HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-12-24, Page 7Osto ca 44.cl/ft se, 11-4E 1113 Young Folks I'hc Princess and the Mirror. Princess LAIL stood on the broad steps of the terrace looking into the mea at the foot of the palace garden, Ilei dress was white and silken, with flowers of gold woven into It Iter yellow curls were caught into a comb of pearls, and in her hand was a' golden mirror. Altogether she was like a sunray on the white marble terrane. .But her f; ighness felt more Pike a thunderstorm, Her face was all a - frown as she leant over the splash - THE BANK OF MORAL WAR CONDITIONS REVIEWED, Mr, 1. V. Meredith and Sir Frederick Williams -Taylor Speak of Its Ef. foot Upon the Country. With a world.war in progress, and unprecedented conditions existing, the annual meeting of the Tamil( of Mont- real this week attracted more than the usual attention, for 1t gave an oppor- tunity for the shareholders of the Bank and Canadians In general to bear the views of two of Canada's most cel- ebrated banker's --Nle, IL V. Meredith and Sir Frederick Williams -Taylor: Both gentlemen reviewed the situ. ation in very able fashion, and IL is interesting to note that both express- ed the view that Canada was weather- ing green water,• ing the storm with a certain degree of "I hope it's more than a mile sncees. After pointing out the fact that the deep!" she said, hotly, lifting the Bank had greatly strengthened its mirror above her head; ,but 'before position during the year, Mr, II, V. she could fling it into the sea it • melted from her hands like a broken bubble. "Gracious!" exclaimed Lhe little princess, Whirling around; for in- stead of the crash that should have come, a clear, merry laugh rang in her ears. Behind her—on the top step sat a silvery, gauzy figure. No one is allowed here without my permission " said Princess Lili. "I know," smiled the stranger, "But I wished so much to see you, your Highness. Do yon mind 1" "N -not exactly," returned the princess, "So many people want Government were carried out. times in• these tr'oublous days, but it that that I'm quite used to it. But situation In Canada. is quite possible to put ,in the brake it's against the rules. Did you catchas it were, and not let the nerves my mirror when it fell?" After giving an exceedingly in- run away with us. The stranger shook her head. structive review of the world position, Here are a few wise hints on the "I -haven't any mirror," she said. Mr. Meredith said of Canada that agrl- subject : "But who are culture was prosperous but a general you?" demanded suspensimt of new undertakings is ap: Tf people -fret you, t is not ne- parent, At the sante time he thought eessaiy to be rude to to im. Try, that as regards unemployment our instead, to avoid them. position will compare favourably with Don't read hooks that irritate that of other countries. Mr. Meredith pointed out that for- you. Bootpub away the offending plentiful, g v, therefore evolume and innately it kis not been necessary for choose another. Canada to resort to a moratorium, and If a noise at night rvorri'rs you, hopeful vein:-- don't let it continue to do so. Get "War and other adverse conditions up and see to the matter and put it are bound to retard our progress. A right. period of rest and recuperation may Don't let yourself get into the habit of being bored, It is not worth while, When you feel it com- ing on, plunge at once into some task that will -take all your time and energy, - It is better to run away irom cer- tain things than ,let them irritate you. Such martyrdom is usually un- necessary, and bad for you all round. PLEASED TO RECOMMEND BABY'S OWN TABLETS less 0f $8,000,000, This shows Et net gain of $7 gsw,unu, The Aan11'e prollls for the year were a2,4tllid100 compared with $2,Geit,ette a 1 year ago. While this is a smell fait ing oft it le hly gllitleant meowed with the line results achieved in forti- fying tier I.artlt'e 1)0011 ' (10. A Big Surplus. i1. is nil.leed that the dank loaned the Dominion Government. $0,e00,00o during the year, and 11110 loaned over $9,000,x00 to elites towns and school districts to twit) thele over a period thatmade the raising of money through debenture issues exee'dingly dltiioult, Another interesting item is the fact that the Dank gave the Canadian Patriotic Fund $100,000. After making the usual literal ai- lowa:icrs, the Bank carries forward into next year $1,282,0110, compared with $1,040,000 the year previous. Lank Men at Front. Not the least Interesting statement made at the meeting came in tt roplY Sir Frederick Williams -Taylor made to a motion of thanks to the staff. Ile Meredith, the President, said: sat We have on active service 102 line "The outbreak of hostilities brought athletic about the collapse of the whole linen. I Young went the