefulness and service to the community and everything points to a bright future now that the interest of the public has been aroused. Oranbrook School will re -open next Monday. Arthur Penoyer, of Mitchell, is it visitor at D. Heuther's. Mrs. Harry Smalldon is visiting friends at Toledo, Ohio. Miss Edith Rath well who has been at Monktonfor some time is home. Will. Hunter and wife, of Oshawa, and Ernest, of Meaford, are holidaying here. Miss Fannie Houston, teacher is visiting at the parental home at Egmondville. Air. and 3lrs. Naylor and children, of Seaforth, were holiday visitors at the Christnu chide. Geo. Siemou has had a busy season in manufacturing cider and apple butter, He's a hustler. Miss 13etli Calder, -, of Toronto; is visiting at John Forest's and other friends in . this .locality.. The very respectable figure, of $23.05 was collected for the Upper Canada Bible Society by Postmaster Helm. Well done. At the annual school meeting on Wednesday W. J. Smalldon was re- elected School Trustee for the coming term. We congratulate Miss Lyla Sperling on her success at Clinton Model School. She will now be ready to take up teachings. Misses Vine. and Millie Alderson, of Toronto, were Christmas visitors at home. A Miss Ross, of the Queen city accompanied them. Mrs. F. Raddatz is home from Berlin where she was nursing her daughter, Mrs. Alf. Kreuter, who was ill with diphtheria. The baby, who was also ill with the same ailment, died we are sorry to hear. GERbtANY.—Don't forget the Lec- ture on "Germany" in the Methodist /perch, Cranbrook, by Rev. D. Wren, A. A. P tldaY evening, January 1st at S o'clock. Gond musical program and lunch, Admission 20 and 10 cents. With the interest felt in the subject over the war there should be a large attendance to hear the Lecture on New Year's night. On Christmas Day. Miss Tessie Switzer was presented with a splendid ladies' silk .umbrella with gold handle andarl bands bythe Bible Class of pe Eltrid Union Sunday School of which she was the teacher. This is the third fine gift Miss Switzer has • received from thepeople of Ekfrrd which be- spetks her popularity where she had been teaching school for the past three years. Miss Switzer will teach at Dresden for the coming year. Ethel Happy New Year to atll. A strayed pig is at Wrn. Eckmier's. See advt. in this issue. Read Geo. M. Mitchell's advt, this week concerning a big sale. Mrs. Mitchell, of Milbrook, is a visitor with her son. Geo. M. Mitchell. J. A. and Mrs. Cole, Bertha and George spent Christmas with friends. in London. Miss Pearl emigrant, of Ripley, is holidaying with her grandparents, C. and Mrs. Rayniu'd. Miss L. Viola Ritchie, of Seaforth, is spending her holidays with her grandparents, E. and Mrs. Fletcher. Alt's, Ames and Mrs. MoGuire were in Brussels at the Christmastide at the home' of D. O. and Mr's. Ross. Mrs. S. S. dole is away for a month's visit with her mother'; brothers and sister's at the American Sault Ste. Marie.! 'Elwin and Miss Pearl Dobson are away this week for a short visit with relatives and friends at St. Marys and locality. At the Sohool meeting A. McKee was chosen trustee as successor to D. W. Dunbar, who lute eerved for a number of years. E. and Mrs. turns! A. and J. A. Flet- cher and D. H, and Mrs, McNichol sent Christ: Mae with Robt. and Mrs.. Ritchie, of Seaforth. The funeral of Mr. Earl, a former resident of this locality, whet died at Gorrie, passed through here 'for Biwa Centre cemetery last Saturday. Court Ethel, C. O. F„ will hold a special bnsioess meeting in their Hall Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock: 1111 interested are asked to. attend. joseph and Mrs. McLaughlin and Mee. McDermott, of Sagi aw. and Mre. Belton, of Milverton, are visitors with Edward and Mrs. Fletcher, of this place. We are sorry to 1i.ea1' that the little daughter of Richard and Mrs. °lark, of Hentryn locality, is ill with typhoid fever, but we hope the lassie will soon be fully reetered, There