HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-12-24, Page 5►
L'e eRrAg'iti I.O.Gr W.aT1ri./
OP MAlli3.LAG111 L,WENS1
Mac 1e
1 l e • x
I t t Pest 11111110 F41icl 60.4
lie,dm Barrister, glee 8 werOone' Stook
Notary erLbq, dm. rad H Btewnrt'e Stook
door Nor Lb of Central Hotel.
Boileau'. for the Metropolitan flank,
sea, will sell for better prime, to
better wen, In less time and. less ohargos
than any other Auctioneer In Plast linrou,or
be won't ()barge anything, 'lutes end orders
own always be arranged at this Mike or by
',simnel applies don,
QotJUMW ratleli ..8.11.4 lraff r
(3•01N9 SOUTH (.30188 Nowrn •
(Express:18 8 m I Mail 11:12 a m
Express 9:46 u m Express 8:62 p to
CaNd.O.f'.'(gx mem
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 7:62 0 in I Express - 71:19 a in
Express 1:22 p Express 8:46 p m
Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 8:40 p. 1)),
Going West - 12:10 and 0:58 p. in.
All trains going Emit connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Loons Agent,
r_-4ttly ,,,w4 way ...co'G> w..1.... yZotA,tu,m6
Winter Term opens Jan. 4
3 ` "
8triko for a Bettor Position -
v' by tailing o 0001108 I0 the Popular 1
ELU0 -rT
Ai? ii . ( !k/
ilii TORONTO, ONT. '
0 Thlo Schnnl Mande head and should- 1-
i, '' ors above the ordinary Bnshm+o College '1
4 allyl when thoroughness of train -
1 Iing is co ulderod, ranks among the G'
I. bot on this continent.
tlHandsome Catalogue sent on request. >,
Cor. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Y
Merles Stn. f Principal. lf
457%. I'M ,r^aVF'ahis'a'V4,220.02, 0a1AGa NTO:a rt`r
at rigrAirlireav-AvvpAtentStg-A,r&go
40 d /J,/
Camilo'. (teat Practical Training A
School. We have thorough courses
and explri„nerd tnotruutors In each of
our three depar'tmenta-
Commerclal, shorthand, Telegraphy g
Oar grade tea- sue, oral and you should 9
read our large, free c0talogne.e Write
for it at once. ?
P,,, D. A: McLACHLAN„Principal. SY
Vtr y11ydS07Or3e4VM:912, ';02M02GMMXA2Ayi r7pr19
't at the• Y
y/y a4 Thorough Courses taught, by
v OoruP eLP.11t i'euohei s,
Por particulars address- tEDWIN O. MATTHEWS,
Listowel, Ont. 0.
-aV .9`saG 't' l>Ftaix:a'4.V,tQSV,ma Ai
1111111M1111,1111211162011 F2212111IMELIIMMIRSIMilliiin
Best Brains
i0 OniuKln 1Rlya portielputed In.the pi•e-
poration of oar a plendid Hondo Study
Conrses in Banking, ltoouomiee, Higher
Accounting, Onlnnleroial Art. Show
Card Writing, Photography Journal -
21101.1 Story writing, shorthand
lend Book-keeping. Select the work
which mostinterestsyon and write us
fon portionless, Address
391-7 Vongc St., Toronto
Thousands of ambitious young pew
11tie arefast preparing in then' own
homes to oboupy 1110'rittve positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, otvil em'vents In root every
sphere of activities, 'Heti may finish at
college 1f yon so wish, Positions anal,
auteetY: Enter nonage any slay. Zndt•
vidunl instruction. Export teachers.
*Ill)'ty yearn experience. Largest
trailers to Canada, Seven .colleges.
Special conrso fm•,tenahers.
