The Brussels Post, 1914-12-24, Page 4:ABt<Ym,�#(:fir°Yti6Fx�.11".,7",.YMwer'Ni1r+'J.i.F�,ct!ek!,.n#r�,tits"w'�'im'iurfrr�.�4�.caklM
-.M.�N�.gM�W. ✓.P-1'AwwL'r�us'
C i e s iC�k Jtla
il'HUR'SL1Alt DECEMBER z4 1914
HAT has become of the old checker
ttlatelles? The old quilting bee would
be a goner if it were not for some of the
Missionary Societies,
LONDON, Ontario. Military Camp is
under quarantine owing to the dis-
agreeable fact that sma'lpox has been
discoved. Camp life is not all sport by
any means.
HAVE you that Literary Society or-
ganized you were talking about? How
are the young mu of your community
to become public speakers if they don't
soon commence to practice ?
THE $57,000 donation by the Masonic
Order of Ontario to the Belgian scatter-
ers is a practical expression worth a
cord Cof good:resolutions and a barrel of
tears at this juncture. Each member
of the craft is expected to contribute
THE POST wishes every home it enters
a Merry and Joyous Christmas and
hopes many a home circle may be re-
united during the holiday season. One
wayto make Christmas full of is to
pass on the good cheer to others. Help
SHELLING those coast cities in Eng-
land last week was a reproduction by
the German fleet of the olden days when
the redmen of the forest burned the
shanty and tomahawked the settler.
Tbe latter were savages of course and
the former are supposedI
to haveku tore.
There'll come a day of reckoning.
THAT South Africa rebellion soon bad
the fizz taken oat of it when General
Botha and troops got after the rebels.
The whole plot appears to have been
explained in the old saw, "Evil com-
munications corrupt good manners,"
A mischief maker can generally find
material to busy himself with in kicking
up a dust but often the chief actor is
out of the road when fighting is to be
WHAT interest have you in the pro-
gram of the Prince of Peace? We
celebrate His birthday Friday of this
week along with all Christendom and
regard its event as a eat of the year. '•I
must be about my Father's business"
and be busied himself most industrious-
ly and then passed the work over to us.
Let us tell the "Good tidings of great
joy, not because it is a task but realiz-
ing it to be a great delight.
By the .lemise ot Senator Jaffrey, of
Toronto, the Liberal majority of the
Dominion Senate is reduced to it and
the death of 6 more would give the
Conservatives control of the Upper
Chamber, It does not take many years
to make marked changes. Death is
about the only power that seems to
affect this gray headed useless body as
at present constituted. A dozen mem-
bers bad a club up their sleeve to deal
the old Senate a hard blow but nothing
has come of it and it is still used as the
harbor for old or defeated politicians
where they may be got out of the way.
By the way with 8 vacancies at present
in the Senate why should not Huron Co.
get a look in ? Without prejudice THE
Posr would have much pleasure in
nominating Ehvard Norman Lewis,
M. P. for the old West Riding of
this County.
Ix you intend being a candidate for
the Council Board for this what new
plans have you for promoting the well
being of your municipality? There is
nearly always room for improvement.
What about permanent roads, the law as
it relates to noxious weeds, eelping the
Public Libraries and Fall Fairs? Is
Statute Labor out ot date ? Are meet-
ings ever held to instruct people in the
Public Health Act ! Go to the Nomit,a-
tion and ask questions even if you are
not a speech maker, Taxes are mount
ing up, hence the necessity of studying
the best means of carrying on Municipal
work with the thought of strict economy
but without neglect of the performance
of all that is essential. In the majority
of cases the Boards du their hest but
there might be a hint worth while from
those who are not occupying seats at
the Council table,
I'r is Very amusing to read the
"swash" that is published by the anti -
Local Optionlsts in Municipalities where
contestsate on, Nothing very new but
the same old fables that have been going
the rounds for the past to years. Some
of the points are :—"There will be more
liquor drank ; You can't enforce it ; It
will drive trade away ; Prohibition is a
very bad thing, &c," The tuunicipa'i•
ties that have tried the Act fairly and,
had a chance to kick it out have n•,t done
so id the large majority of cases. It has
been proved to be one of the best aids to
law and order and business people say
it, has helped their trade, Why should
it hot be tor What merit Itt thete in
the iiemor battle that Will prove 1 beim.,
lit to the man who drinks ? It lies been
proven again and again that it is the
greatest millshnle round a map's ureic
it destroys the home life and is a ruina•
tion to the life of the youth: Dominion
wide Prohih tiou is what the people
should get busy about. By voting for
pledged men as M. t's is the surest way
to have this vital question iutroduced
and carried in the House of Commons.