best In the Mal fabric, the closing of the bourses :land, and double that number would and a world-wide financial cataclysm. I g'adly go to the front could they be spared, n and meanwhile hundreds more Fora time at ]east a condition of of thse n well nigh � general least, was o our nominal roll are g g y threatened. I drilling. Those with the colours will surely be a credit to Canada and this "Britain's command of the sea was bank and may I add that those who undoubtedly the chief factor in bring- ing a recovery of confidence, but great credit is due to the Government and their able financial advisers for their bold and statesmanlike views of the situation and their prompt action in meeting the crisis, as well as to the Bank of liingland, for the courage and activity with which the plans of the remain behind are foregoing their holidays and doing the extra work devolving upon them cheerfully and ungrudgingly. 3' 11 You Feel "Nervy." No one can help feeling so at Lill. ''How did you get in ?" "I'm whoever I happen to be," was the careless reply. "I'm Varia. 1 could be you if I wanted to." 'Oh, of course, I don't mind your playing that you are me," said the Princess in a conscious tone. ''Other children do it, too. So silly! Just because all the courtiers bow when I pass, and think what beautiful eyes and hair I have, and how gracefully I walk, and how charm- ingly 1 dress, they suppose 1 have everything that I want. I haven't. That mirror, for instance. lly mo- ther, the queen, gave it me for my birthday. I liked it at first, but when other people look into it they see themselves instead of me. What's the use of being a princess if you can't have a mirror to your- self ?" "Would you prefer to be able to see yourself without a Mirror, your Highness? It's very easy." "Whenever I chose?" asked Lili. "Whenever—in meeting any one - _.sou think about yourself, your Highness. That is mill" "Ye -es; I do that'almost all the time. It would be amusing," "Then take that birthday gift in exchange for your mirror," said t'he stranger, throwing out,a tiny hand, with the gesture of bestow- ing a gift. "Ooh!" cried the .princess, as a cold spraywert her eyes, When she opened them Varia was gone. Wondering if it was more than a jest the princess tripped across the green turf to where a gardener was at work—thinking with all her might of her own beauty Old Died- rich raised his rough cap on seeing her, but at her first word it was no longer he who held the wheelbar- row. There stood a little person clad in white and gold, with a self- satisfied smile on her easy face. Lili was gazing at her double— well pleased with its appearance— when a gruff voice asked suddenly— "How can I serve your High- ness " In alarm she caught up her silken dress and rushed into the palace, up to the great .audience hall where sat Xing Clarimond and Queen Florinne in state with all their eciurb, receiving the ambassadors from a neighboring kingdom. "Oh !" she cried, "I—I-----" and in a flash the great hall was filled with a sea of white and gold gowns, above which hundreds of startled faces framed ift golden hair was staring at her, "Lill I My child!" exclaimed are queen, and King'Clarimond sprang to his feet at her wail of terror. The sight of two more i'rinceas Lilts hurrying drown the . throne steps was too much. Shaking her curls over her eyes she turned and lied from the palace, down through the garden to the terrace by the sea, where she lay on the marble steps and cried like any common little girl who wanted her another and couldn't •somehow reach her. "You didn't enjoy my gift ?" ost- ed a arm ysice. r .i hate lir is' so'bi ed Lili, with tightly closed eyes, "I couldn't get' away from -•-;from me. I want my mother." "I'll take it back, then," said Va- ria, soberly. "Bum did everybody you meet look like you?" Lili nodded, Something—what j was it?—nasle her very uncomfost able, There was 'a hong silence, "You -mean, then,. that You were thinking every Minnie of—Princess Lili 1" t'i'Vhy, I .forgot that I" confessed the princess, looking up', red and ashamed, But only a golden mirror was be - fade hart laying on the marble pave- ineNkr ' Sir Frederick Williaans•:.Caylor, General Manager Bank of Montreal be 'expected, but the future depends to 'a great extent upon Ole spirit with which the people meet the changed conditions. "Economy and prudence In the mat- ter of expenditure, and an earnest effort to increase production of ex- portable articles will, In time, uglier in an era of active trade and renewed prosperity." Stands Strain Well. Sir Frederick Williams -Taylor, after pointing out that the Bank of Mont- real was 97 years old, spoke of the great stability of the institution, and later reviewed Canadian conditions as a whale and byeach province. Speaking of the war's effects, he