Affiliated with Comntercial'Eduoa-
top's Aasoointinn 01 oan0d0. • Smninor
School at famous Spotton Business Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Business College
GEO. ,c.pOTTON, W, T. 'HORS%
President, Principal,
i3ltuln•sn f1Ciruo
'40000014o1' to N1. H- lidera. 1)11100 01 andel
w1) Igoe. Livery .01)blu, ,a lio,.l0 11)1(141wlt.
No, 20,
OR. T. 7', NT' RAE
enoltolorof M„dloh)e, University of Toronto
Idnent)ate Oral tIratluate of the yellow. or ?hp
010(0)10 1111d . RI'geonr.. 11111, 1',0E•gl•mlllnte
Ohmage ISve, leer, None and 'Throat 100x 315111,
Uhmocc, Ill Ifs.il nrs,'.l'nrgeon to S1, Minh•
oel'a Hospital. o
()aloe over le, lit Smith a nrnro ~tarn Tate.
minimarketphcuminimarketn owithwithOinm aok at all Laura*.
l3aohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College or
10 0111114e 1)xeOntari,, a ..e ot be Surgeon
Western Hospital, 'ou bopoof la to Dr.
A. K•a Smith Sleek, Bruxspts.10nrnti phone 46
M.B., M.C.P.&S. 0.
100 13)001• street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Ulini01)1 menden t In Enr, Nose 0nd Throat de.
pertinent New General Hospital Toronto :
Post Graduate Narver! Mcd10111 School, Boa.
ton ; 1040 Senior Resilien0 Snrgeun 1)1)100. Eye
2 Ear Infirmary ; late Clb)ic01 assistant to
Nose and Throat department Mass Gen. Hoa.
pail ; late House Surgeon Toronto General
Respil-al- 13In Ben+oele by llppointlitent.
Phyaioian and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.!, New York and Chicago Hon.
pitnla. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
geonsof Ontario and Graduate -University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry,
Office in Marti Block, Wingham •
Phone 240. Poet Office box 278
Painless. Extraction, Plate work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary.
College. Day and night calls, Moe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
Personal Graduate Deportment of OPht1101-
urology, MoOormlok Medical College, Chicago,
111. 10premised to test eyes 1
ea tar fit glasses e,
onnr oaks over Friday
of every
wk. Thursday, Friday and m.F Forenoons
week. Office hours 1 to 0 p. m. Forenoons
by eppolntment. Phone 1210.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on (180 Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W.PrtoIIOyon'r, E. O. J. L. Ki LronAN
gaGi l i(elvS It.Cffs
GET ready to write 1915.
THE POST gives the news.
MONDAY was the shortest day of the
CltaisrMAs buying has been lively
this week.
LRT THE POST know who your
Christmas visitors are,
Teams are late these clays. One
reason is the heavy express traffic.
MRRav Christmas to every reader o
THE Poor big and little. May your joys
be many.
Tne snowplow was brought into
requisition this week to clear out the
FRIDAY being Christmas Day business
pieces will be closer. Postoffice hours
will be8to9a,0].and 5to6p.m.
TAKE in Nomination Monday evening
next iu the Town Hall, Who are your
nominees for the Council and School
Board 7
GET your parchment butter wrappers
printed and comply with the law, THE
POST has a large new stock to hand out
of which we would like to supply your
CHRISTMAS RA'Z'ES,- The single fare
rates on the railway cover 'Thursday and
Friday of this week with return on
Saturday, Fare and a this'd tickets is
good from Tuesday of this week return•
logon Monday.
ANNUAL School meetings will be held
Wednesday, 3o111 inst. Bills for calling
the meetings may be had at 'Pile Po
at small cost. ' Reports of the meetings
will be very acceptable and we hope the
various Secretaries will send us the
THE boys of Brussels Continuation
School are asked to reproduce the
"Kaiser's 'trial" at Zion church, near
McGaw station on the C. P. 1t. on Fri-
day evening lanuary 8th. • They have
accepted and will put on the whole
evening's program. It will be some
thin t good.
