The Brussels Post, 1914-11-26, Page 7STs VITUS DANCE! Young Folks evesesseteeessaieseestesesesses Betty's Color Party. "Why, Lily Williams, there's a big espolt of green on your dress!" Where is'it77" Lily asked, as the stopped her game of drop the hand- kerchief. "Turn round," Betty answered, "and I'll Show you."spot. But Betty could not fiucl the ssP "I know I saw it," ,she ,said, Aunt Fanny laughed. "You must have been looking at Lily's sash," she explained, "Butt what ha% my red sash to do with a green spot7" Lily asked. "Well, let's stop playing, and I'll tell you.something about colors, Aunt Fanny .said. And the ten boys and girls gathered round Aunt' Fanny. >, ",;Stand oat in the sun, Lily, Aunt Fanny directed. "Each of you must look. steadily et Lily's sash until I tell you to stop," said Aunt Fanny, "and then look quickly .at the white of her dress, and tell me \ghat you see, Nino pairs of eyes looked et the red sash." Ab -the end of a minute Aunt Fanny said, "Now look at the white el re. ES. " Bolbby Jackson was the first to Speak. "Why, Miss Fanny, it looked green just for a moment, but now We all white again." "The sun likes to. play such tricks," Aunit Fanny explained. "Wouldn't the green show if the sun didn't shine?" Bobby question- ed, "No," Aunt . Fanny answered. "The light of the sun is necessary. 111,tell you how you can have some tun at home. Find a red, a. blue, and a yellow book, and place totem, one at a time, in the sun on a piece of white paper. Then ask year' lather what color yon are going to show him, and see if he can tell you." Just then Betty's mother came out into tthegarden, carrying a dish of ice crease. "We'll," cried Bobby Jackson, "the one Who made that ice cream knew haw good red and green look with white!, Youth's •Companion. Another Severe Case Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills St, Vitus dente is a common' form of nervous trouble,' which of fects riot only Feting children, but Jaen and 60010n as well. -The only «etre lies in plenty of pure blood, because geed blend is the life feud of the nerves, Dr. Wi ams' 'Pink Pills cure the, most severe cases of St. Vitus dance, because they ao- tua1:3 " make the rich, red blood that feeds and restores the starving; shattered 'nerves, This has been proved in hundreds of cases, among themthat of Mrs, John Dun- can, London, Ont., who says "About a year ago I found myself becoming very nervous. At the out- set I dict not pay much attention to it as I thought the trouble would puss away. In tine I was clicap- pointed, for 1 ,soon found myself rapidly growing worse, My right arm and leg began to jerk and twitch all the tins, even when I was in bed, and 1 found great diffi- culty in walking or doing any work. Finally tiro trouble affected my speech, and it was with diffloulty 7, made myself understood. Of course I was doctoring for :the trou- ble, but was not being helped, and finally the doctor wanted me .to go to the hospital•for treatment. .This 1 did not care to do, -and it was at this stage that I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By the time I had used four boxes I felt much better, and in a short •tinne longer I was quite well and strong. My neigh'bor's look upon my cure as quite wonderful, and indeed I think it is, and shall alweys' be grateful for what Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills did for me," • These Pills are -sold by all medi- sine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes ,for $2.50 by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • BRITISH: ARRY NAMES. The Sergeaut 1Lad" to Givo Up the QUAINT OLD KONIGSBERG. Might Be Described as the Louvain of East Prussia,. If by any chance the Russians should occupy Konigsberg, they will deal e. heavy blow alt Prussian pride, For it was here that in 1701 ]rreelerick I. crowned himself first king of Prussia, and here that Wil- liam 1., afterward the first Germiun. emperor, was Drowned king. The great grain -exporting city . has geown up in modern times, but it had its foundations laid in the thir- teenth century by the Knights of She Teutonic Qrder, who built them - solves e blockhouse', and ,afterward a castle. The dukes of Prussia loved the city, and held royal state - in .a palace 'that;' has long since d s - appeared. Its scientific institutions_ tura many, and its university con - tarps, as Louvain'.s did, more than 200,000 volumes. The Torun of Konigsberg is almost • circular in shape, within a ring of: nested ' defences except to the southeast, where the swampy 'ground afford defense enough. The visitor can .never forget its noisy streets,. 