said in part:— "The outstanding result has been the instantaneous stoppage of the sup- ply of British capital, to which we had become so accustomed that sight was too frequently lost of its importance as a factor in the development of the Dominion. •'Money from this source flowed to us in such increasing volume tliat during a considerable ante helium period it amounted in round figures to at least $25,000,000 per month. Cana- dian public borrowings from the Lon- don money market for the seven months ending 31st July were $177,- 000,000, Since the outbreak of the war the inflow of such capital has ceased," our Own Resources. How to face the loss of this money and continue to expand were serious problems. Sir Frederick said we were now getting -a little money from the States, and addecl:— "It is obvious to everyone that we are east upon our own resources, that we are on trial, and that our future development will depend in no small measure upon the coalition in which we emerge from tulle tryqing (ordeal. "The longer the duration of the war, the piers will the colonial props of the Empire, including Canada, suffer; but good will come out, of evil, for our energies will be turned to the develop- ment of our great natural wealth, par- ticularly our vast agricultural re, sources, and we can then look forward with confidence to eventually emerg- ing flour present conditions a wises' people, with our affairs on a healthier, more normal, and sounder basis." Blg II in Assets. The Bank of 1y�entreal, itself, came through the tryilig year with flying colour's, and its total assets are now $253,400,000 compared with $244,100,- 000 h. 244,100,-000'. year ago. An interesting feature of the statement is the fact that de. posits are considerably higher than they were last year, Deposits hearing interest are now $154,500,000, an In- crease of 810,000,000, while non-inter- est-bearing deposits are $42,000000, a tend strictly to business. Mrs, Henri Bernier, Aneeline, Que., writes: "It is with pleasure that 1 recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets, which I have given my little ones for stomach and bowel trou- bles, constipation, loss of sleep, and simple fevers, No mother of young children should be without them." The Tablets are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with perfect safety tend goad results. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25. cents a box from The Dr. 1'iril1ianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, THE PRINCE AT TILE FRONT. Entails An Enormous Responsibility on Some One. The ease of the late Prince Im- perial was, no doubt, in Lord Kit- chener's mind when he expressed his opinion that the Prince of Wales had not as yet sufficient mi11- tary experience to warrant him be- ing sent to the front. But, never- theless, llte is now there as an at- tache on General trench's staff. Although his Royal Highness knows a good deal about naval affairs, his cxperienee of the junior branch of the service was, until he was at- tached to the Grenadier Guards a couple of months ago, limited to a camp or two and a few field days with the Oxford University division of the 0, T. 0, But there is no doubt that the presence of the heir to the throne in the thick of the fighting will entrtd4 an enormous re- sponsibility on some one who, to put it .frankly, has been deputed to look atter him, Lord Chelmsford had charge of the Prince Imperial years ago, and casae in for tit good Ileal of censure when the worst hap- pened, This is nob intended to reflect on his Royal Highness' military capa- city. He has shown himself a smart, keen typing ofleer7and theythink a world lam in the duard�s. One of his fellow officer told me the other daffy that he is full of pluck. Although leis physique is not of the robust order, he is exceedingly wiry, and in the long roue alatcJhes he has stuck to it mita atter mile, after sone uudy and well-trained Tom- mies have been forced to fall out. What 'were the Prince's relations with his fellow undergraduates when he was a41 Magdalen ? A few weeks ago the whiter was talking to one of d1054 young Wren who knew hint intimately, and asked him, "Tis Prince 1" he Said. "O1i, one of the beset; e little shy, perhaps; but one of the best." "When the rain falls, does it ever rise again?" inq1i1,0d the professor of chemistry, "Yes, sir," "When?" 'In dew time." Marriage is seldom a failure. if 'both members of the combine at - it. Us � M1 �r (uliairi ::g 2 s SooAle And Cuticura Ointment oc- casionally. They succeed even when others fail. Samples Free by Mail Cutim,ra Soap anti Ointment sold throughout the Rorld. Liberal sample of each malted tree, with 32-p. took. Address "Cuticura" Dept. K, nostou, wave.gb•ggo.