was a good crowd been on Monday at the Municipal Nomination proceedings and the results werepos- sibly wise in avoiding an election, The old Council will hold the reins for 1915. W, A, Lamont, who lives Weet of Ethel, has invested this week in a thoro' bred young bull which he ,pur- chased ftom the prize winning herd of James Speir, the well known breeder of Morris township, We admire Mr.. Lament's pluck. MPSst's, Isherwood and Heywood spent the Ohristrnae holidays at the home of Geo. Bateman, The young men are in training for the front et the Exhibition Park, Teton tn. They expect to leave for the fighting line some time in January. Morris Miss Irene Clegg is here for her vacation at the parental home nn the 5th line. Alfred Cnnery of Guelph, is spend- ing the holidays at the home of his uncle, John •k'lowler. Charles Fowler, who has been teach- ing school near Hamilton, is home spending the holidays, nests Bluevale road. Miss Ellen Evens, who is teaching school at Wnllenstein, is home fnr the holiday but has been about used up with a bad cold. George and Mrs. Jordan and daugh- ter, of Toronto, were visitors with D. and Mrs. Jordan, 5th line. The gen- tlemen are brothers. A number of the farmers are getting rid of their stone piles by hauling them to Brussels where they will be crushed for street making. Mrs. McKee and Amos Jewitt and daughter, of Sault Ste. Marie, are re- newing old acquaintances;in Morris, Binevale and locality. At the annual meeting In S. S. No. 5 Wednesday, Henry Johnson was re- elected Trustee and the wood con- tract went to Robt. Young at $2.25', per cord. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson. of Tees water, and . Miss Grace (nurse) of Niagara, Falls, are here for a holiday at the home of their parents, W. H, and Mrs. Ferguson. Roy and Mrs. McDonald, Howard McDonald, Miss Maude Jackson and Miss Mary Fear, all of Brigden, are enjoying a visit with relatives and friends in Morris and locality. Ross Jackson and wife, of Tisdale, Soak., are welcome visitors among relatives and old friends in Morris and locality. Both were former residents, Mr's. Jackson being Mise Carrie Short - reed, Mr. Jackson is a son of Peter Jackson, formerly of the 8th line. One of Henry Bone's irnported mares while out taking exercise unlp. ed off a metallic culvert and landed in a ditch. She was unable to extricate herself but to half dozen men landed her on solid ground not much the worse of the cold bath she received. The mare is a valuable one and would have been a big loss to the proprietor had anything happened her. Crosne9 EXERCISES OF S. S. No. 10. —r a11 term was broughtht to an in- teresting close on Wednesday after- noon, Dec. 28rd, when a splendid pro- gram was given by the pupils. The unloading of a prettily decorated Christmas Tree by Santa Claus was a special feature of the afternoon, which the children as well as the older ones, .thoroughly enjoyed. Addison Fraser occupied the chair and all did well. AL.— Bn Box SOOI I"he x Social and S enter taniment held in the Stone school Morris last week was a decided suc- cess. Despite the unfavorable conditionss weath- er the school wa filled and all enjoyed, a very sociable evening. Program was varied and suited to the age and experience of those taking was occupied part. Ohair by William Elston, a prominent farmer and Coun- cillor of the section. In his opening address Mr. Elston expressed much pleasure at being a fourth time chair- man on an occasion of that kind. The program consisted of the follow- ing numbers Ohairman's address, Mr. Elston ; chorus by the school, "Bethlehem welcome thy Royal Guest" ; dialogue, "Christmas Song" by 3 girls ; solo, "Just before the bat- tle mother," Margaret Garniss ; dia- logue, "How long before the snow comes' by 2 girls ; recitation, "Boy's Rights," Milo Casemore ; violin selec- tion, John Coultes ; dialogue. "The little house -keepers" by 4 girls ; reci- tation, "A Christmas Discovery," Laura