'too narrow for the heavy traffic, its bridges, raised to let the scrips proceed up tithe Preget, which, looping in the centre of the town, forms an • island of the oldest and most crowded houses; its narrow quays with 'their quaint, high, gabled, and half-timbered ware • houses; the ctailtis that limo the quays, and 'bne sailing boats moored bow on to the quays, and compet- ing for custom with the striae on ttvore. These, and its Lack of open sp.aoes, its milibery aspect, and the naw houses oomstanitly wedged in between the old, ,serge sip the stran- ger's mnpression of Konigsberg,. Within 1,093 yards of the torte no Newts are permitted to be built, andfor a second zone of equal dis- tance, only half-tilm'be,r'ed houses that caa be easily demolished in case of siege may be erected, Many Konigsbergers epoak of their town las a, Russian seaport, for it exports mainly Bearskin pro - ditto, and imports cured herrings tram Englend, for Rxusedan consump- tion, It is envious now to remelts bei that in 1904 Konilgsberg was the eceme of a conspiracy 11'ot unlike thheeisi Servl,a, which led to 'the pre - sone great war, Nine Germane were here tried for engaging in a. con- spiracy against Russia, They were acquitted, but were, found, guidty of belonging to "a secret society fo1' u pur'pesosr, " It' is o01y twenty-three, years risme Konigsberg paid off the last of thp� dello; it inclined When in 1807, Napoleon made .a forced levy of over $9,090,000 on the city. Af- ter (he war of 1870 the Prussian government paid the town $18;750 s, year, out of the' great Wier indem- nity that it oolieetod from. Pi9''ance until flee debt was -finally ddaolierg- eel. mer, �•.,�,s,..�.,F�a,,. tits Phan, V. Chctwode, eomimianddng 'the 511 Cavalry Bri- gade, British expeditionary forge. He haul the clletinctesa of being the first "niention•ed in despatches" during the pres,nt vier, Roll -Call in Disgust. Of •the minor horrors of war, out, side the battlefield, not the lightest are being suffered by the English drill -sergeants. Hawkins, Smitbers and Scrooge have long answered blithely enough to British roll - calls, but now au new :sort of Tammy is in the field—'a "Thomas," whose: aristocratic name, for secample, of Cilolitnandley does not sound Tamil,- lar to his ears when pronownoed in common-sense, drill -sergeant ,style. As the story goes A sergeant calling 'the roll for at company' of the •new `epo•rdsanen" ba'ttalien for the first time had a terrible experience recently. Hey - ing disp,o.sed successfully .of a few "Harpers," "Miitoheals,' etc., he name to the name "Montague." "Private Montaig," shouted the sergeant. There was no reply, but when the name was repeated a half -heart- ed "Here, sir, came from the ranks. "Wby didn't you answer before 7" demanded the easement. "Because my 'name is Mon-ba-gue," replied the recruit. •"We!id," snapped the sergeant, "you'll do seven days' fatigew." The newt mane on the list, Ma joribanks, brought) no response, fox. the sergeant pronounced it ."Mo- joreybanks." A sedond call brought the mild response t "I expect. you mean me, sir, • My name is 'Mereh'bunks.' The sergeant almost reeled, .but prcoeeded bravely with "Colqu- been.,, "Private Col-kew-hoaun,". he dell - ed. "Coclioon, sir; that's me," crime a brisk repiyy from the front rank. The drill-iestruotor gave tip, and closing his book be wearily gave the order number. Wihen this was completed, he said : "One hundred and twenty-one.. That's eight. Now, if time are any more of you with fancy names just come to me alter debit end tell me how