•sa HEALTH �'•+a•�!o•�eOi+�O•i Prevention of a Cold. A person : who habitually "catches cold" should have his nose and throat 'thoroughly _examined. The nasal, post nasal and accessory sin- uses should receive particular at- tention, and any necessary opera- tion should not be shunned, in or- der that these parts should be placed in thorough working order. Have a good supply of fresh, pure air at all times. Vitiated and con- taminated air tends to infection by lowering the local resisting powers. Hot, crowded, badly -ventilated rooms, halls or theatres predispose likewise. The healthy action of the skin should be maintained. A cold rub down with quick reaction is a splendid ,prevention of colds. Cloth- ing should be regulated according to the demands of the weather. Just enough should' be worn to keep one comfortably warm. Too much cloth- ing conduces to infection as well as too little. Direct infection should be carefully guarded against. Keep your distance from a person who sneezes or ooaigh.s, especially in the first stages of a cold. Likewise should one infected avoid close con- tact with others. Keep the mount and nose always clean by washing them out occasionally with e good antiseptic gargle. Fatigue, hunger, mental depression and anxiety fa- vor infection, while a happy, jovial, oiptimistie temperament has much to do in preventing infection. 4 MESMERIZED A. Poisonous Drug Still Freely • Used. Many people are brought up to believe a that tea ,and coffee are ne- cessities of life, and the strong hold that the drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee has on the system makes it hard to loosen its grip even when one realizes its injurious effects. A lady writes: "I had used cof- fee for years; it seemed one of the necessities of life. A few months ago my health, which had been slowly failing, became more im- paired, and I knew that unless re- lief came from some source 1 would soon be a physical wreck. "1 was weak and nervous, had sick headaches, no ambition, and felt tired of life. My husband was also losing his health, He was troubled so much with indigestion that at times he could eat only e few mouthfuls. "Finally we saw Possum adver- tised and bought a package. 1 fol owed directions for malting ea -re- ally, and added cream, which turn- ed it to the loveliest rich -looking and tasting drink I ever saw served at any table, . and we have used 'ostu lt, ever ,since, "I gained five pounds in weight n as many weeks, and now feel well and strong in every respect. 14Iy headaches have gone, and I sin new woman, My husband's indi- getstion has left ham, acid he can now east anything," Hanle given by Canadian Postuan Co,, Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellvillo," in pkgs. Posture, comes in two forms: Regular Postinn — must be well oiled, 150 and 26c packages. Instant Postum—is a soluble pow - ler, A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a Dnp of loot water and, with ream and sugar, snakes a delicious boverage instantly. 30e and 50e tins. 7.lhe cost per cup of bath kinds is about the sante, • "There's a ihenson" for Postunn. --fold• by Gtooers. Il» i Will Quickly Cure hardly as reliable as those of the . former conflict. Of the Russians, Sour Stomach are said to have fallen before AnySour Il omach Otto an bullets, and each of these casualties involved an outlay of Relleves Fullness After Meals. 515^000 by the Turk. 'Mlle fatalities in the war between When 1 wits working around the ,Japan and ]iu .'ia were very 00- farm last hinter, I had an attack of 171e1''lus. 7111'sec s'ds of Japan inflammation," writes sir. 1;. I'. Daw• show that no less than 58,000 of her kips, of Port Richmond. "I was weak soldiers fell on the battlefield. It for a lung time, but well enough to was a tremendous sacrifice of life, work until spring. Ilia something but for etieh of the Japanese who w'oil. wrong with my bowels, far 1 had was killed ltneela paid out 520,400. 10 use stilts or physic all the ((Inc. Aly Should (.len, lielier have survived stomach kept sour, and always after the present colossal struggle outing there was pain and fullness and (,g: he . picnicker's all the symptoms of Intestina' tildiges tv)11 cl'oubtlrrs pursue his study far- choice. 11011. Nothing Helped me until 1 used then, and very abundant material Dr. I.lainilton's Pills. Instead of hurt. will he at hand. The most perfect]~verybody, s ing, like other pills, they acted very war machinery that man has devised favorite. mildly, and second to heal the bowels. is now in operation, under the con - 1 did not require large doses to get re-� trot of the most civilized nations, sults with 17x. Hamilton's Pills, and Offence and defence are et,their feel so glad that 1 lave found a mild I very best. It will be of intense in - yet certain remedy, 10 -day ]stn well tecesl to ]snow what it costs to kill a soldier of the enemy under such conditions, An Indescribable Luxury. "I tell you," said Poots, "there is an indescribable sense of luxury in lying in bed and ringing one's bell for his valet." "You've a valet!" exclaimed Poo .iss friend, ' ri d. "No," replied Pouts; "but I've just got a bell." 