Casemore ; dialogue, "A Siberi- an inquest" by 6 boys ; recitation, "A little girl's troubles," Mabel Case - more ; song, "The call of the Mother- land,' 4 girls ; recitation, "A little Oldness lad," Robert Coultes ; dia- logue, "Good bye" by 2 girls ; solo, Miss Tens Ooultes ; dialogue, "A spelling lesson" by a number of boys and girls ; recitation, "Seven times eight," Edna Geddes ; recitation, "I've dof to go to school," Harold Procter ; ialogue, "A barber shopscene" 'by 4 boys ; violin selection, John Coultes ; recitation, "Christmas gifts," Luella Hopper ; reading, "Caleb's courtship" by Mrs. Maxwell Abram ; recitation "I'm glad l'm not a boy," Isabel Geddes ;'dialogue, "Jake Hayseed in the city," 2 boys anti a girl ; recitation, "Willies breeches," Robert.Coultes dialogue, "The Sewing Society," 0 ladies and a boy ; recitation, Russel. I:lopper; recitation, "When the teach- er acts Dross," May Hunter. Program lasted until about 10 o'clock after which a goodly number of very anis-. tically made boxes 'were offered for sale, Robert Garniss was -auctioneer and perfoorned his duties well. High- est Price paid for a box was $2.80, which earned the prize of a box of chocolates. Proceeds' of the evening totalled $36.60. School extends thanks to those of the section taking part and also to the parents for their good -will and hearty co-operation in the undertaking which has for its object the bringing Of the Houle and the School, the two gl'ettteaf 1(19119(1- Mons of Learning lotto closet' tomtit. A pfatriotic concert has been proposed for the neat' future, The hard work- ing teacher is Mr, Stevenson. TINE T131.11.—AG the school enter- tainment tit 13rown town school asplen- did time was enjoyed, Program was most interesting and well executed with Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Bluevale, performing the duties of chairnlan in good style. Miss Feyfogle. the teach- er, was COmpllttteltetl 011 the suecesl of the entertainment. $86 05 were the net proceeds which were turned over to the Red Oross Society with the best wishes of S. S. No. 8. The people of the locality are to be couunended. ACCLAMATION.— A t the Municipal Nomi(1atiou last Monday everything paseed off very harmo1lously. Clerk McEwen received the following nom- inations :—For. Reeve — John Short - reed, W. H. Fraser and Duncan John- ston. Councillors—W, Elston, W. O. Laidlaw, D. Johnston, W. H, Fraser, Walter Yuill, Geo. Mothers and W. J. Henderson. The chair was agreeably occupied by 0. B. Wilkinson for the speech making. After all had their say it was proposed that the old Omut- a be returned by acclamation and the election expenses, amounting to from $75.00 to $100.00, be turned over to the Patriotic Fund. This found favor and the various nominees withdrew to carry out the request and as a result the Council for 1915 will be Reeve SItor'treed and Councillors W. C. Laidlaw, D. Johnston, W. 13. Fraser and W. Elston. We wish them a suc- cessful year. SERIOUSLY ILL.—We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs, George Readman, a well known resi- dent of the 7th line. She fell on going over the cellar -way a week ago and sustained some broken ribs. One of them penetrated nue of her longs and her case is very precarious. Since the above was put in type Mrs. Readman passed away, the end coming at 4.30 Wednesday morning. Mrs. Read - man's maiden name Was Annie -Mc- Kenna, she was born .in Tyrone Co. Ireland, corning to America when 7 years of age and was married to Geo. W. Readman, 47 years ago. He pre- deceased her 13e years, They lived at Ovid Centre, Mich„ and came to Morris shortly after their marriage and spent the biggest part of their time there. Their children are George and Peter and Misses Kate and Emma all of this township. Mrs. Readman was in her 79th year but was so smart and active she would pass for much younger. She was a kind, genial, hospitable woman and had many friends who will regret her de- mise. One