you -would like' to be called." ,H •- STIPA CO TION CHILDHOOD 1� M 1 tl SFA BITS OF NEWS FRO31 THE 31ARITI3I E PROVEN CBS. Items or Interest From Places Lapped by Waves of the Atlantic. St. John, N.B. is sufferinga slight epidemic of cholera infantum. One shipload of furs 'from 'Hud- son Bay to St. John's, Nfld., was valued at three hundred thousand dollars, Josuf Andras, a Belgian, was ar- rested at Gagetown for storming the homes of several loyal Ger mans with a rifle. The hauling pewee of seven tugs was required to clear the 5.8. Shenoncloab from Navy Island; where she foundered. Peter Andrew, an Austrian re- servist, was arrested at the Re- serve .Mines, Sydney, with a quan- tity df explosives in his possession.. Business' men estimate that the Maritime sardine catch will run up to $1,000,000. Two Weirmen made $40,000 in one week's catch. Amos Hall and Rupert Jodrey, of Lake George, King's 'County, were both found shot in the woods. Hall was dead and Jodrey was in a dying condition. Norwood Gray. a colored man, 's charged at'MoAdam, N.B., with re- moving fish plates, bolts and frogs from the G.P.R. tracks, endanger- ing many lives. Admiral Maas, mm coander :of the German fleet, who was killed at Heligoland, was well known in Halifax. Several years ago 'he paid a long visit to the city on the Ger- man training ship Freya. ' Corporal John Metcalf, of the 71st Regiment, whosehome is in McAdams, -N.B.,' has seen twelve years and a half of aotive service. He has ,been woupded several times. He was accepted at Valcartier. A jury at Millstream, King's ("minty, N.B., declared Let the shooting of 'James H, Goggin by his cousin, Henry Laker, while on a hunting trip, was accidental. Goggin was mistaken for 'a deer. Examination is being made et' St. Stephen, N,13., of every ,person and vehicle entering Canada from Unit- ed 'States. , The intention is to save damage to Canadian 'bridges end buildings by German sympathizer'e. I The new shoe factory of sOlarke, Brothers at 'St. Stephen, .as well as buildings belonging, to Henry Pink- erton, Leverett Russell, Mrs, J, R. MdOi,ure .and John Manuel,' was de- stroyed in a 'fire which 'del $45,000 damage Two government steamers — the Beneventure and Bonaventure - have just letft Halifax with supplies for men engaged in trite govern- ment's railway undertaking on the Hudson Bay. It is .hoped . another trip eau be made Ibis year. Minnie Thompson, a little'Syrien girl, wets accidentally shot at Gib- son, N.B.,. by an eleven -year-old boy named Rami, who ,pointed a small rifle et her and fired, bailey- 'ing that the' gun was not loaded. The bullet .entered just (below the heart. She is in a critical condi- tion, Best Unimak or All Destroys Every Pain DO Never fibrils "How thankful wo are to get bold or such a wonderful' household rein. edy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P, Lamontagne from her lime near We' taslrewin, Alberta, "lo this faraway section, fur away from a doctor Ur druggist, every family needs' a good supply of liniment.. Norviltno is the bast or all. It destr'oys every pain, but never burns. We use Nerviline in a Beare of ways. If its rheum, Gem; acllin 9 back, pain In the side, solation or edit neck; ---You can laugh. at them if you have lots of Nerviline handy, lfor earadi°,' toothache 'Or eremite I don't think anything could act more quickly. For a general all- round lbround pain remedy I can think of Me, thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline,"onvincing it. Tile' above letter is c tells how reliable and trusty this old- time remedy is. Nerviline for forty years" has been a household word in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada Yen can Sad without Nerviline. Every comm_ unity has its living examples of the wonderful curative properties of Nerviline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints • or mus- cles.. It's. penetrating, soothing, warming and safe for young sad old to use, Get the large 50a. family size bottle; it's the most, economical. Small trial size 25c. at any dealer's anywhere. The wa.rst sl people Who