Trite KAISER'S 'TRIAL,- Monday even-
ing next the boys of the Coutfuuatiuu
School will present the `Trial of the
Kaiser" In the school room of the
Methodist church under the auspices of
the Epworth League, A musical pro-
gram will also be added. Program at. 8
RINK CHANGED Hann - Last week
P, I3nrchill, of town purchased ;he fine
Skating and Curling rinlc in Brussels
from R. 'french, ot Teeawater, and is
now in charge. Skating and hockey are
already ou the program and the curling
rinks will be got ready forthwith. We
wish Mr. Burchill success in his venture
and think it should go.all right.
Tne I.eeswater News of last week iu
commenting on the Ethan fol note c011 -
awning long programs at enterteinnieuts
says :---'"Phe above from THE BRUSSELS
POST is well timed and well put. It Hp -
piles also with equal force to many
public speeches and even sermons. It
is far more effective to have an audience
Wish for more thou be surfeited with
over much. It is possible to have too
much of even a very good thing.
TIME EXTENDED. -As R nunhber have
written THE POST asking for extension.
of time iu paying back subscriptions we
have extended the date to lanuary 15
instead of December 15, before names
of 3 years and over will be handed to
the Collecting Agency.. We have no
desire to be arbitrary with anybody but
When hundreds of people owe Us from
$3 to $5 it becomes a matter of neces-
sity to (io collecting to meet our pay -
meets maturing, We have heard frons
a large number of people but must have
remittances trots many more before,
Ian, is if they wish to avoid the Agency,
I"1111, fl T. i( ROHM!) rued hale been
eX'ending the wire 01-Houg along the
In reuuuing Jul Iwo cupit,. of 'I'Hr
1 1.+l for 111x' volt Airs I P Ws fry, ul
el'ydltli City, Man . writes 111x, POST
is Rlw erg welcome in our homes."
Tee DAY afternoon of this ueelc was
Ole closing day of school prior to the
Christmas vnra1lon and programs hear-
ing on the Old waren of the Year were
to older, S(211001 will 1'e alien on Mon-
day (1)1101)51 3rd,
A note from the 110100 of W.
Nulloit Calgary, formerly of Wessels
say, :-- Enclosed find our subscription
to 111E I. os'. fur 1915. Mother say, she
looks for Ina POST Rs eagerly as for n
letter from bine. We all enjoy it very
Huts )AY F •ids end ,'a r
1 i 1 V a l `t ter la of
this week 'the Phn1o'drllma of y the
Creation is being shown in moving
pictures. Pastor Russell is at the head
ot the company who is supplyiug the
films, which are beim; put on da the
cities and towns just now in Canada. A
phonograph supplies the lectures which
are said to have a strong leaning to
Pastor Russell's addresses and sermons,
FRED. GoRsALITZ.Orr.. writing from
Humboldt, Sask., on Dec, 9111 says: -
Find enclosed $1 0o fur line PoS'1' for
another year. I have been getting it
regularly for the last two months and 1
would miss it badly if it were to stop.
In the first place it brings lots of things
to my memory of days gone by and In
the second piece I see it is travelling all
over the West Wishing Tug POST and
its readers "A Men y Christmas and A
Happy New Year." Yours Truly,
HAULING STONE, -Quite a number of
farmers and others are hauling stone for
Brussels corporation for next season's
street improvement. Tne loads are
weighed on the town scales thereby
getting over the difficulty of odd sized
sleigh boxes, racks, -ere, Anybody with
a heap of proper sized stones 0017 make
some money in this unusual way this
Winter and at the same time get rid of
an eyesore in the fields, A good load
will scale about the same as 1.k yards.
The intention is to secure a crusher
next Spring and prepare the pletal for
the permanent roadbed,
HURON Medical Association met in
Clinton. The following officers were
elected for 1915 :- President, Dr.
Kennedy ; Vice -President, Dr Machell ;
Secretary-'frees.Dr. Redmond. Dr.