'The child's delight. The POTTED MEATS -- Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwielfes. --no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medi- cine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, 1 tem sure, Troves it." Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrakeand et Butter. nut, sold in yellow boxes, 25e. All dealers, or The Catar'rbozone Co., Kingston, Ont. �' JI—u—";T4- 5" 31 'I1' -",. IIANDb I ! l (,..i. Extraordinary Preeautions Taken by Surgeons Before Operations.. Most people attribute the de- creased rate or mortality in cases of severe surgical operations to the increased skill of the profession to their greatly -improved instruments, and the more skilful nursing which is obtained in these days. But the surgeon himself would tell you that it is almost all a matter of ab solute cleanliness, the faot that no thing is left undone to insure abso- lute freedom from infection of any kind. This fact is emphasized by the extraordinary hand -washing regulations which are in force at the various hospitals. Everybody who is even remotely connected with an approaching operation is supposed to spend 20 minutes in the all-impurtant process of wash- ing his hands. For five minutes the surgeon washes his hands with soap and water, and then cleans his finger- nails. 'When he has done this, he spends another five minutes doing it all over again. But this is but a preparation for a third and far more drastic ablution, for this time he must wash his hands in alcohol. He must now put .his hands through a process of sterilization by soak- ing them for at least five minutes in a wash of corrosive sublimate. By that time he may commence his duties, which mean life or death to some patient, with the satisfactory feeling that he has done his best to approach his task with clean hands. Tight Money Pinching Many Thousands snore are being squeezed by aching corns which can be cured quickly with Putnean's Corn Extractor. Being fire tram caustdes, Pntnama's is painless. Used successfully for My years. Use no other, 26c. at ell dealers. THE ILIGII COST OF BILLING. $20,001Y for Each of the Enemy That Opposite Army Rills. Just prior to the outbreak of the present war in Europe, Gan, Perier of the French army, after an ex- haustive examination of the statis- tics of recent wars, arrived at the conclusion that in civilized strife it cost a nation in the neighborhood of 520,000 for each of the enemy that its army kills. His s studies began with the Fran- co-German iti ar of 1370. The actual direct outlay of Franco in that strife was :82,000,000. A billion more was expended in. restoring property destroyed in the wasand, ass is well known, £5,000,000,000 , were paid to Germany as indem- nity. - These colossal amounts by no means sum the cost of the war. That includes the loss of trade, the crippling of industries, pensions, and a multitude of other items, which, probably, taken' together, mount high into the billions. They are not included because they are no part of the actual outlay for killing purposes. The records show that in the course of the was 28,600 Gentians, ail told, were either killed outright or mortally wounded. Each of these stands, therefore, for about 521,000 of the total sum which France expended directly in the war: Killing, was considerably loss, ex- pensivein the Tureo-Russian war• of 1877, according to the figures, which are, ib is needless to explain, 188111 51-''14, "i'erviiline" Cures Crtimps End misery Instantly NO REMEDY SO SPEEDY OR EFFICIENT. A real cramp cure? • Yes, a real one—in a twinkling the cramp is a dead one, and the last squirm i q s over, once you get a stiff tiff dose of Nerviline on the inside. This isn't mere talk—it's a solid, truthful fact. No other remedy—not a single ono—will cure cramps so quickly and harmlessly as Nerviline. It hits the spot in a jiffy and saves a heap of misery. "Last Saturday night my stomach felt like an infernal machine," writes T. P. Granger from Hartford. "I was awakened from a sound sleep and found myself suffering the worst kind FARMS FOR SALE. of torture. I was s0 doubled up I H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, could hardly cross my room. I had Toronto. used Nerviline before for the same r thing and tools a real good dose. Once YOU WANT TO BUY pet SELL A J Frost, stock, jiratn m' Dairy Farm, I felt the warm, soothing sensation write Dawson, Brampton, or s5 col - of Nerviline in my stomach I knew I borne St., TI 'on:o. was all right. It finished the cramps —just one single