What's needed in Local' Option coin•
muuities is alert officials. parents who
will do their duty faithfully, kindly yet
fearlessly and wide awake church mem-
bers wito are, or should be intensely in-
terested in seeing that tbe law is im-
plicitly observed.
Several interesting Oanoe. before
Judge Doyle
A number of iuteresting cases were
tried before His Honor Judge Doyle in
Goderieh at the sittings of the County
Court lively. One of the cases which
drew considerable attention was that of
Gibson vs. Young. 'These gentlemen
are both farmers of West Wawaposh,
Gibson rented Young's farm for Sun a
year, with the understanding that
Gibson was to work for Young during
the threshing. Gibson claimed Young
was to help him with his harvest and
that on Yuung's failing to do this he was
udder no obligation to help with
Young's threshing, whereupon Young
asked for the whole amount of the rent
not otherwise due until March 3rst, and
failing to get it put the bailiff in. The
action for damages followed The case
was slated for trial Ly jury, but the
ludge ruled that it was withiu his
jurisdiction to try the case, An entire
day was taken up in the examination 0f
witnesses and the argument was post-
poned to a day to be fixed. Charles
Garrow for plaintiff ; Proudfoot,
Killoran & Proudfoot for defendant.
Another case of local interest was
that of Davis vs. Gardiner, in which
tbe plaintiff sued to recover damages
for injury to a horse. Gardiner, it
appeared, had been in the habit of bor.
rowing horses from Davis' livery, stable
and while driving one of these it sud-
denly went lame. The horse was
brought back to the stable and after
being attended by a veterinary surgeon
for nearly a month was destroyed, It
was afterwards proved that its leg was
oroken. Expert veterinary testimony
was brought to show that it was possible
that the leg was fractured before the
time it went lane. The evidence also
showed that the horse bad figured in a
collision with a motor car. There was
cons•derable difference cf opinion as to
the value of the horse, the figure vary-
ing frum $50 to Sm. After being out
for thirty minutes the jury brought in a
verdict for thelainuff for
p $85. and on
a counter claimE
u o $18.50 the defendant
was allowed his claim in full. Charles
Garrow For plaintiff ; Proudfoot, Kil
loran & Proudfoot for defendant,
In the case of McKelvey vs. Smale,
an action for the recovery of $165 94
for medical attendance, the defendant
claimed that the services was rendered
to a minor, who was a • elative, and
without request on his part. His
Honor directed that judgment be enter-
ed for the plaintiff for $r2o, W. M.
Sinclair for plaintiff ; H. D. Cooke for
Harper vs. Brown was a claim for,
$204 39 for plumbing and tinsmithing.
The case was settled our of court by the
payment of $i6o and costs
Kirkby vs. Village of Brussels—a
claim by the plaintiff to recover $689 5o
for constructing a drain. 'Tiial was
postponed to December 29th by consent
of counsel.
Craigie vs. Jordan—a claim for Sato
for failure to carry out a contract on the
purchase of lots in the city of Moose
law. The ease was settled out of
O'Neil vs. Aikenhead was an action
for slander. The defendant was accused
of stating that the plaintiff had con
fessed to placiug rocks on the railway
ith the intention of wrecking a trait)
The claim was for $50o for defamation
of character, Verdict for the plaintiff
with $to damages. J. M. Best for
plaintiff; F. H, 'Thompson for de-
Govenlock vs. C. P, R.—a claim for
$400 for injuries to horses while being
shipped out West, 'rue action was with
drawn by consent.