Taylor, Goderic,h, and Dr. Gunn were
appointed delegates to attelid the meet-
ing of the Ontario Medical Association
held recently in Toronto , for the
amalgamation of County and town
societies. Papers'tvere read on subject§
Interesting to the profession by Drs.
Emmerson, Ross, Gander and Bur-
rows. The next meeting of the assn.
0(51)0(1 will . be held in .W ingbam in
Miss F. Givelen has been engaged as
senior teacher for S. S. No. 8. for an-
other term.
J. L. Brown of McKillop, practical-
made 1401e1)1.up with his flock of
White Rocks at, the: Wiatet Fair, win-
ning 1 first, 2 secoiuls, a third, a fourth
001h and a sixth not of the hest class
of White Rocks eves' seen at Gnelph.
Whet might Inc ve been a serious tee -
trident happened on the premises of J.
Murray. A.. Dolling wits working
with the gasoline engine and thinking
the 5111111 was fro'/.en tested it with a
snatch. The gasoline instantly Look
Ree and some of it splashed nn his
hand burning hila severely.
McIntyre .ic Gabel shipped a cal-
ked of artily 1101 ses In Ton on to.
Salvation Airily Band will give a
01111.tmasserenade nn OhrisLnnts eve
and Olhristhnas morning.
The young men's class of the
Methodist Sunday Schnnl hove from en-
gaged ed the rink
i, g m 8 30 to 7.30 for
every Frlclay evening during the
season. They expect a good Winter
A good meeting of Lhe Temperance
and Moral Refrn'm Assnciatinn was
held at the Methodist chneelh and
effioers were elected for the ensuing
year a9 fellows :- President, W. J.
Dowd ; vice -President, S. L.. Adolph ;
Sent etary, Rev. John - E. Pettit ;
Treasurer, T. L. Hamilton.
A vet y pleasing event tole place at
Hie hope r,f Miss Elva Sanderson
when a presentI11011 was made to
Miss Dutton by the members of the
Gleaners Sunday School (Mass of the
Methodist, church of which she is
teacher. The preset'tatinn of a beonti-
0111 !Pail sunburst was read(' by Miss
Luella ,Seolt and tt bouquet of roses
was made by Miss Elva Sanderson,
+ «••'ro"mix. ms.•w.v-.,es « m:, s :a.•..ae :•rzs sr.... at ,at:.pnm: , 0io,..,.1,.. t3 *H.,,, $ ),,,,4 ,,,,,t,' wY
alae ,wrm. >" x^uer zr±: mrr amxr r,
4,444+++444.4,4.4,444.41++++++4.44 t e
faro (Welled
elle nilly' h 55eoi1111 sees/lees • ....
1VatY ,'l,ttvrltlstu At'1?1 1i14t't'lbtlka herd 1 • •mo♦•♦.msoe••e,e4p oomo••svmm .,Nw
I 11' 11, and Mr0. 1)fe) 1ty, formerly of 10
H 1 hi, t„1) n hila hav0 (701.11 rebidhrg at
g le Jackson C Iltthl'nx .un le+tviu{ theca and expect
3. 10 spell! New Year's with het mother,
✓• MIS, Dodds. They expect to take ern
JEWELER 1 exidenee itt 'I' roll in peels, in the New
•t+ +Year,
✓r +
4. Aodcrich
+4. Pnnitry ;chow will be 111)1(5 ill the
1)y r 4' 'i'own hall, Glodrt'lch, on January 1.2,
3: 13 and 14.
4. Alias Cora r1. Oht cD left t Po Detroit,
ristmasr t L
- where she will enter Grace hospital 1.e
Presents fir #
++ For Ladies
✓r Pearl Set, Necklaces
+ Peridst Set Necklaces
Pearl Set Brooches
Die mond Rilrgs
+ Petselltings
Cameo Rings
•1' Foley Stone Set RI igs
J3ut' Pills
Wristlet Watches
Bracelets, Fobs
+ Watch Challis
Manicure Selo in Silver and
if' Pellet Seta
Out Glass
•r Chatelaine Bags
Vanity Oases
&c., &c.