do not • htetrw' reach is C'a'rat they will insist oo Wag lb. I1'i A LONDON RESTr1.1;11d1VT- All the. Foreign Waiters Have Been Discharged. BOY'Sl-IEAIJ A SHORT MEN ,ALSO Ct*WIIL. British feerlIita May Measure Vivo �p•+Q�[Peet Three InchtesSIG[ff LU LY1 es, • m m'a'n of new i Ata - F,110111 j tees, aro• cuasuuling a now aanpor. tun•ca. ,Arnie fact fs auothei (ISVOI" In Blisters, itched and' Burned n�nnant of'1110 506011;etruggle, r!'lle i gid 1'tlla governsg .the helgt. of Badly, Had to Put Gloves On 13aiGish ,colons is g""111111) 414) awwsailed. Child's Hands, Cuticura Soap .t'il'e present krait 1s fa70 feet, six and Cuticura Ointment Healed, ddinucc]lesClr NrcacwgiiitrelamppAtae, reet- , three inches. Nor is this clueto the demand of the hour for nem.) 136,l.dier5, The army will net be week: •nod by the addition of little men.. On the se,n- trary, the methods and require- ments of mode= warfare malce,the vigorous little man quite as useful as the vigorous big nets. This is pointed owe by metrical `nen and medical publicatiosse One of the latter declares that a wry physique is more desirable in saldier than brute force. The model soldier is the one who can endure bad weather, broken sleep, irregu-1 lar feeding, long marches, and has; the brains to take Dover and use hie. weapon with skill and patience. Iib is pointed out also that the •smailer. Baan •eabs less, weighs less, keeps warm in a smaller 'space, offers a less prominent mark to the enemy and can "shelter himself better in a trench than a big man. In short, the hardy little man should make quite as good a modern soldier as the big man. Tunes and methods in military circles Crave ehenged sines Freder- ick the Great hunted: far and near for big men far his Grenadier Guard, and when lie found a par- ticulerly imposing fellow he did not, it is said, hesitate to kidnap In France. where little men abound. the height requirement is a flexible one, but in Great Britain the admission to •the army of under- sized men involves the breaking of a military tradition, 'i Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady 10 Abbott' Ave., Toronto, Ont,--s:t2y boy had eczema badly all over, but Ids head wall very bad and was affected moat. it came out an blisters and 11 wee a sight to look at, It. Itched and burned so badly that I had to put gloves on the child's hands. It mom - aut first mt his face near the oars, then wont 50 his dead and then on his body. Ills head was like a Ash it was so bad. "I used •-•—, else'-^=, end others, and nothing tlld. Ulm any good. I Ba70 them 11Pand tried Cuticura Soap ' and Ointment. I used tbreo calces of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and at the end of sla weeks he was entirely Dred. (Signed) Mrs. Carroll, Jan. 1, 1014, Samples• Free by Mail For pimples and bled:bonds the following is it most effective and economical treatment: Gontlysmoar thoaffeeted parts with Outleura Ointment, on the end of the Anger, but do not rub. Wash MP the Cuticuse Ointment la iivo minutes with Outieura Soap and hot water and continuo bathing for som0minutes. This treatment is best on rising and. retiring. .9b other times use Cuticura Soap freely for the tollotand bat'h,to assist in preventing Incam- %natioo, irritation and clogging of the pores. Sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world. - Liberal sample' of each mailed The lights o' London axe no mare.. free, with 31.-p. Sidn Book. Address poste A further order has been . issued card "Cuticura,' Dept.: D, Boston, U. S. £'t limiting still more the lighting of the town. Gone are the . electric Manly to Resent It, signs, andttho-blaze of lamps in A statesman once came to a shop windows, Many of the stream friend of ibis, a man of noble charm_.are in almost Coital daslcness, an friendter who, , had been a judge, to ask nearly every standard lamp is shed-. his advice about a man who bad ed at the top. Piccadilly, r eons, greatly insulbed 'hfm. Ffo has full Regent paac,e Oxford Street of indignation, 'and described the those caro places of gloom. C%ca- insult in strong language. "Tell slonally an airship patrols above ane," he asked, "is not lay indigna- tion „amass,mow' aa low that leer car tion righteous•. Will it not be man - seems likely to strike the roofs, and ly resent such an injury 7" again a mere speck,, the sky. "Yee," was ;the maim resply. "It I went r intotaants the ether best will be manly ito resent it; bub it known restaurants the. other might will be God -like to fora'.