There were 6 other cases on the
docket which did not come up for trial,
having been settled out of court or
postponed to a future sitting.
New Infantry Formation.
EDITOR POET.—I see by an evening
paper that some forty care are to be
constructed by the government, arm-
ed with quick -flying machine guns.
The idea is good, and some time in the
future the cars [night be useful ; but
it seems to me the present is the time
to do things. `1'o that end I ask you
to kindlyprint the substance of a let-
ter on this subject I published some 8
years ago, and I think this war has
proved the idea correct. If the con-
tingents at Toronto and London were
outfitted in this way they could tender
much better service to .the empire
than they ate able to do at present. I
would make 25 amen the fighting unit,
supplject with the best machine gun,
two officers, two non -coats. in com-
mand. They should be perfected in
the use of the ride and all taught how
to handle and care for the gun, in-
structed in the bayonet exercise, and
made as athletic aa possible. Their
outfit ehould be complete as a unit,
and not regimental. They should
have Leonard gig (at this writing I
substitute a motor oar.) It should
carry a crowbar, saw, barbed.wire
cutters, sledge -hammer, spades, lan-
terns, candles, rubber sheets, surgical
instruments, medicines, bandages, tin
Mips, plates, knives and forks, a large
rubber or canvas covering to be need
its a tent, a very large supply of extra
ammunition, iron box for explosives,
a nickel -steel shield for each man, to
be used as a protection when in
trenehee or on the firing line (a holo
,7wi; ";)"aw +l NtS *±O .44
4"O M40,&i4?ali^'t 4f b'Et �. we w• W*WI rlin4AW •r, f'taasrn.iilr0"+'#"Jw,T ,'i ,? i?y46A1bY0 Y.±t;: v,k ldlxkC +.avi sw :daWAOS et tat+ gad .une»r~ estnov ....._ ...
'iiJ l itliftINS ckA '1,10.bAY
I've Just keen Sandy 1'ag ish,
As f COMP along the street.,
In a ht iutd new Butt of kitties
And a swim/it-trim and heat.
Sail I, "Aly word, young Sandy,
You're a son of Scotland true ;"
Said he, "Hoots, awrn no Scottie ;
Pin a Britisher the nom."
I met a smiling Welshman
Just by Trafalgar Square,
Saiti 1, "Hullo, there, Taffy,
Are you out to do nncl dare ?"
Said he, "I tun 110 'Patty,
Whatell'er, no indeed 1
To -day I am a pulldug
Off the good ofd Pritielt preed."
I saw young Pat McGinty
And I said to bitn, said I,
"You're Irish to the backbone,
And you will be till you die,"
Said he, "In peace I'tu Irish,
Sure, I cannot get away 1
But tune the storm clouds gather,
I'm a British man to -day,"
When mother lies abed,
Somehow there's nothing right,
There are no nice things said,
And then the kids will fight,
I can't get what is mine,
There's such a muddle on,
My fish-hooks and my line,
I find belong to John.
When mother lies abed
I'm not in time for school ;
To -day the teacher said,
"'red, don't von know the rule ?"
But breakfast's always late,
And sometimes dinner too,
So when be has to wait,
What can a fellow do ?
When mother lies abed,
There's not too much to eat,
The pie is sour that's made,—
That's when it's not too sweet ;
And Martha makes me mad—
When I come off the street,
Theng oes and blabs to dad
Such things as wiping feet !
When mother lies abed,
'Most everything goes wrong,
No room for Jack or Ted,—
No place to play ping pong 1
I hope she'll soon get well ;
There are no nice things said
Nor any one to tell,
When mother lies abet] 1
—M. A. Maitland,
for the rifle to be placed near the bot-
tom), the shield to be about 15 inches
square, of thin steel, weight about 6
pounds, slightly concave towards the
enemy so that the bullet would be
deflected outwards; three days'ra-
timms, small heating and cookingstove.