For Gents
Watches and Chains
Watch Fobs
Cuff Li nits
+ Tie Pins
Signet Rings
Stone Set Rings
+ Tie Olips
Emblem Pins
.q. Gold Head Caples
+ l'lilitttry Blushes
i Oasecl Pipes
qAuto Strop Razors
&c., &0.
,1. We. carry a enmplete .line of
'1• Jutvelty, Silverware., Ont Glass,
* Clocks, &c., bought for Dash.
.1. Our prices are low and quality ..pi..
+ of goods the best. Reliable 4-
* goods and, square dealing our
+ Motto. •F
H. L.Jackson
Listowel Poultry Show was the
most st s uccessful on record on Tuesday,
1Vednesday and Thursday of last
week. Nearly 500 entries were shown
in the new Drill Hall.
A. St. Geo. Hawkins, Chairman of
the Owlet Committee of Lhe High
Schott Beard IRIS received word from
the Militia Headquarters stating that
the local High School Corps is now
officially recognized . and has been
given the number 582 Government
allnwsa giant of $1.00 per member
based on the number who report for
the aminal inspection that will be
held in rhe Spring. The corps will
have the use of the Drill Hall.
Leslie Scott has bad a very sore
hand for several days as the result of
all abscess.
Mrs. William So
we t to
Toronto to attend the funeral of the
late Senator Jaffray. The late Mrs.
Jaffray was a cousin of Mrs. Somer-
William Ballantyne has purchased
the or residence the 4
c t e late Mrs. Kneels -
tel, West Goderich street, paying
51000. Mr, Ballantyne intends occu-
pying the property next Spring.
Mts. W. W. Meredith, for the past
two years <office manager of the
"News" has severed her connection
with it and her duties will in future
be attended to by the new proprietor.
Seaforth L. 0. L. Nn. 703 held its
annual election of officers for , the
ensuing year ;-%V, 101., W. E. South-
gate ; D. Al., Robert Mnrdie ; Chap.,
A. Westcott ; Fin. -Sec., Tilos. Steph-
ens,: Treas., Chas. Layton ; D. of 0.,
las. Storey ; Lect., . A. P. Joynt ; 1st.
Oonln., Thos, Rands,
ea•e•0••9s•a••♦•'•0•4'*+44•• 0•047•••••♦•••••••••••••••• 4
A Full Assortment of the •
Choicest Fruitsof theSeasoo.
China, 1)l___......._ _..r yorcelain •
Including Fancy China, Tea, Dinner and
Toilet Sets. Being- botight before the ad-
vance in price we can give you Special Valtse. •
The usual full line of Staple Groceries•
Thanking our many Customers for their patronage •
in the past, •
Geo. Thorson
tt nurse 111 training.
Regular meetings of the Home
'Guard l4 I are being g
i held each r Mnr du
and Fviday evenings for chill iuetrnc-
Oonncillor Leith waite announces
that he is in the field for Ude Deputy-
Reeveship at the coming Murttnipal
The choir of North street Methodist
church is preparing a concert which
will be given on Friday, January 15th,
the proceeds to go to the Belgian Re-
lief fund.
Miss Moutray has disposed of the
knitting factory to Mrs. Dexter.
The Sunday School of St. Andrew's
church will hold their annual enter-
tainment in Industry Hall on Ohrlat-
111(10 bight.
alias M. A. Bailie, of Dungannon,
delivered two very able addresses in
the Methodist church on Sunday in
behalf of Missions which were very
much appreciated by the congrega-
Jasper Cook while assisting in load-
ing lumber at the sawmill met with a
painful accident. Be was in the act
of binding a load (ellen the chain
broke and 110 fell, striking on the hub
of another wagon, bruising his face
very badly and has snffered intensely
flour the effects.
Houses are scarce iu town, all are
now occupied and more is needed.