•✓e it." b one might easily have. passed vt How many quarrels aro kept alive by, en's'hrouded in inside „en was its because the one who is wronged fretage,i But ane thwa way- cannot forgive! How sweet a world gr eat s, 'band was pants we might trnake if we would hurry ing populay airs, and the guests with our pardons! were Gustily ,singing to the music. --- At first one's ieupression was that The Martial Spirit. the people were 'beginning to miuf- fick over catty, but the usual sing- "Oh, Georgie; Georgie!" ex- ing was met due to unhealthy els:- claimed a fond mother when she saw eitement. 1,t was rather as though her smell boyconeiderebly 'batter - these usually sedate p'eeplie wire ed end dirty, ` you have abeen fight - seeking some way ref expressing ing •again 1 How often have I told their confidence; their high hopes..you'that you fightl One significant feature was tthat "Well," said he, • "what are you every waiter was English. going to do when a fellow 'hits As.'the situation noav is, the .man you 7" gone to the country fax y h out of his way," said who has V y, keep peace and quietness will find.'bhese the muotlier. the more readily if he returns to "I'll bet," said the youngster, Conlon. In town the letups are who'll keep out of mine :after this," dark at night, ,but we no longer de- pend on the moon for our light. Ira - Baby's• Own Tablets are an abso- lute ure for childhood constipt- bion, Phey nevus fail to regulate thebowels and sweeten Cho sto- ma* and unlike castor oil, their action is mild send they ore plea- sant to take, Concerning them Mrs. G. Morgan, Huntsville, Ont., says: "My baby was greatly, tro i bled with constipation and eoiro till I began giving her Baby's Own Tab- lets, The Tablets are surely, . the best remedy I know of for little ones as they quickly banished all signs et ••oonstipabi,oe and colic, I would nes no other medicine for baby." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers er by marl alt 25 cents a them from The %Dr. Williams' Medicine Op., Brockville, Ont. Women employed in the knitting indzt•stry. at Piedmont, :Italy, leve•.r- age framn Seventeen to twenty-five centre a day in Wages., Ileo -Ab last we are alone. I've beep lloping'for this chaser, She— :save 1. He.(ploassd)—'A'h I Yoe know, '`heal, araC I wanted to ast rill to lip my wife, Slle �Yos, and I wanted to say "No" emplietleally and get it over with. 11£ you want to engrave your name en a girl's heart try what it dia- mond will do. " "Here, whets all. this - row ehoub1" asked the policeman, breathlessly. "Why, Crib's woman isa eoll:oobing money foe the peace so - (1011131, and when I refused to eontri- bubo she knocked No dawn, ex. plaided the meek -looking duan, tk witty :trishmau, nosey arrived in London, noted •same blankets in a windrow, ticketed "To he thrown. away 1" In walked PbaMA denlarld- ed 0 pitf r, H ,yecgiyed them anti walked out again. The shopkeeper ran after 1111n, '`dere, you haven't, now 1"o.r fleets volt atetnub " says Pat, "weren't they labelled to be 1dst'o•wn away, aiid shuns didn't I come in and ask you'tot' a pair to SAVO you the Seeable of throwing thelia &wey 7" . Heard in an Office.. gad -ned streets lamps, hastily rig- "I believe Grumpley would soon- ged-up coffee stalls, the premise of er fight. than eat." a einem'ato'graph shed and a boxing "150 'would y au if you had his booth, 'and other ienovetions from which we would have turned in her- dy.ipepsia." roe little over a week ago—we are accepting these with complacence, -- perhaps -even with a 'li'ttle secret pride. D0CTOR ANEW Hsi 'Tried It Himself. The doctor who 'has tried Postum knows that it' irs an 0aey, certain, and pleasant way