dose." Sickness at night is rendered a nightmare of the past if Nerviline is (1 ANCga, TUMORS. LUMPS, M'ro., handy. It may be earache, toothache fl.s internal end external. cured Telt. or cramps. Ndrviline in every case otic pain by out haeme treatment, t\re:a will cure at once and save calling the °s before too tale o:. nenmao 1t ad;csA Co., Limited. Collinen•nod, Ont. doctor. Nerviline is a family amity cian in itself. The large 506, family size bottle, of course, is most economi- cal. Small trial size costs a quarter. All dealers sell Nerviline. The Outlook., ,"Yes; 1 nm going to run for of- fice," "Your,ft'iends seem pleased," "So do my enemies. And that looks kind of ominous, don't you think1" TOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL 'FELL YOU Try Marine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, watery Eyes and Orapulated Eyelids; No Smarting-- ust Eye Comfort. tVvl to 5 for Book of Lime Ey0 by Mnulne Eye Remedy Co, Chicago, ' Mistress --Mary, I'll make the pudding myself to -day. Cook—If ye do, rnum, 1'11 have to quit. Mis- tress—Why so, Mary? Cook -The rules of our union don't allow us to work in a place where non-union la- . bor is employed on any part ofrthe work, mum. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Bix-You may depend upon it that your friends won't forget you as longe as you u hav money. Dix— That's right; especially if you have borrowed it from them. Minard's Liniment ('ares Dist einliez Humility is a virtue we alt ad- • mire in others. MISCELLANEOUS. Indignant. Mrs. Gibbs—John, while you're home Sunday can't you carry out the ashes and save us fifty cents for having a man do it to -morrow? Giibbs—Woman, would you soon- er have me 'break the Sabbath than a dollar hill? I was mn'ed of painful Goitre by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of fnHosnmation by MIN• A1D'S LINIMENT, MRS, W. A. JORNSON. 'valet, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neual/Ogia by MIINARD'S LINIMENT, J. R. BAILEY. Parkdade, Out, Infantry Good Marksmen. The Russian infantry use a rifle sighted up to 3,000 paces and with a magazine capacity of five cart- ridges. The infantry are, on the whole, good marksmen, although not so good as the Cossack cavalry- men, who use a similar though shorter rifle, A WARM WINTER. Juno weather prevails in California, the ideal watering place, reached comfortably and conveniently by the Chicago and North Western ity, Pour splendid trains dally from the new Passenger Terminal, Chicago. The Overland Limited—faeteet train to San Prnnoiscothe. Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land of Sunshine, idle famous San Francisco Limited and the California Mail. Rates, illustrated matter on California and the 1915 Expositions and furl portion• lays on application to B. 11, Sennett, Gen. oral Agent, 46 Yonge Street. Toronto, Out. With a Reservation. "Tell me, dearest -•-would you marry a spencithrifbl" "Surely—if he had the thrift." Mlnard's Liniment mires Darget 1n Cows, The Real Thing, A father who was taking his small son with him in the train forbade him putting his head cub of the window. "Tho wind will blow off your hat," he explained, at the same time snatching the boy"s hat and hiding it behind his back. The boy was much distressed over losing his That, so his father said, "Now, watch and I'll whistle it back again," as he spoke putting the hat back on the boy's head. A nninnte later the boy whisked his father's hat off andhitt•led it out of the win- dow, crying gleefully, "W'histle it back, papa." Before giving advice prepare to Land from under. Minard's LinimentcumColds, &a.... Machinery For Ells Engine: shafting, belting, walleye, etc. from large factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, fly wheel, bear- ings, ete., alt in good condition. .Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inches $o fifty inches, belting six inches to twelve inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO 'REASONABLE OFFER , REFUSED. S. Frank Wilson .f, Sons, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. • Better than a Mustard Plaster OR colds in the chest or sore throats; for. rheumatism or stiffness; for sprains and cramps; Capsicum "Vaseline' brings quick relief, CAPSICUM Tradem. k It does all that a mustard plaster will do. Is cleaner, easier to apply, and will not blister the skin. There are many other "Vaseiihe" preparations—simple home remedies that shoquld be in every family— Ctiebolated "Vasglin6", an arid, septic dressing for cuts, Insect bites, eta; White ",Vaaoliuti", to pre. ' vent redness and roughness of face and Bands; pure "Vaseline", for piles, chilblains, tee„ and' others Write for our now illustrated book- let describing their many used. CIfI SEBIYCI0GH Mly`t4 C. (Consolidated) 1880 d'IATIOT AVE. MONTREAL