The making of a'okating rink in the
old planing mill is under progress by
the boys.
Owing to Measles several houses in
the village and vicinity are under
Theoun ladies g of Maitialld Sun-
day School are taking up knitting for
the Snldiers.
Annual meeting of Conservative
Association of Township: of Flma was
held in the Music Hall, Atwood, on
171m& Cheese & Butter Mfg., Co.,
shipped November make, numbering
384, sold at 14,fc to the Ingersol Pack-
ing Co. Total amount realized $4304.-
Jas. Ellacott, Listowel, has pur-
chased the property in Atwood be-
longing to Mrs. Fullerton, Toronto,
and occupied by Mrs. Ballantyne,
who has now taken up rooms over
W. R. Erskine'a store.
hog exhibit at Guelph J. S. Cowan had
one of the finest collections of Berk-
shires at the Show, carrying off
majority of the prizes in his Blase.
Out of 15 entries he senured 3 firsts, 2
seconds, 3 thirds and 2 fourths also a
special and a number weber of highly com-
mended ribbons.
William McNiven, of Seaforth. was
athome attending the funeral cif his
Wm, Gannett has been suffering
with a sore finger for some time. He
had it amputated.
D. McPherson has leased the Queen's
hotel stables from J. E. Swarte and
has put in a stock of feed.
Geo. Denyer has sold hie house and
lots on Patrick street (the Grierson
property) to H. Thomson.
The case of Dr. Tamyln does not
show very much improvement. His
family is at his bedside in constant at-
Mrs. George Auay, who recently un-
derwent a serious operation, is .still in
the hospital, but her friends hope for
a speedy recovery.
A. M. Orawford, who formerly ran a
cigar store and a garage, has purchas-
,ed the National Hotel from Mrs. Han -
sol, who some time ago removed to
The recent snowstorm has been of
great benefit to the farmers. Travel-
lers state it has improved business.
Heavy shipments of live and dressed
fowl are at present leaving here.
Mies Elsie Clow, of Michigan, who
hoe been the guest of her aunts, Misses
Annie and Bella Clow, left for Tor-
onto to spend Christmas with her
Oster, Miss Clara Bell. She, will later
return to her home in Michigan.
There passed away at her residence
on Carling 'Terrace, Mrs. Alex, Mc -
Niven, after an illness of about two
years. She was in her 71st year, and
one of the first settlers in the town.
In religion Mrs. McNiven was a Pres-
byterian. She leaves her husband,
one sister in the West, and an adopted
son, William, in Seaforth.
The adjourned case against J. E.
Swarta, was heard before Police Magi-
strate blot ton and dismissed. Mr.
Yapp, props fetor of the Dominion
Vinegar Works, from whom Mr.
S+warts had purchased the cid-r,
claimed to be over the required 2t%
was present and gave evidence, which
showed that the cider in question had
been analyzed by the Government
analyiat and pronounced to be under
A pleasant event took place Wed-
nesday afternoon at the manse of
Rev. D. Perris, when Samuel Chittiek,
of Teeawater, was married to Miss
`Lena Sisere, of Winghamm. Oniy a
few friends were present. After con-
gratulations the young couple left for
their wedding trip Old on their re-
turn they will reside in Wingham,
where the groom holds a good posi-
tion esforeman of the G. T. R. round-
i_j W m, Elliott, of Turnberry Township
was drawing clay here, on Saturday
morning out by the pond for the pur-
pose of making brick, when one of his
horsee slipped and fell, causing some
of the heavy load to fall on the
animal, Me. Elliott was none the
Business as Usual •
_ 2
URstore i
r swell filled
great eit ma
usefulefulOandsensible articles suitable for Xmas
Gifts for
both old and young. A fee • suggestions as to
different articles may help you in thinking up some-
thing for the girls or the boys -
Ladies' Kld Gloves in white, tan and black 110 1,00 and 1.25.
Ladies' Seude Kid Gloves in tan and black al, 1.25.