out. of the tea or coffee habit and all of the ails tal- k al ] owin Theg. patient of an Eastern physi elan 'says "During the summer just past 1 suffered terribly with e. beaty feel- ing M the pit of my stomach' and dizzy feelings in my head and then a blindness would come over my eyes so I woltld Esus to sit down, I would get so nervous I could hardly' conntrol, my feelings." (The. "effects on the system of tea sand cot - fee thinking are very similar, be- cause they each contain the drug, eeffeiue,) "Fina11y I spoke to our family physician about it and he asked if I drank enuoh coffee and mother told him that I did. He told me to iinrnediebely stop drinking coffee and drink Pcstetm in its piece as he and Inc family had used Postern and found it a powerful rebuikle•r and delicious food -drink. "I hesitated fox a ;time,, disliking the idea of having to give lap my coffee, but finally I got a paolt•age Linnet found it to be ,all the doctor paid, ",Since drinking Postural in place of coffee my dizziness, blindness and nervousness aro aid gone, ray bowels.are regular mid 1 ata again well and strong. That is a short statement of what Perham 'lute done for me." Nanle• given by Canaclian Post= 'Co.'Windsor, Ont, Bead .Che 110ad to Wolltill:e," in Vega, Postern comes in two lo•rens, llagllldr Po51rm1 --- must be well boiled, 16o and 95e pa)keges, Inelallt Postern as asoluble powder, A taatrpobwful dissolves quickly ill e, cup ,of hat water and, with cream and sugar, snakes a de. liaiotts beverage instantly. 300 and 500 'tins. The cost per Dap of both Wilds is about the swine, ''Tlhct•e'S a heasatl' for Poettee. -sold by Grocers. ON THE MARRIAGE DAY Romance ceases and Stistory begins - and COMA begin to go too wllon "Put- nam's" 10 applied -it tapes out roots, branch and atom. Nothing so aura and Painless as Putnam's Corn and Wart Ex= ti•nator: try "Putnaui's,' 25c. at all dealers.. His Fortune. "Darling," whispered the ardent suitor, -"I lay my'fortupe at your, feet." "Your fortune," she replied in surprise; "I didn't know you had one," "Well, it isn't much of a fortune, hut it will look large beside those tiny 'fest," .Mlnard's LInlment•burse Colds, £a "If I were you, Matilda, I wouldn't take any notice of the cook :if she's angry. But I have to bake natiCS^Shd'+S just given it." A WARM WINTER, W. tf of de tro ac ag Pa er If du n lie P s to tap 511 a re a co 12 as Restored to Her Anxious Fam- Ily When Hope Had Gone. It. John, N.B., Dee. 16th —At one tin it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, S White St.,.would succumb to the adly ravages of aavanced kidney able. "My first attacks of back - ho and kidney trouble began years 0. For six years that dull gnawing in has been present, When I ex ted myself it was terribly intensified. I caught cold the pain was inen- sable. I used most everything, but s, w.:N wsom, Nicety Colborne sense othing gave that certain grateful re- enrolee. f that came from Dr. Hamilton's a you WANT To sour ux SEi,L i Pm. i of Mandrake and Butternut. In- L'rutp stock GrninDoromoion aeras teed of being bowed down with Pain, write ]i. W. Dawson. -day I am strong, enjoy splendid Colborne St. Taranto. In - petite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- se w• DAMSON, 00150=0 Si.. Ferrara es have been est et n o y cheeks are rosy with color, and I ask that day that I heard of so grand . medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should use these pills' gularly because good health pays, id it's good, vigorous health that mss to all who use Dr. Hamilton's andrake and Butternut Pills. Delicately £lavoureii— I-Sighly concen- trated, r WHY WORRY I Choose your variety and ask your grocer for talar1C'". 9 Electric Shock Stops Heart, Doctors Have decid'.d that an clectrie shock kills o man by de- etroying the rhythm of the heart heats and acting on the lungs like an overdose of an aesthetic. MInard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Been to the Cirrus. "rAh, my boy, you've been to the circus ! It pains me greatly to think that one so young shuuld•have eroesed the threshold of iniquity." Bobby—"But, lather, I didn't areas no threshold. I crawled in under the tent," G,1ranlilaled b1'eiitls. Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Destand Wind Eyesquickly relieved by Merino �% Eye Remedy. No Smarting, lust Bye Comfort. At ' Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Maine Eye SalveinTubes25c. ForBookottheEyerreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Things Being Equal. "MMlother," asked Tommy, "is ib' correct to say that you 'water a horse' when he is thirsty 1" "Yes, my dear," said his mother. "Well, then, said Tommy, pick- ing up a saucer, "Tin going to milk the cat." Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria. "I have patrician blood in my veins. Members of my family were traced to Flodden Field in the days of chivalry. Young Lady (archly) —"Oh! They traced them, then! So there were detectives even at that remote period 1" ra8MS 0108 EAX.E. Jane weather prevails In Cali fern ta, ilio mem Wintering place, melted-emufort' Ably and conveniently by the Ohioago, and North Western BY. Pour splendid tralne daily from the now Passenger terminal. Ohieugo-'Slip Overland Limited,' fastest train to Stan Francisco; the Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land of Sunsltine, the famous San b`rau• Mono Limited and the California Mail. Ilhretratod foltlotn deecr,bang 'the great Oaltfarnia Ex,positi0ns, and also giving od fall orswill bo mailed 315051907 n0>,t 0i nttaatparItcultou to,, tB. 11.. )lessen, (sonoFal Alton t, (Thiene se Northr Vi esfet•n Jty,, II5 Yeuae St,, Toronto, Ont. Did Il tot For flim. Von can't convince lite," said the little man with the ragged teen. cors, "that you rias bring u.p' c hild- veli right by .ta'lkin' to em an let - tie' it ,go. rut that. Yol}'ve get ' 1;o use, the rod, or you'll spoil the child: J' used to git .about' three liolcin'a a day un the average. 1t doesn't seen to have done very mnell for you," replied the lady with the ;protruding jam'.. "It leas done a lot ter me, 1f they'd let lee go 111y own way I might almost Have been a failure in life.' 1 Vagrant of the "Why did the pollee officer eel' the evader down and arrest hila 7„ "For .Hexing no eisibls means et eupparb.54 '0 "The man I was quarreling with just now is fairly choking with rage." "Then' wlty did you make him sn'allow his words metal d's Liniment Cures target In Cows.. "1 dining -room is the hottest place an earth. I wish 1 knew what to de to cool it." "Did you ever take .a friend home to dinner when your wife didn't expect it 7" Mlnnad's Liniment On., Limited. Gentlemen, -I have used 01INARD'S LIN1sxENT on my vessel and in luy fan. Ily for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life 0 consider it lino no anal. 0 would not start on a voyage without (t, 11 it, coat a dollop a bottle, OAPT. P. R.. DESSARDIN, Bohr. "Storks." St. Andre, Ramotu•aska. Seeing and Raising the Wind. "Just see the 'wiatd," exclaimed Little Bobby, looking from the win- dow on a stormy day, „You ask me to do 'something im- possible,'' answered Boj)by'ft papa, who was aa._ greet stickler ter accur- acy. "Wind is air in motion, and you cannot see it. It is invisible." ,But, papa--" my son "I 'heard you talking about a sight draft the other day." And papa: didn't explain bow lie had raised the wind la meet that, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. O0D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN. +N • Turk County. ,stationery and Book Teras liheraL Wneon Publtsl ng 56%0 10 • deny. 73 Welt Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ('LANCER, 7112101LS. LL'.IIPI, 570.. llJJ internal and external, curedwith. out nein by our home tre tment. Write no before too Tato Dr. Rehman Medical • Limited, Co'i'newead• lint. The First of ALL "Home Remedies" ASELINE," in its many V forms, with their innu- merable uses, is the founda- tion of the family medicine chest. Trademark it keeps the skin smooth and sound. Invaluable in the nursery for burns, cuts, in- sect bites, etc, Absolutely pure and safe. 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