The men, in addition to rifle, and over-.
coat in knapsack — every alternate
man a small
steel spadewith p telescope
handle, his comrade a small axe or
what we call a tomahawk. Non -come.
—Rifle, field glassee, two best revolv-
ers. Officers (without swords)—Rifle,
two revolvers, range -finders and any
other' aids to judging distances. Es-
tablish a cede of quiet signals for the
men to work by.
Of course this unit forms part of the
regiment, and will in most places fight
in conjunction with the other units
u r the command of the senior of-
flc re, But the unit should have pow-
er to take individual action when the
occasion arises, and should be the ab-
solute fire unit under its own unit of-
ficers and noir-eoms.
I think this formation would make
our Toronto and London contingents
much more effective than any cumber-
some and.German oul-of-date platoon
formation they can adopt. They have
tote of bine to adopt this formation
before being required, and this war
has proven that a small body of men
"Frult-a-tires°" Keeps Young And Old
In Splendid Health
SCOTLAND, ONT., Aug. 25th. ;1113
"Fruit-a-tives" are the only f 111
manufactured, to my wayof think3.• g.
They work completely, no grip' tg
whatever, and one is plenty for net
ordinary person at a dose. My wile
masa martyr to Constipation. We tried
everything on the calendar without
a d spent large same of
money until we happened on "Fruit-
a-tives". I cannot say too much in
their favor.
We haveusedthem in thefamily for
about two years and we would -not use
anything else as long as we can get
Their action is mild, and no distress
at all. I have recommended them to
many other people, and our whole
family uses theme'.
Those wbohavebeen cMur dAbyyMF�D_
a-tives" are proud and happy to tell a
sick or ailing friend about these won-
derful tablets made from fruit juices.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 255.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit-e-tives Limited, Ottawa.
with a machine gun is equal to hun-
dreds of ordinary outfitted soldiers,
How much more effective would our
thousands be if placed in this forma-
Lieut.-Ool., R. L.
Hamilton, Nov. 29, 1914.
Huron County.
Ladies' Aid of the Dashwood Evan-
gelical church sent a large box of
comforters and clothing to Toronto to
be distributed among the pool. and
Monday night being the anniversary
of Mfrs. (Rev.) Granpner's birthday,
the ladies of the Dashwood church,
together with their husbands, as-
sembled at the parsonage and present-
ed Mrs, Graupner with a purse of
money and an address. About mid-
night supper was served and was en-
joyed by all, lu the small hours of
the morning the crowd departed for
their homes, after expressing them-
selves at the pleasure they had had at
the evening's entertainment,
Wm. B.awksbee, who is now in
training with the second contingent
at London, Ont„ was made the recipi-
ent of a handsome and useful gift
from his many friends in this village
and surrounding neighborhood, con-
sisting of a valuable wrist watch and
purse of money.
"No/more Dyspepsia for., Us!"
There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick
headaches, biliousneee, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the
whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning.
Alt drvnbte, 25e, er it mil 0e. Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16
Xmas is Coming) 1
Are You Ready? We are.
Try S. C. Wilson
With your next Grocery order. Our goods are Fresh and
we can supply you with all kinds of Christmas Groceries,
Peels, Selected Raisins, Currants, Icing Sugar, Spices, Etc.
The first Naval Oranges of the Beason are Were and are sweet
and juiey. Expect big shipment in a few days and prices are
�anng At the Candy Counter you will find the largest and best asaort-
pp ��45 went of Candies in Brussele. 'Try out' Chocolates and see our
2 large assortment of Christmas Bon -Baas, 'ranging in price from
yrs to
$ ,00 and over. 'Always a full line of Fry's, lWebb's and Nesmith s cele-
brated Chocolates on hand,. ,
Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage during the past year we
wish all a Merry Holiday Season.