Children's ton Kid Gloves at 75)'.
Ladies' Plain and Fancy Organdy Collars at 26, 35, 41), 50, 75 & 1,00.
Beauty Bows at 25 and 85c,
Fancy Snarl's at 50e, 1.00, 1.26 and 3.31. +
Cream and Black Silk Shawls at 2.25. •
Fancy Handkerchiefs at 15, 20, 25, 35 and 500• ••
Plain and Fancy Ribbons at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 incl 11100, •
Beads at 10, 25, 35, 50, 75 and,1 00. •
Plain and Fancy Dress Silks at 1,00, 1.25 and 1.50.
Black and °olored Satin TInderslcirts at 3.00 and 3 50' •
Parasols at 1.50, 2.00 2.50 anis 2 76. •
Fur bluffs and Scarfs at, 5.00, 7.00, 10.00, 12 00, 18.00 and 20.00. ••
Ladies' Fur -lined and Fur-colltteed Coats -SPECIAL VALUII. •
Ohildeen's Woolen Mitts and Gloves at 25c.•
Ohildren's and Ladies' Wool Iioods at 1,00• •
Girls' and Boys', Ladies' and Men's Sweater Coats at the popular ••
A full line of Cashmere and Wool Hosiery.
Men's and Boys' Dollars, 2 for 25c.
Men's and Boys' Ties, 25, 50 and 75c.
Men's and Boys' Braces, 19, 15, 25 and 50c,
to a2.nd50. Boys' Wool Knit, Kid and Mocha Gloves at,from 20c ISP •
Men's and Boys' Handkerchiefs at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 35c.
Special value in Men's Cashmere and Fine Wool Socks at 25 3150c.
Of Special Interest to Ladies ••
We have the privilege of offering the. Standard Designer •
Magazine during this month only at 30c per year. o
A full fine of fresh Groceries in Stock 1.
Hoping to see you all before Xmas,. •
We remain, Yours Truly, •
P. S. -Store open every evening during Xmas week.
. Strachan
worse, as he was on the load and
jumped to the ground. Other men
helped him to get the horse out of the
pond and take it to the stable.
Hugh and Robt. Edgar were in
Brantford attending the Inner& of
their sister-in-law, Mrs. (Rev.) J. W.
The remains of 1YIrs. William Roe,
who died after an operation in the
Guelph hospital, were brought home
on Wednesday of last week.
WIn. Gamble, who sold his farm on l
the 5th Oon., to his neighbor, Robt.
Gathers, has purchased William
Tn ench's farm on the 9th Con.
Regular Monthly Horse Pairs will be
held in Brussels as Follows :
THURSDAY, DEO. 3rd, 1914
JAN. 7111, 1915
PES. 451o, 1915
MAR. 4111, 1915
APR. tat, 1915
leading local and Outside Buyers
will be Present.
John Evans, who load been in fail-
ing health for some time; passed a-
Joltn and Mrs. Watters celebrated
the 255th anniversary of their wedding
day Thursday of last week.
Ohrist:nets Entertainment under the
auspices of the Methodist Sunday.
School on Ohristmas night in the.
Town Hall. Proceeds will be given to
the Belgian Relief Fund.
AO the regular meeting of Gorrie L.
O. L. No. 787, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :--
W. M., A. E. Toner ; D. M., H. A.
Spottoo ; Chap,. Rev. Rivers ; Rec.-
Secretary, D. S. Hicks ; Pim-Secre-
taty, W. 1i. Gregg ; Treas., R. H.
Carson ; Lect., 1+'. Hyndman ; D. of
0., J. Gathers.
The fondon Advertiser
Edition 52,00 per Year by Mail Out-
side City of London,
All the War News
All Market Quotations
All Sporting News
The Best Newspaper Value in
Western . Ontario
Delivered through your Post Office
or over your Rural Routertame
day as Published foikt,
$2,00 per year.
Up to -date
Xmas ttra
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