sister, Mrs. Shane, sur- vives and with her daughter are here for the funeral which will take place Saturday morning at 10.30. Service at the home, 7th line, at 10. Inter- ment will be made in Bushfleld ceme- tery where Mr. Readman was buried. Rev. Fr. Fallon will conduct the ser- vice. The family will share in the sympathy of the community in their unexpected bereavement. Grey Lide and Mrs. Jacklin, Howick Boundary, were at Seaforth for the week end visiting old friends. Lagrippe has been paying close at- tention to some Greyites. Among the number is'Sam. Campbell. Mrs. J. T. Pearson, who has been ill with an attack of pneumonia is re- coveringwe arepleased to state. Mrs. bel Tindall and Miss Phoebe are holiday visitors with Deputy Reeve and Mrs. Brown, 10th Cone Y J John Owens 12th don, Elma is busy hauling lin Henfr n brick for 'his new residence to be erected next Sum- mer. James Shiels, 1491 Oon., had a finger on his right hand badly injured in a sausage machine. We hope he will soon be o. k. Fraser and Miss Myrtle Gibb, of Stratford, were holiday visitors with• their uncle and aunt, Lorne and Mrs. Addie, 13th Con. Mrs. O. E. Campbell and Ernest, of Gaylord, Mich., are here on a visit at the parental home of Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, 11th con. John Galbraith, of Milton, has been spending the holiday season with his aunt, Mrs. John Dougherty and other relatives in the vicinity. Misses Lizzie and 'I'eenie Dickson, of Lakelet and McKillop respectively and Miss Jennie Rands, of Gorrie are home for their vacation. John Ritchie, of Galt, who is in the grocery business, was here for Christ- mas visiting his mother and sister, Mrs, J. P. McIntosh, 12th Oon. Rev. D. and Mrs. Perrie, of Wing - ham, spent Christmas at the borne of Jas. and Mrs. Grant, 14th don. The latter is a sister of the reverend gel Henan. Mrs. Fred. Bagg, of Hespeler, who was here waiting on her father, John Bishop, went !tome this week. Mr. Bishop's condition shows no marked change. He is confined to his bed all the tune. An Auction Sale of cows, yearlings and calves will take place at the farm of Alex. McDonald, Lot 19, don, 2, Grey township, on Wednesday next, 6th inst„ at 1 p. m. F. S. Scott, of Brussels will be the Auctioneer. Dr. G. J. Musgrove, M. P. P., of Niagara Falls, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Pearson, during the past week. Judging by his appearance his new parliamentary booms agree well With him as lie weighs over 200 poltnds. CARD OF Tit&Nies.-I wish to thank_ the young ladies, constituting the program Committee of Roe's church Sabbath School Entertainment for the highly esteemed service rendered and also to thank all w110 took part. Wishing you one and all a Happy and prosperous Neve Yeat' and health and strength to enjoy it. Roam!. CARR, Superlutendeint, Jun, M. 1'19U6w1 mash a .visit to 108 mid friends and neighbors, Juo. A, and Mee, fryans, o1' Fordivieb, last Sun- day, Jingh McCartney and Arch. Me - Donald are here from 'I'agaska, Task,. for a visit with relatives and friends, The latter brought. it car 01 cattle with hill!, A social party is on the program fat' Thursday night, ofOda week, by the young people at the house of A. 1Nc- Kerchvs, lemuclary of Howick and Grey towtIHltlp'. Wednesday, Jam 13th is the date set, for W. P. Bray's clearing Auction. Sale o1' Farm stook. irnplernents, household fru Miura, etc. His Lot is 29, Con. 15 alai 111e sale will be with- out reserve it be has disposed of his 1'arm. See nisi ill 111(01her column. OLIO (Covell 1. RETunws).