Special attention to .Phone Orders, crap
Phone 78 'Er./ 0
t4,i,,tt4ittu4Q, 4,,yatu{cj„j.y',.'y,r,lujnl„jtaln;i,tnjnh ,t'fnj,, m,lmm ip,1,4,a{,y',tp,tutni,4,+u,,t„j,0njntm4ut, ,p
Christmas Gifts
Our stock is selected with the utmost care, The
war has caused the wholesale; Mouses to reduce prices•
and give exceptional lsiargllins, We can givt' you
prices to suit the tinges. Every article cut LOW.
Jewelry and
Community and 1847
W. F. Stretton JeuuelOpioian
Marriage. Licenses Issued. TRY ONE.
n?.ruvrt r v4,1
Clubbing List
To Pos•r has made arram gruteuts
in rim t, with the fcllutt ittg pallet .1 and
will he 10 a any mldr,•ss (uxeepl flip
United States; 50 canis exll'a) at Ili°
I'ollutviug Hubst'i ip11,11)1 pt ices
1'usT null 11tti1 ttmd Empire ...... ,.$1 60
” London Advtglist•) , 1 (il)
Loudon ties 1're's . 1 85
" tonality ILh')tld lttut fatal 1 85
" 1i 011treal \Vitness.,, 1 85
l'4n•mer's Advncale . 2'35
Northern llessenget• ,,,., 1 40
Pon and 'Toronto Slav ...$285
'l'otomto News..... ........ 2 85
Pot on to (11111)5 3 75
" Tnrnmto \fail-Ianpire3 75
' " 7bruuW \Pel)et 3 50
" 11dt'ei Lieut.....,.....-.,,,3 75
Gall at I.lie oliho or remit rho,
amount by P. 0, Order, 14xpeess Or-
der or ItegisLered1 t lisd' add h•eesing
t3russels, Out,
Mgrs, (Rev.) Dobson bac returned
ft'ont Mansfield, Ohio, where she had
been visiting her son, who was seri-
ously ill, but whom, we are pleased to
state is liow out of danger.
Elmer who has spent the
past several years in the Western
Province, is visiting hie parents,
Reeve and hits. Harding, 1001 Oon.
The Bazaar held in the Y. M. B. 0.
rooms under the auspices of the
Willing Workers of the Methodist
church proved a decided success.
Proceeds amounted to1
$ 35.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulating
and strengthening the kidneys. They
enable these organs to thoroughly
filter from the blood the uric acid
{the product of waste matter) which
gets Into the joints and muscles and
causes these painful diseases. Over
half a century of constant use has
proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills strengthen weak
kidneys and 51
Cure Rheumatism
1000 Loads field Stone Wanted
Brussels Corporation faready tto purchase
1600 loads of field stone, to be delivered en a
. vacant lot opposite John Long's home, Flora
street. 00 cents a square yard will be paid,
Stones are to be crushed and used for street
1"1F9 n,ent.
orrovefttrthur particulars Apply to members or
Brussels Council or Rall. Oliver,
7r. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
The People's eo la's Oolu
HOUSE AND LOT for sale O), Johnstreet,
Brussels, Comfortable heave, good
stable, well, cellar, cistern, fruit trees, Ca, ;
3i Pare In lot. For further particulars es to
price, .50., apply to A. HOMERS
17-11 or E,. S. Scott, Brussels,
PARE: LOT FOR SALE, The undersigned
offers hip Pnrk Lot Turnberry street,
North, Brussels, for sale. There are 0 acres,
upon winch is a house and Karn and n splendid
well Most of lot is seeded down. For furth-
er particulars as to price, terms. etc, apply to
JNO. S0IITH, Brussels,
=ARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm,
known as the Hugh Stewart property,
Lot 5, Con. 15, Grey township, Moron tlo., is
offered for sale. 95 acres cleared and 5 nares
of bush It is a good farm and In p fine Meal.
ity ; EI miles from Walton and 5 miles from
Brussels, As farm has not been sold It will be
rented. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &c., apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN or
F. S. Scums, Brussels. 0-tf
Every Regina Watch carries
with it a universal guarantee.
That means, if you purchase a
Regina from this store, we en-
dorse the universal guarantee,
which will be honored by any other
Regina watch agent anywhere.
Add to this, the manufacturers'
absolute and permanent guaran-
tee against structural defects and
you Will see that you cannot make
a mistakeinpurchasinga REGINA
L. BLAKE, Walton
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
clay. Phone 228.
rckmand Tile
Brick and all size's of
'rile are now to be
had at the
JoIe & Douherty
is lu•ep1rm,l to sitpph' the host
gouts in NV1nduifl18, lr'iu and
\Vontlen PutoIts and Stable
FiLLings, ,ne11 as Piping, Wet,
et. Bowls for stuck, &e,
'Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me it call.
A. HAYMA N, Craohrook
A Position for Fall
and Winter
We have a sound business proposition
for a reliable energetic salesman for
this district reliable, energetic fruit trees, ental)
fruits, flowering shrubs, etc. Pay
weekly, outfit free, exeluvIvo territory.
Over 600 acres
of fruit and armlet mita) sloelc under
eeltivntfnn We sell through our Niles. '
men direct 10 Iho ronspn,01' and 505)'
nntee delivery of fresh, high grade
tress. Oar agencies ire valuable by
reasou of the service we give and the :x
volume of imshides done, Established
05 yeti,•,, Write
Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont,
P. 8,-Hemisomo `e tnlogtte m, 109g)1081
either to applicntt or tbos0 w1.91niug
Ntm•sery atom,,
At your home ' without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
platter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait -Fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single or Double
Name .................. ............ .......
anti return to
88 Ootiodonla 8l..
Dept. A. Stratford, Ont.
tJN,tVrrrs 1. CAn' ,.
Buyers to . Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford . Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August I, 1915, and
guaranteed against any reduction during that time,
Touring Car -- 8590
Runabout - .s - 540
Town Car - 840
In the Dominion of Canada FURTHER the will be able to obtain the maximum -
efficiency 1n our factory production, and 1110 midtown soot in
on pdrehnsing and sales department IF we can reach an output
of 00,000 cars between the above dates.
AND should we reach this production we agree to
pity, n8 Ole buyer's share, from 540 to 100 per oat•, (on or about
August 1, 10151 to every retail buyer who purchases a new Verd
car between August 1, 1014, and Augdet 1,1015,
Per farther partltulars regarding these low liriees and profit•
sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer,
J. H. $ALISRAITH, Agent, Brussels
Ford Motor Compaizy
of Canada Limited
Ford, Ontario
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
clay. Phone 228.
rckmand Tile
Brick and all size's of
'rile are now to be
had at the
JoIe & Douherty
is lu•ep1rm,l to sitpph' the host
gouts in NV1nduifl18, lr'iu and
\Vontlen PutoIts and Stable
FiLLings, ,ne11 as Piping, Wet,
et. Bowls for stuck, &e,
'Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me it call.
A. HAYMA N, Craohrook
A Position for Fall
and Winter
We have a sound business proposition
for a reliable energetic salesman for
this district reliable, energetic fruit trees, ental)
fruits, flowering shrubs, etc. Pay
weekly, outfit free, exeluvIvo territory.
Over 600 acres
of fruit and armlet mita) sloelc under
eeltivntfnn We sell through our Niles. '
men direct 10 Iho ronspn,01' and 505)'
nntee delivery of fresh, high grade
tress. Oar agencies ire valuable by
reasou of the service we give and the :x
volume of imshides done, Established
05 yeti,•,, Write
Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont,
P. 8,-Hemisomo `e tnlogtte m, 109g)1081
either to applicntt or tbos0 w1.91niug
Ntm•sery atom,,
At your home ' without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
platter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait -Fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single or Double
Name .................. ............ .......
anti return to
88 Ootiodonla 8l..
Dept. A. Stratford, Ont.