-Nomina-. tion Day proceedings were held at Ethel last Monday and were in charge of Returning Officer MacDonald. In addition to I914 Council, 30110 Grant WWI (1or111letletf for Reeve Jno. Mo - Nab, for Deputy Reeve and Lorenzo !cram as Cluunrillor. Next came • the speech malting with Township Clerl-,. in chair. After all had been bearii the feeling appealed to be to save expense of are election and before night fall (110 old Council were 'con- firoted:i o their seats by the withdrawal of the three opposing candidates not on last year's Boned. The personnel. of Council is Ruhr. Livingston, Reeve John Brown, Deputy Reeve ; and Councillors, S. S. Cole, William Fraser and P. A. McArthur. '19e hope 1935 will be a year of prosperity and good government to Grey town- ship. Walton School will re -open next Monday. George and Mrs. Ferguson, of Tor- onto, were visitors in Walton for a few days last week. Keep the Fowl Supper in the Methodist church New Year's night in remembrance. A tine program will also be rendered that no one should mise. Jamestown ' Miss Fern Meunier is visiting her aunt, etre. Menzies, Cranbrook. Mrs. A. Robertson, of Wingham, was visiting her sons, D. and W. Mc- Donald, .• Miss Mary Forrest is a vieritor at W ingbam, at the home of her sister, Air's. Wheeler, A linen shower was tendered Miss Eliza Willis on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Mary Wallace. Ooming events cast their shadow. CHRISTMAS TREE, --The entertain- ment held Thursday evening of last week under the auspices of the Sab- bath Sohool was a decided success. Hall was filled although it had been postponed a couple of times on ex-, count of storm. The children did" their part exceedingly well, all num- bers being very much enjoyed. Jas. Bowman, Ai, P., very acceptably filled the chair. Opening number was words of welcome by Cecil Payne ; chorus by the children, "Snowflakes' ; chairman's address ; harmonica selec- tiou,;nAlessrs. Burke and Wallace ; recitation, Duuelda McDonald ; solo, Miss! Ferne Ecluxlier ; reading, Miss Bessie Moses ; dialogue, "Taking tate Census" ; solo, Dugald Straelian, who was encored ; pennant drill bp4ladies and 4 gentlemen ; An .acrostic, "Christmas" by 8 girls ; solo, Miss Marjorie Strachan ; dialogue, • Santa Claus is coining" ; chorus by the children ; pennant drill was repeated by request. Wrn,IMcDonald made an excellent Santa Claus and did his part , well. Proceeds amounted to $17.00+ A hearty carp of hands was tendered the chairman, the program committee and those who took part. The even- ing was brought to a close by singing "God Save the King." Belgrave Sabbath School entertainment for" Knox church was heldWednesday everting of this week. Wm. Brandon, wife and twq child- ren,are here from the West f1 tL holis davisit. Mrs. Brandon' is a daugh- ter of A. T. and Mrs. Cole, Morris . townsh. At thipe Eas't Wawallosh Nomination last Monday the old Council was re- elected by acclamation. They are :— Reeve Campbell and Councillors Our= rie, B11011Eaniall, Stonehouse and Irwin. Dr, Stewart, who has practiced his profession here for the past 5 or 6 years has decided to take a rest as his health has not been very vigorous. He and Mrs. Stewart will be greatly missed in the community and especi- ally in the Methodist church. For over 80 years Belgrave has hacl a resi- dent physician, Alt's. James MoGill will move to the house -recently oc- cupied by Dr, Stewart. maltylu y old E\reads here extend best Wishes to the doctor and his estimable wife. They will visit round for a while before locating any place and we hope the rest will prove all that is deli r, d aar•t,. e by Dr. S te \ A'1ATRIMONIAL.—A pretty wedding . took place at the parsonage Thurs- day Dec. 24th 'when Roe, I. W. Kil- patrick united it1 in1Lrriage Miss Violet Selena dam liter of Mre eh Morris, , ., arise Wheeler, 1loxrus, to Nelaoq;yA. gins. The bride wore a suit of blue whipcord serge with bat to. match. A span or white horses 'book ehe young couple to Wingbam where they' took the. train, alms showers of rice and confetti, on their honeymoon trip to.. Guelph and Alma. On their return" they will reside in Belgrave wheee Mr. Higgins' is teaching, May the y en o many happy prosperous r s the wish Ofwide Es oirole of friends. runtime of young loon have giiali0- ed themselves for positions 111 bAnkS by taking A course in Listowel Business College, „